Puppytraining part 3

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#1 of Puppytraining

An unfinished part 3 cowritten by Loupy Lupine, Diego Blackflame, Dominus Draconis and Draconil Talisfire.

This story is unfinished and will never be finished.

Puppytraining part 3 : a visit to the vet's office

A yiffy story cowritten by Loupy Lupine, Diego Blackflame, Dominus Draconis and Draconil Talisfire.

Edited for grammar by Twilight Skyborn

The young wolfpup awoke slowly in his crib. It was another morning in his life, not really different from the previous ones in his mind. He had no idea how long it had been since he was under the dragon's control, his life limited to his diapers, the playpen, being yiffed and walked. He stretched his arms, touching the ever present bars of his crib cage. This was his bed, this was his prison. A crib big enough to fit him, with bars covering all sides, filled with pillows and blankies decorated with babygirl designs and a cute mobile showing dragons flying in circles. A series of plushies, a tank that could be connected to a feedergag if Draconil wanted to do so, and rings to connect any bondage stuff that could be needed.

Loupy sighed. His world never really changed every morning. He moved in the crib, grabbing his favorite plushie: a red cross fox plushie in a yellow dress and diaper, with a tail showing that it was also the favourite chew toy of her owner. He took off the blanckets covering him once more, looking again at his outfit. A thick pink collar, adorned with a dog-shaped silver tag with his name, locked forever around his neck, a Winny the pooh pacifier holder tied to it. A green silky nightgown with care-bears all over it, meant to fit a two year old baby girl, but not the teenager wolf that was wearing it now. Pink leather and furry handcuffs locked tight around his ankles so he wouldn't try to escape. Soft mittens, all green with little flowers locked around his paws, and a soaked pawpers active diaper. The wolf poked the thick padding, checking himself in the useless hope he wouldn't be wet. The immense diaper was forcing his legs so much away from each other that he was forced to crawl when he was allowed out of his binds, and it was so tight around his waist that it was pushing the chastity belt and plug more into his flesh. The young canine sighed. The diaper's indicator was testifying that the night had been full of wetness for him, and the multi-colored childish printing « Daddy's girl. » with my little ponies on it was just the worst.

He massaged his sore bottom. The scaly took his pleasure again yesterday, filling his tailhole with a new gallon of what he called « Draggie milk. » Despite having some pleasure when the dragon was fucking him, the young sissy still felt it wasn't right for him to be treated and used like that. He was still having dreams of himself doing that with other boys and girls, but not as a slave. He banished the thoughts. His place was here for now, whatever he thinks about it. His place. He turned his head, looking again at the room he was stuck in. The wooden door with writing on it with clown-shaped letter « Nursery » was the dark place with the bondage table and the yiffing machine. The room he spent weeks in as the dragon's newborn girl, and where he was sent to when the master was going away into town for what he called a « Business trip ». He chuckled. The dragon was always having his bottom smelling like someone else's cum after each of those trips. His daddy had a daddy as well, as it seemed..

The room was painted in light pink, with a band of Disney babies characters smiling. Right beyond the nursery door was the changing table, with lots of diaper packages and supplies under it. And really good handcuffs over it, to keep young cubs nice and still for their changes. Hidden behind a sort of curtain was a baby potty, with the enema supplies. Loupy shivered. The daily ritual of the enema was something he always hated. Then was the sink and the cleaning supplies, next to the door leading out of this room. The wall in front of the crib was the place for the closets with the baby toys: a box of plushies, dolls, a few transformers when he was really good, a legoes collection, the small 101 dalmatians TV with DVD, CD and videotapes, and the closets with the clothes. The last wall was the place for the only natural source of light of the room. A window showing the closed park of Draconil's manor. The manor was in the shape of a cube, with a small park in the middle, which had outside games for babies, for when he was not taking Loupy to the dog park. At least, the sandbox here was cleaner than that of the park's. And next to the windows, on each side, was the cursed locked closets.

They were full of plugs, lube, paddles, dog harnesses and much more that could be used to discipline the pup. Loupy never imagined that there could have been so many sex toys in his life, but the closets were always full of new types it seemed.

A click. Loupy looked on his left, where was the control panel of the mobile and the soft lullaby that it was playing, but also there was the baby phone. The button turned from green to red. His daddy was coming to pick him up for his morning change.

Draconil looked at the calendar. It was an important day. He had much to do with his pup and he knew that it would be quite an interesting day. He should hurry, the rendezvous was in two hours, and the pup was always cranky in the morning. But aren't all babies cranky when waking up? The dragon chuckled. He remembered the last time he had brought a slave to this place. It had been quite a fun day. Diego Blackflame was also such a cutie ... Always nice to spend some time with him. The silver dragon licked his lips. Between his pup and the black dragon, the day would certainly be one to remember.

« Morning sweetie, dadda's here ! » He said joyfully, like every morning. Despite needing to be strict and severe with the wolf, he really loved him. The young pup was sitting in his crib, in the green sissy outfit Draconil puts him in before bed, looking like he really needed a change. The dragon was glad to help. « How are you, my little bitch? Soaked I presume. » He asked as he opened the cage.

« Yes dadda, my dydee really need a change. » Loupy answered, blushing. He was finding that he was thinking of himself by acting more childish, but it was the best way to put the dragon in a good mood.

The silver dragon smiled and picked up the teenage wolf in his arms. Thanks to his great size, the canine was no more than a toddler compared to him. He petted the back of the wolf, feeling the soft touch of the silky nightgown and the silver fur, before touching the back of the diaper. The claws rubbed the padding, the wolf's tail going down. Draconil licked the pup's face, sliding the paw inside the diaper. He rubbed the pup's tushie, feeling the wetness of the overly soaked diaper, going down to tease the plug locked inside the little bottom. The master knew the plug was a really good way to make the slave remember who he was devoted to. Loupy can't prevent a few moans as the scaled paw played with the plug locked between his rump's checks. And the squirming increased when the claws started to play with his cock locked in it's really small cage, forcing it between the legs. It was a really uncomfortable position, and the dragon had years of experience about how to touch such a place to makes the slave cry to release his seed... but that won't happen right now for this pup.

