November Rule 34 Story #2 - A Drum Roll in the Hay

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#85 of Patreon

Voted in was this fun little romp between Buddyfight's Drum and Zootopia's Gideon Grey as they come across each other on a dark stormy day!

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"A Drum Roll in the Hay"

"Well shoot, Mr. Hopps, I ain't exactly sure what to say. I think one of the little ones came in and messed with the pies, I'm real sorry for the mess."

Gideon Gray stood with his hips swaying a bit in a swivel as he stood in the Hopps' kitchen doorway. The vision of blueberry coating the walls of the kitchen after Bonnie had opened the oven, only to have them go off like a time bomb was still slowly dripping down the wallpaper, the sound of a shower off in another part of the house while Stu stared at the fox like he'd caught him by the tail. Immediately the elder rabbit's eyes faltered as his frustration washed off of him. "Look, Gideon. I only asked that you bake a few pies here since your oven's on the fritz, but if our kids are going to be this much of a ruckus for you, you might need to find some other place to bake them."

Gideon sighed. "You're the boss, boss." He said.

"Now look, I heard the Miller estate's got a pretty amazing kitchen with the top of the line in ovens. Now I've already called Chester and he's willing to work with you so we can get our orders filled. We need thirteen pies by the end of the day, so I need you to head over there right away--"

"The Millers? Y'mean the one past the old windmill by the creek? That's a good three miles through the woods. You can't even drive over there these days."

Stu glanced over his shoulder at the mess dripping down; blueberry was even starting to line the grout of the tiles across the floor. "Well, if Bonnie catches you still here when she gets out of the shower, we're both going to be in trouble." He said. "Just trust me, give it a couple days and she'll be calmed down. How long did they say it'd be until they could replace our big oven?"

"About two weeks." Gideon admitted.

"Then all the more important you go talk to the Millers, then."

It was a hot afternoon when Gideon left the Hopps residence. Stepping over several young rabbits as they bounded their way along the stone walkway past the garden wall and into the large carrot field that expanded out beyond the back of the property. Trees loomed in the distance, gently waving back and forth in the breeze as the fox made his way toward them. It took less time than he figured to reach the edge of the woods; and while there were more amiable places to enter the woods, this one had the shortest route and he knew he'd be there in no time. Without hesitation; or maybe a little bit, Gideon stepped past the trees and entered the woods.

Bear Claw Woods; that was what this place was called. Not that there were any bears that lived in them; but the fact that if you looked at the woods on a map, the trees pattered out like a swiping bear claw from above. The Millers lived on the far side, near the tip of the claw. He had to cross a creek to get to it, and the Windmill, being the halfway point would be the direction he was headed now.

Gideon paused and turned his attention behind him. A noise had alerted his attention, but all he saw was the now-distant entrance he had just walked through down the short incline he had just walked up. He sniffed slightly, but smelled nothing. He shrugged a bit and turned back around before jamming his hands down into his pants pocket before noticing he still had his apron on. It was probably a good thing that he brought it, as he would be baking and couldn't guarantee the Millers would have one he could borrow.

It seemed like no time at all had passed before Gideon noticed the sun was beginning to slowly fade from the high point of the sky. He peered at the light and then checked his watch; he'd been walking for nearly an hour already and still hadn't reached the halfway point. Just as he thought this, he reached the top of a rise and spotted the windmill.

About forty years before, a windmill had stood in the woods as a way to provide power to Bunny Burrow; but a massive flood came down from the hills above and wiped out the building, becoming Claw Creek that runs to this day down into the valley below. The mill still turns, a single, weather-beaten blade still turning whenever the breeze gets high enough. Gideon removed his apron and folded it neatly into a square that he could fit in his pocket. He stepped one paw into the creek and; after bracing himself for the cold water, started making his way across. It was a short distance, about twenty feet from one side to the other, but the rocks on the bottom were slick and Gideon still had trouble maintaining his balance. "Always seemed so much easier when I was a kid." He admitted to himself as he took another step.

As soon as Gideon put his foot down and assigned his weight to it, the rock wobbled under him and he fell clumsily forward with a great splash. Immediately, he noticed that his apron had fallen from his pocket and was now floating fast down the river. "Aw no! No! C'mon!" He exclaimed as he got to his feet and scrambled for the vestment. Splashing over and over again to try and catch it. Moving too fast, Gideon couldn't help but suddenly give in to the pull of the current and his body flung hard into the water. Gideon struck his head; he watched as bubbles sailed from his mouth, extracting curse words that he could almost hear below the surface. For a moment, his entire body went limp and the light around him seemed to dim slightly...

