From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 9: A Family Reunion

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#9 of Diary of Jun

Broke a cardinal rule about perspective in this one, but I owed you guys some decent smut and, damn it, I intended to deliver!

Two weeks ago, Nana called up dad. She said she and ama Luna were coming to town for my graduation. Also that they were bringing a unit of my aunts with them. And when I say a unit it may sound like an exaggeration, but trust me, it wasn't. Thankfully she only intended to bring my oldest aunts. My dad's litter. All-in-all something like seventeen people in total.

"Mom, you know I love my sisters, but we don't have nearly enough room."

"Uv gah ruhm!"

Lily sat at the breakfast table with us, trying to speak over a mouth full of food. She'd spent the previous night in my room. She'd been spending a lot of nights since the talk with my dad in my room. When dad came to drop my stuff off that night he wound up taking us both home instead. She had been staying with us ever since. When she'd felt she was being a burden, mom insisted she stay. And it's hard to say no to mom.

Now I watched her realize her mistake in speaking with a mouthful of food. Her eyes shot open, and her hand went up to cover her mouth. Without any more chewing she swallowed down the entire mouthful. I watched the lump of food travel down her throat and felt a twitch in my pants, knowing just where she developed the necessary skill to do that.

"Sorry. I was saying that I've got room at my place if you need space."

"Lily," mom began, "we can't impose on you and your parents like that. Besides, won't you have guests?"

Lily's eyes dropped. She poked at her plate a little without answering. Lily didn't like to talk about her parents. Apparently her grandfather had left her with a lot of money. Her specifically, not her parents. More specifically her grandfather had left the majority of the wealth he'd accrued that hadn't gone to charity to "any grandchildren I may have." Her mother was his only child, and she would receive none of that money until she had a child. So she hooked up with some guy and popped out a child. They named her Lilith. The money was hers, but her parents got a monthly stipend. They used that money to travel the world and do a bunch of other frivolous fun stuff. When she was a baby they would take her along, but the older she got, the less time they spent with her. When Lily turned eighteen she bought the house from her parents with the money she now had access to. As far as she knew, they hadn't spared her a thought since.

"It's just going to be big and empty like it always is. It's no imposition, really."

"Are you sure," my dad asked.

Lily nodded enthusiastically. "Positive!"

"Alright, mom, Lily's offered us the use of her home, so it looks like we've got enough room after all. It's still going to be a bit cramped, but there should be enough space." He paused as Nana said something. "Lily. Jun's girlfriend. Yes. Yes. Mom! No. No, mom. Keep it in your pants, ma." He gave Lily an apologetic look and went back to the phone. "Alright mom. That Sunday. Gotcha. Okay. Love you. Tell mama I love her too. Bye." Finally he hung up the phone.

Dad turned around and gave Lily a look. "Sorry about that."

She waved a hand and shoveled another forkful of breakfast into her mouth.

After breakfast Lily and I headed out to the park. It was about three weeks before we would graduate from high school and we were spending even more time than usual together. We'd both gotten into colleges, but unfortunately not the same ones. Lily would be about four hours from me. We planned on seeing each other on weekends, but it would be hard. In the nearly three months we'd been dating we hadn't gone more than three days without seeing one another. So we wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

On the bright side, Bet got accepted into the same school I did. Her classes ended last month, so of course she decided to come down and catch my graduation. I was looking forward to it.

"Hey, Jun?"


"I've been thinking about something." She was looking at her feet instead of me. Something was weighing heavy on her.

"What's up," I asked. I pulled her closer with the arm I'd already had on her waist. She shook her head a little then flashed me a toothy smile.

"It's not bad, Jun. Don't worry."

"So what is it?"

"Well, we're going to different schools for our college years, right?"


"And we'll be seeing each other on weekends, right?"


"You can't get a normal person pregnant. And I've been thinking that you should have fun during your college experience. So you have my permission to fuck around."

I stopped dead.


"Jun, not counting your aunts, I'm the only person you've ever slept with, right? I love you, and I know you love me, if things keep going the way they are, and I'm hoping with everything I've got that they do, we're going to end up together after we get our degrees. But I don't want you to never have the opportunity to experience anyone but me."


"Look, you don't _have_to fuck anyone while you're at school. I'm just saying, if you meet a cute girl or a hot boy and want to take them for a spin, it's fine with me."

I nodded, somewhat dazed.

"Sure. Same goes for you."

"Oh, no, Jun. I'm fine. I've had my fun already."

I shook my head.

"No. If it's okay for me, it's okay for you. As long as we're seeing each other on the weekends you're in no danger of getting pregnant." I looked up at her with just my eyes. "We just have to make sure. We're having sex every weekend."

That Cheshire grin Lily sprouted from time to time appeared. "Of course." Lily forced a hand down the front of my pants and wrapped it around my member. "I have to make sure you remember who _this_belongs to. Speaking of which," she pushed me hard against a nearby tree and leaned in close to one of my ears.

"Time for a reminder..."

