The Growlithe's Punishment (By: Cheetahlover)

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#9 of Gifts and Commissions

Another old gift, this time from FA: CheetahLover as part of a story/art trade thing. Necessary warning, this story is really harsh so if you do read it you have been warned.

The Growlithe's Punishment!

By CheetahLover

"RICKI!!! Get your Growlithe under control! This is the last time I'm going to tell you!" the young trainer's roommate shouted.

Ricki ran into the living room, after hearing the shouting, which was immediately followed by a loud yelp. As he entered the living room, his Growlithe came running out of the kitchen and hid behind the couch.

"What did he do this time? And why did he yelp?" Ricki asked, confused as to what just happened.

"I was making myself a sandwich and your stupid pokemon started humping my legs and ass!" announced his roommate, Nick. "So I kicked him in the fucking balls!"

"You kicked--why would you do that, Nick?!" Ricki retorted, quite upset at such a cruel gesture.

"Hey, don't get mad at me! You should have had that mutt neutered a long time ago," Nick states, glaring at the Growlithe for a moment, before returning to the kitchen.

Ricki wasn't sure what to say; half of him was mad and half of him was annoyed. Tomorrow he was heading back home to attend his sister's wedding, and he couldn't bring Growlithe with him, which means he had to leave him in the care of his roommate, Nick. So, while he was angry at Nick for kicking his pokemon, he didn't want to say anything that might make things more difficult for him, and his Growlithe. Letting out a deep sigh, Ricki simple walked over and began petting his Growlithe, telling him he was a good boy, trying to calm him.

The next day, Ricki was all packed and ready to go. His Growlithe could tell his master was going somewhere, and so he was excited too. However, when he tried to follow his young master out the front door, he was greeted with a hand waving in his face, halting him.

"No, no! You have to stay here, buddy. It's alright, I'll only be gone for a week," Ricki stated, trying to cheer up his Growlith, who was looking rather sad. "Just be a good boy...and please, please be a good boy. Try not to upset Nick too much, ok?" The Growlithe simply whimpered as his master patted him on the head, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, mutt!" Nick shouted, causing the Growlithe to jerk a bit in fear, "come get your breakfast already!"

The Growlithe was afraid of his master's roommate, but he was hungry. So, walking cautiously, he made his way into the kitchen, smelling dog food. Dog food is not what his master usually gave him to eat, but he was hungry, and decided to listen to his master and not anger his roommate. The Growlithe simply stuck his head into the bowl on the ground and began to chow down on the tasteless meal that lay within. As soon as he was finished, he started to leave the room, but his vision began to blur and his legs started to try and give out.

"Wow...that stuff works quicker than I thought it would," Nick announced, watching the pokemon struggle to stand, before flopping on the ground, out cold. "Heh...have a nice nap, mutt."

As he finally began to wake up, the Growlithe tried to move and quickly became aware that he couldn't. He was lying on his back, on the floor, strapped down so that he couldn't move. Moving his head about, he saw the ropes that held him immobile, as well as the ones that held his front and back legs out away from his body. As he moved his head towards his front paws to bite at the ropes binding him, he quickly realized that his muzzle was bound shut too.

"'re awake," came a familiar voice; it was Nick. "I've been waiting for a while for you to wake up. That shit I put in your food was pretty strong; not even kicking you in the balls woke you up!"

It was odd; just the knowledge that he had gotten his balls kicked while he was out of it, suddenly brought back some familiar pain in his groin. That's when he saw a foot come up between his legs and nail him directly in the balls once again. The Growlithe whimpered and whined as the pain in his groin flared to unimaginable heights. Suddenly, for some reason, amongst the agony, the Growlithe felt his sheath stir and thicken. He wasn't the only one to notice either.

