Going to the park

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Loupy and Fiona spending some babyfur time together.

A little story that involves babyfurs, diapers and a bit of bondage but really light.

Going to the park

Fiona Runt of Clan SoggyMcBottom was enjoying the moment. The shaggy female brown dog was smiling widely, a hint of joy in her sparkling green eyes as she cooked in the kitchen dressed in lilac purple and white sundress with lots of frillies that had an hard time covering the thick crinkling pink diapers she wore under her white panties or hiding the black and white bra she was donning. She was cooking maccaroni and cheese for her pup watching cartoons in the living room, with an added bonus of lots of bacon. It was a sunny Saturday and she planned to go out with her cub while Makenshi was working at the Zoo.

Once it was ready she called for Loupy but the wolf didn't reply. It was no surprise, he was likely hypnotized by the cartoons he was watching. She put the food on the table and walked to the living room where the young wolf was indeed in front of the tv, sitting on pillows and plushies in his huge playpen. Fiona giggled, even if he had heard the call, he wouldn't have been able to get out by himself. She picked up the wolf by under the armpits and licked his face.

"Mama..." he said with a pouty voice.

"It's lunchtime, little lady, now come with mama. You will watch cartoons another time." answered Fiona while using the remote to shut off the tv.

She carried in her arms the 5 years old wolf, dressed in a similar dress in red and white and boosting the same thick pink diapers as his mother. His silver fur, white tummy and paws, black ears and black tailtip poked adorably out of the outfit, selected on purpose by the dog in the morning after waking him up from his crib.

"I can walk, mamma, you don't have to carry me around." said Loupy.

"You can toddle a bit, love, but that's all." she said, knowing perfectly he could do more than that but she wasn't going to let him do so today. She opened the tray of the big highchair covered with cubby letters spelling Loupy, baby and cutie pie all over and sits the young wolf in, who moaned as his plug touched something solid through the diaper. She then puts the restraints around his ankles and wrists so he wouldn't be able to get out or eat by himself. The younger canine blushed deeply: they were times in which he was able to act more like his age, but today wasn't one of those.

The adult dog then put a bib around his neck, written "I'm a messy eater." before putting a plate full of macaroni and cheese with added bacon and started to cut down every into little pieces. Once she was done she started moving the spoon full of food toward the wolf's mouth.

"But mama, I could eat by myself." he whimpered.

"Not today, dear, like most days Alice or mama has to feed you." she answered, giggling. And the ritual kept going, the wolf eating a bit messyly the food that was spoonfed to him, to both his and his mama's amusement. It was kinda the rule for him to act this way between the both of them. Once he was done, she cleaned her face with her tongue, making the wolf giggles lots before they frenchied each other.

Once she was done cleaning him, she got to her own food. She ate a bit messily which made the wolf giggles at her.

"Maybe Mama should have a bib too." said the male wolf.

"Maybe the puppy should have a spanking." was the reply and that silenced Loupy immediately. Once she was done and the dishes in the dishwasher, she picked her pup and carried him to entrance door and put him on the floor. She then started to unfold the Hello kitty stroller with a smile.

"This afternoon, we are going out to the park. You'll play in the sand and all that. I already prepared all the supplies." pointing to a huge diaper bag in a corner. "But you better behave."

"Me will be a good puppy, mama." answered the pup clapping hands.

Once the stroller was prepared , the wolf was set in. There were restraints for his ankles and wrists like the highchair, but the arm restraints were loose enough for him to move his paws. Enough to keep in place the babybottle full of pineapple juice he was handed after being strapped in as well as the Marcus plushie that came along with it. The Marcus plushie is a black and grey wolf plushie dressed in diaper and bondage : pacigag, ribbon, mittens, little pink rope between his legs and between his paws and a really thick diaper. It was even sold with a vibration function to simulate a plug. A silly toy for the wolf and a reminder of what life he was having.

