From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 13: Honeymoon

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#13 of Diary of Jun

Another few years have gone by in the life of Jun and Lily...


My dad once told me "barely there beats fully bare." Now, when he told me this, I was too young to really understand what he meant. Not counting my aunts, I hadn't really been presented with any experience regarding either or. As I got older I started to agree to an extent, but I always felt that context determined the ultimate winner.

Seeing Lily. My Lily. Or rather, now, officially, my Mrs. Lilith Riggs, standing in the door of our suite's bathroom, framed in light and wearing what she had so affectionately termed a notgligée, I knew he had been right. Because while fully bare is always hot, barely there makes you want to work for the treasure just beyond your immediate reach.

She smiled at me. That Cheshire grin I loved her for. That look in her eye. The one that said "I've got something crazy planned, Mousey. Buckle in and enjoy the ride." Except there was no need to buckle in. I'd done that five years ago, our final year in high school, and I'd been loving every minute of our wild little journey ever since.

Hands at her side, she sashayed her way over to the bed, upon which she had left me laying.

And then the knock.

Lily's head turned to the door, her face lit up. She practically bounded across the room. I barely had time to slip a pair of pants and a shirt back on before Lily was looking through the peep hole then tossing wide the door.

Shi stood in the hall looking no differently than she had earlier. A white tank top, straining almost futilely against the bust they concealed, under a denim vest with torn sleeves and a matching pair of jeans. Shi was huge compared to Lily and I, at least 6'5" of sloppy spotted hyena. Shi reeked. Of stale cigarettes and alcohol. Of sweat and cum.

"Hey, sugar," shi said as shi shamelessly ogled Lily. Shi raised a half consumed bottle of cheap whiskey. "Locked outta my room tonight, remembered the number to yours."

Without waiting for any kind of invite, shi pushed into our suite looking around and giving a whistle. Shi gave Lily a 'playful' swat on the ass.

"Nice digs," shi commented. "I see the pip_squeak_," shi thought the misplaced emphasis made hir clever, "is takin' care of ya."

"Oh," Lily replied, "Jun's still looking for a job. I got us the room."

"Really?" Shi took a quick glance in my direction. I saw the smirk. I knew what she was thinking. Planning. Though I was honestly surprised someone like hir could _make_plans. "Mighty impressive."

Our interloper raised the bottle again. "You got any ice in here? Figure if we're gonna have ourselves a little party, we might as well do it right."

Lily, who had found her way to standing next to our evening intrusion, a little closer than strictly proper, simply shook her head no.

"Hey, pip_squeak_. Why don't you go get us some ice for these drinks?"

"But, um, we could... we could, uh, just call up room service to..."

"Jun," Lily interjected, "don't be rude. Just go get the ice."

"Yeah,Jun," the hyena herm intoned. "Don't worry, I'll keep your wife entertained."

As I climbed out of the suite bed to venture into the halls in search of ice, I was stopped by an inquiry from the intruder.

"Oh, shit, sorry. I forgot to ask. I wasn't interruptin' anything coming here, was I?"

I looked over my shoulder and opened my mouth. I looked to Lily, my shoulders slumped, my mouth closed. I merely shook my head.

"No. You weren't interrupting anything important."

Shi reeked. Of stale cigarettes and alcohol. Of sweat and cum.

But most of all shi reeked of that scent that all hypers reek of. Like an olfactory arrogance.

It was all I could do not to smile. I had to play my part.

The resort was a suggestion by ama Luna.

"I love you dearly, Jun, but your father and mother are shockingly lazy! I expect a boatload of great grand babies from the two of you to make up for their lack of gusto, so I've got you two rooms at this place I know. You were planning on bringing Bethany and hir girl along, right? Consider it a... let's just go with 'warm up'."

We didn't know what she meant at the time, but Bet and I figured it out quick. We were Alert almost a mile out. This was a paradise for hypers. A hunting ground, even. Unsuspecting couples would arrive and leave breeder and cuckold. And any hyper hunting ground was a DV buffet line.

