The Aftermath: Playback Payback

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#9 of Valhalla Industries

With Valhalla Industries' summer testing programme over, some of its staff are left to pour over the data they have collected and analyse it as best they can.

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> The Aftermath: Playback Payback

The Aftermath: Playback Payback

"So... explain to me how this works one more time..."

Reeve rolled his eyes, the tiger settling back into his large, comfortable chair in front of a veritable wall of monitors and other computational equipment. He shook his head in disbelief at the collie standing before him in nothing but a white cotton bathrobe, covering his naked body through simple convenience rather than any bashfulness on either of their parts.

"You do realise this was all your idea, Cyril. I mean, if you're having second thoughts now, there's no reason at all that you can't back out."

The collie frowned, shuffling his feet nervously. He wasn't used to feeling so vulnerable. Normally he was the one in control of the situation, whether as a Valhalla employee or at home with Trey, the buff lion who now spent many a night squirming and writhing in pent up delight as his pet. At the same time though he knew that Reeve was right. It was ridiculous of him to get cold feet at this point, especially given what he had promised the tiger in exchange for his being allowed to serve as a not-so-randomly selected volunteer in this particular experiment.

"And let you have a night with Trey for nothing? Not likely. Look, I'm not asking for you to talk me through every little detail. I just need to understand the basics of how all these gadgets work. I want to know how I'm going to feel what I feel... see what I see."

Though he still looked a little impatient as he did so, Reeve nodded. He glanced longingly at the digital clock readout on one of the computer monitors lined up before him, counting down the seconds until the hot maw of his toy for the night was wrapped around his swollen cock, and used that fantasy to motivate himself as he addressed the collie.

"Look at this. It's one of the recordings from our test subjects."

He hit a few buttons on his central keyboard, and across several of the myriad screens before the two males the same moving images appeared. Two men, a strong, immensely well hung deer and a lean twink of a bunny rabbit, scrambling into bed and wrapping their arms around one another, sinking into the throes of passionate longing together with deep, hungry kisses and wandering hands across their bare flesh and fur. Every so often one of them would glance upward or to the side, and as the screens began to broadcast multiple different angles of the scene, it became clear to Cyril that these two men were acutely aware of the cameras recording their every lewd touch and tease. More so than being aware though, they liked it. They liked being watched; recorded, seen enjoying one another in the most intimate and primal manner possible.

Both the collie and tiger shifted awkwardly where they stood as they watched the rabbit grab a small bottle of lube from his side of the bed and squeeze a liberal dose across his partner's massive cock, both hands wrapping themselves around the swollen length and massaging the lubricant all over the throbbing shaft. The deer lay back upon the bed, beaming, blushing, eager to begin, and with almost giddy ecstasy the rabbit threw himself down astride the much larger male, straddling him and grinding his rump against the tip of the deer's rampant erection.

Despite Reeve having not turned on the sound for this playback of one of his test subjects' amorous performances, both he and Cyril could practically hear the wail of overwhelming satisfaction which escaped the rabbit as he tossed back his head, inch after inch of deer cock soon pushing its way deep inside his tight, cottontail-twitching rump. They watched with rapt attention, the collie's white cotton robe tenting hungrily at the front, as the deer began to gasp and shudder where he lay as his partner started to ride him in earnest. By the time that Reeve paused the playback some fifteen seconds later, Cyril was so engrossed in what he was seeing that he let slip an audible whimper at the sudden cessation of that carnal love-making.

It took a few seconds for him to remember where he was, and why exactly he had been watching that hot amateur porn shoot in the first place. When he did, the collie blushed brightly.

Reeve just grinned.

"Gregory and Daniel are our stars. They were part of Valhalla's Syren programme, given long term conditioning to allow them to function better as a couple in the bedroom."

Cyril nodded.

"Yeah, I read their files. Maybe you can explain one thing to me though. I get giving them those placebo pills to give them something to believe why these changes to their sensitivity and stamina are persisting now that the primary treatment is over. But how did you convince them that it was a good idea to record themselves fucking as well as wearing those collar and cock-ring monitors? Don't they feel a bit... I dunno, exposed, sharing all their most intimate moments with some lab geeks?"

