A Weekend of Excess

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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How much would you pay for a weekend of pleasure with a gorgeous feline? And how much would said feline enjoy a reminder in being careful for what he wished for?

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo. It contains M/M sexual acts of a decidedly extreme nature.

A Weekend of Excess

"Gentlemen, how much am I bid for this fine figure of a husky? Let's start the bids at ten thousand dollars! Remember, cash only please."

From just off stage, Shakal watched the auctioneer beginning to sell off the one remaining candidate before he was up. The auctioneer, a rather studly ram was dressed in a crisp black suit without a tie, and would have looked very suave, like some sort of secret agent, were it not for the fact his fly was undone and his semi-rigid, pink cock was hanging lewdly out into the open air. It was still dripping and drooling pre-cum despite having been suckled to rapture just five minutes before by one of the other individuals being sold off in this sale. Of course, neither the auctioneer nor the lemur in question had been the slightest bit embarrassed or unnerved by what they were doing. This was no barbaric slave sale or true buying of life as property. It was fun. Fun of the most delicious, sexy variety, and all conducted in the name of charity!

Moving in the scenes and areas of society that he did, Shakal had been shocked that he hadn't heard about this very unique auction house before he actually had. However, once the black panther had been let on to the existence of this truly one of a kind establishment, he had visited it several times. Once merely as an observer; enjoying the show as many others did. Once as a buyer... a story for another time. And of course, today. His first time visiting the auction as a saleable purchase.

"My oh my... look at that flexibility. If he can do that to himself, what can he do for you? I have forty five thousand dollars bid, can we take it straight up to fifty, please?"

Glancing only briefly towards the husky, a lithe twink of a dog with the most gorgeously fluffy coat and curly tail, busily tonguing his own tailhole and whimpering in pleasure as he did so, Shakal turned his attention back towards the crowd. There were a fair few serious bidders out there tonight, and most of them were individuals that Shakal would have been all too happy to go home with. They were paying a lot of money to charity for a sex pet for the weekend, but clearly any number of them could have gone out and picked up someone in a bar much more easily and cheaply. That told the black furred feline male two things about each and every one of them. First, they were into this sort of thing just as he was, making them a good match. And second, they would rather give their money to charity than to a rent boy, or even to a bartender as they wined and dined a possible lover from somewhere else. That told Shakal they were, at least in part, good people.

Of course, if they weren't... he could always change that. Ensure that they lived up to the expectations that he was hoping for. But, the reason for Shakal's being here was that he didn't want to be in control this weekend. He was here as a lot in a 'pet' sale because he wanted to be taken home, toyed with, and given the fucking of a lifetime by one of those bidders out there. Thus, having to control their minds to make them do what he wanted would somewhat be missing the point.

"Sixty five thousand going once... sixty five thousand going twice... oh! Seventy thousand, fresh bidder. Thank you Sir. Do I see seventy five?"

As the bidding war began again in earnest, Shakal's eyes continued to roam around the large auditorium in which the auction was taking place. His gaze soon settled however, upon a rather handsome figure. No. Scratch that. Not rather handsome. Absolutely fucking hot. He was a stallion, dressed in a smooth, crisp black shirt that barely seemed to fit his painfully broad, flat chest, and leather trousers that left nothing to the imagination. Where he was standing towards the back of the room, away from the crowd, Shakal's eyes could see everything outlined in the tight black fabric of his lower garments. Even only half hard as he was watching the husky masturbating with just vague interest, his cock was hanging a substantial way down the length of his left thigh. Shakal could only estimate it must have been a full foot in length when fully hard, perhaps even an inch or so more depending on just how much of a grower he was.

The fact he wasn't bidding, nor indeed showing any interest in bidding, somewhat saddened the panther. The pleasant smile, the warmth of his very demeanour, it all spoke to Shakal of a quiet but passionate man. Perhaps not the most overly dominant and forceful personality, but one of a man who could certainly play all the roles in the bedroom... and did, if Shakal's read on him was correct, which it almost always was.

But then, maybe that was all part of the challenge.

The panther grinned as he watched the stallion for a little longer, and saw, with the loud slam of the auctioneer's gavel against the rostrum behind which he was standing indicating that the husky had been sold, the powerful horse reaching down to rearrange his semi-swollen bulge. Not so much in an attempt to hide it, as giving him a reason to fondle it. To deliver a quick squeeze or two just to keep him from getting too worked up through self denial in the face of such visual stimulus.

Shakal watched as the husky's new owner for the weekend walked up onto the stage, shook the auctioneer's hand, and lifted a red leash from the row of them which hung upon the wall at one end of the raised auditorium stage. He clipped it around the collar already resting around the canine male's neck, and after sharing a light, intimate kiss with the husky, led his new pet off stage. They passed right by Shakal, though both the husky and his new temporary owner; a lean rabbit who looked just as giddy at the possibility of a weekend of non-stop fucking as the husky himself, had eyes only for one another. Indeed they were barely ten metres past where Shakal was waiting before something that the rabbit whispered in the husky's ear proved too much for the horny hound, and the gentle paw which the rabbit had settled upon his new pet's rigid, aching cock was lashed by several streaks of cum as the dog climaxed right there and then, whimpering happily yet shamefully as his seed arched through the air and spattered down onto the ground before his new owner's feet.

