Syren University: A Visit to the Counsellor

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#7 of Valhalla Industries

Two men, very much in love but with a few problems in their physical relationship, seek aid from the University guidance counsellor.

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> Syren University: A Visit to the Counsellor

Syren University - A Visit to the Counsellor.

"First of all, let me begin by saying that I consider it very mature that the two of you are willing to talk to me about a matter this personal and sensitive. A lot of people think that relationship counselling is something to only look for when things are already too far gone to fix, and that all we do is deal with emotional problems. I hope we'll be able to show you how wrong that perception is."

Ms Carliah Bartlet was one of six registered counsellors at the Syren University for the Magically Gifted. Headmaster Shakal had always considered it vitally important for his students to be cared for while they were studying, and that went as much for their mental wellbeing as it did for them physically. Thus there was a whole counselling centre devoted to providing advice and aid to any student who required it, twenty four hours a day seven days a week in and out of term time. Today however, in the midst of Spring Break, the counselling centre was quiet. Only one room was in use, and though it was the two students' first session Ms Bartlet did not forsee any major problems. The only students who tended to be problematic during counselling were those who had been encouraged to come here after less than appropriate or acceptable behaviour, whereas this pair had specifically sought her out after hearing from a friend that she was particularly skilled in aiding students with relationship difficulties.

"So... maybe one of you could tell me what it is, in your own word, that's brought you here today."

Sitting side by side upon a couch, not the typical psychoanalysts couch for lying on but a proper, comfortably padded sofa, the two males glanced nervously at one another. Their hands, clasped tightly together, squeezed at their partner's firmly for comfort and reassurance. It was the larger of the pair, a powerful deer buck, who spoke up on behalf of himself and his bunny boyfriend. His voice was deep and mellow, but behind his calm and collected tones there was a definite note of sadness. "We love each other. We're a great fit as far as personality goes... we compliment each other's weaknesses, and... and it's just amazing being around Daniel. He's incredible."

Ms Bartlet nodded understandingly, a warm smile playing across her lips as the two men shared a look of mutual adoration. "Okay, so tell me Gregory... what's the problem?"

The deer frowned, glancing almost shamefully downward as he was forced to confront that issue rather than lingering on the much more appealing side of his and Daniel's relationship. "I... I think I'm the problem. My body, I mean."

With a huff of frustration, Daniel interjected. The black and white patched bunny shook his head firmly from side to side, and with his lopped ears twitching in apparent anger he retorted sharply. "No! Hey, I've told you time and time again, it's not you. If anyone's at fault here it's me, for being so damn sensitive."

The two males fell silent, blushing nervously as Ms Bartlet cleared her throat and held up a hand, requesting quiet. "We can do without blame, if you don't mind. It may seem valiant, but sharing blame can be as destructive as doling it out without cause if you're doing so without good reason. Now please, just tell me what kind of problems you two are having."

Once more Gregory took the initiative, though this time he stuck much more to the facts, his face focused and grim as he attempted not to let his feelings worm their way into his description of their situation. "It's... it's when we try to be... intimate."

Ms Bartlet smiled. The snow leopard's large, fluffy tail twitched from side to side over the right arm of her large, comfy armchair, and she leaned forwards slightly as she addressed the two males, as though acting in a secretive and conspiratorial manner. "I appreciate your trying to spare my feeling, Gregory. But I don't mind you being perfectly candid here. You can say that it's something to do with your sex life."

