Art Appreciation

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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A trainer takes his female flareon to an art history lecture. Is he really intending to take her to a talk or does he have ulterior motives?

Sorry for the reupload but I was trying to get SoFurry to display it properly. Should be okay now.

AN: This was inspired by Public Spaces Public Spaces , written by avatar?user=60943&character=0&clevel=2 SurryKitten, which I actually read so long ago I can't remember all the details. ^^; But it made me want to write a similar story and this is what eventually came out. Thank you to Omen-the-Arcalithe for beta reading and providing suggestions. I finished writing fairly late so there probably more errors than usual. Needless to say, I neither own nor am affiliated with the Pok辿mon franchise.


Every pok辿mon has stories of great times with their trainer and I'm no different. Well... Perhaps I am a little different. For most pok辿mon those stories are about their adventures. You know, how they made it through a particularly dangerous forest or when they beat a really tough gym leader. My trainer never really went travelling, unless you count his trips to museums and book stores as travelling, so I don't really have many stories like that at all.

"Come on, girl. We don't want to be late!"

Don't we? It was my trainer. There was a sense of urgency in his voice but he was planning to take me to some art history lecture and I was hardly excited for it. It was actually all a bit strange. Yeah, he likes going to talks and things and I get dragged along with him but they're usually interesting. All about the newest pok辿mon that have been discovered or some computer stuff that is... actually not all that interesting. Well, in any case, I'm used to them but I don't remember ever going to one about art.

Giving a yawn, I stood and stretched. I carefully tucked my fire stone under my blanket. It was dull and cool now since I'd used it to evolve from an eevee to a flareon a few years back. It had sentimental value, though, I doubt I'd ever want to part with it. I hopped out my basket, careful to avoid the stacks of books piled precariously high all around the room. They may not look like much but books can be very heavy. I had found that out the hard way.

"You're all ready then?" asked Neil, holding the door open for me.

I nodded, "Flare."

"Excellent!" he exclaimed, almost racing out the flat.

I was about to follow but was brought up short when the door slammed in my face. I heard the key in the lock, followed by a brief period of self recrimination before my trainer sheepishly opened the door again so I could exit. Something was definitely up.


We made it to the venue in the nick of time. Everything I saw there seemed to agree with my earlier thought that it wasn't really the place for us. Apart from a few people the same age as Neil, all of whom looked like they were art students, nearly everyone else was old enough to be one of his parents and many could have been his grandparents. There were a few other pok辿mon with their trainers, two were smeargle, so there was nothing unusual about me being there. Neil's rather casual dress did stand out as everyone else was dressed smarter. The older they were, the smarter they were dressed.

We filed in behind everyone else and took a seat right at the back, behind a pair of old ladies who gave Neil and me a dirty look. I guess they didn't think we looked like the right people to attend an art history talk. I knew how they felt but that doesn't mean they could judge us! I was so tempted to set one of their hats on fire. It would've been good for the world too as it was a hideous pink thing covered with enough fake flowers to fill a meadow. That would've just supported their judgy look though, and got me and Neil into a lot of trouble, so I did my best to ignore it and hop up onto the seat next to Neil.


I was right about the talk. Just ten minutes in - or was it five? - I knew it wasn't long but it felt like hours, and my eyes had already started to glaze over. There was the occasional interesting picture but then the speaker would just drone on and on about it. What was I even supposed to do for the next hour?

I spied a loose thread on Neil's clothing. It wasn't much but batting at it was at least a little more stimulating than the droning from the front. It also, I noted with glee, might just annoy my trainer. He deserved it after bringing me here. He'd left me at home before, so I knew that wasn't a problem, but tonight, for the most boring talk ever presented, he had insisted I accompany him!

I felt his hand on my shoulder, his fingers burrowing through my fur to massage my muscles. I looked up; I expected he'd either be looking sorrowfully apologetic or annoyed at my antics. At times he would idly pet me when engrossed in watching something but this would certainly not be one of those times! He was looking down at me, but... he was... grinning.

As I tried to parse this new information his hand gently blushed down my side. Perhaps he knew something was going to happen on stage. Was there a prank planned? It wasn't necessarily impossible but what happened next scattered those thoughts as if they were plastic peanuts in a hurricane. His hand passed over my hips, followed the curve of my body, squeezing between me and the chair, and came to rest with his fingers against my nether lips!

