The Sacred Rite

Story by Kyodra on SoFurry

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This idea popped in my head as I was about to go to sleep one evening. I had to immediately write a short outline and continue it the next day. This is the final result. If you're not into feral/zoophilic relationship with an eagle anthro and its prey (a type of dragon), then this is not for you. Otherwise, please enjoy!

Crouching, Krain stopped as he noticed a trail of prints in the soft mossy ground. The wide and deep tracks were heading further into the marsh. These definitely belong to a marsh drake, he thought confidently, having carefully studied the prints of his prey beforehand. Krain was on a task from the elders of his tribe, the most important he had ever been on. He was going to fulfill the most important tradition of his tribe; the rite of passage into adulthood. This was a tradition which had existed for countless generations. The task he had been given was to hunt down a marsh drake; a large and dangerous beast which lurked in the Toen swamplands. Many did not return from their rites, but Krain was confident in his own abilities as a hunter.

Krain came from a tribe of bipedal flightless avians which closely resembled eagles, their home lying deep in the forest of Yendar. He was a descendant of a line of great hunters in his tribe. The custom of the tribe was that roles were inherited from father to son, although some exceptions did exist. Since he was a hatchling, Krain had trained to one day continue one of the most important duties in his tribe: the hunt for sustenance and materials for clothing. The hunters of the tribe carried minimal amount of equipment and clothing with them on their hunt to best help them stay silent and hidden from their prey. Krain only wore a leather loincloth made from a beast hide, his knife sheathed in an attached leather casing. Of course Krain could not finish this task without his trusty bow and arrows, which he had holstered on his back. Over the years he had become one of the most promising sharpshooters in his tribe, besting even some of the most experienced hunters.

Following the trail for hours, Krain had to track a multitude of signs left by the beast he was after. Sometimes the prints stopped in the soft and wet marshland, and he had to observe things such as broken branches or scratch marks on trees. Once or twice he had to go by his pure hunter's intuition and scout a hundred yards ahead when signs of any kind had stopped. Thankfully Krain's race had a trait which gave them a strong advantage in this task; their great vision.

Krain paused as he heard a cracking sound coming from ahead. The beast must be near, he thought. He crouched once more as he took his bow and an arrow from his back, holding them in position so he could draw and shoot his target within seconds. He moved onward slowly into the direction the sound had come from, trying not to make any sounds of his own. Focusing his eyes for any kind of movement, Krain looked onward, keeping low. Suddenly, he saw something running in the corner of his eye, he quickly drew his bow ready for the kill.

Sighing quietly, Krain eased the tension on the arrow as he identified the movement was a simple and unthreatening rabbit. He would have usually shot any animal to take for the tribe, but during the rite it was a custom to go without killing or feeding on any other animal but the one he was after. Krain was determined to follow these traditions, he was very intent on following the rules and customs of his society.

As Krain was about to put away his bow and arrow, something heavy suddenly hit against his side, throwing his feathered body to the mossy ground, landing on his back. Disoriented and confused, Krain quickly sat up and looked for what had pushed him over, and to his terror he saw a near horse-sized scaly feral beast standing only a few feet away from him. The marsh drake! He immediately identified the beast he had been after. He had not heard its approach in the soft moss while his attention had been elsewhere. Panic quickly took over as he realized that his bow was no longer in his possession. The large green wingless reptile was staring at him with a menacing look in its eyes. Krain knew he would have to act fast.

He quickly scanned around for his weapon, discovering that the bow and arrows had landed five feet behind himself. As he began to back away from the beast and towards his items, the drake suddenly jumped forward, its claw pressing against Krain's chest, pinning him down. There was no way of reaching the bow now as the half ton beast easily kept him in place. The bow was still two feet away from his reach. As a last measure Krain knew what he would need to do; he reached down quick for his knife which was sheathed in his loincloth. He might still be able strike the neck of the beast.

To Krain's horror the beast quickly waved one of its sharp claws, ripping his loincloth off and along with it going the knife. His last hope for survival was now unreachable, thrown away well behind the beast that now had both its claws on top of him. There was truly nothing Krain could do now to save himself. He was completely at the mercy of the feral reptile. He knew the task he was given was dangerous, and this was a possibility he had needed to prepare himself for as well. Krain closed his eyes, prepared for his fate. Forgive me father, I was too careless. May others learn from my mistake. I will now be joining our forefathers in the stars, he thought a quick prayer as he waited for a lethal blow_._

Several seconds passed, which to Krain felt like an eternity. He attempted to calm himself down as he expected the drake to rip out his throat at any moment. Instead, he began to feel the beast inhaling and exhaling on his feathers, its nose rubbing softly against his body. Krain opened his eyes and looked down at the marsh drake which was lying on top of his legs, one of its claws on his chest still keeping him firmly down on his back. Why has it not killed me yet? Krain wondered, puzzled by the unexpected behaviour the beast was showing.