Reeve, rather small and feminine in stature for a tiger with a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his muzzle, raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, no offence meant," Cyril said sheepishly.

The tiger shook his head despairingly, but the smirk which floated across his features betrayed that he wasn't really bothered by the comment at all, simply trying to make Cyril feel awkward.

"Originally the explanation was that we needed the feedback data to make sure their 'medication' was functioning properly. They were a little shy about the camera at first, but after we sent them a recording of their first... performance, I guess you'd call it, they actually started to get into the whole idea of showing off for the team. Our second recording of them is actually the two of them fucking while watching the first recording. It's pretty hot, and apparently they agreed. They've tried out more new positions since we installed those cameras than I knew existed, and I spent two months working on the Karma Sutra Redux programme last year!"

A soft smile and a rosy blush crossed the collie's features. The idea that these two men he was watching, and would soon be getting to know far more intimately, were not just enjoying one another but actively getting off on being recorded made him feel somewhat more at ease. No matter how much experience he had been given in varied forms of sexual delights and deviances as an employee of Valhalla, Cyril had admittedly been a little wary of this particular technology since first hearing of its development. His desire to experience its possibilities had long since come to outweigh that suspicion of course, but until now he hadn't truly been able to shake it off.

"So, there's no way that I'm gonna pick up on any awkwardness or embarrassment? Because I don't want to come out of this feeling guilty or taken advantage of."

Reeve frowned, deeper than before and actually looking a little appalled by the very idea of what Cyril was suggesting.

"Do you honestly think we would have let the testing get to open trials if we hadn't already accounted for that? I told you, Greg and Dan are our star couple. You're gonna get nothing but grade A, top of the line pleasure in every thought and feeling you experience here. We have other couples in the programme who don't give a damn about the cameras being there, but these guys really get off on knowing that they're being watched. You couldn't ask for a better scenario to be dropped into. Please tell me you get that?!"

The collie's ears folded back momentarily, abashed and a little ashamed. He knew how much he resented it on the rare occasions that his colleagues degraded or poked fun at some of the projects that he had worked on, and was annoyed at himself for having unwittingly done the very same thing.

"Sorry. Just chalk it up to nerves. It's like I've said... I'm not used to being a test subject, even if I know how good the test is gonna make me feel."

Sighing softly, Reeve rose from his seat and lifted one arm, directing the collie back to the far side of the room and the chair which sat there, illuminated by several bright spotlights in an otherwise empty, featureless section of space.

"It's okay. Let's just get started, yeah? The sooner we get you into the scenario, the sooner all your worries will be put to rest."

Together the two men walked to the chair, and after discarding his robe and handing it to Reeve, Cyril sat down upon the large, comfortable leather clad seat. The tiger didn't even blink at the sight of the collie's erect cock, suddenly exposed to the open air, already sporting a circuity encrusted cock-ring at its base. An equally tech-laden leather collar encircled the collie's neck.

Reeve simply dropped to his knees to begin strapping Cyril's ankles into the padded but firmly locked foot-wells of the chair.

"In a minute I'll get your glasses and earpieces into place, and then I'll go and turn on the collar and ring interface."

With calm, practised precision Reeve secured the collie's wrists in similar straps, and slipped another, larger restraint around his midsection; holding him gently back against the comfortable warmth of the chair itself. He stepped away for a few moments before returning with the aforementioned headgear; the first part of which was a set of goggles rather than glasses in the traditional sense, fitting firmly yet surprisingly comfortably over the collie's eyes and plunging him into pitch darkness. Cyril felt a hand upon his left ear, but it paused before slipping the earpieces into place.

"Any last questions? Once I put these in place, you won't be able to hear anything until the playback starts, and then you won't be in any position to back out."

The collie shifted as best he could within his restraints, nervous and excited all at once.

"No. L-let's just do it."

Reeve chuckled.

"Alright, see you on the other side. Have fun being Gregory!"

