The Aftermath: A Sense of Trust

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#11 of Valhalla Industries

Now back in college and pledging to a fraternity, Reggie finds himself in a predicament every bit as intense and wonderful as during his time at Valhalla Industries. :3

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> The Aftermath: A Sense of Trust

The Aftermath: A Sense of Trust

After the summer he'd had working as a volunteer at Valhalla industries, the process of pledging to a fraternity at the start of his Freshman year at college seemed rather tame and simple to Reggie. They'd done all the usual things to the eighteen year old ferret so far. Making him drink until he passed out, the obligatory pranks pulled both on him, and organised by him against rival fraternity houses, and of course the attempts at instilling shame through public embarrassment and nakedness. Tonight however, for perhaps the first time since he signed on as a pledge, Reggie was actually feeling a little nervous. Normally his prospective fraternity brothers couldn't wait to tell him about the next supposedly hellish challenge they wished to put him through, but over the last couple of days those involved with his pledge attempts had been strangely silent on the matter of what was to come. All they had said to him was where he should meet them at a specific time this Friday evening; an old, apparently forgotten wine cellar attached to the frat house. That, and he should expect a very personalised challenge, the completion of which would result in him being fast-tracked and made a full fraternity brother the very next day!

So here he was now, standing before a small semicircle of six seniors. Waiting while they stared at him with a mixture of devilish grins and poorly concealed nervousness; a fact which further unsettled the ferret. If they were not entirely comfortable with what was about to happen... what chance did he stand as the one who actually had to go through it?


The command issued forth from the darkness, somewhere behind the group of his frat brothers. Reggie didn't hesitate to do so. After the past summer's raft of sexual testing and experimentation, the ferret had long since lost any fear of being seen naked. He liked how he looked, and he had felt and seen more than enough people who also enjoyed his naked body to not give a damn if someone pointed and laughed at the fact that his balls were small and compact, and his cock, when exposed and erect, was decidedly average in stature.

Off came his shirt, his trousers and boxer shorts. He tossed them aside in a crumpled heap, and resumed his upright, attentive stance.

He saw several pairs of eyes training themselves on his crotch, and smirked.

There was a reason he had picked this fraternity. Rumours about its decidedly liberal attitudes to sex and orientation; preferring parties focused around pleasure and naughtiness of the carnal sort to drugs, binging on alcohol day in, day out, or any other more harmful practices. Sure, there were still some guys here who would claim that it was just for the purposes of shaming their pledges that they stripped them naked on a fairly regular basis, but those wandering eyes said otherwise in no uncertain terms.

"Go over to the carpeted area there, and get down onto your knees."

Reggie still couldn't see the speaker, but there was only one area of the cool stone floor upon which he was standing that was covered in carpet; surprisingly thick, luscious and comfortable carpet for that matter, and so he moved over there without delay. Dropping to his knees, the ferret found himself staring at what looked like a pair of metal hand-grips; the kind which you might see in a public lavatory to assist the elderly in pulling themselves upright, though smaller and shorter; protruding directly from the stone floor amid what looked like relatively freshly laid concrete.

"Lean forward, like you're getting down on all fours, and put your hands through the grips there. Hold on tightly."

Again, the ferret obeyed unquestioningly. He blushed a little as his body slipped into position on all fours, the way his legs were parted to provide optimal balance leaving his rump exposed enough to feel the cool air of the cellar washing over it. This all felt familiar. Like some sort of experiment he might have undergone at Valhalla. All that was missing was a pair of firm restraints tied around his wrists, and something very large and powerful slipping into his rump, buzzing violently with pleasurable vibrations.

"This is your final trial, Reggie, and the most important one you will face in your time with us. A trial all about trust. Trusting your fraternity brothers no matter what. All you have to do is keep holding onto those handles there. Don't let go no matter what happens. If you do, before we tell you that you can, you're out. No second chances. No time to pack and say your goodbyes. You'll be out on the streets with your bare ass blowing in the wind."

Reggie swallowed heavily. Much as he didn't feel any shame over being naked, he didn't relish the prospect of being thrown and presumably locked out of the frat house permanently without clothes or anywhere to go. Almost every guy he had come to know well since arriving here was a member of the fraternity, and while he had also met a good number of women, the ferret wasn't sure that he knew any of them well enough to turn up at their door naked and begging to be let inside.

The voice continued to speak in that same unwavering, faultlessly confident tone.

"If you succeed though, if you truly trust us... not only will you be a proud new member of our fraternity, but you'll have a lot of fun, too. Trust me. It'll be worth your while."