The strange couple walked to the changing table after the dragon took off the chains that were tied to the pup's ankles. After he took off the green nightgown, the pup smiling as he sucked on the pink pacifier tied to his collar. This was a ritual for both of them now. Both of them hating and loving it at the same time. Soon, the wolf was left in just his diaper, the dragon starting to lick his fur from head to toe, taking his time, playing with every part of the body like he was teaching a baby that he has a whole body and that this body reacted. Then he massaged the wet diaper, making the wolf blush. The towering dragon took the young one and leaned him on the table, handcuffing his front paws over his head, before opening the tapes of his diaper. « That my little girl ... Daddy's wet little girl! » He chuckled, taking the feet of the canine in one paw to raise them up, then opened the tailhole tape of the diaper to takes it off. He rolled then the padding in a ball and threw it on the pup's muzzle. The diaper landed and stayed on, filling Loupy's nose with the musky scent of pee. He whined, but the dragon didn't care. That was just the start of the young wolf's troubles.

The forked tongue started to licks the wolf caged cock, forcing him to wriggles with his diaper-covered face. « You need a baff, my little cutie. Dadda need to take you out today, we can't stay home. » The wolf grinned under the diaper. The plug slowly slid out from his bottom, still covered with the thick seed left in. Then the diaper was removed and the dragon picked him up, carrying him to the bathroom. A silver wolf with a pink collar and a pacifier, and a chastity belt in the arms of a big silver dragon, who had trouble hiding his throbbing cock under the leather pants he was wearing.

Diego Before Draco and me enters the room, you are reading an article explaining why cum is good for babyfurs

loupylupine: (a good test for a babyfur vet : how deep a baby can take ?)

Sylkis GentleDragon: (that and how much can he hold)

loupylupine: (yes !)

Sylkis GentleDragon: (also if they can take a fist/arm too)

Sylkis GentleDragon: (i could also do a very mean thing to the front)

loupylupine: (I listen !)

Sylkis GentleDragon: (what about sliding a cathater into the penis?)

loupylupine: *eeeepsss*

Sylkis GentleDragon: (or an "erection rod" that keep the cock stiff even if they've cummed or w/e

loupylupine: *writes down this*

Sylkis GentleDragon: and also don't forget another larger rod that sticks in the ass hole and is VERY long that keeps the cub still by not allowing them to sit up or anything or else it will hurt

Sylkis GentleDragon: it also helps straighten up the spine

loupylupine: eeekie

oooh! the erection rod has a small hole at the tip to measure how much cum is in the penis while the cub undergoes certain things like petting, tickling, etc

Sylkis GentleDragon: it also measures pee too

Sylkis GentleDragon: and is hooked up to a computer to record all data

Sangaire: ^^ ok )) *tthe young draggie is waiting nurvously for the doctor to call him in*

loupylupine: "Mister Sangaire, please enter."

Sangaire: *he perks his head up and walks over to the doctor and entered the room* hello sir

loupylupine: "please undress you and stay in your diaper. We are here for a full check-up."

Sangaire: *blushes a deep red as i strip fully not wearing a diaper thinking he was in trouble now as i stand there nude* sorry i forgot to wear a diaper today

loupylupine: "That start badly." he grabs you and start to spanks hard your bottom.

Sangaire: *wimpers and yelps at the spanks as he takes them as tear well up in his eyes* sorry sir

loupylupine: "Cubs need diapers to avoid accidents, you learn that at school !"

Sangaire: *wimpers and cries out* i forgot i am sorry but i was able to hold back peeing

loupylupine: we gonna see that

Sangaire: *wimpers* what are you going to do to me?

loupylupine: on the table, we are going to run some tests

Sangaire: *wimpers as i climb up on the table and shift on the cold surface*

loupylupine: *slowly cuffs your paws and feet*

Sangaire: *wimpers* what these for sir?

loupylupine: "can't have you squirming." take a machine and connect your cock to a tube that end in a mask I put on your muzzle.

Sangaire: *wimpers as i trash my head from side to side trying to ge tthe mask off

loupylupine: **spanks harder* like this, all your pee will go somwhere else than on the table, you should have been diapered

Sangaire: *wimpers as i squirm and yelp at the spank* i said that it was an accident

loupylupine: *lubes your hole*

Sangaire: *wimpers as i feell my bladder getting full from the fear as i clench my tailhole shut trying to keep you out*

loupylupine: *humps an anal thermometer*

Sangaire: *yelps as a little bit of pee goes into the tbe but not enough to go to my mouth*

Sangaire: tube*

loupylupine: *the machine push the pee in your mouth* you see you needed a diaper, bad girl

Sangaire: *wimpers at the sour taste as i try to clench my bladder shut

loupylupine: "Your temperature is good, let's sse your tailhole size." grabs a strange machine, and slides it in your hole, and your feel your hole being widened

Sangaire: *yells loudly as i release my bladder from the pain as the pee pours into my stomach*

loupylupine: "you could fit a horse cock, that good."

Sangaire: *wimpers and squirms around as i try to crawl away from you as i finish emptying my bladder into my mouth*

loupylupine: LOL more you squirms, more long it will takes me

Sangaire: *wimpers as i try to stay stil*

Sangaire: pleae take that out of me please sir

loupylupine: *slides the stuff out and humps an enema hose*

Sangaire: *yelps as i feel the next thing enter me* what is that?

loupylupine: a hose, i need to see how much your tailhole can hold

Sangaire: wimpers as i try to force the hose out of me as i wimper*

loupylupine: *cold water enter*

Sangaire: *yelps loudly as he squirms feeling the ice cold water entering his rectum as he tries to force it out* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh please stop please

loupylupine: we are just starting girl

Sangaire: *growls as i glare at you* i am not a girl so stop calling me that

loupylupine: "your license say you are a sissy."