"What the--are you getting off on this, you fucking mutt?!" Nick shouted, stepping around to the side of the Growlithe. Swinging his foot out again, this time landing a vicious kick right into the side of the Growlithe's large sheath, bringing forth a loud, muffled yelp from the bound pokemon. "Ricki should have neutered you a long time ago...but after the annoyance you've caused me, I'm gonna enjoy nutting you myself!" Nick announced, walking away to get something.

After recovering from the initial pain of getting kick in his most tender parts, the Growlithe looked back down his body at his male bits. He stared at the red tip of his penis, which had hardened enough that it had slipped out of his plump sheath. Even he was confused as to why he was getting aroused after getting his male parts abused in such a way. As the pokemon stared at his own genitals, suddenly the human's foot reappeared, this time coming down directly on his fat sheath, literally stepping on it and smashing his semi-hard cock into his own abdomen.

" really are getting off on this!," Nick announced, grinding his soccer cleat into the pokemon's sheathed cock. "Like my shoes? I'm wearing them just for you!" he stated, making sure he mashed as many of the sharp spikes in the soul of his cleat as he could into the tender male flesh. Lifting his foot up, Nick slammed his spiked shoe back down, this time onto the pokemon's large ballsac. Nick grinned from ear to ear as he listened to the Growlithe whimper and whine in agony. With all the stomping, grinding, and tugging Nick's foot was doing, it wasn't long before the Growlithe's cock was fully hard and sticking mostly out of his sheath. The only part that was still trapped was the canine's knot, which was fully swollen and stuck just inside his sheath. Nick noticed this as well.

"What the hell is this?" Nick muttered, using his foot to nudge at the off swelling trapped inside the pokemon's sheath. Directing his cleat away from the mutt's large testicles to step on and grind the odd swollen lumps inside the sheath. This got some new sounds from the Growlithe, ones that angered Nick. "Why are you enjoying this so fucking much?!" he shouted, giving the swollen lumps yet another hard kick. The brutal kick was actually hard enough to knock the swollen knot free from its fuzzy prison, but not without a lot of pain and whines. Nick stared at the entire length of the Growlithe's canine cock, swollen in full arousal. Looking at the pokemon's swollen knot and bloated balls, Nick got another nasty idea. "I've got just the thing for those..." Nick mutter, before walking off again.

By now, the Growlithe's body was trembling from the pain emanating from his crotch. He just wanted the pain to stop. Looking down his body, his cock was harder than it ever had been before, and his knot swollen bigger than it had ever felt before, but he still couldn't figure out why. About that time, the human returned, and with him he carried two strange looking contraptions.

"Wondering what these are I bet," Nick stated, grinning maliciously as he held them up to see better. "They're some sort of large vices...found them in the closet when I moved in." With that said, Nick squatted down and instantly began positioning one of the vices around the Growlithe's large balls, before he began to twist the crank. At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds the vice finally began to clamp down on the pokemon's tender nuts. This brought an instant whimper, and then a yelp, as the mutt's testicles were suddenly being compressed and crushed. Nick continued to tighten the vice, only stopping when he was sure that another twist would rupture the now misshapen orbs. The canine pokemon was whimper and fidgeting in agony, but his erection never subsided, which reminded Nick why he brought the other vice. Picking up the other one, Nick grasped the Growlithe's cock at the base to steady it, holding it at the sheath just below the knot, not wanting to actually touch the wet-looking organ; it looked gross to him. While holding the cock steady with one hand, Nick used his other hand to slide the open vice down the slick shaft, before resting it up against the thick knot near the base. Now that it was in place, Nick grinned cruelly once more as he began cranking the vice close.

The Growlithe watched, breathing heavily in fear, while still whimpering due to the pain of his smashed nuts. At first, as the vice tightened on his knot, it felt nice. Sure, the metal was cool to the touch, but the pressure on his knot was quite natural and pleasant first. However, as the vice continued to tighten, the pressure passed the point of pleasure and turned into pain. His knot was suddenly being crushed and misshapen just as his nuts were. Although his knot was still swollen and refused to go down, the vice forced some of the blood filling it out and into the rest of his shaft, causing it to bloat and swell even more. The shiny, wet flesh that covered his shaft was starting to stretch and strain due to the amount of extra blood that was being forced into his shaft. With the vice slowly crushing his knot thinner and thinner, it made the blood entering his shaft harder to get out.