Once Fiona had picked up the two diapers bag, the big one for Loupy and the second, smaller one, for herself that she put at the bottom of the stroller, the couple headed outside. It was a warm sunny day, with a little breeze to make it cooler. The perfect day for what she had planned for both of them. She strolled through the streets, passing by Alice that was enjoying her week-end of by leaning in a Transat in a bikini watching trains pass, seeing Wylf and Pilou playing in a backyard, Sylkis going to his job as a wet-nurse and many others friends.

They entered the Furpile Park, a giant park at the edge of the town. Furs came here to relax and do sport, or use the artificial lake in the middle. They strolled past furs walking their ferals dogs, furs walking their furs treated as ferals dogs and lots of parents and cubs doing outdoor activities. Fiona stopped by the play yard, unstrapping the young cub from his stroller and nuzzling him tenderly. She took out of the bag some mittens; handcuffs and spreader bar and put them on Loupy.

"But mama, I'll not run away from you." said the wolf.

"I know, because you would get a spanking that would make your bottom glow like the sun if you did, but I want you cute as the little baby you are." answered Fiona as she finished to straps everything before dropping him in the sandbox.

The wolf started to build a sand castle with the sand toys his mother gave him, while Fiona gone to sit on a bench watching him. Her own diaper made a squish as she did, getting her to blush lightly. Not that she was the only adult around in diapers, but the fact that someone made sure she wore some everyday, whatever her point of view on the question. She indeed wore a locked dog collar under the neck of her dress and often a toy was put inside her diaper, like she did to her own pup. And both loved this.

Fiona was suddenly lost in her thoughts. She remembered that she started as a poor male pup that nobody wanted, the runt of the litter, name she was given at the orphanage she was left to. It was a harsh life because the place didn't had much money available despite the caring pink pony Fluffy was tried to make it all better for the cubs there. Love was a plenty, but outside of food they wasn't much else. Then the Saint Fur Cub Zoo opened and they were positions for cubs' available, opportunities the oldest from the Mount Hope Orphanage would take, so they could get out of their misery. Or, in the case of Fiona, help those who were still stuck there.

The Saint Fur Cub Zoo would never be called a great place to work, ever. If keeping their workers in good health was among their values, humiliation was at the core of their work ethic : after all, most of the contracts they offered were contracts to be an indentured slave for 5 years. So the young Runt hired himself for 5 years, working the hard jobs of feeding the animals, cleaning behind them, cleaning the zoo alleys and so on. He saw those who were lucky enough to be adopted or make enough money to get out leave town, but he sent most of his money to the orphanage and accepted a second 5 years slavery contract.

But then an opportunity offered itself. They needed peoples to help at the Zoo's nursery, an important building in itself and a big activity around here. Runt offered to work with cubs and diapers of all kinds with interest, having helping around the orphanage since he was old enough to do so. It was a great moment for Runt, who worked for a couple of years as an assistant caretaker. But he came in age and moved with the plan he had hatched since he started working at the nursery.

Milk producing was a premium at the zoo and so Runt offered to have a breast implant operation to produce milk for the cubs he was going to take care of. The Zoo board eagerly accepted and Runt became a male with milk-producing breasts, to everyone's benefit. Because the now adult dog had others projects. He rose in position within the nursery, and a year before the end of his contract; he offered to work as a permanent employee within the nursery of the zoo if he could become a she. The board, lacking volunteers' employee and reliable people, was eager to accept the offer. Sex change operations were not a problem in a place that often did them on the permanent slaves against their will, and Runt became Fiona and rose to the position of chief caretaker.

She didn't stop there and rose to the position of responsible of cubs activities within the zoo, providing her the money she needed to get the Mount Hope Orphanage a subsidiary of the zoo and to build the house and family she dreamed of. They was, after all, only the board higher than her in the zoo hierarchy and only about a dozen of peoples the same level as her, like Catherine the lynx the cruel responsible of slaves and her former taskmaster. Then, the opportunity Fiona dreamed hit her. The Zoo board was looking for someone to take care permanently of a really special pup, Loupgris Mathieu Lupine. In name the owner of the Zoo, the board kept him as a slave so they could direct everything in his name and get more money that he would let them. They needed peoples to keep him out of troubles and unaware of his fortune. A pup to herself, thought Fiona, not caring for the big paycheck that come along with it. A decision she never regretted.