Sangaire: liscence what liscence?!

loupylupine: *show you your babyfr license, your hole full of wxater*

Sangaire: *wimpers as he tries to keep from crying as he lays his head dwwon on the table in defeat as he sniffles*

loupylupine: *push more water in*

Sangaire: *wimpers as his stomach swells and water starts coming out of his tailhole*

loupylupine: "huge capacity, 5 liters !"

Sangaire: wimpers*can i please let it out i feel liikr i have to take a huge poop

loupylupine: *giggles and lets you empty yourself*

Sangaire: *sighs deeply as the semi brown water purs out my rectum as i relax on the table

loupylupine: *looks at the waters going out in the flusher*

Sangaire: *wimpers as he turns over to face you* what now sir? am i all done?

loupylupine: we are just starting. We are going to see how many humps you need before orgasming

Sangaire: *my eyes go wide at what he said as i crawls back trying to get away from him* WHAT?! NO WAY!!!!!!!!

Sangaire: your not sticking your member in me

loupylupine: *giggles* the machine will do fine *show you a yiffing machine and lubes your hole again*

Sangaire: *wimpres as i clench my tailhole shut trying yto keep you out*

loupylupine: *plays in you* that the same every year, you need a full check-up

Sangaire: *whines as my member becomes rock hard at your touch*

loupylupine: you gonna soon drink pee and cum I guess *the machine humps in your bottom*

Sangaire: *moans loudly as i buck my hips and grind against the machine trying to get off quickly to stop this*

loupylupine: don't struggles, the machine doesn't work good when you do that

Sangaire: *i moan as i get near my climax moaning loudly*

loupylupine: *looks at the pee and pre going to your mask*

Sangaire: *i moan louldy as i buck one las time as i climax forcing the pre and piss along with a torrent of cum into my maw as i groan and arch my back*

loupylupine: "Lasted only 5 minutes..."

Sangaire: *wimpers thinking he did something wrong

loupylupine: *grins and puts the machine on faster*

Sangaire: *yelps as i groan feeling my tailhole getting violated*

loupylupine: let's see how you do at faster speed

Sangaire: *wimpers and yelps loudly as i buck my hips trying to make it feel better*

loupylupine: *pats your head*

Sangaire: *moans loudly as i try to hold back my climax

loupylupine: Good cubs knows how to please their parents

Sangaire: *wimpers* what do you mean sir?

loupylupine: cubs are their parent's yiff toys

Sangaire: no i am not i am no ones yiff toy

loupylupine: LOL, next test is how good you sucks

Sangaire: *i clench my mouth shut as i say through gritted teeth* ii am not going to suck you off

loupylupine: No, but the machine us

Sangaire: what?

loupylupine: *grins as the mask is removed and I slides a o-ring in your mouth*

Sangaire: *wimpers and growls as he tries to clos ehis mouth*

loupylupine: *spanks you and slides it in*

Sangaire: *yelps and wimpers as the gag is shoved in*

loupylupine: *the machine in your bottom humps you hard*

Sangaire: *wimpers and oans loudly as i climax yet again*

loupylupine: *smiles as I then humps an artificial penis in your mouth*

Sangaire: *wimpers as i take the member into my maw and i try to push it out*

loupylupine: *machine humps in and out*

Sangaire: *wimpers as i continue to suckle the member trying to end all this wondering how he knew when this would be over*

loupylupine: good girl, relax, we are here for a couple of hours

Sangaire: *he says to himself 'a couple of hours what the fuck?!' he just lays there and lets this trture continue as he wimpers*

loupylupine: because after this we have other tests

Sangaire: i try to mumble out 'what other tests' but it just comes out as* mmmmmmmmmmmm

loupylupine: sucks on the machine, girl

Sangaire: *i suckle the fake member like it was a pacifier

loupylupine: *the machine leaks pre*

Sangaire: *my eyes go wide as i taste the pre but continue to suck wanting all this to be ove

loupylupine: that an imitation, well done yes ?$

Sangaire: *i wimper as i nod and continue to suckle*

loupylupine: it gonna feed you soon

Sangaire: *i wimper and try to say please make it finish'*

loupylupine: sucks and it will stop

Sangaire: *i suck hard getting a mouthfull of pre as i continue to suck hard and gulp down the pre*

loupylupine: BRB going to walk the dog

Sangaire: kk

loupylupine: *the machine seems to build up*

Sangaire: *wimpers feeling the machin revvig practically as i continue to suck hard*

loupylupine: you are on the good way

Sangaire: *wimpers as i start using my tounge like it was a real member*

loupylupine: yes, works it like it was a real one

Sangaire: *i close my eyes as i suck and use my tounge more and more massagining it licking all over as i murr contently*

loupylupine: *the machine starts to cum in your mouth*

Sangaire: *i gulps down the cum sluttily as i moan and murr feeling my erection growing again*

loupylupine: *slides the machine out and slides icecubes on your cock*

Sangaire: *yelps at the cold feeling and my member slides back into my sheeth*

loupylupine: *puts you in a chastity belt*

Sangaire: *wimpers as i try to protest but the ring gag is keeping me from speaking*

loupylupine: rest a bit, next time in 30 minutes

loupylupine: Draconil knocked at the door, keeping a firm hand on the leash of his puppy, before entering. "Hello." he said, awaiting an answer.

Dominus Draconis: *pads over to the door and slowly opens it, smiling to both of them and chuckling happily* come in *peers down at the wolf* is this the new bitch?

loupylupine: "Yes, Mister Dominus. Her name is Loupy, I made a really good deal when I get her." answered the silver dragon, tugging on the leash to bring the wolf closer to the blakc dragon.

Dominus Draconis: *smiles and nods, peering down at the wolf some more as he chuckles gently* are you gonna be a good girl and listen to me as you doctor? *looks up to the dragon* would you like to watch the procedures, or just trust her with me?

loupylupine: Draconil blushed deeply. "I would love to watch, but I have some ... business to attend." he wriggled his own butt with a little crinkle sound. "But please, record them, to watch when she is sleeping." The wolf pouted and curled on himself.

