Different Kind of Coaching

Story by Kyodra on SoFurry

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#1 of Forbidden Training Regimen

I felt like writing about some father-son bonding in between my other story, and I couldn't get orcas out of my mind. Here's the result. Hope you enjoy.

The squeaky sound of springs inside the mattress filled the bedroom, Ryan lying on his back on top of it. Ryan was an orca, his body powerful and strong by nature. His body was well toned on top of his natural qualities, and his job as a swimming instructor had everything to do with it. Ryan's eyes were focused up at the slightly smaller, and almost equally well toned figure above him, bouncing slowly up and down on his erect penis.

"You're doing great, son." Ryan said, impressed at how well his 17-year-old virgin son was riding his ten inch long member.

A day earlier

Ryan arrived home from work a few minutes after ten in the evening. He had worked an evening shift, finishing lessons at nine. He walked into his house, trying to stay as quiet as possible; not wanting to wake up his wife or son in case they were already asleep. The house was quiet, and the kitchen and living room lights were turned off as well, which gave him the impression that this was highly probable. Ryan was ready for rest after the long day at his physically demanding job.

As Ryan walked down the hallway towards the bedroom where his wife would no doubt be waiting, he saw light peeking out of his son Trevor's room. The door was left slightly ajar. Since Trevor was most likely still up, Ryan thought of saying goodnight to his son before heading to bed.

Trevor was a junior at high school. He was a swimmer like his father, so he had a similar lean but well toned swimmer's body. His father had coached him, as he enjoyed swimming since he was a child. He showed interest in the same profession as his father. He got along with his father as well as a father and son possibly could. They shared a similar sense of humor, and their sport centered lives meant they had a lot in common. Trevor was already the star of his high school's swimming team, and Ryan was sure if his son kept at it he could even make it to swimming professionally at competitive level. Ryan was very proud of his son. Between the two of them they could talk about anything. Well, almost anything.

Ryan gently opened the door to his son's room slightly, peeking inside. Just as he was about to say goodnight to his son, he was thrown off by what he saw reflected on the mirror in the room. Ryan could see his son Trevor sitting in front of his computer, his hand wrapped tight around the shaft of his black cock. Ryan gasped, not only surprised to have caught his son masturbating, but because of what his son was masturbating to.

On the computer screen reflecting in the mirror Ryan saw a video showing two orcas, both of them male, performing oral sex on each other in the sixty-nine position. His son was obviously enjoying the muted video he was watching. Not sure how to react to what he was seeing, Ryan just stood behind the door, staying quiet and looking on. Trevor had not noticed him.

Looking at his son masturbating, Ryan unwittingly became erect. The scene in front of him had caught him completely off guard. Ryan was bisexual, as he had been in relationships with multiple men earlier in his life before he settled down in his family life. This was the one secret he had not let anyone in the family know - not even his wife. Since meeting her twenty years ago he had not slept with anyone else. He had been completely faithful, despite sometimes feeling tempted by the same sex. It was this pent up feeling which made him lose control of his actions.

Dammit, this is wrong. He's my son for fuck's sake! Ryan was cursing in his mind, but he was unable to take his eyes off from what he was watching. His son's handsome figure engaged in masturbation was too sexy for him to resist. He begrudgingly began to rub his hardened cock through his jeans as he continued to stare at his son wanking his quite sizeable length, which Ryan would have guessed had to be at least eight inches long.

Watching on, Ryan stayed as quiet as he could as the two continued for a couple minutes. Suddenly Ryan heard his son grunt and let out a moan. He looked intently as his son's cock pulsed in his hand, spitting out multiple jets of cum across his chest. Feeling a sudden surge of pleasure triggered by the scene unraveling in front of him, Ryan turned around and quickly walked into the bathroom, conveniently located just opposite his son's room. He quickly locked the door, unzipped his pants and let his large penis out, which was rigidly pointing upward. Ryan grabbed his cock and began stroking furiously, recent images and thoughts of his son flooding his mind.

Before he knew it, his cock spasmed and a powerful climax sent waves of pleasure into every muscle in his body. Fuuuuck! He cursed at his thoughts, as the last thing in his mind at the moment of his orgasm was an image of his own son, covered in his father's cum. As the feeling subsided Ryan began to feel guilt take over his conscience. It was not just a simple matter of realizing his son might be gay, but also the dirty feelings he had just felt towards him. He could not think how he would face his son or wife in the morning, but he knew he had to act as if nothing had happened. Ryan quietly cleaned himself up and brushed his teeth, now ready for bed.