The stag blushed, and beside him the insides of Daniel's ears flushed crimson. Gregory did nod however, and continued in a slightly more open, free-spoken way. "When we have sex, we just... we don't click. It's fun, and I love being with him. I love seeing Daniel in pleasure, and I love to be the one who makes him feel that way. But... he's just _so_sensitive. We can barely cuddle at night without him giggling and squirming whenever my hands move against his back, and when we make love... w-when we fool around, or fuck..." He glanced towards the feline counsellor to check with her that it was okay for him to say things like that. She said nothing, but smiled warmly and gave the deer an encouraging nod. "...he's so sensitive that even when I try to take it slow, even if I don't touch his cock at all, he cums after just a few minutes of me being inside him. But me? Even if he rode me for forty... fifty minutes, maybe even an hour, I wouldn't come close to cumming. It's not that he doesn't make me feel good... he's done things to me that have made me scream before, I just take so long to get over the edge. He's given me blow-jobs that lasted hours... he's used his hands for half the night just to get me off once when I was really horny. The only way we can really get on an even footing in bed together is to spend about half an hour beforehand casting charms on ourselves; charms to make us less sensitive, or more sensitive. Charms to make him stretch more, to try and keep me from stimulating him too much when I'm deep in there. But after we've done all that, it's not like it's really even us fucking any more. Daniel has to be desensitised so much that he barely seems to react, and even if I do manage to cum before him, it's not a victory because I don't get to see him enjoy the moment like he would if I was fucking him for just a few minutes without spells."

By the time he fell silent, Gregory's free hand was clutching tight at the arm of the couch nearest to him, and large, heavy tears were rolling down his face. Daniel's eyes were tearful too, and as he cuddled up to the side of the deer, sniffling and whimpering softly into the much larger male's shoulder, Ms Bartlet herself almost came close to the brink of weeping. It took a minute or so for the two males to re-gather themselves, and when they did, it was Daniel who took a turn to speak on behalf of them both. "It's like Greg says. We're in love... a-and we wouldn't give that up for anything. But at the same time, there are moments when we almost feel like we need to let something go. To open up our relationship for other lovers, so we can both get what we need. I don't want to see Greg going unsatisfied because I can't last as long as him, a-and he doesn't want me to be stopping my body from feeling almost anything just so we can finish together. We don't want to break up... I can't imagine life without my buck..."

Gregory turned towards Daniel upon the couch, and wrapped both arms tightly around the smaller male. "...and I can't imagine living without my bun."

They both looked towards Ms Bartlet, tearful once more. They both opened their mouths, but at the last moment, Gregory faltered. Thus it was left to Daniel to speak the words they both feared and hated to admit so much. "But... we both enjoy an active sex life, and if we don't manage to find a way to have one together, we really don't know if we can make this work for the rest of our lives. We want love to be enough, no matter what else we have to give up. But, we're afraid that it isn't enough on its own. The physical part of a relationship is important, and if we can't have it together... m-maybe we need to start looking elsewhere. That's why we need help. Why we hope... w-why we need you to be able to tell us what to do. We don't want to break up, but... if we're still like this a year from now, two years, maybe even ten, and then one day one of us wakes up and realises we've had enough..."

The rabbit shook his head, his expression sour, disgusted by the mere thought of what he was about to say. "I can't do that to Greg. Not now. Not ever. I can't hurt him like that."

Gregory stroked the back of Daniel's head, caressing his long, floppy ears with the tips of his fingers. "And I can't hurt him. I won't. So please, Ms Bartlet. Please tell us that there's something else we can try."

For a short while, thirty seconds drawn out to infinity in the minds of the two males clutching at one another upon the couch, the snow leopard remained stonily silent. It was only when the lovers were practically at breaking point that a soft smile crossed the female's face, a smile which blossomed and grew as a confident twinkle appeared in her eyes.

She looked from Greg to Daniel, and nodded.

At ten thirty the next morning, Daniel stepped into the room in which Ms Bartlet had instructed him and Gregory to meet for a session of the technique she had suggested. Following swiftly behind the rabbit, holding his hand firmly, was Gregory. The deer looked somewhat uncertain as he glanced around the empty room, a few chairs littered around its edges, a coffee table with a few pamphlets strewn across it; by all accounts, an out of commission counsellors waiting area. He did however spot what Daniel was now gesturing towards, a door at the far end of the reception room with a brass plaque upon it reading a single word.


