Dining Out

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own pokémon or related franchises. The following story contains explicit content and is not suitable for readers under 18.

AN: The following story is an accompaniment to my latest picture Vaporeon Nyotaimori. It's also drawn inspiration and motivation from a few real news stories, such as the exploits of "sushi king" Kenny Kuene's dalliances with nyotaimori and stories of erotic supper clubs.

PS: This is coming to SoFurry at least a day before anyone else will get it!

I was more than a little excited when I saw the email in my inbox. Hot Cuisine Contest - _ Congratulations!!! _ It was from the poképhile newsletter that I subscribed to. A few weeks earlier they had profiled the opening of a new restaurant whose claim to fame was its 18 age restriction and the liberties diners were allowed with the staff. Of more interest to me, and my fellow poképhiles, were the reports that the restaurant was quite tolerant and that some of their offerings included pokémon. That's not to say they were ever explicitly offering sex but all their tables were private and they turned a blind eye to the actions of their patrons. The profile had included a competition to win an all-expenses-paid dinner on the night of the winner's choice. I was that winner!

Just days after hearing I'd won, I stood in the queue, printed voucher held tightly in my hand. The restaurant was heavily in demand and, even with a booking, you had to wait. I wasn't surprised. Knowing why people wanted in I was sure a number of meals ran a bit longer than normal, furthermore, considering it was still a restaurant, I am sure a bit more than just wiping down the tables was required to keep the health inspectors happy.

It shouldn't be thought that the operation was sleazy though. They were not cheap and all of us waiting for our chance to enter were dressed up more than would be usual. My own blazer and trousers, unusual for me, were actually one of the more plebeian outfits on display. Appearances were everything. Guests in their Sunday best, recessed lighting, leather seating and monogrammed paraphernalia were the order of the day. In a sense they tried too hard. Everything was too clean and too well-lit, giving the feeling that it was all superficial. It felt like a up-market casino, where the opulence was nothing more than a façade to distract from the grungy reality. I was getting my turn though and any musing on the nature of the restaurant were quickly swept away in the growing excitement as I walked through the frosted glass doors.

"Do you have an booking, sir?" queried the head waiter. "I do," I replied. "It's under Smith. Table for one." I offered the voucher as I confirmed and he scanned down the list of names. "There are a surprising number of Smiths living around here," he observed. "I do believe you are the seventh today. Everything seems to be in order. Would you prefer a waiter or waitress?" I took the voucher stub back from him before replying. "Either is fine." With naught other than the fleeting elevation of his eyebrows, he motioned a scantily clad waitress over who led me into the restaurant down a red carpet. To either side were various closed doors, each one leading to a private room and table accommodating up to 12 people, at least according to their website.

"Here is your table, sir," stated the waitress, bowing slight as she invited me into my own booth. Though small and enclosed it nonetheless didn't feel cramped, perhaps a trick of the lighting. I took a seat on one of the two padded, leather couches set against the walls and facing the, also painted black, and admired the decorations. The floors were tiled, mottled grey, no doubt easier to clean, and, while the lower half of the wall was fairly nondescript, from waist-height to the ceiling consisted of a silver metalwork on a backlit, blue glass. I doubted all the rooms were as dark but the effect was beautiful. "I will be back shortly," continued the waitress, once again drawing my attention. "Here is your menu and I hope you enjoy your time here." More than you expect, I thought, eagerly opening the menu to begin perusing. It didn't take me long to find something just to my taste, a task made much easier by the all-expenses-paid voucher I had. With a smile tugging the corners of my mouth I leant back and waited for the waitress' return.


"May I take your order?" I nodded, "Thank you. I'd like a bottle of champagne and the fruit maki served on a female vaporeon." "Very good, sir. It will be ready shortly. Large dishes like that are served through an opening in the wall." She gestured to a tall panel at the side of the table, which was flush with the wall, where the usual glowing decorations were absent. "If you need anything else," she continued, "there is a button near the door. You may pay as you leave. Unless you require any other services there will be no further interruptions." I thanked her as she left and tried to calm myself, although not with any great amount of success.

It barely seemed like any time had passed before the panel on the wall slid down. I expected a glimpse of the kitchen but beyond that point was darkened and all I could make out was a conveyor belt. Sliding along the belt and, in moments, onto the table was my plate. It was covered with green bamboo shoots, for decoration, and then a vaporeon, lying on her back. On her belly sat the maki rolls, pickled ginger and wasabi paste while next to her was a bottle of soy sauce, packet of chopsticks, glass and bottle of champagne. I realised I'd been holding my breath and released it as I reached out to stroke her blue body. She was cool to the touch and, judging by the way she shone in the light, her rubbery skin had been oiled. She gave a soft "porrr" as I stroked her, looking up at me with her bright, intelligent eyes.

