Visit to the zoo 1st part

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Be aware that I am french and as such I have sometimes a hard time with sentences, and that also suffer from a problem that plague me also in french : I write in a weird past - present tense combo that is not the best tense for stories.

This story features the Saint Fur Cub Zoo, and as such include diapers, ageplay, cub, spanking, bondage, humiliation, sissy, yiff, ponyplay, dogplay, and many others kinks that may not be to your liking, so check the tags before reading.

Visit to the zoo

The "Saint Fur Kink The wolf" school was booming with activity on this early spring day. Winter break had ended not so long ago and today was one of the most important days of the whole school year. One most cubs dread every year, but one that they couldn't avoid as long as they weren't bedridden. The visit to the Saint Fur Cub Zoo. Every year, all the classes left for a two day trip to the nearby zoo to visit it. The visit in itself was meant to be educational, but the main reason was no secret to the adults and to most cubs : it was to scare the hell out of the cubs to make them more obedient and more open to whatever kinky ideas the caretakers could have.

The Saint Fur Cub Zoo was a really special zoo, for most exhibits featured feral animals but not only. Slaves of all kinds were used as staff, animals, furniture and anything that the customers could ask from the zoo board. Many of them started as cubs in the zoo and never left, even if the law could allow that : it required a huge amount of money, money that the little wage slaves made while enslaved couldn't dream to ever get. They were even a few volunteers that a few years in total bondage attracted. And so slaves were indentured from one year old to their death, usually sold by their parents, or for some to pay their debts.

The whole country knew of those practices, but in most towns only a few eccentrics had slaves and all of them were rich and influent. 90% of the population never actually was made aware of any of those activities in real life. Media talked about it once every week and TV showed lots of series about it, but for the common man, it was just something that could exist. But in Saint Fur, it was a totally different matter. The town had been built just to be an entire outlet to all the kinkiness, bondage, slavery and perversion that the country could offer.

Directly or not, The Pawpers Diaper Company or the Saint Fur Cub Zoo itself were employing 75% of the town's population. The school, in addition to teach the same things others school instructed to their students, also teaches all the cubs there to be good slaves to their parents and future owners. The hospital is specialized in odd wounds linked to bondage play and offered medical bondage training. The house of fated furs is a specialized academy training maids and nurses, but with a kinky side. The city prison has elaborate bondage cells for prisoners that sponsors can watch from their house through webcams for a small fee. The streets had kinky places every corner and so on. The entire town was nothing but a fetish fest made alive.

The cubs, despite living in such environments, not all liked being in such humiliating outfits or bondaged and used all day long. And the zoo was their biggest fear as such : it was the worst of their nightmares made real, and a place their parents could get new ideas to torment them. At the entrance of the zoo were written the fateful words : "Come with your cub, you may leave with a better one." ( )

The school had called on many people to keep all those kids in line. However quiet and obedient they were usually, a trip was always making them hyperactive, and this trip was making them blow in excitement and fear. Regulations still applied to the schools, and for every group of 5 cubs they needed an adult to supervise them. Not a problem, in Saint Fur, they never lacked of adults willing to have a free visit to the zoo. Many looked forward to the opportunity to scare their own cubs or their annoying neighbors' by showing them what fate could be in store for them.

And so adults like Alice the maid cow, Makenshi the latex fox who had took a day off, Leinir the servant cat, Benny the fitness instructor lion, Jorun the wolf, Matt and his ex-wife, even the one all nicknamed the Boss and Grandpa Richard, and many others were all here and ready, corralling cubs toward the buses. It was not an easy feat to bring this sea of little furs inside a vehicle and have them be seated and belted without much trouble. Spankings and tugs on leashes finally got everyone in their seats and the Greyhound buses left the school, headed to the zoo.

Depending on the adults in the bus, the moods of the different groups of cubs were quite different. Some sung cubby songs about spanked bottoms, trying to have some fun and thinking about all the animals and nice activities they could do at the zoo; while others were grim and silent as the caretakers ensured they knew all about the sad life of being a zoo slave and being used over and over. The three buses drove out of town before hitting the huge fields of grain and other cereals used to make the babyfood that fed babies and slaves of all ages, harvested and cared for by machines and hard laboring slaves. The zoo was about one hour out of town but 15 minutes before arriving, the fields left place to a huge sequoia forest that totally hide the zoo buildings from sight from every direction.

Many escaped slaves or activists against the slaves laws thought of this forest as something that would help them sneak around the zoo but were cruelly brought back to reality when the forest itself revealed to be a danger. Latex plants captured those who come nearby them, holding them prisoners until the guards could pick them up; animals modified and trained to hunt and capture lived there; and more mundane guards, traps and security systems completed the panel of dangers the forest hide. In a few decades of existence, the zoo had a pretty short record of escaped slaves. Even shorter if you count those that got recovered within a few years. The few who made it past the 5 years mark that give them back their freedom had their portrait put on a wall in the security office so the guards kept a look out of them. The zoo would take every legal opportunity to make them slaves again.

