Long Day, Hard Night

Story by Rozhani on SoFurry

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Marin padded softly into the dim bar, glancing around. There were a number of people around, some regulars like the marten himself, others more infrequent visitors - or fresh meat, as he liked to think of them.

For now, though, he was looking for someone in particular, a friend from high school that he'd stayed close to even as the pair started college. After a moment, he found Gen, draped luxuriously in a booth in the back, and headed towards the jaguar.

Sliding into the booth beside Gen, he gave a slight nod, which the jaguar returned, a bit absently. Following his friend's gaze, he noticed a cute grey fox girl in a tight tank top and jean shorts, and smirked, admiring the view for a few moments along with Gen.

Then the jaguar turned to him, and sighed. "Well, I knew it couldn't last."

Marin tilted his head to one side, curious. "What's happened now? You seemed down on the phone, but.."

"My family," Gen replied with a soft growl, "Has decided it's well past time I had myself a mate, and done me the.. kindness.. of selecting one."

Marin rolled his eyes. The jaguar was not quite a year older than him, though they'd been in the same grade, and had celebrated his nineteenth birthday only a few weeks ago. "You're serious?"

Gen sighed again, and nodded. The jaguar's family was rather rich, but that had the unfortunate downside of coming with a certain lack of freedom as his parents sought to impose what they considered the proper mode of behavior on their only son.

"Is she at least hot?" Marin asked, after a moment's thought.

Gen shrugged. "I don't know. She's the daughter of one of my mother's friends.. probably as stuck up as they come. I'm supposed to go meet her this weekend."

Marin nodded. "Well, I guess we'll make the best of it somehow," he offered, giving a grin to his friend. After a moment, Gen responded with a smile of his own.

"I guess so."

Pleased by the hint of cheer, Marin glanced out around the room again, and noticed the same fox from earlier - she seemed to be sitting alone now, though. He leaned in and nudged Gen. "Hey, looks like that chick's here by herself. What say we pick her up and take your mind off things?"

Gen gave a soft chuckle. "Ahh, Marin, always knowing how to improve my mood," he replied, giving the marten a clap on the shoulder, and then slid out of the booth, followed by a smirking Marin just a step behind as he crossed the room.

Gen, at nearly six foot, was several inches taller than Marin, though they were just about as muscular, but even the marten had a few inches on the slim fox girl who looked up as they approached. She was slender, with just enough curve in her breasts and hips, and a soft grey pelt with a creamy patch starting beneath her chin and extending along what of her belly was visible beneath her black tanktop and ragged jean shorts.

Offering his most disarming smile, Gen slid onto the seat beside her. "Why, hello there.." he murmured, with a sly sideways look of his bright green eyes that caught her soft blue ones.

Grinning, Marin took up a spot on the other side of Gen, leaning in so he could observe while the jaguar worked his charm.

"Oh.. hello," she replied softly, looking up from swirling her half-empty glass idly.

"And what brings a charming lady like you out tonight?" replied Gen, with a soft smile.

She gave a little laugh, and then ducked her gaze for a moment abashedly. "I suppose, well.. I had a long day, and wanted to unwind." She paused, glanced up again to take in the jaguar's muscular body, lightly clad in a shortsleeved shirt and black jeans, and then added in a softer tone, "Perhaps find someone to unwind with.."

Gen added his own rolling chuckle. "Is that so? Well, that's a stroke of luck - my friend and I here," He included Marin with a wave of his paw, and the marten offered a bright grin, "Came looking for much the same! Perhaps we could help each other?" He extended his hand, placing strong fingers lightly over her own as she looked past him to the sleek mass of brown-furred muscle that was the marten.

She dropped her gaze after a moment gazing into Marin's amber eyes, and looked startled to realize Gen's paw was over her own, but she didn't move it away. "I.. that could be nice," she replied, offering up a soft smile.

Gen grinned broadly, leaning in closer and trailing his fingers up along her arm, then over her shoulder and down along the spine. She shivered, closing her eyes, and he let them continue down to brush lightly just above her tail, smiling as he saw that brush twitch upwards in reaction, and then around to rest on her hip.

His breath was warm on her cheek, and she opened her eyes, jumping a little as she saw the jaguar's face only inches from her own - and then he leaned in just a little farther, and kissed her warmly, pressing his muzzle in against hers.

For a moment, her lips were still with surprise, and then she began kissing back, letting her eyes close again as her lips pressed to the jaguar's and then parted to let his exploring tongue slip inside her muzzle.