"GUHHH!" Gideon inhaled loudly as he exploded from the water. The creek had deposited him at the bank of it somewhere, but something was obstructing his eyes; it was his apron. Feeling a little silly, the fox removed the cover from his eyes and looked around.

He was in a place he didn't recognize whatsoever; the trees above him were at least a hundred feet in height, and the water he had woken up next to should have in no way have carried his weight for as far as it did. The fox shook his head violently, splashing the water from his fur as he staggered to his feet. "Nnhhh...what happened?" He asked. "Where'm I now?"

It was getting dark, the glow of the sun was getting orange. And Gideon rubbed the back of his head; wincing a bit as he felt the sore spot from his fall. He was soaked to the bone but he was alright at least. The fox peeled off his shirt and wrang the water from it, he pulled off his pants and did the same to that. He didn't necessarily have any objection to being naked in the wild; he was only really somewhat self-conscious when others were around, not many people expect a fox with a bit of weight on him. He looked around more as he walked along; shaking his fur dry as best as he could while he walked. "This must've been what it was like back in the day we was all uncivilized." He said to himself. "Just walkin' around with nothin on us but a smile on our faces." He chuckled. "Guess I better start a fire or somethin' to get these clothes dry though. No way I'm gonna catch a cold from this."

Gideon slung his clothes over a tree branch; his apron had somehow made it through dryer than the rest of his clothing, so he tied it on to himself as he gathered together some tinder. Eventually, he was able to get a small fire going and his clothes above were positioned perfectly for them to dry off. That was when he heard it; a thump off in the darkness that made him jump and whirl around; but he saw nothing. "Huh." He said, raising an eyebrow curiously. "I could'a swore I heard somethin..."

Gideon wasn't naturally a curious type of fox, he tended to be a bit more take-charge. But something about that sound piqued his interest, and he felt like he could investigate it without harm. He walked toward the noise and peeked out; seeing nothing, he thought about heading back, but a strange feeling bade him forward. He wandered into the normal sunlight as it cast its orange glow across the landscape, but he still didn't see anything to grab his attention. Taking another step, he felt the brush under his paw give way and he yelped. "Oh crud! Not again!" He couldn't stop it; the pull of gravity suddenly thrust him forward again and he fell. He hit the hill hard, an explosion of leaves cushioned his fall, but didn't stop him from rolling over and over again as he fell down the hill. *WHUMP* Was the noise that accompanied his landing at the bottom. His paw splashed water and he slowly pulled his face from the fallen leaves with a groan of complaint. "More water? I never in my life--"

Gideon's voice faded out as he spied a figure several feet in front of him. Removing a strange looking helmet from his head, he could still see a pair of horns behind it and long hair. The fox's eyes widened in surprise as the creature before him looked like a dragon; horns, a thick tail with what looked like a drill-bit on the tip; a rather muscular build despite the overall lean appearance of his body. Another thing that drew Gideon's attention, as the dragon placed his helmet next to the pile of armor; he was totally, and completely naked. Gideon hadn't moved an inch since he locked eyes to the spectacle. He slowly rolled and made as little noise as he could to get up. He figured that he should get away before he was spotted.


Gideon had barely turned his back to sneak away when the voice hit him like a brick. Slowly, he turned around and caught the glint of amber in the dragon's eyes as he stared directly at the fox. "Ah... s-sorry for intrudin' I sorta slipped and fell and--"

"You gonna help me wash up?" He asked. "Do that and I'll overlook you being a peeping Tom."

"A peepin' Tom? Now just a second; I didn't--I wasn't..."

The dragon stared at him even harder. "You coming?"

Gideon barely noticed enough to casually hide the tent forming on the front of his apron. "Jeeze I hope not..." He uttered to himself as he noticed the faintest hint of wetness dripping down the inside front of the apron. He watched as the dragon began to wade out into the water some and the fox almost-desperately rushed after him. "Hold on! I don't even know your name! My name's Gideon; Gideon Gray, and I sorta got... lost out here."

