No Tit for Tat

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Hooves has and old friend over...

"Hey." The might golden draft horse ruffles the Zebracorn's spiky mane on the way in, his massive feral body barely fitting through the door.

"Errr your coming in?" Hooves grunts looking that big sexy feral equine body over, as it shoves past him and into the house.

"Well you wont leave me on the porch will you?" The mighty draft horse asks teasingly as he trots into the kitchen.

"Naw... of course not." Hooves answers watching in wonder as the massive stud clops into his kitchen leaving dinner plate size hoof prints in the linoleum, and beings messing with the fridge. Hooves snorts, making the massive feral look around at him curiously.

"It's noisy." Vye observes nosing the fridge so hard it rocks back and forth, before he moves on over to the counter.

"Hahah... No surprise there its very old." The sleek Zebracorn explains, as he quickly rushes over to stop the fridge from rocking.

"I guess you're used to it..." The big sunny gold draft horse snorted, nuzzling along the counter top until he found a bowl full of apples.

"Yep..." Hooves answers plainly as he watches his Fuji apples disappear far to quickly, as the big stallion gorges himself.

"I had a good new year, but new year eve was boring." He explains, bits of apple spraying across the counter top as he talks.

"Oho... thats to bad, well at least the rest of the year was good." Hooves reminds as he picks up the apple bits and forlornly toss's the in the garbage can.

"Oh it was?" The big Draft horse grunts picking his head up and looking at the Zebracorn curiously again.

"That's what you said anyway."

"I know, you caught me there." Vye chuckles taking a knife out of a drawer, and scratching himself with it. Before wandering back off into the living room, where he stands taking up much of the room.

"Heh... so your bored now to I take it." Hooves asks as he comes and sits beside the mighty feral. "Are you chaffing in that bridle?"

"Mostly itchy at times... why?"

"I would have to rub liniment on ya silly."

"Liniment?" The big stud flicks his ears at the word, having never heard of that word apparently.

"Its for sore spots." Hooves explained with a soft smile, and he leaned against that big warm equine body.

"I might take you up on that to help..."


"Well you said it might help..."

"Only if your chaffing."

"Oh no... it only itcha, so I guess I'm not eligible for a massage with that huh."

"Nope only scratching." Hooves laughs, scratching the draft horses massive body playfully as he grunts and thrusts his lower lip out.

"D'aww... I need to get this thing off me as soon as possible." The sexy golden draft stud snorts, shaking the bridle on his head.

"Oh? Why? I thought you were enjoying all the females it was getting you stud boi."

"Well..." The mighty feral draft horse blushes and paws at the floor with one massive hoof. "Sometime it does do that..." He admitted with a sly lustful smile, his thick stud stick dropping down from it's sheath.

"Hahaha... So the truth is out." Hooves laughs at his straight friend, all the while enjoying the sight of that massive cock as it dangles and stiffens.

"So yeah that's good, but its mostly an annoyance no hands to do this with; sleeping standing up."

"Well you'll need to get in touch with whoever locked you in it." The Zebracorn explained knowing the magic was not to be easily broken. Vye nods vigorously even as he was frowning at the Zebracorn groping hands that had smoothing slipped onto his huge cock. Getting angry he whirls around causing the lead rope attached to the magic bridle to flip up and smack across his back.

"Hehe." Hooves reaches out plucking it off the ferals broad back... and the tugging on it playfully. "Hmmmm so what is this all about?" Vye's eyes go wide as his muzzle is forced to follow the tug.

"And that's always just hanging there from my muzzle, getting in the way of nodding."

"Really because it seems to have some influence over you..." Hooves teases tugging the handsome feral stallion's muzzle down with the rope. Vye lowers ears as his muzzle dips down, not liking being controlled at all.

"Well it's a bridle with a lead rope." He grunts comfortably, having already experienced how much power those things gave others over him.

"Yes... I can see that." Hooves chuckles wickedly, slipping the rope between his long sleek equine legs and pulling the straight draft horse's muzzle to his naked crotch.

"Gaw! Stop it!" Vye exclaims, trying to grab the rope and jerk it away from the naughty Zebracorn.

"What?" Hooves teases smirking as he pulls that big feral muzzle close to his velvety smooth sheath. Vye flattens his ears as he's pulled so close to another males musty crotch. "Heheh this really is handy." Hooves giggles uproariously as he watches his straight friend breath in his crotch musk.

"No it's not." The big golden draft horse grumbles twisting and tugging as he tried to get away. While the excited Zebracorn dances and prances, rubbing his velvety soft crotch against that big round feral nose. "Depends on who you are I guess..." Hooves laughs.