I sat back and split my chopsticks, eyes still roaming up and down her smooth form. I had seen pictures of vaporeon before but this was the first time I'd ever seen one in real life, let alone touched one. My hand was trembling as I poured some soy sauce on her belly. From the shaking a few stray drops fell lower and I watched as they slid down her streamlined body,running between her hind legs and right over her nether lips. I gulped. My cock was already hard and I hadn't even had anything to eat! In contrast to my own trembling, Vapreon lay almost completely still, just her eyes blinking and the barely perceptible rising and falling of my maki as she breathed showed that she was still alive. Even as the soy sauce ran down her tail she remained motionless, perfectly trained.

Completely blind to the rest of the world, I took my chopsticks and picked up the first piece of sushi, it happened to be avocado, and dipped it in the soy sauce on her belly. As I started to chew I could hardly believe it, here I was eating off a vaporeon! I was sure my face was red, I certainly felt hot, and I could feel my dick straining at my pants beneath the table. I was surprised I had enough blood left in the middle to help digest my food. I had to hold back though. I had plenty of time, time enough to savour every amazing moment.

As I took the second piece I let my left hand run over her muscular tail. I wanted to touch her flower but I held back, partly nervous and partly because it was just too soon. Skirting around it, my hand drifted over her thigh and up her hind leg. This must have tickled because she couldn't prevent a twitch. "Careful," I whispered. "We don't want to spill anything." I held her paw, thumb running over her pads and between her toes. She had cute paws and, like the rest of her, they were absolutely clean. On impulse I took one of the pieces of ginger and draped it over her foot. Following a quick pause, I then leant forward and closed my mouth over both her paw and the ginger. Her toes wiggled slightly against my tongue but she didn't seem to object as I sucked the ginger from her paw. I was definitely blushing now. And I'd probably want to be careful about how easy it would be to see the front of my pants on the way out.


With each piece of sushi that I ate, I continued to explore the vaporeon's body. One piece and my hand would stroke her belly. A second and I'd trace the fins on her head. Each time she quietly complied, her cool, sensual body moving easily to accommodate my ministrations. I'm not sure if it was the chef or the vaporeon but those pieces of sushi were some of the best I've ever tasted. Or at least I think they were. I'm sure I enjoyed them but part of the meal is a bit foggy. What isn't is what happened next. That's something I don't think I'll ever forget.

Once the last piece of sushi had been devoured there was just me, the vaporeon and a half bottle of champagne. Her belly was a little dirty now but she still looked as sexy as when she'd been presented, all neat and shiny. I trailed a finger through the left-over soy sauce, feeling the bumps of her nipples, the only "blemish" on her otherwise smooth skin. Closely watching her face, I let my finger run over them, around them and, occasionally, to pinch them. I saw every understated gasp, every time her eyes close and heard every time she gave a soft moan. She was clearly loving it and finding it increasingly difficult to remain as still as her training required.

"Do you think this will be even better?" I asked her just as my hand slid down to her flushed love folds. She felt slick and so warm. My right index and ring finger gently stroked on either side of her mound while my middle finger traced the centre line, waiting... I realised I was holding my breath again as I waited for a response. The vaporeon looked right into my eyes and she nodded silently, not wanting to break the moment. I gave a broad smile and pressed down, my finger feeling a bit of resistance before her lips parted around it and welcomed it to her dripping tunnel. I bit my lip, left hand fumbling as it sought to open my pants and right hand beginning to gently finger the beautiful creature supine before me.

As I began to thrust my finger faster I added a second finger to the mix, slipping both all the way into Vaporeon's muff. She curled upward slightly, giving the cutest coo of pleasure I've ever heard, and I could feel her warm tunnel clenching over my fingers. My whole hand was sticky by this point and her own juices were running freely down her tail and wetting the bamboo leaves below her. I stood up slowly, all the while doing my best to keep pleasuring her, and let my pants fall to the floor. I kicked them aside while my member stood up proud, throbbing and red, finally free from its prolonged confinement.

