A Game Not Worth Playing

Story by Kyodra on SoFurry

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#2 of Just for a Game -series

This is a sequel to my first story titled "It's just a game". Thanks to the positive feedback to my previous story I was motivated to write this quicker. Here John ponders his feelings regarding the events that happened to him in a public toilet, events which had left a bigger impression on him than he could have imagined. I hope you enjoy.

John put down the game controller. He was frustrated once more, but now for a different reason than two days earlier. The game he bought had not given him the enjoyment he had hoped for. His mind was somewhere else, concentrating on playing was made difficult as his thoughts kept returning to the events two days prior. Those moments lasted mere ten minutes had enabled him to play this new game, but also left his mind in turmoil. He had noticed a change in the way his mind and body had behaved in the past two days. His thoughts did not stay focused on the female dragons which he would have usually fantasized about while masturbating, now instead being intruded by dirty thoughts of a faceless scaly male. John could not believe the thoughts he had been having.

Fucking shit, why can't I enjoy this, John cursed in his mind, Yes, I sucked another guy's cock, but only a few minutes, and only to be able to buy this game. It didn't mean anything else.

But the young dragon's inner reasoning with his feelings was not working. He was not sure how he should have felt about the things that occurred in that public bathroom. Perhaps guilt, shame or embarrassment. Maybe even fear. These were not the feelings that he had come to feel, however. Instead John kept getting aroused whenever he pondered the reasons for his actions in that toilet stall, his first sexual encounter with another person.

Two days prior John had arrived back home from a walk, a thing which he did most days, but this walk had not been the usual kind. John had orally pleased a stranger in a public toilet for fifty dollars. Immediately after arriving home, he had went to the bathroom to wash himself, wanting to scrub his lean scaly body thoroughly clean. He had also brushed his teeth afterwards, still feeling as though he could smell the stranger's cum on his breath.

John became aroused a third time on that same day as he showered, and it was not even midday yet. Even by the teenaged dragon's standards this was unusual. Resisting pleasuring himself, John instead exited the bathroom, his erection covered by a towel as he walked into his room. Covering himself was not necessary, since his parents did not come home until much later that evening, but John did not want to admit to himself how his body was reacting to the events earlier that day. He had tried waiting for his erection to go down, before going to buy a video game with the money he had earned. It had been a losing battle however, as he surrendered to his horny feelings half an hour later, when acknowledging his erection literally had become too painful to resist. Watching straight porn on his laptop while masturbating, he had tried to put the events of that morning out of his mind, but to no avail.

He had washed his clothes afterwards, trying to hide any stains or scents the encounter had left on them, and not just from himself, but from his parents. He could not even begin to imagine how they'd react if they realized their usually well behaved son had been performing sex acts on another male, and even worse, for money. The fact that John did not even know whose dick he had been sucking would have made things certainly even more awkward.

John acted as normal as he could around his parents during the following days. He made conscious efforts to be very helpful, washing the dishes after meals, vacuuming, even taking interest in his father's hobby of fixing up old motorcycles. The only thing out of the ordinary was that he might have been noticed locking his door more often. John had been having difficulties holding his erection at bay if he did not focus his mind on something else.

It was now Wednesday as John quit his gaming session, two days until the day the stranger said he might be at the stalls again. John began to ponder what he should do. Should he just ignore the offer and not show up? That would have been the easy way out, but John came to realize there was not an easy way to escape what he felt.

I'm not gay, it was just a one time thing, he reasoned, but found it hard to resist his body's desires. Whether he liked it or not, he had not felt this horny in his life. His body was not listening to what he was telling himself. Over the following day and a half John struggled with his thoughts and feelings. He had began by thinking of reasons not to go, but eventually found his feelings overcame his reasoning and demanded for him to go back to those stalls.

I just need to know why I feel this way. Maybe going back there will help me solve this._His thoughts now supported his feelings, _Maybe if I just turn down the offer in person I'll be back to myself again. At that moment it was as good a reason as any for John to go.

As the two days passed and Friday morning came, John felt increasingly nervous about the upcoming encounter. His parents had left to work. There was no note this time; they would most likely not be working late. John had masturbated this morning after his parents had left, looking at straight porn to try and drive the thoughts of the male he was to meet today from his mind. He wanted to avoid having his thoughts overtaken by lust.

John set out on his walk ten minutes earlier than he had on the Monday that week, which had been haunting his mind ever since. He wanted to be sure he was in the stall before the stranger showed up, if he was to even show up that is. Unusually he set out without his earphones this time, thinking instead of how to explain to the stranger that he would not follow up on his offer.

Half an hour later John arrived at the park toilets. He looked around before entering the building, not seeing anyone scaly around. Walking in, he entered the same stall where he had been tempted into performing the sexual favours, feeling confident that he had not been seen. Locking the stall door, John sat down on the covered toilet seat, keeping quiet and listening to anyone entering the building. His heart started beating faster as the minutes passed by.

As John was beginning to think the stranger was not going to show up, he heard footsteps echoing in the building. The door of the stall next to his closed, rattling the doors like last time.Was it him? John wondered. His suspicion was soon confirmed as a familiar voice spoke to him from the next stall, making his heart skip a beat.

"I trust that you're the guy from Monday?" the voice asked him.

John felt incredibly nervous now, he had been asked a question directly, he had to give an answer. All John managed to answer was a single word, his voice shaking.

"Yes," John uttered. All of his plans for what he would say to the stranger had suddenly escaped from his mind. He could not manage to say anything more; just saying that one word had made his vocal chords seemingly paralyzed.

