It's Unsafe In The Tall Grass (Nicobay Commission)

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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Commission for Nicobay based on a series of nine pictures. Lots of smut focussed around Skrien the umbreon and SoFurry gets it first! The pictures are now available on Nicobay's FA page:Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9

It's Unsafe In The Tall Grass (Nicobay Commission) By: Rakuen Growlithe

AN: This was commissioned by Nicobay to accompany a series of pictures. It's a bit different from what I usually write. Normally I wouldn't put so many sex scenes so close to one another. It did make it quite challenging but I think some parts should shine out with the others carrying you through. Then again, readers and authors often see the same work totally differently so I'm very curious as to how this one comes across. Some minor changes were recommended by Omen.

Disclaimer: I do not own pokémon or the characters contained in this story. Pokémon belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak. Skrien and Nicobay belong to Nicobay. At times there may be sections which use special formatting. I can only guarantee the story to display correctly on SoFurry.

The day had, at first, seemed as though it would be entirely uneventful. It was only when Skrien was making his way back home that afternoon that things changed. There was just the slightest motion out of the corner of his eye and a soft rustle from a patch of tall grass.

"I don't appreciate being spied on," Skrien growled, turning to glare at the grass, "so come out of there before I drag you out!"

There was no audible reply but a single green vine slowly rose from the foliage.

"Nicobay? Is that you there? Stop playing these silly- Hey!"

Quick as a flash, the vine whipped forward to wrap itself around one of Skrien's forepaws, causing the umbreon to stumble as it pulled taut. While trying to pull himself free, still grumbling about Nicobay's childish antics, he failed to notice as a second vine slithered past him and turned as if to admire the black pokémon's rump. The vine paused a moment, waiting until Skrien's tail lifted, then darted forward, sinking into the male's tight hole.

Skrien jumped back, giving a surprisingly girly yelp as the vine found its target. His tail hole was strictly an exit only and the green intruder was an unwelcome, and uncomfortable, intruder.

"Nicobay, you faggot! Get that out right now! Wait... You aren't Nicobay!"

The owner of the vines, an ivysaur, had finally revealed himself. He had a grin on his face as a third vine slipped from the flower on his back, moving like a snake as it slithered forward. The vine wrapped around Skrien's paw gave a strong tug, bringing the umbreon forward and holding him in place as the ivysaur aimed his flower bud at Skrien's face.

"Saur!" he called, as a cloud of sweet scent hit Skrien directly.

Almost immediately the umbreon felt his face grow flushed as the alluring scent began to affect his perception. The vine in his rump gave a wiggle and began to withdraw until the bulge at its tip pulled gently against Skrien's entrance.


The vine tip was small but to Skrien even that slight bulge felt large but, with the ivysaur's sweet scent clouding his mind, it didn't feel all that bad. Much to his embarrassment, his sheath began to stir.

"You'll make a good little slut, won't you?" asked the ivysaur, not waiting for an answer as he pulled Skrien's forelegs out from under him and mounted the umbreon's head.

Underneath the grass pokémon, the sweetness in the air was replaced by thick musk, the source of which was now poking up against Skrien's muzzle. He growled, shaking his head and attempting to throw off the stocky male but not risking opening his muzzle. If this was going to happen he was going to be on top!

The umbreon's thoughts were interrupted as the third vine suddenly joined its twin in sinking beneath the bree's tail, further stretching him out. Skrien gasped loudly, immediately regretting his action as the ivysaur grabbed the opportunity and thrust into his open maw.

Skrien's long ears flattened against the back of his head as the taste of pre filled his muzzle. When he tried to go back, the vine slid deeper into his rump, twisting together and teasing places that have never been teased before. When he tried to move forward, his cheeks bulged around the saur's dripping shaft. The worst part for the dominant bree was that his cock had slipped entirely out of his sheath. He tried to tell himself that it was just the effect of the sweet scent that was now blowing in the breeze but there was another part that kept whispering that he was really enjoying himself.

Ivysaur had none of Skrien's confusion regarding their situation and was gleefully thrusting his cock into the dark-type's muzzle. He let out a deep moan, coating the umbreon's tongue with thick globs of pre that held a creamy, vaguely minty flavour.

"Just... a little... more..." grunted Ivysaur.

Seconds later he gave a loud cry, burying his shaft to its base in warm bree muzzle and releasing his fertile seed. Each pulse of the grass pokémon's cock released a fresh burst of cum, causing Skrien to blush deeply as he drank down the other male's essence.

"I knew you'd make a good slut," commented the ivysaur as he dismounted, "but it's not good to keep pokémon waiting..."

Ivysaur slid his vines out from Skrien's rump and curled one around one of the umbreon's hind legs. With a gentle pull, Ivysaur rolled Skrien onto his side while holding his hind leg up to keep the bree's tail hole and cock exposed. Skrien's eyes widened and his blush deepened as he saw a grovyle, drawn by the sweet scent on the breeze, waiting with an already erect cock.

The grovyle stepped out of the long grass and quickly closed the distance between them. Ivysaur's vines uncurled and moved away once Grovyle had a grip on the umbreon though one lingered, indicated towards and poking at the dark-type's pre-stretched anus.

"H..hey... you can't be serious," stammered Skrien, looking nervously at the large cock that was now throbbing just above his own.

The grovyle smiled down at the umbreon, "Perhaps you'd prefer it lubed?"

He placed one paw behind the umbreon's head and guided Skrien forward until his black nose bumped against the sticky cock tip.

"Go on. Lick it," instructed the grovyle, gently rubbing it against the umbreon's soft face fur. "I already know you like cock in your muzzle."

Skrien grimaced but the thought of having his poor tail hole ravaged by that throbbing member was sufficient motivation for him to begin licking. Each time his tongue ran up the warm flesh, the umbreon got another taste of Grovyle's pre. It was similar to Ivysaur's but there was a slight difference and the longer he licked the more he wondered how different the climax would taste. Without thinking, he slid his lips over the shaft, imagining the feeling of a second muzzleful of cream.

"Whoa, slow down there!" exclaimed Grovyle, grinning. "I've got my eyes on a different hole."

Grovyle let go of Skrien's head, though maintaining a grip on his hind leg, and positioned his cock against the pink bud beneath the umbreon's tail. Skrien's eyes were clenched shut as he quietly whimpered to himself.

"Just relax," said the grovyle, his voice strangely soothing. "You know you want this. Just let it happen."

Then, slowly but steadily, he began to stretch the dark-type's hole around his cock. Skrien trembled as his rear was opened to the width of the vine tips and then further. With the tight grip Grovyle had on his leg there was little he could do to stop the intrusion.