Dominus Draconis: *nods and pads over to the corner of the room, pushing some buttons on a panel and multiple cameras come on around the room from many angles* I do this often, so am well prepared for it *takes the leash of the pup* if you relax to enjoy this, you might even have fun, maybe

loupylupine: "She looks cranky, I'm sorry, she didn't liked that I given her a bath before coming here. Be free to spanks and punish her as much as you need." The silver dragon kissed the wolf's muzzle. "Good bye sweetie. Be nice." The canine whimpered. "Byebyeb dwadda."

Dominus Draconis: *waves to the dragon as he leaves after kissing the wolf, then looks to the pup, chuckling softly, tail swaying slowly* strip down but leave your diaper on for now, bitch

loupylupine: "What are you going to do to me ?" whinned the wolf, taking of the silky green dress with little white bunnies he was wearing. It was really difficult for him to takes it off, with all the snaps and zips in the back. That forced him to move his teenager body around, bending over and wriggling his soft silver wolf he was so proud of.

Dominus Draconis: *looks to you as you take off the dress, smiling as you wriggle your body, smiling as he gazes at you, laughing gently and smiling softly, murring at your form* mmm, I am gonna run some tests, how wide I can stretch you, how good of a yiff you are from both ends, then, I think I may have to start training you to be sounded, there is one other thing I plan too, but, that is a secret

loupylupine: "what ... how good a yiff I am ? Aren't you supposed to be a doctor, and run some tests to see if I'm healthy or not ?" the wolf shivered in his diapers written Daddy's little girl, the wetness indicator showing he was loosing control.

Dominus Draconis: (I'm gonna wait to spank you till the end, at the end I am gonna use a double bardex nozzle and test how much enema I can fill you with, then spank you that is the thing I ws keeping secret, but, IC you still don't know that )

Dominus Draconis: *chuckles and then nods, seeing the wetness indicator showing you are losing control and sighing* you'd better hold that in as best you can, cause you are gonna suck me first, and, I have to test how good of a yiff you are, because that is part of your duties, so a healthy wolf should be a good yiff

loupylupine: (be free to keep stuff secrets, I want you to enjoy yourself too. I can always edit details). "What sort of place is it, when even the doctors yiff you ?" said with a loud sight Loupy. He was hidden in a corner of the place, looking in fear at the dragon.

Dominus Draconis: (hey, if your daddy shows even he subs sometimes, maybe I'll end up appearing as a sub too sometime we will see, but, anyway, back to the RP)

Dominus Draconis: *chuckles gently and then laughs to you, rubbing you* this place is the world that is your home, now I suggest you start sucking my cock, bitch, unless you want me to get very rough with you, and tell your daddy

loupylupine: The fur looked at the scaly and opened slowly his muzzle. He knowed how it was to sucks a dragon, his daddy was forcing to do so often. But he prefered to be fucked... the taste of the cock wasn't a really good thing. The tongue wrapped around the member and the pup slowly started to suck.

Dominus Draconis: *grabs your head as you start to suck his member, pushing it slowly into his crotch more as his member fully extends to its 12 inches in your maw, holding your head there and starting to hump it slowly as he murrs*

loupylupine: The tail of the slave wagged in fear from one side to another. His maw tightened, working his lips and tongue on the doctor's cock, trying to please as fast and as good as he could.

Dominus Draconis: *moans at the feelings of pleasure being given his cock, humping harder as his pleasure builds, murring at how well you suckle and chuckling softly as he fucks you well*

loupylupine: The young canine closed his eyes, sobbing a bit. The dragon was fucking his mouth and he was having troubles, nearly gagging. But he kept sucking, his tongue playing with the tip of the cock.

Dominus Draconis: *murrs as he notices your troubles, but shows no concernt for you, continuing to fuck hard and fast, pleasure building in him with every hard thrust that he makes*

loupylupine: (write it at the third person if you can, makes it easier to edit after). The wolf sucked faster and faster, kissing the balls as he worked all he could upon it.

Dominus Draconis: (okay, sorry, force of habit)

Dominus Draconis: *murrs as the wolf sucks ever faster, working the dragon's cock all he can as the dragon's climax nears, grinning and murring* almost there

loupylupine: The patient make a sight of relaxation as he listened to the doctor, sucking faster, taking a steady rythm and getting ready for his draggie milk.

Dominus Draconis: *moans at the relaxation, then grips the head of the wolf and hilts hard, his seed firing into his throat as he murrs there, his member firing off*

loupylupine: Loupy wanted to howl, to take that of as Dominus raped his muzzle. He couldn't do anything, forced to swallow the seed he was given or being drown. The gagging reflex was hurting him, but he was swallowing all the cum.

Dominus Draconis: *murrs as Loupy can do little but swallow the seed, his member firing off more as his climax lasts over a minute(feel free to edit that if that does not end up being long ) of solid shooting before finally slowing and stopping, pulling out of the muzzle, then picking up a notepad and checking pass next to sucking abilities*

loupylupine: "Did I did good ?" whispered the poor fur in his corner, cleaning his mouth of some of the leaking cum. (not, it's fine, it's just the first test after all *chuckles*)

Dominus Draconis: (no, I meant the climax length, too

Dominus Draconis: *pulls out and then smiles, looking to him and rubbing his head gently, giggling softly* you still need to learn to get around your gag reflex, but for a puppy your age, you did perfect

Dominus Draconis: (whoops, ignore that pose

Dominus Draconis: (forgot I already pulled out )

loupylupine: (I will just erase the pulls out) "Ok sir ... is their is a lot of others tests ?"

Dominus Draconis: (would I have what is needed to remove the chastity belt so I can sound you?)