My aunts started filtering in on Tuesday, Bet arrived on Thursday, and my grandparents showed up that Saturday. Nana, Ama, and Bet stayed with us and my aunts stayed over at Lily's house. Lily continued sleeping with me in my room.

Graduation was fun. I wrote that whole big thing about it earlier, so I'll just let that stand on its own.

What I want to talk about is what happened after.

We all came home, all of us. My fifteen aunts, my grandparents, Bet, my parents, Lily, and me. Twenty-two people shoved into our little house at once. Mom broke out some glasses and a few bottles and before long the alcohol was flowing.

I think only the four of us could see it coming as the night went on. It was like the static electricity in the air before lightning struck. My dad looked resigned. Bet seemed excited. Nana was scanning the room for her first target. And I was edging closer to Lily.

"We need to go," I whispered.

"Why," she asked, her voice louder than she probably intended. "'M havin' fun."

"My family's fun. It's also got a hyper and an anti-hyper as the matriarchs. I am Alert right now, and I'm still feeling nervous."

"Y'ur jus' be'n par'noid. Your gra'ma's pretty cute, by the way," she said with a glance towards Luna. The predatory smirk on hir face made me sure shi caught it too.

"Shi's 57."

"Looks 30. I'd let hir."

That was all it took. Like the starting gun at a race, we were off.

((That concludes the diary entry. However, submitted with this excerpt, were a series of DVDs. After extensive, extensive cleanup of said DVDs, we discovered recordings of the events that followed.))

_ Bet, Lucy, Ruth, Whitney _

Bet saw Luna practically leaped onto Lily. Three of Juns aunts grabbed her and hauled her off to another corner of the room. Harold was weighed down by two of his sisters. Janie sneaked up behind Emily. Most of Jun's remaining aunts fell in on each other into a big pile of fuck. Fortunately Bet had her camera to record all of this. Unfortunately it seemed like shi'd be left without partners.

Her count, however, was off. Shi only realized this when she felt a pair of tongues lapping at her balls and pussy. Looking down from the camera she saw two of Jun's aunts attacking her lower body with their mouths as a third salivated. All three were squirrels with various shades and splashes of black and light brown fur.

"Just keep recording, cutie. We'll take care of you," Lucy, the oldest of the three and the one preparing to shove Bet down her throat, said.

A smirk crept across Bet's face. While one hand kept a hold of hir camera the other slipped down and wrapped around the back of Lucy's head. Without taking hir eyes off of the action in front of hir, Bethany pulled the woman forward onto hirself while thrusting her hips forward.

"GLORL," Lucy voiced in protest as Bet's shaft was forced down her throat.

"You picked the right bitch for the the job. I hope you can say the same."

_ Harold, Mikaela, Nikki _

Harold held Mikaela, one of his younger sisters, in his arm. They were locked into a long, sloppy kiss. Probing and exploring each other's mouths and taking from one another what they could.

His other hand was wrapped around the big, bushy tail of Mikaela's immediate younger sibling, Nikki while he reamed her ass.

"We were always your favorites, weren't we bro? Not all bossy and mean like Isabelle and the others," Nikki asked as Harold fucked her bowels.

Harold simply moaned into Mikaela's mouth before grunting as he filled Nikki's rectum with another load.

_ Lily, Luna _

Luna had been eying the cat since she'd arrived, but she was Jun's little playmate. It would have been crass to 'accidentally' run into her in the hall at night. It would have been indecent for the mature hare to 'fall' out of her nightgown. Positively indecent to grab a handful of the kitty's obsidian tresses and force feed her feet of Lepus lance. Absolutely obscene for the perpetually pregnant matriarch to pin the walking sperm bank beneath her bulging belly and give her one of her own.

And Luna was nothing if not polite.

But since Lily had asked so nicely.

Lily didn't know what hit her. She was immobilized under the weight on her back. She felt hands pulling her out of the Daisy Dukes as a voice whispered in her ear.

"For your sake, I hope my granddaughter's been in you lately."

Lily's thinking, already fuzzy due to the alcohol, was becoming even less clear as the smell of the hyper's arousal reached her nose. She felt something big press insistently up against her entrance.

"Feel that? My little Junie's nothing to sneeze at, but you're about to feel a real cock, little kitty cat."

Luna continued to steadily apply pressure as Lily's body continued to mount a valiant defense.

"You're practically family, baby, so I'm going to take it... EASY," her tip finally overcame Lily's resistance, "on you."

Lily shrieked an ear splitting yowl.

Luna felt her balls start to churn.

"Fuck! Can't hold it. Janie's soldier's want to march. Jun better be fucking you by now! I'm about to flood you with squirrel sperm! Jun's the only thing between you and the two of you raising another batch of her aunties! Welcome to the fucking family!"

_ Jun, Isabelle, Jada, Katlyn _

Jun was held aloft between two of her three eldest aunts. All three of Harold's oldest sisters had been born hermaphroditic, unlike the rest of the first of their brood. The trio appeared otherwise normal.