With that, the earpieces were slipped into place and for a brief while, Cyril's whole world was plunged into the darkness of near total sensory deprivation. He couldn't move, hear, see or touch anything beyond the soft leather of the chair beneath him. He was aware of his own body, his fingers, his toes, the twitching, straining erection which only seemed to grow more urgent in its demands for pleasure now that he was so isolated within himself.

It seemed to last forever, that solitary, empty darkness.

Cyril tried to keep his mind occupied, thinking about sounds, sights, movement, all the things he had done before his confinement here. He tried not to think about how deathly quiet it was. How empty. How alone.

Then, as suddenly as the nothingness had set in, reality in all its sensory glory assaulted Cyril's mind and body.

The collie gasped loudly as he fell down onto the bed, grinning, laughing, his heart pounding and hands already reaching out to catch the delicate rabbit leaping at him with passion and glee dancing in his eyes.

He caught the rabbit easily in strong arms, powerful but gentle, and drew him close for a deep kiss. Dan's body was soft, and the rabbit trembled with excitement as his stiff cock rubbed against Cyril's stomach while they kissed deeply.

Except... much as he knew that he was Cyril, he wasn't.

What he was feeling, what he was experiencing, it wasn't happening to him.

Cyril actually had to remind himself where he was; sitting in a chair somewhere in one of Valhalla's research labs dedicated to the production of the next generation of pornographic viewing. Strapped into a chair laden with more priceless technology than most probably touch in their entire lifetime, and viewing the footage of two lovers indulging in their passion for one another. Except, this wasn't just a movie. This wasn't just a 3D peep show. Not only was Cyril there, but he was a participant in the actions taking place. Every time that Gregory, the buff deer, touched Dan's quivering form, he felt the rabbit's soft fur beneath his fingertips. Every time Dan's stiff cock rubbed against his belly, throbbing with excitement, he felt it against his own stomach.

Interactive pornography; experiencing the recordings of not just the visual act itself, but every feeling of excitement, love, lust and pleasure which ran through the participants body as they made sweet love to their partner.

This was the deal he had struck with Reeve; the treat for which he was willing to give the tiger a whole night with his own sexy feline pet, to indulge in this long before it would be available to buy in even the most high end and secretive realms of the public sector.


Cyril cried out, or rather, Gregory cried out as Daniel's fingers ran down his strong flanks, tickling him mercilessly. The deer rolled over, dragging the squealing, giggling rabbit with him, and pinned Daniel to the bed. They kissed again, deeply, savagely, and the rabbit's legs and arms wrapped themselves tightly around the deer's powerful trunk. Gregory's rigid cock, twice the size of Daniel's own swollen erection, rubbed against the soft fluff of the black and white bunny's stomach. He shuddered and writhed as a dribble of pre-cum oozed out across Dan's midriff, and watched with glee as the lithe, twinky bunny glanced skyward, biting his bottom lip to stifle a whimper of ecstasy as he saw the camera trained down upon them, catching this lewd, passionate display of their overwhelming love for one another in every explicit detail.

Never in his life had the collie been able to understand how it would feel to wield such a vast slab of manhood as was possessed by the deer. Never until now, at least. He felt its immense weight as it strained and slapped back down against the bunny's belly. The white hot ecstasy of Dan's own cock pressed up against his, the smaller male bucking and humping happily as they kissed yet again. Daniel stared deep into Gregory's eyes, into Cyril's very soul, and with an urgency that could only come with deep, all consuming love, begged to be fucked.

"Please. Please!"

They parted, briefly but painfully, to ready themselves for the act to come. Cyril marvelled as he felt his own fingers, glistening with lubricant, slip through that rabbit's tight pucker. Normally he would be able to get two, maybe three digits into Trey, his own pet and lover, but his fingers were far smaller than those belonging to Gregory, and Trey was far larger in size than Daniel. The bunny groaned and writhed upon the bed as Gregory worked a trio of thick, powerful digits in and out of his tight ass. Not really because it needed loosening, but just because it turned him on so much to see Dan lying there on his back, cock twitching and drooling over his own white furred stomach while his own fingers slammed into the bunny's swollen prostate.

