Death in the sky Steam punk 9

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#9 of Steam Punk

Cameron and Charlie struggle to throw a monkey wench in the works, while Vander and the others direct assault the Baron's airship...

Steam Punk 9

"Ow... oow owowoo." Cameron stammered, as he awoke slowly rolling over to sit up on the edge of the bunk.

"You... your awake." Charlie blurted hurrying over to the big Zebracorn, as he groggily tried to stand up.

"I need to go to the water closet." Cameron mumbled weakly his knee's almost buckling, as the shaggy welsh pony slipped under his arm. Hugging close to him, Charlie looked up at the Zebracorn with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry sir!" The little pony sobbed, as the earl peered down at him befuddled for a long moment.

"What... what on earth do you have to be sorry forrr..." Cameron slurred, as the memory of what had happen to him suddenly came flooding back. "Oh gods my coc..." Cameron choked looking down suddenly, seeing his flat empty sheath. Its rim still crusted with bloody scabs, obviously it wasn't a bad dream. "It... it's not your fault." The Zebracorn mumbled, drawing more wild sobbing from the little pony.

"Yes... yes it is... I... I betrayed you." Charlie blurted wildly even as huge tears rolled down his furry cheeks, his lower lip quivering as he sobbed. "I thought... they had my mum... were going to hurt her. But... but it was all a lie, I was misled. But I told them everything you were doing... going to do. And they knew were to attack, how to capture you I told them how. And now they've... he... he ate your... your." Charlie broke down into sobs so hard that he couldn't go on, and buried his muzzle into Cameron side.

"It's ok... its ok..." Cameron mumbled patting the little pony on the shoulder, and hugging him close. "Its not like they wouldn't have attacked anyway, it was only a matter of time. And if you thought you were protecting your mother, well that's completely understandable. As for my coc... Errr what the Baron has done to me... well you had no way of knowing what kind of black-heart he is. And it's not like I ever really used my cock than much anyway, we both know I love yours much better than my own." The Zebracorn grunted, playfully fondling the pony's crotch with his free hand. "Ammmm we'll have to put that to good use later, but right now I really need to... Oops!" The two of them looked down as the hot urine dribbling out of Cameron's deflated sheath, slashing all over both of them. And forming a growing pink tinged puddle on the cabin floor, as it ran down both of them. "Ammm well piss on the Baron and his whole damned airship." Cameron laughed lifting the shaggy welsh ponies muzzle up, so he could plant a slow kiss on his lip's.

"Errr yes but now what are we going to do about clean clothes?" Charlie asked frowning, as he watched drop's of pinkish urine crawl slowly down the legs of his neat uniform trousers.

"I think there are some clothing in that corner locker over there." Cameron said, as he began fumbling at his own ruined dinner clothes. First removing the cuff links, the shiny metal button's on his waist coat and trousers as well as his watch and fob. Before leaving the soggy clothing covering the puddle he'd made on the floor, naked the Zebracorn sat down at the table were the Baron had sat. And began twisting and shaping the small bits of metal, even as charlie came back carrying a pair of black crews coveralls.

"What are you..." Charlie asked, as he sat down opposite the Zebracorn at the small round table.

"Another of my inventions..." Cameron explained, with his tongue dangling from the corner of his mouth. "This is my pocket tool kit... of course that's a bit of a misnomer... as its not strictly carried in ones pockets alone." The Zebracorn lectured, as he quickly turned the seemingly random metal pieces into dozens of small tools. From different sized spanners to screwdrivers and pin punches, short knife blades and even a skeletal key. "Do you think you can remember how to make all those?" Cameron asked, looking up at the small welsh pony shrewdly; as Charlie scrunched up his brow for a moment.

"Show me again." Charlie demanded, as Cameron smiled at the look of concentration on the smaller equines muzzle. Slowly the Zebracorn ran through the dozens of shapes, carefully explaining how the seemingly random parts interlocked at form shapes.

"And once your finished just reverse squeeze to disassemble back into the component parts, if your recaptured it's doubtful anyone will understand the significance of the parts."

"Ummmm ok... but why are you showing me this?" The small welsh pony asked, as it suddenly dawned on him the Zebracorn wasn't just showing off his genius.