"Okay... is it just me, or is it completely crazy that neither of us have ever heard of whatever counselling technique Ms Bartlet is wanting us to try? I mean, I get that it might be some ancient magic from the dawn of witchcraft and wizardry, and yeah, it might help bring our bodies into some kind of balance, but there wasn't a single reference to it in the university's library! They have a whole floor devoted to magical medicine and healing, and not a single book had a single word to say on the subject of Ng... Nug... whatever the hell we're supposed to be doing here."

Daniel glanced back at his boyfriend and giggled softly. "Don't get your panties in a bunch. You said you wanted to try anything... this is what Ms Bartlet said we should try. And it's Ng'Franth."

Rolling his eyes as the rabbit pulled him towards the doorway bearing the plaque, Gregory couldn't help but smirk at his lover's cuteness. "You're such a know it all. Why'd I ever hook up with a geek like you?"

Turning around to face the deer, beaming brightly, Daniel reached up and wrapped his arms around Gregory's neck. He tugged the deer downward until they were face to face, and gently rubbed his nose against the stag's own before pecking him on the lips with a fond kiss. "Because you knew I have low standards so long as there's a handsome body there for me to ogle."

Gregory chuckled and kissed Daniel back, a little deeper, a little longer than before. "Mmm..., you'd better hope this counselling works then, because if we find out a way to solve out bedroom problems, I'll be too happy to care that you're using me."

The two men smiled, but their grins faded as the mere mention of their problems pulled them back to reality and to the reason why they were here. Once more they took one another's hands into their own, and crossed the final few feet of carpeted ground to the wooden, windowless doorway.

Reaching over his lover's shoulder, Gregory knocked at the door.

There was no answer. No-one at home.

He knocked again. Still nothing after twenty seconds of waiting.

Daniel glanced nervously back at the deer. "S-should we just go back to the seats out here and wait? Maybe Ms Bartlet is running late?"

Considering this for just a moment or so, Gregory shook his head. "No. I think we should go in. I still remember the time one of my friends missed an entire Charms class because he forgot that we were learning voice amplification spells that day and thought there was no-one in the room, when really the Professor had just cast a silencing charm on the walls and the door to keep from disturbing the whole castle. For all we know it's a private room... no sound in or out. That would kind of make sense if this is some sort of... practical way that we'll be working out our problems, right?"

The rabbit nodded. That really was a good point, and even if Gregory wasn't right for that exact reason there were a thousand and one other magical explanations for why Ms Bartlet wasn't answering the door. At the very least, they should try the handle to check if the door was open. And thus, that was exactly what they did.

Much to the pair's surprise, the door was open. Indeed Daniel barely seemed to have touched the handle before it practically sprang wide open, as though urging them to enter. And thus, again, that was exactly what they did.

Upon stepping into the room, the pair glanced nervously around in the gloom, barely illuminated and even to that extent by an unknown, unseen source. Beneath their feet the two males could feel cool metal, and the warm air rushing up over their paws and between their toes told them that they were walking on some kind of finely grated surface, ventilated from beneath. They parted to explore the room more quickly, though it didn't take long for them to figure out that aside from a rather high ceiling, this stone square of a room was both rather small, and totally empty. No furniture, no decoration, no lighting beyond that unknown glow which allowed them just to see one another through the murk.

Gregory sighed heavily. "There's nothing here, and by the looks of thing Ms Bartlet didn't even plan on having us in here later. I mean... unless her plan was to lock us together in an empty room and force us to sort out our differences like we're two sitcom characters."

Perhaps it was chance, perhaps fate, or perhaps a slightly crude sense of humour on the part of some as yet unseen force, but it was at that exact moment that the room's door swung shut with a loud crash, plunging the two males into total darkness as their unseen source of illumination was extinguished.