Dominus Draconis: *chuckles gently and then nods to you, smiling to the little wolf gently* indeed there are, little one, now, I must examine how good of a mount you are, so kindly remove that diaper for me

loupylupine: (yes, you have it... everything you want.) "Does this means ... you gonna ..; fucks me ?" he shivered, moving back in his corner.

Dominus Draconis: (kk, just checking)

Dominus Draconis: *nods to you and then chuckles gently, rubbing you and smiling softly, then murring gently* yes it does, I am gonna start with fucking you, but there is more to come, so, first remove that diaper

loupylupine: "I never remove it... dwaddy always do it. Usually he ties me up on the changing table by my paws to do so."

Dominus Draconis: *nods and then chuckles gently, then picks the wolf up and carries him to a metal table with thick leather straps, then forces his legs into suck a position that the rump is raised and quickly straps all 4 limbs in place to keep the wolf motionless* fair enough, then

loupylupine: The wolf wanted to squirms and kicks as he was picked up, but the feral grin of the dragon prevented him. He just let him do his job, and get ready for doing his own : be a sex toy.

Dominus Draconis: *giggles at how the wolf reists the urge to struggle, noting that down in the notepad as it is a good sign of progress, then begins to unfasten the diaper from the wolf slowly, leaving him now naked except for the chastity belt as he gets up on the table behind the wolf to get into a good mounting position, his member nestling under the lupine tail* ready?

loupylupine: "I don't get any lube, sir ?" he rised his tail, tensing his whole body for the inevitable rape to happen.

Dominus Draconis: *chuckles and then smiles gently to the wolf as he starts to press his member in, it slides in somewhat easily given he used no normal lube* that is why I had you suck it first, little one, it IS well lubed, your saliva is the lube

loupylupine: The wolf barked in despair, his tight hole opening and closing around the tip of the cock. Loupy knowed it was going in, but when. He didn't wanted to look at Dominus, knowing the dragon certainly awaited only one moment of lack of focus to enter the whole cock in and stretches the hole bigger than anything ever before.

Dominus Draconis: *sees the despair on loupy's face, moaning and murring as he waits for the wolf to relax some, then suddenly hilts when he does, murring happily and rubbing his back gently as he growls happily, pulling his member out to just the cockhead in those tight bowels, then thrusting back in to the hilt again*

loupylupine: The wolf bited his lips. He was calling for help in his head, but no one would come. That was his life now. A drop of blood on his tongue as the cock hilted in again, raping his tight insides over and over.

Dominus Draconis: *looks to the wolf as he smells the drop of blood and reaches over to the side and pulls out a gag with a large hole to feed a tube through, he does not attach the tube now, but forces the wolf to open his mouth and stuffs it in and ties it on as he continues to visciously assault the bowels of the pup

loupylupine: The slave take the gag, knowing what is for, and struggles a bit. The pain is great, and he is forced to humps up and down on the dragon's sex.

Dominus Draconis: *moans in joy as the wolf humps on his cock, murring and thrusting hard into those tight bowels as he humps forcefully, smiling at the feeling of the tightness as he fucks hard and firm at the tailhole of the lupine*

loupylupine: The young pup is lost in the mists of the fucking, wondering for how long and how many times he is going to takes such things.

Dominus Draconis: *laughs, having much more planned as he humps ever harder, his pleasure building with every firm thrust into the bowels of the wolf*

loupylupine: The canine bited the gag, his ass suffering of the huge cock using it. It was so big, stretching the pink little pucker and slapping his bottom with each hump.

Dominus Draconis: *murrs as the canine bites the gag, glad he gave it to him to prevent him from damaging his lips and then murring as his climax draws close as his thrusts get more erratic*

loupylupine: The wolf cryed, begging for a better life as the cock was using him more and more randomly.

Dominus Draconis: *chuckles at the crying of the wolf, roaring as he hilts in the bowels of the little one and starts to fire off his seed hard, murring in joy*

loupylupine: His second yiff of the day done, the young pet collapsed on the table, his body now just moving with the humps of the dragon. He was a toy, he repeated to himself.

Dominus Draconis: *murrs and keeps humping a bit, then pulls out as his climax ends, writing on the pad that though a good fuck, you have not yet learned to enjoy being mounted yet*

loupylupine: The pet looked to the dragon, keeping the unlocked gag in his mouth as he awaited the next test (for the sake of narration, it would be nice to give the wolf a test that let him rest and not involve a yiff, so he is in shape for the next yiffing)

Dominus Draconis: (fair enough, would a test of me using the gag and a liquid only used for testing purposes to test how much liquid you can take in your belly work?)

loupylupine: (sound good to me. Can also test how fast he sucks on a feedergag and such. I hope you do like what we are doing)

Dominus Draconis: (I am enjoying, are you?

loupylupine: (oh yes I am)

Dominus Draconis: *murrs and then pulls out a thick tube and attaches it to a large tank of unidentified liquid, then he starts to thread it into your muzzle through the gag till is almost hits your throat* I am going to test how fast you suck and how much your stomach can hold, this is a special liquid that is full of nutrients but also will not make you chubby if you consume too much at once, as we are gonna fill you very full(what I mean by that is most stuff if you ate enough would make you gain weight, this will not)

loupylupine: The poor patient didn't said anything as the gag was locked and the tube was slided in. He wondered for how long he would be here as the dragon sit at his desk and started filling papers.

Dominus Draconis: *turns on the machine and pulls out a number of forms, setting a few dials on the machine so it will automatically shut off when you can take no more, he sets then about filling out your paperwork for you as he hums gently*

Loupylupine: The dragon looked at the clock. The babysitter should arrive soon. He was upset by this whole thing, he had been hoping so much to keep training his baby pet ... But his own master has called, and wanted his baby dragon for his birthday party... The silver dragon was turning red. He was a century old creature, but his master owned his collar and the humiliation going with it. Draconil would be a baby and treated as one, because his master was also his real father... that how it was with dragons. They was a hierarchy and when it called, it called... He looked at the wolf locked up in his crib. He was totally helpless with a hood covering his head, forced to sucks on a strange mix of mlik and cum by a feedergag, and covered by a huge diaper going to his nipples. He removed the covers to look

Loupylupine: at the immobile body. The mittened paws tied to the side, the legs forced to spread by the straps that hauled them. A push of a button, and they would be forced in a perfect mating position. "If I removed the plug and the enema inside, that is." the dragon whispered to himself. But this will be the fox's job for the next two weeks...

