A Taste of Variety (By: Zipeaukovich)

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#12 of Gifts and Commissions

Another old gift story. This one is by Zipeaukovich from a long time ago. He also helped me run my furry BDSM forum for a while but that never took off. There are errors in here but I've not changed any of the work.

Rakuen peered out of the escape pod, left then right, looking for signs of anyone. It seemed clear and he went off, sneaking down the corridor. The Growlithe was heading to a storeroom for a secrete meeting with a friend he had met online only weeks earlier. The friend, a young kinky lizardman had told Rakuen that he worked on the pride of the Imperial Space Navy in the slave facility (though he would not say exactly what he did) and after finding out Rakuen's likes had offered to sneak him a go on one of the newest 'machines'.

After what seemed like an eternity to the Growlithe and passing several furs that looked at him suspiciously, he finally reached the store they had discussed and he slipped inside. Waiting for him, in nothing more than a neat (but very tight!) loincloth, was Damien.

"Good, you made it Raky, anyone stop you?"

"Nope, but I think it was close - are we far? I don't want to go out again"

"No, no we're exactly one deck up, we just need to take this cargo lift down. You go first, I will be right behind"

Rakuen just nodded as they moved towards the lift. He didn't like the idea of going down first but he trusted Damien so he was quite happy. He actually fancied the look of the lizard boy from what he had seen on the internet but in real life he was even more gorgeous! The Growlithe climbed into the small lift and descended into the room below...

The room was in darkness, but the canine could make out that it was a fairly well adored test room, not a storeroom like he expected - it looked as if the machine was all ready to be used along with all its diagnostics equipment.

Rakuen jumped as there was a bang behind him, but it was only Damien coming down on the lift.

"There she is" said Damien as he clapped and the lights came up "Jump on and we can get started"

Rakuen was suddenly overcome with excitement and struggled to undress himself at high speed. Instants after his underpants were shed he rushed over to the waiting chromed machine. It was shiny, metallic and looked very serious and heavy. He jumped onto it like a motorcycle without first looking at it properly.

Taking in the machine properly he noticed that there seemed to be big metal tubes for his legs and arms to slot into.

"That's right" said the lizard as he helped Rakuen up so when he went back down his arms and legs all went down there own individual tubes at the four corners of the contraption. The lizard then tightened the straps across the Growlithe's back, holding him into the machine indefinitely.

"Hay I can still move my arms and legs Damien?" complained Rakuen

"Don't worry you're stuck now and I'll deal with that soon"

Damien stared the machine up and set it in initialisation mode. Suddenly the arms and leg ports 'inflated'. Latex cushions lining the inside of the tubes filled with air, holding Rakuen's extremities firmly, as well as softly, in place. Next a heavy rubber mask was secured over Rakuen's muzzle; it held a large pipe in his mouth that protruded about 4 inches in. Finally his tail was secured against his back, worryingly exposing his rear. The Growlithe was now totally secured and at the mercy of the machine and his new friend.

"Ok bud it's ready to go, the rest of the set-up will be done when the programme starts - all I have to do is push this button!. Before I go thought there is one thing I think you should know."

"Oh?" asked Rakuen curiously

Damien smirked: "I'm not just a normal worker here, I work in grooming and beta development"

Rakuen's face dropped behind his mask and Damien continued: "I lured you here under the premise of a friendship, the truth is you have been abducted and will be used to test this new machine. You will be force fed the cum of various species and milked of your own cum, you will have to cum 10 times and produce constant samples before the test will end. There is also an 'extra' element of the test but I will let you find that out for yourself!"

The lizard, still beaming, pushed the start button and left the room locking the door securely behind him.

Rakuen was in shock, he never saw this coming, he did not however have much time to think it over as the machine started up on its programme.

Firstly a slot opened beneath his crotch and his penis automatically slid into the machine. It was sounded by a latex bag that pressurised to hold him in and erect [he had been erect since descending into the room!]. It was not like he could pull out anyway, the straps across his back held him in tight. What felt like a thick elastic band was also wrapped around his balls and tugged at them slightly - though it was not too tight to begin with.

Next panels on the body of the machine slid away to reveal little clams that clipped onto Rakuen's nipples painfully. They were attached to the machine by taught little cables and where the butterfuly type; they tightened when pulled upon. A cable was also wrapped around his balls, pulling on them tightly as well. This stopped any wriggling about from the young Growlithe. A little screen then rose in front of him and read 'readying', it was obviously for some form of instructions he would have to follow.