Daniel cried out, and though Gregory rushed as fast as he could towards the last seen and last heard spot in which his lover had been standing, he soon felt himself slam firmly into the stone wall at the far side of the room. He grunted in discomfort, but swiftly turned and called out into the blackness. "Daniel?! Daniel, are you okay?"

Before the rabbit could respond, Gregory let out another cry, a shocked gasp of his own as he felt the floor beginning to shift beneath his feet. The fine, narrow grating upon which he was standing appeared to be moving, widening, the holes between each strip of metal growing larger. They were by no means big enough for him to fall through, only a centimetre or so wider than before, but it was enough to set him off balance and send Gregory tumbling to his hands and knees, an impact which upon metal bars would not be without some rather sizeable discomfort.

Though he did fall, Gregory never did feel the pain of impact upon his knees or palms. Instead he felt his hands land in something firm yet soft and slightly malleable; a liquid like pool which began to rise around his hands, entwining around his fingers and up as far as his wrists. A similar substance began to engulf his legs, and just as Gregory began to attempt to pull himself free, he heard another cry of shock from across the room as simultaneously he was lifted clean off the ground, the small pools around his limbs suddenly sprouting into thick, semi-solid columns and tendrils of some unknown substance with strength enough to lift him off the ground like a feather, and suspend him in mid-air.

"Greg! Gregory, i-it's... ahh!! It's... t-tickling me!"

That was perhaps the last thing the deer had expected to hear as his lover cried out in horror, his voice cracking just at the tail end of his terrified plea before he descended into helpless laughter, his glee ringing out around the room. Much as it worried the deer to hear his boyfriend reacting in a way so far from the genuine fear that he was feeling, Gregory couldn't help but agree as the tendrils began to worm their way across his body, more and more rising from beneath the gratings, casting out their own unnatural light source and illuminating their fellow tendrils for the deer to see. They did tickle as they pressed against his soft fur and skin, and when they began to worm their lithe tips beneath his clothing, up his trouser legs and under the base of his shirt, he too began to squirm and thrash not in true fear, but in helpless mirth.

The wriggling, tickling assault continued until it felt like the two males' entire bodies were covered in a thin, constantly moving layer of the slippery tentacle mass. Then, in a split-second, it abated at the thin, jelly-like tendrils seemed to explode outward, tearing the fabric from their bodies in a single instant and leaving them with just a handful of more solid, powerful tentacles wrapped around their bare arms legs and torsos.


At last, as the glowing ooze sank back down beneath the grating and left the tentacle entity to its own devices, the light was concentrated into enough of a solid pattern for Gregory to see his boyfriend. They were perhaps just ten feet apart, both suspended at an angle, tilted forward but with their heads still up at a level where it wasn't too difficult or uncomfortable to look at one another. The rabbit cried out in return, confirming to Gregory that he was okay, but neither one dared ask the other what they thought was happening to them here. All they could do was struggle helplessly against their bonds in furious, frustrating silence, until once more the ground beneath their lover's suspended body began to quiver and new, solid green tendrils began to rise from the once more widening surface of the gratings.

"W-wha...?! N-no!!"

The deer began to thrash violently in his living restraints as he watched a handful of fresh tendrils rising up from the ground to assail his lover, but at very specific points upon his body. One sealed itself around his sheath, Daniel's eyes widening, then bulging in stunned disbelief as another attacked him from the rear, the rabbit's teardrop tail helpless to stop the invader from pressing against his pucker and forcing its way inside. He heard Daniel crying out, but before long those frantic gasps and whimpers were muffled by another tentacle invading his muzzle, not just filling it but working its way right to the back of the rabbit's throat. It wasn't the fact that he could see this happening which made Gregory so certain, but rather the fact that as he watched, fighting but helpless to assist his lover, the very same violations were being carried out upon his own body.