Just breathe deeply. Try to ignore the sting. Breathe in and out. In. And out again.

Before he even realised, the grovyle's hips were pressed to his rump, the full length nestled inside of him. It was only when the grass type gave the fox pokémon's cock a vigorous stroke that he meeped and realised the pain was fading away.

"Good slut. Such a good slut. You're learning quickly."

"W-what! I'm not a slut!" growled out Skrien in protest.


Slowly Grovyle drew back, eliciting a low moan from Skrien as the umbreon's walls relaxed. Then he pushed forward once more, his way smoothed by the coating of pre and drool. Again he pulled back and thrust forward, faster this time. With each subsequent thrust he increased in speed and force, careful not to go faster than Skrien could handle.

"Uh... uh... Ooh!"

Skrien gasped loudly as the cock inside him pressed against his prostate, sending a sudden jolt of pleasure up his dick. Using that as a signal that the umbreon was finally ready, Grovyle adjusted his grip and began to thrust freely. Each push from his powerful legs brought a yip from the umbreon, his long, ringed ears flopping back and forth. At the same time the dark types cock was twitching and dripping all over the ground, an outward sign of the intense pleasure that was building inside.

Grovyle couldn't hold out for long in the hot, tight confines of Skrien's rump and, with a loud cry, he buried his length all the way to the base. Skrien murred loudly as he felt thick spurts of cum filling his tail hole and dripping out as the grovyle pulled away.

"Th..that was it?" asked Skrien, rolling onto his back to look at Grovyle.

The umbreon's pink cock was still rock hard above and dripping onto his midnight black belly.

"I need moooore!"

He batted at his shaft, letting out a soft whine. The grovyle, though, ignored his pleas and turned around to disappear into the tall grass once again. Skrien sat up, frowning with disappointment while his cock twitched with unfulfilled desires. He had just about resigned himself to finishing off alone when he heard what sounded like hundreds of tiny bells behind him. The umbreon turned around to see a the blue, snake-like form of a dragonair gliding towards him. The smooth contours of its body were broken by the dragon's throbbing member protruding from his genital slit. Running his tongue over his lips, Skrien got up, tail wagging, and moved to nuzzle his new companion.

The dragonair smelled different to the grass pokémon. It seemed... cleaner and more airy, yet still intoxicating. With his eyes closed, the horny umbreon ran his muzzle along the smooth, glistening scales until the air was filled with musk. Skrien opened his eyes to see the serpentine dragon's shaft just before his nose, a milky drop of pre quivering at the tip. Driven by his lust, the umbreon closed his lips over the dragon's tip, murring as he sucked the pre away.

The dragonair gave a pleasured "rwaar," twisting and coiling while trying not to slip away from the warm tongue now caressing his flesh. He leant down, nuzzling up Skrien's neck to nibble at the bree's ears in gratitude. Slowly, the dragonair's tail slid beneath the umbreon, the tip slipping into his loose tail hole up to the first blue orb.

Skrien gave a meep as the thin tip wriggled its way into his rump, feeling much like Ivysaur's vine had. The pressure of the first orb beneath his tail was different though and the cold made him shiver. As he looked up, he saw the dragon grinning down at him and could feel the tail grinding against his entrance. Skrien knew what the dragon wanted and he knew what he needed. Without questioning it, he let the dick slip from his muzzle as he sat back on the tail.

For a moment, there was just pressure on his anal star. Then, suddenly, the first transparent orb popped past his sphincter, causing him to yip. The second, larger orb was now flush with his rump as he continued to press back. It was round and the diameter made it difficult for his untrained rear but he knew he had to have it as well. As it finally popped in, Skrien felt his lust spike and he reached forward to grab the base of Dragonair's cock with both fore paws and drag his tongue along its underside.

The long, snake-like dragon churred happily, twitching as the sensations ran up his spine and along his coils. He could feel his orgasm slinking nearer with each motion of the bree's tongue and began to pump his tail faster into Skrien's rear.

Skrien's moans as the twin orbs ground against his prostate were muffled by his mouthful of cock. His knot was swollen at the base of his own dick and it was all he could do not to drop to his back and finish himself off. Without warning, Dragonair's tail began to tremble wildly and Skrien suddenly found his muzzle filled with creamy dragon spunk. Gulping it down, he pulled back to give a loud moan of pleasure as his own cum finally shot out over the floor. Dragonair wasn't finished that quickly though and the second and third spurts of sticky cum, splashed over the bree's face, matting his fur.

Satisfied with the umbreon's performance, Dragonair curved his body down and planted a kiss on Skrien's cheek. The umbreon gave a yelp as the dragon then popped its two tail orbs free and started to fly away, producing a musical tinkle as it went. Skrien watched it go, wiping the cum from his face and licking his paw, but his period of rest was swiftly interrupted as two arms gripped him beneath his fore legs and pulled him up.

Skrien looked back, finding himself firmly gripped in the arms of a rare male kangaskhan. The biped's cock, hot and smearing pre against his tail, told him all he needed to know. As the kangskhan lifted him up, Skrien used his hind paws and tail to position the throbbing dick against his pucker. Although the kangaskhan was the largest male he'd been with yet, his back door was well-lubed and fairly stretched. All it took was the steady pull of gravity and the pink flesh began to disappear inside of him.

The two pokémon moaned with pleasure together, Skrien's cock full and throbbing again as the thick kangaskhan cock spread him wide, stimulating all the his most sensitive internal regions. Skrien gave a squirm once he'd been hilted, murring at the pressure inside. Just feeling the horny umbreon wriggling wasn't enough for the kangaskhan though, he needed to rut someone good and hard. With no warning he suddenly pulled Skrien up off of his shaft then thrust up, back into the umbreon's warm embrace.

The kangaskhan was either incredibly pent up or Skrien's tight hole was just too good to resist because it seemed to Skrien that barely any time had passed before the large pokémon signalled its orgasm with an echoing roar. Blast after blast of cum shot from the thick cock, causing Skrien to twist and moan as he struggled to take it all inside. Once the cock was no longer blocking its exit, the kangaskhan's seed poured forth onto the ground until there was just a sticky white trail staining the umbreon's black fur.

Skrien sat down, panting lightly, after the kangaskhan left. He couldn't deny how good everything felt but it was starting to take its toll on him. He wasn't used to having anything in his tail hole but just that day he'd taken two vines, two cocks and a tail! He was about to flop down on the ground for a snooze when he noticed a new scent breaking through the cloud of musk and cum that surrounded him. A cookie! Revitalised, the umbreon raised his nose to sniff it out. It didn't take him long to find it in a clearing just a few metres away.