Draconil, the chief of board, handed her the young wolf with a smile. He was a wild one at this time, but he was seeking love, and love she gave him. With a firm hand on his button, with kisses all over his face or with gentle petting when changing him or hugs when watching cartoons, she gave him all the love she could give. And Loupy grow in a kinky environment but all the happier he was for it. And he gave back love and more.

Fiona dreamed to be treated too the way she treated the young wolf, and Loupy learned quickly about it. The pup was sometimes too smart for his own good and he started to make suggestions to his mama about changing a bit the way they lived. Fiona was both excited and apprehensive about all this. It was so new, so different. But she let him do. The collaring was so intense, and she learned to enjoy wearing diapers 24/7 like she ensured her pup would too. The wolf grew more confident in their relationship and suggested more kinky things. That why she was now sporting a nice plug in her pussy, squirming in embarrassment and pleasure every time she moved.

Her life was far from normal, but she enjoyed every minute of it. Just looking at the young canine building a castle in the sand box, with the wolf plushie in the middle of it, was so lovely. She got up and moved toward Loupy.

"So, why did you put your Marcus plushie in the middle of your sandbox, honey ?" asked Fiona.

"She is the princess ! She rules the castle when she is not getting spanked, and I'm her knight !" answered the wolf.

"Aren't you too sissyish to be the knight ?" But all Fiona got as a reply was a pouty face.

"And why name your bondagepup plushie Marcus ?" she asked, changing of subject.

"It looks just like him ! Same pattern and colors." he replied eagerly. "I found it fitting to be named as him, then."

"If it look like you, would you have named it Loupy ?" Fiona got another pouty face as a response. "Anyway, I think it's Marcus parents' company who make those."

"Oh really ?" said the wolf picking up the plushie.

"Yeah, but there is something missing here."

"What is it ?"

"A monster ! Rawwwr !" And Fiona pounced the wolf and started tickling him all over.

The wolf fought fiercely aginst the tickling monster, but he was no match. He couldn't protect the plushie who landed in the sand like it was pouting and saying "How are you supposed to be my knight in shining armor when you're busy being tickled by the very monster you've sworn to protect me from?" But the wolf had no time to think about that, giggling loudly and wetting his diaper under the assault of his mother. Finally, she stopped and kissed him on the muzzle.

"It was no fair, I wasn't prepared for this." he said, pouting.

"You sound like Twilight, your favorite pony, in her song about not being ready." answered Fiona, making him blush utterly.

"Me no like pony."

"Sure you don't !"

She then picked him up, rubbing her paw against his soaked front.

"You need a new diaper, and a good cleaning, we are both covered in sand. That's good for what I have planned next." said the dog as she carried him toward the bags.

"What do you have planned ?" he asked as she put him down next to the stroller and started to remove his dress.

"You'll see in a few minutes."

Soon, the silver wolf was down to just a diaper, which was quickly removed and thrown in a special bag, before she started to clean his diaper area with baby wipes. Despite all this time, showing his chastity belt and the heart-shaped lock on it always got him to blush. But soon he was all clean and show blow up a raspberry, which made him squirm in happiness.

Then, the dog picked something out of the bigger diaper bag, it was a swim diaper covered with Pinkie Pie. The wolf in response started what he called a double pout : he crossed his arms, turned his head away and made an adorable cutie poutie face.

"I don't like Pinkie Pie ! And I hate ebil baffs !" he said. Fiona knew, she had picked this one on purpose.