"Because that air vent isn't big enough for me to get through." Cameron explained, as he pointed to the seemingly tiny vent over they're heads. "We must slow our enemies down, give our Friends time to catch up with us. For knowing them as I do, I have no doubt Vander and the brothers are hot on our heels."

"Oh Yes!" Charlie squeaked in excitement, as he quickly retold what he'd seen as the airship was taking off.

"So Vander and Henry were coming to our rescue Hmmm?" A smiling Cameron mused, as he thought of the stuffy Hippo who had so recently been an ardent detractor of his now working to save him.

"They were so close." Charlie mourned, as he thought about how close the red Stag had come to saving them from all of this.

"And I'm sure they still are." Cameron comforted, softly as he stroked the pony's shaggy mane gently. "Silver heels is much faster than this beast I'm sure of it, and as long as I have this." He held up the ring that had once dangled from his cock tip, the ring seem to pulse when he held it up. "They will know just where we are, they might even be within sight. Most likely planning our rescue at this very instant." The Zebracorn assured with a reassuring smiled, even as he helped Charlie up on to his shoulder. "Now get that vent grating off and we'll see if we can help them out a bit... that's a good lad."


"Ouch!" Vander grunted, rubbing his sore tail hole as the hot water washed over his naked body.

"Henry can sure stretch a pucker can't he?" Darby snickered, from across the crew shower room as Vander looked over at him startled.

"How on earth did you know..." The red Stag stammered as the smirking brothers, winked at him from where they stood.

"That you were getting you tail hole pounded? The cabin wall aren't that thick... and you've always been a screamer." Corwyn reminded, as he washed his brothers broad back lovingly. "Or that Henry was the one doing the pounding?"

"Alright the former I can see... however the latter?" Vander arched one eyebrow, even as the brothers broke out into rough lustfully amused guffaws.

"He's been pounding everyone he could get his hands on since this journey started." Darby laughed lewdly as he flashed his brother a grin, obviously the pair had already had their turn. "Did he give you that... _'I am not sure I could take the passive role myself'_line, he used that on me after he let my brother fuck him good. I guess he didn't know Cor and I share everything." Darby chuckled, as he soaped up his brothers thickly muscled chest with both big three fingered hands. Vander blushed as he realized he'd been a complete dupe, taken in by the Lord Sussex's innocent act. And he hadn't even been the first... he suddenly felt delightfully used by his new friend.

"That big bastards going to take my dick next time!" The red Stag swore lustfully, as he strolled over to the two stallion's and forced his way between them. "And as for you two..." However the brothers were far ahead of him and bent the handsome Stag over between them.

"Ohooo yes I'm sure he will..." Darby chortled, as he roughly shove his fat equine salami down Vander's protesting throat. Shoving the Stags big round cervine rump back against Corwyn's hot aroused crotch, making the stallion nicker in anticipation.

"You're sure to make him squeal with that slender thing." Cor chuckled lewdly, as he gently spread the red Stags swollen and badly abused tail-hole with his own massive equine flare. Making Vander's eyes bulge out as that ravished hole was taken once again, however Corwyn was much more expert and patient that the Lord Sussex. And before the red Stag even knew it he was pinned between two rutting stallion's, as the black and white brothers penetrated him fore and aft. The sexy stallion's finger's swept down to lightly stroke along the Stag's aching cock, feather like strokes meant to tease and torture rather than please.

Vanders hazel eyes quickly glazing over as he enjoyed the pleasure of servicing two big horny studs, his own sleek pink cock dangling out plump and throbbing. The taunting strokes leaving it dripping and aching in need, even as it was now neglected. However it wasn't this cock that concerned him at the moment, he was much more focused on pleasuring the horse cock's deep within him. His throat withering and vibrating around the stud stick slamming into his muzzle, while he worked hard to tighten those abused ass muscles. Gripping and squeezing as firmly as he was able, wanting to give his two friends the best ride possible.

Darby had a firm grip on his antlers, using them as handles to hold that handsome muzzle at the right height and angle. For the muzzle raping he was inflicting on the completely willing Stag, even as he watching the erotic show of his brother slow humping Vander's sexy upturned ass. The three of them rocking back and forth faster and faster, as the water turned it's self off automatically. Three minute showers were all that was allowed to save on water, oddly not that the crew seemed to care.