"You're all mine, cookie," he smiled, licking his lips as he lowered himself in preparation to pounce.

Just as he was going to leap, a shadow flashed over him. He looked up and saw nothing. A moment later a brightly-coloured mix of scales and feathers swooped down on top of him.


It was Archeops, the first bird pokémon.

"If you want my cookie," he cried, "you'll have to earn it first."

As he spoke he flapped his wings, trying to position himself correctly. Skrien could feel the flying type's dick bumping over his haunches and balls, leaving a slimy trail as it went. Lifting his rear, the umbreon reached back with a paw, gripped the bird's shaft and helped it find its mark.

Compared to the kangaskhan, Archeops was tiny and, with his goopy rump still recovering, Skrien found it far less satisfying. But the cookie would be so good. Delicious with sweet flecks of chocolate that would melt on his tongue... Inch by inch, Skrien started to crawl towards the cookie even with Archeops thrusting into his rear and his own cock trailing over the grass as he went.

The reptile-like bird pokémon realised what the dark fox was doing as soon as he began to move but waited until the umbreon could almost reach the cookie before acting. He closed his talons around Skrien's hind legs and began to flap furiously. It was hard work but he was able to lift the quadruped off the ground and pull him back a few metres. The rapid flapping had the added effect of burying his cock in the umbreon far faster and harder than he'd managed through more traditional means. With the added tightness, as Skrien tensed his muscles in surprise from suddenly being lifted, Archeops nearly dropped him as pleasure threatened to overwhelm him.

Skrien too found the short flight far more pleasurable and, as soon as they had landed, began crawling towards the cookie a second time. As the process repeated, he began getting closer and closer to the treat. Archeops was growing tired much faster and, as the speed he leaked pre increased, finding it more and more difficult to focus. Skrien didn't care whether he would cum first or get the cookie first as either one seeming just as enticing.

The outcome was finally forced by Archeops. As he lifted he dark furred fox into the air for about the fifth time he was no longer able to hold out. As he called out his climax to the air, he lost his grip, dropping Skrien the short distance to the ground followed by a spray of white rain following as his dick slipped free.

Skrien happily nommed on the cookie as he watched Archeops fly into the distance, not even caring that some of the first bird's cum had landed on it. He'd had a lot of fun but he really did have to be getting home to Ciel, Nicobay and Malyabay; his wife and kids. He swallowed the last morsel of tainted cookie, murring, "That's better than milk and cookies," before turning for home.


Skrien heard a strange grunting coming from behind a hill. He stopped and tilted his head. Whatever it was didn't sound dangerous, it seemed more frustrated and annoyed. Curious, Skrien crept around the hill to see what all the noise was about. There he found a charizard, sitting with his large reptilian cock engorged and standing to attention between his legs. He was trying to paw off but his hands were too small and ill-suited to the task. Each time he tried to stroke himself, his cock slipped right out of his paws, bringing forth another frustrated growl.

Skrien watched the spectacle for a while out of sight, chuckling to himself. It was almost comical how the fire dragon was unable to satisfy himself, his attempts only serving to increase his frustration. Watching the charizard's shaft flicking back and forth, with pre running down the length to make it glisten, was also starting to arouse the umbreon himself. He became more and more aware of the emptiness in his rump and the concurrent need to remedy that until he finally stepped forward.

"It looks like you could use some help," he commented, adding a less-than-subtle wink.

The charizard turned to Skrien, looking the black-furred quadruped up and down.

"You really think you can help?" scoffed the dragon. "You'd be split in two."

"On a little twig like that?" shot back Skrien. "I've seen a bigger dick than that on an eevee."

The charizard glared at Skrien, blowing a puff of smoke from his nostrils, "Then be my guest, Nancy."

Skrien snorted as he swaggered closer to the fire type, "I'm a nancy? You can't even get off without a male between your legs."

Once he was within reach, the charizard bent forward, gripping the back of Skrien's neck in one paw and dragging the umbreon against his chest where he held him tightly.

"There's no shame in a tight hole to help you get off, but only a fag will take it!"

With that comment, the charizard pushed Skrien down, burying half of his cock in a single movement.

The first thing that Skrien noticed was the heat. Being a fire type, Charizard's internal temperature was much higher than a normal pokémon and his cock seemed to radiate heat. It wasn't intense enough to burn him but Skrien could definitely tell that it was there and it wasn't long before he was panting heavily. The heat was far from unpleasant though. The increased temperature added something he'd never felt before and seemed to make all the sensations that much stronger.

"Little.. fag.. enjoying.. herself?" grunted the charizard, one word per thrust.

Skrien just gave a low moan of contentment even as a blush spread over his face. He was a male! He shouldn't be enjoying it... Yet, if he shouldn't, then why did it feel so good? Was he just like his son? Maybe the apple hadn't fallen far from the tree, the tree just wasn't where he had thought it was.

Charizard was roughly the same size as Kangaskhan and each time his cock plunged in it seemed to go just a little deeper. Skrien gasped loudly as his rump stretched further around the hot rod ploughing beneath his tail. His own fox dick had a swollen knot and regularly twitched and spurted as Charizard found his most sensitive spots.

"You're.. quite.. the cock... slut!" roared Charizard.

As the dragon reached his climax he let out a burst of fire into the air, causing Skrien to yelp in surprise and clench down even further. Stretched tightly around the shaft of the charizard, Skrien could feel every twitch and pulse as it shot load after load of hot jizz into his rear. As the dick inside him throbbed against his prostate he gasped loudly, bucking his hips until he sent a jet of umbreon cream splashing over the grass.

"Wow! That's hot!" exclaimed Skrien, squirming free from Charizard's grip, dropping to the ground and pulling off his dick.

The fire dragon just chuckled as he stretched his wings, preparing to fly.

"I suppose I should thank you for your help. You were good, tight slut. But you also need to learn to clean up after yourself."

"What do- Hey!"

The charizard bent down, gripped Skrien's head in one paw and used the umbreon's muzzle as a cloth to wipe the remaining cum from his shaft. After just a rough pat on the quadruped's head, Charizard spread his wings and took to the sky. Still on the ground, Skrien found his nose assaulted from the strong musk coming from his new cum moustache. He wiped it off with a paw then took an experimental lick.

"Mmm, it's not that bad."

He lapped up the rest then bent over and raised his tail, rapidly wagging his hips to cool down. His butt was still stretched wide from the charizard and the feel of the cool air flowing over the hot cum and into his rump was pleasantly soothing.