As Ryan sneaked into the bedroom, he laid next to his wife, already asleep. He gave her a soft kiss, turning to face away from her as he slowly drifted off to an unrestful sleep.

Morning came, and Ryan had to come to terms with what he had done the previous night. Trying to act normal, he walked out of the bedroom, smelling the breakfast his wife had cooked for the family. Eggs and bacon for the the two male orcas; they needed their energy and protein. Ryan sat down to the table, absentmindedly.

"Good morning, dad!" his son greeted as he would every morning.

"Oh, good morning, sweetheart!" his wife followed suit as she noticed her husband.

"Oh, uh, morning," Ryan said, waking from his thoughts.

"You're on the early shift today, right dad?" Ryan heard his son ask him.

"Umm, yeah that's right," he remembered.

"Are you feeling alright, dear? You seem a bit off this morning," his wife questioned, noticing he was not acting quite his usual self.

"Uh, I'm fine, just tired I guess. It took me a while to get to sleep last night," he answered, "no idea why".

"Do you think you'll still be able to coach me later today?" Trevor asked.

"Uh, we'll see son," he answered, honestly not sure himself.

Ryan finished his breakfast, feeling unsettled about keeping up appearances. He kissed his wife and said goodbye to them both as he headed to do his morning shift at the pools.

During the day Ryan had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom multiple times. He found himself getting erect at the thoughts of what he encountered last night. His mind was not focused on work, as he wondered if he should confront his son about what he saw the previous night. He was not thinking of telling his son what he had done while watching, but he could not let things stay as they were.

Later that day Ryan exited his car and entered his home. He was usually the first one to be home during his morning shifts, but this time to his surprise his son was already home, sitting in the living room and watching television.

"Oh, hello son. You're home early," Ryan exclaimed as he normally would.

"Yeah, the final class was canceled as the teacher had called in sick at the last minute and there was no replacement. That just means of course I have to study the subject in my own time," his son explained.

"Ah, alright," Ryan answered as he sat down on a chair next to the sofa his son was sitting on.

He thought for a moment what he should do regarding last night. He was feeling uneasy. Trevor's presence in the room made him only think more about the events of last night. He started to feel an erection coming, crossing his legs to hide the fact. Ryan had to do something, he had to settle with his feelings and the best way he thought would be to confront his son about what he saw, here and now.

"Uhh, you know Trevor, when I arrived home late last night," he began as he turned his head to face his son.

"Yeah dad?" his son answered, looking back.

"I uh, thought everyone might have been asleep, but I saw light coming from your door. It was open so I thought of saying goodnight." He continued nervously, "how do I put it... I saw you... pleasuring yourself".

His son looked back, slightly worried and shocked look on his face. Ryan could guess what his son had going on in his mind.

"It's alright, Trevor. I, uh, saw what you were looking at as well. It's alright if you feel that way towards the same sex; many do," he tried to alleviate his son's worries.

"Oh my god... I feel so embarrassed. Have you told mom?" Trevor asked, burying his face in his hands.

"No, I thought that is something you can do when you feel ready to do so," Ryan answered. He thought of a better way to empathise with his son. After all, he had gone through the same thoughts and feelings himself.

"Listen Trevor. I... how do I put this... I've been with a few males myself back when I was younger like you. It's completely fine by me how you live your life, as long it makes you happy," Ryan explained, his voice full of compassion.

Trevor lifted his head up, staring at his father with a look of shock on his face; curiously there was a small smile on his face as well.

"You've had sex with guys? Wow... I never would've even imagined that," his son said in a surprised but cheerful manner. He continued, "I haven't had sex with anyone yet. I guess I could ask you all about the ins and outs of guys doing it together, heh," his cheeks visibly red.

Feeling glad to have regained the trust of his son so fast, Ryan felt brave, perhaps foolishly so. Suddenly, without a second thought, he said to his son something which came as a surprise and shock even to himself.

"I could show you how."

These words left both Ryan and his son Trevor looking at each other in awkward silence. Oh shit, why did I just say that? My son is going to think I'm a sicko! Ryan was yelling at himself in his mind.