The parking lot was huge, as one expect for a place that was opened 5 days a week, 48 weeks a year. It always had a lot of tourists showing up. The guards that patrolled the place were the most mundane kind of all the zoo, like the place was still part of another world, maybe to put at ease some fear. But the stockades just in front of the entrance reminded peoples of where they were. Those stockades were for those who broke the zoo rules on the parking grounds : thiefs, anti-slavedom activists, bad drivers, peoples who got into fights or didn't paid the entrance fee. For some, it was only a few hours in front of others, their bottom available for spankings or yiffs, for others it was just a little wait before being taken to be slaves, depending of what they were guilty of. ( )

The troops finally got off the buses, about 50 cubs ranging from 5 to 8 (or treated as such) with 10 adults to go with it making like a multi-colored pond in the middle of the cars parked. Tourists of all origins passed by, not only from all over the country but from others countries too. Many countries had harder slaves laws, and many perverts could only enjoy their kinks in such a place; while others came to get new ideas for their own kinky homes or shop for new slaves or gears : everything the zoo showed it could sell.

Sadey the pink leopard came to Loupy, both wearing the pink and blue school uniform and thick pink diapers, and gave him a hug. "You coming with me for the visit ?" Before the wolf could reply, Makenshi stepped in. "No, groups have been pre-made, and you aren't together." The pink leopard sounded really disappointed, before the fox turned to Loupy. "Neither am I with you, sweetie." before kissing him on the front. "You be nice with miss Sylkis." before pushing him toward a dragoness.

A black dragon was standing in front of the two cubs, a huge beast that was twice their size and with breasts bursting out of her attire. It was a sort of mix between a business suit for female and a 19 or 18th century governess outfit, colored black and white with a little pink on the side. The dragon had long white horns going toward the back, a determined figure and a body fitting for a majestic beast, with giant wings pushing smaller furs out of the way so they couldn't touch her. She had black latex gloves and leather boots with high heels to reinforce her position of power.

With her wing she pushed Sadey out of her way and started to size the young canine. Loupy felt like meat at a butcher's, being looked like that by a dragon many times his size with a predatory gaze. "I am Miss Sylkis, headmistress of the house of Fated Furs. You are with me, young lady." she said. The wolf felt that his diaper got wetter. "You better be nice and quiet or you'll regret it, very much." Loupy just nodded, too scared to say a word. She clearly didn't look like the type of lady to mess up with, like Fifi.

Loupy quickly turned back to pick up his bag before joining the others in line as the teachers split the students up into groups before going into the zoo. Each group would follow a different path so to not overcrowd some activities with school kids while tourists were there, even if a Thursday wasn't the day of the week with the most people coming in. To his surprise, he was grouped with the "gang." Wylf the bouncy grey wolf nicknamed the Mischief Bandit, who was a darker shade of grey that Loupy even in his lighter areas of tummy, paws and under muzzle but mostly recognizable by his purple hair. Second in line was Markus the bondage pup, black fur with light grey muzzle, followed by Pilou the forever sleepy pup for his constant dosing. He had lighter under muzzle and tummy fur like Loupy' but his fur was overall a darker grey matching Wylf's. Last of the group was another canine, but not a wolf. Remy was a dog, white fur with brown tail, paws and most of his face under glasses bigger than Loupy's, separated from his twin for obvious security reasons. (

While the wolves wore school girls uniforms, Remy wore a school boy uniform but, despite being 7 years old while the wolves were 5 and 6, he wore the same thick diapers as the others. The only difference was his own was blue with stars and space shuttle while the others were covered in unicorns, and hidden under his short pants while the skirts of the others didn't hide their padding at all.

They all picked up their bags, at least the backpack one. The other bag, with supplies for sleeping, would be carried out to one of the hotels that were on the side of the zoo. While they could actually go back home and come back tomorrow, the zoo offered the school the hotel's night and it was less hassle for many things (but more for others). Loupy had a cute My Little Pony backpack, while Wylf had one that was made to be like a bear plushie. Pilou's one was decorated with Bedtime Bear, and Remy was decorated with characters from Cars, but Markus' was much more humiliating : it was pastel pink and white with "I'm a slut." "Yiff me." "I need a spanking." written in multiple colors all over it. Sylkis smiled at the sight of this one before taking the group forward into the zoo and a bit away so she could talk without too much background noise.

They quickly passed the entrance, which was identical to every zoo all over the world, and moved into the meeting area that was nicknamed the Fountain of Humiliation, despite nothing being written on it. New pets that need to be break in are brought in and humiliated in front of all the visitors, since it is the only entrance and exit to the park; and the meeting point for groups. Such pets are put into humiliating displays and forced to do things they are unwilling to, and after a while, they finally break and start doing sexual things without too much punishment. That when they are brought to their pen to start their proper work. When they arrived, they were two new arrivals.

One of them was a female otter, totally nude but a diaper that could surely use a change. She was tied up in a weird contraption so she was tied up by her feet, up in the air (which made her diaper leak on herself), her tummy was sitting on some sort of couch, her arms on the sides of the support and her head down near the floor. She had a shock collar and multiple clamps, all electrified, on many parts of her body. A sign said that she was available for blow and paw jobs, and that if she was reluctant, she would be jolted until she did it.

The other one was a racoon, quite chubby and somewhat pretty old for the crowd with his 60 years showing on his grey fur, hair and moustache. He was tied up to a cross, arms and legs extended, also wearing a diaper that could use a change, his head made to look up with a feeding gag inserted. Mechanicals arms surrounded him. A wheel was in front of the visitors that randomly selected something to be inserted in his ass, his mouth or his feet and armpits being tickled. Icy hot covered dildo or ice water, for example, could end in his bottom while he could be fed horse spoo or pee.