Marin slid quietly off his seat, padding around behind the girl and reaching down to rub his paws along her rump, one to either side of her bushy tail. She made a soft squeak, but Gen simply pulled her closer to him and after a moment she stopped struggling, resuming kissing the jaguar as Marin kneaded warmly at her taut rump, her tail lifting up in reaction.

Gen chuckled as he broke the kiss, keeping his muzzle close to hers and his gaze steady on her eyes as they opened. "Well, my dear.. perhaps we should head someplace more private? Unless you want the eyes of the entire bar on you.."

The fox shivered as Marin stroked along the underside of her tail as it arched up, right near the base. She bit her lip on a soft moan, not quite thinking clearly, and nodded to the jaguar.

He purred in response. "Good. Come on then, dear.." he said, his strong arms guiding her to turn and stand as Marin stepped aside, grinning. The marten fell in beside them as the jaguar led the fox out, slipping his arm around her as well, one paw on each of her hips.

Outside, Gen led the way to his car, a sleek silver convertible that had been a gift from his parents. He let go of the fox to open the back door, and she smiled and then got in, followed by Marin.

Shutting the door, Gen got into the driver's seat, taking a moment to adjust the mirrors - for a better view of the back seat, that is - and smiling as he saw Marin already kissing the girl, pressing his lips firmly to hers as his fingers stroked down along her chest, feeling the soft curves of her small breasts through the fabric.

It was only a short drive to the apartment the two boys shared, but Marin made the most of it, kissing the fox hungrily as he fondled her and then making her gasp with a series of nibbles down along the side of her throat and to her shoulder.

Pulling into his parking spot, Gen purred and took a moment to adjust himself, the crotch of his pants having grown uncomfortably tented during the drive over.

Marin simply smirked up to Gen, pressing his lips to the girl's in another kiss until Gen stepped out and opened the door, then slipping away and drawing the fox, wide-eyed, after him.

She was barely out of the door when Gen put his arms around her, pressing her back against the car as he kissed her deeply, grinding forward against her with his bulging package eagerly. She moaned, kissing back and stroking her slender fingers along his back.

Marin shut the car door, grinning as he watched the jaguar, and reached out to stroke along one of the girl's ears. As they broke the kiss, he murmured, "Let's get inside, shall we?"

Gen nodded, and the pair set off again, guiding the girl between them up the half-flight of stairs and inside. The apartment was a large one, three bedrooms between the two of them, and well-appointed; Gen's parents would hardly consider anything less respectable. As it was, they were skeptical of his lower-class marten roommate, but could hardly refuse without alienating their son.

When they reached the door, Marin pulled out his keys and let them in, holding the door opening with a mocking grin as Gen swept the girl past to the living room, pulling her down beside him on the couch and pressing his lips to hers warmly and gently.

A moment later, Marin joined them, sitting down behind the girl and petting down at her rump again, toying with the hem of her shirt. Gen drew his lips back after only a brief kiss, smiling at the fox as he trailed one of his fingertips beneath her chin.

The fox reached out, petting her fingers softly over Gen's shirt and feeling the warm curves of muscle beneath, sleek and powerful. She returned the smile, looking up to meet his gaze, and her lips parted as if to speak.

Whatever she was about to say, though, was lost to a yip as Marin's paws slid up beneath her top, running along her belly and cupping her breasts, one warm swell in each. Her eyes widened in surprise, and Gen chuckled, leaning in again and kissing at her nose - and then reaching down for the back of her shirt and beginning to lift it up.

The pale patch on her front certainly extended along her chest and belly, Gen noted as he drew the tanktop upwards, and over slightly more than half of each of the little breasts that Marin was rubbing softly. "Hands up," he murmured softly in her ear, and she obeyed without thinking, letting him draw the top off entirely and toss it carelessly aside.

Marin found the warm nub of a nipple, and he gave a soft churr, pinching it between two fingers and making the fox yip again, arching her chest forward and pressing it against Gen's body. The jaguar purred, stroking his fingers down along the girl's slender sides to her hips, and then tracing along the curve of her body forward, to the central seam of jeans.

Gen's fingers traced up to find a button, a zipper, and began working to undo them, while Marin behind the fox made her arch and moan with his fingers kneading along her breasts and tugging at her warm, sensitive nipples. They began poking up through the thick fur as they grew harder from the teasing, the fox's head leaning back on Marin's shoulder now as she panted and moaned.