The husky, knees trembling and chest heaving, panted a nervous apology. The rabbit simply giggled however, and said he'd never received such a wonderful compliment from a guy; to make him cum from a single touch. They kissed again, deeper, longer this time, and hand in hand, leash dangling untouched and unwanted from the husky's neck, they walked off together to begin their weekend in earnest.

As he watched them go, Shakal silently wished both of them luck. They seemed like a fun pair of guys, and it seemed that the rabbit had made a near perfect choice when bidding for that particular prize. He only hoped that whoever won him would be as suited to his tastes, and vice versa.

Either way, he wouldn't have to wait long to find out.

"Okay gentlemen, please make welcome to the stage our next pet for hire this weekend. Looking for a lover to ride him through to Monday morning, a fantastic feline here for your pleasure in his very first time as a man for sale! The purrfect panther, Shakal!"

Shamelessly strutting as he stepped out onto the stage, met by a suitably ego-boosting roar of cheers, whistles and cat calls, Shakal approached the auctioneer with a devilish grin upon his face. He was dressed in nothing more than a pair of deep blue boxer briefs and a sapphire studded collar, and his outfit even seemed to make the auctioneer stop and stare for a moment before turning his attention back to the audience. Despite the fact that the last 'lot' in this auction had been wearing much less than him, and showing off lots more, Shakal knew he had the audience captivated from the moment he set foot upon the stage's boards. Hurriedly, he slipped around the auctioneer, practically grinding up against the ram as he passed by, growling softly and playfully in the woolen coated male's ear. The auctioneer shuddered in lustful delight, and seemed almost ready to put down his gavel and declare himself the panther's owner for the weekend. Before he could do so however, the black furred feline darted forwards; reaching down into the shelving built into the base of the rostrum and snatching forth one of the auctioneer's props before the ram could say anything about it.

He reached his spot on the stage, glancing down and smirking as he saw wet spots on the wood from some of the previous contestants' pre-cum. Soon however his gaze turned towards the auction going audience with rapt attention, and focused in particular on one face to the rear of the crowd. The stallion he had been admiring from backstage.

As the auctioneer began his little pre-bidding pep talk for the audience, Shakal wasted no time in beginning to show off for his prospective buyer. He held up the toy he had 'borrowed' from the ram, a rather floppy but oh so delicious looking stallion cock; realistically coloured pink with a dappled, dark base, and un-flared at the tip. Perfect for what he had in mind. Opening his mouth hungrily, Shakal tilted his head back just a little, gaze still fixated upon the stallion, and began to feed the fake cock down his throat.

Growling softly, but audibly for the crowd's benefit, he began to deep throat the toy; sliding it gently in and out of his mouth, deep, firm and fast. His tongue lashed out at the underside of the fake shaft, and occasionally his lips secured tightly around it, as though suckling between thrusting strokes. His free hand, the one not clutching at the toy itself, caressed his upper body tenderly. He stroked his chest. His nipples. He ran his hand over the small patch of white fur upon his collarbone, tilting his head back as he did so as if tempting someone to come and nibble on that obvious visual target.

The bidding began at fifty thousand, straight out of the gate, with a bid from the auctioneer himself. Usually such a bid would not have been permitted, but it was all for charity, so no-one seemed to care.

"Consider where else that toy might fit, gentlemen! I dare say this handsome specimen would be all too happy to have you try and find out!"

Several hands rose up, and in a flurry of bids, Shakal was soon selling himself for just over one hundred thousand dollars. To his shock and dismay however, the stallion did not seem interested in bidding. He just watched, wide eyed, as Shakal played to him directly; their eyes locked on one another wordlessly, yet with intimate understanding. The equine male's face was bright red beneath his chestnut brown coat, that much was clear even in the shadowy rear of the room where he was standing. His cock was straining fiercely at his leather trousers, making them tent obscenely and ensuring that every twitch and throb was visible. Yet still, for some reason, he refused to place a bid.

Dropping to his knees, Shakal began to service the toy harder and more passionately, fighting to show the equine male the devotion he would show if only he would be picked.

The bidding raced past one hundred and forty thousand dollars, and briefly, just for a split second, the stallion broke his gaze with the panther to glance towards the rostrum and the auctioneer upon it. His nostrils flared, and he rolled his eyes.

Calmly, he lifted his hand, and stated in a smooth, firm voice.

"A quarter of a million dollars."

Shakal nearly choked on the cock he was suckling. The auctioneer almost dropped his gavel, and about ten other bidders glared with simultaneous anger over their shoulders to try and see who had dared not just to outbid them, but force them to either seriously up their bids... or fail at securing this seemingly eager to please stud of a feline.

Silence fell over the auditorium, and lingered until the auctioneer spoke up, rather nervously.

"T-the bid stands at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, currently held by the... t-the very generous stallion at the rear. Do I hear... um... t-two hundred and sixty thousand?"

A lot of bidders shuffled their feet and stared dumbly at one another. They all wanted to take part, and all wanted to give good money to charity. But... damn, that was a lot of money.

The auctioneer glanced from the stallion to Shakal himself. Both males' eyes said the same thing to him.

Bang that damn gavel already.