They were on both side of the zoo fountain, which had a statue featuring a dozen of animals in humiliating bondage in the center of a huge plaza with benches, gardens and the entrance to the transportation hub. Sylkis pushed forward her charges after leashing them all, holding their leashes like a glove fist ensuring they wouldn't wrangle her away. Once she got to a bench, she sat and pointed to a zoo plan.

"We have two days to visit everything, and your trip is already planned. So no change of schedule or anything. I don't mind dropping you at the dog kennel until tommorrow evening if you annoy me about going first to some exhibit instead of the one planned for you." her five charges didn't sound happy about this fact but didn't voiced any complain.

"The zoo is divided into sections :

  • the zoo itself, with the polar section, the desert section, the jungle section, the forest section, the aquarium, the mountain section and the reptile area which also have the dinosaur exhibit.

  • the "Little paw" section, which has the petting zoo, the outdoor games, the school and the touch museum.

  • The aquapark, which have the swimming pool and the other water activities, including the dolphin and orca show.

And we are in the fair, which has cinemas, nursery, souvenir shops, arcade and the transportation area."

Pilou raised a finger, really shy and afraid.

"What is it, sla.. kid." said the dragon.

"What is the brown area over here." said Pilou the wolf pointing to a big section.

"That the staff area : vet office, auction house, admission area, training place... we may visit it if the appointment with the zoo work out." answered Sylkis.

"Now, open your bags. I want to check your supplies. I don't want to have to pay for a diaper pack when you should be well-supplied as it was requested from your parents, and also have your pacifier and plushies. I don't want any scene about missing one or wanting the other." said the adult female gazing at the cubs. They quickly opened their backpack to reveals their contents. All had about 5 diapers, enough for a normal day, a pacifier with a clip to ensure not being lost, one plushie, a full babybottle and a few snacks as it was requested. In addition, Wylf had a muzzle ready, Markus a paddle, Remy a kid camera to take some pics, Pilou had a second plushie (making a couple of a lion and a bear plushies) while Loupy had a baby harness with little teddy bears. Satisfied with the contents, Sylkis had all the cubs puts their pacifiers in, put the harness and the muzzle on their respective owners and ordered Remy to take pics for the group when she would order one. Any excess picture would end in a painful spanking, she said keeping the paddle for herself for later use.

After the dragoness had the pups take a group photo, all leashed at her feet, she moved toward the transportation area. Build next to the Fountain, the transportation area is a place to get around the zoo pretty easily. There was multiple options : rent-a-roo was a service for cubs where cubs are being carried in kangaroo pouches (males and females rooes are available, the zoo isn't against modifying their slaves' bodies), you could borrow bikes (many sizes available, with training wheels, carriage and all, all free), and the most common travel way outside of walking : horse carts. For cubs you got small horse carts dragged by cubs in pony costumes (a motor is hidden in all the carts outside of those dragged by real horses, so the furry in the costume doesn't have to do all the work), for adults carts dragged by slaves in horse costumes and for families real horses. One dog-sled dragged by both adults and cubs in dog costumes is also available, on wheel, but it is the most expensive while bikes are free and horse carts are really cheap. The transportation area is also the first stop of the Zoo Express.

Loupy and the others stopped to look at the Zoo Express as it entered the station while Sylkis was talking to a staff member about the transportation that come with the free ticket to the zoo. A train going all around a zoo or a theme park was a classical feature and this one was no different. It looked like a steam machine in all his powerful metallic appearance, decorated with strong horses. A staff member was at the command and it offered 19th century-style wagon to sit in, including a restaurant. Slaves in diapers and waitress outfits fitting for the Orient Express served in the restaurant or commented about the attractions the train was passing by. ( )

The pups all wanted to get in it, but Sylkis quickled dismissed it. "Maybe before we leave, but right now we don't have time for it. But I do agree that it's quite a sight. Hurry while it's stopped to go near the front, I'll take a picture of you." The dragon knew better than to anger the parents. Tormenting the cubs was enjoyable to her but she knew making the parents unhappy was not profitable to the school or to her : she was always hopeful to take some of those cubs to her maid school once they graduated.

Sylkis tugged on the kids' leashes to lead them toward the stables. They looked at the dog sled that was available, on wheels and dragged by a team of really nice looking Siberian huskies and Alaskan malamutes. The lead was three ferals dogs in harness and diapers, massive in size and with really strong muscles. Once launched, they wouldn't give any pause to the 4 anthro furries that followed them in the sled crew. Dogs 4 and 5 were a male red husky and a female malamute, wearing dog gear to help them run on fours. The bondage gear was clearly tailored to their body, which was quite strong and trained for dragging sled, and included a plug clearly visible in their diapers, muzzle, shock collar and blinds. Dogs 6 and 7 were also a husky and a malamute but much younger, little cubs and their gear was identical to the adults but in purple and pink colors. The pups looked at this in fear and amazement, discussing if they wanted or not to take this transport.

"Oh, but we are taking it. And you'll be the dogs dragging it." said Sylkis, making them all shiver in fear. "No, we are going this way for a horse cart." she said before pointing to the actual stables themselves. It was a massive building, entirely made in wood so to looks like a stable from a western movie, and filled with stalls containing horses in diapers. It ranged from feral horses in just their normal riding gear and a diaper to more kinky things. Horses, zebras and unicorns anthros furries bondaged and in diapers like the dogs outside were numerous, to drag the carts that most of the tourists used. But the zoo couldn't have enough of those for all the carts, so they had to create their own horses.

