Stranded but Not Alone - Rule 34 Story August #2

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#78 of Patreon

As they attempt to repair the TurboKat and return Chance to his world, he and Garr have a heart to heart that leads to a lot more than blind rutting lust...well, maybe not THAT much more!

No thumbnail on this one, it was a sequel to a story I made before I started making thumbnails. This one was voted in by my supporters on Patreon. Sometimes there are sequels, and single-franchise pairings that get voted in, I do hope you all enjoy and thank you for your support!

"Stranded but Not Alone"

The orange glow of the sunset showered the valley in its light through the sparce trees in the area that Chance had discovered the Turbokat several hours before. The machine was mangled almost beyond recognition, but he'd hoped that with Garr's help, he would be able to get her to fly once again. The jet had suffered some heavy damage to its hull, but all he really needed to do, was salvage the engine and find enough parts to make a new plane... the idea of doing this work wasn't a matter of weeks or even a matter of months; Chance began to think, as he wrenched out a broken bolt he had found and caused the engine compartment; or what was left of it to pop open, that it could take years for him to salvage enough material out of this mess to make an actual, flying plane. He groaned and let out a growl of frustration before throwing his wrench off to the side; the metal colliding with metal made a resounding bang as the tool fell off into the brush. Garr glanced up from his own task with a puzzled look on his face.

"Chance? Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah." Chance snapped in frustration. "Yeah, I'm just peachy."

The Guardian rose to his full height and stared at him. "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Chance repeated. "I'm in a place I couldn't even begin to explain, talking to a dragon who actually exists, trying to repair a plane that is so far beyond repair it might as well be a pile of metal toothpicks!"

"Hmm." Garr nodded in response. "Yes, this vehicle does seem to be in disrepair, but perhaps we can get enough together..."

"You've got a lot of optimism, Garr." Chance rolled his eyes. "I'm starting to think you were better off being a snarling, mating beast." He grunted as his hand groped his backside. "I am still aching from that too."

Garr smiled; but in the smile was a hint of an embarrassed blush. "Well, perhaps you should keep your ass out of my sights for a bit, I could easily go for it again."

"I can't. If you remember, you shredded my jumpsuit to ribbons." Chance said. "I guess I ought to thank you though, I'd be sweating in them in this jungle otherwise."

Chance sighed as he slid down the wing he had been sitting on and landed in the grass below to search for his wrench. Picking the discarded tool up, he looked it over and then climbed back onto the wing; the metal creaking as it leaned somewhat to the side. "So Garr, where is it you come from?"

"Urkan Tapa. To the north of here several hundred miles." Garr explained.

"Nice. There others like you?"

Garr's expression became somewhat sullen, the Guardian's wings drooping a bit as he continued to work on removing a panel; as if unimpeded by the words. "Not anymore." He responded.

"Oh." Chance frowned somewhat. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be." Garr shook his head. "My kind... at least what I am became an extinct race long ago."

"Still, it's gotta be pretty lonely."

Garr turned an eye toward the feline and gave him a slight nod. "Sometimes. What about you?"


"Are there others of your kind? You seem fairly unique as well."

Chance shook his head. "Nah, in my world everyone looks...well we're all the same species."

"Ah." Garr nodded and returned to his work. "And somehow you ended up here?"

"Yeah. My partner Jake developed this new engine that would make our jet be someplace in the blink of an eye. Somehow it landed me in a whole 'nother world."

"Partner?" Garr raised an eyebrow. "I am unfamiliar with this--"

"Oh." Chance pondered for a moment. "Well he and I fight crime together, we call ourselves the Swat Kats."

"Huh." Garr nodded understandingly before he returned to his work, wiping sweat from his brow as he did so. "We best hurry." He admitted before wrenching another part loose and pulling it clear from the jet. "It will be dark soon, and many dangerous animals wander these woods at night." Chance nodded in agreement, and removed another large metal panel.

It didn't take long for the orange glow to fade to a more silvery colored one as the sun set past the horizon, and the shining color of a moon emerged almost simultaneously from the western cliffs. It was a full moon, and left the area still well lit as Garr and Chance made their way back toward the clearing they picked for their campsite. Their backs faced a large rock wall, while each side was covered in trees; the trees opened up into the open space that led back down the hills toward the lower part of the valley; the shine of a nearby river could be seen between the trees, running along the center, leading off into an unknowing distance. Things were quiet as the two of them settled around the fire; the sound of crickets chirping off in the distance and the soft crackle of fire were the only things that could be made out through the darkness. Chance laid back and groaned a bit; the stress of the day's work making his back ache, putting his hands behind his head, he looked at Garr seated across from him;

The dragon-looking man was extremely well muscled, that was something that Chance had noticed right off the bat; when he removed the tunic he wore, his form reflected perfectly off the similarly-colored glow of the fire as its shadows and lights bounced off of him. Chance adjusted his posture somewhat, bringing his knees up so they arched over the ground. "So, Garr. What was that when we first met?"