"O- oh! Yes!"

Daniel wailed happily as Gregory's fingers withdrew, the deer wasting no time in grabbing his lover firmly yet tenderly by the shoulders and flipping him over onto his belly. He hunched down over the trembling, lustily moaning rabbit, kissed him gently on the shoulder, and wrapped a strong hand around the base of his cock and the cock-ring which rested there, recording every sensory impulse passing through his throbbing, pleasure ridden anatomy. That hand directed the tip of his cock to its final destination, and a split-second before it plunged inward, Cyril's mind was overwhelmed with a sensation of gratitude and relief directed towards Valhalla industries and those little pills of theirs which, to the best of the deer's knowledge at least, had allowed for such fantastic sex to be possible between them.

What followed was, almost shamefully, the best sex of Cyril's life. The absolute best sex of the collie's entire life, and it wasn't really his sex at all.

Never in his wildest fantasies had Cyril been able to imagine how it would feel to bury a cock so big in an ass so tight and eager to receive, and needless to say it exceeded his every expectation. The sensations were so vivid, it wasn't possible to say it felt like he was really fucking the rabbit. He simply was fucking Daniel, no matter how much his rational mind told him otherwise. Everything that Gregory had felt, he felt, and as he watched the two males going at it through that myriad of camera angles which the visual recording had provided, it became ever harder for Cyril to truly say where his thoughts and feelings stopped and the deer's own began.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing of all about this pornographic experience however, more wonderful even than the immense and overwhelming pleasure of burying such a vast shaft in such a hungry, twinkish ass, was how genuine the emotion behind it all felt. There was nothing fake or manufactured about this rough, amateurish performance. They weren't trying to make it look good, they weren't being louder or quieter or any more flamboyant than normal for the cameras. Sure, it turned them on to know they were there and encouraged them to be ever more inventive with one another, but never at the cost of pleasure or affection.

There were times when Cyril actually began to wonder whether he was somehow influencing this recording, though he knew such a thing to be impossible. It truly did feel that way though, for no sooner did he feel the desire to pause, to flip the whimpering, trembling rabbit over once more and kiss him deeply on the lips, Gregory did so. So seamless were the feelings of the deer whose mind and body he was living through so vicariously, they practically became his own. He just wanted to be with Daniel. He wanted to love him. To pleasure him. To work over that little bunny's beautiful body until there was nothing left but a quivering, satisfied wreck who would snuggle up to him and fall into deep, satisfied slumber even as copious volumes of cervine cum dripped and drooled from his well worked tailhole.

It was only when Gregory, and thus Cyril too, began to feel his balls tightening and his own thrusting growing that much more urgent and desperate, that their two perspectives began to diverge. The deer wanted nothing more than to cum, to flood his lover with his rich seed and bury every inch which he could possibly fit inside the rabbit as he did so, while Cyril found himself begging the deer's own mind and body not to cum yet; to give him more time experiencing this miracle of new technology, of thought, of feeling, of pure unfettered pleasure the likes of which he had never known before.

With his face buried in a mound of pillows and his rump raised up to give Gregory the perfect target, Daniel squealed and wailed in pleasure as his lover's heavy, ponderous balls slapped firmly against his own with every thrust. Gregory grunted and bellowed savagely as he grew closer and closer to the point of no return, having lost all remaining self restraint and long since devolved into the short, sharp, desperate humping which so perfectly signified an oncoming orgasm. Even now though, lost in the most bestial throes of bliss, the deer did not forget about his lover's pleasure. He reached down around Dan's trembling flank with one hand, and wrapped it tightly around the rabbit's throbbing, dripping member.

He humped, squeezed, and felt the rabbit's ass clench violently around his cock.

Daniel raised his head from the mountain of pillows, and cried out in wordless desperation.

Another buck of his hips. Another squeeze. Another scream of desire.

