The Aftermath: All Good Things...

Story by Shakal on SoFurry

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#12 of Valhalla Industries

As the Valhalla summer internship training programme says goodbye to its test subjects, Jeeves is left to get on with his life. At least, that's what he believes...

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :)

Originally posted here -> The Aftermath: All Good Things...

The Aftermath: All Good Things

Throwing his rucksack down onto a free chair and slipping his leather jacket over its back, Jeeves fell gently down onto the sofa with a satisfied groan. Kicking off his shoes and unbuttoning his shirt, revealing the red t-shirt beneath, the kangaroo stretched and yawned. It wasn't that he was sleepy per se, but one always felt a little bit like napping on a Friday afternoon after a week full of classes, labs and other such responsibilities at University. For a short while he simply sat there, relaxing as he stared out of his apartment's large windows at the busy city road beyond. He watched the cars driving to and fro in the fading autumn sunlight, idly musing where everyone was going. Home to a family, out to see friends, or maybe something less pleasant. An empty home. A lonely night without anyone to talk to about the problems they might have had during their own busy week.

He shivered, and shook his head to dislodge those less than pleasant thoughts. It didn't bare thinking about such things, and for someone as lucky in life as the kangaroo, such idle speculation could only bring guilt in their wake.

Thankfully, before Jeeves could consciously or subconsciously dwell on such matters any longer, his phone began to buzz within his jeans' pocket.

Retrieving the humming device swiftly, the marsupial swished a fingertip over the touch-screen to unlock it and instantly spotted the email symbol in the top left corner of the screen. It took just a few seconds to open up his inbox in a browser window, and another second or two to read the e-mail address; no subject heading present whatsoever, and acknowledge it as an unknown sender.

Normally Jeeves would just shunt such an email to his spam inbox, but today he paused with his finger over the spam hotkey. The address didn't_look_ like a spambot, in fact there was something familiar about the designation following the @ symbol, though he could not for all his life think what it was. More importantly, his own inbox's spam filter was normally overly cautious about such things, having discarded many a genuinely useful email which the kangaroo had then been forced to retrieve manually. Thus the likelihood of it having let through anything truly malicious was slim to none, meaning that Jeeves' slight curiosity about the email's content was, on this occasion, allowed to be explored and exploited.

With another flick of his thumb, Jeeves opened up the email.

He set his glass down at the bar, and gulped down the last of the rich amber liquor which had been sitting inside it; a strong peaty scotch whisky, one of his absolute favourites! It burned deliciously all the way down his throat, and set a fire in the smoldering ashes of the last two drinks which the kangaroo had already demolished. Low, thumping music pounded with the rhythm of his rapidly beating heart as he turned away from the bar, towards one of the many stages dotted around the Meat Locker; the city's best strip club. Best, at least, if you enjoyed rather lax rules regarding audience participation and public displays of rather intimate affection.

In a corner some distance away, Jeeves could just make out the shadowy figures of two men; both canids of some sort by their silhouettes and the sounds emanating from them as one leaned back against the wall, his hands and legs wrapped around the other man's torso whilst receiving a deep but surprisingly gentle fucking. To his opposite side a row of tables, most of them crowded with larger groups, but a few occupied simply by couples or even individuals watching the performances. These were attended by bartenders in skimpy leather chaps or tight thongs which held their balls tightly but left their swollen erections on full display.

The main focus of the club currently however was the central stage; occupied by not one but two performers. Skunks, each one sporting a streak of red through their otherwise black hair and making full use of their lithe, twinkish bodies as they spiralled and pirouetted on two slender steel poles. There was nothing mellow or subtle about this show; their bodies bare and rigid cocks drooling pre as they slipped down their poles, running the cool metal against the underside of their erections, before practically throwing themselves into one another's arms, kissing, fondling, and showing one another off proudly to the assembled audience. The onlookers whooped and cheered, but Jeeves simply sat back, blushing, licking his lips and shifting as he felt his own cock stiffening within his jeans.

He couldn't quite remember how he had come to be here this evening, but this show was more than compelling enough to convince the kangaroo to stay.

Advancing towards the front of the stage, each with a hand wrapped around their fellow performer's shaft, the two skunks masturbated openly for the crowd; not dancing, not stripping, just jerking off for all to see, licking their lips and drinking in the arousal they were generating like it was solid gold tumbling into their bank accounts.