"Looks like you're practising attract," came a deep voice from behind.

When Skrien looked behind him, he saw a large rhydon with his arms on his hips. It was also quite obvious that, although he was probably drawn by the noise and fire of charizard's climax, the unintentional attract was having an affect on his body. The umbreon bit his lip, a blush creeping over his cheeks as a variety of naughty thoughts started to drift through his mind.

"Not quite... If I had wanted to use attract I'd have done things a lot slower. More like this..."

The umbreon's hips swayed slowly, his ringed tail undulating above. As his slid his fore paws forward his body pitched lower, leaving his open tail hole winking at the large rock pokémon.

"Hehehe... Now that's super effective!"

With one hand stroking over his hardening cock, the rhydon strode towards Skrien.

With the rhydon's shaft growing firm, the heady scent of his musk washed over Skrien, overwhelming the umbreon and drawing forth a lusty murr. The dark pokémon felt the heavy hand of the rhydon stroke over his back then grab his tail, pulling it up higher. The feeling of the thick pulsing shaft against his rump gave him pause.

"D..does that ever stop growing?" he asked, half joking.

"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll find out soon enough."

Using the copious quantities of pre that he was producing, Rhydon slowly pushed his tip into the umbreon's tail hole.


Even just the tip was as thick as Charizard and had Skrien gasping heavily. The rhydon's fingers rubbing the base of one of his ears soon had him relaxed though and even starting to push back slightly.

"There's a good bree," praised Rhydon.

Very slowly, over a few minutes, Rhydon continued to slip deeper into Skrien. After almost each millimetre he had to stop to allow the umbreon time to adjust. Skrien gave a low groan as he felt the massive, throbbing tree trunk of an erection spreading his back passage. He could scarcely believe it could go so deep and stretch him so wide without injury but it did. Finally, Rhydon gave a grunt and jerked his hips forward. Skrien winced, his belly bulging from the volume of cock he had taken, yet against his haunches he could feel the thick armour of the rhydon. He was in!

The feeling of such a monstrous cock sliding out of his body left Skrien feeling cold and hollow. Slowly the feeling of fullness returned, pressing firmly against every pleasure spot. He rolled his head, moaning deeply as a constant dribble of pre leaked from his own, puny shaft.

"Mmm! F..faster... I can take it..."

The rhydon chuckled at the umbreon's request, running his paw over the bulge in Skrien's belly, "If you want."

Rhydon was more than happy to pick up the pace. He had had few holes as tight as Skrien's and the slow pace had seemed like cruel teasing. As he sped up, lubricated by copious amounts of pre, he could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching. The echoes of Rhydon's loud grunts soon were transformed into deep, lusty moans.

Skrien's eyes were clenched shut, drool dripping from his maw as his knotted cock gave a fresh burst of cum with each of the rhydon's thrusts. He was trembling from the rough pleasure and barely noticed as the rock pokémon's thrusts became more erratic. He was snapped back to consciousness when the last thrust sent a tremor through his entire form. As Rhydon pulled back, a torrent of cum erupted into the bree, filling him nearly to bursting. It was only Rhydon pulling out as he came that kept the umbreon from inflating like a balloon but, without the hard dick to help support him, Skrien collapsed face first as the rhydon's hosed down the bree's hindquarters.

The last few minutes of the mating had been watched by a trio of local pokémon, all of whom were now erect and waiting for their own go on the slutty bree. When the rhydon turned away and departed, the smallest two pokémon, a raichu and a snivy, began to run towards Skrien. They had only made it a few strides before a flaming hoof slammed down in front of them, forcing them to stop. The third pokémon, a rapidash, glared down at the pair and gave a snort. Not happy about it, but not prepared to fight the larger pokémon over it, the two sat in the grass to wait again as the fire horse trotted over the messy umbreon.

Hearing the sound of approaching hooves, Skrien rolled over onto his back, giving a moan as the thick spunk in his belly moved with him. The rapidash was already standing over him, his long, flared cock hanging down between his legs.

Skrien gave a weak moan, "Uhh... I need... to rest..."

The rapidash didn't respond to Skrien's objections and instead merely lowered his hindquarters until his dick was aligned with the umbreon's tail hole and thrust inside. Skrien yipped as he found his rump lifted off the ground by the rapidash's cock and his own dripping shaft staring down at him. Each time the horse pokémon humped into him caused his dick to shake up and down, spattering pre over his muzzle. Something seemed to tell Skrien that the protein-rich fluid he was letting go to waste would be the perfect way to get his energy back. He opened his muzzle, stretched forward and, courtesy of the next thrust from the flaming horse above him, took it into his maw, drinking down his own rich cream.

For most pokémon, taking a pokémon hung like rapidash would've been a difficult and painful experience. With all that he had been through, Skrien had no problems taking the blunt horse cock. The strong thrusts actually felt really good as his rear tunnel relaxed to fit it. As everything started the blur together; the musky scents, the salty taste and the familiar feeling of being filled, Skrien began to murr loudly, though to others the sound was muffled by his own member between his lips.

Skrien's only clue that the rapidash was about to climax was when he seemed to feel it growing larger inside of him. His ears pricked up curiously at the unusual sensation, one he hadn't felt at all before. Over the next few seconds the tip of the rapidash's dick flared up, expanding like Skrien's own knot, before a loud whinny above him accompanied the first hot blasts of fire cum. The umbreon gave a gasp as the hot splashes and friction from the equine flare pushed him to fill his own maw with umbreon cream. Skrien squirmed back and forth on his back, fore paws rubbing over his knot as he gulped down his own cum and felt his strength returning with each mouthful.

Slowly the fire-type horse withdrew his cock. He lowered his head, using his horn to gratefully rub Skrien's side before galloping off to rejoin his heard. As he watched the rapidash shrink into the distance, Skrien couldn't help but feel that the pokémon's flames were larger and brighter than earlier and the observation brought a sense of satisfaction to the small fox pokémon.

Rolling to his feet, Skrien then took notice of Snivy and Raichu. Neither of the pair was particularly large for their species and, for practically the first time that day, Skrien felt tall as he looked down at them. Seeing their cocks throbbing, with milky pre running down from their tips, after watching him with both the rhydon and the rapidash, he gave a grin, turned and lifted his tail. The beckoning wiggle of the umbreon's haunches was all the two friends needed and they dashed forward to claim their prize.