"I, uh... I'd like that, dad," his son answered sheepishly, looking slightly to the side from his father, blushing even more.

Ryan's heart was beating fast. He was expecting his son to have yelled at him, or at the very least left the room immediately. Instead, as a complete surprise to him, Trevor had shown interest. Ryan had not meant for things to get to this point at the start of the discussion. He had not intended for his inner desires to surface in this manner. I can't believe it, did he want this too? Ryan wondered.

"Umm, we have some time before mom comes home. Would you like to 'coach' me now, dad?" his son asked quite suggestively after moments of silence.

Hearing those words boosted Ryan's confidence. His son did not think any less of him; in fact he turned out to be the one to ask him for it!

"Sure, son. I'd love to," Ryan responded, now excited and with a smile on his face. He uncrossed his legs; the outline of his penis now visible for his son to see through his trousers. He could see Trevor taking a curious look.

"Let's go to the bedroom. Better make it yours," Ryan continued, not wanting to leave evidence of any kind of extramarital sexual activities for his wife to find. Most definitely not ones involving his son.

Ryan stood up from his chair and began walking towards Trevor's room. His son followed. Both of the orca males' pants were tenting with their respective erections at this point. They were both ready and willing.

Ryan closed the curtains in his son's room, for no one could ever discover the incestuous actions which were about to transpire between them in that place. He turned to face his son, who was waiting for his father to take the lead.

"Alright, let's get ourselves more comfortable," Ryan said to his son, as he began to strip. Taking clothes off in front of his son did not feel that unusual to Ryan, for they had showered in the same locker rooms countless times. This time was very different however, as both of them were sporting big hard ons. He watched as his son stripped, his offspring's erect penis revealed to his eyes for a second time.

Looking at his now naked son standing before him, Ryan smiled proudly. Trevor was most definitely handsome, but also sexy in his naked form. His son's appearance reminded Ryan of himself when he was younger. Trevor would easily find a mate once he had courage to do so, there was no doubt in his mind. Ryan sat himself down on the edge of his son's single bed as Trevor looked at him with a slightly nervous, yet excited look on his face.

"What would you like to try, son?" Ryan asked, wanting his son to decide how they would proceed.

"Umm, I've not even touched another man's dick, so I guess we should start with that," Trevor answered. Ryan's penis reacted by twitching a couple times; just the thought of having his son touching his cock made him very excited. It had been so long since he had felt the touch of another male, and this time it was going to be his son.

"Alright, sit down here next to me". Ryan guided Trevor, who obeyed him eagerly.

"Now then, wrap your hand around my shaft like this. Just try touching mine the same way that makes you feel good". Ryan showed example by bringing his own hand to his sons dick, his fingers caressing its length. Trevor moaned out loud, his cheeks blushing as his father's fingers slowly began to stroke the length of his penis. Eager to learn, Trevor followed his father's example, his hand carefully wrapping around and stroking the slightly longer shaft. The father and son continued stroking each other off for a while, eyes focused at the others cocks as they did. Suddenly Trevor spoke.

"I've wanted to know what it tastes like... Can I?" the young orca asked his father enthusiastically, his aquatic tail twitching nervously behind him. Ryan found his son's nervous curiosity incredibly cute and nodded cheerfully.

"Go ahead son. Just bring your face up to my cock and give it a lick," he instructed. Hearing this, Trevor's eyes quickly moved from his father's face back to his ten inch long black member. Trevor leaned his upper body forward towards his father's lap. Opening his mouth, he tentatively ran his rather wide orca tongue across the tip of his dad's penis. Then again, and again. Ryan moaned as he felt his son's eager tongue cleaning the tip of his cock, which by this point had been covered in his precum. He had been hard for a while after all.

"I'm guessing you're liking it?" Ryan asked, quite pleased by his son's newfound liking for his taste. His son only answered with a moan as he continued to lick around the tip of his father's cock. Ryan gently placed his hand on his son's head, pushing him downwards to lick along the rest of his shaft. Trevor ran his tongue all the way down the length like a pro, reaching his father's white scrotum underneath. Trevor's tongue lapped over the smooth surface of his father's balls. I can't believe he's doing this so well. He's such a great kid, Ryan thought as he grunted quietly, his son giving him such great pleasure. Suddenly the licking ceased.

