03. Inmating

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Iron Author

Iron Author number 3 for Heru

After being sentenced to prison for larceny, Edwin encounters to men that he wants to make an example of with his unknown talents to hypnotize others. Quickly it seems a year or so in prison won't seem that bad after all.


The bus heading out toward the prison was only slightly hindered by a New Mexico downpour, but it traveled more uphill and the roads soon cleared enough for a steady drive. It grew hot, but Edwin Rosalynd was the only one on the bus. An officer and the bus driver sat near the front of the vehicle as it creaked and squeaked down the long dirt road. The prison was ahead, tall grey walls that defied the sun, preventing any evidence of bleaching, massive iron gates with barb wire stretched along the tops, and at every two or three hundred feet a tall guard tower stood, forming the pentagonal shape of the outer yard. The towers stood about halfway between the outer fence and the reinforced inner yard. Edwin sighed and leaned back in his seat; so this was going to be his home for the next almost-year? He was thankful that overcrowding at the minimum security prison got time knocked off for him. He watched as the gates grew larger and larger, as the bus approached the center gates opened and the bus slowly pulled in.

Processing was relatively easy, he was escorted free of handcuffs or ankle cuffs around to the main center, they had him strip down and enter his belongings that he'd brought with him. But thankfully they allowed him to keep his book and he was given a blanket, a pillow and a blue colored jump suit to wear during his stay. Being escorted onto the main block, he was immediately set apart from other prison mates who were angrier, harder, and rougher looking than anything he could have imagined. Some were half dressed, some weren't dressed at all and practically begged for attention. His cell was in the upper floor, and through observation, found that it was pretty close to the guard room. Obviously his arrival here was carefully looked after and as soon as he stepped into his room and the guards escorting him had left, the lower levels began to echo again with their own social circles. But Edwin was just happy to lie back on his bed and read.

"Aw look here." A voice roused Edwin's attention to the cell door where two inmates stood, observing his confines. "It's like he's at home or something."

The man speaking was physically the larger of the two, his shoulders nearly spanned the width of the cell door, he was bald with a scruffy beard and beady eyes that looked red from this distance. His suit was barely clinging to him, obviously he'd outgrown their largest size, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. The one next to him was a slim man, his features were somewhat jagged from his chin to his nose, his jaw line was almost a V shape and his bioptic eyes were green in one and brown in the other. Short, curly hair fell over his brow and the rest had been combed back over his shoulders.

"Oh, for the next several months he is home, Eddie." The smaller one said, a thick accent in his voice told Edwin that he was of hispanic descent.

"That's funny. My name's actually Edwin." He smiled awkwardly at their blank stares. "Which is--is pretty close to Eddie, I think."

"Well. I'm Dave." The smaller one said as he stepped into the cell, allowing Eddie to take up the entirety of the doorway out. "And I don't really care what your name is, bitch."

"Hmm, usually cell mates shouldn't be so rude." Edwin said as he sat up on his bed. "Now we can get along for the next few months, or we can't. I don't know what you guys would prefer."

"Well, what I'd prefer is for you to stop talking and start biting that pillow." Dave said as he stepped closer, winding a finger through the loop of his belt as he approached. "Capice?"

"I don't know who you think you are." Edwin said as he adjusted the round tortoise shell glasses on his nose. "But I really don't care." The man lunged toward him and Edwin quickly removed his glasses before pressing his hand to Dave's forehead and pushing him back, locking eyes with him. "And you really need to learn to back off, Dave."

Dave looked like he'd seen a ghost, his eyes had widened, his body had gone rigid, staring back into Edwin's eyes. Edwin had always had this talent; the ability to lock someone in his sights, to push his thoughts into theirs, to give them suggestions. It only worked one way though, he couldn't read their minds in return and they couldn't... so far... reverse the trick on him. "You will listen to every word I say." Edwin said without speaking, he saw from the brief nod that David was paying attention. Eddie made a move for them, but a glance from the smaller man made him freeze similarly. "I will not be your bitch, in fact..." He glanced back between Dave and Eddie. "You two will do whatever I say from now on. Do you understand?" There was a long pause as Edwin continued to hold them in his sights. "I said, do you understand?!"

"Yes!" Both emitted at once, helpless to the man's power.

"Now, I want you both to forget about what you've seen here, forget about my power, but always remember that I'm in charge."

"You are in charge. Yes, sir." Both said again, almost sounding monotonous as Edwin removed his hand from Dave's forehead and returned his glasses, leaving the both of them looking completely lost.

"What... what happened?" Dave asked, trying to quell the ringing in his ears by putting a hand to his temple.

"You were just on your way to get me lunch." Edwin said, leaning back and returning to his book.

"But... lunch isn't for another hour." Eddie said.

"So you've got no way of getting me food?" Edwin complained, feigning disappointment.

"I--I can get you something. Eddie has a stash we can use for now."

Dave's eagerness made Edwin smile, he nodded in approval. "I suppose anything will help for now. Go get it."