The nearest table, occupied by a bashfully longing looking mouse and an enraptured, wide eyed rabbit, very nearly collapsed as the two skunks leapt from the stage and landed upon its firm wooden surface. They each reached down with their one free hand, and pulled the two nervous looking guys up onto the table with them. Both mouse and bunny had tented trousers, but they, unlike many in the club, appeared to have resisted the urge to unbutton and relieve themselves to the marvelous sight before them. Off the table they stepped and back onto the stage with the two near identical and almost certainly related performers. All the while they stared at one another, at the crowd and, of course, the two skunks with wide eyed disbelief, until finally the two dancers disappeared through a curtain backstage, taking those two lucky men with them; back to their dressing room or wherever they went after a performance.

An unmistakably mousey squeak of pleasure erupted from somewhere backstage just a short while later, and a few of the audience laughed and cheered whilst they awaited the arrival of the next act.

"Gentlemen, the Meat Locker is proud to present our next performer for tonight. He'll drive you wild. He'll leave you begging for more. He'll send you home with a stain in your pants and a smile on your face. It's our very own star, the big bad wolf himself! Say hello to Carl!"

The assembled crowd whooped, cheered and wolf whistled as the studly, muscular wolf strutted onto the stage. He was hot. Fucking hot, and he knew it. One person did not cheer though, didn't make a sound in fact as he stared intently at that gorgeous lupine figure. Jeeves was entranced. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think of anything but Carl. As the wolf began to dance, his muscular frame impossibly light and lithe as he twisted and shook his body so very seductively for the crowd's benefit, the kangaroo rose from his seat at the bar and half staggered, half rushed forward towards the stage. He had to get a closer look. He had to see more of that wolf's incredible form.

With a grunt of effort, Carl tore off his tightly fitting shirt and tossed it into the crowd. Jeeves was tempted to dive for it, and to bury his fists into the face of anyone who got in his way, but one look at the wolf's bare, black furred and rippling chest was enough to drain every violent impulse from his body and replace it with pure, all consuming lust. Groping at his own swollen crotch through his jeans, Jeeves reached the edge of the stage and leaned on it for support as he rubbed himself shamelessly, licking his lips and wondering if it was possible for his eyes to physically pop out of their sockets while he continued to drink in the sight of that amazing lupine god.

"O-oh god..."

The kangaroo all but sobbed in joy as the tear-away trousers which had previously defined every perfect inch of Carl's tight ass were tossed aside like his shirt, revealing the tightest of thongs encircling his entire package; erect, swollen, but cruelly trapped by fabric. Jeeves wanted to scream. How dare someone trap such an unfathomably erotic and beautiful sight within a prison of cloth not worthy to touch Carl's normal fur or skin, never mind such a part of him so immensely delectable. He had to see it freed. He had to see it restored to its rightful position, basking in the glory and adoration of each and every person here... though none more so than himself.

"Take it off!"

With that lustful cry, Jeeves awoke the crowd's passions. More cheers and applause followed, all of them wishing for the very same thing. They wanted, they needed to see the wolf's cock in all its glory.

Carl stopped dancing, staring hungrily down at the crowd; lapping up their lust and longing, greedily gorging on their desire for his body. He scanned the whole room from back to front; those lingering at the rear of the crowd, both the nervous and most adventurous, either not daring to come any closer or hanging back because they and their partner were engaged in their own elicit activities while they watched the show. To the middle, the loudest and rowdiest group, tens, perhaps even a hundred or more hands reaching up with clutching fingertips, ready and waiting to catch his last scrap of clothing as they had his shirt and trousers. Then, last but not least, to the front. To the tables sitting and watching him, many occupants with a glazed expression upon their features as they jerked off or massaged themselves through their trousers under the false delusion that they were somehow being secretive or subtle. And of course, to the closest man of all; all but clutching at the stage as though ready and willing to scramble up and onto it, if only he were invited to do so. A kangaroo with grey-green eyes so desperate and savagely horny that he almost brought a blush to the wolf's cheeks.


Instead, Carl grinned savagely, and with his eyes fixated on those of the 'roo, drawing him in, daring him to act on his darkest and most deviant impulses, the wolf hooked one thumb around the rim of his thong underwear and flashed the crowd the twitching, already glistening tip of his rampant hard-on.