"Can I suck it?" came the short and sudden inquiry from Trevor. His father could only grin as he answered.

"Of course, but I'm gonna give you a bit of advice first. Be very careful with your teeth, and don't try to take it all. Just take what you're comfortable with."

Ryan took his hand off the back of his son's head, wanting Trevor to take his cock into his mouth at his own pace. He watched as his son positioned his lips above the tip of his penis. Opening his mouth, Trevor began to take his father's cock slowly into his mouth, his orca tongue rubbing along the older male's tip and shaft as more and more slid inside. Moaning could be heard coming from Trevor's throat as he took as much of it as he could, and to his father's surprise he managed to take seven inches before stopping.

"Alright son, now bring your lips back to the tip and keep doing that over again. You can also close your lips around it and suck gently," Ryan explained to his son, who eagerly obliged. The older orca watched his son move his lips up to the tip of his penis as instructed, then taking it back in. Moaning, Ryan gave his son idle compliments as his cock kept appearing and disappearing into the young and still inexperienced mouth. However, not a trace of the younger killer whale's teeth could be felt against it. Ryan leaned his head back as his son continued his oral experimentation for a few minutes.

"If you keep doing that you're gonna make me blow," Ryan said, giving his son fair warning. "Is that what you'd like?"

After a few seconds Trevor had raised his mouth off his father's dick and looked up at him.

"Please make love to me, dad," his son exclaimed suddenly, as Ryan's erection exited his mouth. "I wanna know how it feels."

I would be his first! I'd be taking my son's virginity! Ryan's heart raced. If that was what his son wanted, he would do it. He would do anything for his son at that moment.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I would be your first," wanting to confirm if this was his son truly wanted.

"I want you to be my first. I love you, dad.", Trevor answered confidently, his cheeks red. Those words left an instant, deep impression in Ryan. His son loved him. Not only like a son, but a lover as well.

"I'd be honored to, son," Ryan answered, moved by his son's words.

Trevor sat back up next to his father, he reached out for something under his bed, pulling a small plastic tube from underneath. It was lubricant.

"Have you done anything anally before?" Ryan asked, wanting to know exactly how careful he would have to be with his son. His ten inch cock was not an easy thing to take, even for guys with a lot of experience.

"I've just been putting my fingers as deep as they go," his son explained.

"Okay, in that case we're going to be very careful and take it slow. I'll lie back on my back here, and you can take as much of me in you as you feel comfortable with."

Trevor nodded, he smiled as his father lay himself down on his bed, motioning for him to come on top of him. Ryan popped open the tube and squeezed a generous amount of lubricant in his hand, spreading it over his ten inch member, leaving its black skin wet and shiny. As Trevor climbed on top of his father, Ryan took another generous amount of lube and lifted his son's tail with one hand. His lube-covered fingers rubbed around his son's ring before gently entering his anal passage. First one, then a second, then third. Ryan moved his fingers in and out of his son slowly, loosening him up. Trevor grunted and moaned as his father prepared him, which made Ryan all the more horny, as he thought about having his son riding the orca's dick which had made him.

"Alright son, I want you to position your tailhole over my dick and lower yourself down. I'll guide myself inside you. We'll do it slowly," Ryan told his son, trying to be specific. "If you feel like it hurts we can stop or I can pull out. You just need to tell me, okay?"

Ryan saw his son nod as acknowledgement. Trevor was visibly nervous now, his knees trembling a little as he stood on them above his father's cock, the tip of it directly beneath his tailhole. As his Trevor began to lower himself, Ryan felt his son's lubed up hole pressing against the head of his cock. For a moment it seemed that it was not going to happen, both of them trying to press hard and adjusting their position. Then, suddenly the head of Ryan's penis popped into his son's tight, awaiting passage.

"Oww!" Trevor instantly yelped, taking a deep breath, gritting his teeth.

"I'm sorry Trevor! Do you want me to pull out?" Ryan quickly asked, concerned that his son was in pain. Trevor shook his head as he held his father's cock in place with his hand for a few seconds, breathing heavily.

"Mmm... ah... It's alright dad. It's feeling better already. I want to keep going," his son said as his anal passage adjusted to the sudden intrusion.

"Alright son, take it at your own pace," Ryan answered, impressed how well his son had got used to the thick head of his cock inside him.