Raichu was faster than Snivy and pounced on Skrien's haunches with an eager cry of "Mine!" before plunging his small dick into the umbreon. Snivy's shoulder drooped slightly with disappointment but Skrien beckoned him closer then slid his lips down the grass-type's shaft. Raichu had wrapped his limbs around Skrien's rump to keep from sliding off but soon experienced a new problem, the umbreon had been stretched so much that it wasn't pleasurable for the rodent. Undaunted, the raichu clenched his paws, getting a tight grip on Skrien's short, black fur, before releasing a burst of electrical energy from his cheeks. Skrien's eyes went wide as he felt the current flow through his body. It didn't hurt but did cause his tail hole to clench tightly again, enveloping the raichu's shaft in its warm embrace.

At Skrien's head, Snivy was pressed tightly to the umbreon's face, moaning loudly as the fox's tongue curled and lapped up his minty pre. The umbreon felt a bit cheated that the snivy was so small but the fresh scent it produced was an exciting change from the thick musks he'd become so used to inhaling. Using his tongue, Skrien pinned the grass-type's dick against his palate, murring as its tasty pre trickled out to coat the inside of his muzzle.

Raichu's energetic thrusts grew faster and faster as his long tail whipped back and forth behind him. His cheeks were crackling with electricity as poured the energy into Skrien. The umbreon could feel the muscles in his anal passage clenching and milking the cock a way he just couldn't manage on his own. Even better, the raichu's whole shaft hummed with energy causing all his rear nerves to tingle in pure pleasure. As he moaned deeply, plugged by juicy cocks at both ends, he could feel his yellow rings start glowing in anticipation.

Raichu was the first to reach his climax. He thrust his cock in the root, crying out his name as he released multiple shots of electrified semen. Skrien stumbled forward at the sudden shock, knocking Snivy back. The umbreon gave a loud gasp as the shocks ran along his rear passage to focus on his prostate. There was no way he could resist, or even avoid, the electro-stimulation and began to hump the air wildly, painting his belly with lust. His wild thrusts proved too much for Raichu, who was also thrown back. The mouse pokémon didn't care though and just lay on his back, moaning with bliss in the afterglow.

Still murring, Skrien nuzzled the reptilian pokémon below him. The raichu seed his rectum still seemed to hold a charge, leaving his insides with a pleasant tingle that only reinforced his desire to please. He placed one paw on the snivy's cock, easily covering it, and began to rub firmly with his soft paw pads.

"Does that feel good?" whispered Skrien, grinning as the grass pokémon squirmed and moaned. "Just relax... relax and enjoy..."

His paw quickly became damp and slippery with snivy pre. As he found himself sliding more easily along, Skrien tightened his grip and focussed his attentions to those spots that made the snivy moan the most.

"M... more!" Snivy cried out, bucking up into the umbreon's paws.

Skrien obliged, shifting so that his tongue could lap over Snivy's tip while his paw became little more than a black blur on the trunk of his shaft. As he felt Snivy's whole body suddenly tense up, he removed his paw and slid his lips over the small cock and began to suck down every last drop of cum.

Skrien sat up, licking his lips, and glanced around. Both Snivy and Raichu had been worn out and were panting on their backs. He couldn't see any other pokémon nearby and instead turned his attention to his own, matted fur.

"I better get this cleaned off before it starts to dry..."


Skrien gave a contented sigh as he stepped into the cool flowing water of the river. The sun was starting to sink the sky and the flowing water flashed with red and orange as the light hit it.

"Well, today has certainly been a strange day..."

He ducked underwater before breaking the surface and vigorously shaking his head, creating a rainbow as the sunlight passed through the droplets.

"I mean, I'm not the one who's supposed to be taking it up the arse! That's for weak males."

Using his paws, he began to knead his fur, working out the thick coating of cum that had accumulated. First he focussed on wiping off his muzzle, then his belly and the sticky mess beneath his tail. Finally, he returned his paws to their original state so that his black and yellow fur was once again unblemished and shimmered in the sun.

"But how could it have felt so good... I've never wanted it before..."

Skrien jumped up onto the riverbank and shook himself off. He was busy using his claws to comb his fur back into place when the voice of an angry pokémon broke the peace.

"Hey you! Are you the one that's sliming up my river!"

Jumping in surprise, Skrien turned to see a large feraligatr emerging from the river. As he came up onto the land, Skrien's eyes were immediately down his blue scales to the thick, pink erection at the nadir of his cream-coloured 'V'. As he stomped forward, Skrien's ears dropped down. He didn't want to fight the monstrous crocodile but he was also too close to run.

The feraligatr stopped right in front of Skrien and looked down. The bipedal croc was at least twice the umbreon's height, resulting in his erection practically poking Skrien's muzzle and commanding a lot of the dark-type's attention.

"Are you the slut that's filling my river with spunk?"

"I'm not a slut! I was.. I was just trying to get clean. I'm sorry."

"Not a slut?" laughed Feraligatr. "You must have been swimming in cum to dirty the river like that! And you've spent this entire time looking at my cock! It's obvious you want it."

Skrien gave a whine and blushed. He did want it. It was so close, teasing him with its scent. Was he really a slut? His breathing quickened, drawing in more of the blue reptile's musk. Tired of waiting for a reply, Feraligatr bucked his hips forward, his penis bumping against Skrien. The umbreon gave a moan, opening his muzzle to accept the tip.

"I knew it," chuckled Feraligatr. "Tell you what. You admit what you are and I'll let you taste my cum. That sound fair?"

Skrien could feel his cheeks grow burning as he nodded and lifted his muzzle, "I... I'm a slut... And I need... I need your cock!"

The feraligatr patted Skrien's head as he sat down, leaning back slightly.

"Then get to work, slut."

Skrien couldn't help but feel a little ashamed as he lay over the feraligatr's lap and slid his lips down his shaft. Yet, at the same time his tail was wagging as, each time he sucked, he was rewarded with another taste of male pre. His fore paws gradually crept closer to the throbbing dick and wrapped themselves around the base. There was no way he would be able to take that much in his muzzle but it seemed wrong to neglect it. His paws began to massage their way over the sensitive flesh, stroking in the pre and drool that was soon running past his lips.

"Such a good boy..." cooed Feraligatr, his voice much softer now due to the sexual appeasement.

The crocodilian pokémon ran a paw through Skrien's fur, all the way from his shoulders down to his tail tip. As time went on, his paw began to drift, down Skrien's legs, squeezing the umbreon's rump and, finally, cupping the bree's sack.

"I wonder how much you've got stored in here," he mused idly, "and how much of the cum in you is your own."

As Feraligatr's paw slid beneath Skrien to squeeze his bulging sheath the umbreon gave a deep moan.

"Like that? I know what your kind likes even more..."