Nick stood up and admired his handy work. "You know...I had planned on just busting your balls for a while and then cutting them off. However, seeing that having your nuts abused seems to get you turned on, I think I'll keep torturing you for a bit before I do that," Nick explained, as he reached out of sight briefly before turning back around to reveal what he had reached for; a metal ruler. Kneeling down next to the Growlithe, Kick raised the ruler, took aim, and brought it down with an audible _snap_on the exposed portion of the mutt's crushed testicles. This brought an instant yelp from the bound pokemon, followed by another and another as Nick continued to whip the abused testicles with the metal ruler. Suddenly the whipping stopped, but almost instantly, the whipping picked back up, this time on his bloated shaft. The whipping was soon alternating between the canine's cock and balls every few swings.

The Growlithe yelped and whined each time his tender shaft, or his squished nuts, got smacked by the cold, metal ruler. His balls were almost numb by now, only a dull throbbing soreness, but his cock was a different story. His knot was almost crushed flat, and his shaft was bruised purple in all the areas the where the ruler hit him, with welts lumping up over the once smooth surface. Suddenly, the whipping stopped, and something worse started up; the vice crushing his knot began to slowly tighten once again, as did the vice smashing his aching nuts.

"Well, that was fun, but now I think it's time to make sure you never hump my leg again!" Nick stated cruelly, using both hands to crank down both vices. Nick watched sadistically as the pokemon squirmed and wiggled in his bindings, trying to free himself from the horrible agony, but to no avail.

The Growlithe's nuts were on the verge of bursting, as was his knot, it was only a matter of which came first if this kept up. His answer came without any real warning; his testicles. There was an audible wet, popping sound as both of the Growlithe's testicles ruptured inside their fuzzy sac, one right after the other, allowing their mushy remains to slip right out of the once tight grasp of the vice and flop uselessly against his groin. However, the Growlithe barely even moved now, as his mind had practically gone into shock from the pain racking his body. Luckily, his knot didn't suffer the same fate, as the human stopped cranking the vice crushing his knot as soon as his nuts burst.

After the vice around the pokemon's destroyed testicles slipped off, Nick decided to leave the Growlithe's cock just like it was; ruined. So, he began loosening the vice that was still crushing the swollen part of the canine's cock, allowing some of the blood that was trapped in the rest of the shaft to exit the abused maleness. However, no sooner was the vice off, and the mutt's shaft began to shrink, before Nick began kicking the ruined cock and ruptured ballsac once again; the spikes on his cleats leaving more bruises and small cuts along the tender shaft of the cock. Nick continued kicking the abused Growlithe's cock and use-to-be balls a few more times, before he brought his foot down on the semi-hard maleness, smashing it against the pokemon's abdomen once again; the cruel sharp spikes digging into the mushy flesh, causing large amounts of pain that racked the Growlithe's already frazzled brain.

After several more minutes of cock abuse, the tortured organ finally made its way back into its furry holder, but not without some struggle, since his knot was permanently ruined. Growlithe would be lucky if he ever got hard again, although that might be hard since his testosterone level would soon drop in time. His brain couldn't handle it any longer and the Growlithe passed out cold.

Nick, on the other hand, simply grinned at his handy work and began gather up his things. He was done, he had his revenge. All he had to do now was wait for the pokemon to heal a bit, and come up with a good story for his roommate, Ricki, to believe as to why his pokemon was in such a shape when he returned. Actually, thinking about it, he'd have to come up with the same story to give to the poke-vet, since he'd need to take the Growlithe and get him really _fixed_up so that he would heal correctly.

The End

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