Gideon didn't follow the dragon who swam through the water toward the opposite bank, and instead stumbled across the small inlet and around the watery bank until he reunited with the beast, who had come to rest against some rocks arranged like a back rest or a bracing wall from the water on the other side. Steam rose from the water and as the dragon sank into it with a sigh, Gideon's hand touched the surface. "Yowch! That's hot." He said, shaking his hand dry.

"That's why they call it a hot spring." He said. "That leaf there should help." He pointed at a large leaf; partly folded and filled with some liquid.

It smelled strange as Gideon picked it up; like flowers or spices that he couldn't quite place. He could feel the tension waft off of him all of a sudden, but it didn't really quell the baker's erection as he shifted his body to move in behind the dragon and he poured the liquid over the warrior's shoulders. He was almost trembling as he began to rub the lather; turning it into a soapy residue as he made his way across the body. He cleared his throat softly, trying not to sound nervous. "So... you got a name?" He asked. "It's kinda rude to not introduce yourself when someone's introduced themselves... my momma always told me that bein' polite is always the proper thing."

"Hmm..." The dragon sighed a bit as he leaned into the fox's touch. "That's true." He said.


The dragon lifted a small discarded pipe to his lips and pinched them around the end; suddenly, it came to life and a small mist of purple slithered from the end of it and another waft curled from his nostrils. "Drum." He said after a few seconds' delay.

"Drum? What kinda name is that?"

The dragon looked indignantly at the fox. "My name." He emphasized with the proper snort.

A new smell entered the fox's nostrils at that must have been from the smoke; almost like cinnamon, he inhaled slowly, taking in the smell. His hands moved across the dragon's muscle as he continued to bring them lower, over Drum's muscular chest, across his thick arms and along his sides. He was sitting in water that was barely at waist height, forcing the fox to reach down far in order to splash the water and lather the soap. He grunted as he stood on his toes, reaching down. The smell of the cinnamon was making him feel a little bit dizzy, or maybe it was the heat from the makeshift tub... or maybe it was the fact he was rubbing a naked dragon from head to waist. He had lost track.

There was a low rumble overhead; clouds had begun to move in on them, swarming over the formerly lit sky as the smell of rain almost overpowered the smell of the cinnamon and musk soaking in the spring. Gideon hardly noticed, he was more interested in maintaining control as he wet down every muscle on Drum's body, only noticing that the dragon's cock was slowly making an appearance from below the murky, bubbly water. Gideon felt himself shudder as he noticed it rising into view his latest brushing of his neck against Drum's only caused the dragon to loop a finger around the waist tie of his apron. "What do you wear this for, fox?" He asked.

"Th-that?" Gideon answered. "It's an apron... my clothes are drying up on the hillside. I made a campfire before I came down and--"

Drum flicked his wrist, and immediately, Gideon felt his waist freed of the band. The winds causing the apron to flap freely. "Seems a bit cumbersome." He said.

Gideon swallowed hard; it was obvious this dragon wanted him, but he wasn't sure how to react. "Aw, shucks..." He said, blushing. "I--erm..."

There wasn't much pause for the response as Drum yanked the fox all of a sudden, sending him down into the water he was sitting in. In one deft move, the dragon had slipped Gideon's head through the neck loop of the apron, freeing him from its confines by the time he had hit the water. Briefly underwater, his head ran up against something solid between Drum's legs, his nose finding what felt like two balls and then the thick throbbing shaft at the base of the dragon's erection. He emerged from the water, already slipping his tongue around Drum's cock and Drum growled approvingly, leaning back some as the fox went to work.

The flesh was slick and wet, but Gideon could feel distinct bumps beginning to rise through the skin. He didn't care how he looked all of a sudden, it was obvious that the dragon wanted some company, and Gideon was glad to provide for it. He wrapped both hands around the base and pulled the tip into his mouth. Drum was much...much larger than Gideon; he probably stood about a good three heads above the fox and the girth of his shaft was almost enough to stretch his jaw to impossible widths. Drum placed a hand on Gideon's head and groaned, sliding his cock deeper into the fox's maw and nearly cutting off Gideon's air supply. Gideon pulled back as soon as he was able to and inhaled, the smell of sex and musk overpowered him here and his eyes rolled back in submission. This was better than pie; it was better than the thirteen pies he should be baking right now, and Drum grinned at him.

"Nnnhhh... that's how to do it..." He said. "Good fox..."

