Puppy Training (By: Volsar)

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#14 of Gifts and Commissions

The last gift story I haven't uploaded. This is from way back in 2010. Also it's got some really weird content that will not appeal to most people. Please read the tags beforehand. The story is by Volsar. As usual with gifts/commissions, I have not gone through to fix typos or errors.

Volsar appeared on the base floor of his tower, looking around. This was the floor where he kept his pets and welcomed his visitors. A simple open room with ample blankets supplied for his pets, food dishes, a drinking fountain, and a less then private bathroom area. But he was here looking for one pet in specific. Rakuen, his pet growlithe.

He let out a small yawn as it was getting late, and he was going to go to bed soon, but not without his puppy. He looked around and finally spotted him curling up to go to sleep in a blanket. Volsar walked up to him casually.

"Hey Rakuen, going to bed?" He asked, in a casual tone but wearing an evil grin. Rakuen looked up at him tiredly.

"Yeah... it's late. You also need to sleep." He replied. Volsar nodded, still wearing his grin.

"I know. I was about to go to bed, but I wanted to know if you wanted a warmer place to sleep tonight." Rakuen raised an eyebrow, knowing things with his master were not as they seemed.

He lets out a low whine. "Uh uh. Your places are never good. I just want to sleep in my bed. It's too late anyway to do whatever your thinking." Rakuen put his head down, trying to fall asleep.

Volsar kneeled down beside him. "Don't worry, you can rest well in there too. You will be well protected." He smiled as he placed his hand on the growlithe's head, using his attack target minimize. Before him, the fire type began to shrink in size until he was only about an inch or two tall.

Rakuen was covered his blanket, disappearing into the folds. "Help!" He yelled, as he was getting pinned by the heavy blanket. Volsar dug him out quickly before he hurt himself.

"He he, got ya." He held him as they teleported to Volsar's private quarters.

The room was dark, but visible. It was much smaller than any other floor, but it was by far the most furnished. In the middle of the room was a large circular bed. It had warm purple sheets, various sized pillows, and strangely a clean diaper unfolded atop of it. Rakuen looked around the room curiously, he having never been in it before. Though, his focus was still his current predicament, trying to push Volsar's fingers open.

"Do I get to share the bed with you?" Rakuen asked, but he knew the answer was never that nice.

Volsar looked down at Rakuen in his paw. "Maybe tomorrow night, for tonight though, your sleeping in my hole." He chuckled, before he planted a wet kiss on the micro puppy. He let the idea sink in as he brought his paw around back, lifting his tail.

"No! Not that! You can't do this to me!" Rakuen tried to crawl out of Volsar's grip, starting to cry.

"Yes I can." Volsar replied in a deeper tone. 'You will be fine." He started to push Rakuen into his tight hole. The puppy tried to stop the advance, but he just sank into the pleasantly tight grip of his anus. He whimpered, trying to crawl out of the musky air.

Volsar pushed him in fully, smiling the whole time. It gripped tight around Rakuen, putting some pressure on his body. He felt so restrained as the hole closed behind him, wiggling more urgently. The pressure left him trapped and pinned inside Volsar's tight ass, and there was nothing the fire type could do.

Volsar placed the diaper on, strapping it properly and making sure it was snug. He slipped into bed and relaxed, starting to fall asleep. Inside of his anus, Rakuen whined. The puppy's erection slowly grew as he struggled, feeling the pressure all around him. His struggles were in vain, as no matter what he did, he wouldn't budge, pinned inside of the abra's musky tailhole.

Volsar smiled in his sleep His body was relaxed, letting gas pass through his bowels. Soon, the little pup was breathing in the foul gas, it passing by him and out of the abra's rear with a quite toot. His erection dwindled with the stink, but it didn't stay like that long, as he couldn't resist his sub instinct, being totally immobilized inside of another pokémon's anus.

The night held a similar series of repeating events. Volsar's ass would grip tight around Rakuen, stirring the pup's erection. It would grip, applying pressure to it, stimulating it further. Upon letting out a fart, the tight grip would loosen slightly to let the gas past. The moving against his cock would bring the pup to climax, and the cycle would begin again, no matter how much he squirmed, both from pleasure and the nasty smell. By the time morning came, Rakuen's chest was coated thick with his own seed.

Volsar has slept in a bit, waking up slowly. It took him a few moments to remember his pet was in his butt. "Sleep well Rakuen?" He grinned as he asked the pup mentally. Rakuen, who hadn't been able to sleep at all, had no idea what time it was, so he took Volsar word for it.

