Big Brother - Getting Off to Classes

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#4 of Big Brother

Eric walked down the sidewalk towards school deep in thought, having just waved goodbye to Sara when their paths parted - she was still in elementary, he in middle school, though they were each in their respective last years.

The ocelot had a lot to think about, with recent events; he'd made love to his sister, and not just once - and she really seemed to like it, too.

Lost in his thoughts and memories, he entirely missed the approach of his friend Theo, a bright otter boy who was in the eighth grade with him, though a year younger at only thirteen. Theo fell into step beside the ocelot, and walked in silence for a few steps before nudging Eric' side with a webbed paw.

Eric jumped, startled, and Theo giggled at his reaction. Finally noticing the otter, Eric smiled. "Oh, hey there.." he said, still a little distracted.

Theo grinned in return. "Hey, Eric! How you doing?"

"Oh.. great!" Eric replied, his face melting into a blissful grin for a moment as he remembered Sara's fur, so soft, and her smile that made her warm brown eyes crinkle as her slick passage held him so close..

"Oh? Something neat happen?"

The ocelot paused, afraid to reveal his new secret. If their parents found out - or any grownup, really; they'd all talk - he'd probably never see Sara again. He blushed, growing embarassed as his mind obligingly pulled up a mental picture of her lithe young body, and stammered, "Uh.. sorta.. but... mostly just in a good mood, you know?"

The otter gave him a skeptical look, head tilted to the side, as Eric blushed furiously and attempted to look nonchalant. Then Theo shrugged, letting it pass for now. "Hey, did you know your shirt's on inside out?"

Eric looked down, and saw that the otter was right; in his rush this morning to avoid discovery, he must have put it on wrong, and the siblings had practically run out of the house to avoid facing their mother, which explained why nobody else had noticed yet. "Er.. heh! Guess it is!"

To another round of skeptical looks from Theo, Eric pulled off his shirt, exposing his lean torso with creamy front and tawny back, adorned with black spots on his lightly muscled chest and with large rosettes down his back, and reversed it before putting it back on.

"I was kinda in a rush this morning," Eric said, feeling he had to offer some form of explanation under that dubious gaze.

"How come?"

As Eric was trying to formulate a good answer - and remembering all the beautiful reasons that he couldn't give as an answer, like the curve of Sara's soft rump, the warmth of her spotted thighs - his shaft began to swell, making a tent in his pants that Theo laughed as he noticed.

"Oh, I get it. You woke up real horny, didn't you?"

Eric blushed harder, and nodded. "I.. er.. yeah," he replied. It was true, after all, even if it wasn't the whole truth. And besides - he so wanted to tell his friend about how wonderful it was, how it felt. "Last night, I -"

Theo grinned, nodding, waiting for the rest of the story.

"- found.. something really hot," the ocelot went on, losing his courage as his voice rose to a little squeak at the end. "Uhm.. it was some.. pictures..." he went on, to the otter's expectant look, "Of a really pretty ocelot girl."

"Neat! Can I see, after school?"

Eric blushed - he should have expected that question, but he wasn't exactly thinking at his best, distracted as he was by the memories of sleek fur under his fingers, the warmth of her lips and her breath tickling his whiskers. "Uh.. maybe. I'd need to.. see if I can find them."

"You didn't bookmark it?"

"I couldn't -" - possibly bookmark her, she's real; that slender young body pressed against his, the wetness of her folds and then the clinging embrace of her passage around his shaft.

Theo nodded, drawing his own conclusions. "Got interrupted, huh? Must have been pretty hot, though, to still have you all worked up about it."

Eric nodded passionately. "Beautiful. Just.. really beautiful. She was slender, but not really thin like most models are. And flexible, and cute.. like she could curl up in your lap and you could just hold her.."

"Too bad you'll never get her, huh?" Theo teased with another nudge to the ocelot's ribs, grinning at his friend's infatuation with - he thought - someone found online.

"Wanna bet?" the ocelot retorted, a bit more fiercely than he meant.

Theo just laughed, figuring it for playful posturing, and after a moment Eric joined him, letting the discussion slide for now; they were entering the school, after all, and he didn't want the chance of anyone overhearing.

The boys made their way to their first class talking about inconsequential things, though Eric was still distracted by the lingering thoughts of his sister, his hardon uncomfortable in his pants.

Halfway through class, the arousal became unbearable for the daydreaming ocelot, and he raised his hand. "May I go to the bathroom?"

The teacher nodded. "But be quick about it."

Hiding his tented pants with a paw, Eric quickly scooted out of the classroom and ducked down the hall to burst into one of the stalls and quickly lock it behind him. The bathroom seemed empty, and he sighed in gratitude as he undid his jeans and slid them down, letting his erect shaft poke free.

Sitting on the edge of the toilet, the ocelot began to masturbate, curling his fingers around his cock and squeezing down lightly on the barbs as he called firmly to mind the way his sister looked, the sound of her voice.

He stroked down towards the base of his shaft, the barbs bending down smoothly, and purred as he imagined her kissing him - holding him close with his cock against not his own fingers but her warm fur.

The barbs lifted as his fingers pulled back towards the tip, catching on his paw for a moment and making him moan as he pictured sliding down along her belly, until his tip pressed at her soft folds instead of his finger stroking across it, smearing at the droplet of pre forming at his tip.

Down his fingers slid again, cock giving a twitch in his paw, as he imagined sliding up inside her tight passage, feeling that enfolding warmth, that slickness. He moaned, picturing it as his hand stroked faster, rubbing up and down along his shaft as his hips rolled.

Back and forth, he pawed at his eager cock, imagining it thrusting deeply into his sister's warmth, hilting her until her his sheath pressed up against her folds like it did his paw, and all those teasing barbs twitching inside her. He moaned again, his foot kicking on the tiled floor as he began to get shudderingly close.

Thinking of the way she held him inside her, so tight and warm, Eric came, his lips forming Sara's name as a creamy spurt of his seed splattered out against the back of the stall door.

Then his fingers slid up, wrapping around the tip of his pulsing shaft to catch the rest in his paw as he shuddered, head back and eyes shut. He gave a low moan, massaging his cock as it spurted out more waves of thick, sticky cum.

Slowly Eric opened his eyes, after the shuddering pleasure of his orgasm had subsided, and uncurled his fingers from his sated shaft.

His paw was stickily wet, dripping with his seed, and he lifted it to his muzzle to take a curious lick, tasting the salty flavor, the light musk and faint bitterness. He'd tasted it before, but it took on a new light now. He wondered what Sara would think of the taste - and what she would taste like to him.

Smiling, he carefully pulled his pants back up, tucking away his cock as it receded, and went to wash his hands before going back to class to attempt once more to concentrate on geography.

Big Brother - Good Morning

Morning came, as it usually did, light pouring through the window of Eric's room to illuminate the teenaged ocelot's bed as his alarm clock went off beside. His arm flailed out, silencing the alarm, and then he yawned, drifting towards the...

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Big Brother - Curiosity

Eric hesitated, hearing his sister's innocent question, the teen ocelot's cock still pressed against the fur of her belly, along with the rather less innocent mess he left there to spark it. "I.. uhm.." "It felt all wet," she added, looking...

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Big Brother - Stormy Night

Eric awoke to the crash of thunder from a summer storm, a particularly loud crack nearby bringing the ocelot to muzzy consciousness. Yawning as he glanced around his room, he noticed a feline shape in the doorway that quickly revealed itself as his...

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