Pilou was marveled by the unicorns, while the others wolves tugged on the leash to see the others horses. Those were actually furries of others species wearing horses costumes that completely covered their bodies and outside of the eyes, it was difficult to see that under this costume and bondage they were anything else but horses if not for their skin they were adorned with. All the non-born horses had not natural colors : they were, pink, purple, yellow, all the pastels colors available and with little signs added like fake cutie marks or cub drawing all over them.

The pups ran from one another, looking at their name : princess, panties, blue sky... And stumbled into one having his diaper changed. The diapers were pawpers adult diapers, made for long time wear and moving around. The non-feral horses were all plugged up, given enemas to empty their bottoms out of sight and out of working hours, but nothing that surprised the pups : Loupy and Markus lived such things every day, and the others had seen or got some of those from time to time. The chastity belt weren't a surprise either, all but Pilou wearing one. No, what surprised them was something they feared to happen to them : they were branded with the symbol of the zoo and some identification numbers. It was purely for humiliation : all of the slaves had RFID chips allowing them to be constantly tracked down, but all of them remembered all their life this terrible ceremony. Slaves who escaped out of the zoo walls and caught would get another branding and so on every time they crossed the limits.

Disgusted by the pain they imagined for such acts, the pups nearly all felt down like dominos when the dragoness dragged them to their cart. It was a cart made in black wood or painted as such, made to looks like a modernized version of a Victorian 19th century horse cab with a removable hood (remote controlled), with a built-in small fridge inside and microwave hidden within panels on the side, enough room for 6 people in this family version and a small touch computer screen to learn about the zoo and indicate where you want to go. It was dragged along by a strong feral horse of the Percheron breed, in normal leather gear for such an animal of burden, but also by an anthro white unicorn in bondage. The pups petted her both to show her compassion and to enjoy the nice animal.

"Her name is Flower. At least, that how we call her now." said the stablehand. It was a disgusting, fat and smelly boar, dressed in the staff uniform of the zoo, stained by whatever burger he ate recently, and his undies showing up through his opened pants. "It's a good girl." he said petting her. "She will follow all the directions from the nav computer, so you can set your destination and she will take you there, guiding Champion." The stablehand petted the feral horse. "They make a cute couple, don't they ? I like to keep them together, they share a stable and when Flower's bottom is unplugged, Champion teach her what is it to be a female, real good, you see." He giggled and petted the Unicorn's snout. "Once, you would have been the one riding others, but you have been neutered nice and good, girl." He smiled widely as the unicorn let a few tears go down.

"Anyway, we are starting to run behind schedule, mister, so thanks you. Pups, all aboard." Sylkis tugged on the leashes and the pack climbed in. They started to battle for whoever would sit where, but the dragon growled. "Bend over, all of you. And not a word." They quickly obeyed, and got their diaper down and a sound spanking, which the stablehand admired while rubbing his pants. Then She assigned position to every pup and sit in the center position, leashing the cubs to rings made for it in the cart, before giving orders for the cart to head for the polar exhibit.

Flower led the cart toward the polar exhibit, crossing the vast plain area known as the Parking, which was also the first stop for the Zoo Express. This vast plain was filled with benches and tables for picnics, which were the main reason of the place most of the year, but it was also used for others activities. During the easter celebration, cubs could run around to find chocolate eggs that slaves hide over and over all day long. ( ) During the heap of summer, Saint James' Bonfire ( ) was celebrated by big bonfire and many fireworks. Like all theme parks, seasonal holidays provided many opportunities to attract tourists.

One of the biggest attraction of the parking (outside of the numerous bushes that were used for tourists on tourists action) was during winter, after the annual closure period for 4 weeks just after Halloween : the ice palace. The whole plains were iced and snowed in to allow peoples to iceskate, enjoy igloo, ice sculpting, a sort of Santa Claus' house made of ice and dog sled ride. That was the only time of the year they were cheap, and people loved to ride them (or for some kinky ones, to drag them as one of the dogs. But if they were smart, they rented only slaves to drag along with them, for real sled dogs would be merciless to them, and rent a staff member to be the musher). ( )

The cubs kept looking around from their sitting position, fearing to move too much and irritate their caretaker. They were lots of tourists enjoying the parking's grass, picnicking next to their horse cart, and Wylf spotted one of the other students' horse cart. They waved to Meiabeau's group, which waved and bounced back so much the cart wavered for a moment, nearly falling down. Those cubs sure weren't as afraid of their adult as Loupy's gang.

Finally, they reached the Polar exhibit, which was entirely enclosed, to keep the temperatures for the animals to levels they would appreciate. Sylkis left the horse cart in the area devoted to it, letting a staff member take care of their mounts' needs. She then led her leashed pack of puppies inside, showing them the different area. The polar exhibit was the smallest of the animals' areas, and maybe the least kinky of them all. But the cubs marveled at seeing snow foxes, owls, penguins, seals and walruses enjoying the ice and snow of their artificial habitats.

All of those were ferals and their habitats had nothing kinky inside. But the next ones were more to Sylkis' tastes. The white wolves' habitat was filled with a pack of wolves, halves of them being ferals but the others were furs trapped inside costumes. The ferals were trained to take advantages of the furs, which were limited in what they do because of their bondage suits, and Sylkis stopped to enjoy the raping taking place in front of her. They were also caribou, those extreme north deer cousins, running around the place, both ferals and furs too. The wolves hunted them to rape them, unable to feed on them anyway, but when one was caught, it always ended in quite a gangbang for the poor animal, for even the furry wolves could finally get some orgasm.