What was worse than feeling himself being violated however, worse even than seeing his lover enduring the same torment, was the feelings that began to permeate Gregory's body within moments of those tentacles entering his muzzle and ass. He felt them beginning to pump out some sort of secretion, something warm, sticky, and to his taste buds actually rather appealing. He choked and gagged, fighting not to swallow, but before long he had no choice if he was to continue breathing and fighting. The deer swallowed, and the moment he did so, he regretted it in an instant. A wave of potent arousal swamped his body, drawing a heated cry from his lips around the thick tentacle wedging his maw open. He bucked his hips against the air, whining loudly as the tentacle toying with his sheath seemed to delve within the pocket of flesh and commence teasing his shaft before it had even started to stir naturally. All the while he stared, desperate to remain connected to his lover, at Daniel. He watched the rabbit, and saw the rabbit looking back, his own gaze consumed by that same sense of undeniable but unwanted pleasure.

If Gregory himself was locked in unwanted but almost unbearably intense pleasure and desire though, then the deer could only imagine how his short-fused boyfriend was coping. Sure enough it didn't take long for the rabbit's body to begin reacting even more violently than Gregory's, kicking, shuddering, thrashing and writhing in untold rapture as his cock stiffened under the onslaught of pleasure. The sounds of their moans were drowned out now by the slick slippery sound of the tendrils pumping in and out of their asses, slurping and smacking wetly as they lubricated their already smooth surface with yet more of their intoxicating slime. Gregory had never felt anything push so deep inside him before without the slightest discomfort, nor had he known anything able to stimulate his prostate so intensely and consistently, the obviously prehensile tentacle able not just to rub at that sensitive gland, but seemingly to squeeze it, to poke it, and to do whatever it damn well pleased with that internal sweet spot. It was incredible, and as such it was no surprise that Daniel, no doubt experiencing the same level of pleasure, was barely able to last for more than a few minutes of that potent anal assault.

"Mh! Mghhh!"

With a muffled but still rather volatile scream of pleasure, Daniel came. He could not only feel the tentacle within his rear pressing down more firmly on his prostate with each throb of his cock, but indeed the consuming heat and pressure wrapped around his five and three quarter inch member seemed to be actively suckling and milking him for every drop of seed he could provide. Much as he hated to admit it, this was one of the most powerful and satisfying orgasms he had been given in weeks, and much as he knew he should have hated himself and the tentacles who had forced those feelings of hollow, physical ecstasy from his body, the rabbit could only whimper, writhe and pray for more of the same as he rode out his peak.

It was around ten seconds later, as Daniel's orgasm began to wind down, that the rabbit felt a strange new sensation within his swollen shaft. He whimpered as he felt something unlike anything he'd known before, pleasurable, but not sexually so. It travelled through his shaft and beyond, bursting forth like one last eruption of seed, yet it left him more noticeably and with more impact to his conscious mind than any volume of cum he'd ever known. The sensation soon faded of course, and as Daniel realised that the tentacles assaulting him were not stopping now that he'd cum he swiftly forgot about that momentary blip in the haze of ecstasy which was his world right now.

A full twenty seconds more passed by, twenty seconds of Daniel continuing to writhe, to giggle, to shriek helplessly in pleasure while Gregory grunted and moaned in his own overwhelmed but much more slow-paced rise towards climax. It was then that Gregory tasted something, not felt but tasted something which his mind told him could not be real, but his heart and loins assured him were all too familiar and comforting. He could taste Daniel's cum... the exact balance of salty sweetness that his boyfriend had shared with him countless times. He could feel the slick, slippery strings of that seed sliding their way across his tongue and down his throat, and then... then he shuddered as he felt something enter him. A sense of urgency, a wildfire, burning deep in his loins which made him cry out around the tentacle filling his maw, and shiver as the tendrils gripping his ankles teased his feet with their tips, tickling him more violently than he had believed possible until mere seconds beforehand.

"N-nhh.. aaahh!!"