"Hmm?" Garr cocked his head a bit. "Oh..." He added with a bit of a divert in his eyes. "Ahh... it happens every few seasons; I am overwhelmed with an insatiable urge procreate. This rutting sees little difference between males and females; I just have to breed with someone and it becomes a relentless thirst that gets more and more needful as the days go on. What you encountered was following a three-week dry cycle. I--I didn't want to force that on anyone."

Chance chuckled, enjoying the unconscious display of muscle the dragon was putting on. He nodded a bit and continued to somewhat hide his arousal between his legs, but with his shaft now lying over his stomach, he was finding it more and more difficult to lay there with it dripping on him without the dragon noticing. "Well, it's not like I'm gay or nothin' but I didn't have a problem with it."

"Gay?" Garr cocked his head.

"Slang term, means me being into guys. I'm not, you know."

"Of course." Garr answered somewhat dubiously. "That much was obvious."


Chance was caught off guard as the dragon grabbed him by the waist and pulled the feline on top of him. Chance froze as his hands fell on Garr's large chest, his head hovering over the thick neck, those piercing red eyes staring at him in the moonlight. "Perhaps this is better?" He asked.

"I didn't--"

Garr smirked, his talons trailing down Chance's back and pressing the cat against him firmly. "You think I cannot smell your arousal, Chance?" He pressed his crotch firmly against Chance's; showing it to be just as rigid. "You may touch me if you like, I see how you look at me. You're impressed by my physique, and I am glad to show it off..."

Chance had turned his head somewhat; straining hard to resist dripping onto the wrappings that covered the dragon's loins. Slowly he glanced at Garr; his smirk having never left his face and Chance's fingers touched the male's flesh and he squeezed Garr's muscle just a bit. Garr puffed up his chest, making it a more prominent display for the cat; whose hands caressed it. It was hairless; as one would expect from a scaled creature, but the texture was tougher than skin. Chance couldn't help but feel aroused by the feeling of scales that seemed to blend together so nicely; it was like feeling a fleshy, more toned skin of kevlar or sturdy fabric than actual flesh. The only major difference Chance felt was as his hands passed over the dragon's pectoral muscles, he could feel a distinct ridge near the centers. Some sort of draconic nipples maybe? The sensation had Chance groping back several times as he started to make his way down Garr's body. His hands following the ripples of the man's abdominal muscles before trailing back up and over his shoulders so they trekked down the dragon's large shoulders and boulder-sized biceps. He noticed a difference between the fleshier feel on the dragon's front versus the more-armored feeling scales set back toward his anterior. Garr didn't seem to mind the once-over as he laid his arms out for the touch, then returned them to Chance's waistline as his hands moved on. Chance had never felt this sort of attraction before, and had almost forgotten about his leaking shaft, until the smell caught up with him.

"Oh, shit. I'm... I'm makin' a mess, sorry about that." Chance frowned apologetically.

Garr chuckled. "Don't worry about it, I can see you're having a good time."

"It's just that--" Chance paused for a moment before instinct overtook him, and he pressed his face into Garr's chest with a firm bite that made the dragon growl guterally. Chance released the pressure of his maw and he dragged his rough tongue along the hard flesh. He could feel his body shaking now as the closeness brought with it the scent of Garr's sex, making him want the dragon even more. It felt like an age before he finally pulled his head back, breathing in a sigh before blinking the lust from his eyes. "I'm--I'm sorry..."

"You apologize far too much."

Chance sighed before dragging his hands along Garr's body once more, then settling off to one side. "It's just hard to know what to do in these situations..." He stopped as Garr placed a hand on his shoulder and sat up himself.

"If you aren't ready to ride the dragon again, I won't force you to." He said with a smirk. "It was fun the last time. I can live with that."

Chance sighed. "I'm just not sure..." He said.

Garr chuckled again; "Don't worry about it." He said as he examined his now-drenched pants and the prominent bulge now pressed into their outer layer. "But I am going to wash up and put some water to these clothes." He said. "I'll be back in about fifteen minutes." He rose to his feet and glanced over the feline. If we are to head back to civilization soon, it might be prudent for us to find you some new clothes as well."

"Right." Chance smiled. "I'll see what I can do."

Garr parted, disappearing into the darkness of the trees in the direction of the river as Chance took a stick and began to prod at the brilliant campfire beside him. After a few minutes he ran his hand over his face and sat upright again. He got to his feet and slowly began to follow in the direction that the dragon had gone.