Just at the wolf had hoped, this last push was all that Jeeves needed to totally let go of any remaining restraint lingering within his mind. The kangaroo groaned in wild delight, and without a second thought began to struggle up onto the stage before crawling on all fours, far too aroused to waste time standing upright, and throwing himself down prostrate at the black furred wolf's feet.

"Please... please!"

The kangaroo stared pleadingly up at Carl, hands trembling as they actually made contact with that incredible male's powerful legs.

"Please... l-let me suck your cock. Let me make you cum... I want everyone to see it. Everyone to see how hot... h-how amazing, how perfect you are."

If Carl's ego could have exploded with over-inflation, it doubtlessly would have done at that moment in time. He flushed with pride, and growled in lustful glee. To be not simply asked, but begged to stuff his cock into some random but ultimately quite cute kangaroo's muzzle was quite a treat, even for him. There were a lot of sluts in this club, both performers and onlookers, but few of them had the balls to actually come out and admit just how horny they were for a cock... any cock attached to a sexy body. That set the kangaroo out from the crowd, and in Carl's mind made him deserving of a treat.

He grinned savagely, and nodded even as his fingers slid around his thong once more, snapping the light strings holding it in place with ease then promptly tossing it into the crowd, giving those outstretched fingers what they wished whilst simultaneously making the kangaroo's dreams come true.

Within seconds, Jeeves was all over Carl's swollen erection. His hands cupped the wolf's massive, swollen balls delicately as he kissed and nuzzled up against that hot, musky cock. The kangaroo gasped and whined happily as he licked at that swollen red shaft of such size and heat as he swore he might as well have never seen or felt before. He heard the wolf let slip a rumble of lustful approval, and as he wrapped his lips around Carl's thick length and began to consume the buff lupine with urgent desire the kangaroo felt his own cock throbbing and drooling within his tight, tented jeans; now untouched by his busy paws but still providing an abundance of pleasure to the insanely amorous marsupial.

It was then, as the kangaroo's lips closed around Carl's cock and Jeeves began to suckle hungrily, that a wave of potent deja vu swept over the lust-ridden male. He frowned, and his eyes cleared for a moment as he realised how worryingly familiar all of this seemed. The unshakeable lust, the fact he couldn't remember how he had come to be here watching this strip show, even something about this bar... something or someone he had seen out of the corner of one eye, but which he just couldn't focus on. It was right there now, on the tip of his tongue... waiting to be realised. A whole web of confusion ready to unravel at his fingertips. The truth. Reality, untwisted and unfiltered. Right on the tip of his tongue!

A drop of pre-cum drooled out of the wolf's throbbing shaft, and landed on the tip of the kangaroo's tongue. In an instant, all fear, apprehension and suspicion was forgotten; washed away in a fresh flood of potent arousal. With a muffled, giddy grunt of passion, Jeeves began to bob and suckle upon Carl's length with such passion and force that it took the wolf's breath away.

Carl tossed his head back, grunting and snorting in ecstasy as the kangaroo slurped at every inch of his cock his muzzle and tongue could reach. The hands cupping his balls so gently squeezed and milked his copious pre-cum in torrents, which Jeeves greedily gulped down as best he could, the extra running down out of the sides of his muzzle and staining him with the mark of his own unfathomable lust.

"Mmh, damn... you're an eager bitch tonight."

Growling happily under his breath, Carl tousled the kangaroo's hair and fondled his ears in an almost intimate manner as he was sucked off with supreme satisfaction. He bucked his hips, pleased when the unnamed kangaroo did not gag but took his thrust like a pro; not even gagging as the wolf's cock rubbed against the back of his throat. Again he bucked, and again and again, beginning to pump his shaft into the marsupial's maw like it was another orifice much more accustomed to taking his powerful thrusts.

Jeeves' hands left Carl's balls only to wrap themselves around the wolf's tight rump, actively helping the buff male in his efforts to pound his cock into the kangaroo's hungry muzzle. He slurped, gulped and whimpered loudly between each delicious mouthful of manhood, consumed by one overriding need as he listened to Carl's own cries and growls of pleasure. He had to make the wolf cum. He had to fill his belly with that man's hot, rich seed. He didn't just want or crave it, he needed it like a fish needed water. Nothing mattered more than Carl's cum finding its way into his muzzle, and countless other locations on his body too if he could manage it.