Nevertheless, he paced himself... wondering if perhaps he could squeeze another bid out of one of the others, even though it was obvious that this stallion had his heart and mind firmly set on winning the panther's body, thus would be unlikely to back down even if they bidding did go even higher.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for this prize panther... going once."


"Going twice."


"A third and final time. Last chance, gentlemen."


No one bid. No one dared.

"Sold to the chestnut stallion at the rear. Congratulations sir, and thank you for your immense generosity to today's chosen cause!!"

Silence. Stunned, awed silence, filled the auditorium as slowly and patiently the powerful equine figure pulled himself away from the building's rear wall and began to walk through the parting crowd towards the stage. Towards Shakal. He mounted the stage, and without a word, nor indeed wasting a moment to secure a leash for his new pet, held out one strong hand for the panther. Shakal took it, eagerly, if a little meekly... wanting to start off his weekend as a pet in a suitably submissive manner, and soon found himself being led off back-stage by the horse.

On the stage, close to the rostrum at which the ram auctioneer stood, still glancing with lingering lust at the retreating couple of lot and winning bidder, the stallion shaped toy which had been so lovingly attended by Shakal's muzzle lay forgotten. Forgotten, that is, until a voice called out from somewhere in the crowd.

"A thousand dollars for the dildo."

The auctioneer glanced towards the bidder, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Before he could say anything though, a second voice rang out.

"Two thousand!"

Soon, the race was on to snatch up that one remaining trophy of the panther's record smashing sale price. The auctioneer could barely keep up with the number of hands waving wildly in the air as they attempted to bid. For the panther himself however, and his winning bidder, their knowledge of these continued goings on due to their earlier actions was non-existent. They had already departed the immediate backstage area of the auditorium, and were currently standing in the small dressing room devoted to the charity auctions 'pets'.

As Shakal gathered up his things, a bag with the clothes that he had worn whilst walking here, and another bag containing... various items he thought might prove useful and inspiring for the weekend ahead, he was aware of all eyes upon him. Those of his stallion master, of course, silently and calmly drinking in the powerful, black furred body of his devoted toy, but also the remaining few pets who were yet to have their chance on stage. They sat and stood around the room, some chatting, others preening, all jealous of the panther's purchaser. Their eyes hungrily consumed the tight bulge in the horse's leather trousers, and when they saw the way he reacted as Shakal confirmed that he was ready to leave, the firm, lustful twinkle of excitement which sparked in his eyes, there wasn't a man present who didn't feel his member stir with longing.

Soon Shakal and the stallion were leaving the auction building via one of its rear exits; a stage door for the potentially famous performers to make a more discreet retreat after a busy show. Of this fact Shakal was rather glad, for he had not been permitted to change into his regular clothes prior to their leaving. Thus as he and the equine male left the building and stepped out into the cool Friday evening air, there were only a couple of people walking past who saw the panther in his tight boxer briefs, collared and clearly following obediently in the wake of the stallion.

By the exit, parked up against the nearest curb, was a sleek black car of substantial size and cost. A four door Bentley, if Shakal knew his vehicles correctly. A driver in full regalia was already holding the rear door open for them, and after the horse himself slid into the spacious, cream leather clad interior, Shakal swiftly followed.

Soon, they were driving. Only then did the horse turn and look at Shakal directly, and, for the first time, speak to him.

"That was quite a show you put on. May I ask... why did you fight so hard to make me bid for you?"

Shakal's cheeks reddened beneath his dark fur. Sure, it had been obvious that he was playing directly to the equine male from the beginning. But to have to admit why... even within the context of this entire weekend, was somewhat embarrassing for the feline.

"I... I wanted to make sure I had a weekend to remember."

The horse chuckled, though despite his own attempts to stay cool and calm, he too was blushing.

"And you thought that I would be the best fuck in the room tonight? Not that I'm saying you're wrong, of course..."

Shakal shuddered where he was sitting. He glanced down at the horse's crotch, and saw that the already taut leather of his trousers was now stretched even further as his more rigid cock strained obscenely against the leather. As if actively trying to torture him though, it wasn't the horse's leather pants which were removed to display that obvious and rampant erection. Instead the stallion peeled off his shirt, button by button, and cast it aside within the comfortable and private confines of the vehicle's rear; gently scratching at his broad, powerful chest as Shakal practically drooled over this unexplained and casual baring of flesh.

The panther licked his lips, shaking with anticipation.

"N-not just the best fuck. You know as well as I do that there's more than just _sex_to sex."

The horse nodded, understanding precisely what Shakal meant.

"And you think I am the kind of man who can give you that? The kind of person who, even if I own you for a weekend as my own personal fuck toy... will be able to give you more than just physical pleasure?"

Shakal nodded, more hopeful than confident, but still affirming what he believed he had seen within the stallion from the very first moment he set eyes upon him. The equine figure seated beside him chuckled, and placed one hand on Shakal's left thigh. He squeezed gently, and smiled as the panther purred lustily.

"Well, I hope you're right, Shakal. Because the way I see things... for a quarter of a million dollars, I want more than just a hot fuck or twenty over the next couple of days. And I saw something in you, too. So... I hope neither one of us are disappointed."