My eyes widened. He wouldn't! Not here. Suddenly that grin made sense; he'd intended for this. Don't get me wrong, I love to yiff and, yes, I do it with Neil. It's a bit of an open secret that pok辿mon and their trainers are often intimate. You're together all the time and the bond you share is intense. Many pok辿mon and trainers would do anything for one another and, when the time comes, that often includes sex. Neil and I didn't go on any adventures together but we spent nearly every moment together and I can't even recall the last time I saw the inside of a pok辿ball. So, yes, we yiff but he'd never done anything like this before!

Neil's fingers continued to trace my outer lips, sometimes teasingly soft and pressing more firmly. I squirmed in the chair, wondering whether I should leave. Would it be better to wait it out or should I just jump to the floor and go outside? Perhaps jumping down would draw more attention to me...

As his fingers glided down my slit, slightly parting my folds, I couldn't help but let out a soft moan.


He knew what he was doing there. Every touch was carefully placed to make me want it more and guided by countless nights of experience.

I was growing wet. I couldn't feel it in my fur yet but I knew how eager my body was and how warm the room suddenly seemed to be. Then my nose twitched. It was subtle, a slight tinge of cinnamon to the air. The atmosphere was almost imperceptibly thicker. There were people less than a paw's reach away from us! There was no way they wouldn't smell me! I closed my eyes, trying to calm the fire within me. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem. Heck, would they even know what an aroused flareon smells like?

My breath came in shallow gasps and I had shifted the weight on my paws, lifting my rump for my trainer to have better access. He knew he had me. What did I care for the room around me when I had his fingers down there? Mmm! I could feel his index finger slowly inching down my tunnel. It rubbed back and forth. It was too narrow to really satisfy me but each touch made me need more. I could feel I was wet now. A bead of my juice run over my lips and dripped onto the seat below me. My scent was strong. There was no mistaking it. I'm sure the two women in front of us muttered something about "that creature" but nothing came of it.

I was about to whine as Neil withdrew his finger but suddenly I had to fight back a gasp as he plunged two fingers firmly in my cunny. His other hand stretched around to rub my head and neck as he started to fill my tunnel with short thrusts of his fingers. After a furtive glance around the room, Neil leaned down next to me and kissed my cheek. It was brief but it felt good and I couldn't help but prick up my long, orange ears. He kissed me, in public! It was strange that that felt so good with all that he was doing on my other end but I found it sweet. As he sat up straight once more, his free hand ran down my back and pulled my tail around to his side. I think he did it to dampen the slurping noises my spade made each time he pulled his fingers back.

Squelch. Schlk. Sprorg. Squick.

"Mm... Ungh... Mmrrr... Ah!"

It was so hard to be quiet. I squeezed tightly around his digits. His fingers and hand were long since coated in a sticky, scented film of flareon juice. His fingers didn't have the girth and force I'd have preferred in a rutting but they made up for it with dexterity. They would curl and twist, creating sensations that no penis could manage. His other fingers weren't idle either; I could feel them slipping over my cunny lips and grinding over my clit!


"Excuse me, young man," came an irritated voice.

I opened my eyes and froze mid shudder. Both the women in front of us had turned to face us, annoyance plain on their faces. We were busted!

"Your pok辿mon is making a lot of noise. It is most distracting," scolded one. "If it is unable to conduct itself in an appropriate manner it might be wise to keep it in its pok辿ball until you are home."

They didn't know! My heart was thumping in my chest. My fluffy tail was serving to conceal the exact placement of Neil's hand. That came as a bit of a relief but I don't think I've ever been that nervous before. They were right there while my trainer's fingers were knuckle-deep in my snatch! Not only were they still there, he wasn't stopping!

"I'm sorry, I left her pok辿ball at home," explained Neil. "She's just a little excited today but she's usually very well-behaved. I'm sure she will try her best not to disturb you. Isn't that right, Flareon?"

Even as he spoke he didn't stop moving his fingers. He stopped thrusting but I think that was just because the motion would've been too obvious. I could feel his thumb pressed firmly against my pleasure button, grinding against it as his fingers did likewise in my steamy depths.