"Maybe I should take you all inside to get raped too." she said to the pups, who barely noticed what she said, too hypnotized by what was happening next door. The dragoness, unhappy to be so ignored, tugged on the leashes before heading to see what they were looking at.

The next exhibit was the polar bear area, and lots of cubs were around. The massive reptile pushed many away with her wings to see what has caused all the commotion, and smiled at what she saw. Polar bears, 4, were dancing in tutu for the public. She could see that the two cubs were actually furries in costumes and the others were ferals, but all were dancing the same to the tune of the tamer. ( ) She let her pack enjoy it a bit until the animals were released to enjoy their habitat and the gang moved back to the cart.

The trip to the next stop was really short. The cubs had barely sat that they already stopped at the Reptile habitat. This habitat was huge, somewhat second or maybe first in size in the zoo from what Loupy could see on the map, even without including the dinosaur exhibit. Pilou was really excited to see this exhibit, but it was on the other side of the reptile section from where they were, so they followed Sylkis inside the Reptile Scales underground area, as it was named on the entrance that led into the depths. Everything was decorated using the natural rocks to looks like a lost world underground like those pulp stories, with big vivarium for about a hundred reptiles of different species.

The pups looked at all those animals, poking the glass that separated from them, marveling at the snakes or the crocodiles but finding the turtles boring. Only Pilou and Loupy paid any attention to the signs telling about the life cycle, ecosystem and others scientific data about those animals. But something caught Remy and Wylf's attention: a giant cobra. The animal was red and black, his body as big as Sylkis, with a wide crown of scales. It was sleeping but a video showed him swallowing a sheep alive in one move. Remy teased Markus about him being the sheep for a while before the group finally moved forward. Still, Remy got a selfie of the whole group, forcing them together in a squeeze and joking that how they would be inside the snake. ( )

The last exhibit of the reptile area was the biggest of them all, and covered half the surface of the reptile section. It was the world famous dragon habitat. It was a huge place for the 4 dragons that lived in there, but it was necessary for each of them was at least three times the size of your average adult. The place look liked some mountainous area for half of it, with big peaks with snow at the top, even if those tops were flattened for a dragon to land on; and with a salt-water swamp at the bottom of it. The other half was a huge grotto that was visible from the exterior and filled with coins. The signs said that all the coins put in the fountains and other areas of the zoo were put here for the dragons to enjoy.

They were of 4 different colors, red, black, silver and gold, massive and majestic beasts, all selected to be one of the best representatives of their species, but none of them were ferals.

The explicative signs tells that the dragon's natural habitat is bondage, and that even ferals dragons will hoard gold in hope that someone capture them and bondage them. That made their species torn between their desires for riches and their need for bondage, showing in their conflicting submissive - dominant personalities that have a hard time to balance both sides. Most zoos just use bondage for their dragons and have at best a couple, but the Saint Fur Cub Zoo is proud of his huge exhibit and the efforts they made to offer both sides to the dragons.

All four of the dragons were diapered, as all non-ferals animals in the zoo, and heavily bondage : they had cuffs at their paws and feet, around the body and on the head but it was specially made for the dragons. Their chastity belts were all made in electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. There mittens, covering their feet and paws and making them unable to scratch of hold them were made in the same materials, as were the bondage harness with leather from really rare animals, and even their shock collar. The dragons had masks, not like sensory deprivation hood like many animals, or complete suits mask, but masks made to cover just part of their face and keep their mouth constantly open. They look liked helmets from ancient Roma and Greece, all different to fit with the personality and style of the dragon wearing it, but all had eyes holes that could be closed remotely, a system that can force the mouth open or closed as required (default position being opened) and covered their snout and their upper maw. The ring was wide enough for the last part of the bondage costume of the dragons : an electrum-made strap-on that each of them wore over their diapers, only part of their bondage costumes not covered with jewels and that clearly showed lots of uses.

With those things, they could rape each other when they felt dominant and be raped if they didn't. Visitors could see chases between those animals, unaware of their gender without looking at the dragon's bio on the signs in front of the habitats, and the following rapes. From time to time, costumed furries in other species' costume were set to roam the dragons' lair and then race between the dragons started to see who would rape them first. Sylkis was shivering in excitement and fear at this exhibit, her cock growing in her panties thinking about the bondage but afraid of never orgasming again and being forever controlled. And even she had been given a vagina; a permanent chastity belt with a plug inserted inside wasn't more alluring to her either. She decided to tug away the pups and move to the dinosaurs' museum, despite her charges still wanting to look at the dragons.

Sylkis led them to the museum, decorated with life-sized animatronics of dinosaurs all over in addition to skelettons (animated too). The group started to forget the dragons has they saw those animals moving around like they were real. They all knew they were machines, and it showed in their mechanical ways of moving and there repeating patterns, but still it was so impressive. Especially when Wylf got close and one breathed on him, blowing his hair away. Remy took quite a picture before the young wolf could put back his purple hair in a correct position.

While they finally got to the exit, they met Dominus' group. The school teacher was dressed as usual in a long skirt and a white shirt that reminded everyone of the school outfit the students wore, but in a more formal version and made to hide hiw own diaper his status of slave of the Zoo was forcing him to wear. He didn't liked the place : it was there that he was turned into a milk producing female, that he was broken into a diapered slave and humiliated into a life of training youngs to be slaves. At any time he could be removed from being a teacher to join animals like the dragons in the dragon exhibit, but he knew better than not follow his instructions.

