Red Rodent - October Rule 34 Story #1

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#83 of Patreon

After an earthquake sends Splinter from his home in the sewers to a place deep underground, he finds another creature that strangely lures him up for an interesting time...

While I continue to work on stories for my Patreon (darn kids just won't leave!) I will no longer be posting the teasers here, you will receive the full stories as they have been completed. If you'd like to see them ahead of time please consider joining us!

"Red Rodent"

The den was quiet as Splinter rested in the armchair; it was the most comfortable piece of furniture they had ever scavenged, and while the turtles were out on patrol, the master could rest quietly at home without their raucous behavior forcing him to seek solace somewhere else. He cared about Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michaelangelo deeply, but every father-figure could use a break from their children every now and again.

A low deep rumbling of thunder outside almost shook the walls of their home, but with sturdy concrete surrounding them on all angles, it was more the anticipation of the storm that made it seem a lot closer than it was. Rain was finding its way through the sewer's many cracks, nooks, crannies and folds and draining somewhat copiously into the den as he sat with his eyes closed, simply listening to the sounds going on around him. The television was off, there had been a power outage earlier, but Donatello had managed to get the grid back online before they left. The downpour was good for them; a good way for the turtles to return to their more aquatic roots. Splinter himself preferred to remain dry. A rumbling of his stomach prompted Splinter to open his eyes and glance down at his form; age had definitely worn a bit of a pudge to him, but he was still spry as they came. He eventually worked his way out of the leather recliner and made his way across the den; certainly there were a few left overs from the night before he could eat. Passing the kitchen he spotted a half-eaten pizza sitting on the counter; not being partial to the meal, Splinter considered passing it up in the hopes of finding something more palatable, but decided to grab a slice of it nonetheless. Using his cane, he deftly opened the door to the refrigerator and pulled out a few ingredients for tea. Cold pizza and hot tea while the weather outside went ballistic was an oddly appealing idea to the old ninja master. He extracted a kettle from one of the cabinets and filled it with water, turning on the stove, he placed the kettle on the burner.

"For all the conveniences April has helped us get in here, this one is perhaps the one I am most grateful for." He said with a chuckle.


Splinter jumped at the sound, an explosive blast of noise suddenly causing the entire kitchen to shake. He stayed himself with one hand on the stove and the other clutching at his cane. "What in the--?" He muttered to himself before another violent shake threw him to the ground. Every light overhead began to overload and explode out sequentially until the entire room went dark. He winced as he began to get back to his feet. Whatever had happened had gone far beyond just the den. The sounds of car alarms could be heard in the streets overhead, as his eyes began to re-adjust themselves to the darkness, Splinter could hear cracking in the ceiling, then just as he looked up he could feel the debris falling down on him, as if the sky were falling down and he was instantly trapped. "NO!" He shouted angrily as he wriggled to free himself. As he struggled, he could feel the ground under him begin to sag a bit as the weight of him plus the debris collapsed that in as well. Splinter fell into the darkness, but something striking the back of his head silenced his screams, and everything went black.

The sound of wind woke Splinter from his sleep; he jerked to his senses and found that he was crumpled up on his side on the floor of some chamber. As he turned over he winced as his neck cracked and his spine straightened out. "Nnhh..." He moaned softly as he got back to his feet. His cane was gone, not that he relied on it all the time, but it certainly helped. There was a strange illumination in the cave as well, as Splinter looked around, he realized that he couldn't have fallen down here from the sewer; there were no holes above him to show where he had fallen through. As he walked along the wall, he let his hand slide along the smooth surface and the illumination came from somewhere above him. As he approached the upper edge of the slow ramp up, he could hear the sounds of something like fire crackling, his ears perked up.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" He asked. There was no response, but the light faded as though it were moving. Splinter gasped at the realization and lurched forward. "Hey! Wait!" Without realizing it, he had overstepped and the stones at the top of the hill and fell forward. Thinking quickly, he turned the fall into a roll and landed upright again, just in time to see what looked like a flame exiting through a small hole in the base of the cave wall. "Just one moment! I need your help!" He flung his arms into the small entry, and could hear someone making their way up it, but he didn't expect it to be big enough for any human to crawl through. Splinter pushed his way inward and felt immediately that the hole was barely wide enough even for him. "If I wanted to be a spelunker, I would not have studied ninjitsu..." He muttered to himself as he climbed.