It took almost half an hour's drive for Shakal and the stallion, whose name the panther had still not been given, to reach the equine's home. It was a large suburban house, though by no means a palatial mansion, with walls and an electronic gate out front. As such, the car was able to drop them off not directly at the front door, but a short walk away up the garden path.

Soon, Shakal was walking beside his new master; glancing left and right at the beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers ornately planted throughout this rather wild, nature rich garden. His cheeks were burning beneath his fur, and within his boxer briefs his own erection was straining and tenting the fabric, though still not to the degree of the stallion's own cock within his leather britches. They had spoken a lot about what was to come on the ride over, and now more than ever Shakal could not wait for the weekend to truly commence.

With the stallion's hand upon his thigh, gently stroking and squeezing all the while, Shakal had learned that this male was not the most dominant or even sexually experienced male, but had always wanted to try playing the role of master with an appropriately experienced and knowledgeable pet. This had really gotten Shakal's juices flowing, for while experience could make for an utterly mind-blowing fuck, shyness coupled with eagerness could sometimes prove even more shockingly intense. The desire to succeed and to please, whether from a submissive or dominant point of view, made a man with a lot to physically offer all the more enticing a proposition. A male with such attributes as those possessed by the stallion, but without arrogance in his abilities, could well turn out to be the most wonderful of lovers.

In short, exactly what Shakal believed he had had seen within the equine upon first setting eyes on him.

They swiftly reached the front door of the stallion's home, and upon finding the door already open, they entered.

A housekeeper, a purely white furred jackal in her mid thirties or thereabouts, giggled as she saw Shakal and the homeowner walking in with their erections so poorly contained. She said to the equine male that everything was in order, and wished him a fun weekend, one pink, albino eye winking at the stallion as she did so.

The horse smiled back, not bashful in the slightest. Clearly, being within his own home gave him a degree more confidence.

"Thanks, Anne. See you on Monday. I'll... uh... we'll try not to make too much of a mess."

Still giggling, the housekeeper vanished into another room, whilst Shakal found himself being led by the hand upstairs, and swiftly guided into what must have been the horse's master bedroom.

He set his bags down upon the antique trunk seated at the foot of the bed, still adorned with the peeling labels from places it had been long before it doubtlessly came into the ownership of the stallion, and blushed slightly as the equine male glanced over the begs curiously.

"Two bags, hmm? I assume your clothes and personal effects are in the first one. But... what about that bigger bag, there?"

Without waiting for an answer, employing his rights as Shakal's de facto 'owner' for the weekend, the stallion reached over and pulled the larger bag closer to himself. He unfastened the zipper, and pulled it open; gazing down at the contents within. His eyes widened, and he glanced at Shakal with a curious grin.

"And what, my pet, do you call this?"

The panther blushed, clearing his throat a little bashfully. He did however answer just moments later, and did so honestly.

"I-inspiration. I wanted to make sure whoever won me, h-had the opportunity to play with me in any way they chose, regardless of what equipment they may or may not have had in their own homes."

Chuckling warmly, the stallion began to root through the bag with a curious smile. Some items he passed over with little care, dildos and vibrators, things which he had seen before and, from what Shakal could see of his expression, he probably owned in quantities equaling or perhaps greater than what was on show here. Some other items however did garner a substantial amount more interest from the horse, particularly those which were more concerned with bondage and control than simple pleasure-giving.

The first item which the stallion actually withdrew from the bag was, perhaps unsurprisingly, made of leather. He held it up in front of himself, figuring out the purpose of the clips and tags attached to it, before huffing softly in excitement. His cock strained once more within his tight trousers, and his eyes moved from the leather hood, to Shakal; the man for whom it was custom made to fit.

"It's funny... when you first came out on stage, I had you pegged as a more dominant man than myself. Part of me still thinks that's true, but now I understand you enjoy both extremes. Commanding, yes, but being commanded too. I guess this is for when you're more in today's kind of mood, huh?"

Shakal said nothing, just nodded bashfully. The horse grinned.

"Well then, how about we slip this on. We might as well make sure you look the part before we get started."

Obediently, Shakal stepped forward, closer to the stallion. He knelt down and craned his neck out towards the powerful equine's outstretched arms, then bowed his head slightly as the hood was brought to bear upon him.

It was a firm but comfortable fit, sliding down over the protrusion of his nose and muzzle, his eyes, and then around the top of his head. The clips at the base of the hood were universally designed to fit most collars, and had no trouble whatsoever securing themselves to that which had been provided to Shakal for the auction. Thus, very soon the panther was safely and inescapably secured within the hood; staring out with vision intact, well aware of the clips positioned around both the eye and ear holes; quite capable of being plugged to block out those senses entirely. His muzzle however, and with it his ability to speak, were already greatly restrained. The inside of the hood possessed a pair of small plastic segments which curved inward, forcing Shakal to open his muzzle to allow it to pass fully over his face. Once in place, those outcrops served to hold his maw wide open should any cock or dildo wish to slide in, and, sitting as they did between the air and his teeth, ensured that no harm would come to whatever erection did make its way into his muzzle.

The equine stared at his newly restrained pet, and his cheeks flared deep crimson.