"Yessir. Come on, Eddie." Dave said and the two quickly ushered themselves out the door and disappeared into the block. Edwin returned to his book, sighing and shaking his head. "This is going to be too easy."

Fifteen minutes later, Eddie and Dave reappeared in the doorway carrying a variety of junk food items from Ding Dongs to Twizzlers. Rather than question exactly how they were able to get this sort of collection, he accepted a two pack of Twinkies and settled back into his bed. The other two took the prompt and seated themselves as well. "So, what're you in for?" Was the inevitable question that came from Eddie's mouth.

Edwin shrugged. "Mostly larceny, money laundering, fraud. That sort of thing." He chuckled. "I'm sure it's not a scratch on whatever you two are in here for."

Dave frowned. "I got accused of raping and beating my girlfriend." He said. There was no surprise there, he looked like a very angry and forceful person. "Eddie here got the raw deal, for seven years he's been saying he's innocent..."

"For what?"

"They said I killed a kid." He answered. "Hit and run, got me thirty to life. But I didn't do it, I was too drunk to drive that night, I slept at my brother's house."

"Didn't he step up to defend you?"

"Don't think I'd be in here if he did. He never liked me." Eddie said. "Sometimes I wish he would though, I don't really like it in here."

"I think that's the point, dear Eddie." Edwin sighed and folded his fingers. "How long do you have?" He asked Dave.

Dave shrugged. "I got ten years, next month is my parole hearing. I don't see any problem with passing it."

"Except you were wanting to make me your bitch."

Dave hesitated and shrugged. "And I changed my mind. A lot can happen in ten years."

"Or ten seconds. I can help you work on that, Dave but you'll have to do something for me in return."

"Name it."

"First of all, you can call me sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Very good." Edwin rubbed his hands together. "Now, let's see how far we can go, Dave."

Night on the block was pretty different than it was during the day. Edwin laid on his cot letting out long, slow breaths as he stared up at the ceiling. His cell door was still open, exempted from the curfew that the other cells had in place, but it was nearly lights out and that was when all the cell doors closed. He sat up and climbed from the bed, staring out the door he looked down into the nearly empty floor down below. Only a few inmates were out at this time who weren't locked in their cells, these were the ones who swept the floors and mopped them, scrubbed the walls and took the trash out. The little good it did when papers would reappear on the ground seconds after the other men moved on. So, this was his block for the next year? This was his life? He would need to step it up some if he was to survive the boredom. Grinning, he knew exactly what he could do.

He left the cell and walked to the guard's station. They spotted his outfit and one of the men stepped out to meet him. "What do you want?" He asked, cracking his knuckles in an attempt to look dangerous.

Edwin lowered his glasses a bit to establish eye contact with the guard, whose expression faded a bit. "I want to be able to share a cell with Eddie Kin and David Moore."

"I'm s-sorry sir. But those two are restricted from cell mates, their last three requested to be moved to other cells and..."

"And now you'll have another free cell if you put the three of us together. Their cell is triple occupancy isn't it?"

"Well, it is but--"

"Then I would like to share a cell with them."

The guard looked confused for a moment and sighed. "I've never had such a strange request."

"Then you shouldn't have trouble arranging it."

"I need to get clearance with the warden--"

"You don't need the clearance." Edwin said, forcing his mind across the guard's mind.

"No, I-I guess I can take care of this." He said. "We don't really need his approval for this, it's just a cell move.

It took only fifteen minutes after that point for Edwin to pack his things and move down a level and back toward the end of the block. The look on Eddie and Dave's faces when the cell opened was priceless.

"The hell? What are you doing here?" Dave asked as he sat up.

Edwin heard the door close and lock behind him and he grinned a bit. "Thought I'd bunk with you two. Seeing as you're so lonely without me."

"Well ye-yeah, I guess." Dave said.

"You moved over here?" Eddie asked. "Why would you do a dumb thing like that?"

"It was the best way I had to watch you boys squirm. Now, I want you two to sleep on the same bunk tonight." He said sitting on the single bed opposite the other two. "The bottom bunk."

"There's barely enough room for Eddie on his own bed though, sir." Dave said. "How am I supposed to fit?"

"I'm sure Eddie will be happy to share." Edwin grinned. "And you two should strip down, sleep naked. It'll feel pretty good."

"But--but I'm not gay." Dave said, rubbing his forearm nervously.

"Did I ask if you were?" Edwin asked. "I don't think that's relevant."

Confidently, Edwin leaned back against the wall that his cot rested against as Eddie and Dave stripped down in front of him. He grinned as the jumpsuits came off, Dave's body was slender all the way down. There was more packed on his chest than Edwin had imagined, at least his ribs weren't showing as a fine trail of hair flowed in almost a distinct line from his collar down to his cock. He wasn't much of the hairy sort down below, but it didn't matter too much, his balls dangled slightly higher than the rest of his shaft though knowing Edwin was staring at him seemed to make it bob lightly in response. Eddie was built like a barrel, his stomach hanging just a bit out from his rounded, muscular torso. He had a dragon tattoo across his pectorals but his body itself was otherwise coated in hair, he looked like an ape all across. His cock was buried in the pubes between his legs, but it quickly swelled upon seeing Dave naked. He winced, embarrassed as he tried to push it down, but he couldn't contain his erection. "A grower, not a shower huh?" Edwin teased the bigger man. "I like that. Go to bed, we'll have some fun in the morning."