As demeaning as it sounded, Gideon didn't have much chance to argue as Drum grasped his head on both sides and pushed himself in even deeper. There was a shot of something that hit Gideon's throat, and the copious fluids began to fill Gideon's mouth, the fox's tail swishing back and forth almost robotically now as he swallowed the seed and felt his entire head slide along the flesh with no effort. Below the water's surface, Gideon's cock felt like it was on fire; pulsing, throbbing in the hot spring like he was letting off hefty amounts of precum, feeling the dragon's nails as they dragged hard down his back.

*Crackle, BOOOOOMMM*

The thunderous explosion from above finally caught both of their attention as it immediately began to rain on them. Cold, hard rain that immediately cooled off the spring and their activity.

"The fuck?!" Drum exclaimed. "Why now?"

Gideon sat almost defeated in the tub as Drum released him from the hottest sex he'd ever had before. "Shoot, this happens all the time." He said. "Especially when the hay-rollin's about to begin..."

"What did you say?" Drum asked.

"Oh... hay-rolling." Gideon explained. "You see it's--"

"I know what it is, you silly fox. But you gave me an idea. Come!"

"Been tryin'..." Gideon's underbreath comment went unheard by Drum, who grabbed him by the arm and both of them got up from the pool and ran toward the woods.

The rain was coming down so hard that Gideon could hardly see the bare butt of the dragon as it ran in front of him, it was beginning to get dark out as well, but the fox had little other choice than to trust Drum on this. His clothes were being re-soaked by now anyway, there was really no point in going back to his campsite.

After what felt like five minutes, the pair of them came across a barn. Gideon found it curious to have a barn this far out in the woods; and the fact that there didn't appear to be a farmhouse or in fact a farm nearby made the placement all the more curious. It was somewhat dilapidated; the barn door opening partway with a loud creak and then slamming shut when the wind found it again. The two rushed inside, and as a side precaution, Drum closed the door by barring it off with a two-by-four.

"Whew..." He sighed. "There, we made it."

Gideon looked around a bit and found a discarded lantern still hanging off a lone shelf in the dark. He picked it up and peered at it, he could still smell oil within the object. "It's too bad my matches were in my apron, this lantern could be useful."

"I found one too." Drum announced as he pulled one from behind a hay bale that had fallen from the loft above.

"You wouldn't happen to have a light, would ya?"

Drum snorted a bit, almost sounding as though he scoffed at the idea, but then immediately turned his lips toward the lamp and expunged a bead of flame from his mouth, lighting the kindling inside. He then turned up the lamp's glow to better light the room, revealing his form in the fire's warm glow. He did the same thing for Gideon, who then hung his lantern back on the beam he had gotten it down from. "Guess that answered that..."

Drum nodded. "Yes I suppose so."

Gideon's arousal was still pretty evident, but he wasn't even sure that Drum had lost any of his, as the dragon stood in front of him, the shadow on the wall showing a distinct ten o'clock shape against his body. Gideon cleared his throat and grabbed some of the hay bale that Drum had encountered the lantern in. "So... now that we got ourselves out of that..." He said as he lowered himself to his knees and raised his butt toward the dragon. "How 'bout we get this thing really goin' huh?"

Drum's expression lit up as he saw the plump fox butt waving at him, the tail flagged as it swayed back and forth, but he soon frowned. "But the lube's not here... I don't..."

Gideon grinned a bit. "See... 'bout five years ago, they had me try out as a stunt fox at our town fair; buckin' bronco tricks'n whatnot... Well that career came to a head when I was thrown from my horse and I landed on the spur of a saddle. I tell ya, I didn't expect to get an erection from having a six-inch mold of leather shooting up where the sun don't shine, but it definitely gave me some... erm... accommodations. Now if you'd be so kind, I kind of want you to fuck the ever-living hell out of me, please."

Drum didn't need much convincing and grabbed Gideon's waist, his cock slipping between the fox's cheeks as he began to grind himself against the man's flesh. Gideon could feel it pulse and move almost on its own as heavy beads of wetness began to drip down and trickle through the fox's fur and down his legs. The dragon grasped the base of his cock and directed it toward Gideon's hole. Gideon was already hard again with anticipation and impatiently pressed himself back against the thick phallus, feeling his hole give and flex as it rotated about and pushed inward. "Nnnnffff..." Gideon moaned as he felt the cock push past what defenses his ass had left. His cock sprang to life again almost instantly, smacking the fox's belly now as Drum moved in deeper.