Marin drew the fox back against him, encircling her with his arms and pulling her close with a nip at the side of her neck, while Gen pulled those undone pants down, over her rounded rump and past her shapely thighs to expose a pair of black panties, cut small and barely concealing her folds beneath, with a damp spot in the center.

The fox gasped at the touch of teeth on her neck, head lolling to the side slightly, and Marin pressed the initiative, sharp teeth trailing up along the side of throat with soft nibbles. Gen, meanwhile, got to his feet, both to finish drawing the vixen's pants off her legs - and to unfasten his own, and slide them down along with his boxers beneath, to expose his tapered shaft. Unsurprisingly, he was already hard, of fairly average size at six inches or so, but studded with the irregular rings of feline barbs.

That accomplished, the jaguar crouched down again, stroking his fingers along the fox's panties and feeling the warmth of her folds, swollen and puffy, beneath them. She moaned, rocking her hips up against his touch, and he leaned in to give a slow lick along the fabric, raspy feline tongue tasting her warm musk as it permeated the cloth.

Marin smirked, fingers seeking for one of the girl's nipples and tweaking it to make her gasp. She arched up against his touch, her hips squirming in their eagerness to grind against Gen's tongue, the way it flickered along tracing the twin curve of labia through the fabric, getting her spicy scent in his nostrils and muzzle.

With a growl, Gen stood up again, tugging down wetted panties and pulling the fox's legs apart to step between them. His shaft pressed at her slit, rubbing against slick skin as he searched for the right spot. She moaned, distracted by Marin's fondling at her breasts, his muzzle's return to once more nipping along her neck.

Her attention was caught, though, once Gen found the right spot and gave a firm thrust, sinking himself deeply inside the fox's warm passage. She gasped, hips arching up to meet him as his barbed shaft pressed inside her.

Gen drew back, his barbs scraping along the girl's inner walls and eliciting a low groan, then slammed himself back inside her, starting up a steady rhythm of squelching thrusts. Meanwhile, the marten continued to hold her, cupping her warm breasts and massaging the nipples, making her body arch and shake from the combined sensations.

Before long, the fox was shuddering in earnest, panting as spasms of pleasure pulsed through her passage and squeezed her around the jaguar cock inside. Gen growled, thrusting in harder as he felt that added tightness, his barbs growing firmer and beginning to twitch, scraping and rubbing inside her.

Marin watched the expressions of his friend and the fox he was mating, and grinned as he saw the telltale signs in Gen's face a moment before he gave the deep, shuddering thrust that began to release his seed inside her, hips continuing to pump as several thick spurts pulsed up inside the girl's squeezing cunt.

Gen groaned, keeping himself buried in the fox for a few long moments as she shuddered around him, and then slowly pulled back, his cock glistening wetly and with little trails of cum dripping from the barbs. He grinned, leaning in to stroke his fingers along her cheek. "Quite nice, my dear.. but.."

It took a moment for her to respond, even once Marin let his fingers drift away from their fondling of her breasts to rest at her sides, slowly petting. She lifted her muzzle, and, voice not entirely steady, asked, "But.. what?"

The jaguar gave a soft, almost bemused smile, sitting on the end of the couch. "I seem to be rather.. messy. I don't suppose you could.. clean me off?" he replied in a purring tone, indicating his shaft with a laconic gesture.

She gave a pant, and nodded, leaning forward to all fours with the aid of a gentle push from Marin, behind her. Her nostrils flared, taking in his scent and her own mingled on the shaft, and Gen gave a smile, reaching to pet lightly along her ears as she opened her lips and lowered them towards his slick tip.

As the fox took the tip of Gen's shaft into her muzzle, Marin reached out with one hand to stroke along one cheek of her rump, the other going down to undo his pants. Gen's hand was light, yet firm, on the back of her head, petting as her tongue traced around and beneath the scattered barbs, cleaning them of her juices and his seed.

Marin smiled, sliding his pants down to expose his hard shaft, the smooth flesh longer and thicker than his jaguar friend by several inches. His fingers stroked up along her rump as he kicked off his pants to the floor, drawing her fluffy tail back across her back, making her rear lift just a little higher in response.

The fox's muzzle spread a little further as Marin kneeled behind her on the couch, one of the marten's paws resting on her back as the other guided his cock towards her folds, dripping wetly with jaguar and vulpine wetness.

With the tip of his shaft lined up against her opening, Marin growled softly and gave a firm thrust, sinking himself into her warm passage. She gasped, feeling that thicker shaft spread inner walls already abraded by the jaguar's barbs, and as she did, Gen's paw on the back of her head grew firmer, pressing her opened muzzle down around his shaft until her lips brushed against his soft, musky fur.