Edwin laid down trying to conceal the hardon he'd gotten looking the two of them over. Eddie and Dave took several minutes to work out their sleeping arrangements which mostly involved Dave being draped over Eddie's enormous chest and a blanket rested over their bodies. Once they had fallen asleep, Edwin chuckled to himself. "This is going to be a lot easier than I thought."

Morning came, Eddie and Dave continued to act like nothing had happened the night before. Their looks at Edwin were short and awkward, as if they knew he had something planned for them. He'd gotten the routine of the guards the day before, and he knew the showers would be empty between two and three while the inmates were mostly out in the yard. That was usually when Eddie and Dave would bathe. He stayed behind just long enough to slip in and he watched the two of them strip down, awkward silence filled the room as the pair of them went into the shower room, after a few minutes, water turned on and Edwin walked in to strike. He was completely naked, scrawny, unassuming. But he was hung quite nicely and the clearing of his throat brought the other two to a complete standstill.

"Hey guys. Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"I-I-uhh..." Dave stammered as he felt Edwin's hand rest on his shoulder and a firm grip suddenly pinch his backside. He yelped in surprise. Eddie did the same as Edwin grabbed him too.

"Hands against the wall." He said. "I need your total obedience in this. Do you guys understand?" He grinned.

Steadily the two of them nodded in agreement, and that's when Edwin made his first move; on Dave. The man shrieked in surprise as he felt Edwin's hands spread his cheeks apart. He slowly ran his tongue along Dave's crack as he crouched down behind him, Edwin's own erection standing quite firmly as he began to rim Dave.

"W-Wait... master..." Dave started to whimper, but was promptly shoved chest first against the wall.

"You can't tell me what to do." He answered. "You're mine. Not the other way around." He paused and smirked. "In fact, I want you to show Eddie how much you enjoy his company. He returned to running his tongue along Dave's ass, dipping his tongue into the man's tight hole."

"Ahh! Hah... m-master." He whimpered as he looked at Eddie as the man slowly dropped to his knees right in the shower stall and raised his ass, spreading his cheeks apart for him. Edwin moved back enough to allow Dave to crouch down and begin to lick the other man's hole. Eddie howled in pleasure, panting as he put his head between his hands, his cock already unfurling and dropping almost to the floor with its length. He panted and growled, almost inhumanly as the other man began to delve deeper and deeper into his hole. The shower water was coming down on all three of them as they had formed a chain of rimming while Edwin continued to push against the muscle, making the hole nice and relaxed for him.

Finally, his lips parted from the man's ass and he smirked at Eddie. "Your turn, come around here and give me a good tonguing while I take Dave here."

"Yes m-master..." Eddie panted pulling away from Dave and coming around. As Edwin stood and pressed his cock against Dave's hole, Dave looked back at him with terrified eyes, but something in Edwin's glance back comforted him and he only shrieked out as the smaller man's cock pushed into him.

Eddie had cupped his hand on Edwin's balls and slammed his face against his ass, helping to push him in as his tongue began to soak the rim of his hole. "Oh, yes, Eddie. That's very good." He panted. "Keep it up."

Eddie didn't even need to look in his master's eyes as he got more enthusiastic about rimming him. Edwin grabbed Dave by the shoulder and thrust into him hard, making him cry out and grab the floor in a moan of ecstasy. Edwin was very aware of the crowd that had populated the doorway into the room, they stared, entranced by the man's glance toward them; they may soon forget about this, but they too were obviously enjoying the show.

"Nnng... fuck... Dave too tight... HNN!" Edwin grunted fiercely as he came hard into Dave's ass. His tongue tightening around Eddie's tongue as Edwin and Dave came at the same time. "E-Eddie get over here." He said, quickly dismounting Dave, spraying cum across the shower area. He forced Eddie to turn around and suddenly plowed himself hard into him. Eddie cried out and came almost immediately, the rhythm that Edwin had built up was more than enough and the sheer excitement of dominating two of the biggest men on the block gave Edwin a power trip he couldn't believe and he felt himself cumming a new volley into his other bitch. Slamming him into the floor with his hips as he flooded the other man as well. Things were about to get really interesting now...

It had almost been two years after that when Edwin finally got his payoff, several letters came pouring in from convicts that had been mysteriously released on parole after speaking with him. He'd gotten social security numbers, bank account information and direct payoffs for his contributions, but one letter in particular stuck out:

"Master, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening me up to this new experience. Enclosed is a check for fifty-thousand dollars along with my personal account information if you need more. When you get out, I do hope we meet up again. And thanks! -Dave"

Edwin smiled and folded up the letter, slipping it into his pocket before marking off another day on the calendar... less than a month to go before his next hearing. He figured it'll go well this time...


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