Somehow I managed to nod in assent and croak out, "E-eon."

"See? She'll be good. I just really want to see what comes of this. You know?"

Neither of the pair looked particularly impressed with our responses. By all the legendary pok辿mon it was all I could do to stay still. If they hadn't been there I would've pounced on Neil and been grinding myself all over his front until he took me! I could feel the pleasure building up inside me. It must be how a volcano feels. So much heat, so much pressure and I could feel it all welling inside, just wanting to finally be released. Oh please turn around!

"That was a rather short-sighted decision, especially if you knew your pok辿mon was not in condition to appear in public."

I couldn't hold it any longer. My whole body tensed up, every muscles straining against itself. But still I had to keep quiet. I had to keep my tail down. Gah! I felt a shudder run right from my nose down to my tail. First one. Then another. Then another. And again. How were Neil's fingers not crushed as my walls contracted around them, pulsing rhythmically and, with each spasm, sending a flood of my heated fluids dripping from my vulva?

"What's she doing?" asked one of the women, staring intently as I silently gasped and shuddered before her.

Neil seemed thrown for a second but quickly recovered. "It's kind of like stretching," he explained. "She tenses her muscles instead of just running around and disturbing everyone. Then she's able to relax again. See?"

Relax? I practically fell off the chair as I flopped down. Neil quickly reached with his free hand and guided me down onto his lap. It was a bumpy resting spot. The women eyed me panting there for a little longer. Obviously they had never seen a flareon orgasm before. Or perhaps they'd never seen anyone orgasm before. As they turned back to face the speaker at the front of the room, one of them wrinkled her nose.

"You should probably give your pok辿mon a bath."

With no one watching, Neil finally slid his sodden hand from between my legs.

"Good girl," he whispered.

I was still too worn out to reply. I did enjoy the belly rubs though. Wait... No! He was using my belly fur to dry his hand off! Of all the nerve. I gave him a dirty look but I don't think it was a very effective deterrent.

Neil waited a few minutes then gently shook me.

"I think it's best if we leave a few minutes early," he whispered.

As I rose to my feet I felt something wet under my paw pads. It was the seat I'd been on. The cushion was totally soaked with my juices. I felt a wave of shame wash over me and quickly looked from side to side in case someone had noticed. Everything looked clear but I doubted it would stay undiscovered for long. So, as silently as possible, Neil and I made our way to the exits. He seemed not to be bothered by what he'd done but I kept glancing around, expecting someone to see the mess, expecting someone to notice my scent or the damp, matted fur beneath my tail. No one did and we quickly left the room.


"Flare! Flareon!" I barked at him once we were outside.

Neil looked back at me, his eyes sparkling, and kept walking.

"Something wrong?" he chuckled.

Something wrong? He'd just fingered me to climax in a room full of strangers! I let out a growl then shot a burst of flames at his face. The attack lit up the dark night but he easily anticipated and dodged the fire.

"Okay, okay, okay. You're mad but let me ask something. Did you enjoy yourself? Did it feel good?"

He was really asking that? We could've got into so much trouble! But... I did think about it. The adrenalin was still running through me and I could feel my heart pounding. I felt jittery. It had been ages since I last experienced a rush like that! Neil's smile broadened even further as I hesitated.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed. "You can't hide it from me, you dirty girl." He reached down and ruffled my fur, the motion letting the chill air under my coat. "I haven't seen you that wet in a while. I probably shouldn't have sprung it on you like that but I didn't know if you'd agree to try it if I told you beforehand."

I gave a sigh, he was right. I probably wouldn't have agreed. Even afterwards, despite how good it had felt, merely the thoughts of repeating the act caused my breathing to quicken and the butterfree to rise in my stomach. But between my legs it was toasty warm...

I could see the light of Neil's flat down the road. He was going to have to extinguish that heat before he'd have any chance of getting sleep. And after that? Would I do it again? Yes! Arceus help me that scared me but I was definitely going to do it again.

The End

It's Unsafe In The Tall Grass (Nicobay Commission)

**It's Unsafe In** **The** **Tall Grass (Nicobay Commission)** By: Rakuen Growlithe AN: This was commissioned by Nicobay to accompany a series of pictures. It's a bit different from what I usually write. Normally I wouldn't put so many sex scenes so...

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