The drake opened its mouth, its sharp teeth now very visible. Krain was sure this would be his end, but instead he saw the reptile's tongue licking over where his loincloth had been moments before. Shocked by the sensual display of the beast, Krain gasped as he felt the scaly beast's warm tongue slid across his sack and genital sheath. By the Elders, what is it doing!? This was definitely not usual behaviour for a fearsome marsh drake. Usually anyone in Krain's position would have been dead within seconds. Seeing that the beast was not going to kill him - at least for the moment - Krain attempted to struggle free. His efforts were in vain, however, as the drake easily held him down. It gazed up at him, hissing aggressively in protest of his attempts for freedom.

All Krain could do now was lie down on his back as the feral drake resumed licking his genitals. Krain was too nervous to try anything now, his most delicate parts were inches away from the drake's sharp teeth. Try as he might, he could not resist his natural instincts either; his penis had began to get filled with blood and was now starting to peek out of its protective sheath. This is wrong! It's unbecoming of a hunter to lie with his prey! Krain thought, but he could not move as the drake only pressed his body down harder as it kept running its long black reptilian tongue against Krain's growing avian member. Krain's shaft had by now completely exited its natural hiding place, and the drake was lapping its slobbery tongue all over its length. Unable to contain himself, the feathered hunter opened his beak and moaned as the feelings of the perverse pleasure he felt sent their signals to his brain with growing intensity.

The reptile was huffing and sniffing as it lapped the now fully hard avian's shaft. Having not felt the touch of anyone - or indeed anything else - at his private area before, Krain could not resist the feeling of this intense pleasure. Trying to deny his natural urges had proved useless. Even the fact that these sensations he was feeling were coming from a being that was not of his own species - and probably not even sentient - did not cease his arousal. In fact, those thoughts seemed to only make Krain's member more rigid, the taboo scene he found himself in was suddenly in some strange way exciting and alluring. He had heard rumors of some animal tamers from his tribe having inappropriate relations with their beasts, but those were frowned upon and never openly discussed. He could not believe he found himself being aroused by the scaled beast's actions.

By this point Krain had quit entertaining thoughts of escape. It had been useless anyway, but now the warm breath and slick wet sensations he felt on his member had made resisting completely undesirable. Krain moaned without any inhibitions as he laid his head down on the mossy ground underneath himself, the feral drake enthusiastically licking all over his genitals. Suddenly Krain felt an immense feeling of pleasure surging inside him, he felt as though all of his feathers on his body were ruffling up as a powerful climax suddenly rushed over his body.

Krain grunted and moaned as he felt his muscles spasm with pleasure, his twitching member suddenly beginning to spurt out multiple jets of his seed. He looked down and saw the feral drake continuing to lick as he came. His potent liquid was landing on the drake's tongue and nose, which the beast was eagerly lapping up and swallowing down its hungry throat. Some sperm did manage to escape the drake's tongue and landed on Krain's chest feathers. The waves of pleasure lasted for a good time, and as they finally ceased the drake licked his member clean before searching Krain's feathers for any drops it had missed. Not having any idea of what was going to happen next, Krain kept his eyes on the reptile as it cleaned the liquids from his chest. He found he was still erect even after his powerful orgasm.

The drake slowly began crawling forward on top of Krain, who was now dreading he was going to be crushed or suffocated by the large beast. Surprisingly, the scaly creature did not rest its whole weight on him, rather lying gently on top of him; keeping Krain in place but not making him feel uncomfortable. The drake was now looking down at its captive underneath itself. Krain looked back up at the reptilian beast, and he noticed there was still some of his ejaculate remaining on its nose. Somehow he found this a strangely arousing sight. All of a sudden, the drake lowered its head towards Krain's, who closed his eyes and turned his head to one side, preparing once more for his end to come. Instead he felt the tongue now brush against his cheek. Opening his eyes and looking up at his feral captor, Krain saw that the beast did not show any signs of hostility on its face. Krain gave out a short nervous laugh, smiling at the affectionate beast. He had begun to feel at ease even under the mercy of this sizable beast. It does not seem to want to cause me any harm, he thought_._

Krain felt smooth belly scales rubbing against his still rigid bird member, the drake above was suddenly positioning its rear over his lap. Before Krain had time to realize what was happening the drake lowered its rear. Sounds of pleasure echoed in the marsh as the avian felt his penis entering inside the female drake's vaginal slit. The hot and silky feeling engulfing his member was intoxicating, he found himself pushing his hips up slightly against the scaly beast. The drake was showing signs of pleasure in its own way, small grunts and huffs could be heard as it lay on top of Krain, being filled by the smaller avian's member.