Vapreon gave a dissapointed "eon" as I withdrew my fingers to climb on the table, straddling her body and knocking my glass over. It landed safely on one of the couches and I gave it no further thought. I ran my wet fingers over the vap's blue belly, collecting the last vestiges of wasabi and, much to her surprise, rubbed the mix over her lips just before bending down and kissing her deeply. My actions were so much impulse, a mix of all the naughty fantasies I'd ever had playing out together. It was messy. It was a public restaurant. It was a pokémon. It was a vaporeon! I don't know how it could have been but my first kiss with her, with the champagne leaving me tingling and the potent mix not only of her muzzle but her own pussy juices and just enough of a burn from the wasabi, was near perfection.

Luckily I'd removed my blazer earlier because at that point our bodies were pressed close together, along with all the mess that entailed. I paid it little attention however, the more pressing issue being the vaporeon's tongue that was currently wrapped around my own. My cock was pressed tightly to her slick skin and I let out a loud moan as it sent a rather thick spurt of pre over her belly. I think that woke her up to the fact that I was so pent up from my meal that she had to get me while the going was good. Smooth as flowing water, she rolled the two of us over. That did result in us falling off the table but just onto the padded couch beside it. This time I was the one on my back, with a sexy pokémon straddling me.

Vaporeon didn't waste time, probably a safe move on her part, but positioned her steadily leaking cunt at the tip of my twitching cock. With a single thrust she buried my shaft into her folds, muffling my deep groan by once again filling my mouth with her tongue. I didn't have the strength to offer her much, my body numbed by the pleasure of her pulsing feral cunt, so different to the toys I had tried to pretend with. Luckily for me she was more than willing to take charge and I was soon to learn that her powerful tail was useful for far more than swimming. Copying the movements she'd make in the water, her tail swung and down with more than a little strength. Each movement forced her body to compensate with exact opposite movement, resulting in her slamming onto my length harder and, I dare say, faster than I could have managed myself.

"V- vaporeon... I c-can't... hold on... much longer..." My arms were wrapped tightly around her back as I tried to push back the orgasm I could feel rapidly approaching. I wanted it, of course, but at the same time I didn't want to stop. I wanted her body and mine together, the wetness of her juices pouring over my crotch and the sweet scent of her breath on my face. There was nothing for it though and with a loud cry I thrust my hips up to meet hers, my cock jerking as I shot pulse after pulse of my cum into her cunt. One shot, two shots, three shots... Just when I thought it would be done I felt her tense up above me and her cunny suddenly clamped even tighter, rippling over my member as her own orgasm pushed mine to even greater heights.

The two of us lay entwined for a good few minutes after our climax, gasping heavily as we basked in the afterglow. She was the first to move, giving my cheek an affectionate lick as she rose on trembling legs. As my cock slipped from fold there was a rush of cum that soaked my balls, bringing a wide smile to my face. I sat up then and realised how long my meal had actually taken. Worried someone would soon be checking up on me I quickly got dressed, just taking a moment to wipe the largest puddles of cum from my skin. There was no way I could clean up the couch or table with what I had available though and I realised, with a blush, that there was no way to hide what had transpired. "You only live once, right?" I muttered to the vaporeon. "Por!" she called back, her eyes sparkling. I chuckled as I turned for the door then hesitated, turned to her again and took my phone from my pocket. "Um... You know... for tonight..." She grinned back at me, turned around, bent over and lifted her tail. There was a flash as I took a photo of her swollen and dripping folds, the juices running right down her hind legs. "I'll be back once I save up some money," I promised her then headed for the door, determined to pay and get home as quickly as possible.

Even as I rushed I could swear I felt my pants growing damp. Just keep moving. No one's looking. But I was leaving the restaurant everyone wanted to be at and I didn't believe that for a minute. The wink my waitress gave me as I went passed her didn't exactly help either...

The End

Ransom Soul (2013)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, the following story is fanfiction. An: An old story from when I was Gardie. This version has minor changes to the text. _Thoughts_ \<Pokemon speech.\> "Human speech." ----- Ryan was fourteen-years-old and had been...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 22

**Chapter**** 22** Dark Growlithe felt the warm glow of the sun land on his face and slowly opened his eyes, revealing their haunted appearance. Next to him, Cream lay dead, never to move again. Dark Growlithe felt his heart clench as he remembered...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 21

**Chapter**** 21** Bandit sat, flanked by two vaporeon guards, in front of an arc of vaporeon, made up of Steam and four other respected vaporeon. The luminescent mushrooms that grew in some of the caves had been gathered into little piles, their...

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