From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 12: Two Years Down the Line

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#12 of Diary of Jun

Two years later we check in on Jun

Tonight was insane.

Winter break is coming up soon and while Bet and I both still had a couple of classes left, Lily is finished for the semester. That being the case she came up to spend some time with me before we go home to the family for the holidays. Today was the last day of course work for the two of us, so we all decided to go out and have some fun at this place down the road from the campus.

The fact that we knew we weren't going to have any trouble getting in despite all being a year too young should have clued us in to the nature of the place before we went. Unfortunately, despite my lack of confidence when I'm not Alert, I'd started to develop some arrogance about my ability to handle situations. I'm not going to have to learn this lesson again.

I got to the club first. My classes let out before Bet's and Lily told me to go on ahead while she got ready. I'd worn a short black dress with a blue shrug, nothing too eye-catching. The music was loud. The lights were dim. This wasn't really my kind of scene, but Lily thought it'd be a good idea to get the two of us out of our room for once. I was sitting at the bar waiting for the two of them when the first surprise of the evening occurred.

"Hey, cutie."

She was a big girl. Probably six feet or so with some weight on her. An oryx or an antelope. Some kind of hippotraginae, I don't remember. I just remember the black and white face. The little black dress that was definitely just this side of too little judging by just how well it hugged those ample curves.

And what happened next.

"Hello," I answered. I was feeling strangely uncomfortable. She was certainly attractive, but something about her made me uneasy.

She took a seat at the bar in the chair next to mine.

"Come here often?" It wasn't a real question. It was a line. She was feeding me a line. She followed it up with what I'm sure she meant as a smile, but to me it seemed more a leer.

"No. Just out with my girlfriend and best friend celebrating the end of the semester."

She nodded, then called the bartender over. I couldn't hear what she ordered over the sound of the music.

"I thought you looked a little young to be in here."

I looked towards the door hoping that Lily or Bet would walk in.

She sidled up closer to me and quasi-whispered

"Since your girlfriend isn't here yet, I can be your girlfriend."

She put a hand on my thigh and started sliding it up under my dress. My hand came down on top of hers.

"Please don't," I said.

She ignored me and overpowered my hand, shoving hers into contact with my penis.

"Oh! What a surprise. Definitely going to have to try you out now," she said.

I closed my eyes and breathed deep, trying to use her to become Alert. But I got nothing. I could smell her, but she wasn't a hyper. Just an overeager normal person with no regard for my personal boundaries. And I was powerless to stop her.

"That's right. Relax. Let it happen. You'll love it."

She grabbed my cock and started to roughly jerk me.

"Stop," I squeaked.

She didn't even bother to reply this time. Instead she casually flipped my dress up, exposing me to the world. She stood and reached between her legs with her free hand, pulling aside the gusset of her underwear aside. She crossed the short gap between our seats and began to slowly lower herself onto my lap.

"Ohh this is going to be goOWW! What the fu..."

Before she was finished her head sharply turned sideways and she was practically thrown off of me.

"My mousey said no, bitch."

And there was Lily in a strapless leather dress between me and the pushy woman. She stood there arms out, claws extended, ready to tear out a throat if need be.

The Oryx woman rubbed at the place where her left horn met her head then looked at Lily furiously.

"This is none of your god damned business!"

"She's the entirety of my business," Lily hissed. "She said she isn't interested. Take a hint and move on before you get hurt."

I could see her weighing the options in her head. Whether or not I was worth trying to go through Lily for. I could see her start to come to the conclusion that I wasn't in her mind, and then it took a sudden leap to "absolutely not" when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, babes."

Bethany had always been better at faking it than I had. The figure she'd developed playing on our school's basketball team helped the illusion as well. She stared coldly at the woman. The sweat pants hid her legs, but the tank top left her arms with their lithe muscles exposed. The woman didn't seem to want any of that.

"Fuck all of you," she mumbled and walked away into the crowd.

Lily straightened both herself and, with the cutest little shimmy, her dress, gave her hair a casual toss back into place, and then turned around with that smile of hers. She threw her arms around my neck. My hands went to her hips. I looked up into her eyes and her lips met with mine.

We separated, she placed her head against mine.

"Sorry I was late, Jun."

I shook my head no. "Right on time as always, baby."

She grabbed my hand. "Come on, mousey. The music's calling."

Lily tugged me out onto the dance floor.

"I'll just be over here, love birds." Bet turned back to the bar. "What's good?"

God. Something about my Lily made everything better. The music wasn't noise anymore. It was a part of us and we moved with it. In our minds and our eyes we were the only ones on that dance floor. We made love on that dance floor. She held me. My constant support. Her hands explored me. I danced with her. I let myself go in a way I never do when I'm not Alert.

And then the stall. She held me again. This time against the partition. Our mouths locked together. Tongues exchanged. My dress up, hers as well. She pushed me into her.



She did the work, pushing and pulling against me. Riding me. We licked, and sucked, and moaned, and gasped, and yelled.

And I came.

"Fuck yes, mousey. There's kitty's cream."

"All for you."

By the time we were finished it was last call. We looked, but we didn't see Bet anywhere. She probably didn't want to wait around for us.

I'm spending the night in Lily's room, give Bet some space tonight in our dorm, but we went back to campus to pick some stuff up.

And that's when we got our second surprise.

"Auuhh! Aaaargh!"

"Yeah! Feels good right?"

"Sto... Nuh... Nuhhhnnn."

"Here it comes!"

Lily and I stopped outside of the door when we heard the exchange. We looked at each other. She mouthed a question, asking if we should go in.

The door opened and Bet popped her head out. "That's right. Just let it settle in. Ladies! Care for a drink? Might be a little strong for you though, Lily."

Bet held up a bottle of murky translucent white liquid.

"White Russian, hyper style."

"What the hell is going on, Bet?"

She shook the bottle.

"Someone_got the bright idea to drug unsuspecting college co-eds with his semen. Someone else got the bright idea to teach that someone a lesson tonight. Now he won't be doing anything with _his semen ever again."

"Bet! You didn't..."

She smirked. "He deserved it. Who knows how many unwitting girls this asshole's gotten pregnant under the influence. Now he knows how it feels. And speaking of feeling..."

Bet popped the top on the bottle and knocked back a swig.

"This is a pretty good little bottled party starter. You two wouldn't be interested in starting one would you?"

I didn't have to look at her to see the Cheshire grin on Lily's face.

Jun, age 20

From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 13: Honeymoon

"Junie..." My dad once told me "barely there beats fully bare." Now, when he told me this, I was too young to really understand what he meant. Not counting my aunts, I hadn't really been presented with any experience regarding either or. As I got...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 11: The Morning After

The first thing I noticed when I came to the next morning was the smell. Warmed-over fuck, as Lily would have called. Not old enough to be stale, but not fresh enough to be hot. A lot of it. My attention was quickly drawn away from the olfactory mess...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 10: Control

"Oh, fuck baby. You need to visit more often. Shit! Not interested in any boys, I see. Just as tight as ever. So nice of Emily to keep mom and mama away from you. Means you stay just right for me, Junie." Auntie Isabelle rambled as shi fucked me with...

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