"Awww no." Vye winces as he fights to pull away, stopped squarely by the bridle tightly clamped to his long narrow equine head.

"Hahaha... to bad it can't make you open your mouth." Hooves observes grinning evilly down at the stunned draft horse.

"Good thing it can't! "Vye counters, as Hooves let him lift his head again; the big straight draft horse rubbing his muzzle frantically on nearby furniture. You're evil... simply evil you know that." He accuses his friend, however the gay Zebracorn only giggles and prances suggestively.

"You love it..." Hooves accused right back with a lustful smirk as he kissed Vye's nose. "Or you wouldn't hang around with me all the time... beside we both know you'd abuse it if you had power over me."

"I hang out around you because you're a friend, not because you're a evil homosexual rapist... And no I wouldn't abuse if I had power over you."

Hahaha... You have in the past... repeatedly!" Hooves reminded, his smile growing more wicked and dark.

"Nuh uh!" Was all Vye could manage in denial, as his lip's curled up at the memories.

"Turned me into a female... used me for you pleasures." Hooves reminded the big sexy draft horse, making him paw at the floor guilty.

"Oh well now..." Vye blushed, as that long feral stud stick slapped stiffly against his belly splatter pre-cum all over the carpet. "Well that was only one time."

"Hah... try six times!" Hooves snorted darkly as he shiver at the thought of what had been done to him.

Vye stammered and blushed brightly as he countered softly. "You can't say I treated you badly..."

"No more badly than I rubbing your muzzle against my goodies."

"It's not the same thing." The massive thickly muscled draft horse grumbled, shaking his head and looking worried.

"Is to... is to..." Hooves countered, just as silly as the draft horse had minutes before.

"I've been female for you as well..."

"And I never touched you... I'm not into females!" Hooves shouted, clearly this was getting the gay Zebracorn's blood up.

"I guess you hated the attention then." The cocky draft horse grinned, knowing he'd given the Zebracorn orgasm's from his rutting.

"Hated myself for having a bloody icky old vag..." Hooves complained, not giving in an inch to the horny straight stallion's arguments.

"But I'm sure you didn't hated me, when you were a female rubbing yourself all over pushing back on my cock."

"Hated you no... but was disgusted by what you forced on me."

"Oho you poor thing. Vye chuckled and slap the lead rope against the Zebracorn's velvet black crotch roughly. Hooves winces at the blow, but begins to stiffen within that black sheath. "Whats that?" The big draft horse tauts poking it that bulging sheath playfully with his nose.

"You know very well what it is..." Hooves moans, as that long shiny black hose spills from its hiding place to dangle down between his legs.

"Oops." Vye chuckles bapping it roughly, making the Zebracorn prance in place as his stud stick hardens swiftly. "Looks like you'll have to take care of that... off you go now."

"You see this..." Hooves shake that stiffening cock at the straight draft horse, splattering pre-cum over as he does so. "You caused it and now your going to have to take care of it!"

"Eeewww." Vye whimpers looking around for somewhere to wipe the sparkling Zebracorn pre off of him. "No... No way!" Hooves yanks on that lead rope to keep the big stud from getting away...

"The only question is... how are you going to do it?" Hooves chuckled lewdly, watching the look of horror on the bigger stallion's expressive muzzle.

"Don't fucking touch those leads!" Vye whinnied staying very still as he watched the lewdly leering Zebracorn toy with the lead rope.

"Now what are you going to be doing... sucking or bucking?" Hooves smirked fondling his own rock hard erection, as he pulled the big feral stallion closer.

While Vye tried with all his might to not move, but can't fight the magic of the bridle nor the strenght of the Zebracorn. And his big lush equine body begins to move forwards toward the pull of the lead rope. "Hells no! You have hands for that!" He protested wildly, as that fat black equine cock drew nearer and nearer to his muzzle.

"Hah... I'm not the one who got it to come out..." Hooves countered lustfully, as he hump his hip's forwards suggestively.

"Heh... you know, that's just like the good ol' days where I'd put Viagra in your drinks for shit and giggles... I'm only teasing."

"Oho I see... just like back then, when you'd leave me all hard and needy with blue ball's... except for THIS! Hooves yanks the lead rope, pulling the draft stallion's muzzle down so he can rub the velvety glans of that mighty equine cock over those protesting lip's.

"Argh... please no." Vye spits as Hooves cock head makes contact with his nose and lip's. "Ick... this is disgusting."