His group was playing in the dig site : a giant sandbox filled with foam bones hidden in it. The cubs jumped at the chance to dig them, and as soon as Sylkis released her own pups from their leashes they quickly dug in the sand. Dominus sniffed something and moved close to the other adult dragon.

"I have to take the mouse for a diaper change, could you keep an eye on all the students while I do that ?" asked the sissy male dragon Dominus.

"No problem, but take the sla... the student over there." answered the female dragon pointing to Markus. "He wants to act tough but his diaper is soaked." The two dragons smiled to each other and then the teacher led the two cubs toward the changing station.

It was the crème de la crème for a public diaper changing station, with rooms for three cubs to be changed at a time, system for babybottles, diaper dispenser, top of the notch diaper genie, anything that could be required for a change and/or a yiffing, included built-in straps and cuffs for all sizes of cubs. Dominus picked up the pouting Markus and leaned him down on the mat, before cuffing him helpless in place. The diaper was removed, his chastity belt and private cleaned up and a new diaper with lots of powder set in place quickly and expertly. As a teacher and a babysitter in Saint Fur, Dominus had years of experience changing those.

He wondered what to do with the wolf while he would change the mouse, Markus could be up for mischief easily. Then he noticed the machine just at the entrance of the restroom area and took Markus there.

"What you doing, Miss Dominus ?" said the wolf.

"I'm letting you enjoy a tyrannosaurus ride while I change the mouse." answered the adult while setting the wolf in the machine. But instead of riding the animatronics tyrannosaurus, Markus was tied up on some sort of wooden horse, his paws tied to it while the machine was behind him. The dragon inserted coins and left. Markus squirmed to see what was happening as the robot took life. And quickly realized what he was in for.

The robot had a huge dildo that got out of a cavity and started aiming for his ass.... and Markus knew why he hadn't been plugged back. The machine relentlessly forced itself in his tailhole, lubing itself with an injection system, pounding in and out like Marzipan on an usual night. The young canine had worst in his life, but it wasn't pleasant at all, especially with his chastity belt. The tyrannosaurus mimicked reptile mating sounds as it forced itself without any pause inside and out for minutes that felt like hours.

While Markus was getting a dinosaur ride, the others were fighting with the fake foam dinosaur bones they got out of the sandbox, running around in their crinkling diapers. Markus wanted it to stop, but the machine was programmed to last a cycle and it wasn't finished yet. He saw Dominus get out of the changing area with the mouse and watch while he squirmed with his ass on fire. And with a howl that had a background noise of steel against steel, the tyranosaurus filled up the wolf's ass with horse sperm. It was finally over for Markus. Dominus took him out of the ride and plugged him up before letting him toddle next to him back to the others. The group all knew from the smell that the young canine had been yiffed, but they didn't wanted to ask... in fear it would be their turn for asking.

The two groups separated, Pilou keeping one of the foam bone as a souvenir while the group headed toward a restaurant area. It was close to mid-day and the pups were starting to get hungry, which leads them to being cranky. By heading early, Sylkis hoped to get a not too bad seat, before the lunch rush. The restaurant they picked was not far from the Mountain section of the park, and they left Flower and champion to feeding in the expert hands of a stable hand while they go pick up a seat.

The Cub Cook Café wasn't the type of place the dragoness would go to eat usually, but the budget she had to feed them forced her hand. Any extra would be out of her pocket, and while she may do so for the dinner, right now it would just be wasted money. Still it was really comfortable, had slaves waitresses and waiters and animations. ( )

"Better behave or you'll not eat for lunch and dinner." she said to silence the cubs already arguing on what to pick up. She made them pick up 5 highchairs and sets them near a good seating. The Cub Cook Café was decorated with many cartoons characters, most of them from shows that were sponsored by the zoo, others creations for the zoo itself. The main character was named Raven, and the Raven burger (the main meal here) was a crow-shaped breaded meat. Meat since it was a surprise mysterious meal : you could never tell what would be in one before eating it.

With an unwanted silliness, each pup had picked an highchair with a different animal character. Sylkis picked them one by one, despite protests from some saying they didn't needed an highchair or that they could climb in by themselves, and strapped their legs and tummy inside so they couldn't get out. Some others caretakers may have fed them but she wasn't that type. They would ate by themselves or not at all. But she did take a group picture of the 5 pouting or excited cubs in their highchairs before ordering the Cub Meal for all of them. Without surprise, she had to threaten them with the paddle before the orders could be made, each cub talking at the same time to the poor diapered lion waitress.

Many urban legends ran about the meat at the zoo. Many suggested that it came from slaves who were too much troubles for what they were worth or too old to do anything useful anymore. It was true the zoo rarely let anyone outlive his usefulness around here. The zoo owned big farms and raise ferals animals for food all over the country and had others sources, but no-one had ever proven some of it were actually non-ferals. That, after all, was still illegal but the Saint Fur zoo had so much influence...

The pups ate fast, and messily. The plastic bibs that were given with the meal were quite useful, and while Remy and Markus claimed they didn't need those, Sylkis' gaze quenched their complaints. The group finally was done eating but their diapers would soon need changes, but the dragon didn't cared for now. They got back to Flower and Champion, that Pilou rewarded with some bread, and took the cart for a short trip toward the Mountain Zoo Area, named the Mountains of Yiffdoom. The zoo part of this zone was pretty mundane : goats and birds were the animals present here.