Corwyn bucking and nickering louder now as his lusts grew, that massive cock slamming into the sexy red Stag more and more savagely. While his brother was up on hoof tip's, fighting to keep from unloading down Vander's suckling throat to quickly. The red Stag's nostril's flaring as he fought for breath around that pounding cock, chest heaving as he shoved his ass backwards with all his might. Sphincters drawn tight, well as tight as his over stretched muscles could squeeze, that huge horse cock as hard as steel within him. Beating and battering his poor bruised prostate gland, each stroke making his forgotten cock burn and ache with the need for release. A long silvery string of greasy pre-cum dangling from the bouncing tip, as his own pink rut stick jerked and quivered lustfully.

'Make me cum please gods... please!' Vander begged within the silence of his own mind, as if he could hear it Corwyn spat into the palm of his own hand now. Reaching down to grab that already slimy fuck tool, gripping it and stroking it savagely hard now. Vander let out an explosive breath through his nostrils, as his aching cock was ravished just as roughly as all the rest of him. Embarrassingly, it only took a hand full of rough yanks to send his seed flying onto the shower room floor. Above him Corwyn snorted with derisive laughter as he battered that gripping ass a moment longer, before unloading his passions deep within the sexy Stag.

"Weeheheee!" Both brothers whinnied loudly as Vander took their lustful exploits, gulping them down with exhausted abandon. Leaving the twin stallion's panting and sinking to their knee's in spent exhaustion, as the smirking Stag stood back up licking his lush lip's teasing.

"Thank you boys." Vander called slinging his towel around his long cervine neck, and trotting out of the shower room door proudly. "Why don't you get cleaned up?" He joked, leaving the sweat and soap covered stallion panting for breath even as three more crew members trotted into the room.

"No need to get up you two." The new coming stallion's joked as they turned the water back on, and stepped up to rest their floppy junk on the brother's muzzles. "However since your down there... make yourselves useful... would you gents." It really wasn't a question and the twin's new it, as the fresh hot water splashed over them they began to lick and nuzzle...


"Be-aware they're descendin' inta the clouds." Angus growled into the speaking tubed, even as he pulled back the great levers that controlled the airships altitude.

"Is it completely wise to follow them into those clouds?" Henry demanded nervously, as Silverheels just began to skim along the top of the cloud bank. "After all we can still follow them from above."

"It's ma guess their decendin' ta refuel." Angus growled, as he determined guided the sleek silver airship into the blinding white mist. "If we follow them close enough, we'll not hit anything they don't." The little canine snorted as he saw the Lord Sussex clutching at the hand railing.

"Oh yes very comforting... very reassuring." The big Hippo's words standing in sharp contrast to the look on his muzzle, which looked very much like it was about to be sick. "At least we shall all be smashed across the same mountain face."

"Buck up... at least there are plenty willing to get under you and cushion your landed." Vander joked lightheartedly, elbowing the blushing Hippo in the ribs as he strolled past to watch the instrumentation. "Where are we Angus?" The red Stag inquired, as he began reading the instruments and checking the course plotted on the map/

"Somewhere over the Baltic... last time I checked." The small dog assured, as he pulled back on those great levers again.

"We're gaining speed as we drop." He warned, watching as the needle indicating their air speed climb even as the bar indicating their altitude dropping even faster.

"Aye cutting the engines back to one fifth power." Angus growled, as he stood steady at the wheel starring ahead into the mist clouds that were washing over them. There was a sudden bustle from the cabin door, as Corwyn and Darby come onto the bridge. Both stallion's were dressed and fully armed for combat, their normally jovial muzzles grim and serious.

"The lads are ready to take to the decks, as soon as we are low enough to depressurize." Darby assured as he looked seriously at Vander, who flashed him a dark grim smile. At that very instant a small bell chimed, and the red Stag reached over and flipped the switch. There was a rush of cold damp air, and a soft whistling for a second as the pressure equalized. "Of course it'll do us little good if we can see them."

"We should break through this cloud layer soon enough." Angus assured even as he began to slip those great levers forwards again, reducing their angle of descend slightly. While reducing their speed again, when suddenly they popped out of the clouds. The find the dark cold waters of the Baltic sea stretching out under them, the airship less than five hundred feet off those frothy waves.