"Heh, that's the first time I've heard your voice. No need to be nervous; you sound cute," the older male's voice complimented him. John blushed, unable to say anything, he felt his body shaking nervously. John's mind had been completely wiped by the unexpected compliment as he heard a zipper go down. The familiar, green scaled semi-erect cock entered through the hole between the stalls once again.

"Same deal as last time then. I've been looking forward to this all week," the stranger said, as his cock stood in front of John's eyes. Unable to utter a word, John followed his instincts, getting off the seat and kneeling on the floor. He placed his claw around the stranger's shaft the same way he had done days before, staring at it intently as he opened his mouth.

I can't resist these urges, was all John could think, as his tongue licked the crown of the stranger's dick, feeling a couple tears trickle out of the corner of his eyes. He had betrayed his own plans of turning down the stranger on his offer, instead doing the exact opposite. He momentarily felt disappointed with himself, but was overrun by feelings of lust and desire. He wanted to lick and suck on that thick cock in front of his eyes. It didn't matter to him why. He simply wanted it.

"Heh... You're a lot more eager this time. I guess you've been wanting this too," the stranger said as John was running his tongue all over the shaft, before quickly wrapping his lips around its smooth length once more. He took the cock in his mouth like he was hungry for it, quickly pushing himself to the familiar point where he would not gag. Holding his head in place for a moment, he let his long dragon tongue work on its length as he gently sucked.

John enjoyed the feeling of his mouth filled by the dick. That he could not deny himself any longer. The stranger's moans filled the air as John began to bob his head back and forth on the the shaft, his mouth making sloppy, wet sounds as he sucked.

While sucking the green shaft of the scaly stranger, John's own penis had become erect like the time before. This time he did not feel the shame to deny himself the pleasure. Unzipping his jeans, his free claw wrapped around his silver coloured shaft. John began to claw himself off as he continued to suck the stranger's member which he had come to want so badly.

Beginning to moan quietly, John quivered as his lips were wrapped around the shaft. He did anything he felt like to that tasty meat; the stranger was not giving him any orders. He sucked it, licked it all over, nuzzled his face against it, and even licked the stranger's yellow nutsack which was slightly protruding through the hole between the stalls. John realized he loved everything about it; the smell, the taste, the smooth feeling of the stranger's scales against his tongue, and the size of it filling his mouth.

"Damn you're great," the stranger complimented him between the grunts and moans. Hearing this turned John on like nothing else. His cock suddenly twitched, wrapped in his fast moving claw. John let out a loud moan, despite his mouth being filled by the stranger's dick, as he suddenly reached his climax. His cum spurted out few inches into the air, landing all over his claw and penis, some dripping down on the stall floor.

"Get ready for it...", the stranger's voice warned John, who was going through his powerful orgasm. He knew what was coming, but he wasn't about to move his mouth out of the way this time. He was feeling too horny to care. He wanted the stranger's cum.

John had felt the stranger's pulse on his tongue as he held the member in his mouth, and now he felt it increasing rapidly. John quickly placed his mouth just around the tip of the reptile's cock, stroking its length as the stranger loudly grunted. The cock suddenly jolted upwards, beginning to spit out multiple streams of the stranger's salty, thick cum right into John's eager mouth.

The sensation did not come as such a shock to John this time, and even though he was not sure he would say the salty taste was pleasant, he enjoyed the feeling of the stranger's cum covering the inside of his mouth. He twirled his tongue around the tip, the jizz coating his tongue. John swallowed as it filled his mouth, feeling the gooey substance going down his throat.

After a time which felt far too short, the cock had ceased twitching, only a few drops of cum leaking out its tip as John released it out of his mouth. Upon noticing them, John licked the drops, leaving the the stranger's dick clean. The stranger breathed heavily as he spoke out.

"Well done for swallowing it all. Most aren't able to do that," John smiled, and maybe even felt a hint of pride hearing those words. The stranger withdrew his penis from the hole as he continued.

"I don't know if you're into this kinda thing, but could you come to my place this Sunday?" the stranger asked, "I'll pay you double."

All John could do for a few seconds was stare forward. _He asked me to his place, oh my god oh my god oh my god!_his thoughts kept repeating until he suddenly answered.

"I can come." Those words had escaped his lips before a second thought.

The stranger zipped up his pants and could be heard writing something. After a few seconds a scaly claw poked through the hole, holding two things. One was payment; Fifty dollars, the same as last time. The other was a note. John took them with his clean claw, the other still covered in his own liquids. The note had an address, as well as the time 7 pm.

"See you in a couple days," the voice said. A stall was unlocked and footsteps were heard leaving the building.

John looked at the note for a few seconds before putting into his pocket, feeling weird about accepting a face to face encounter with the stranger. He was not regretful; his feelings had guided him to this point after all. Something about this felt right to him.

I... want to see him again. All of him, John thought. He did not care any more if what he was doing could be classed as gay or not; the feeling was too compelling. He wanted to see who his mysterious scaly sex partner was.

After wiping his cock and claw clean with toilet paper, John exited the stall, washing his claws under a tap. He walked out of the building, heading towards home.

Sunday can't come soon enough.

To be continued...

Just for a Game

John was annoyed. Not just annoyed, but bored out of his mind. He was lying on his back in his bed, idly throwing a tennis ball into the air, then catching it as it fell. It was the summer vacation, and both of his best friends were out of town,...

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