Mechafox: Stepping up to the front door the fox lightly rapped on it with a knuckle, before checking his appearance one last time. A first impression was always key he'd found. His lightveins very slowly moving through a glowing rainbow, tracing down his neck and under his dark vest until they reappeared from out of his pants, flowing along his tail. His orange and white fur was clean and well combed. Consdiered too young to own a pet yet he consdiered babysitting practice until he was ready. He stood there calmed, a large sports bag over one shoulder while he happily waited for the dragon, his tail lightly swishing-

Loupylupine: The dragon opened the door. "Ah you are here. I'm Draconil Talisfire... Come with me." He looked at the fox, and liked his appearence. He chuckled at the imagination those lightveins was giving him. He leaded the fox to a baby girl nursery, but in adult size before pointing to the teenager wolf tied up in the crib. "This is Loupy, the baby slave girl you will be taking care of... I assume you read the instructions who have been sent to you when you accepted the position ?"

Mechafox: The cyberfox nodded and took a moment to survey the room before looking at the cub, 'Indeed I did sir, I'm Mike Raynor, just incase it wasn't passed on to you, and may I say you've got a great set up here' He looked back to the dragon, positively beaming, 'I wonder, do you have any tips on slave rearing. I'm studying for it at the moment.'

Loupylupine: "Keep them humiliated." He chuckled. "I would like you to tell me what you are supposed to do with this cub, on a general basis, to see if you know what is it to raise one."

Loupylupine: BRB lunch

Loupylupine: you can take your time to write your reply during this.

Mechafox: The cyberfox looked back to loupy before contnunig, ticking off th items on his fingers, 'I believe your instructions were to make sure he gets fucked at least once a day, after his enema. Milked every week. He's fed a mixture of 80 percent milk 10 percent Cum and 10 percent nutrients.' The fox paused, thinking he'd forgotten something.

Loupylupine: "That is good. I also want him to change his diapers at least 4 times a day, more if you believe he needs so. You are allowed to get him out of the crib once a day for a couple of hours. He has a playpen with TV and such... cartoons only. He can be bottlefeed during this time at your convenience. His only solid food is given for lunch, you have an highchair and a doggy bowl in the kitchen for that. Treat him as a few months old baby girl : he is not suppose to be able to do something else than crawling, and talking is out of the question. Makes attention to punish him for any wrongdoings about this rules. The punishment room is behind this door, and their is a phone number to call a kennel for a feral dog if you need one for this bitch... Because you are free to fucks or get it fucked."

Mechafox: Nodding eagerly and grinning, the fox took in the information,' alirght sir,' wwhen a thought crossed his mind. 'uh//sir what else may i do to your bitch?'

Loupylupine: "I always welcome originality. You can do whatever you think is needed or welcome, as long as you remember what is he. Any particular questions ?"

Mechafox: 'well may i step up he feedings to bulk him up a little, you know, give him some cubby fat?'

Loupylupine: The dragon scritched his chin and grinned. "Yeah, I think I would like my bitch to be a bit more chubby like a real cub."

Mechafox: 'Oh thank you sir,' he eagerly shok the dragons claw, 'thank you very much,'

Loupylupine: "I expect a daily report. You have a cam there, and the instructions where and how to sent the report. I need to go, the person I'm supposed to see doesn't like waiting. And it's soon time for the cub's change before lunch."

Mechafox: The fox nodded and looked to the cam, he could just as easily insert streams from his optical implants, but still, he'd be interested to keep a copy for review himself. 'Good bye sir, I promise to take good care of him.'

Loupylupine: "I hope, or you may end as his remplacement if you are lucky, or my next meal if not." The dragon grabbed his belongings and shaked the fox's paw.

Mechafox: (that would be fun) The colour drained froxes face at the thought his lightveins shifting to a fearful yellow. Still he shook back and composed himself, 'I will, have fun'

Loupylupine: The dragon shrugged and left, leaving you with a stirring puppy.

Mechafox: The fox closed the door and dumped his bag down, before returning to the roo,, striding queitly to the crib he looked down the wolf within and smiled, 'so cute.' his lightveins sending a rainbow of light acroos his chin, he reached in d lightly rubbed the bitch's head-

Loupylupine: The sleeping wolf stirred more, his food gag now empty as the clock system was telling it it was time to remove the puppy for his change and his only solid feeding of the day. Behind his blindfold, the eyes slowly opened.

Mechafox: He movements around the edge told Mike the pup was awake. Smiling softly as he pulled the tube from the empty feeder gag he let his breath wash aross the pup as he spoke, 'good morning bitch,'

Loupylupine: The wolf's O-ring kept his mouth opened as the feeding system was removed. A quick look showed his teeth have been altered to be like a baby's one, so he had barely any fangs at all despite being a teen. He muttered a little "hewwwo" one of the few words he has been ever allowed to say by his master. He was yet not awake enough to notice it wasn't his master.

Mechafox: Mike smiled down warmly on the wolf. Putting aside the ffeeder, he reached into the crib to lightly pat the wolf's belly. 'Hello' he murred gently, letting his warm breath flow of the wolf's face.

Mechafox: (dw I remember everthing)

Loupylupine: (yes ?)

Mechafox: (including what the timer said)

Loupylupine: The wolf suddenly realise it wasn't the one he was expecting. He squirmed in some fear. "Who aff you ?"

Mechafox: Mike smile and put a finger on the wolf's lips. 'sshhhh, little one,' he cooed, 'I'm your uncle Mikey,' he smiled warmly, letting his lightveins dance colour across the crib.