"Oho Gods!" Henry choked, clutching the hand-railing even tighter now that he could see how low the dive had taken them.

"Where are they?" Vander demanded scanning to horizon, but he need not have asked. For looming a mile or so ahead of them, was the dark blob of that mighty dreadnought. Barely forty feet above the rolling waves, it was cruising along beside a plain cargo ship. As coal was being sent directly across a conveyor straight into the fuel hold of the massive airship.

"Bloody Hell." Angus swore in shock and surprise, as he watched the maneuver with admiration. "That's bloody brilliant that is... refueling on the go but able to break off at anytime if attacked."

"Yes brilliant." Vander grunted sourly, as he realized things were not going to be as easy as they had thought. "Take us in close on their off side, we'll keep them between us and the ship. Drop us in swiftly, being ready to pull off quickly and take evasive maneuvers before cannon fire damages us to badly." Vander ordered as he readied his own pistols and grabbed a rifle and bandoleer.

Angus yanked back on the great levers, spending Silverheels into a steep dive. Even as he edged the throttle up, gaining speed as they closed on the massive bulk of the airship ahead of them. Clearly the little terrier wanted to make his beloved airship as hard a target to strike as possible, knowing the sleek craft was built for speed and not battle.

Out on the deck the icy wind whistled in the ears of the battle ready, make manes whip and fly wildly. Vander moved up beside Albert, the young Lion was looking nervous and slightly sick. As he stood at the railing, clutching a Lebel rifle like a drowning fur clutching a life ring. "Its going to be alright." The red Stag assured, thinking the young noble fur was getting much more than he bargained for on this trip.

"I've never been in... battle before." Albert confessed unnecessarily, as he starred hard straight ahead doing his best to hide his fear. As they were able to read the name on the dark airship ahead of them for the first time... 'Voresha'.

"You'll do well." Vander assured clapping his hand on the young Lion's shoulder, even as he readied his own rifle.

"Five hundred yards... we fire on three hundred." Darby's voice roared over the screaming wind, as the soldiers sank to one knee's. Vander and Albert quickly joined them, thrusting the muzzles of their rifles over the hand-railing. "Four hundred... find your targets..." Darby screamed, as down the line bolts were racked as rounds were chamber. "FIRE!" The big stallion yelled, and a instant later the air was filled with the crack of rifles, and the reek of cordite.

Far ahead of them black clad furs could be seen reeling and falling, but still more rose up and fired back. Down the line a stallion staggered back and fell, as the air cracked and snapped with bullets flying past them. They all were working the bolts and firing as fast as they could now, barely one hundred yards apart. When a cannon fired grappling hook dropped onto their deck, and then was pulled back snagging the railing. A wench began pulling the two airships closer, while Vander struggled to reload his rifle.

"They mean to board us..." Corwyn yelled over the wind and gun fire as he joined Vander at the railing.

"Good we can fight our way to where Cameron is being held." The red Stag shouted back, firing another fusillade from his rifle. Just then the massive dark airship beside them gave a great shudder, and then rolled away from the supply ship.

"We're out numbers three to one... and losing fighters all the time." The black stallion warned, even as the two airships almost instantly drew closer. Suddenly a small black figure raced out onto the deck, ducking and dodging as he ran forwards.

"ANGUS!" Vander called trying to make himself heard over the roaring wind and guns, as just then the two airship's collided. The small black canine had a cutlass in one paw, and a revolver in the other as he scrambled forward. Dozen's of the Voresha's crewmen were launched across the railing, and onto the deck of Silverheels. Paw to paw fighting erupted at once and the red Stag lost track of the little black Terrier for a moment. When he spotted him again, it was to watch helplessly as Angus cut the rope holding the two zeppelins together. Instantly Silverheels wheeled away from the larger craft and sped off at break neck speed with the wind at they backs. "NO!" Vander roared angrily, but it was far to late for protests they were away. The fighting didn't stop however, the deck was now slick with blood. And littered with both the bodies of the fallen, and the struggling. Vander butt stroked a Wolverine with his rifle, and helped the thankful Albert out from under the attacker.

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