"Oh poor thing." Hooves snickers, as he smears pre-cum over that big round equine nose and then down to those protesting lip's. Vye lost a little bit of the erection he had from talking about Hooves female time earlier, grimacing as that big black cock gets him sticky. "Awwww whats wrong?" The sneaky Zebracorn teases waiting for his victim to open his mouth.

"I'm not sucking you off." The big straight draft horse growls through his clenched teeth, having seen the Zebracorn's trick before.

"Ok... I like the back door just as well." The wicked Zebracorn chuckles evilly, reaching back to cup and squeeze those plump equine butt cheek. Vye blushes as those three fingered hands fondle his large draft horse butt, the size difference remarkable once those hands were on it.

"That is not any better." He squeals shifting his hooves to swing his big ass away from those groping hands.

"Sure it is... No teeth to get in my way. MMMUUAHAHA" Hooves guffawed heartily as Vye drops ears, still firmly held by the rope and bridle. Hooves quickly ties that lead rope to a wall ring and moves around behind the big sexy feral stud. Running both hands over those big round ass cheeks, fondling them lustfully as that golden tail clamps down over Vye's big pink plucker.

"Don't tie me up dammit." Vye demands squirming around, the rump rubs feeling good and he could see himself getting aroused if Hooves were female.

"Well would you hold still for this if I didn't?" Hooves asks rubbing lower, stroking the backs of those big hot feral thigh's. Before slipping between them cupping those huge horse balls, and then stroking down that long shaft. Forcing it to harden back up against the straight stallion's will, even as Hooves edged his muzzle around that clamped down tail. Flickering his slimy tongue tip over that hot equine anus, tasting sweet salt and musk but also bitter bits of manure. Still he licked until that big round anal ring was shiny with spit, before pressing his hot slimy cock head against it.

"No... no i wouldn't." Vye moans stamping at the floor harder and harder, even as his long rock hard cock begins to drool once more.

"Hahah... then there is your answer big boi." The sexy Zebracorn smirked as he leaned forwards over that broad feral equine back, grabbing the bridle and pulling back. Forcing the massive draft horse to back up onto that stiff organ already pressing against firming against that hot tail hole. Vye shifted his weight on his hooves, trying to move out of the way of that hard fucker. Groaning and trying to pull off the guide rope, but only fails miserably in these attempts. "Ohoooo come on sweety hold still now." Hooves moans lustfully, rubbing his slick, slimy cock head against that smooth hot flesh; working to get inside of the sexy feral stallion lustily. While the big draft horse clenches down hard, try to lock that hefty intruder out.

"Ummmm now I know your trying to keep me out... however that just makes it tighter and more pleasurable for me ya know." The anthro Zebracorn puffs as his big blunt head finds the center of that clenched hole, as begins to force its way inside. Vye's flanks begin to quiver in muscle strain, the mighty draft horse nickering and snorting as Hooves hard cock pushes inside of him. The sleek Zebracorn moans and lets out a long deep breath of delight, as he feels Vye's hot hole swallow the huge knob of his cock head. "Ohooooo yeah... Ummm you feel so good!" He groans into the draft horses ear, as he lay over that broad back; to just enjoying the sensation of being inside the straight male.

"Uggh... I don't feel too good myself." Vye grunted, even as Hooves nibbles on his long equine neck, as the Zebracorn slowly begin to thrust in and out.

"Ummmm Yeah... Oho baby you feel soooooooo good on my cock tho." Hooves moans tauntingly as his crotch spanks that big round feral ass, more and more lustfully every second.

"Pull it out... pull it out." Vye chokes, even as his huge feral cock begins to smack more and more enthusiastic against his belly.

"Oho but why? You feel so good... I'll be all sated and finished in a few minutes." Hooves lies, knowing he'll be taking his time savoring this conquest his hip's slapping more and more eagerly against that sweet ass as hot pre-cum filling Vye's insides. The big draft horse stallion shaking his head more and more violently, as he feels that hot cream trickling inside of him.

"I don't wanna hear it. Just shut up... shut the fuck up and finish already." The formerly straight stallion groaned, as Hooves soft velvety ball's swinging and smacked against his own bigger ones as the lust myth rutted him harder and faster. But the Zebracorn didn't finish, he just kept fucking on and on for minute and then hours. Both equines covered in frothy equine sweat, as that long black cock shoved in and out. Vye slowly forced to enjoy his violation, as that fat cock massaged his male pleasure gland. Until the big straight feral stallion was screaming and bucking back, his huge balls drawn up tightly. That massive feral fuck stick bouncing and aching to release, until at last both stallion gave a whinny of pleasure. Feral and Anthro cumming hard togather, one flooding the floor with thick rich stud milk while the other filled his formerly straight date friend to neath over flowing...


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