"Oh fuck... that's it, swallow that shaft... 'mgonna cum right down your throat..."

Carl tossed his head once more, closing his eyes tightly and concentrating hard, trying to hold back. He wasn't used to cumming so quickly. He wasn't used to someone going so wild on his body, not only making a goddamn amazing show out of the blowjob but doing an incredible technical job at the oral assault too. The crowd cheered, whistled and moaned in their own throes of voyeuristic pleasure, begging him to let them be next; to let them have a turn on stage with him. None of them made the move to actually try and achieve that goal though, and thus they proved how unworthy they were of his time and effort. No. For the time being at least, this kangaroo was his stage partner; his cute assistant in his assigned task of driving the customers wild, and he couldn't have asked for a better person to do the job!

Jeeves' ears pricked up as he heard Carl let slip a ragged gasp, far more intense and desperate than any sound the wolf had made thus far. A split second later he felt the wolf's cock throb violently within his muzzle, and against his lips the wolf's knot bulged with thick, engorged excitement. With a joyous groan of pleasure the kangaroo diverted one paw from the wolf's rump to his knot, squeezing and rubbing the bulbous organ firmly within his grasp. He looked upward from around the wolf's cock just in time to see Carl's eyes widen in shock at the sudden pressure on his knot, his mouth to fall open, and an ear-splitting howl to ring out around the club as cum suddenly flooded Jeeves' mouth and poured down his throat in a molten river of ecstasy.

For almost ten second Jeeves gurgled and gulped down the wolf's load, until finally he could take no more without risking drowning under the sheer volume of blissfully thick, sticky seed. He drew back, gasping for air just long enough to fuel his first true wail of pleasure as his face was lashed with more and more rivulets of cum, Carl's orgasm still far from over as now both the kangaroo's paws began to massage and stroke his throbbing length. Closing his eyes and opening his muzzle wide, Jeeves groaned and giggled joyously as cum rained down upon his gleeful features for another full ten seconds, bringing the wolf's epic orgasm to almost half a minute in length. Even as Carl's grunts and yelps of pleasure turned to more quiet whimpers and silent shudders of bliss however, he did not quit entirely. To the very last drop Jeeves clung to the wolf's cock, and when it seemed there was no more cum to be spent, he dared to give the wolf's now emptied balls one last gentle squeeze, alongside a final lap at the tip of the buff male's cock.

Carl whined in over-sensitive ecstasy, and very nearly toppled over in overwhelmed stimulation as one final burst of cum launched itself out from his tip and splashed messily across the bridge of the kangaroo's muzzle.

Finally, he was spent, and all but collapsed back against the nearest dancing pole on the main stage amid whoops, cheers and yet more ecstatic moans from the assembled crowd of voyeurs.

While the wolf may have been temporarily drained by the sheer power and length of his orgasm however, Jeeves seemed ever more aroused by all that had happened thus far; up to and including the sticky strands of cum littering the fur upon his face and staining his open fronted blue shirt. Panting heavily, Jeeves fumbled with the clasp of his belt as he looked up at the resting wolf. Carl looked down at him, wide eyed and breathing heavily. The kangaroo beamed.


He tugged his jeans down around his ankles, not bothering to slide them all the way off, nor indeed attempting to conceal his bare rump from any of the onlookers as he rolled over onto his front, then scrambled up onto all fours, presenting himself with tail raised high to the wide eyed, somewhat exhausted stripper.

"Please, fuck me..."

Shaking his head in supreme disbelief and frank admiration, Carl chuckled under his breath. He growled hungrily at the kangaroo, turned on by the sight of that slightly plump and teasingly wiggling ass despite his recent orgasm. After all, he wouldn't be much of a full time booking if he only had one load a night in him. Another ten minutes, twenty tops, and he'd be ready to go again. All he needed to do until then was keep the crowd entertained. An easy task, when you had an assistant as eager and willing as this kangaroo.

"Mmm... soon. Soon I'll fuck you in front of all these people, and you'll love it. Won't you?"