Finally a contraption rose smoothly from the back of the machine and positioned a large metallic phallus just inches from his exposed tailhole.

Suddenly the machine started its programme.

The latex bag holding his cock tightened. The cables attached to the nipple clams took up all the taught and more uncomfortably the metallic cock forced itself, after only light lubrication (that seemed to seep through the metal skin of the cock), into the poor canine's tight butt.

Writing appeared on the screen: "Subject, you will now be milked until you orgasm 5 times. Over that period you will be fed the semen of 5 different species; wolf, fox, bat, dragon and unknown. Throughout the test you will also be tested under stress; the sensor in your ass will require you to clench your rear with the rhythm shown on the screen or you will be punished."

Everything began to vibrate (including the nipple clamps) and the first cum, the wolf's, began to come through Rakuen's muzzle. It started slowly, and he could swallow the salty sticky substance with ease, but it soon picked up until it felt as if the thick pipe couldn't handle any more and the canine had to gobble down the cum to avoid drowning in it!

The screen began to show a video of a blue wolf pawing off, undoubtedly to try and spur Rakuen on, and it was working, the wolf was a very attractive young stud. Rakuen felt a twinge between his legs; he was going to cum! Seconds later, and even surprising the Growlithe himself, his cum issued forth, spurting from the end of his cock into the latex bag surrounding it. His precious seed was quickly sucked away by the vacuum.

The vibrations did not stop after he came, the only transition was that the wolf's seed coming through his muzzle, slowly faded into the new type - fox. The foxy cum was similar but distinct to the pervious canine's milk, it was smoother, less fatty and easier to swallow. It did however come in a larger volume! (foxes are sluts Rakuen thought to himself) The next film, one of a dominating fox with black tattoos predictably appeared on the screen beating his meet, it seemed that there would be no breaks for Rakuen, the machine simply taking his cum and fading the next segment in.

Something did change though, he felt the metal phallus in his butt, pulsate slightly (after it had warmed to his body temperature he had completely forgotten about it). Then the screen changed too, a transparent grid seemed to overlay the film of the fox and the grid its self seemed to be moving upwards at a constant rate. Suddenly words appeared on the screen, scrolling from the bottom to the top at the same speed as the grid (thus they appeared to be stuck it). The speed the grid was moving at meant Rakuen didn't have much time to read each word, a situation compounded by the fact he was still being milked and force fed semen. However it seemed to say:

"This is the slave trainer rhythm system. Rhythm markers will appear on this grid and move upwards, as they pass the centre line on the screen you must squeeze down on the phallus in your rear with your anal sphincter. Long markers imply a held squeeze. Missed markers or markers incorrectly hit will result in a punishment. This system is designed to analyse the effect of distractions concentration and thusly a distraction technique may be employed at anytime thought the test. This test will continue until all other programmes (milking test active) have terminated."

Rakuen didn't quite understand what was happening but he had played another game like this once before (minus the sexual torture and enslavement!) and he thought he had a good chance of getting through unscathed. He was wrong...

As the test began and markers began to appear one after the other, he missed the first note. This caused the chord wrapped around his balls and the ones attached to his nipple clamps to pull a little tighter, the click of a ratchet signifying that one missed marker meant one increment in the ratchet. This didn't seem too harsh a punishment (despite the pain the Growlithe was already in) but once the pain and surprise from the first mistake caused him to miss a few more before regaining his rhythm left his nipples and balls painfully stretched he realised that this was probably going to hurt!

After he had settled into his rhythm and gotten used to it it wasn't so bad even with him still trying to swallow the fox cum, but then he realised that he was going to cum soon. He didn't know if he could possibly keep this up through an orgasm, but he had to try.

He came, his second load felt as large as the first but it was sucked away just the same. And predictably he missed a marker, though he got his balance very quickly this time, only causing a little more pain to himself.

The next cum came through, this one was very different. It was less salty than the canines and much more spicy, it was like someone had mixed in Tabasco sauce! This was clearly a dragon. And right on cue an trim purple and gray dragon appeared on screen, his large black weapon dripping pre as he pawed.

Rakuen settled back into his routine, the hot dragon cum beginning to burn his mouth and making keeping rhythm all the harder. Suddenly something else changed - brushes raised from the bottom of the foot tubes and up under the Growlithe's feet.