Goats, like all small sized animals, were difficult to have in bondage costumes. Some small sized non-ferals furs did the job, but outside of going around the exhibit they weren't much to do with them. So, being a goat was kinda the retirement position for small sized furs, not much activity going there, just some yiffing and moving around for the visitors. Birds were at 90% ferals animals, flying around in cages of various designs.

The few non-ferals birds are furs trapped in bird costumes, they can't fly but are trained to repeat whatever is said to them. If they don't do so, the costume punishes them until they do. They don't see, blindfolded until they get out of the costume, and visitors like to trick them in the maze that is their cage toward their food or not by telling them to go one way or the other. Obeying the orders and repeating immediately reward them with sexual stimulations, training them to be brainless machines after years of such a treatment.

The pups didn't liked much this zone, and were debating how to name their team.

"You don't like Loupy and the gang ? That how many at school call us." said Loupy.

"I have the coolest backpack and I'm tough and strong, I should be leader and as such the group should be named from me." said Marcus.

"You just the grumpy one that always pout." said Wylf.

"I'm the oldest." answered Marcus.

"I am." said Remy.

"You are in another class, it doesn't count." replied Marcus the Bondagepup. "And I have the coolest backpack." showing his backpack covered with insults.

"It has "spanks me" written on it. I don't want to be spanked." said Pilou.

"Pilou and me may be the youngest, but I'm the silliest." said Loupy.

"Not sure it's a good argument. I'm the tallest of the wolves." said Marcus.

"Nah, it's me." said Wylf the mischief bandit. "Maybe I should be leader."

"Loupy the cutest in a dress." said Pilou. Loupy looked at him face palming, like it meant that it didn't help.

"Loupy has always the thickest diapers." said Remy the evil twin.

"That make him the toughest then. Ok, I'm good with Loupy and the gang." said Marcus.

"Loupy for the win." said Pilou the sleepy pup.

"Guess now that your cub politics are done, we can head toward the rollercoaster of this area ?" said Sylkis with a voice cold as ice. Pushing Loupy forward, the group nodded before moving toward the amusement ride. It was the highlight of the area and the whole reason of the debate : who would ride front.

Loupy and the gang, in agreement this time, moved toward the rollercoaster. It was not the biggest rollercoaster of the park, that would be Mount Furdoom the one just next to this one, but they were too small for it. But Yiffdoom ride was a great rollercoaster and the ride was the longest of the entire park. The group finally got on it, Loupy and Markus being in the front seats while Remy and Wylf took second row and Pilou third one. Their chaperon had no interest in this and sat at the end. They would get only one ride, because it was on the planning, to their disappointment : some caretakers let cubs have a few before moving to the next area but it wouldn't be their case.

The rollercoaster was nothing special in itself, like any you can find in theme parks, except it go through the exhibit (but the plastic walls still prevented any contact between the animals and the visitors). But it was all the cubs required, enjoying the ride at full speed and shouting at every opportunity. They were all bouncy when they finally got out, and had really disappointed faces when Sylkis pointed the cart. Still, despite her heart, she picked up the pictures of them on the ride before they left this area for the aquarium.

The Aquarium area was all decorated in pirate style. Pirates characters, treasure chest, coral reefs and others sunken boats were all around the place to lighten the mood. The local restaurant was inside a pirate ship, and the entrance to the aquarium was a underwater grotto from the look of it. The group looked at the Sea Lions cove from the outside when Sylkis spotted that Wylf's diaper wouldn't last much longer. With diapered pets, cubs and adults all around among the visitors, being the one stupid enough to leak wasn't really a smart idea and so she decided to drag the mischief bandit to the changing station.

The dragon leashed the cubs to a pole near a milk vending machine before dragging Wylf away.

"I don't need a change, I swear." said the sissy wolf with purple hair.

"Like I believe you. The others, fill your bottles at the machine and don't make a fuss, or you'll have sore bottoms." said the caretaker.

While the couple was leaving, the cubs looked at the milk vending machine. It look liked any vending machine except that it only gave various sorts of milk and stuff to put in milk, but was a bit bigger and also could sell cheap baby bottles. From the outside.

The inside was totally another matter. Inside was trapped a fur, usually a cow or a horse, heavily bondaged and helpless, connected to machines. The machines fed it and keep it clean, disposing of its wastes, but also to drain it of its milk. All those who ended inside those machines were surgically modified and fed hormones and nutriments so that would produce a lot of milk. Milk that would be milked as required by the vending machine, and for those who had male parts, cum would be added depending the buttons pushed on the machine. In return, the tubes and toys in their body would stimulate them to pleasure when peoples requested them for liquids. ( ). But the cubs were unaware and filled their bottles while waiting on Wylf and Sylkis, not paying attention to the moans and groans the machine made as the bottles got filled.

Wylf wasn't happy to be dragged along like this but he could do little about it. They entered the pirate-themed changing station and restrooms, and he was surprised of what he saw. The changing area was much smaller than in other zones of the zoo, since you could only change one cub at a time. Everything was pirate themed, which wasn't much a difference from other changing stations which were themed appropriately to their section of the park. No, what surprised him was they were two pillories sitting in the opposite corner from the changing mat and there were stains under them.

Sylkis looked at them too and from the look of it she knew about what they were used for. She grinned and dragged the wolf in a girl school uniform toward it. Forcefully, she cuffed his paws to the top of the thing before going to his crotch and removing the diaper.