Nervous as he might have been, Reggie was trying to think of anything that his frat brothers could do to him right now that he wouldn't be able to handle. Given all he had experienced over the summer, some of the most intimate and possibly violating things that they could do would quite honestly be okay with the ferret. In his time at Valhalla he had come to view sex as just another part of day to day interactions, and while that wasn't a view he would ever force on anyone else, he would have been perfectly okay with any of his fellow frat brothers sharing some quality time with his body. Of course, if they took things a darker route, trying to gross him out or force him to give in through more stomach turning means, that was another matter. Reggie had heard stories about one fraternity in another college he had applied for making its pledges drink a pint of beer laced with skunk spray. He honestly couldn't imagine his frat brothers doing anything that cruel or genuinely harmful to him or anyone else, but under the circumstances... who knew what the future held for him?

The ferret heard movement close by, approaching footsteps. He dared not speak, pledges only allowed to speak when directly asked a question or given permission to talk freely, and thus was unable to query or foresee the blindfold which was slipped over the top of his head some moments later. It was a shock to have the world suddenly plunged into darkness, but far more intense and concerning was what followed; an earplug of some sort being slipped into his twitching right ear, and another second or two later, an identical one stopping up his left. In a matter of ten or fifteen seconds, Reggie had gone from being nervous but relatively comfortable to finding himself lost in a world without context. He had experienced sensory deprivation before of course, such things having been one of the key experiments he had taken part in at Valhalla industries, but that had been in a laboratory; with scientists and professionals monitoring his vital signs at every moment, and multiple safeguards in place to ensure he was never in any true danger.

Now, with his sight and hearing compromised and his sense of touch and motion disabled by the knowledge of what would happen if he moved his hands, all at the hands of a bunch of frat boys, Reggie couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Time passed. Uncountable seconds, Reggie locked inside his own head with no outside frame of reference to help him pass the time.

Fear faded as no foul stenches or painful sensations assaulted his remaining senses, and in the void of his own consciousness, Reggie turned to the past; to his memories for support and inspiration.

He thought back to Valhalla, and recalled all those long hours in the grip of sensory deprivation. Bound, blindfolded, unable to see, touch, hear or move, but knowing that at any moment he could be flung from one extreme to the other; from a total absence of sensation to the pleasure overload of furious sexual activity. At the start of his summer with Valhalla, Reggie had been afraid whenever he was pushed into total sensory deprivation. By the middle of his time there however, he had started to feel just as he was feeling now. Not afraid. Not nervous in the slightest, really. Just... buzzing. Wired with anticipation and the urgent desire to feel something, to have some sort of stimulation applied to his body.

The ferret shivered in excitement at the thought of something like that happening now. A hand reaching down and touching him somewhere intimate. A pair of lips brushing his body. A toy rubbing against his rump, already slick with lubricant. A cock pushing through his lips, demanding satisfaction for its unseen owner. He could feel himself getting more and more worked up, but in his state of total sensory denial it was impossible for Reggie to be sure that he wasn't just _remembering_his past arousal. He felt like he was turned on. He felt like he was getting hard. But realistically, immobile and deprived of almost all feedback as he was, it seemed like there was no possible way for him to tell.

Except... he wasn't entirely without senses.

Reggie could still smell, and right now he was smelling something new filling the air around his trembling, vulnerable body. A masculine scent. Rich. Hot. Thick. Aroused. Was it himself? He didn't think so, but maybe he just hadn't noticed his own scent before, having been more focused on the other aspects of his arousal, like the sight of pre-cum dripping from his cock's swollen tip, or the sensations that overwhelmed him as he stroked himself, or was pleasured by whoever he was with.

A hand touched the side of his face. The ferret jerked slightly, but rather than pulling away from the metal hand-holds to which he was bound by duty to maintain contact with, he only clutched tighter at them in his momentary fright. There was no pain though, far from it. The paw was gentle and kindly, caressing his cheek before a finger and thumb slid over to the corner of his mouth in a way that was slightly familiar, teasing and rubbing at his lips in a gesture which clearly could only mean one thing.

Open wide.

He did so, and sure enough mere seconds after the hand withdrew itself something else took its place against Reggie's lips. Something warm, hot, and hard.