The brushes began to spin at high speed and tickle Rakuen's feet! He could not see this happen so the surprise mixed with the panic of being tickled cased him to miss several more markers, only the pain exceeding the effects of the tickling bringing him back. His nipples were now being pinched very tightly by the butterfly clamps and his balls were being stretched very far.

His only salvation from the pain was the inevitable orgasm. His third load exploding into the machine. He could swear that his orgasms were getting closer together and stronger each time!

The cum changed again with the image on the screen. The new cum was almost unbearably sweet to taste and the young Growlithe was not surprised when a large gray fruit bat appeared on the screen. He was a creepy creature, elegant and beautiful but with a murderous dangerous glint in his eyes. He worked his fine maleness with pride and menace.

Rakuen tried to ignore the sweetness of the cum he was swallowing as he returened to thinking of the rhythm on the screen, his butt getting very worn out from the vigorous work out. Soon though, after only missing one or two more markers, Rakuen was cumming again. He felt in intense pleasure in his groin and shivered (or would have if the straps weren't so tight!). Only one to go the Growlithe thought to himself!

The final cum began to filter through. This was an altogether different seed, it was very hot and seemed to tingle in the mouth on contact. Rakuen instantly recognised it as Growlithe cum, hot like any fire type Pokémon and not spicy like dragon cum, but with undertones of salty canine it was defiantly from a Growlithe. More than that it was his, they were force feeding him his own previously milked cum!

Rakuen was terribly embarrassed, but he needed to keep focused, for just a little longer, just one more! The rhythm game went on, still tickling and pulling tighter occasionally. The cecless humming of the vibrators also droned on, it seemed like it would never be over.

But then... finally... it was, Rakuen spurting his last almighty orgasm into the machine's bowels. The it all began to wind down; the rhythm program stopped (through the cables to his nipples and balls stayed tight as ever), the phallus withdrew, the vibrators turned off and the cum teetered out. It seemed over, but he was still held captive very tightly and didn't know what would happen next.

Damien reappeared and Rakuen looked up at him in contempt.

"Yoooo basttat!" he tried to shout, forgetting he was still gagged.

"Oh calm down dear, your pain here has only just started." The lizard smiled evilly "You tested the machine admirably, it seems to work well, maybe need a few more failsafe though! You almost lose these" he said twanging the taught cable pulling on Rakuen's balls, sending a jolt of pain through his body, "You are now ready to start your new life in the slave facility being trained as a sexual service salve - buyers will pay a lot for one so rare as you. To be part of our family here you need to have two things" the lizard brought out two items...

One was a collar, plain black with a tag dangling from it. The other was a branding iron.

"It will be welded down later, for now this will do" said Damien as he buckled the leather around Rakuen's neck tightly.

The Growlithe was however more worried about the brand. It was circular and seemed to have a spiky pattern around the outside containing a crest made up of a cane, brand, manacles and a ball gag. The words 'Servitus est Libertas' sat above the crest and 'Male Sex Slave' bellow it.

"Now I know you're I fire-type boi, which is why I've brought this!"

He stepped aside to reveal a metallic cylindrical container with LN2 written on it. Rakuen's stomach dropped, for a fire type like him that would be like pouring molten lava on a normal fur.

Damien opened the container, steam emanating from it, and dipped the brand in it. Once he withdrew it it was blue from cold and hissed at the surrounding room temperature air aggressively.

Rakuen began to panic as the lizard approached with his weapon, writing and squirming but achieving nothing more than tugging as his nipples and balls more.

"Oh behave, this will hurt I wont lie but take it like a man"

Damien's words did not console Rakuen any and immense pain encapsulated his entire body as the brand was pressed hard into his thigh. He squealed in agony through his muzzle and the tube still in his mouth. He trashed about as much as his bondage would allow (not very much) and twitched in sheer pain. After the brand was removed it took several seconds for Rakuen to regain his senses and several minuets for the pain to die down to a tolerable dull sting.

Damien stepped forward and rubbed over the Growlithe's newly adorned flesh, the brand mark standing out perfectly in black against his more usual red fur.

"There we go, I think that will do nicely" said Damien as he began to unstrap Rakuen and prepare him for his new life as a slave.

The Growlithe's Punishment (By: Cheetahlover)

**The Growlithe's Punishment!** **By CheetahLover** "RICKI!!! Get your Growlithe under control! This is the last time I'm going to tell you!" the young trainer's roommate shouted. Ricki ran into the living room, after hearing the shouting, which...

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