Skrien felt the croc's large fingers sliding back down his sheath and over his sack before tapping against his entrance. They disappeared for a moment and the next time Skrien felt them there, they were wet. The umbreon gave a shudder as the first digit slid into his rear passage. His rump enveloped the finger and transmitted every motion to the pleasure centre of his brain.

Feraligatr gave a gasp as Skrien curled his tongue around the water pokémon's cock then slurped his way up. His watery pre was running constantly, faster than the umbreon could swallow and was proving the perfect way to lube the bree's once-clean paws. As he clenched his toes, he gave another load moan of pleasure as the umbreon's talented mouth continued to tease him.

Slowly he began to insert a second finger into the umbreon's tail hole, bringing forth a murr from deep within his chest. Skrien couldn't help but squirm, his dick fully erect and dripping pre as he felt the digits in his rear gently pumping into his backside. He almost completely lost focus, trying to pull his head back and groan as Feraligatr began to press his fingers right up against his prostate. Feraligatr was having none of that though and used his other hand to push Skrien's head down once more; too close and too eager to wait.

With one paw resting on Feraligatr's balls, Skrien was able to feel as they pulled close to his trunk in anticipation of his climax. The umbreon took a deep breath then gulped down as much reptilian cock as he could fit in his muzzle; one paw gently caressing Feraligatr's balls while the other curled around and pumped the base of the croc's dick. Feraligatr gave a loud roar, pulling his paw from under Skrien's tail to help support him as his whole body trembled. It seemed to Skrien as if someone had fired a hydro pump down his throat as what seemed like litres of watery cum began filling his belly.

At last Skrien was forced to pull away, unable to swallow the feraligatr's ample load. Still more milky fluid shot straight up into the air, most of it then falling down over the umbreon's head. Feraligatr smiled as he watched Skrien awkwardly trying to wipe the sticky cum from his eyes until another motion in his periphery caught his attention. A few other river denizens had taken notice of the activity on the shore and were eager to have a turn as well. Closest to the shore were a pair of snow-white dewgong, their streamlined forms broken only by the throbbing members that were sticking out into the water.

"You seem to be a bit messy again," stated Feraligatr as he switched focus back to Skrien. "Why don't you clean off in the river again... I insist."

There was a meep from the umbreon as he suddenly found him flung into the air, unaware of what was happening around him. Then there was a splash as he hit the water, right between the two eager aquatic mammals.

Skrien took a gulp of air as he surfaced after the unexpected trip into the river.

"What was that for!" he growled out, eyes narrowed.

"You'll thank me later," shot back Feraligatr as, lusts sated, he continued on his way.

It was then that Skrien noticed the other figures in the water. The two dewgong had swam closer and were now circling the bobbing eeveelution. As they rolled through the water to proudly display their malehood, Skrien blushed as he realised why he was there.

The circle began to tighten and soon both dewgong were bumping into and rubbing up against Skrien. The poor umbreon was not as strong of a swimmer as the two water types and was just struggling to keep his head above water as they harassed and teased him. Sometimes a bump, sometimes a nibble and sometimes a fin trailing up the umbreon's erection.

"Take a deep breath," barked one of the dewgong as he just broke the surface of the water.

A moment later, the second dewgong grabbed Skrien and pulled him underwater.

It turned out that holding his breath while subject to the amorous advances of a pair of gay dewgong was more difficult than Skrien had expected. The dewgong were used to mating in the water, which didn't make for a very stable support. This meant that they focussed on quick bursts of pleasure. One would swim under Skrien and pump into the bree's tail hole a few times then pull out and swim away again. The first time it happened almost caused the umbreon to lose all his air in surprise and the mouthful was quickly, and briefly, replaced with a leaking dong. The pair did recognise his greater need for air though and he was glad to regularly go up to the surface before being dragged down once more.

As the mating drew on, becoming more and more like an edging session for the bree, he couldn't help noticing the water becoming steadily more cloudy. The drawback to mating in the water was it was incredibly easy for one's semen to get washed away. As a consequence of that, most water pokémon were incredibly productive. With the two horny dewgong, as well as Skrien's greater than average output, the water was not safe for female swimmers.

Skrien was soon letting himself float underwater, trying instead to use paws to get off as the horny dewgong didn't seem to care to help him. In fact they were growing more aggressive as their own climaxes drew closer. Skrien didn't pay it any mind until it led to his second big surprise. One dewgong had already claimed his tail hole when the second one swam over. Instead of taking his muzzle as before, it came up next to the first pokémon and slid his cock in as well!

A trail of bubbles burst from the umbreon's muzzle as he tried to yip in surprise. He'd taken some big cocks that day but all had been essentially symmetrical. Now his rump was being stretched more in one direction than the other. It wasn't unlike Feraligatr's fingers but they were so much thicker. As soon as the two began thrusting, Skrien was sold on the idea.

When the one withdrew, the other thrust deeper. During every moment, Skrien could feel his rump being stretched and manipulated, sending constant waves of pleasure running down his spine. His whole body squirmed with lust, his cock itchy for release until he curled up, taking his own tip into his muzzle and swirling his tongue around the tip.

The moment of bliss was short-lived with both dewgong cumming in a handful of rapid thrusts. Skrien trembled as his fore paws sped up and down his shaft, finally providing him the release he'd been needing since Feraligatr's fingers. He broke the water's surface once more, drawing a deep breathe of contentment with the lingering taste of his cream still on his tongue. This time, the dewgong didn't join and continue to harass him. As they pulled out and swam off, Skrien found that the water he was treading was visibly white. Blushing deeply, he began to head back for shore, finding the river current had carried him downstream during his submerged mating.

While he was still swimming for shore, Skrien felt two clawed hands grip his tail and pull him back. When he glanced back he saw it was a wartortle. The wartortle looked young, probably only recently having reached sexual maturity and hadn't had a chance to mate before. As the wartortle pulled the umbreon's rump against his smooth hard shell, Skrien could feel the water type's dick trapped between them. Apparently he had witnessed Skrien's time with the dewgong and now wanted his own turn. The wartortle gave a sharp tug on Skrien's tail and pulled the umbreon onto his cock.

Skrien was still making his way toward the shore but, unlike the dewgong, Wartortle seemed determined not to pull out until he was done. This added to the fact that Skrien's concentration was being broken every time that he gasped in pleasure from one of the wartortle's frantic thrusts meant his progress had slowed dramatically.

More than once, Skrien found himself unexpectedly pulled underwater and needing to struggle back to the surface. Wartortle appeared oblivious to the umbreon's need to surface but not all of the water types were so caught up by their own pleasure to risk harming him. One time that Skrien went under, he noticed a dark shadow above him and felt as the wartortle was knocked aside.