The trees grew thick quickly around Chance as he walked into the forest; the glow of the campfire slowly fading as the woods closed in behind him, now only guiding himself by the shafts of moonlight piercing the canvas above. As the trees opened up again, Chance came out into the patch of moonlight just before the riverbank. It took a moment before his eyes adjusted themselves as he spotted Garr's hulking form by the river. He had fashioned a stand of branches and was in the process of hanging his wet clothing over them; his backside, firm and round was rather prominent against the pale color of the moonlight. As he settled his clothing, Garr stepped into the river's water and moved out until it reached the backs of his knees. Chance didn't feel right standing in the open like this, and quickly moved around behind the line of bushes that bordered the river as he watched.

Garr reached down and splashed water up onto his form a few times, dipping his hands in and rubbing it onto his face; giving his body a distinct glimmer accentuated by the light now. Properly wet, Garr found a spot to rest that wasn't quite as deep and seated himself in the river with a long groan. Garr closed his eyes as he came to a rest, his erection still somewhat visible at the surface, occasionally poking through the water as the dragon leaned back and stretched his legs under the water. It was almost more than Chance could stand; his paw wrapped around his flesh and he began to stroke himself just at the sight of the dragon's muscular form resting in the water. Garr was clearly hard, how was it he paid it such little mind? He watched the guardian's tip rise and dip under the water as Garr continued to idly splash water on himself.

Chance turned away for a moment and focused on his cock, his hand twisting along its length like a corkscrew; he couldn't have Garr coming back to camp to this, he needed to take care of it before--

"Chance?" He heard the dragon's voice and the cat froze. "If you're going to go to all that trouble, you might as well join me."

Chance peered around the bushes he sat down behind and saw Garr looking in his direction; his hand slowly indulging his own flesh as he eyed the feline. Chance swallowed the lump in his throat and returned to his feet. "I--erm..."

"Just get over here." Garr said, rolling his eyes slightly, but keeping the smirk.

Chance walked over to the dragon, who only adjusted his posture as the cat approached. Taking a large hand, he pressed it firmly against Chance's butt and pulled him closer, letting the cock slide past his lips and into his mouth. Chance gasped and moaned a bit as Garr pulled his hips intimately close as his tongue slid along the cat's shaft. It was slippery and smooth, unlike a cat's tongue, and it felt overwhelming to all at once have his thick member deep in a hot, wet mouth. Garr let out a growl of enjoyment as his other hand met his first and he pushed Chance's hips firmly, aggressively swallowing every inch of his cock with enjoyment. Chance could feel his cock dripping profusely into the dragon's throat, and he could feel it squeeze tight with every swallow Garr made. Garr's claw grasped Chance's balls and he gripped them, pulling them toward his maw with every push of his hand. Chance's fingers took a moment to find something to hold onto before resting on the back of Garr's head. He bucked inward and Garr moaned a bit and swallowed, his beak salivating with backwash as every pulse of precum surged into the back of his throat. Chance gasped and closed his eyes, he felt Garr's fingers slip between his ass cheeks and probe at his hole, it was slight; a glancing tease, but feeling Garr grip at the muscle made him clench up. He felt the dragon's tongue press down his balls, Garr's mouth opening up to accept every inch of it and tease at the fuzzy bits dangling there. Chance found himself sucking in his lower lip and dragging his teeth along it as his breath grew shorter.

"G-Garr....." He warned, but Garr didn't let up. Chance's needful gasp seemed to increase the dragon's ravenous sucking. Chance felt his stomach tighten, the fur on the back of his neck standing with a ready tingle. "NNNNNHHHH!" He grunted as he felt every urge burning in his cock suddenly start shooting out of it.

Garr grunted a bit and his head shot back slightly from the sudden blast of cum shooting down his throat, but he quickly regained his momentum and started swallowing hard. Every pulse Chance felt, he felt a swallow until every ounce had spilled from the cat's flesh and it hung; occasionally spasming on the tip of Garr's tongue before it fell free from his lips. He grinned at the cat. "So, what was this about... not being gay?" He asked.

"Ahahh..." Chance responded with a nervous chuckle. "Well, you know; it's fun."

"That is a rather gross understatement." Garr smirked. "That was fun."

"Well... I mean..."

Garr raised his eyebrows. "Wasn't it?"

"Well, yeah, of course it was." Chance replied. "But what about...?" He gestured to the prominent shaft now an inch above the water.

"What, this?" Garr replied. "Oh don't worry about it, I'll take care of it later. I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"You won't." Chance said assuredly.

"Are you sure?"