For a single moment Daniel's muzzle was freed from the tentacle's embrace as he tossed his head back to cry out as his second orgasm in five minutes struck his body hard. A spray of a light green substance the same consistency as cum lashed his face as it poured from the tentacle's tip, and as the rabbit inhaled he shrieked as a second utterly mind-bending wave of orgasmic delight rushed through his nervous system at the behest of the slightest scent of that substance now tingling upon his fur. Within moments his muzzle was plugged once more, but he shook and kicked more violently than ever as his double-strength orgasm raged on, drawing yet more of that same strange new sensation from his very being amid the countless waves of pleasure.

When the second wave of Daniel's cum reached Gregory's maw, the deer was in no doubt that somehow these tentacles were sharing the rabbit's seed between them. He had little time to consider the ramifications of this fact however, as within moments of tasting that seed upon his tongue once more he was again struck by a desperate need to cum, and an intensity of pleasure so violent that his body felt as though it had to rid itself of that lustful overflow somehow, by whatever means necessary.

Through the gag of his own muzzle-stuffing tentacle, Gregory bellowed as he climaxed in record time; less than ten minutes from zero to orgasm. His vast fourteen inches throbbed and poured the contents of his heavy, hefty balls down the waiting tendril surrounding him, draining him to the very last, only to pour yet more slick green slime down his throat, making his stomach rumble happily and his balls ache as they seemed to switch into production overdrive.

Needless to say, while Gregory was now at least aware of the transfer of seed between their bodies, it was an entirely new experience for Daniel when the rabbit tasted Gregory's seed in his mouth. He whined in uncertain but giddy excitement, and suckled hungrily upon the tentacle as though begging for more. It wasn't just a familiar taste, but it comforted him too. It was always such a joy to know that he had made his boyfriend cum, no matter how hard or long he had to work to achieve it. To Daniel, tasting a full load of Gregory's essence was like winning the lottery, and even now under their current circumstances that unmistakable taste still awoke those same feelings within him. What followed swiftly in the wake of that delicious mouthful however, a strange sense of calm, of patience and gentle tenderness not at all familiar to the rabbit's frantic sex drive, was anything but what Daniel was accustomed to. He did not hate it though, indeed his body embraced it as though those traits had been a part of him all along, and though he still cried out, though he bucked and shuddered against the suckling pressure upon his cock and the tendril fucking him in the rear, he did so a little less urgently and mindlessly than before.

Over and over the tentacles drew the rabbit and the deer to the brink of orgasm and beyond. It shared between the two lovers their very essence, not just sexually but spiritually too. With each potent ejaculation the two men exchanged a little of the drive which powered their sexuality and its limitations. Every time Daniel came, he lasted a little longer before the next orgasm overwhelmed his senses, and each time Gregory erupted into another incredible orgasm, easily the most he'd ever had in one day, the next followed ever more swiftly upon its heels.

Close by, in a room strangely modern and unlike anything in the Syren University complex, Ms Bartlet stood over a circular stone basin. She gazed down into a pool of rippling liquid as the two men flanking her on either side, a dark furred panther to her right and a blushing, wide eyed kangaroo to her left, watched the tentacles share its own unique brand of therapy with Daniel and Gregory. Again the rabbit tore his muzzle free from the tendril pumping his stomach full of all it needed to make its magic happen, shrieking his boyfriend's name as Gregory convulsed and kicked out with his hoofed feet in an equally savage, mind-bending orgasm just moments later.

Purring happily, the snow leopard glanced over her shoulder, towards Shakal. "So, Doctor..."

The panther cleared his throat, and the female blushed and tried again. "Professor, that is..."

Jeeves cleared his throat to utter a helpful suggestion. "Headmaster, perhaps?"

Shooting the kangaroo a huffy glance, the snow leopard turned her attention back to Shakal. "So... Headmaster, one or two more orgasms apiece and they should be perfectly aligned. Two active but equally matched libidos, and all studies thus far show no reversion after even a single session of exposure, so long as they continue to lead an active sex life together, of course."

Shakal smiled warmly.

"Of course. But... tell me, what next? I mean, I can see it for myself, but what will you tell them? How will you explain leading them into this trap?"