Barely ten seconds but many short, sharp thrusts later, Daniel let loose a garbled squeak of ecstatic relief as his cock throbbed within the stag's firm hand, his entire body froze rigid beneath Gregory's formidable power and weight, then collapsed into a shaking, squirming mass as spurt after thick, potent spurt of cum lashed the bedding beneath him and drooled down over the deer's still squeezing, stroking fingertips.

That frantic wail of pleasure and the vice-grip of the bunny's rump which ensued in its wake was all it took to send Gregory over the edge right alongside his lover. The deer bellowed blissfully as he began to unload his copious volumes of cum into Daniel, the hot stickiness flooding deep into the rabbit and back, filling the hot, tight cavern of the rabbit's rear end and surrounding Gregory in a slick tunnel of his own liquid euphoria. Still cumming, still throbbing and flooding his lover with seed, Gregory collapsed astride his partner and pinned him to the bed, both of them whimpering and groaning happily as they rode out their shared pleasure to the sounds, the scents and of course the sensations of their beloved partner finishing alongside them.

Cyril shared in every moment of it. Every feeling, physical and emotional. It was pointless for the collie to try and describe how it felt for him, because it felt exactly as it did for the deer down to the tiniest detail. He knew deep down that what he was experiencing was an illusion; a recording of ground-breaking and mind-blowing detail, but as Gregory came... as he came inside Daniel's tight ass and felt such overwhelming lust and love for that precious bunny, he didn't even give it a second thought. All that mattered at that moment in time was Daniel and himself, Gregory; together, and satisfied.

Slowly, the feelings began to grow hazy as Gregory descended towards sleep. The physical satisfaction of his gathering afterglow persisted, and the warm, trembling mass of Daniel beneath him and around his still swollen, mostly erect cock remained a glorious reminder of what had just occurred, but the emotion... the mental connection which Cyril felt he had forged with the deer was fading as the male's mind sank towards unconscious slumber. Soon, darkness reigned supreme once again, and the presence of the fantasy faded entirely. For a few seconds, Cyril was left alone with his thoughts and the awareness of his heavy breathing and pounding heart. His fatigue. His satisfaction. Then, he felt a hand upon his shoulder and another on his head, first pulling aside his earpieces, then gently slipping off the goggles which had transported him so vividly into Gregory's bedroom.

"Well, did you enjoy it as much as it looked and sounded like you were enjoying it?"

Blinking blearily as his eyes grew accustomed to the bright lights shining down upon his tech-heavy seat one more, the collie blushed and nodded as he saw Reeve standing, smirking before him. He looked down at his own body, expecting to see his thighs and stomach stained with his own cum, for surely he must have climaxed during that vivid fantasy. Instead of his bare, swollen cock greeting him with its vivid redness however, Cyril found himself staring at a translucent tube in which he could see his cock suspended, a firm yet pleasantly soft and fleshy suction cup wrapped around his swollen knot and a long length of connective plastic hose extending from its tip to the ceiling, a few streaks of what must have been his cum still lingering within the hose's transparent, twisting length.

"T-that felt... amazing. I know you said the feelings were realistic, but... fuck. I was there. I was actually there, fucking Daniel."

Reeve chuckled.

"Sounds like you wouldn't mind another round."

The collie blushed, but shook his head.

"If you asked me in thirty minutes I'd probably say yes. But right now... god, I think if you put one more pleasurable sensation through my body, I'd explode."

Reeve's smile broadened, almost dangerously so.

"Oh, really?"

Cyril suddenly felt very aware of the restraints still binding him to the chair. He opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it. The last thing he wanted to do right now was make Reeve feel that he was nervous. He and the tiger had traded pranks back and forth on several occasions, and showing weakness was a sure fire way of setting yourself up for a fall.

Unfortunately for the collie, on this occasion he was far, far behind the tiger in his planning.

Reeve beamed, with both genuine glee and vengeful desire.

"I'm curious, Cyril... somewhere in that pleasure addled mind of yours, do you remember a certain incident that happened back during the summer. Mid august, I think it was. An incident with some fur dye. Purple stripes... you said they suited me, but I disagreed. So did all the others who laughed whenever they saw me coming."

