November Rule 34 Story #1 - Lexington's Hypno-Experiment

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#84 of Patreon

After becoming engaged with TV show hypnosis, Lexington encounters Beast Boy and attempts to enthrall him as well for his own......'personal' needs ;)

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"Lexington's Hypno-experiment"

"You are getting sleepy... so veeeery sleepy..."


"You are under my power now, I can do with you whatever it is I want!"

"N-no! Please! Noooo!"


The flicker of the television was the only light in the room as Lexington sat in the large recliner before the massive sixty-inch television; the movie "The Hypnotist" was his most recent favorite classic. Shot in the late 50s, it portrayed a man who discovered that simply by locking his eyes on someone and using a strange hand-held device, he could get people to do whatever he said. The idea of hypnotism intrigued Lex, who consistently felt weaker physically than the rest of his clan. His diminutive stature making him almost a mockery of his rookery brothers Brooklyn and Broadway. Even their four-legged companion Bronx was larger than he was. He sat in front of the silver images on the screen, hastily jotting notes, doodling designs for a project he had been working on.

"The Hypnotist again?" Brooklyn resounded off sarcastically as he stepped into the room. "C'mon Lex. You've been hogging this TV for almost two weeks solid with this nonsense."

"It's not nonsense." Lexington said, barely glancing up from his notes. "It's science."

"It's science fiction." Brooklyn stated clearly. "And a bad one at that. Nobody can make one of those hypnosis guns."

"You wouldn't know fiction if it bit you on the butt." Lex muttered, mostly to himself. "Look, all I want to see is how they do this okay?"

"Yeah, well. That's gonna have to wait until tomorrow night. We called dibs for the TV for the next few nights, and I got tonight, so move over." With a brisk shove, Lexington found himself on the floor as Brooklyn took his spot on the chair. Hastily, the red gargoyle slipped on a pair of 3D glasses and withdrew the remote, switching it to a channel where the first blast of sound was that of some massive beast roaring. "Oh yeah! The Terror of Tremor Lane... I've been hearing rave reviews of it."

Lexington scowled at Brooklyn, but said nothing, immediately shoving his notes into his belt before storming out into the main hall. "Science fiction...pff..." He blew off sternly. "I'll show you science fiction, Brooklyn."

Lexington made his way to the eastern tower, not far from where he'd been studying the movie and threw open the lid of an old rusty truck he had been using. Inside was a contraption much like the one from the movie; he'd been considering just leaving it alone and moving on, but it was so close to completion that he simply had to give Brooklyn his comeuppance. He pulled the small device from the trunk. The trigger guard was around his wrist so that it slipped onto his hand effortlessly; the metal he'd found to put it together was shiny and smooth and the weight distributed out well. There was a toy light wand at the end of it jutting out a few inches past the barrel. It seemed somewhat silly, but it was the only thing he could find that gave the appropriate light patterns he wanted to make it work. Pulling another part from the trunk and snapping it into place on the base of the gun he stared it over. It should be done; every piece carefully put together in an attempt to hypnotize someone. Lex made his way back toward the TV room; he could hear a Japanese dialect muttering through the door along with screams and roars that coincided with Brooklyn's joyous laughter. The olive gargoyle took a deep breath and approached the room; this was it, it was time to test his invention...

Brooklyn looked behind him as Lexington entered the room again and pointed the device at him. "Ooh what's that? Your own hypnotic device?"

Lex smirked. "You're damn right." He said as he pulled back on the trigger.

A sudden, shocking burst of light emitted from the device that made Lex look away for a brief moment and the little wand at the end began to spin. The gears within the gun were producing a surreal sound, which to him sounded more like nails on a chalkboard. Brooklyn growled as he got back to his feet, blinking as his eyesight returned to him. "Damn it, Lex! What the hell was that? You know I'm gonna tell---"

Lexington noticed that Brooklyn's voice fell off, and he opened his eyes to look at the other gargoyle. His posture was rigid, his expression blank as he stared at the still-rotating toy. Growing concerned for a moment, Lexington stared at Brooklyn. "Hey... hey Brooklyn? Are you okay?" Brooklyn said nothing. The glow of realization hit Lexington's face and he smiled. "Brooklyn? Wave if you understand me..."