The beast lay still for a little while, its vent squeezing and pulsing around Krain's member. This feeling is amazing, the marsh drake does not seem to want me dead at all. Perhaps it is their mating season? he wondered. Having been unwillingly chosen as the beast's partner was not something he could be proud of, but he could not deny enjoying the feeling of the drake's warm vaginal walls hugging his bird member. The reptile and the avian let out collective sounds of pleasure as the beast instinctively lifted its rear from Krain's feathery lap, his member sliding partially out of its delicate folds. The drake was looking down at its captive; it seemed pleading. Krain found himself eager to oblige with the beast's needs.

Moving carefully, Krain placed his talon-like claws against the sides of the reptile lying on top of him, gaining a firm hold. To his relief the drake showed no signs of aggression by his actions. Krain's thoughts might have only moments ago told him to struggle free and flee from the situation, but by this point his reproductive instincts had taken over the logical parts of his brain, which might have been telling him not to do what he was about to. Even though having offspring with the beast was not a biological possibility, he wanted his sexual needs to be fulfilled as well. Beast or not, it did not matter to him any more. Krain lifted his hips from the soft mossy ground towards the drake's underside, sliding his member back completely inside the beast's slit. A quiet growl came from the scaled beast's throat, as it gave Krain's face another lick as a sign of approval.

The avian began to pump his hips against the passive drake's nether regions standing above his own. The drake's passage felt warm, wet and surprisingly tight around his member. The drake can seemingly adjust its muscles to accept a smaller mating partner, Krain thought. He was surprised by his obscene discovery as he mated with the beast he had originally come to hunt down. The drake slowly began to move its body against Krain's invading member, the two letting out their characteristic mating sounds; Krain moaning and grunting and the marsh drake huffing and growling as their bodies became one.

The two unlikely mating partners carried on for many minutes, Krain's hips slapping against the drake's belly scales. Krain did not understand why he had began to feel himself attracted to the beast he had been determined to kill not that long ago. The drake placed its head next to Krain's on the mossy ground as it too began to push stronger against Krain's thrusts. The pleasure he felt was intensified by the drake's actions. The quiet trilling sounds of the reptile could now heard next to Krain's ear, it seemed to be enjoying the breeding. Following his own instincts, the young avian hunter began to ram his penis harder inside the drake's slit. The thoughts of emptying his load for the second time - and now into the drake's womb - made Krain quickly feel the same tingling sensation run over him which he had felt only ten minutes earlier.

Letting out a loud squawk, Krain now felt the drake's body respond to his own upcoming orgasm. Its passage pulsating and becoming tighter around his organ as he began shooting powerful jets of sperm deep into the drake's slit. The drake lifted its head from beside Krain's and let out a loud growl into the air as a sign of the pleasures it also felt at that moment. The two mating partners shivered as their feelings of ecstasy slowly began to pass, the drake laying its head next to Krain's once more. Krain could feel his head feathers moving slightly by the drake's heavy breathing. The two lay there together for a minute, Krain still feeling his semi-erect member inside the beast as some of their collective fluids were seeping out the slit and into his lap.

Suddenly the drake placed its claws on the ground either side of Krain, as it lifted its body off him. Feeling his member slipping out of the beast, he watched still as the creature walked over his body. Krain saw the slit of the drake pass before his eyes as it walked above him, some of his own sticky seed visible around it. Krain sat up as he heard the drake walking away. He looked back at the creature and noticed it had stopped ten feet away, looking back at him.

Krain moved to his bow and arrow, picking them up before standing up. He faced the drake who he had mated with. He no longer had the desire to kill the beast; the things he had experienced with the scaly creature had awakened new feelings of respect and caring towards it. The drake looked on as Krain holstered his weapons, standing completely nude. He held out his feathered arm and slowly walked towards the drake. The beast did not show any signs of aggravation as his feathered fingers reached for its head, petting it softly. The marsh drake closed its eyes and trilled quietly.

He could not hunt down this creature. Krain knew this would mean that he could not fulfill his rite. However, there was another option left for him. He turned away from the drake and picked up his loincloth, tying it back around his waist. He gave the drake another glance as it began to walk away. Krain did the same, heading towards his village.

As Krain returned to his home village, he explained to the elders that his respect for nature and its beings had prevented him from striking down the beast he had been tasked to hunt. He left out all the details of what had transpired between him and the marsh drake, and requested himself to take instead the rite meant for animal tamers. The next day he was tasked with taming a wild beast. Krain headed back to the marsh where he had encountered the drake, hoping to find again the creature he had come to admire.

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