"It's a place where you change cubs standing up." she said without more explanation. Using the ice-cold wipes available here, she cleaned Wylf quickly, just slowing a bit to tease his chastity belted cock with the wipes out of the freezer. She removed the plug only to slide the used wipe and a fresh one inside before plugging it all back. The young pup squirmed in the restraints, before the dragon brought a pirate-themed diaper and put it in place. She didn't bothered for baby powder and taped the blue diapers with a ship on it... that would sink slowly as the diaper got wetter.

The purple haired canine hoped it would be done with it, but the caretaker didn't release him. Instead, she picked up something that was tied to the pillory by a ribbon and moved it to the pup's mouth. It was an o-ring, made to keep his mouth wide open. It was really dirty, from use and biting. Wylf closed his mouth, not wanting this filthy thing in his maw but also guessing what would happen next. But the dragon pushed with her knee on his chastity belt and he was forced to open his mouth in pain, and the dominant settled the toy in place.

Smiling at her handiwork, Sylkis raised her skirt and slide down her panties to reveal her throbbing black and pink cock, looking at the pup's face. "It'll be all yours, girl. Hundreds of students at Fated Furs tasted it and you are next in line." she said before forcing it inside the kid's mouth. Wylf wanted to push it out, but the dragon forced herself in and out of his maws with a steady rhythm. She moved the thing around, testing the wide O-ring and making sure Wylf could never get used to it. She forced him to deep throat, only sliding out to leak pre on his tongue before thrusting back into his mouth, cutting off his air once again _ . _ She kept going, smiling at Wylf fighting desperately to get her off in the hopes of taking a much needed breath of air as he was in apnea for too long. Finally, she squirted her load of seed inside his mouth and slide out, cleaning her cock on his muzzle. She released him from the pillory before leashing him again, letting him remove the O-ring by himself.

Broken, Wylf followed her back to the others at the entrance of the aquarium sobbing gently.

The aquarium, without surprise, was next to the swimming pool and the aquapark, but the pups knew they wouldn't go there after their visit. "It was not on the planning." said Remy, imitating Sylkis when she was not looking. The aquarium wasn't the most interesting place for the group, especially for Loupy who had quite a distaste for water in general. "No ebil baffs." was a motto of his. But still, multi-colored fishes, flashy underwater animals and dolphins had always a success with cubs in general.

The group spend quite some time looking at the playful dolphins, watching them perform tricks for the Aquapark visitors from the below and then coming to look at them marveling behind the glass.

"I can't wait to be on the other side." said Wylf.

"Yeah, we can see them perform tricks, and maybe be called to hold a circle or a ball for them." said Remy.

Loupy shivered, not enjoying the idea overall.

"Swim diapers on and we can hit the swimming pool first thing in the morning." said Pilou.

"Oh ?" asked Marcus, Wylf and Remy at the same time.

"Yeah, I saw it on the planning. Sylkis try to keep it from us but I was able to sneak up and saw that part." answered the youngest wolf beside Loupy.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh, that will be great." said Wylf the mischief bandit, thinking of doing canon balls and such, making the boat on his diaper sink a little.

"Before we get there, we got at least one other area to watch and then bedtime." said Loupy, not looking forward to this whole aquatic adventure, soaking his own diaper.

"Yawn... bedtime sound good to me." said Pilou, the always sleepy pup.

"The hotel. Jumping on beds, staying up, telling scary stories, could still be cool." said Remy, something that Wylf nodded with much agreement and that made shiver Pilou.

"I don't think will get the chance." said Marcus. "Sylkis is like Fifi, I don't think we will have much fun during bedtime. If we get a bedtime story, that would be as best as we can get." The pouting wolf sure showered everyone's enthusiasm about bedtime. But anyway, the group moved to another habitat and... They all stopped and gasped at what they saw.

It was the biggest aquarium of the whole area, but also the one filled with the least creatures. No surprise when it come to big animals, and those were relatively big : slightly bigger than dolphins, but not natural at all. 4 creatures were swimming in the waters, but all of those were furries in latex costume made to looks like latex mermaids. Their feet spread in the fin of the mermaids, their hands on their side to make small fins on the side and an heavy mask system that covered entirely their face. The system had a breathing apparatus, that forced them to swim if they wanted to breathe, letting them only rest some minutes before forcing them back underwater.

All of them were not bulky types but style muscular furries, like foxes and dogs, and likely stuck in this prison for a long time. They swam in an environment made to looks like a sunken pirate ship, with treasure chests, rusted canons and skeletons but the goggles they wore didn't seem to stop to look at those at all. Being locked up here for days would likely made this spectacle boring, but for the pups those latex mermaids were so interesting...

End of part 1, likely will be two more parts.

Sissy school

Be aware that I am french and as such I have sometimes a hard time with sentences, and that also suffer from a problem that plague me also in french : I write in a weird past - present tense combo that is not the best tense for stories. **Sissy...

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Going to the park

A little story that involves babyfurs, diapers and a bit of bondage but really light. Going to the park Fiona Runt of Clan SoggyMcBottom was enjoying the moment. The shaggy female brown dog was smiling widely, a hint of joy in her sparkling green...

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Alice adopt a cub

A story written by Scarith []( featuring Alice and mine's characters. Alice adopt a cub Thud, thud, thud, came the echos down the metal-walled hall ahead of a seven...

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