From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 10: Control

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#10 of Diary of Jun

You guys are getting another sexless excerpt in a couple of days. It was supposed to be part of this one, but it didn't fit the tone. So it's also probably going to be a bit short. But it's necessary world building.

"Oh, fuck baby. You need to visit more often. Shit! Not interested in any boys, I see. Just as tight as ever. So nice of Emily to keep mom and mama away from you. Means you stay just right for me, Junie."

Auntie Isabelle rambled as shi fucked me with shallow, rapid fire thrusts. Shi hadn't let me get away from hir for even an instant all night.

"What's the rush? Your girlfriend's enjoying herself. And she hasn't got a cock, so you're not cheating," shi had said.

I looked over to Lily. She'd already been a little drunk and now she was delirious from Ama Luna's scent and full to bursting with my cum. To top it off, while she was still being had by my grandmother, now she was servicing my auntie Tina's twat. And judging by the big wet spot beneath her face, she hadn't been the first of the night.

My own belly churned with a mixture of cum from auntie Jada, auntie Kaitlyn, and several other aunts who'd wandered over during auntie Isabelle's marathon reclamation of my pussy as her personal property. Bet had gotten in on the action too and the lion's share, if not the entirety, of what now sat heavily in my guts was from hir deposit.

"God, babes, I've wanted a crack at you since we met," shi'd moaned while shi held my ears and pounded my face. Hir knot repeatedly smashed against my nose and lips, but shi didn't try to force it in. "Suck it miracle cunt! Suck! Suck! Suck! Fuck! I promise, Jun. I don't even like getting fucked, but I promise you can have a turn at me! Ughh, oh. Here it comes Jun! Take it!"

Shi said it like I had a choice. Even with hir knot outside shi was still wedged somewhere beyond my shoulders. I watched hir balls swell before clenching. Like slow motion I saw hir puppy dick expand as the first wad rolled through it, stretching my mouth even wider as it passed my lips. Then her balls gave another heave and the next one invaded me. And the next one. Before finally the first reached the end of its the line and fired out of the tip, rocketing its way down the rest of my gullet until it splattered into a pool of warm gunk on impact with the bottom of my stomach. The process repeated itself time and again until I was distended with the frothing, liquid cement weight of Bet's sperm swarming inside of me.

Bet withdrew slowly. Thick ropes of my saliva and hir sperm continued to connect us while the thinner ones lazily sluiced from her prick to the carpet below in a sludgy morass. I coughed and strings of the mix covered my mouth and chin. Bethany backed up to admire hir handy work and found hirself bumping into Lily's face. Automatically she started lapping at what her tongue could reach, in this case being Bet's nuts, which were already starting to fill full again.

Bethany looked me directly in the eye and gave me one of hir smirks. Without breaking eye contact, shi leaned over, backed up, and raised hir balls out of the way so that Lily was now sucking at hir pussy from behind.

"I can see why you like her so much, babes."

I don't know when it happened, but at some point auntie Isabelle had managed to drag me away from the little "party" we had going in the living room and the hallways and had gotten me alone in my room. Auntie Isabelle hadn't stopped fucking me since shi'd started. I don't know where she gets hir staying power, but hir stamina would be decent for a hyper and is amazing for a normal. The constant, continual fucking was starting to wear me down, and here, away from Ama's hyper scent, I was starting to Rest again. The fight was quickly going out of me. Which was just what shi wanted.

"'Belle's missed her little pussy licking cock socket," shi whispered in my ear as she continued to plow me endlessly. "You've been a bad girl, Jun. You haven't come to see me or take care of me in so long. How do you think that makes me feel?"

I knew where this was going when I felt her fingers ever so slightly playing with my clit.

"Not good, aunt Isa... ah!"

She pinched. Not hard, but enough to get my attention.

"I mean 'Belle," I shouted and the pressure decreased.

"That's right. It made me very sad. And who made me sad, baby?"

"I... ssss."

A little tweak to act as a reminder of how this game was played.


"Jun. Jun made 'Belle sad." It was demeaning, but it was what she wanted, and I didn't have the will to fight back.

"Yes shi did. Shi stopped visiting and made 'Belle very sad. But I'm sure shi's sorry, isn't shi?"

I nodded.

"Prove it. You know how."

I did know how. Shi'd taught me a long time ago.

I felt Isabelle withdraw most of the way from me. Hir hands went to my waist.

"Now show me you're sorry."

I took the moment of reprieve to catch my breath and work up the energy I'd need for what was about to happen. I pulled myself forward until shi was just touching my lips. And then I threw myself backwards onto hir.

