Syren University: The Duel

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#8 of Valhalla Industries

Why settle a disagreement with pain, when you can do so with pleasure!

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> Syren University: The Duel

Syren University - The Duel

Professor Piria padded up and down the length of the stage, counting out its length in strides under his breath as he did so. With a flick of his wand, he drew a shimmering white line down the centre of the raised platform, and two more shorter lines ten paces either side of that centre-point. The black furred maned wolf turned to face the crowd assembled in front of the stage, at least a hundred students standing, gazing eagerly up at their professor. Everyone knew that Professor Piria was one of the coolest lecturers at the university, but none of them had ever suspected that he was this open to the fun which a certain proportion of the student body found so entertaining. It was one thing for lecturers and other staff members to look the other way and pretend that their students were all far too mature and sensible to engage in recreational magic use during sex, but to actively partake in such events... to make it almost official by acting as an arbiter, even during spring break... this was a new level of acceptance on behalf of the faculty.

"Today we are here to settle a quarrel between students. A fight not for the heart, but for the body of one man."

All eyes in the room turned towards a single member of the crowd. Rahvi Chandra; a sandy furred mutt whose shining hazel eyes and bewitching smile made him the charming, unassuming heartthrob of much of the university. Even now, with all eyes upon him, the dog could only blush and shuffle his feet where he stood. It was so hard for him to believe that so many guys were fighting for his attention when he would gladly give it to each and every one of them. But for some, for the two guys concerned with this event in particular, _some_of his time and attention was not enough. Neither one of them could deal with the idea of the other being able to share equal quantities of time and intimacy with the man whose body and sensual skills they longed to indulge in, and thus they had decided upon a manner to choose a victor. A wizards' duel. Not with spells to hurt or disarm, but with the very magic that they hoped to wield with Rahvi.

"Now, before I go over the rules and begin the duel, let's bring on the challengers."

Intentionally or not, with his open fronted black robes and sharp black shirt and trousers beneath it, Professor Piria did look like a rather intimidating announcer for the sort of wizarding duels one might have seen a few hundred years ago in old castles or warehouses throughout the industrial era. Thus as he turned with a flourish to welcome the first of the two competitors onto the stage, his welcome prompted a flurry of cheers and applause from the gathered crowd.

The first of the two competitors within the duel was a feline male; a tawny furred house cat of a slightly plump but still cute build. Cheers from friends and supporters in the crowd identified him as Michael, and as Michael sauntered confidently onto the stage, his body bare and one hand already grasping his stiff manhood aggressively while the other held his wand aloft, Professor Piria had to hold his own hands up to calm the crowd down. He didn't want to play the role of a buzzkill, far from it, but if the crowd got the challengers too worked up before the duel even got started he could imagine things escalating rather too rapidly for anyone's liking.

Soon after Michael had taken his spot upon the designated duelling field, a wave of Professor Piria's free hand called forth the second challenger. Anthony was perhaps the exact opposite of the cute, slightly chubby house cat he was facing. Yes he was still a rather diminutive figure, neither male standing more than five foot six tall and both with erections that stood at a notably average five to six inches, but the monitor lizard's green and yellowish brown scaled body was lithe, lean and smooth, and with each tasting swipe of his forked tongue his sleek face took on something of a dashing dangerous appearance, but without the affectionate cuteness which Michael undeniably possessed.

With the two competitors now on stage and taking up their positions, the focus of the room's attention returned temporarily to the duel's arbiter. He stood between the two naked duellers, glancing from one to the other as he addressed them, ensuring that they understood the few but important ground rules he wished to set in place for this event.

"Now, Michael... Anthony, let's go over the rules of engagement. Normally in a wizarding duel the loser is the first one to be disabled and unable to continue duelling, and today I feel that condition should be kept intact, though with the proviso that you should be attempting to disable one another sexually, through over-stimulation or fatigue, not by pain or rendering one another physically unable to move or act. Secondly, I'm going to say that you may not disarm one another intentionally. No disarming spell, no stealing the other person's wand if they drop it. If you disable someone to the extent that they lose their own wand however, that's fine. And finally, I think we should agree that this duel is a competition for the affections and heart of another man. So please, remember that you both care for the person for whom you're fighting... and do not act in a way that you believe he would disapprove of, otherwise even if you win, you're liable to lose out in the long run. Okay?"