Volsar shrugged. "That's too bad. Well maybe you can sleep well after this next part." He chuckled as he stood up beside his bed and spread his legs, letting out a very strong fart. Rakuen was blasted by the smelly gas, shooting his cum once more onto his sodden belly.

"Well Rakuen, let's push you out with my morning mess." He groaned a bit, feeling a log of shit beginning to push through his bowels, approaching the fire pup. Rakuen looked at it approaching him, struggling weakly, but knowing it was inevitable. The brown turd pushed headfirst into Rakuen, squishing around him. It slowly pushed out of his ass into the diaper still clung tight on Volsar.

The stinky log landed in the diaper, Rakuen pushed out with it, pawing his way out of it. He grinned, finally free of the hole, and out of the log. It was cut short though a Volsar pushed out another log, right onto him. The scat pushed him against the back of the diaper, oozing over him. Slowly it filled the back of the diaper, covering the pup. He dug and clawed his way through the shit, gasping for air as Volsar kept piling more on him.

The padding soon became damp as Volsar emptied his bladder as well. Though, Rakuen didn't notice, as he freed himself from the pile of scat, pushing up and climbing up the back of the diaper. His fur streaked brown; he climbed, trying to reach the rim.

With the last of his strength, the puppy made it, holding onto the rim with one paw, glad he had gotten himself free. He smiled a little victoriously, until Volsar caught the little pup. He shook his rump, causing Rakuen to fall back onto the shit pile. The now defeated Rakuen looked at Volsar's rump as it pushed out its final log. His cock stayed poking up between his hind legs, even when lay there in the shit, his nose twitching madly. Volsar, having finished his release, sighed in relief. Moving now toward the bathroom, his next action in mind. He shook his rump as he walked, causing Rakuen to struggle to keep above the scat, slowly sinking into the sticky embrace.

Volsar walked into his bathroom, grinning as he sat down on the toilet lid. His butt squished the shit in the diaper, and pushed Rakuen deeper into it. The pup struggled hard under Volsar's weight, but was trapped, fully covered in dung. He gasped for air, but only got a bitter mouthful of scat.

Volsar enjoyed sitting in his shit for a few moments, before he removed the diaper and rolled it up with Rakuen inside. The fire pup winced, swallowing the mouthful, digging and finding an air pocket, but began to whimper when he couldn't find a way out.

Volsar dropped the diaper in the trash, a bark from Rakuen, as he walked in a quickly washed off his butt in the shower. He dried it and started to walk out, when he heard Rakuen, calling for Volsar.

"Please...Master!" That clicked into Volsar's head. The puppy had learned something from this, and there was hope yet for him. He mentally picked up the diaper from the trash, levitating it towards him. He held out a paw and it unrolled in it, revealing the tiny pup in it.

"Master, I knew you would let me out." He let out a nearly happy bark. Volsar looked down at Rakuen, deciding he had been a good boy though the night. Volsar picked up the pup and placed him on the floor, before returning him to his original size.

"You did well Rakuen, but I have one last thing for you to do." Volsar said, still holding the diaper. Rakuen looked up at him curiously.

"What is it?" Rakuen asked, his ears falling.

"I want you to eat your breakfast." Volsar grinned and placed the full diaper down in front of Rakuen. The pup looked at it for a moment in disgust, but decided that it would be worse not to do it. Besides, master had been nice enough not to let him rot in it.

"Yes master." He said, as he lowered his head, and started to eat the shit from the diaper. Volsar watched happily as his puppy cleaned out the diaper of his scat, eventually licking at the padding. Soon the diaper was like new, scat free, save for a few stains. The puppy looked up at his master.

"You did well Rakuen." Volsar nodded. "I have a reward for being such a good puppy." Rakuen didn't like the sound of it, but it would be his master's wish.

"First clean yourself up. As I am going back to bed to relax for a while, you may rest on my bed as well with my. No scat, no bondage, just a pup lying on his master's bed with him." Rakuen eyes widened as he began to clean himself, watch Volsar move toward the bed.

He cleaned himself quickly, getting off the scat that still clung to him, before walking beside the bed. He hopped on, seeing master reading a book. He moved beside him, laying his head on Volsar's lap. Volsar looked down at his pet, proud that he had such an obedient fire puppy.

Pack Hierachy

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