Death becomes him

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#9 of On the sending out of the soul...

On the sending out of the soul... the books true nature begins to show as dark tidings sweep campus

Death becomes him

"IOIOOWWWW ITS SO FUCKIN' BIG!" Cameron screamed, as the little mouse hammer his upraised buttocks with a wild savagely one would never expect from the meek little rodent. Danny's muzzle split into a wide grin, as he pounded that big Antelopes loose sloppy ass with all his might. Cameron had invited the upset mouse to spend the night with him, after Toby's body had been found. And the nerdy rodent was taking full advantage of that, and of the complaint jock. He'd use sympathy to get Cameron into bed, and now was working out ten years of pent up sexually frustration on that big sexy body. Or more truthfully inside of it, he'd started out slow; working the Antelope into a state of arousal. And now the passive stud was getting used hard, Danny had cum a dozen times at least. First in that sweet muzzle and then in the jocks round perfect bubble butt.

Cameron lay muzzle down in his own bed, chewing on the sheets as his aching tail hole was brutally pounded. He'd been stunned at the size of the mouses prick to begin with, now he just wished the little rodent would let him get some sleep. Danny had been at it all night and it would be dawn soon, still the horny mouse straddled him thigh's fucking hard. Cameron already knew his ass would never be the same, as above him Danny moaned and squeaked loudly cumming hard if weakly. The mouses balls didn't have much left to give at this point, and Cameron's abused anus couldn't hold it in anymore at this point. That angry red pucker hung open, even after the panting mouse pulled out. Cum, lube and mucus from his bowels oozed out and down his sweat soaked ball's dripping onto the bed sheets. Snuggled against his side the small rodent was already snoring softly, Cameron glanced at the clock and knew there was no point in him sleeping, he had to be up in thirty minutes he had to be up for his morning run.

Slipping away from his little guest the Antelope, stagger off to the bath room to take a quick shower. The hot water washing over him felt damn good to Cameron, washing away the dirt, sweat, cum and mournful feelings at losing Toby. It was odd he'd disliked the ground Hog at first, teasing and torturing him at every turn. But then thing had changed, with his jock buddies had turned on him Toby had been there to offer friendship. It was amazing how fast his feeling about the nerdy ground Hog had changed, Toby had taught him about pleasure and pain. Had shared so much with him in such a short time, and now it was gone forever. Tears welled up in Cameron's eyes once more, as these thoughts run through his mind. It was shocking to the big jock that he cried so much for his nerdy little friend, he'd not cried this much when his dad had died.

Cameron stepped out of the shower and began drying himself with a fluffy white towel, only to discover that his anus was still gaping open. Leaking disgusting fluid onto the towel, he panicked a bit at this. He couldn't go out like this... looking around desperately, he finally grabbed some toilet paper balled it up and shoved it up his gaping hole. And then put on a pair of tight fitting briefs before dressing it loose fitting sweats for his morning run.


Toby gagged as he starred at the brain in the bowl... it was his brain, or at least it had been. Now it was just so much cold dead tissue, and it put an end to any hope he'd had of going back to his old body. "Hey whats taking so long?" Veronika asked, as she pasted through the double door and bumped into the tall athletic Wolf starring down at the gore. "Ohoo fuck I'm gunna be sick." The big lush mare choked looking away quickly, even as a thought struck her. "Wait is that you... your... We're screwed ain't we?" Toby quickly pushed her out of the room and then looked her in the eye with tears welling up in them both.

"We're stuck as we are..." He admitted with a gulp, his long pointed ear perking up; someone was coming. "Come on we can't be found here." He grunted numbly taking her arm and leading her away, through the maze of corridors in the medical centers basement.

"This... this is all because of that... that book!" Veronika choked, as they popped out the unguarded morgue entrance and hurried across the deserted parking lot. "That damn thing is dangerous... Errr where is it now?"

"Safely hidden." Toby assured as they started back across campus, not knowing the his hiding place had been discover and that the book was loose again.

"That damn thing needs to be destroyed." Davor purred in the mares husky voice, made all the deeper by shock and anger.