The snow leopard looked almost hurt; offended by the other feline's insinuation that she had done anything but the best for her patients. "I will tell them the truth. That I sent them to Ng'Franth; the best relationship counsellor on staff. Its methods may not quite be what they're used to, but with his ability to bring two individuals bodies and minds into balance regarding sexual desire or any other trait it feels is disproportionately uneven, Ng'Franth was their best option. If they're angry at me for misleading them at first, so be it. But if they still wish to make a complaint after a single night together with their new, more evened out libidos, I swear I will pay any degree of compensation they ask for in full out of my pay-check and pension fund. I very much doubt it though. Ng'Franth always comes through."

Shakal glanced back down at the monitoring device, chuckling as it showed the two males trembling, gasping, and suddenly convulsing in climax at the exact same time under the manipulation of those pleasure-giving tendrils. He nodded, and licked his lips at the sight of those two bodies writhing in bliss.

"Yes. Yes... it really is wonderful. Just do me a favour. Continue to monitor Gregory and Daniel for the next forty-eight hours. Not just during sex, but constantly. I want to make sure the balancing of their sexual appetites and responses doesn't have any impact on their daily interactions with others, or indeed within the non-sexual elements of their relationship with one another. I don't want any change in their personalities as a whole."

Ms Bartlet nodded in agreement, turning her own attention back to the couple and the tentacles still holding them aloft as Shakal and Jeeves turned away and left the room for whatever other business they had to deal with around the university.

Her tail twitched happily as just a few minutes later she saw the tentacles receding, and the two lovers being gently lowered down to the ground. As soon as they were free, they rushed to one another and embraced tightly. Their lips met, arms roamed across wet, slippery, slime-covered bodies, and though they had just been through what to many would have been an unbearable horror of an assault... all they seemed to care about was holding one another, touching one another, pressing their still swollen, needy shafts together and moaning happily as Gregory wrapped one strong hand around both their cocks, squeezing tenderly. They moaned happily, and kissed with feverish excitement as the deer continued to masturbate them in perfect unison.

There was no sound coming through the monitoring equipment, but even without being able to hear them Ms Bartlet had been working with Ng'Franth for more than long enough to understand the reason behind their giddy kissing. No doubt that first squeeze of their cocks together had elicited a cry; a cry of such perfectly matched levels of desire that the two men had finally realised for certain what they had probably been suspecting all along as they felt their bodies' urges beginning to shift with each of their partners' orgasms. They knew, or suspected that they knew, that their bodies sexual demands were now far more in line than they had ever been before no matter the degree of manipulation and magic they had been forced to employ, and it didn't matter where they were or what state their bodies were in, the two males had to test out their new compatibility right then and there.

Ms Bartlet watched as while Ng'Franth settled back down into peaceful slumber, above its peaceful form two pleasure hungry men began to make love with more hope, excitement and confidence not just in themselves but in one another than they had known since almost the first time they'd ever been together sexually. She watched, and as she saw Gregory being rolled over onto his back, Daniel scrambling astride him ready and eager to ride the horny buck, the snow leopard noticed the tears of joy shining in the deer's eyes.

Daniel leaned down over his lover as they prepared to mate, and kissed Gregory deeply once more. Tears of the rabbit's own making dripped down onto his boyfriend's already damp cheeks as he wept with happiness, and at that same moment Ms Bartlet's observation pool was momentarily blurred by the ripple effect of her own gleeful tear-drops. Her approach may have been unconventional, but to see an outcome as happy and as perfect as this... it was moments such as she was experiencing now which made Ms Bartlet love not only her job here, but all which Valhalla and all that it touched was striving to accomplish.

By Jeeves With editing and input by Shakal. :)

Syren University: Extra Enhanced

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [Freebies...

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Syren University: Happy Birthday!

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Syren...

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Valhalla Industries : Living on the Edge

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Valhalla...

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