Two yards, five yards, ten yards later, the cave tightened down on the rat's shoulders, but he managed to squeeze himself through. After this long, a natural feeling of claustrophobia began to settle in, and the desperate need to get out of this place faster. His shirt tore away from his shoulders, his arms, tugs against his back began to pull it free from his torso. Soon the tatters began to snag on the smallest outcroppings and kept slowing him down and he began to unfasten his shirt. As his gray-furred body slipped from his robe, he found a lot more freedom. He could feel the breeze of a cool wind up ahead and more quickly, he scurried to the exit and with a gasping breath he emerged from the cave and pulled himself up onto a soft mossy ground. Collapsing onto the grass, he panted, trying to re-collect himself after his encounter. "P-please..." He stammered for a moment.

As Splinter looked up, he saw the strangest creature walking toward him; he walked on four-legs, and looked like some combination of a cat and dog in his face. His tail was lit like fire on the very tip of it; and it was smolderingly hot as he approached. "Who--who are you?" Splinter asked.

The creature's face leaned down toward Splinter's until their muzzles were nearly connected at their noses; the soft jingle of the head-gear he wore jingled slightly as he crouched down, earrings displaying themselves against the glow of his tail. "A friend." He spoke in a soft growling voice before he pressed forward even further and their lips met.

Splinter's eyes widened at the kiss; his heart began to beat hard as the entire world began to spin around them. Instantly his cock sprang to life at this connection; he'd never kissed another male; in fact, before this night, he couldn't recall being with anyone in particular, and how suddenly this happened completely threw him off guard. He parted his lips from the creature's, but in a split second he reconnected them. The sound of flames swished as his tail swayed from side to side. It didn't take much coaxing for Splinter to sit up a bit and cling slightly to the creature's neck, he smirked a bit and turned around on his heels, prompting Splinter to lay on his back; Splinter wasn't lacking when it came to his endowment, his cock thick and dripping, he ran his thumb along the shaft, the beast then stepped over the rat and slipped his tongue over the tip, watching it pulse and spring instantly in response. Splinter gasped and felt the wet meat slap against his stomach, then the warm, inviting tongue picked it up again, introducing it to an even warmer encompassing mouth. Splinter's spine went rigid for a moment, he bounced slightly, though the touch of his nose against this beast's underside drew his attention to the thick pink tip sticking out and a pair of thick fuzzy balls hanging under it. He'd never done this before, but all of a sudden the feeling was becoming all the more overwhelming. He reached up and took the red creature's hips in each of his hand and craned his neck up to taste his cock. It was an intriguing sensation to feel it pulse and thicken, then the remaining shaft to slowly slide from its hollow to enjoy the touch of his tongue. The beast himself was enjoying this as well as precum began to drool from the tip and down Splinter's muzzle, strands of cum dripping down his gray neck. The warm balls pressing against his nose churned with the seed hidden within and Splinter moved his head up and tightened his lips around them, pressing them together and playing with them.

The beast moaned and his backside wiggled somewhat as his lips came apart from Splinter's shaft, a long strand of white fluid trailing behind. "You are pretty good at that." He said.

Splinter barely registered the creature's speech as his hands crawled further along his hips and cupped the beast's backside. He watched the tail flag slightly and his eyes fixated on the swaying flame attached to it. Splinter returned the shaft to his mouth and unexpectedly felt the copious amounts of precum dripping down his throat the flavor was bitter, but somehow he enjoyed it even more now that he felt the heavy, deep pulses resonating through his lips. He moaned a bit, feeling the ravenous beast dunking his head so far down that the rat's shaft was quickly buried deep within the drooling, dripping maw.


Splinter shuddered with the sudden realization that he was closer to the edge than he expected, he gasped aloud and his mouth dropped the beast's shaft, soaking his muzzle and neck with his seed as he began to unload strands of his own seed deep and hard into the other male's maw. The creature's head lurched back for a moment as he swallowed, then he dove his lips down to the end of Splinter's shaft, sucking hard to make sure every drop found its way back. The creature shuddered and moaned, lifting his tongue from the still spasming cock sending a final bolt across his muzzle. He groaned and turned toward Spinter. "Yes, yes, very nice..." He hissed in a whispered voice. "I wanted this so badly, thank you... it was an uncontrollable urge..."