Breaking the surface again, he found the friendly face of a lapras looking down at him. It gave an encouraging cry and swam along beside him as he made his way to the shore. What Skrien couldn't see was that below the surface the lapras had a thick, veiny member cutting the water like a fifth fin. That was the appendage that had batted the wartortle aside and now it was just waiting for the right opportunity to spear the slutty umbreon.

As soon as they reached the shore, Lapras was on Skrien. Using his fins to support most of his weight, he practically pushed the umbreon out of the water with his twitching shaft. Skrien could still smell the salt from the ocean on the water pokémon's rubbery skin. Being on the land again felt much better and the prodding against his rump made him realise just how empty he was feeling but even though Lapras was mostly supporting himself, the water pokémon was ten times heavier than he was.

"Wait!" gasped Skrien. "You'll crush me like this."

Lapras held Skrien tightly to his belly with one fin then gave an awkward roll to the side, ending up on his shell with the umbreon lying on his sizeable belly.

"Then you're going to have to do the work, slut."

Skrien blushed slightly as he lifted his tail and placed his entrance against the tip of Lapras' cock, "I know."

The umbreon gritted his teeth as he started to push back against the thick shaft. Even though they were both dripping with water and Skrien had taken three cocks in the last fifteen minutes or so, it was still a stretch for the dark type to mate with such a large pokémon.

"Are you sure you can take it?" asked Lapras, running a flipper over Skrien's side.

He nodded, still inching his way back.

"You aren't as big as the rhydon I had earlier today. I just need to get... just a little farther..."

Once Skrien had taken the widest part of the cock it was as if all the resistance just vanished and he easily slid back until it looked like he was just sitting on the lapras' belly. As he sat there, panting softly, he could feel the water-type throbbing in his belly and he grinned.

"My, my, that's impressive," Lapras commented, his flipper stroking the bree's dripping length. "You're even more of a slut than I expected."

Skrien squirmed in embarrassment but the motion only served to rub his prostate against the Lapras' cock. He mumbled a response but Lapras couldn't make out what he'd said. In the end, it didn't really matter as he leant forward and began to pull off.

Both pokémon moaned loudly in pleasure. For Lapras, it came from the tight grip Skrien's rear had over his shaft. Each time the dark-furred pokémon pressed back the warm flesh slipped over his sensitive member. With only flippers, it was very difficult for Lapras to pleasure himself so stretching out a slutty umbreon was one of the best feelings he had experienced. Skrien had become far more used to the feeling of a cock beneath his tail but it still sent a tremor through his body as his rim expanded and contracted around the throbbing meat.

With the lapras' rubbery skin still coated with water, it was more slippery than Skrien expected. His body trembled each time he pushed back, eventually causing his paws to slip out from under him and him to land on his belly.


Although he tried to scramble back up, each attempt was met with failure as he was unable to get enough grip. Lapras looked down at him with amusement, trying to stifle a chuckle.

"Don't worry about it," the water pokémon said, reaching up with his flippers to grip the umbreon's sides. "I think this will work just as well."

"What do you- Ooh!"

Skrien's question was cut short as Lapras pushed the umbreon down onto his dick. Not only did the umbreon now experience the same pleasure from being taken by the aquatic pokémon but, each time he was pushed or pulled, his own sensitive cock slid along the lapras' slick belly.

"Mrrr! Ohhh yeah," panted Skrien. "Faster! Oh, please go faster."

Skrien had given up all his resistance, tail and ears held high as his carnal groans echoed along the riverbank as Lapras used him like a living fleshlight. It didn't take long before Skrien was gliding on a smear of his pre, wiggling as he tried to grind his vulpine knot into against the Lapras' stomach.

Giving a loud squeal, the lapras was the first to orgasm. As he began spurting his seemingly endless offering of cum, he also let go of his grip on Skrien. On the slick, pre-covered belly it turned out that there was enough cum to propel the umbreon up against the lapras' neck. As he grabbed it, he started to hump wildly. He could feel his knot throbbing, smell the salt on the lapras' skin and hear the lewd splashes of cum gushing behind him. He threw his head back and gave a long howl as his nuts pulled tight against his body, shooting everything they had between him and the lapras.

The two pokémon lay together for a few moments as they caught their breathe and enjoyed the glorious afterglow of their lovemaking. The scent of sex hung heavily in the air, unsurprising considering how both pokémon were coated in each other's sticky cream.

Lapras was the first to speak, "I hope you're going to clean all this up. I don't want to go swimming with all this spunk on me."


"You're the one that wanted this position," continued the lapras, turning the umbreon around, "so it's only fair that you clean it up."

Skrien couldn't help but blush at what he saw. It seemed as though the lapras' entire belly was covered with frothy, white cum and there was still more dribbling from his tip.

"How am I supposed to get all of this?" asked Skrien.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something," replied Lapras, using his nose to push Skrien forward. "But if not, I have an idea of my own."

The umbreon gave a soft meep as he made contact with the lapras' dripping penis. It did smell surprisingly appealing with that musky scent... It brought back memories of some of the other cum he'd had earlier in the day. Memories of how good it had tasted. With no more hesitation, his tongue darted out to run up the wet penis before him.

"Mrrr, that's a good boy," murred Lapras. "Just keep licking. Clean it all up."

Skrien seemed almost in a trance as he lapped up the sticky cum. It still seemed amazing to him how far things had gone in just one day. Before he would've probably beaten another male to a pulp for just suggesting he'd enjoy another male on his back. Now it had happened several times and here he was, murring as he licked another male's dick clean while his own fur was matted down with a mix of cum.

Lapras bent his own head down, tongue snaking forward to the loose hole beneath Skrien's tail. The water pokémon's cum was still slowly oozing and Lapras was to help clean the bree. Truth be told, his interest was less in cleaning and more in savouring the fox. He made no attempt to get the fur from the black fur, only enjoying the trembling bree hole around his large tongue.

"You're quite salty there," mumbled Lapras. "A real seaman."

Skrien glared back from the pun. Lapras just laughed.

"You've got a cum moustache!"

With a growl, Skrien used a paw to wipe it away then glared again. Still chuckling, Lapras gave the umbreon a pat on the back.

"You've done well, slut, but I have to leave now."

As he slid Skrien off of his belly he also rolled the umbreon, using Skrien's previously clean back to wipe off as much of the remaining cum as he could. He then rocked back and forth a few times to build up enough momentum to flip over onto his flippers and crawl into the water.