Each of the two males nodded curtly, and as Professor Piria stepped back, out of their line of fire, they each took up a starting stance with which to strike.

The wolf raised his own wand up into the air, called out for them to prepare their first spells, and began the duel with a shower of crimson sparks from his own wand-tip.

"Eros felis!"

Michael was the first to strike, launching his initial assault upon the lizard with an infatuation charm. The monitor lizard darted out of the way of the spell-blast, the greenish blue energy hitting the wooden surface of the stage and dissipating without effect, saving the reptilian male from having to deal with the dilemma of being suddenly and completely stricken with desire for every feline present in this room, his opponent included. As Anthony hit the floor however, tucking, rolling and darting back up to one knee, he thrust forth his own wand to unleash its first spell of the duel.



One of the most basic but potent sexually explicit magic spells, _Euphorae_was commonly known as the pleasure charm, or the 'arcane orgasm'. For all purposes it did indeed inflict a spontaneous and crippling orgasm upon the recipient, and was prized amongst those who wished to push their bodies to and beyond their sexual limit, demanding partners that were capable of casting the spell on them multiple times a minute until their bodies could bear the onslaught of pleasure no longer. As Anthony cast it towards his feline competitor however, it was expertly deflected by a well placed shield charm. Instead of hitting Michael head on the spell was deflected violently to the right, and before either Professor Piria or anyone in the crowd could do anything about it, it struck a female collie standing in roughly the third row of bystanders. She fell to her knees, clutching at her crotch beneath her robes and shrieking in pleasure, her cheeks burning red with shame and ecstasy all at once.

Charms, jinxes and counter-spells began to fly thick and fast as the two duellers began their little sexual war in earnest. In a cruel rapid-fire double cast Michael finally hit home with not one, but a pair of spells; his own pleasure charm rapidly followed by a chastity jinx. Thus no sooner had Anthony's body been struck by the first spell, the lizard tossing his head, thrashing his long, lithe tail and trembling in ecstasy, those glorious feelings were crushed into nothingness by the second incantation. He stood, shell-shocked and shuddering in withdrawal at the sudden absence of pleasure, before scowling at the grinning cat and responding with his own cruel brand of bliss.


The spell hit Michael full on, and though it did not knock him from his feet the cat stopped dead on the spot, stumbling, gasping and clutching at his balls with both hands as they began to swell and bulge with sudden growth. In seconds they were twice their normal size, then three, then four times as large as they should have been. The cat had to spread his legs in a wide stance just to keep from crushing his own furred orbs, and deep, wild groans of desire began to escape his lips in a near constant string as his erect cock began to drip and drool a near constant stream of sticky cum. His balls were filled to overflowing, quite literally, and until he came and released that pressure the sensation of drooling and dripping cum would be nigh on unbearable.

"E... Eu... Euphorae!"

The feline male had no choice. He cried out the pleasure charm once more, but rather than firing it in Anthony's direction, he aimed it at his own swollen hard-on. The cat yowled in mindless ecstasy as he came, grasping his cock with his free hand and pumping hungrily as a supernaturally large torrent of cum poured forth, not escaping in string and ribbons as would usually be the case, but flooding out like water from a broken tap. He whined and gasped in pleasure and relief as his balls began to shrink, returning to their normal size as they emptied out their vast load, and in a show of surprising mercy Anthony simply stood by and let him milk himself dry, knowing that this first orgasm brought Michael that much closer to wearing himself out and that now he was at a strong advantage.

It must have been over a minute later that Michael released his hand from his still drooling, twitching cock, taking a few stumbling steps backwards as he stared at the mess he'd made of the stage before finally re-assuming a duelling stance and turning his gaze towards Anthony once more.

Grinning with undeniable admiration and respect, the tabby cat addressed his scaled opponent. "Nicely done. Round one to you, I think... but I'm nowhere near finished yet. It takes a special kind of man to satisfy me."

He glanced into the crowd, towards Rahvi. The mutt whimpered bashfully, blushing and squirming upon the spot. Seeing him acting in such an adorable manner however only made Michael all the more determined to secure his place in that gorgeous dog's bed.

"Hindral sanctia!