"Wh-who... are you?" Splinter asked.

The beast smiled. "I am Nanaki; protector of Cosmo Canyon. It is a pleasure to meet you, Hamato Splinter." He said as he lifted his leg and released Splinter from his position. "Forgive me for being so blunt."

"I don't think I've been offended by anything you've done." Splinter said. "But how do you know me?"

"I'm not sure." Nanaki pressed a smile to his lips. "I think it was in a dream."

"Well, hopefully it was as good for you as your dreams led you to believe."

"Oh, it was."

Splinter noticed the beast's cock still dangling under him, hard as a rock and dripping into the grass under him. "I notice that I didn't have a chance to--erm..." He pointed at the member.

"Oh, that?" Nanaki twisted his body a bit to look at it. "Don't you worry about it, I'll take care of it later. After all, I was the one that needed the drink."

"Well..." Splinter said, suppressing a blush a bit as he spotted a boulder nearby and approached it. "I mean it is only good manners that I return the favor, right?" He placed his hands on the cool rock surface of the boulder and spread his legs apart before looking back over his shoulder at the approaching warrior. "Is this okay?"

"Generally it's easier for me if you're on all fours, but I kind of like this." He said as he approached.

Nanaki hopped up onto his hind legs and his body thumped against Splinter's back; the beast's claws wound around Splinter's hips and his chin rested on the rat's neck. The thick edge of Nanaki's cock pressed up warmly against Splinter's rump and as the rat moved a bit, he could feel it slide between his cheeks. A strong lustful sensation washed over Splinter and his tail seemed to develop a mind of its own, tightly winding once and a half times around Nanaki's waist and lunged him forward ever so slightly. The hot tip pressed against Splinter's ass and the old master took a deep breath, enjoying the sensation that ran through his body. He was getting hard again, his cock running like a wet brush across the cold rock. It felt like it was already ready to explode with how eagerly it throbbed. Steadily, Nanaki leaned forward, sliding himself past the rat's ring and making him gasp and grunt in pain for a moment. "A-Are you alright?"

"Your concern is touching." Splinter said with an impatient smile on his face. "But I want you to worry less and fuck me more." He said bluntly.

Nanaki grinned wildly at the order from the older rat and promptly clamped his teeth onto Splinter's shoulder. Splinter's body clenched up and he felt the thick cock slam into him, making him let out a bellow that filled the night air. His body shook violently and he desperately thrust himself against Nanaki's shaft. It grew thick quickly as it pressed its way inward. Splinter bit his lower lip and moaned; despite the pleasure that he felt, it was still rather painful for him to take the beast raw like this. Splinter's nails ran across the boulder, leaving behind sparks as he scratched it hard. He panted and leaned into the thrusts, one after the other. Nanaki began to growl, his lust taking over as his arms tightened around Splinter's waist and he began to plunge into the rat as hard as he could. Slapping him and his cock against the rock with every long, deep lunge. Nanaki's claws scratched along Splinter's torso, leaving deep, dark marks under his fur as the fire from the beast's tail loomed over them, swinging their shadows from left to right.

After several minutes, Splinter began to feel sweat forming on his brow, his body pushed to its limits, he could hardly stand anymore; and with his impending orgasm, he was beginning to grow weaker in the knees than usual. "N-Nanaki... I'm--I'm clo--AHHHH!"

He didn't have time to finish his sentence; all of a sudden, bursts of white shot from his cock, slathering the rock with its distinct color. He howled out and almost lost his footing. "S-same..." He heard Nanaki whimper between breaths and suddenly aided Splinter by dropping him to the ground on all fours. This caused Nanaki's member to drop in harder and deeper, causing both of them to cry out in pleasure and in pain as Splinter raised his backside up and Nanaki hugged his hips in a desperate attempt to breed him. He could feel a bulb at the end of Nanaki's cock; a trait of most canine members, it slipped through two, three, four times now and each time it got tighter. Nanaki was beginning to salivate over Splinter's shoulder; the harder he thrust, the more he seemed to want it until finally there was the distinctive popping of the beast's knot slamming into the rat's ass and the firm tug of it not being pulled back.