Not paying attention to his reaction, she puts the swim diaper in place and laced it nice and snug. Once done she rose him up onto his feet and gave him a playful spank on his bottom. The young wolf toddled away.

"If I go in there." Said Loupy, pointing to the lake. "Mama better be with me." She knew he would react this way, and going into the small lake with him was her plan anyway. She started to remove her own dress, revealing her soaked diaper, which she quickly removed. She showed the plug that she was made to wear by Loupy to the wolf, making him giggle, before cleaning herself and then taking a swim diaper with Rainbow Dash on it and putting it on herself. Both giggled as they made the silly dance Twilight and Cadence did in the show together.

"Now, for the last part." said Fiona. "I've got something to put over those diapers." She then picked up a pair of swimsuits out of the bags, the one for herself was matching her swim diaper but the one for Loupy was decorated with images of Twilight Sparkle. The wolf preferred his brother to the latest My Little Pony princess, but it was hard to find anything featuring Shining Armor... and the sissy thing was much better on him anyway.

The two of them looked quite cute in those swimsuits and swimdiapers, ready to enter the waters. Fiona picked up the diaper bag to put it closer to the waters. They may be things she would need inside. But the wolf wasn't happy at all about what was going to happen. Fiona dragged him along toward the lake, but the younger canine was making a pouty face, crossing arms and not moving a foot forward.

"But you'll see, you'll like being in the water and everything. It's nice and soft inside." said Fiona.

"It's watery and you can sink. It fills your nose and muzzle and make you feel sick. Puppies aren't meant to swim, we are not fishies." answered the wolf.

Fiona sighed but it was to be expected. Getting him into a bath was a difficult battle every time, and this time it was no different. The pup started to make a tantrum, catching peoples' attention was kept looking at the two cute diapered canines going toward what could be barely called a beach. The mother looked at the boy and picked him up, before sitting and bending him over her lap. A quick move to slide down the swim diaper, and the wolf was good for a sound spanking. Mama had no pleasure doing so, but she knew her pup needed those in his life to be a good little girl. Once she stopped, the wolf was much less resisting her grip. She put a pacifier in his mouth, pink with "I'm mama's girl." on it, tied to lion paciholder so he wouldn't lose it. Loupy caught the message : any more words would get him more spankings. He sucked cutely on it while peoples stopped to watch the scene.

She sat on the edge of water and starting pulling Loupy toward it. He shivered like the water was iced when his toes touched it, but she didn't stop. Once his ankles were well under water did she let her grip go. The wolf was pouting but his tail wagged a little, splashing water around that got him a little smile he tried to hide.

"See, it is not that bad ?" said the dog, getting the pup to answer with a few sucks.

Then she took out of the diaper bag the next supplies. Baby floating device decorated with chibi Cuthluhu, the monster from Lovecraft's stories, that Fiona loved so much. The sillyness of the Old God on baby clothing always made her smile, and she started to put them on the wolf, who pouted with loud sucks.

Once it was set in place, she took the wolf's paw and started to go deeper into the water. "Loupy, come on, you'll enjoy this." she said. The cub didn't seem to agree, not making a move to help her drag him along, but it didn't matter. He was dragged into the lake, floating thanks to his baby flotation device, an island of cuteness as they reached a depth just over what the wolf could touch. Fiona giggled at Loupy tip-toeing trying to keep some part of his anatomy on the ground.

"It's like a baff ! I'm going to drown !" he said in fear.

"No you aren't, I'm here and you got your flotation device. Let yourself get carried by it. And it's not a baff, ... a bath. I'm not scrubbing you all up, am I ?"

The young wolf couldn't keep tiptoeing for long at the depth he was in, and finally let go. Loupy let the Cuthulhu water wings keep him afloat as he let his body be carried by the warm and soft waters. Fear was still here, and he wetted his swim diaper doing so, but he started to feel himself relax as his head was kept out of the water. And the feeling of the soft water around his body, now that he didn't think to the fact he could drown or be scrubbed up, was starting to grow on him. He paddled a bit, leaning himself down into the waters to look at the blue sky and the animal-shaped white clouds floating over his head. Maybe swimming wasn't that bad...