As Michael unleashed his latest spell, many furs in the room seemed somewhat taken aback. Many looked around at their friends and companions in curiosity, having never heard of this spell before. To those who did know of its meaning though, they reacted as though it was perhaps cruel or unfair for such a spell to be used in a contest such as this. It hit Anthony with a shimmering aura of white light, and as that light seemed to be absorbed into the lizard's body, he stood still, wand by his side and his other hand clenched into a tight fist; staring at Michael in sheer disbelief. "You... y-you just..."

Professor Piria stepped forwards, ready to interject; to stop the duel right now. Anthony glanced at him however, and with a shake of his head told the maned wolf that it was okay. He might not have expected this move, but he could handle it.

"That's low, Michael. That's really low."

Hindral sanctia was a difficult spell to master, and one which actually, despite the response it gleaned under this particular circumstance, was an incredibly wonderful and intimately detailed sexual spell. It was at its most basic level a heavily modified memory charm, one which did not erase memories however, but simply delayed them and sealed them away from the conscious mind for a specific period of time; twenty four hours if not otherwise specified. It tended to be used between couples who wanted to break out of the shadow of former lovers, or just to feel as though their current lover was the one; the only one they'd ever known. In short, it locked away the sensory memory of every sexual experience that the spell's receiver had ever known. Anthony still knew that he'd _had_sex before. He could remember vaguely when he discovered masturbation, when he lost his virginity, and the first time he'd slept with someone he truly loved... but the memory of how those sexual acts had felt? No. In that regard, he might as well have been a life-long celibate from even the most minor forms of sexual pleasure.

Michael might have agreed with Anthony under other circumstances. Had the stakes not been so high, he probably never would have used _Hindral sanctia_on another person unless they had wanted to share that unique 'first' experience with him. But if all was fair in love and war, then all was almost certainly fair in lust and war. The cat was determined that he would be the one to take Rahvi to bed with him tonight, and that for as long as he continued to show interest in Rahvi's body, Anthony would not be able to lay so much as a finger upon his rightfully won prize.

The monitor lizard was still standing, staring at the cat in disbelief. His wand hung by his side, and as he shook his head in mournful frustration he appeared to have given up. After all, while he still knew the spells that could win him this duel there was no way he could possibly compete against Michael now. The very next time that the cat hit him with a pleasure charm it would feel as though he was cumming for the very first time, and an experience like that wasn't something you could recover from in a matter of seconds... or indeed that you could recover from being inflicted upon you not by someone you liked or even desired, but by a rival and a cheat.

But while Anthony may have given up, Michael had no intentions of leaving the duel unfinished. Unless he proved his victory in no uncertain terms, there was always a chance that Anthony could try to re-stake his claim at a later time. After all, he was only robbed of his sexual experience for a single day, and in twenty four hours time would be back to his usual permissive, lewdly erotic self.

Levelling his wand at Anthony's solemn, unmoving form one last time, Michael prepared to deliver the pleasure charm which would seal his victory.


The tabby cat cried out in ecstasy as a bolt of magical energy erupted from the crowd beyond the stage, striking at his body and sending him into helpless, frantic convulsions as his second orgasm in ten minutes wracked his plump frame. He trembled, quivered, and fell to all fours as he clutched desperately at his cock with one hand, milking himself for every drop of orgasmic bliss as he came hard, spilling strings of his essence out across the stage in lesser volumes than last time but with no less passion or pleasure. As he humped at his hand and cried out in unexpected joy, all other eyes in the room turned towards the caster of this spell.

Rahvi stood alone, those surrounding him having drawn back as he stood with his wand outstretched, staring stonily at the trembling, moaning feline. He waited until Michael had stopped cumming, and for the moment when the feline's gaze turned his way. Their eyes met, and the canine grinned savagely.


Again the cat convulsed and climaxed, shrieking loudly as he fall onto his side. He twitched and bucked wildly at thin air while his cock throbbed and pulsed dryly, no more cum left to shoot in this back to back session of magically enhanced ecstasy. His toes curled and his fingers clutched at empty air with every moment of pure pleasure than ran like an electric current through his disabled and weakened body, but before he could even relax where he lay in the wake of that second brutal orgasm, Rahvi struck him with a third. Then a fourth.