Suddenly; the world around them changed, a swirl of blackness surrounded them like a cloud and Splinter felt strange. The weight of Nanaki on his back had vanished and instead he looked down at his hands. Large claw-like extensions somehow had appeared where his slender, rat-like hands used to be, a strength filled his body and he felt himself rising to his feet. Splinter's more coarse rodent fur was much finer and had become a red color with a golden color that trailed straight down his torso to his legs. His muscle had increased substantially and he stepped back. He was much larger than he ever was.

"What...?" His voice sounded strange, as though it were gargled with another voice.

"What's going on? What--are we?" A second voice asked.

Splinter cock was still thick and erect, but he wasn't sure exactly if it was his. It was much larger in size and was hooded; wet in a thick ooze of cum that drained out of it. Splinter raised his arms and flexed his new found muscle, finding that now he was towering in size. "We... we are one?"

Splinter was right; somehow, their breeding had turned them into an amalgamation of one another; though Nanaki's tail, his ears and snout had been replaced by Splinter's own, the remainder looked like a large humanoid Nanaki. A sensitive twitch of his cock made Splinter almost painfully aware that he needed to get off here, he grasped the flesh and could feel it wet between his fingers. It certainly felt real and as his other hand explored his massive chest, he could feel both himself and Nanaki suddenly enjoying the pleasure.

"This... this feels good... I'm so close..." Nanaki's voice said.

Splinter had never felt this kind of strength before, he wanted to keep exploring the muscle his shoulders were massive as mountains, his arms so impressive he wanted to feel more, he needed to feel more... tightening his grip around his cock, Splinter/Nanaki began to stroke, they could feel the pulses of their cock as wet spits of precum began to shoot from the tip like little drinking fountain spurts that soaked their stomach and slickened their hand against the member. It was more intense than either of them had ever felt before and they could smell the musk radiating off of this new form. Their bodies having merged physically and spiritually, the way they felt couldn't even be described by anyone. A rumbling noise emanated from their chest, their throats pushing out a deep resonant growl that reached its pique just as their climax hit.

"RRRRRROOOOOARRRRR!" Their voices sounded strange garbled together, but it was the kind of sound that could send wildlife running as the firehose between their legs began to shoot thick white cum all over their body.

"AHH! AHH!" Suddenly, Splinter felt himself under Nanaki's body as his thick cock thrust in to its hilt and pulses of heat began to shoot deep into Splinter's ass, filling his stomach with their warm coating of seed. Even through the thickness of Nanaki's knot, several spurts of cum escaped, dribbling in cascades down Splinter's legs. Splinter was confused that one moment they were merged and now they were back to normal. Did Nanaki even remember?

Nanaki collapsed in exhaustion across Splinter's backside, panting loudly before finally speaking up. "Did... did you see that?" He asked.

Before the master could answer, a strange whistling noise distracted him, as he turned to investigate where the sound was coming from, everything changed...

The whistling woke Splinter from a peaceful sleep as he sat in one of the chairs near the kitchen, and the sound of the kettle singing that the water was boiling turned his attention to it. Per usual, Splinter got up and lifted the kettle from the stove. As he turned to pour the water into his cup of tea, Splinter paused. He looked around the den; there was no evidence of anything having collapsed, no darkness, the bulbs of all the lights seemed to be whole and shining bright. His curious gazes were met only with the distant rumble of thunder. Then the sound of the Turtle Van could be heard several tunnels away, leading the master to roll his eyes. It had to have been a dream of some sort, he knew something like that could never be possible...

As Splinter turned with his cup of tea to face the refrigerator, he noticed a strange detail in his reflection that couldn't be explained, as he examined himself, Splinter realized he was naked as a jaybird. Looking around he realized also that the clothes he had been wearing were nowhere to be seen. He put his tea down and scrambled to find them, it would have been embarrassing for the turtles to see their master standing around naked like this. He spotted a bit of cloth under his recliner that looked like his robe, but when he went to pull it out, a tattered mess of clothing came out. Splinter felt his heart skip a beat; and for a brief moment, he could feel a strange warm glow behind him as a torch-like tail swept past him, then immediately disappeared again.

Splinter placed his tea down and frowned looking at it. "Perhaps... I should consider switching to decaf..." He said.


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Red Rat - October Rule 34 Story #1

**"Red Rat"** The den was quiet as Splinter rested in the armchair; it was the most comfortable piece of furniture they had ever scavenged, and while the turtles were out on patrol, the master could rest quietly at home without their raucous...

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