The ferret felt his throat vibrating as he groaned in pleasure, though unable to hear the sound he himself was making. He took the cock into his muzzle, feelings its smooth surface with a slight series of bumps and nubs towards the tip; a feline member presumably. It slid further in, the cock both thicker and longer than first expected, but deliciously so. It tasted incredible. So hot and salty, radiating such masculine energy as it throbbed within his maw. Reggie had forgotten how intense sensory deprivation made those remaining senses, and now he was being given a crash course reminder in just how delectable it could be to give as well as to receive under such circumstances.

At least... that is assuming that all of this was actually happening.

That thought gave the ferret cause to pause for a moment, though only a moment, in his initial sucklings upon this swollen shaft on which he was feasting. The thought had crossed his mind multiple times now that all of this felt strangely familiar, and with his senses so deprived of all perspective, it was oddly difficult for Reggie to convince himself that he wasn't just fantasising about the whole thing. If your senses were not functioning, how could you tell the difference between reality and a waking dream. Sure, he could smell the raw animal heat of this man whose cock was being shoved into his face, and yeah he could taste and feel the weight of that thick, swollen length. But the ferret had experienced dreams which in the moment, and even after he had woken up had seemed totally real. He had masturbated to fantasies so vivid that he could practically taste the stallion's cum on his lips, and feel the hot bodies of his dream bedfellows lying either side of him, sandwiching him between their rampant, raging hard-ons. All of those things had felt every bit as real as this did now, but they hadn't been. So what proof did he have that anything was happening to him at all?

What was the alternative though? Stop sucking this invisible cock? Sit perfectly still and pretend that he wasn't sporting a raging erection until his frat brothers decided he'd sat there horny and silent for long enough? No. Not only was Reggie not willing to take that risk, more than happy to suck a hot, thick cock if that was all it took to get him into this fraternity, but even if this was just a fantasy... it was a fun fantasy, dammit.

Silently, or at least silently from his perspective, Reggie slurped and lapped hungrily at that cock which by now was actively thrusting in and out of his eager maw. With every trickle or spurt of rich, salty pre-cum to pour forth onto his tongue, the ferret felt his own erection strain and drool down onto the carpeted ground beneath him. As he felt two strong hands grip the back of his head, fondling and teasing his ears as they helped to encourage his head's motions back and forth against this needy cock, the ferret became increasingly lost into the act at hand, whether real or a simply fantastic delusion from his withdrawn, painfully under-stimulated mind.

How long Reggie had spent sucking this cock, the ferret could not possibly have guessed. All he knew was that with every passing fraction of time, the experience grew more vivid and powerful than almost any sexual feat he had taken part in over his entire summer with Valhalla. Maybe it was because he had been separated from those kinds of extreme scenarios for over a month now, and as such his body had forgotten just how intense such strange stimulation could be. Whatever the cause though, everything about this blowjob was intensified to the extreme. He could feel the texture of the feline cock's pre on his tongue, slimy, slippery, warm and wet in the most deliciously intimate sense. The taste was out of this world, not just salty, but layered with musk and sweat and a strange sweetness locked away within that sticky seed. Every thrust was different, the angle, the pace, the rhythm of the cat's motions changing as he grew uncontrollably excited by the hungry suction of Reggie's maw.

By the time the unseen, unheard male's hands on Reggie's head had tightened to a veritable vice-grip and the cock's pace had surpassed quick and skipped straight on to _ desperate _, the ferret could no longer bring himself to consider the possibility that this was all a dream, a fantasy or a vivid memory that had floated to the surface of his empty, sense-deprived soul to provide his mind with entertainment and stimulation in the almost total absence of any such feelings. He could barely breathe as that hot cock stuffed itself down his throat once more, pushing him to the very limits of what he could take as its liberally drooling tip pushed beyond his tonsils, forcing him to deep throat its length and allowing Reggie to inhale the even richer musk caught in the feline's crotch fur as his nose bumped up against said junction of flesh and fur.

What neither the ferret nor his unknown lover could have anticipated however, was the effect which the gripping and rhythmic, almost affectionate squeezing of Reggie's right ear was having on the plug placed within it. Every so often the cock's owner would stroke Reggie's ear just a little too firmly, and he would feel that earplug shifting ever so slightly. After this had happened about ten times, Reggie could hear the rush of his own blood flowing through his head; like putting your ear up against a seashell. Another handful of overly affectionate rubs and a faint, distant grunting penetrated Reggie's until now utterly silent mental picture of the scene. He began to hear himself moaning and whimpering lustily, and fought not to give away how suddenly aware of that fact he was when the owner of the shaft plunging hungrily into his maw over and over again began to utter far more urgent gasps and cries of pleasure. It took all of the ferret's willpower not to reveal that he knew what was coming through giddy whimpers of his own, but thankfully he didn't have to hold out for very long. Mere moments later the unseen cock in his muzzle gave up its secrets in a torrent of thick, potent spurts of thick, sticky cum, and Reggie's joyous gurgles of pleasure were guilt free as he listened to his now obviously feline partner yowling and moaning in frantic, orgasmic ecstasy.