Loupylupine: The wolf whimpered. He knew he wasn't supposed to talk. But who was this strange fox ? He couldn't see, his blindfold still over his eyes. What was happening ? He squirmed more, his diaper sagging on him.

Mechafox: Mike awwed a little and gently tugged the blindfold up a little, murring and giving a warm smile, 'hello little one'

Mechafox: (if it's a blindfold how to oyu know it's a fox)

Loupylupine: "Hewwwo..." said shyly again the wolf. He was finally discovering the one he was talking to was a fox. A really strange fox, but Loupy liked the warm feeling the lightveins was giving him. (It was a descriptive comment, not a character comment. I can edit if you want)

Mechafox: (AH)

Mechafox: (caps)

Mechafox: Mike smiled, and wriggled his eartips, pulling a funny face and sticks out his tongue a little

Loupylupine: Loupy giggled at the reaction, forgetting a bit about his fear of punishment.

Mechafox: Mike smiled and tapped Loupy's nose, 'I'm Mikey, can you tell me what your name is?' he varied his tone a little

Loupylupine: "I'm ... Loupy..." he shyly said. "I'm Draconil's baby girl slave..." looking in shame as his oversized soaked diaper, covered with girly design.

Mechafox: The cyberfox had to use a nerve block to stop from giggling. Gently he patted Loupy's head with one paw, while the other sneaked into his diaper. Feigning shock he cooed, 'looks like someone had an accident, didn't they?'

Loupylupine: The wolf innocently blushed and looked elsewhere. It was the first time somebody else than Draconil actually looked at his diaper in such a private way. He nodded with his head, hoping for a quick change... or maybe he hoped for freedom ?

Mechafox: (Hee which to choose) Mike gently nudged Loupy's face back to face him, 'It's ok Loupy.' Smiling, he undid the O-ring and slid it out of Loupy's mouth.

Loupylupine: The wolf was surprised the O-ring was removed. It has been here for such a long time. He moved his maw in all directions, feeling his missing teeth and sighing.

Mechafox: Mike gently scritched behind Loupy's ear while his other undid the straps that held the kit in place. His lightstreaks white tail tip appeared just above the edge, bobigng back and forth as if it was marching

Loupylupine: "what... what are you going ... to do to me ?"

Mechafox: Smiling, Mike replied, 'Nothnig you have to worry about little one,' though warm, there was an edge to his voice as he pulled the last strap around Loupy's waist.

Loupylupine: Loupy crossed gaze with the fox. He suddenly realise the fox was going to treat him just like the dragon did. He wetted himself even more in fear.

Loupylupine: (back, computer crashed)

Mechafox is using an older version of Yahoo! Messenger and certain features may be unavailable. Click here to invite Mechafox to upgrade.

Mechafox: Mike glanced down at the wolf 'girl' as if sensing the fear, 'It's ok, I won't hurt you,' Tugging open the the zip of his vest to show his wihte furred belly, crossed by more lightveins, Mike scooped Loupy up as if he weighed nothing and cradled the wolf to his chest.

Loupylupine: Loupy murred a bit and licked the fox'schin, trying to relax.

Mechafox: Mike smiled and nuzzled the wolf's bellygently, his lightveins shifting through warm reds, yellows and oranges as he started carryign the wolf towards the kitchen first, rubbing his diapered behind a little

Loupylupine: The bottom squished and crinkled because of the heavy thickness. "awwwww kyooooottte" he said at the lightveins, pawing them with his mittens.

Mechafox: Mike smiled more, making a red dot on yellow that leapt from vein to vein, dodging Lpoupy's paw

Loupylupine: The canine giggled, trying to get the dot.

Mechafox: (what's the kitchen like?)

Loupylupine: (whatever you feel like, expect it has a bondage highchair for the wolf)

Mechafox: (I gthered as much) -Mikey strode into the gleaming modern kitchen and moved to the table with the high chair at one end. Slding up the bar he sat Looupy in it, then leaned down to look the wolf in the eye, 'now I bet you don't want all these things (the straps) on you?'

Loupylupine: The young pup nodded eagerly.

Mechafox: 'Now if I leave them undone promise you'll sit there like a good girl?'

Loupylupine: He nodded, looks this once was nicer than the dragon.

Mechafox: Mike smiled and ruffled Loupy's head fur before turning around and walk to the kitchen where there was a note on what Loupy could eat. Tail swishing and facing away, he scanned the note

Mechafox: (what would be there?)

Loupylupine: The note listed where the materials where to make the special formula he was supposed to drink, a short list of cakes for when he was good, and then a list of 1st age babyfood jars and a note about the fact the wolf was allergic to fish.

Mechafox: Mikey opened the cupboard and took out 4 jars of food and two cakes, and opened the fridge. Sure enough, there was the milk and nutrients, which he took out, though he left the cum behind

Loupylupine: Loupy watched, playing idly with his own tail on the chair. He rarely had so much freedom of move.

Mechafox: (one thing I want to check whose cum was in the mix? Loupy's, the dragon's or someone else's?)

Loupylupine: (you see their is names and dates on the bottles. Some is the weekly milking of the wolf, some came from the dragon, most of it is feral's cum bought from a cum farm).

Mechafox: Mike mixed up some milk and nutriend mix in a jug then ,after glancing atLoupy an smiling, he lowered the jug to his waist and tuggeg down the front of his cargo pants, making sure Loupy didn't notice. 'Imagine giving him that stuff, no no Loupy deserves the fresh stuff.' His cybernetics gave him contorl over almost every facility of his body. With a thought his sheath firmed and started dripping his own cum into the mix

Mechafox: (said quietly to himself)

Loupylupine: The wolf tummygrowled, playing with his mittens before starting to chew on them, not saying what the fox was doing.