My head shot up as a jolt I clenched down on hir and another orgasm crashed through me. That was the one shi wanted. I wasn't there anymore.

"Good girl," shi almost purred. A hand came up to stroke along my arched back as I tried to recover. When finally the peak passed, shi started to fuck me in earnest. Every thrust set off another small orgasm inside of me.

Shi leaned over me and started whispering into my ear. "I never finished making you into my little fuck-doll. You stopped coming before I could. But that's okay. You didn't want to go to stupid old college anyway, did you Junie?"

I was in no state to disagree. Shi'd been working me over all night. Reconditioning me back into the object shi'd tried to make me before. Many of my aunts had had me at some point, but Isabelle wasn't like them. Shi didn't just want to fuck me. Shi wanted to own me. And shi'd been working at it ever since shi'd started fucking me. Planning to have me choose to come live with hir after high school like some kind of pet. I'd managed to get my head together then, and had stayed away since, but I didn't have it in me tonight, and if she broke me now, I didn't know if I'd be alright in the morning. If I wasn't back together quickly enough, shi'd be using me the rest of her visit, and I'd be hirs by the end of it.

"I'm cumming, baby. The first of many!"

I felt hir stiffen and swell and then I heard a sound like the air being cut. After that I heard auntie Isabelle scream "SHIT!"

I turned to see my mom standing right by my bed. People say that we look like twins, except for the color. While I'm a solid black, my mom's a russet red. Our faces really are nearly identical, though her eyes show a little more maturity than mine. Our bodies, I was discovering tonight, were very different. While we shared the same general shape and height, my mom's breasts were smaller than mine. Bs to my Ds. She was a little harder than I was, having just a little visible muscle accenting her soft curves. When I wasn't being fucked, my pussy was a thin pink line against my fur, but you could see just inside of mom's. In a different state of mind, I would have been disgusted to see her standing there, dripping cum from her fur and orifices. But where my mind was right then, I could only think two things.

The first was how beautiful my mother really was.

The second was that we were very clearly not twins. Because I didn't think I could ever look at someone that coldly.

"You bitch," Isabelle sneered. Her hands had left my waist, and despite her declaration and the lead up to it, I could tell she hadn't come in me. Her voice was urgent.

"Too fucking far," my mom said. "You always take things too fucking far. I should have known you'd go behind my back and fuck my daughter when I said she was off limits. You're mother's a fucking hyper and she could manage it."

"The little whore liked it," Isabelle declared. I could still hear that whine in hir voice. It was strange, I'd never heard hir sound anything but utterly in command before.

"Of course she liked it! Look at who her parents and her grandparents are. I said no. And you couldn't even have the decency to just keep it to some innocent fucking could you?"

Isabelle whimpered when my mom said "could."

"Sit up, Jun. You need to see this."

I responded automatically. Where my head was I would follow just about any command from whoever the most authoritative voice in the room was.

My mom stood there face to face with my aunt, her tail wrapped tight around the hare herm's cock and slowly squeezing tighter.

"Jun, don't ever let this bitch control you again. Shi thinks shi's in charge, but once you get a leash on her shi's your puppet. Isn't that right, Isabelle?"

My aunt looked at my mom defiantly. Mom squeezed down harder and Isabelle's mouth opened in protest.

"Isn't. That. Right?"


"Your mothers always liked to play Harold's little game, and I didn't mind playing along. But it wasn't a game for you. You really wanted to steal your brother's girlfriends. Until you tried it on the wrong woman."



"Please let me cum, Emily."

I could see auntie Isabelle's swollen sack straining against the pressure of her back up.

My mom almost laughed.

"You know what, Isabelle? I'm not heartless. And you're family. I'll let you cum."

With her tail she guided Isabelle by the cock to her pussy.

"Right here bitch," she said, putting her hands on Isabelle's shoulders. "Feed my husband's swimmers with yours."

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 11: The Morning After

The first thing I noticed when I came to the next morning was the smell. Warmed-over fuck, as Lily would have called. Not old enough to be stale, but not fresh enough to be hot. A lot of it. My attention was quickly drawn away from the olfactory mess...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 9: A Family Reunion

Two weeks ago, Nana called up dad. She said she and ama Luna were coming to town for my graduation. Also that they were bringing a unit of my aunts with them. And when I say a unit it may sound like an exaggeration, but trust me, it wasn't. Thankfully...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 8: The Ride Home

From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 8: Guidance By the time dad had finished giving Bobby the dressing down of his life classes had ended and, since he was already there, he offered to give us a ride home. "Damn." We were in the parking lot when Lily...

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