"That's... that's pretty damn hot. I admit, I thought I'd get to learn a little bit more about you before we got started... t-to show that I'm not just here for the fucking. But, I suppose we have all weekend. And seeing you like that... seeing the fire in your eyes now that you're partially restrained..."

It was true. The mere fact of having the hood slipped on, having his speech and ability to communicate intelligently stripped so suddenly and casually away, had awoken a fierce need within the panther's heart. He growled happily as the horse returned to the bag of goodies, and withdrew a short length of metal, with firm rubber lined manacles at either end.

"Hmm, interesting. For securing your arms, I assume?"

It wasn't necessary for the horse to say that he wanted Shakal to wear them. It was obvious by the look of lust upon his face as Shakal stood and turned around, presenting his arms behind his back and shuddering as first one, then the other manacle was secured. Now he truly was at the horse's mercy. Unable to undo the manacles of his own accord, unable to remove his hood now that his arms were incapacitated. Sure, he could run if things got too bad. Or, for that matter, he could employ his powers to _force_his captor to free him. But neither of those things were options which Shakal had any wish to resort to, nor any urge to try and test at this time.

He wanted to be here. He wanted to have control stripped away from him.

He wanted to be put at the horse's mercy, and shown precisely how out of control he could become once that thick equine cock was freed, and set to work within his body.

"Mmh, that looks good. I think we're almost ready..."

Shakal's eyes widened slightly, and he muffled an unintelligable query to the equine standing blushing and beaming broadly before him.


Translated, that word would have been... 'almost?' The horse seemed to understand this, because he nodded as once more he reached down into the bag, and pulled out one of the objects he had at first passed over without so much as a second glance.

It was a toy. A flesh toned, slightly malleable rubber toy, in the form of a canid cock.

"Now, let's see how this fits in. I'd say open wide, but you've already got that covered."

With another muffled groan of unintelligable commentary, Shakal soon found the toy which he had been shown being slipped into the muzzle-ring of his hood. It slid in a fair way, its tip just about prodding at the back of his throat; filling his muzzle deliciously with the erotic form of manhood, before Shakal heard it being clipped into place, locked firmly where it now sat so that he could not try to push it free with his tongue... not that he'd even considered doing so.

Now with his vocalisations not just muffled but now utterly inhibited, Shakal felt his already burning desire to be controlled and dominated flaring up even more strongly. He wanted to be taken. To be used. To be fucked. And of course, that was precisely why he was here.

Still gently, carefully, with great affection and respect, the horse led the panther to the side of the bed. He didn't so much push him down as he did lower the feline male gently to its warm, thick sheets and comforter, and once there he allowed Shakal to position himself as he wished. At first the male lay face down, with his shoulders resting against the bedsheets and his rump high in the air, kneeling upon his knees. The horse huffed happily, snorting and whinnying in excitement. His hands fell to his waist, and as Shakal watched in gleeful anticipation, rolling onto his side for a better look, the equine male at long last began to disrobe, freeing himself from the single item of clothing which he had been wearing this entire time.

Finally, after an hour of waiting, Shakal set eyes upon what he was here to partake in. The horse's cock sprang free, revealing itself in all its glory. Its swollen length was indeed as the panther had expected, around a foot in length, and at its base he could now see a bulbous pair of testicles hanging down, each one practically the size of a baseball. Just like the toy which Shakal had played with during the auction, the real thing was also a warm pink with a dappled, darker skinned base. It was beautiful to behold, and though the panther's muzzle was already full of thick, albeit fake manhood, it was only now that Shakal felt himself beginning to drool hungrily around that thick length.


Rolling back onto his knees and wiggling his rump, his lithe tail thrashing in the air, Shakal begged to have his own underwear torn away at long last. He groaned happily as the horse slid into position behind him, and strong hands settled upon his thighs, eagerly tugging his underwear down and leaving it hanging around his knees without any ceremony or needless care. Clearly the equine male wanted to see what Shakal was packing every bit as much as the panther wanted to see what his partner-to-be had in that department, and that fact thrilled Shakal to no end.

His own feline cock twitched and dripped hungrily, dwarfed in size by four inches or so, and not nearly as thick, but still something to be rather proud of as far as manhood went. The horse did not seem to be paying his stiff, straining cock much heed though. It was elsewhere that his attentions lay. Between Shakal's tight, firm cheeks, which the horse's hands fondled and lewdly spread, so that he might gaze upon the clean, pink pucker of Shakal's tailhole.

"I think I made the right choice picking you, Shakal..."

The horse's comment wasn't so much a simple statement of fact as it was a gleeful confirmation of the expression on his face. A lustful, joyous glaze spread over those wide equine eyes.

"I just hope you'll feel the same way about me after this weekend's over."

Urgently, trying his very best to tell the stallion that he was sure he would so long as the horse made good use of their days together, Shakal wiggled his rump enticingly at his soon to be lover. He squirmed upon the bed as the horse leaned over, reaching out towards his bedside cabinet, so often the storage point for a person's most intimate possessions, and pulled forth a substantially sized squeeze-bottle of lubricant. The panther let slip a muffled groan of delight, and turned his head to face forwards; reluctant to cease looking over his shoulder at what the stallion was doing, but not wishing to start this weekend with a sore neck which might spoil things in the hours and days to come.