Without skipping a beat, the gargoyle waved his right hand.

"Pat your head and rub your stomach." Lexington commanded. And immediately, Brooklyn did just that. Lexington squealed in delight; his invention had worked, and now he could have his revenge. "Okay, Brooklyn. I want you to strip naked, run around the castle and when you find Hudson, I want you to try and mate with him. Got it?"

Brooklyn still said nothing, but drew back the buckle on his belt, letting his loincloth fall to the floor. Then, dropping to all fours; he charged out of the room at top speed, leaving Lex behind to watch as he vanished off into the hall."

It took several minutes as Lexington continued to tweak his device before he heard the commotion from upstairs. "Ay! Brooklyn!" He heard Hudson shout. "What're ya doin' without any clothes on? Why are ya lookin' at me like that? B-Brooklyn! What're ya doin lad!? AHHH!" There was a loud boom that shook the entire floor under Lexington's feet. For a brief moment he felt bad for Hudson, then pondered to himself. "Huh... maybe I can take advantage of this hypno-gun somewhere....a little less conspicuous..." He admitted.


It was hard to avoid the stares of the humans on the street, even after sundown seeing a man with a green complexion under a trenchcoat seemed a little odd. He continually was reminded about how conspicuous he was every time he passed a shop window and saw his reflection. His trip to New York was mostly for a mission, and now that it was done, he had the time to relax; something he rarely had the chance to do. His hands were in his pockets and he could feel his long fingernails scratching the lining as he walked. He exhaled slowly and tried to avoid any eye contact; in particular, spotting a young blond woman and a gangly brown-haired man directly across the street from him. He glanced in their direction, she gasped in surprise and clutched at his arm. But he looked more annoyed with her than protective; he gave the man a nod as they continued onward.

He went by the name Garfield; that was his given name, but he more often preferred his code name 'Beast Boy'; despite the fact that he was more of an adult than a 'boy' anymore, he still enjoyed it. Having the ability to transform into animals had its ups and downs, but a lot of it left him feeling more like a freak than a hero.

"Oh no! My ring!"

The blond woman he'd spotted a moment before was standing on the sidewalk across the street with her hands on her face as the man made a mad dash toward the street in the pursuit of a shiny golden object that rolled into it. Beast Boy turned on his heel just in time to see the headlights of a large truck, barrelling toward the man at a high speed. "Hey! Dude, watch out!" He shouted, but he was too late and the man jumped from the curb before realizing the impending danger.

In a flash, Beast Boy ran toward the street and the oncoming truck. It was clear that the man was frozen in fear. He could already feel his body shifting, his neck elongating, his body becoming thicker. His skin turned into a thick hide as his coat disappeared into the shift, a horn protruding from his face as he developed a fast snout, he snarled and charged at the vehicle suddenly colliding with it with all the force of a rhino. The grill crunched wildly; and then a sound came to his ear, the drivetrain suddenly kicked into overdrive as the driver flailed wildly in the cab. The truck's force pushed back on him hard, making him grunt as his feet dragged on the ground. "Hit the breaks!" He bellowed.

"I can't! The accelerator stuck!" The driver in the truck exclaimed.

"Hnnnh!" Beast Boy grunted as he felt his form shift again. His body straightened out with a sudden jut as he stood upright on his hind legs; fur exploded from his skin, fingers shot from his hooves, his body grew more humanoid as his arms expanded around and his torso flushed over with muscle as he growled and attained a massive ape body. Flashing his eyes at the driver he strained to speak, holding the truck in place. Even at this size, its squalling tires were proving to be stronger for him to hold back than he expected. "Get....out!" He shouted.

The driver instantly nodded and leaped from his driver's side door. Hitting the ground as Beast Boy shifted his right hand down under the lip of the grill and with a mighty roar, flipped the truck hard over onto its side. Beast Boy nearly collapsed onto the truck, that lift strained him. He looked back to see the woman running over to the man, and the driver getting up as the engine sputtered to a stop. "No need to... thank me..." He said sarcastically as he slowly shifted back to his human form.

"Wh-what ARE you, you freak?" The woman shrieked.

The mutant snorted indignantly. "The guy who just saved your boyfriend's life." He answered with a hint of irritation in his voice.