"Maybe so..." Toby was forced to agree, changing direction to head towards the statue and its hiding place. "We can go get it and burn it." The big Wolf agreed, as he saw how intent the Mare was on destroying the book; as if that would make everything alright. The street lights were flickering and winking on and off, as false dawn burned away towards actual dawn. Across the way Toby saw Cameron trotting around campus on his morning run, and waved to the Antelope as they past. The statue of the old steel magnate, who's philanthropy had paid for the historic campus library loomed up ahead of them. Toby quickly accessed the secret hidden compartment in the statues base... that very few furs knew about. Originally built into the statue's base to house the steel magnates ashes... but the family had decided differently after his death. And so the hidden compartment had remained empty and forgotten, peering inside the Wolf couldn't see it. Quickly he jabbed a paw into the compartment feeling around wildly for a instant, before coming to the obvious conclusion. "Its gone..."

"What?" The pretty mare asked looking cute in her confusion, as she watcher her former body slam the secret compartment in anger.

"Its gone... its not here!" Toby roared his his new Wolf voice as he stood looking around the statue wildly. "Someone must have seen me hide it..." He muttered under his breath, looking from building to building room to room. They were all dark except for one... this in it's self didn't prove anything of course. It could just be some early riser, still Toby had a feeling it was almost like a sense of dread. This book wasn't just a harmless curiosity like he'd thought at first, darkness and death had came with it. It was in his head now of course that was how he'd gone in Davor's body, his memory of the writing within the book. "Come on we've got to find it before... before something bad happens."

"Again?" Veronika choked as she shifted from hoof to hoof uncomfortably in the cold morning air, she really was dressed to lightly for the weather.

"Again!" Toby agreed with a gulp, as he headed for the dorm building with it's single light burning...


"Terrance you can't leave you door open the hallway feels like... Terrance..." The Raccoon peered into the hot damp tropical room in shock, the normally very neat room was surprisingly untidy. "Ummmm Terrance..." And then he saw him laying on the floor in a puddle of blood that was obviously his own, the Raccoon covered his mouth with one paw and backed away eye wide in horror. "Oh Gods Ohoo gods!" Joel stumbled as he collided with a big Wolf who had appeared behind him, he looked up at the Wolf who was staring into the room.

"Go get the campus police." Toby ordered, more to get the raccoon out of his way more than anything else. Joel turned and sprinted off down the hall as Toby turned and looked at Veronika who was looking decidedly unwell. "You stay here I'm going to have a look for the book, I'll be right back." Moving into the sweltering hot room, the big Wolf made sure to not step on any of the blood. As he looked around quickly, the small book was no where to be seen. However Toby was now more sure than ever it had been there, and that someone had carried it off.

Kneeling beside the lizard, Toby checked for a pulse and was unsurprised when he found none. Was he killed for the book... or because of what he'd been doing with it? The naked lizard had clearly been engaged in sex with someone, his organ still dangled out and was oozing cum. The scent in the air told him it had been anal, and that the low fur had been a grass eater of some kind that matched the bloody hoof prints. Did the killer have the book now? Out the window Toby could see flashing lights, so he carefully made his way back to the doorway.

"Do you think the book caused this?" Veronika asked as she looked up at the Wolfs handsome muzzle, almost forgetting that it had been her muzzle once.

"Without a doubt." Toby answered grimly, as he looking down the hall at the smudges of blood that his keen Lupine nose could smell. "I'm going to try and find the killer, I'm sure he's got the book. You stay here and when Officer Jonny gets here tell him where I went and that I'll be back as soon as I'm done."

"Oh ok." The battered mare answered weakly, it had been a long night for both of them. But much more traumatic for her, and now shock and exhaustion was beginning to take it's toll. "Be careful."

"I will." Toby answered as he ran off tracing those tracks, letting his sensitive new nose lead him where it would. From the concrete pathways where the early risers were out getting coffee of breakfast, across the grassy areas where the dew made it hard for him to follow. He approached a young Folf sipping her coffee, and quickly ask her if she had seen anyone crossing but the answer was no. The trail quickly lead off the quad and through a forested area, down to the river ending at the river bank. Blood was washed away with the cold dark waters headed out to the ocean, and still there was no sign of that dread book.