Responding to Garr's question with a laugh, Chance turned around and lowered himself to his knees before bringing his arms and chest to the floor, displaying his backside for the dragon in a rather prominent display. A display that prompted an almost-immediate response as Garr turned over and climbed out of the water to greet the cat's ass with his tongue. Chance moaned as he felt the dragon's tongue slither along his nethers, pressing against his balls and sliding upward along his taint to his ass. Chance wiggled his backside as much as he could, but Garr's firm grip soon found his hips and put a stop to his swaying. He could feel the dragon's hot breath wash over his fur, the tongue slowly circling Chance's hole before pressing inward. Chance; who unlike before when he had no chance to adjust, really felt the tongue's penetration and he grabbed the ground under him this time. He could feel Garr's tongue dive in and pull back from his ass as Garr spread his cheeks out. He'd already spent himself, but all this action was making Chance hard again. He felt Garr's left hand reach down and start to stroke on his shaft, the dragon climbing into a more-aggressive position behind him. Garr pressed his tongue in, and like some sort of perverse vending machine, seemed to find a button that pumped a small leak from Chance's cock; he felt Garr's hand tighten and spread the precum along his shaft before withdrawing his hand and applying it to himself. Garr then pulled at Chance's waist and slid in more directly. He withdrew his tongue and lifted his body up, squeezing his thick dragon shaft between the feline's cheeks in a lewd depiction of dominance. Garr drew his cock downward and pressed the tip firmly against Chance's hole and Chance felt the penetration begin. He gasped loudly and took a sharp breath as he had forgotten exactly how big the dragon was. As soon as the tip pressed in, he yowled out in pain, causing Garr to pause.

"A-are you...okay?" He asked, huffing his words out between breaths; Chance could tell Garr was holding himself back some.

"F-fine..." Chance admitted as he twisted his hips to accommodate the dragon shaft. "F-fuck me Garr... I want you to fuck me!"

Garr didn't hesitate to acquiesce and the next lunge was a lot harder, making Chance cry out as his ass muscles pushed apart to make room for the dragon's seeping member. He could feel injections of warmth pump against his prostate and Chance's gasps of pain were short lived as they gave way to moans of pleasure. His body felt like a glove being stretched to its limits, and after that brief moment of discomfort, he grew to enjoy it and want it more. He angled his ass just enough so he could return the thrusts that Garr was sending into him, slapping his ass back against the dragon's muscular torso as Garr fucked him. Chance's claws dug into the earth under him and he felt himself draining out into the grass under his cock. Garr drew back and slammed into him again, making Chance yelp a bit and his cock slap against his stomach again, and again. The dragon grabbed Chance's tail and pulled it back; using it as a lever to push himself in deeper. The dragon already beat Chance in height by a good foot, and in width by about twice his own size; it only seemed natural that the dragon's cock give Chance's body a run for its money. As the flesh squeezed past his ring again and again, each pass attempting to plummet deeper into him, he felt his body was at its limits, and still he wanted more. He pushed his ass back harder this time, feeling the hilt of the dragon's member striking against him. Their bodies began to collide harder and harder this time. Garr's large hand had moved from Chance's cock to the underside of his belly and Chance could feel the dragon moving deeper and deeper within him, it was enough to send him over the edge with a violent shaking.

"AHHHH! FUCKFUCKFUCK!" He grunted and felt himself shooting thick, hard strands of cum into the ground. His body thrust forward again and his cock bounced, shooting ropes of seed against his chest and Garr's claw.

Without even a warning, Garr grabbed Chance's body and spun him over. A long lick of white shot across the cat's face as Garr threw up Chance's legs and rested them on top of his shoulders, almost doubling the cat over as he completely sent his cock into the feline's ass. Garr roared, his eyes rolling back as every muscle strained, the dragon roared upward and cried toward the moon as a sudden flooding began to shoot its way into Chance's body. Chance felt his stomach swell, and a burst of semen began to spill its way back out of him almost immediately. He didn't care, the heat, the smell of sex. Chance hadn't rutted in so long, that he had almost forgotten how amazing it felt. To have a partner bigger than he was for once was a massive difference. He cried out again, grasping at the ground under him before another volley of cum began to shoot across his stomach and neck. Their waves soon started to slow down, and eventually they weren't getting each other off again and again as Garr's spent cock slipped from Chance's ass, spewing a last-few vestiges of cum before finally falling limp.

With a groan, Garr curled Chance up into a warm embrace and the two kissed.


"Yes..." Garr replied to chance, who was out of breath as well. "That was--overwhelming..."

"If you're tryin' to get me to feel comfortable about being lost on some unknown world and away from home, you're sure as hell doing a good job of it."

Garr smiled and hugged Chance, resting his body against him. "That is good."

Chance felt tired all of a sudden, he hadn't realized how stressful the day had been on him, and how much he needed the release. "But I've got to find a way..."

Garr curled up against Chance and smiled. "Of course you do. But for now, at least..."

"Yeah..." Chance smiled. "Thanks."


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