Jeeves whimpered happily, and his cock drooled down onto the stage beneath him. He nodded eagerly over his shoulder. Carl grinned and continued to address the horny marsupial.

"Then I think I'm gonna take you back to my dressing room, and see just how eager you are when we don't have an audience holding us back. What do you say to that, hmm?"

The kangaroo said nothing. He did however whine in ecstasy, and nod violently once more.

Meanwhile, the crowd watched, rapt with attention towards the live action porn scene unfolding before them. Some of them were content to simply stare, open mouthed and trousers tented. Others touched themselves or their partner surreptitiously, while some went so far as to begin fooling around and fucking openly, parts of the club more closely resembling an orgy at a gay swingers party than a licensed strip club of any sort. It wasn't unheard of for scenes like this to erupt at the Meat Locker, indeed such nights were legendary in its folklore, and this one would be added to that long and erotic tale. But by no means was it a common sight, even for the regulars, and those who did not join in with the intensely erotic fallout of Jeeves' ever so forward actions watched on at a distance, simultaneously aroused and disturbed by the debauchery to which they were baring witness.

Only one man appeared both calm and unashamed by the sights and sounds carrying on all around him. A solitary black panther, sat seemingly alone at one of the more withdrawn, less well lit tables close by the stage on which Jeeves was still being mercilessly teased by the swiftly recovering wolf.

Shakal chuckled as he watched Carl run a hand along the kangaroo's outstretched and waving tail, only to have the kangaroo redouble his efforts to present his rump to the wolf; pleading for more than a hand to lay itself upon his rear end. He reached momentarily into a small satchel sitting by his side, and withdrew a small MP3 recorder, into which he spoke calmly and casually.

"Experiment Hyp32. Day 147. Subject still responds to implanted email and visual triggers despite no reinforcement in over 60 days. Suggestion blocking memory of previous activations weakening. Will continue to activate every 3 days until conditioning breaks. No adverse side effects, but will continue monitoring protocols as standard."

As calmly and casually as he had picked up the recorder, Shakal replaced it. He shuffled slightly in his seat, and purred heavily. One hand slid down below the table, and caressed the hair and ears of the cheetah hidden away there in the shadows.

"Mmh, steady there. You're gonna make me cum again, and I'd rather save it till the big finish of tonight's performance."

He didn't look down at the cheetah as he spoke, but knew that the horny feline with the panther's cock buried deep in his muzzle could hear every word.

"If you're getting a little restless though, how about we keep you happy with a nice orgasm of your own. Would you like that?"

The cheetah did not speak, but the vibrating murmur around Shakal's cock was a clear, resounding yes.

A deep, ethereal glow flashed momentarily within the panther's eyes, and beneath the table the cheetah shuddered and writhed in pleasure as white hot bliss lanced through his mind and body, his erect cock suddenly spurting and splashing seed all over his own bare crotch and stomach.

Shakal simply smiled as the louder moans and pleas of the needy kangaroo mingled in with the closer but quieter gasps and mewls of his covertly cock-sucking cheetah.

He didn't know how long it would be before the conditioning over Jeeves broke down entirely, and these regular visits to clubs like the Meat Locker to observe the kangaroo ceased to be productive. It was the panther's hope however that there was still some time left between now and then. And deep down, not that he would say as much to the board of directors or anyone else at Valhalla, he wasn't sure that even then he would be able to entirely give up on these little personal projects of his.

After all, whoever said that all good things had to come to an end clearly hadn't had his resources or powers at their disposal.

To Shakal, any ending was like an orgasm. Sure, maybe you had to take a little time to recover and regroup afterwards, but once you got a taste of it; of that rush, of that euphoric thrill... you'd always, always be hungry for more.

By Jeeves

With editing and input by Shakal

The Aftermath: A Sense of Trust

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [The...

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The Aftermath: Enjoying the Show

This story was written by Danath as one of his free themed livestream story events, without knowledge of the rest of the Valhalla collection being created. Edited by Shakal with Danath's permission and approval. Originally posted here -\> [Freebies...

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The Aftermath: Playback Payback

This story was written by and in collaboration with Jeeves the Roo, and is the second part of a series concerning a wonderful place called Valhalla Industries. This series contains M/M sexual acts throughout! :) Originally posted here -\> [The...

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