"How many," Lily asked. She could tell now, at a glance, when I was Resting or Alert.

"If I had to guess, we're probably looking at a 2:1 ratio, minus the employees. I should have guessed this would be the kind of place ama would recommend. I'm sorry, Lily."

"A hyper per couple, just about. Keeps fights from breaking out too often, I'd guess. Don't be sorry, baby. Like Luna said, we could use the warm up."

I looked at her as she arched her back in a stretch, showing her belly under the t-shirt she'd worn for the trip out. Her eyes said two words. 'Buckle in.'

"How's your acting these days, Mousey?"

Phase one of the plan. Neither of us entered the situation with the assumption that every hyper was ill intentioned, even the ones currently stalking the halls of this obvious breeder trap. We knew some really good people who also happened to be hypers. Ama, for one, obviously. And Bet's girl Emma. So we didn't want to be unfair or needlessly cruel. We'd make it obvious that we were a newlywed couple deeply in love with one another. They'd be given every chance to back out. To course correct. To have a little fun then walk away. Or simply to have a change of heart. If they persisted, Lily would slip them our room number right before we left. With those ground rules we finished check-in and headed down to the bar and game room.

I saw hir watching from the moment we walked in, hand-in-hand, Lily leading the way. Watching as we ordered our drinks. As we sat at our table a snuggled up. And I smelled hir approach, though I feigned obliviousness.

"Hey," shi exclaimed, setting hir tankard of beer on the table without invite. "Ain't y'all just the cutest couple? Let me guess, newlyweds?"

Shi was a spotted grey-brown. Hir hair was black and short. Shi looked like trouble. And from the smell, I was guessing the only thing keeping Lily clear-headed was the close proximity to me.

"Yes," Lily exclaimed. "Exactly right! And thank you! My name's Lily, this is Jun."

"Hi..." I sounded less than enthused. I looked at hir with annoyance and waited to see if shi would react as I expected. Shi did, flashing me a look equal parts disdain and superiority. I knuckled under, letting hir believe hirself the dominant in our interpersonal dynamic.

"Mara," shi said. "I'm a local, but I love coming here, despite the kitschy touristy shit. You get to meet some great folks. Can I buy you two a game of pool?"

Shi wasn't great at this. Rushing the point and expecting hir size and scent to smooth over the rough edges. But we weren't here to critique. We were here to play victims.

"That's alright," I began. "I think we really would just like to sp..."

"Nonsense, Jun," Lily interrupted. "Mara, I would love to take you up on your offer. Though I've never played before."

"Oh, don't you worry none. I can teach you..."

It went about how you'd guess. Lily, with Mara guiding her, against me. My poor performance, at least, was no act, but it was still in service to Mara's hole digging. Hir lessons nothing more than pretense for more and more brazenly molesting my wife.

"Get a better angle on the balls," shi would say, pushing down on the back of Lily's head.

"Spread your legs some," shi'd advise, using her own to part them.

"Back it up," shi'd order as hir hand slipped down to pull Lily towards hir.

"Feel that," shi'd ask, pressing hirself into Lily's ass. Grinding hirself against her. And finally just dropping all pretense and openly dry humping a woman shi'd just met against a pool table with her spouse only feet away.

Lily's head was pressed down onto the canvas. Her mouth hung open, panting as her hips were slammed into the table by Mara's. But her eyes were alive. I could see them looking sidewise as the hyper above her. I could see her marking our target in her mind. We'd gotten a bite, now it was time to reel it in.

For hir part, Mara made that an easy task. Hir eyes focused on me and the sorrowful look I'd summoned, almost drawing more pleasure from my misery than hir foreplay with Lily.

"Hey... pip_squeak_," shi managed between grunts "Why don't... you go grab us... some more drinks?"


"Go on now, git!"