"F-fuck! Oh fuck yes. Yes!"

Whether pent up or simply in possession of some of the mightiest balls that Reggie had ever encountered, for almost fifteen seconds a near continuous flood of cum boiled its way down the happy ferret's throat. He didn't even care that he hadn't cum, the satisfaction of feeling the other male cumming so powerfully thanks to his blowjob was all that Reggie required. The icing on the cake however, the sweet cherry on the top of this rich cream pie of sexiness, was the words which slipped through the broken seal of Reggie's earplugs soon after the gasping, breathless cat pulled his now softening cock free from the ferret's maw.

"Damn that was good. I remembered him being a pretty damn fine cocksucker, but that... Fuck!"

A hand tousled the ferret's hair, and he fought not to beam with pride.

"Will someone go upstairs and fetch Jay and Tom now? Tell them its their turn. They've been waiting to have a shot at this guy for months... and I got the decided impression he'd always wanted a shot at them, too."

It was a good thing that Reggie felt the feline's hand caressing his ears once more just seconds later, wordlessly, unknowingly slipping the earplug back into place before the ferret could hear anything more. If he had heard more, Reggie would have flunked out of this challenge for sure. As it was, he already had to fight not to tear off that blindfold, rush upstairs and fling himself at the two men who were apparently up there, waiting for their turn with him.

Jay and Tom.


The ferret didn't think he would ever seen them again, ever have the chance to live out the fantasy he had been denied while at Valhalla; used, taken and worked over to the brink of exhaustion by those two stallion thoroughbred brothers. But now... somehow, by some sweet miracle, here they apparently were; in the same frat house as him, and in cahoots with a cat who apparently knew from experience the kind of blowjobs he gave.

From everything he had read in their contracts with him, Reggie had assumed that Valhalla were done with him. That they were cutting ties now that he had completed his contractual obligations, and that aside from seeing their products on the shelves of some of the more high end sex-toy stores out there he would probably never heard hide nor hair from them again.

Apparently, that was not the case. Apparently they wanted another session with one of their most eager and helpful test subjects.

And if that meant the stallion double-teaming which he had been denied in the past... god, was he glad.

A hand grabbed Reggie's rump, while another tugged on his lean whip of a tail.

A finger, thick, long, bigger than some of the smaller cocks that Reggie had seen and played with in his short but rather expansive adult sexual history, pressed against his asshole. It was lubricated, and slipped in easily. The ferret tossed his head and cried out as it curled and prodded at his prostate, knowing exactly where to strike. Of course, he couldn't hear himself scream, but he had never been able to hold back when someone hit his sweet spot.

The single digit withdrew, only to be replaced by two. He was being stretched so wide, and yet the ferret knew that this was only a fraction of what he was going to experience soon. They were being nice. They were easing him into it. But nothing could truly prepare him for the magnitude of what was to come. He didn't need to see those horses and their vast, swollen cocks to remember their size. It was etched on the inside of his eyelids, burned into every vivid dream and heated fantasy he had indulged in since leaving Valhalla. The only difference between those fantasies and the reality of his time spent in their company was going to be his lack of sight and hearing, and though he did wish he could set eyes upon those incredible stallions and reach out to touch their powerful, muscle-bound bodies, that was a sacrifice more than worth making.

This way, he could feel them in a manner that he never would have been able to before.

Without sight to distract him.

Without sound to confuse him.

He could focus one hundred and ten percent on taking, on loving, on worshipping their vast cocks as they set about using and pleasing him in whatever manner they saw fit.

As the two fingers pulled back from his wiggling rump, Reggie lifted his tail up high; presenting himself, pleading to be taken not only hard, but soon!

Never had he wanted to feel a cock inside him so badly, and despite the situation; despite his vulnerability, never had he trusted anyone so completely to make him the happiest, if possibly sorest come the following morning, frat pledge in history.

By Jeeves

With editing and input by Shakal

The Aftermath: Enjoying the Show

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [Freebies...

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The Aftermath: Playback Payback

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [The...

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Syren University: The Duel

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Syren...

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