It was only then, surprising really given how Shakal considered himself rather intensely observant of all things around him, that the panther noticed the large dresser mounted against the far wall of the room, and the even larger, ornately framed mirror which rose up above it. He whimpered happily, and his eyes widened in impassioned euphoria as he watched the horse squirt a substantial paw-full of lubricant into his right palm, and commence lathering his cock in the slick, glistening substance.

The horse huffed and grunted as he worked the lubricant over his cock, his gaze fixated upon the panther's hot, tight rear all the while. Shakal's own gaze meanwhile was raptly focused on the horse, and that was why it took him almost ten seconds longer to realise that there was something amiss with the reflection he was seeing. Not with the stallion; nothing in his demeanour or expression which gave him cause to worry. No. The problem lay within himself, or rather... the absence of himself, as he stared, wide eyed with sudden shock, at the reflection in the mirror.

In that instant, time stopped.

Everything, including the panther himself, froze.

He was conscious. He was aware and able to see... to feel... to think as freely as ever. But like the rest of the world; like his stallion partner and every particle of matter in creation, he was unable to move in any way.

Reflected in the mirror before him however, the jackal grinning back at him was able to move. To wink at the very least, where he lay on the bed; exactly where reality told Shakal his own reflection should have been.

The pure black canid form of the jackal was bound just like Shakal, except there was no leather hood upon his head nor a rubber cock stuffed into his muzzle. He, as the panther, was lying down before the perfectly normal reflection of the stallion, waiting to be fucked as the frozen equine paused mid-way through lubricated his cock. It was impossible, yet it was happening.

And, of course, Shakal was only one of two other people in the world... this world at least, who knew why it was possible, and how it was happening.

Anubis licked his lips, chuckling softly from within the mirror's reflection.

"Well, it certainly looks like you're in for a weekend to remember, eh, Shakal? I thought I might take the opportunity to join you, given how much fun it seems as though you'll be having. There'll surely be enough to go around, wouldn't you say?"

Playfully, somewhat cruelly demonstrating his ability to freely move and act as he wished even as time stood still for everything else, Anubis turned his head, glancing over his shoulder at the stallion who was getting ready to fuck the panther senseless.

"You certainly chose a good man. Honest. Open in his desires. Not too big-headed about what he has to offer, however abundant it may be. But... didn't you once say that you wanted it to always fit, no matter what. I can't help but think that perhaps we could make it a little... bigger, to truly make the best use of that gift I granted."

Anubis grinned, and not a moment later Shakal saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head, not realising in his shock that he was able to do so, and watched, wide eyed with simultaneous dismay and erotic awe, as the stallion behind him began to grow. Already this hefty horse had stood at seven feet in height, with a foot long cock of more than substantial thickness to spread Shakal wide open and leave him walking funny for hours after the fact! Yet now, he appeared to be growing. Growing at such speed that it was visible, and doing so in all areas.

His muscles rippled, bulged and spread. His torso stretched upward as his height bloomed. His handsome face thickened and his flesh rippled as it sought to attain a balance with the growth of his skeletal and muscular structures. At the same time, his cock bulged obscenely; thickening, pulsing, throbbing as it grew. Within thirty seconds, the stallion must have been at least nine feet tall when standing, but his cock wasn't just three or four inches bigger; appropriate to the percentage increase of his height. It had practically doubled in both size and girth, likely even more than that, and now two bulging balls which would have dwarfed grapefruits hung beneath him, taut and firm within their furred sac, as though bursting with virile cum.

Turning his gaze back towards the mirror, and Anubis within it, he stared helplessly at the jackal in unabashed fear. He knew he shouldn't have. After all, whilst Anubis loved to toy with the panther he had_never_ shown any desire to hurt or truly harm Shakal in any respect. But, under the circumstances; a veritable hulk of a stallion frozen in time yet ready to be unleashed upon his unsuspecting rump at any moment, Shakal's rational mind wasn't functioning at its best.

Seeing the panic registering on Shakal's face though, Anubis smiled as disarmingly as any immortal deity possibly could.

"Don't look so worried. Did I not promise you that you would be able to take anything? Any one you wished? And I'm not going to force you to face this alone. I'll be right here with you the whole time!"

As Anubis uttered that final word, 'time', it began to flow again. The stallion began to move, to continue rubbing his lubricated paw over his now two foot, thigh-thick cock as though nothing had changed. In that instant, Shakal knew he had no choice if he was to maintain any sense of control over this situation. He turned his head, met the stallion's gaze, and sent forth a burst of hypnotic energy which would have the horse under his command in a split-second.

Except... it didn't work.

It wasn't that Shakal's powers had been stripped away, or that the stallion had any sort of resistance to mental tampering. The panther's power simply failed to do anything. Glaring back at the jackal in the mirror furiously, Shakal could already hear Anubis chuckling.

"You really didn't think I'd let you ruin our fun, did you?"

As he continued to stare with fear and fury at the jackal, Shakal's eyes set upon another incongruity in the reality of his situation and what he was seeing within the mirror's reflection. Though if he looked over his shoulder, he could see that the stallion truly had transformed into the hulking brute which he had witnessed, looking now at the stallion's reflection where it knelt behind Anubis, the horse was its normal, albeit still more than ample, size. Its cock was a relatively manageable foot in length, and his height no more than the seven feet which Shakal had originally known him to be!