Fiona splashing him brought him back from his reverie and into the world of being a puppy floating in a lake. "Hey !" he said. "That no fair !"

"We are in a lake, it's fair to play with water !" answered the female.

"I will twy to punish yu !" replied the younger male, then trying to splash some water forward. With his water wings, his moves were slow and he only pushed forward a small wave that hit weakly against the dog.

"A tidal wave, a tidal wave ! I'm hit, I'm drowning !" she pretended, slowly sinking into the waters. Then she swam under the wolf, looking at his feet pedaling into the waters in his swim diaper, and starting tickling him from under. Loupy giggled loudly as Fiona got the head out of the lake.

"The tickling shark is as dangerous under the sea as the tickling monster is on the land ! Shiny armor puppy can't do anything against him !"

"But... giggles... but ... giggles... but ... moan... me ish in no position to fight " laugh.

The mother tickled him for a bit more before stopping and just cuddling him. Loupy sighed and cuddled back, happy to hang out to someone while in the waters. His unca Wolfspawn, the second teacher at school, loved stuff like water wings and often tried to get the pup into waters. It usually ended with the entire bathroom being flooded before he could get somewhere. Here, the wolf was unable to play with anything that could create waters to flood around.

Not that he didn't try once he was freed from the tickling paws, pushing water, puffing loudly, doing a cute silly imitation of the big bad wolf that made everyone around giggles and smiles. The wolf only blushed more deeply as he noticed peoples around were paying attention to him and only him. The wolf started to do a doggy crawl to swim away from them and toward his mother, who opened her arms wide to give him a big hug once he get close enough.

"See, swimming not that bad, hun. Just let yourself be carried by the waters."

The wolf and the dog cuddled in the waters for some time before Fiona helped Loupy reach the shore and climbs out. In his sillyness, he stayed on four and started to shake himself dry like a feral animal, making his mama giggles at the sight of it.

"Silly, we have towels for that." she said.

"It's more fun that way." was the reply. Anyway, the adult picked him up and started to dry him off with a towel before doing the same for herself. The wolf at this time, pounced her, and tried to tickle her, but he was quickly overthrown from his position and leaned down on the grass.

"The tickling monster still has the upper hand." said Fiona. "But stay nice while I change us both and you may get a reward later."

"A reward ? Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah." said Loupy and started to sit with his plushie while Fiona got naked and then started diapering herself with an adult thick pink diaper and back into her day clothes. Then was Loupy's turn, wriggling his chastity belt as the expert hand rubbed the heavy amount of baby powder into his fur. But soon both were back to being two cuties in thick diapers and adorable dresses.

"So, the reward ?" said the excited wolf.

"A little later, we got something else on the way." she said before sliding down some of her dress to reveal her breast. Loupy nodded and let himself be picked up and moved toward the nipple. Closing eyes, he started to licks around it, teasing his mother, massaging the breast before starting to suck on it. He swallowed eagerly the fresh milk directly from the source, tail wagging softly. Both of them let themselves enjoy the moment of pure intimacy. For Loupy they was little else you could do to be as intimate and close to someone you loved and Fiona thought same. A brief moment of eternity before he was done.

Fiona picked up and put on his shoulder, but the wolf pouted. He didn't need to be burped, but she never seems to care. Guess the embarrassment of the scene was all Fiona cared about as she patted his back and the wolf did all he could to pretend burping to satisfy him. Then Loupy was strapped back in his stroller before the female started to pack everything up for leaving.

"Wat is the reward, mama ?" asked the eager pup.

"You'll see in a minute, I'm nearly done packing, dear." answered the female.

And soon they were on their way. And the wolf's reward comes as promised. They stopped by an ice-cream stand and the pup got one, which he eats eagerly, afraid it would melt.

The end.

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