Gen grinned back to Marin contentedly as his cock was engulfed in the fox's wet muzzle, the marten giving a fierce grin back as he continued to thrust, making the fox moan as his broad shaft sank inside her already stretched and slickened passage.

Her body shuddered as the marten hilted inside her, and as Marin paused, she shivered again as Gen's cock twitched in her muzzle, the barbs splaying out as the jaguar began to grow more aroused again, his hips giving a slow roll.

Feeling the squeeze of the fox's passage around his cock, Marin purred in enjoyment, and with his hands down around her hips he began to thrust in earnest, drawing his cock out halfway and then slamming it in again. Her slender frame shuddered with each stroke from behind, her muzzle pushing down onto Gen's cock, and then drawing back a little as Marin's withdrawal tugged her body in the reverse direction.

The jaguar rolled his hips, slowly increasing their speed to meet the fierce pace Marin set as he fucked the fox between them. He stroked along the back of her head, smiling as he discovered she seemed perfectly willing to keep it there, sucking on his barbed cock as she bobbed back and forth and it dribbled thin pre into her muzzle.

Marin groaned as his cock slid inside the cum-filled passage, the seed making a thick lube that let even his broader shaft easily slip back and forth as he pounded the fox. She was pleasantly tight, and her muffled moans as he thrust made him grin and move faster, harder, eager to add his own load.

Soon the fox was shuddering again, her body spasming in waves around Marin's cock, her muzzle around Gen's open to pant, trying to lick, to suckle, but too overpowered by the sensations to do a good job.

The jaguar grinned as he watched, curling his fingers along the back of her head and pressing down more firmly, helping her moaning muzzle to bob back and forth as Marin kept up his quick thrusts behind into that spasming passage.

The marten's claws dug into her thighs as he sank his shaft deeply inside the fox, and then he groaned as he began unloading thick spurts of seed inside her clenching passage. He kept thrusting, more slowly now, as his cock jerked and jets of milky whiteness went to mingle with what Gen had already left.

Seeing that expression of pleasure on Marin's face, Gen gave a pleased moan, and began thrusting harder at the fox's muzzle, pressing his cock up and her head down to meet it, his tip pressing to the back of her throat as Marin continued filling her with his copious seed.

The fox moaned, shivering as she worked harder to suck on the barbed cock pressing into her muzzle, lips pressing down around it and tongue massaging at the twitching barbs. Marin's spurting ceased, and after another slow grind he drew his cock out, a gush of sticky whiteness splashing down from the fox's folds as he did to soak her inner thighs.

Gen kept pumping his cock at the fox's muzzle, groaning as he got close, and as her tongue rubbed at his flexing barbs and Marin sat back on the couch with a grin, the jaguar began to spurt again, hard, fast pulses of seed splashing onto the back of her throat and filling her muzzle.

He left his paw on her head, light but firm, as she sucked on his cock and drew out the thick cum, gently keeping her from drawing back until she swallowed his seed down. Then the jaguar's paw petted down, along her curve of her neck and back, as she slowly drew her muzzle off his shaft, letting out a soft moan once her lips were free and sitting back.

Marin gave another fondle to the fox's rear as she seated herself, grinning over her shoulder to Gen as the jaguar returned a pleased smile. Then Gen leaned forward, brushing his lips to the fox's in a light kiss, and giving her a charming smile.

"Very nice, dear.." the jaguar murmured softly, stroking his fingers underneath her chin. "You've certainly helped us unwind quite a lot, my dear.. what was your name again?"

The fox blushed a little, her ears growing pink underneath the grey fur. "Thank you.." she replied softly, her gaze caught by his. "I'm.. Carli."

Gen smiled warmly. "And I hope you've managed to unwind as well, dear Carli?" he continued, trailing his fingers slowly along her cheek.

She nodded, blushing again as she gazed into the intense green of his eyes.

"Well, then. Perhaps we can help each other again another time," he said, a mild tone of dismissal in his voice as he drew his fingers from her cheek, his smile continuing as she paused a moment, uncertain, and then slowly gathering her discarded clothes and dressing herself as the pair of males looked on, the jaguar with a pleasant smile, the marten with a downright smirk.

It wasn't until she was outside, the door shut behind her, that she realized she didn't even know their names.

Meanwhile, inside, Gen turned to Marin with a soft chuckle. "You certainly do know how to improve my mood.."

Marin just grinned. "Sure do."

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