Big Brother - Curiosity

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#2 of Big Brother

Eric hesitated, hearing his sister's innocent question, the teen ocelot's cock still pressed against the fur of her belly, along with the rather less innocent mess he left there to spark it.

"I.. uhm.."

"It felt all wet," she added, looking up at him in the darkness with wide young eyes, and Eric felt himself blushing, silent as his sleepy mind raced to find the right explanation, almost reaching coherency - and then she sideswiped it all over again as Sara softly added, "I kinda liked it.."

Still blushing, Eric let his fingers creep along her slit again, gently petting. "Oh.. I.. I liked it too," he admitted softly, as Sara began to purr softly at his touch.

"Mmh.. that's nice too, big brother.." she murmured, nuzzling up underneath his chin.

Carefully, Eric spread her folds with his fingers, letting one slip inside and find damp warmth. His purr met her own as he gently explored, feeling past the inner folds to find the deeper opening, the little hole near it, and finally up to her hooded nub.

Sara gasped as he found her clit, the flesh already swollen from her half-asleep reactions, but sending a pleasant shiver through her body.

Eric purred, leaning in to kiss at his sister's lips as he stroked again along her nub, enjoying the way it made her squirm and quiver against him.

Her hips rolled and jerked, and she let out a soft moan, muffled against her brother's lips as he kissed hungrily, growing more aroused by the moment.

Shuddering against him, Sara kissed back, lips half-open to pant as his inexpert pressing and rubbing at her clit made her body shake without quite reaching its goal, waves of pleasure crashing erratically through her preteen form.

With the resilience of youth and his feline heritage, Eric's shaft was soon hard again, especially with a motivation like the squirming girl against him. He began rocking his hips slowly, rubbing against her slickened fur, and then paused as a daring thought came to him, fingers growing still as well.

"Hey, sis.."

Sara shivered, panting softly as the distracting sensations receded, leaving her more aroused than before. "What is it?"

"Do you wanna.. try something else?"

"Okay.." she replied trustingly, sure that if her big brother, her protector, was suggesting it that it must be all right.

Eric smiled, drawing his paw out from between her legs, moving it to her hip as he slide his other around to the opposite. He wasn't nearly as certain himself, but the strength of his arousal took the place of surety. "Get on top of me, then.." he murmured as he gently tugged.

Shifting, Sara changed her position, straddling Eric under his guidance. His paw slipped off her hip, and she looked to him questioningly as he reached down, sliding his cock in between her legs and then gently pressing her downwards.

The wetness of her folds was wonderful, so warm and sleek against his shaft as it slipped around them. This must be what they were talking about in that porno mag one of his friends had found, Eric thought, this slickness and heat.

And then she gasped, as the tip of his cock found the opening to her passage and pressed inside, and he felt the tightness of her young tunnel encompass the tip of his length.

Eager for more of that sensation, Eric gripped her hips with both hands, thrusting upwards at his sister's passage with his teenage cock. In his enthusiasm, and the dark, he didn't notice the moment where her face tightened, the strain of feeling herself spread for the very first time.

Slowly Sara's face changed, from the pain of the initial entry to a warmth, a pleasure as Eric's cock started to slide back and forth in eager humps, pressing in at places she hadn't known felt good until now. That was the expression he saw, looking up, and he smiled back to her, thrusting into the tight warmth that was his sister as she began to grind down back against him.

Eric moaned happily, his hands on his little sister's hips, pressing back and forth inside her as he discovered what they were really talking about, this warmth and tightness all along his shaft as he buried himself, slamming upwards until his balls touched her thighs and her clit pressed down against his fur and then back again.

Soon, Sara found her body tensing, the instincts of mating and the firm pressure bringing her towards what that inexpert pawing failed to reach, and she moaned as her body clenched in waves of pleasure, squeezing around Eric's cock in hot spasms as she shivered and groaned to him.

Eric gasped, surprised by this sudden intensity, this crushing strength around his shaft. It felt good, though, so good that he felt his hips jerking, his whole body shaking along with hers, as he came again along with his sister, inside that young passage filled for the very first time by his cock, and filling now with his seed in thick spurts, her own orgasm drawing it deeper inside.

The shudders running through Sara's body slowed, and Eric pulled her down against him, kissing her firmly again as his shaft dribbled out a final bit of sticky wetness before exhausting its supply, having spread it over and within his young sister.

Holding her like that, warm and tired and thoroughly spent, Eric fell asleep along with his sister, drifting to pleasant dreams and avoiding, for the moment, the question of what would come next.

Big Brother - Stormy Night

Eric awoke to the crash of thunder from a summer storm, a particularly loud crack nearby bringing the ocelot to muzzy consciousness. Yawning as he glanced around his room, he noticed a feline shape in the doorway that quickly revealed itself as his...

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