It was the excuse I was waiting for to leave the table. Pretty soon my own arousal was going to tear through the Mara's miasma and tip our hand early. So I turned and morosely walked to the bar.

"That bitch is a piece of work. No class at all."

I smiled, now that Mara was unable to see it, and sat down next to Emma.

The cheetah girl wasn't all that different from when we'd first been introduced over webcam. Except now she'd traded the abs for a permanent dome of pregnancy. Bet sat next to her, equally interested in the scene at the pool table.

"Gonna enjoy taking that one down."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's still the chance that shi has a little fun and doesn't follow up," I replied, the incredulity in my voice obvious.

"Only about as much chance as my not taking a crack at hir once she does."

I ordered some drinks. Not for Mara or Lily, as I expected they would be gone by the time I could get back. Just a round for the tree of us.

"Oop, there they go. Might want to get move on, Jun. Or else you too may miss your chance."

I turned to watch Mara drag Lily towards the restroom. Took stock of the situation.

"No. Someone like that, I'm betting shi's not going to be satisfied with just a quickie in the women's room. Shi'd get a thrill out of me knowing, but not really_knowing_, yeah. Or walking in and getting confirmation. But neither of those would be enough. No. Shi's in there thinking shi's hooking her catch. Most likely getting hir cock sucked. Maybe a tit fuck. But shi's not going to reel it in yet. The real thing won't be until she can do it in a bed Lily and I share. Our home is too far away, so our room will suffice."

I'd seen enough to be inside of Mara's head now. More than anywhere else, that's where I was most dangerous.

"Hey. Hey! You still with us?"

Mara looked up, confused, almost shell-shocked, my cum sloughing off of hir features. I perched in front of hir, wearing only a could smile I was told I'd inherited from my mother. Lily's face was between my thighs, making up for lost time with my balls and pussy. My cock was pointed straight at the dazed hyena's face.

"Good. Now, open up."

"Wha... what hapauugh..."

I slid home. Shi hadn't seen me coming, nor had shi seen me cumming. While she prepared to penetrate Lily I quietly climbed into position and fired off my first load of the evening. And now, with my hand firmly grasping that short black hair of hirs, I was working my way up to the second.

Lily below slid herself backwards so that she was looking over my hips as I pistoned in and out of the cowed aggressor we'd snared. She poked her lip out just a bit in mock sympathy for Mara.

"I bet you're feeling pretty good right now, aren'cha?"

Mara stared at her in surprise. Just a moment ago this little kitty had been putty, and now shi was being talked down to by her.

"Answer her," I ordered.

Mara's head bobbed up and down around the rod currently occupying hir maw.

"Don't want to be, do you."

Shi shook hir head no.

"That's too bad. It's too bad you're going to be walking out of here knocked up too."

I turned to look at Lily. That hadn't been part of the plan. My first kids were going to be with her. She merely shook her head and pointed. Bethany stood in the doorway adjoining our rooms. On her knees, getting Bet good and ready was Emma.

"Ooohh," she moaned in between laps at Bet's dick, "Doggy's got a thing for putting liters in spotty things doesn't shi."

"You know it babe."

Jun, 23

The World of Jun - File 1a: Luna Loves Janie

What. The. Fuck!? What the fuck had happened last night?! Shi'd gone to the club to find hirself some ass. Spotted that cute little squirrel chick. Chatted the adorable little thing up. Got hir back to the room and then... what? It was a blur. A...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 12: Two Years Down the Line

Tonight was insane. Winter break is coming up soon and while Bet and I both still had a couple of classes left, Lily is finished for the semester. That being the case she came up to spend some time with me before we go home to the family for the...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 11: The Morning After

The first thing I noticed when I came to the next morning was the smell. Warmed-over fuck, as Lily would have called. Not old enough to be stale, but not fresh enough to be hot. A lot of it. My attention was quickly drawn away from the olfactory mess...

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