The sounds of sirens attracted his attention and quickly, Beast Boy tightened his coat around himself. He turned and bolted away from the scene, despite the fact that all the humans present were now shouting toward him, he knew that he didn't want the attention. Heading straight toward Central Park, he didn't stop until he was in the middle of the wooded area just off the path. It took a few minutes for him to calm down and to catch his breath. Suddenly, he heard something crackle in the tree above his head.


Beast Boy looked up to see a pair of white eyes staring back at him; a sight that caused him to recoil in shock for a second before Lexington stuck his head out into the open. "Jeez. You scared me there." He said.

"Sorry." Lex shrugged. "I saw what you did back there, that's a pretty cool thing you do. Have you been... erm... transforming long?"

"All the time." He said. "I'm Beast Boy."

"Obviously." The gargoyle responded. "Well I'm Lexington; resident gargoyle and crime fighter. I've heard of you."

"Can't say the same." Beast Boy responded. "But something tells me you like to be anonymous."

Lexington smirked and shrugged shyly. "Sometimes. Kinda stinks how those humans weren't even grateful for you turning that truck over. I would have come help but--"

"Oh I get it. Based on how those people acted, you probably don't get thanked very often either."

"That gorilla was a pretty cool form though. Do you mind showing it to me again?"

Beast Boy looked around then turned back to Lexington. "Sure, I guess that wouldn't hurt." He said before suddenly hulking back into the form of a massive green ape with dark hair that covered his body. Standing at least three times Lexington's height and looming over the gargoyle, he grinned and flexed his arms at him.

"Oh nice. I just wanted to do something to this form and I figured it'd be easier if you were shaped like that before I hypnotize you..." He said as he pulled out the hypnosis gun.


Beast Boy's voice fell off as soon as Lex activated the device; the brilliant colors dancing off the toy glowed in Beast Boy's eyes as his expression fell into an unexpressive deadpan look. With the look, Lex grinned wildly, the idea coming to his mind having an immediate effect on his body. "Oh yes, very nice." He said, placing the gun on the ground and grabbing Beast Boy by his large, fuzzy balls. "Do you like this?" He asked.

"Mmhmm..." Beast Boy responded, his eyes rolling back as his thick shaft began to swell. As the tip lifted up toward his lips, Lex enveloped it with them. He felt Beast Boy's body shudder as he grasped the gargoyle's bald head. The cock slid easily into Lexington's mouth, albeit completely filling it with a musky, salty flavor. Lex's member sprang to life and with his trembling hands, he unbuckled his belt and let his loincloth slide to the ground. Lexington stepped forward and engulfed the shaft almost effortlessly swallowing it down to the hilt. "Grrahh..." The beast moaned, his simian fur fluttering a bit as the breeze kicked up and Lexington pushed him back onto the ground. He kicked his cloth away and placed his claws into Beast Boy's inner thighs. He inhaled and exhaled with a bit of a grunt as he attempted to swallow every inch of the gorilla's cock to the hilt. He could taste its fluids bursting forth, drizzling down his throat and forcing his esophagus to clench and swallow.

Lexington's cock bounced in glee, as he grew even greedier, sliding his fingers along the furry thighs and grasping hard around the base, coating the shaft in his spit to the point that when he did lift his head, a trail of drool drizzled from his tongue and onto the tip, which then dripped down over the rest of the flesh. He was impressed; the shaft seemed to be shifting continually, it seemed much larger now than it had been a few moments before. He liked it; and continued to greedily hunger over it.

Aching, Beast Boy's growls and moans became more persistent as Lexington worked his member over. Thick streams of precum being immediately drawn into the gargoyle's mouth, Lexington's tongue sweeping all of it up as his own member dragged all over the beast's inner-thigh. He was so close to exploding all over Beast Boy's legs. He wanted more, and his shoulders were trembling at the anticipation. "Let me climb on you." Lexington said sternly looking at the ape, who then laid all the way back now. The dripping flesh almost holding its own pose skyward as the small gargoyle climbed up. He'd only done this a couple times before, and enjoyed it every time; he was confident he could take this though as his rear settled on the tip, he coiled his tail briefly around Beast Boy's crotch, feeling his balls droop and sag over the sudden twinge of muscle and he crouched slightly, moaning as he felt the flesh press warmly between his cheeks. Beast Boy was almost perfectly still, his breathing was heavy, his chest expanding to massive proportions and then dropping with every breath he made. He was like a massive blanket on the ground, radiating heat as Lex seated himself upon the thick shaft.