The oldest, Isabelle looked at hir niece's body with naked lust . Like hir big brother she was a hare, though mostly black with streaks of brown and with their mother's read hair.

The younger pair, Jada and Katlyn held Jun between them, their cocks prodding at her twat and resting between the crack of her ass respectively. Their bosoms pressed together, burying Jun's head between them. They rocked themselves against hir, grinding their rods against hir, leaking their pre-seminal fluids over hir crotch and ass.

For hir part, Jun was taking this all pretty well. Shi was rock hard and dripping wet, but hir focus was on getting free and grabbing Lily.

"Girls, let my favorite little cock-pocket breathe. Face her towards me," Isabelle ordered, and hir younger sister's obeyed.

Jun tried to pull free over her aunts, but shi had no advantage or sway over them. Shi never had. A hyper shi could handle, but auntie Isabelle was a whole other story. All of the libido with none of the vulnerability.

"Oh I've missed you baby. I've missed being in you. Have you missed me?"

"Auntie Isabelle, please..."

"Ah, ah, what did I tell you about calling me that, sweet cheeks?"

Jun continued to struggle against hir aunts' grip to no avail. Shi looked at at the oldest sister, defiance in hir eyes, but knew there was no point in being defiant.

"'Belle, please let me go. Lily wasn't prepared for this, I need to get her out of here. I promise I'll let you fuck me all you want later."

"How adorable. You really like that girl, don't you?"

Jun nodded and pleaded with hir case to hir aunt with hir eyes.

Isabelle raised a hand and gave a little spinning gesture with hir finger. The girls got the message and turned Jun around.

"Looks to me like mama and her are getting along just fine."

Lily lay across the room, Luna on her back, cock buried all the way in her pussy. The grey fur of her lower body was painted white as jets of cum were expelled from the tight space between her lips and Luna's duck. Her belly was swollen with it and expanding at a rate faster than even Luna could Jizz into her. Jun knew what was happening. As Luna ejaculated into Lily's body, the sperm Jun had deposited earlier was on the attack. As it destroyed every trace of the hyper's spend, it rapidly multiplied. For every ounce Luna pumped into Lily, Jun's sperm made five. Hir beloved kitty was rapidly growing round and bloated.

"Let's get the two lovebirds together."

Jada and Katelyn marched Jun across the room then leaned hir over so hir and Lily's faces were only inches apart.

Jun opened hir mouth to speak, but before shi could, Isabelle struck.

"So fucking tight! Like you were made for me. God, I missed you!"

Jun's eyes shut tight and hir teeth clenched. Hir body went rigid as an orgasm crashed through hir. Isabelle was a normal person. Jun's body was in a very literal sense made to handle much larger than shi had. But Isabelle was also the first cock to ever fuck that specially designed snatch. It was as if shi'd forever imprinted hirself inside of hir. As if Jun remembered every contour of that specific dick and molded hirself to fit it.

Jun gasped for breath as shi came down from hir first orgasm and Isabelle started building her to the next. Shi opened hir eyes to find hirself face to face with Lily. The engorged kitty's eyes were rolled heavenward, her tongue lolled, and she panted heavily as Luna continued to pound her from behind.

"I'm sorry," Jun managed to say between great heaving lungfuls of air.

At the sound of Jun's voice, and with a great effort, Lily's eyes managed to focus on her morose lover. She offered her only a warm, though exhausted, smile.

"'M family now," she panted, excitement just audible over the exhaustion. She shoved herself forward into a deep kiss with Jun.

_ Emily, Janie _

Janie's cock poked Emily in the back as shi held the russet colored mouse girl to hir body. Hir paws played with cunt and tits as she gently kissed and sucked on the woman's neck.

"When are you going to leave that son of mine and move in with us," shi whispered into the woman's ear.

"Mmm, do we have to play this game every time we see each other, Janie?" Emily raised her head and pulled the taller squirrel herm's mouth to hers. When the kiss broke, Emily sucked the strand of saliva into her mouth.

"It's Harold's game. Forgive an old woman for humoring her only son. Besides, I seem to recall having a teenage mouse bitch sprawled out on my couch, soaked in my cum from both myself and my wife."

Emily reached behind herself and grabbed hold of Janie's rob, then began slowly jerking it.

"I knew what you were up to. Harold wanted to see me like that, I obliged."

"Always acting like such a prude, Emily, when you know you're just as big a slut as anyone else in this family."

"You know it. Now are you going to fuck me, or what?"

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 10: Control

"Oh, fuck baby. You need to visit more often. Shit! Not interested in any boys, I see. Just as tight as ever. So nice of Emily to keep mom and mama away from you. Means you stay just right for me, Junie." Auntie Isabelle rambled as shi fucked me with...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 8: The Ride Home

From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 8: Guidance By the time dad had finished giving Bobby the dressing down of his life classes had ended and, since he was already there, he offered to give us a ride home. "Damn." We were in the parking lot when Lily...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 7: Needs

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