Drum growled as his member pushed in; first inch was usually the toughest, and even as accommodating as Gideon's ass was, it was still extremely tight. He could feel Gideon tense up as he pushed inward, and he slowed down a bit; concerned for the fox's safety.

"D-don't stop..." He heard Gideon whisper between gasps and moans. "F-fuck me!"

Drum obliged happily and suddenly bucked the remaining six inches into the fox. Gideon reared his head back and howled at the sudden fill that he received. Drum was HUGE as he leaned over him, leaving a good part of his torso and his head hanging well over the fox. It was like he was being fucked by a horse and his moans were soon muffled into the hay as Gideon stuffed his face below the bale; his hands grasping at straws literally as he tried his best to buck back against Drum's lustful assault. He felt the dragon's claws dig into his waist, grasping his hips and plunging in harder, and harder with every long exasperating thrust.

Gideon's cock was bouncing under them, a soft fapping noise from it slapping against his gut could be heard almost above their combined growls and moans. Despite this, Gideon felt like this was too much and he waited with anticipation for the pain to go down and his body to finally accept the meaty flesh. After several moments, Drum grabbed Gideon by the ankle and pulled back, literally rolling the fox on top of the dragon's muscular body as he began to fuck the fox from underneath. Gideon's stomach compressed several times as he exhaled sharply, making every breath a work of labor as he tried to keep himself from cumming too quickly. They weren't in a good position for kissing, but Drum's teeth found their mark and sank deep into Gideon's shoulder. He grabbed the fox around the leg this time and pulled it up, spreading Gideon's legs as far apart as they would go as he sank himself in again and again, deeper and harder into the fox's ass. Gideon felt like he was about to pop, or that his leg was about to come off, but at the same time it felt incredible. The deeper Drum went, every single lunge defied Gideon's efforts to not scream in pleasure, it was an effort to hold back as long as he was able to...

They both came at the same time; first Gideon felt Drum's cock swell within him and one-two pulses before. "AAAAAHHHHH NNNHHHH!" He came, hard, fast and wet as his seed began to shoot around the room like a fire hose. He felt his stomach fill and an enormous heat fill his body. He heard Drum growl and his grip tighten to clench the fox in place as his cock began to pump Gideon full of his seed. There was a lot; so much, TOO much for the fox and the cum began to spew from their merged loins like a geyser going off. Slowly, Drum began to slow his passioned lunges, and eventually he slowed enough to finally withdraw himself from Gideon's ass, sending a waterfall of cum down to the floor under them before they both rolled over once more and lay still on the hay bales.

"W-wow..." Gideon said finally, still having few words to express between his breaths.

"I'll say..." Drum admitted.

There was still the sound of thundering and rain outside and Gideon edged over closer to the dragon. "Still rainin' outside..." He said after a bit.

"Don't worry." Drum said, pulling the fox closer. "You can stay as long as you like... this is part of my property, after all..."

Gideon must have fallen asleep right after that; the next thing he saw was a strangely familiar ceiling hanging a few feet over his face as his eyes blinked open, letting in the glare of the morning light.

"Gideon? Stu! Come quick, it looks like Gideon's awake!" The face of Bonnie Hopps loomed over Gideon's for just a moment before she shouted to her husband. "Oh thank goodness you're okay!"

"You alright there, Gid?" Stu poked his head in through the door. "You gave Bonnie and I a fright when we found you down in the creek, we thought you'd drowned!"

"The--the creek? No, no sir. I met someone... a real life dragon! And we..." His voice trailed off and he looked around. "That was too real to be a dream..."

"Afraid that's all it was, kiddo." Stu said with a concerned expression. "Not sure how you got all naked down there, but we got you back, dressed you up good as new and hey look..." He said as he pulled Gideon's apron into view. "We found your lucky apron too!"

Gideon didn't know what expression he could express but he smiled as he took the apron back. "Thanks, Mr. Hopps... now about them pies though..."

"Oh shucks. Me and Bonnie have it under control."

"Yes, after all, we do have a couple hundred children who can lend us a hand in the kitchen. You just get some rest, you had a pretty nasty bump." She patted Gideon on the hand and turned to walk out, Stu smiled, gave the fox a single fingered salute off his brow before turning and leaving as well.

Had it all been a dream? Gideon found it difficult to believe, especially since it felt like his ass had been through the wringer. But as he put his apron to his nose and took a sniff, something caught his attention: It was the smell of cinnamon.


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