Again, the jackal laughed knowingly, reading into the panther's wide eyed expression as he looked beyond the leather hood covering the majority of Shakal's face.

"Silly kitten. I wasn't the one who asked to be able to take the biggest cocks mankind had to offer, was I? I'm going to enjoy what nature gave this handsome stallion... not greedily seek out more. That, my companion, is your department."

Squirming and moaning helplessly through the fake cock filling his muzzle, Shakal glanced over his shoulder once more, staring pleadingly at the stallion who gazed back at him, snorting and huffing in pleasure as he finished slathering the length of his cock with lube. Clearly unaware of his own changed situation though, the stallion could not understand what the restrained, gagged panther was asking. Thus, he could only draw a conclusion from what he already knew of the panther. His eagerness. His urgency. His obvious lust for what he, the stallion, had to offer.

Obviously, he was pleading for them to get started as soon as possible.

He was begging to be fucked right now, and, from the violence of his thrashing motions within his bonds, to be fucked hard.

Squeezing yet more lube onto his already glistening hand, the horse teasingly raised a pair of dripping fingers up into the air, beaming as he nodded at the panther's muffled whimpers. Those digits descended swiftly from where they hung in the air, and mere seconds later Shakal's pucker was being probed by two digits of such combined thickness that they were already of a size beyond the vast majority of the men whom Shakal had ever been with. The stallion moved slowly, not wishing to cause Shakal discomfort but still rather confident that if the panther was willing to take him, a couple of fingers wouldn't cause him any trouble.

The panther's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt himself being spread apart by those digits, feeling them pushing into him, rubbing at his inner walls, stretching him to obscene limits. He growled throatily, a sound of helpless lust that escaped him as a betrayal of all the fear rushing through his mind. He couldn't believe that his body was still reacting positively to all this... yet as those fingers pulled back, then drove inward once more, striking roughly against his prostate, he could feel the pure physical elation of that contact. His body craved it. Loved it. Yet still, he feared what was to come. If this had been it... if those two fingers, probably equal in thickness to the original girth of the stallion, had been all that was to enter him, this would have been a weekend to truly relish. But now, obviously satisfied by Shakal's groans of pleasure, the stallion would be eager to give him more.

Sure enough, just a few more teasing prods and pokes at Shakal's depths later, the fingers withdrew. Shakal could feel his pucker gaping and clutching around thin air, spread obscenely open by that duo of digits. He felt so exposed and open, as though his body could have swallowed up anything in that moment.

Until, that is, he felt a hot, firm, fleshy tip press between the cheeks of his rump; barely able to fit, yet moving forward as though its size was unchanged, perfectly natural.

Shakal stared into the mirror, and watched Anubis' face take on a gleeful, lusty expression as he felt the horse's cock rubbing up against his own tailhole. Their eyes met. The god grinned, and the horses on both sides of the mirror spoke in perfect unison.

"Take it. T-take it all..."

The panther's eyes widened, and he began to gasp, to grunt, to flail and tremble as two strong hands grasped roughly at his thighs to hold him still, and that impossibly thick cock began to split him in half. He squeezed his eyes closed a moment later, waiting for the pain. For the agony. For the endless torment of knowing that his body was ruined now and for all time. He felt the mammoth stallion cock pass his outer ring with an audible pop, and howled through his gag as it began to press inward, deeper, inch by inch, stretching him open ever more impossibly all the while. Yet soon it occurred to the panther, he was not screaming in pain. He was not mortally wounded. He felt more impossibly and unbearably full than he had ever believed possible. He truly could feel every inch of that cock's vast girth splitting him open. But while he could feel it, and while it felt as though it should have been far, far too much for him to handle... it was not.

More and more of that hyper-sized horse's cock sank into the panther, not just rubbing against his prostate but squeezing it like a fist around a water balloon; applying such pressure that with each throbbing pulse of life-blood through the stallion's cock, a wave of intense pleasure crashed over Shakal's overwhelmed mind. He could feel the horse still pressing inward, driving his cock ever deeper, yet there was no distension of his stomach; no hot, rigid appendage pressing up and into the space occupied by the organs within his torso. He didn't know where the cock was going, but much as it was definitely within him... it was not only failing to harm his rear, but it seemed equally resistant to the laws of simple physics in all aspects of his body.

After what must have been more than a minute, the stallion threw his head back, whinnying loudly as his hips bumped roughly into Shakal's lewdly spread cheeks. In the mirror, Anubis' tongue was hanging out, and the jackal whimpered joyously in tandem with the stallion's cry.

He had done it. The horse was buried to the hilt within his lover. And now, or so the look in the equine male's eyes said as he glanced down at the squirming, frantically whimpering male impaled upon him, the real fun could begin.

The horse began to fuck Shakal. To draw his cock back several inches, sometimes as much as a full foot and a half; leaving just five or six inches buried inside the panther before slamming it all back in under less than a second or two. Now that he had discovered just how much of him the panther seemed seemingly not just comfortable, but overjoyed in taking, his anxieties and shyness fell away like a silk scarf. The horse began to revel in this sexual escapade which he had paid amply to achieve, and began to do as he had hoped his pet for the weekend would allow. To let loose without shame, without fear, and without restraint. His thrusts grew harder and faster with every stroke. His balls slapped roughly against the panther's own, smaller testicles, and with every whinny or savage cry that escaped his muzzle, he revelled joyously in the muffled but equally intense yowls, shrieks and cries of apparent pleasure escaping the panther.