Stepping momentarily out of sight, behind the chair in which the collie remained bound, Reeve was unable to see the look of abject failure which spread across Cyril's face as he realised that he had been played. When Reeve had first mentioned this device and its potential applications to him, he had thought it was strange of the tiger to be so nice and selfless, rather than offering Cyril a chance in exchange for some embarrassing or exploitative forfeit to pay him back for the aforementioned run in with the fur dye. Now though, he was beginning to realise just how devious Reeve had been. The tiger had played the long con; not just getting the collie where he wanted him, but actually making sure that Cyril not only wanted to be there, but that he would willingly give Reeve something to get there.

Now the tiger not only had his vengeance at hand, but also a whole night with Trey; knowing that with every moment he spent being diligently pleasured by that obedient and studly lion, Cyril would be here undergoing god only knew what kind of humiliating torment.


No sooner had the collie opened his mouth to ask the obvious and terrifying question, what was Reeve going to do to him, he saw something flash before his eyes and suddenly felt something firm, warm and ever so slightly familiar stuff itself into his muzzle. The tiger's reflexes had been like lightning, slipping the gag over Cyril's face the moment he opened his mouth and shoving the tiger cock-shaped mouthpiece in between his lips and teeth before they could even think of trying to get in the way. It took just a few seconds to tie the gag in place around the rear of the collie's head, and another second or two to connect up the thin plastic hose at the end of the gag to yet another hose hanging down from a small hatch in the ceiling above the chair.

"You know, Cyril... it really was nice of you to be so generous with Trey's time."

The collie growled and let slip countless muffled curses from around the gag as Reeve strapped the goggles to his face once more.

"Though I must admit, I'm surprised at how greedy you're being. Demanding an entire weekend with this new toy. I hope Trey doesn't resent you for it. But, don't worry. You can explain everything come Monday... and I'll do my very best to keep him busy until then."

Returning to the main console from which the various mechanical devices built into the chair were operated, not to mention its main playback functions, Reeve brought up the playlist of all the sessions which Daniel and Gregory had recorded for their participation over the past month or so. There were a lot of files, averaging out to about two or three a day. The two guys had kept one another busy since their new-found compatibility had arisen, and now all of that footage was going to get a good, thorough test-run.

From somewhere close by, Cyril whimpered as he too saw the playlist flash up on the interior of his goggles. So many files, each one between twenty minutes and four whole hours in length.

Reeve flicked another switch, and the collie let slip a startled yelp as the masturbation sleeve wrapped around his cock pulsed into life, suction milking his stiff, swollen, already hyper-sensitive cock and making him strain violently in his bonds. The tiger turned it off again soon after, grinning.

"Just testing the machinery. Don't worry, it won't feel nearly so overly intense once you're locked into a fantasy. Though... I don't think we've ever used it on the same person so soon after a previous session, so you may feel more sensitive than normal. You'll need to let me know how it felt!"

He paused for a moment, then chuckled as he continued.

"Which reminds me. Another incredible application of this process; it can register both the mental sensations which our conditioning has applied to the two subjects... and the raw physical sensation too, uninhibited and unaltered by our long term hypnosis. I think I might let you feel some of the true physical sensations this time, as well as what they believe they're feeling."

His voice grew louder in the terrified, yet shamefully excited collie's ears, and sure enough Cyril soon felt Reeve's hands upon his head once more, securing one of the earpieces in place. Before the second was secured though, sealing him within his own mind once more, he felt the tiger's breath on his ear and heard Reeve whispering to him from close by.

"Don't worry. You'll be totally safe. The gag your wearing will cum often enough to keep you nutritionally supplied and perfectly hydrated, and you know how careful Valhalla is about maintaining the safety of its... volunteers."

The collie growled loudly through his gag. Reeve just laughed.

"Have a great weekend, Cyril. With that hot lion of yours all to myself, I know I will!"

With that, he slipped the second earpiece into place and left Cyril sitting alone and confined within the silence of his own mind.

This time however, the collie barely had time to gather his thoughts before he was thrust back into this world of recorded reality within Greg and Dan's bedroom. His head swam, dizzy, elated, confused and focused all at once.