By the time the fifth consecutive orgasm struck Michael's twitching, whimpering form, he could take no more. One final gut-wrenching scream of ecstasy tore free from the pit of his stomach, and the feline's eyes fell lazily shut as every inch of his body except for his throbbing cock and twitching tail-tip went totally limp, sheer pleasure induced unconsciousness overwhelming the helpless cat.

No-one spoke as Rahvi stepped forward, free from the crowd, and scrambled up onto the stage. Even Professor Piria dared not say anything to the dog as he stood over Michael's bliss stricken form, shaking his head as he stared down at the cat in what looked more like sorrow and disappointment than anything else. It was only when Rahvi gazed up once more, turning his head towards Anthony where the monitor lizard was still standing, unmoving and wide eyed, that a smile crossed the canine male's face. "Anthony... You won."

The lizard's tail twitched. He wanted to agree with Rahvi... he wanted to more than anything. But, he couldn't. There was no victory here. He had lost, and even the man he was fighting for stepping in on his behalf at the last moment didn't change the fact that he really didn't deserve to win any time with the sandy furred canine. He sighed, hissing mournfully, and shook his head. "No. I mean... I don't think I did. I don't think I could after what Michael did. No matter whether he'd cast a spell to finish me off or not, I was already done."

Rahvi frowned as he approached the scaled male, and growled softly when upon reaching out a hand and gesturing for Anthony to take it, the lizard declined. He took another few steps forward, and forcefully, of his own accord, grasped hold of Anthony's free hand. The dog squeezed it tightly, and Anthony's scaled cheeks reddened with for what right now felt like virgin excitement. The first charge of sexual energy between himself and another man. "You're not done till I say you're done. Okay?"

Saying nothing, Anthony stared at the canine in disbelief. He must have been misunderstanding. There was no way that Rahvi could be saying what he thought Rahvi was saying.

"You may not have been the one to knock out your competition... but he's out for the count, and even if he wasn't, I don't think I'd want to spend any time... intimate or otherwise... with a man who'd strip away all the wonderful sexual experiences of another sentient creature's lifetime. So, y'know what I think we should do?" Anthony moaned softly as Rahvi took a step closer to him, pressing his clothed body up against the lizard's own bare scale so that he could whisper into the reptile's ear.

"I think we should make some new memories for you to enjoy. Memories of you and me." The dog drew his head back just far enough for the two males to look into one another's eyes. He grinned playfully, and licked Anthony fondly across the lizard's snout. "Wanna lose your virginity again tonight?"

A violent tremor ran down the monitor lizard's spine, and before he could even nod in agreement Rahvi was already leading him towards the edge of the stage, away from the duelling arena and towards better, infinitely more pleasant things.

It wasn't long before the entire room was clear. With the duel over and the men of the moment having departed, the crowd soon wandered away in search of further entertainment; a few talking about going back to their dorms for some more private, intimate 'duelling'. This left only two figures behind, one a naked, snoring cat lying on the floor beside streaks and pools of his own cum, and the other Professor Piria, who reached into the folds of his cloak as he stood over the slumbering feline and drew out a small walkie-talkie. "Clean-up to staging room three, please. Also, I think subject seventy three, Michael Ravenscroft, should be withdrawn from the Syren programme. He's using his magic irresponsibly, and certainly not for the benefit or enjoyment of others. Recommend he be returned to normal Valhalla operations."

A few seconds of static echoed down the line, before a voice responded to the wolf.

"Understood. Clean-up crew on the way. As for Michael, I'll remove him from the project now. I see he's sleeping, so we might as well get him while he's easy to transfer. Are you out of sight?"

Professor Piria glanced around the room. "Affirmative."

The voice from across the system responded immediately.

"Okay then. Put the comm by his ear. Unless there's anything else, we'll catch you at your next check-in after classes tomorrow, Doctor."

The wolf kneeled down, placing the walkie-talkie as instructed.

For a few moments, Michael's eyes opened again as he listened to the speaker. As if an overlay was being taken off his eyes, the professor's robes became a lab coat, lit torches became electric lights, and then it all became black as sleep overtook him again.

Pulling the walkie-talkie back, the wolf promptly signed off. "That's all, Valhalla. Have a good night out there in the real world. Doctor Cyrus Piria, over and out."

By Jeeves With editing and input by Shakal. :)

Syren University: A Visit to the Counsellor

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Syren...

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Syren University: Extra Enhanced

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Syren University: Happy Birthday!

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