"Maybe we'll meet again," called the lapras, wiggling back and forth in the water.

"Are... are you cleaning yourself?" asked Skrien. "Why did you make me do it if you were just going to wash it off?"

"Because you enjoyed licking it up. That's why you aren't going into the water. You'd rather have a nice coating of cum on your fur."

"Gah! No!"

Skrien's face went bright red. The lapras chuckled as he began swimming down the river and back toward the ocean.

"Stupid... fish... thing," muttered Skrien.

His ears flicked up and down for a moment then he turned and walked into the bushes.


"Stupid lapras..." grumbled Skrien as he dropped to his haunches.

He had been moving towards his home but then realised that it probably wouldn't do much for his reputation to show up coated in another male's seed.

"This should just be my little secret. No one else needs to know what happened today."

Skrien began to groom himself, careful not to leave any traces of the day's activity. He still had to work quickly though as he wasn't familiar with the area in which he found himself and dusk was rapidly approaching. As he was cleaning he began to think back on all that happened. It hadn't been much fun at first but once he relaxed it had really started to feel good.

"Did I waste all that time resisting this when I could have just been having a good time?" he mused. "Maybe I could stand to loosen up..."

So deeply engrossed in his introspection was he, that he didn't notice he had company until it bumped up against his cheek.


Skrien turned to find an armour-plated cock staring him in the face. He looked up to see a haxorus staring down at him. Most of his features were hidden in the gloom but it was easy to make out that the rest of his body featured the same overlapping plates as his cock. The umbreon bit his lip as he considered the situation. He had just cleaned himself after all.

"Ah, what the hell!"

Skrien gave the haxorus' dick a long lick before taking the tip into his muzzle.


Although it had looked as though Haxorus' cock was covered with armour plates, Skrien soon discovered that they were actually fairly soft. Still, the ridged shaft felt completely different to the smooth penises with which he had become so intimately familiar. The texture alone felt rougher against his tongue and he couldn't help but wonder what the ridges between the plates would feel like inside him.

As the dragon gave a low growl and ran his clawed paw over Skrien's head, the umbreon knew it was growing impatient. The haxorus' dick leaked a steady flow of pre that made the bree's muzzle tingle in way he hadn't felt before. Giving a soft sigh, Skrien reluctantly pulled his muzzle off the now-glistening shaft, turned around and bent over. His tail was curled above his back and, beneath his belly, the umbreon's jet-black sheath had started to swell.

Surprisingly Haxorus didn't just take the umbreon as he stood. Skrien felt the dragon's strong paws grip his body, lift him into the air and pull him tight against Haxorus' chest. He meeped as he was gently wiggled from side to side until the dragon's cock found itself pressed Skrien's tail hole.

Haxorus slowly pressed his shaft into the umbreon, groaning as it went from the cool night air to the warmth of Skrien's rump. While before Skrien would've struggled to accommodate it, it now sank in easily and, at the same time, the bree's own pink shaft emerged from his fuzzy sheath. Just a few short way down, Skrien came into contact with the first ridge. He moaned softly as it pressed against his anal ring then yipped as it suddenly popped inside. A few centimetres down and there was another one and another yip and further down, a third. Once all three were snugly inside his rump, he found he had taken them all and squeezed the strange, new cock.

Having made sure Skrien could take his cock, the haxorus tightened his grip and the umbreon found himself being used at another male's whim once again. With each thrust, the ridges rubbed inside of Skrien and flicked against his sphincter, sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body.

"Ah! Mmm!"

Skrien arched his back, panting heavily as he felt the cock sliding deep into his rump. It was long enough to stroke every point he needed but the one thing he couldn't get enough of was the rough texture. While a smooth cock felt great, the rough treatment of Haxorus was exquisite. The same tingling he'd felt in his muzzle had also spread throughout his rear. Each coating of pre seemed to numb any pain and accentuate the pleasure.

The umbreon's yellow rings were glowing bright in the darkness. His cock bounced each time that he was pushed back onto the ribbed cock and each spurt of his pre seemed to glow in the moonlight.

"Ooh yeah! Hump me harder!" shouted Skrien. "Fill me with your cum!"

Haxorus was grunting loudly as he slammed the bree onto shaft again and again. Since he had began he had only begun to pre more and now, each time that he drew back to the tip, a milky white river ran down his shaft to drip on the grass below.

Finally Haxorus slammed Skrien down one final time, threw his head back and let out a roar that shook the trees. Skrien swore his belly bulged out from the force of the dragon's ejaculation as the thick cream shot into his rectum. The feeling of cum shooting into him was all Skrien needed to reach his own climax. He gave his own cry of pleasure, legs bucking at the air as his own, comparatively small load, arched through the night sky.

Haxorus leaned down to say his first words to Skrien.

"That's why you're on the bottom. A small cock like that and hardly any cum. You're at least tight enough to serve as a good cum dump for the real males."

The umbreon moaned softly through the post-orgasmic fog, "J-just a... cum dump..."

"That's right... Good slut. Good cum dump."


Finally, after a long, long day, Skrien trudged into his home. Too tired to bother with supper, the umbreon just headed straight for his bed. When he got there, however, he saw Nicobay sitting next to the bed, waiting for him. The bayleaf's dark head, courtesy of Skrien's umbreon genes, was difficult to make out but the grin on his face seemed to glow.

"You look hungry, dad," observed Nicobay. "Why don't you have something to eat? I've got this nice cookie here..."

The bayleaf dangled a cookie from a vine in front of Skrien's face, gentling swinging it back and forth. Skrien's tummy gave a loud growl. It had been a while since he'd had anything substantial. Perhaps he should take the cookie.

"Mmm... it looks so good," moaned Skrien, a little drool running down his muzzle.

"If you want it, you know what to do," whispered Nicobay as he moved the cookie in circle. "Just turn around."

Skrien did as he was requested, his eyes never leaving the cookie. As his father turned, Nicobay extended his vine to keep it in front of Skrien at all times.

"You just need to earn the cookie now," Nicobay continued, climbing onto Skrien's back. "That shouldn't be too hard for you now, will it? Slut."

Skrien shook his head, "Uh uh."

Then Nicobay thrust inside.


Skrien awoke with a start, his heart pounding. He looked around but everything was normal and quiet. No other pokémon were in sight. It was nightmare... just a nightmare. The umbreon breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't just spent the previous day slutting it up. He must've just been thinking about what Nicobay did all day.

"Curse! Nicobay's perverting my dreams!" growled Skrien.

The End

Puppy Training (By: Volsar)

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Pack Hierachy

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A Taste of Variety (By: Zipeaukovich)

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