It was too much for Shakal to handle. Physically, mentally and emotionally. There was too much cock. Too much pleasure. Too much happening for his mind and body to withstand. The panther roared and thrashed as best he was able, his rump burning and his balls throbbing violently as they were each pounded by the stallion's ministrations. Beneath him the panther's cock flowed like a river, pumping out liberal streams of pre-seed with every second of non-stop stimulation assaulting his poor, overwhelmed prostate. His fingers and toes flexed and curled wildly under the strain of the pleasure, and all the while his body continued to remind him how impossible all of this was.

He knew there was no pain, and that there would be none no matter how hard and fast he was fucked by this monstrously endowed male. His mind however, on a simply instinctual level, could still feel how impossibly wide he was being stretched, and how insanely large the cock inside him truly was. Every inch, every pulsing vein and throbbing fraction of its length and girth, was a cruel joke being played by what it knew to be possible. Thus, there was no respite for the panther. No chance of his body getting 'used to' these feelings. Just more and more pleasure as the relentless pounding drove him ever closer to an unbearably volatile orgasm.

Whenever Shakal's eyes fluttered open for a moment or two, the first thing he always saw was Anubis' face; stricken with pleasure, overwhelmed with lust, growling and snarling and moaning in delight at the fucking he was receiving from the more realistically sized equine stud behind him. Like himself, the jackal was on the verge of orgasm. In fact, mere moments later as the stallion drove his hips forward and slammed his cock to the hilt in his two lovers, real and reflection-borne, once more, Anubis' own eyes snapped wide open. His muzzle fell agape, and with a joyous howl of ecstasy, he began to cum.

A split-second later, Shakal felt the rubber cock in his mouth throbbing with lustful exuberance and life. It grew hot, harder, and yet softer too... like the rigid flesh of a real cock. For a moment it strained and twitched inside his muzzle, and before Shakal could even come to terms with what had suddenly happened to the toy which had thus far served as his gag more than anything else, it was pouring torrents of hot, thick, divine cum down his throat.

Swallowing the seed of a deity was no every-day experience, but it was something that Shakal had done before. Indeed this was far from the first time he had tasted Anubis, and as a result while he could not claim to be complacent with regard to the results of that sensation, he was at least aware of what would follow.

With that in mind, if he had not already been on the verge of orgasm, those thoughts would surely have driven him over the edge.

In reality though, the equine male was all that Shakal needed to cum, and so much... too much, more. The panther roared in pleasure as his cock began to throb and strain in perfect unison with the pulsing pressure of the stallion's cock against his prostate. He felt his cum gushing out in streaks and floods far beyond his balls' normal capacity, both a testament to the sheer rapture his body had been placed under these past few minutes, and of course the instant effects of Anubis' own cum flowing down his throat. He bucked, squirmed, and even felt himself pushing back against the horse's relentless, continued thrusts. He heard the stallion's own cries of delight ringing in his ears, and all the while, his body continued to remind him how impossibly intense and unbearably overwhelming the cock reaming him felt.

"Yes! More, Shakal!! More!!"

Whether the stallion wanted to give or receive, he would have his request. He was still to cum, but when he did, the changes within his body that Anubis had implemented would ensure that it would not bring to an end their fevered love-making. It would take many, many orgasms before the stallion needed a break, and thankfully the divine cum now resting in Shakal's stomach would make him more than a match for that almost eternally horny equine... physically at least, if not mentally.

As for the god himself, he placed his arms gently folded beneath his head, having slipped effortlessly out of the same restraints which still bound Shakal's limbs behind his back, and settled down peacefully, growling and moaning, but almost so at rest that he could sleep as he was fucked wildly by the snorting, grunting stallion.

The pleasure he was experiencing was immense, but as a god of sexual pleasure, there was nothing that could truly overwhelm him. Anubis knew, for he had spent a long time trying to seek out such pleasure. Instead, he could experience such things vicariously through his followers. Tapping into and experiencing a portion of the intense, overwhelming madness that was Shakal's pleasure at that moment in time. Relishing it, and seeking to ensure that it would not end any time soon.

There was still an entire weekend of bliss to explore between this stallion and his pet, and a thousand and one different ways to make that pleasure happen. For now though, the simplest and most direct way was undeniably the best for all concerned. The burly equine continued to plough Shakal without ceasing, and the panther continued to writhe, wail, and cum as Anubis' disembodied cock throbbed and strained within his muzzle; the perfect conduit for pleasure between his deity, and his master.

A weekend of excess was what Shakal had gone into that auction room seeking, and that was exactly what he was getting. Pleasure beyond reckoning. Beyond belief and beyond what his mind or body could bear.

By Jeeves

Edited by Shakal

The Aftermath: All Good Things...

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [The...

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The Aftermath: A Sense of Trust

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [The...

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The Aftermath: Enjoying the Show

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [Freebies...

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