Ryan felt his son beginning to lower his body on his cock slowly, grunts and moans escaping both of their lips as more and more of the thick, black orca cock disappeared inside the younger orca's tight tailhole. It took about a minute of slow and careful maneuvering until Trevor had met the point where he stopped, now roughly seven inches of his father's cock buried inside his tight passage. Ryan was amazed how far his son had got, especially for this being his first time.

"You can now start lifting your body and pushing yourself down on me again, when you're ready," Ryan instructed his son.

Trevor nodded as he began to raise his body with his knees and arms, the slick and well lubed cock of his father being lifted out his tailhole, until only the tip remained within. Trevor then lowered himself once more, the father and son moaning in unison as they began to slowly work in tandem. Ryan softly pressed his hips upwards against his son's tail as he moved downwards on the orca's length.

"You're doing great, son." Ryan said, impressed at how well his 17-year-old virgin son was riding his member, which would have made most other species cocks look small by comparison.

The moans, grunts and squeaking sounds of Trevor's mattress echoed in the room, the tempo slowly beginning to increase as Trevor's body adjusted to the new feeling of having a cock move inside him. Ryan felt confident to begin grinding his hips harder against his son's behind with every repetition of movement. Ryan gazed his eyes at his son above him, smiling as he was able to push eight inches of his cock inside. He enjoyed the younger orca's tight and warm passage massaging his dick, not having had anal sex in two decades. Trevor's penis was twitching in front of Ryan's eyes, bouncing as the son rode his father's cock. Wrapping his hand around his son's cock, Ryan began to stroke as his son rode him with increased confidence and speed.

"Ah... this feels... unh... amazing, dad!" Trevor exclaimed between moans and grunts, as he placed his hands on his father's chest, gaining better support. Ryan saw his son's eyes close for seconds at a time as sounds of pleasure escaped his lips.

"I'm glad you're liking it, son," Ryan answered, happy to have made his son's first experience so enjoyable. The two family members continued pleasuring each other, their orca bodies now glistening with sweat as the thrusting and grinding had become quite rapid. Trevor's moans suddenly increased in volume; he was now very close to having managed all of his father's ten inches inside him. Ryan stroked his son's cock fast as he heard his balls slap against the younger orca's buttocks. This sudden feeling was amazing for the both of them; Ryan grunting as all of his cock was engulfed by his son's ass, Trevor enjoying his anal passage thoroughly being filled by his father. Trevor could only hold back his orgasm a couple more thrusts.

"Oh gods, dad! I'm gonna cum" Trevor suddenly cried out in between his moans, as his cock began shooting out rapid streams of the young orca's seed. The cum hit his father's chin and began landing all over his toned chest. Ryan was stimulated further by the sudden orgasmic scream of his son and being covered in his cum. This combination of sensations pushed him over the edge as well, as he grabbed his son's hips hard and buried himself balls deep inside his tailhole, pulling the younger orca's ass against his cock.

"Here it comes, son!" was all Ryan managed to shout out before his balls began to empty themselves inside his son's now non-virgin ass. The two orcas grunted and moaned for what felt like forever, until each others orgasms had slowly passed, leaving Ryan's chest a cummy mess and Trevor's tailhole leaking out his father's sperm. Trevor was now leaning forwards over his father, as they looked at each other in post-orgasmic euphoria.

"That was amazing dad, thank you so much," Trevor said between his breaths.

"You were great son. I'm really proud of you," Ryan answered, panting as he slowly pulled his cock out of his son's now loosened tailhole. His son collapsed next to him, cuddling his father. They lay there for a few minutes, catching their breath.

"We should go wash ourselves, we were at it for over an hour," Ryan spoke to his son before they could get too relaxed. His wife was due to arrive home in an hour.

The father and son showered together, which was something they had never done at home before. This was a special case however, as the two had bonded. Not only as a father and son, but as lovers. As they exited the shower, Ryan and Trevor made a promise not to tell anyone about what they had between them. It was their special secret.

"Can we do this again?" Trevor asked his father, as he dried himself.

"I'd love to, son. Your mother is going on that business trip next week, remember? We can have plenty of quality father-son time then," Ryan said to his son, giving him a wink.

"I love you, dad," Trevor said.

"Love you too, son."

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