He was drunk.

They were drunk.

The deer and his lapine lover stumbled into the bedroom, already both well on their way to being naked and thoroughly aroused.

Throwing himself down on the bed, Dan squealed happily as Gregory peeled off his trousers and underwear in one sharp tug, very nearly dragging the bunny off the bed at the same time. Spreading his legs lewdly, the rabbit reached down and began to pleasure himself as he watched the deer fumbling with the clasp of their ever ready lube bottle seated beside the bed. He shuddered in pleasure as he touched himself, but that sensation was nothing compared to the intensity of the feeling which swamped Cyril's body. The collie wanted to yelp, to scream, and to cum right then and there. He couldn't understand why the rabbit wasn't sobbing in bliss and squirting copious streaks of cum all over his belly. But then, somehow, through the haze of pleasure, he remembered what Reeve had said, and what he himself had read in the this couple's file before walking into the tiger's trap.

The reason that Dan and Greg had been entered into Valhalla's deep hypnosis programme was a mismatch in their sexual stamina. Greg had taken far too long to cum, no matter how good it felt, and his partner had been far too sensitive; ticklish to a fault and hair triggered when it came to any direct stimulation. A hair trigger which was constantly begging to be released in reality, but which the deep hypnosis into which the pair were locked had eradicated from the rabbit's conscious and even his unconscious mind. Only beneath that; beneath all filters and shades of altered perception, in the pure reality of the recording which Cyril was now experiencing, did that overwhelming sensitivity remain.

Daniel giggled joyously as his lover's thick cock began to rub up against his fluffy, tight cheeks, and a fresh wave of unbearable stimulation rolled over the collie. A wave not born of the rabbit's masturbation, but of the deer's cock grinding against his lover's ass.

Not only was he feeling the undiluted ecstasy of Daniel's body, but Gregory's boosted pleasure too.

In the recorded reality in which he was trapped, Cyril experienced every blissful moment of the two lovers' union, again and again in countless permutations, styles and scenarios. He felt them cum over and over again, and experienced that same rush of adoration, bliss and satisfaction every time.

Beyond the recording though, in that part of his mind that was aware of what was really happening, Cyril could hear another voice, letting slip cry after muffled, overwhelmed, bliss stricken cry.

Sitting alone in that room, in that chair, with the suction-generating sleeve around his cock working at high speed and a steady stream of thick, sweet, slightly salty and hyper nutritious synthetic cum flooding down his throat in rich, healthy spurts, the collie writhed, grunted, and came again and again and again; utterly over-stimulated, entirely overwhelmed, and exhausted to the point of blissful insanity.

All he could think about, all he could see, feel and believe in, was Daniel and Gregory; those two amazing lovers locked in seemingly endless ecstasy together, whilst miles away, upon his very own bed, another body, another heart, another soul and another cock was bringing his pet to the brink of his own ecstasy.

Reeve drew back from Trey's crotch, muzzle streaked with cum, panting heavily as the lion beneath him squirmed and growled in the final throes of his own orgasmic pleasure. He grinned, licked his lips, and gazed down at the obedient, handsome, and oh so eager to please feline fuck toy.

Revenge was said to be sweet, but this wasn't so dastardly or hateful a plot as to warrant the title revenge. Reeve liked Cyril, after all, and even after this weekend's exhausting ordeal he knew that Cyril would still be eager to engage in the fun of future hi-jinks which they, as friends, so enjoyed doling out to one another. If anything, this cycle of playful reactions to one another's increasingly elaborate pranks was a simple restoration of the balance. Payback, with just enough interest to ensure that the cycle persisted for their own entertainment.

And if something as dark and cruel as revenge could be called sweet, then something as fun and exciting as this particular sort of payback could only be defined as complete and utter bliss.

By Jeeves

With editing and input by Shakal!

Syren University: The Duel

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Syren...

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Syren University: A Visit to the Counsellor

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [Syren...

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Syren University: Extra Enhanced

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [Freebies...

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