"Nnnnhhhh..." Lexington closed his eyes. "So... big..." he thought to himself as the shaft tightly squeezed into his ass. "M-must... have more..." Lexington suddenly gasped in shock as the gorilla suddenly bucked hard, embedding his cock fiercely into the gargoyle. Lexington bounced up slightly and then ground himself hard onto the cock. He growled and scratched at Beast Boy's chest, trailing claw marks across the gorilla's exposed pectorals. The mounds of muscle flexing and twitching in response of the deep penetration. "Fuck me..." He commanded.

Beast Boy's hands grabbed Lexington's waist and thrust hard into him. Letting off a snarl as he received a spurt of precum shooting clear across his chest and into his lips. Beast Boy licked off the taste, somehow seeming to regain some of his own consciousness back. Lexington fit his cock like a glove; a tight glove, but for every action he made, Lexington forcibly made it harder, his shaft slapping down on the gorilla's stomach again and again. Their howls of pleasure beginning to get louder and louder. Despite Lexington's attempts to keep things discreet, they could probably be heard as wild animals in the park now. "D-Deeper..." Lex panted. "Deeper and harder!" He commanded.

Beast Boy's eyes opened and focused, probably for the first time since the hypnosis took hold a wild grin crossed his face and with no hesitation, he grabbed Lexington's legs and got up. Lex was rather surprised at this, as his next vision was that of a tree being brought toward his face. He grabbed the trunk as his right leg was lifted, almost stretching it beyond his tolerance. He felt Beast Boy's cock slip in and all of a sudden, it pushed completely past the abused anal ring and with a ferocious grunt, Beast Boy was completely buried within the gargoyle. Lexington howled in pain at this sudden change, but it didn't change his appreciation of the act. His cock bounced and flopped through the air, precum dripping all over the ground from the newly upright pose. The gorilla's hands popped as they shifted, changing into another form as his body grew in size, the shaft buried within the gargoyle becoming more rigid as he breeded with the olive creature. He was more dragon-like now, a long, crocodile-shaped maw now leaning over Lex's shoulder as the claws from his fingers began to drag hard against Lex's chest. "I'm getting close, Lexington..." He growled. "Are you ready for a filling?"

Lexington would have panicked if it weren't for this situation; his hypnosis gun didn't work? But it had worked earlier on Brooklyn...he was sure it had. He couldn't really concentrate on that though as his body was howling for more. "Fuck! Yes! Breed me!" He cried out before his roar overcame his voice. Lex shook violently, the anticipation proving too much as he began to cum; thick, massive shots of white streaming from his cock and all over the ground under them, all over the tree, even splashing up and even wetting his own stomach.

Beast Boy's grip tightened and with a low, rumbling growl, he belted out a loud roar as he too began to shoot his seed into the gargoyle. Floods of cum shot into Lex's body and almost instantly caused an overflow. White streams began to splash out of Lexington's ass, almost squeaking every time Beast Boy plowed into him until the pressure was too much and his member exploded from the tight hole, drenching the gargoyle in a shower of cum as he shook and clenched his body tight against his own. Both remained still for several minutes as the seed from both of them began to settle and drain into nothing; Lex being held in the massive dragon's arms before Beast Boy finally spoke.

"So... is this how you treat everyone who visits New York?" He asked.

Lexington chuckled nervously. "Nah, only the special ones. So... my hypnosis gun didn't work?"

"Nope." Beast Boy said. "I only played along because you were so excited when you thought you got me." He winked and grinned.

"That's funny... I used it on my rookery brother earlier and he went and chased someone around naked..." He paused. "Oh, but it was Brooklyn, after all... guess that's something he's going to blame me for tomorrow night..."

Beast Boy chuckled and wrapped his arms around Lex again, giving him a proper kiss this time. "Well, I guess I've just found my new vacation spot at the very least..."

"You're welcome to visit any time." Lex responded.


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