Aria warmed her paws on the Moonbucks cup, as she sipped at the hot bitter fliud within. Like most other students the Folf lived on coffee, she loved these early morning strolls. It was so quite and calm now, and watching the dew sparkle on the grass was beautiful. Suddenly a small dark shape caught her eye, kneeling down the Folf picked up the small book reading the title curiously. 'On the Sending Out of the Soul.' The Folf looked inside, but found it wasn't a library book nor did it have anyone's name inside. It was obvious from the title it was some type of metaphysical work, which oddly enough was right up the slinky Folf alley. Shoving the little tome into her jacket pocket, Aria took another sip of her coffee and strolled on.

She was strolling across the large grassy yard when a tall handsome Wolf trotted up to her, he was breathing deeply and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"Have you seen anyone... maybe running... a hoofer?" He panted cutely as he slid to a stop in front of her."

"No sorry I haven't seen anyone since I left the coffee shop." Aria answered truthfully, as the obviously impatient Wolf snorted and hurried off towards the river. "Rude..." The Folf snorted as she strolled onward, one paw sliding into her jacket pocket. Finding the small tome she had almost forgotten about, fingers exploring the outline absently as she walked along. Enjoying the morning as she watched the college come alive, the hustle and bustle ruining the serenity of sunrise. Sometimes she wished that they would all just disappear, and the calm solitude of morning could rule her day. Of course that would never happen, and the Folf had to admit she wouldn't truly want it to. She heard paw steps behind her and that handsome Wolf past her again, now running in the other direction he didn't even spare her a glance this time. "Wheres the fire?" Aria mumbled under her breath, as she watched his tail sway sexily as he ran off ahead of her. But then that was the trouble with cute guys, they where always so self obsessed and convinced whatever they were doing was in most important thing in the world.


Raul tossed his bloody clothes into the furnace watching them steam and sputter, the big Zebra took a long shuddering breath. Bitter tears stung his eyes as he tried to force the memories of what he'd done, and what had been done to him from his mind. Thing had not gone as he'd planned on his trip outside his body, and when he'd returned to find himself violated. The straight jock had over reacted he hadn't meant to kill the lizard, yet when he'd stopped kicking and stomping Terrance had been dead. Raul gulped as he realized he would have to live with that forever, guilt swept over him and his eyes teared up again.

Wiping his eye's on the sleeve of his bath robe, he watched as his wet clothes at last burst into flames. And he closed the furnace door tightly, leaving the basement and trotting back up to his room. Where he sat down heavily on his bed, and breathed in slow deep breathes for a few minutes. Wondering how things had gotten fuck up so badly, it had all sounded so simple... so easy. How had everything gotten so out of hand... gone wrong in so many ways? It was all that damn books fault it was evil, he understood that now. The big Zebra's mind flashed back to running across the quad blood on his hooves, when suddenly he'd looked down and realized it was still in his hand. He'd dropped it in shock then, left it laying in the dew soaked grass as he ran to the river to wash the Lizards blood off of him. He hadn't giving the book a second thought after that, until he was in his shower washing the sweat, cum and blood off of himself.

"That damn book!" He swore then, pulling on a clean set of clothes as he decided to find it and burn it. The campus was bustling by now, as student hurried to get sometime to eat before morning class's began. Raul made his way as casually as he could to the spot where he thought he'd dropped the book, but it was nowhere to be seen. While ahead student clustered around a building, Raul knew why of course... someone had found Terrance's body. Just then the crowd parted, and a handsome Wolf jock came through leading a uniform campus police fur and a plain suited city detective. The Zebra felt fear clutch his heart and he frozen for an instant as the trio walked past him.

"So I tracked the blood scent across here and into the tree's... like I said the guy went to the river..." The Wolf was explaining, as he lead the Police furs pasted Raul and on towards the river. The Zebra finally got his legs moving again, and walked on up it the crowd as fast as he could. Mingling around with them asking what was going on, there were a number of wild stories about a suicide or assault. Of course the Zebra knew the real story went he heard it, someone was dead and they were murdered. Turning away he walked to the nearest dining hall and had breakfast, it helped that weak feeling and made him more sure than ever he'd have to keep his actions hidden.

He couldn't destroy this thing if he was locked up, and if he didn't do it who would. No it wasn't a selfish thing, he had to stay free to hunt the book down. And after he'd destroyed it maybe then he'd turn himself in... yeah that's it he'd turn himself in after he destroyed the book...

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