Mechafox: Mikey, after being satisfied there was enough in there, pulled his front up and stirred the mix. As an after though he added a spoonful of hnoey and stirred it quickly. Light every tissue in his body his cum was laced with nanites, micro copic machines under his control. With a thought they moved exciting molecule around them wamring the mixture to a wam temperature. Smiling he turned and filled three bottle from the jug, leaving a little left and, after securing the nipples he turn back to face Loupy, 'looks like someones hungry' his smile widened

Loupylupine: "A bit unci... long nights..."

Mechafox: Mike smiled and nodded, 'well we can't have a hungry pup can we?' loading it onto a plate he carried the food and drink over nd deposited it on the table out of Loupy reach. Turning he playfully tapped Loupy' nose, 'wanna see a magic trick?'

Loupylupine: "Yeah ! " clapping paws. He learned doing the baby role was always making the dragon happy, so he tryed with the fox.

Mechafox: Mike smiled and lean to aside, taking on the role, 'I forgot to bring a spoon, do you have one?'

Loupylupine: He pointed to a shelve, who was full of baby tools.

Mechafox: Mike gave a small pout, 'but that's over there and you,' his fingers drifted up behind Loupy's ear. Nanites flow from pores in his fur, looking like lquid meta land forming a small teaspoon, which he pulled into Loupy view smiling, seem to have one right here,'

Loupylupine: "ohhh, impressive, how did you do that ?"

Mechafox: Mike smiled, 'Magic, you wanna try some magic?'

Loupylupine: "Yeah !" He clapped paws more.

Mechafox: Mike smiled, 'then you eat up every bite and I'll teach you one, deal?' he held out a paw

Loupylupine: He looked at the babyfood. "I will be eating then anyway... so yeah."

Mechafox: Mike held the spoon up between them, 'are you a big enough girl that you can feed yourself? or do you want uncle Mikey to?'

Loupylupine: *he looked at his mittens.* "Unca do it..."

Loupylupine: BRB food

Mechafox: kk

Mechafox: Mike took the first jar and unscrewed the lid. He dug the spoon in deep, heaping it as much as possible before plling it up to Loupy, 'say awww' Opens his mouth wide.

Mechafox: (know ny good ssiy or babyfur sites?)

Loupylupine: (depends what you are looking for) *the wolf opened wide, and a part of him chuckled at the fox's mistake*

Mechafox: Mikey drvoe the spoon in, nearly forcing the whole thing down loupy's throat before withdrawing and getttign another spoonful/ (what do oyu mean?)

Loupylupine: *the wolf gagged a bit, some of it ending on his fur and clothing as he wasn't wearing a bib* (one about sissy chat, or sissy stories or what ? Anyway their isn't much good community sites outside of aby.com and rupadded.com)

Mechafox: Mikey eagerly shoved two more spoonfuls into the pup, his face smiling all the while

Loupylupine: The wolf eaten them all, again more and more getting into his fur*

Mechafox: Mikey smiled more, 'Messy pup, want Mikey to make it easier to eat?'

Loupylupine: The canine just slurped his own face.

Mechafox: 'thirsty?'

Loupylupine: *he nodded with his head and a silly smile*

Mechafox: Mikey smiled and took one of the bottles holding the nipple towards your maw, 'drink up every drop so you can grow biig and strong'

Loupylupine: In his head, the wolf remembered slightly he was already that, but he was not in any position to claim it. He started to sucks it down.

Mechafox: Mikey raised the bottle, in his mind he saw the wolf getting plumper, with love handles and nice soft warm belly.

Mechafox: (so that you can get more milke)

Loupylupine: Loupy sucked more and more, unaware of the fox's plans for him.

Mechafox: Mikey smiled and lets you sckel air for a moment before puill ing the bottle out and patting your belly, 'good?' (he added a little honey)

Loupylupine: With a small burp, the wolf said "Yummmmyyy"

Mechafox: <ikey smiled and scraped out the first jar ontoto the spoon holding out to Loupy's mouth

Loupylupine: The wolf opened the mouth widely.

Mechafox: Mikey moves the spoon inside, 'lick up clean'

Mechafox: *lick it

Loupylupine: *the pup's tongue wrapped around it and cleaned it whole*

Mechafox: Mike patted the wolf's head, 'good good girl,' opens the second ya and spoons out some for you, 'it's round 2'

Loupylupine: The wolf then ate everything the fox given him, but always messyly. His huge diaper was now wet and covered with babyfood.

Mechafox: Mikey holds the last items up, a pair of small cakes, 'for being such a good girl'

Loupylupine: "Fanks yu, sir !"

Mechafox: Mike places them both in your mouth

Loupylupine: *the wolf chewed on them, half getting on his diaper and fur*

Mechafox: Mikey smilled and straightened, petting your belly, 'how do oyu fell?'

Mechafox: (feel)

Loupylupine: "Full and nice !"

Mechafox: Mikey looked at the pup, 'then lets get you nice and clean too'

Loupylupine: Loupy smiled, it was meaning the enema in his bottom was to be emptied.

Mechafox: Mikey picked up the cub again. His systesm scanned the pup and found the nanites from the milk, they were enetering his blood and wouldsoon let the cyberfox know everything about the kit, it was a safetty net to ensure he didn't cause permanent damage. He carried Mikey back to his bedroom but turned and went for the changing table

Loupylupine: (Mikey carried Loupy back) The wolf pawed at his overly soaked diaper.

Visit to the zoo 1st part

**Visit to the zoo** The "_Saint Fur Kink The wolf"_ school was booming with activity on this early spring day. Winter break had ended not so long ago and today was one of the most important days of the whole school year. One most cubs dread every...

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Sissy school

Be aware that I am french and as such I have sometimes a hard time with sentences, and that also suffer from a problem that plague me also in french : I write in a weird past - present tense combo that is not the best tense for stories. **Sissy...

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Going to the park

A little story that involves babyfurs, diapers and a bit of bondage but really light. Going to the park Fiona Runt of Clan SoggyMcBottom was enjoying the moment. The shaggy female brown dog was smiling widely, a hint of joy in her sparkling green...

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