Straight date 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Straight dates

That wicked goat has found another straight boy to break in... how does he do it?

Straight Date Two

Shy straight virgin wants to be raped, and taken advantage of by a bigger male. I'm a twenty nine year old white and black Rabbit, who's married to a beautiful Hare. I'm 5' 9" tall, and slender build I'm looking for someone else that is married or curious, disease free, trim and cut. I am wanting to bottom and would love a rape type fantasy if anyone is into that, but am open to other type's of role play.

Nine o'clock on Sundays, the health club steam room was empty as always; just like Tim knew it would be. Even the clubs few attendants never came back here, they mostly hung out in the weight room, or up at the juice bar. When suddenly the door opened, and a gush of cool air washed over the small sexy rabbit's naked body. Ruffling his fur, Tim never looked up as he knew who it was that had just entered. The click clack of the Goats cloven hooves on the slick tile floor, scary loud in the silent steam room. Still the Rabbit didn't move, from laying muzzle down on the warm towel he was stretched out on. This was all preplanned of course, over the Internet with the random stranger he's met on Gregslist. The young straight Rabbit bite his lip, that made it sound silly and dangerous now that he thought about it. His short fluffy tail twitched as the strange Goat stood over him, suddenly Tim felt a warm soft finger on his small pink tail-hole. He inhaled sharply as that finger tip circled the rim of his suddenly clenching pucker, the young Rabbit cleared his throat. And said with some difficulty, even as his rock hard erection threatened to lift him up off the bench.

"Errr... hey no touching there." The sexy little Rabbit half moaned, sounding unconvincing as that finger suddenly bulls-eyed his anus. "OHO... don't... don't make me go to management and have your membership re... revoked."

"I don't have a membership." A soft lyrical voice admitted, as that finger wiggled and twisted it's way up Tim's ass. "I only come here to rape little sissy bitches late at night." That soft voice sounding more aggressive and sinister, even as the Goat begin's to finger bang that tight little virgin hole. "You straight boys are always such sluts." The Goat laughed, as he watched the Rabbit begin fucking the soft fluffy towel beneath him. He tossed his own towel over the Rabbit's head, to blindfold him roughly.

"Stop... stop it... get that out of me I'm a happily married..." Tim tried weakly, as the sexy caprine straddled his leg's pinning them in place.

"The way I see it we can do this two ways..." The wicked goat cut him off, gripping those soft furry asscheeks; strong hand spreading them wide as that finger made Tim moan. "You can shut the fuck up... and let me take it nice and easy, like the good little straight boy slut you are. Or I can can tie you the fuck up and take it as long and hard as I like. Now whats it gunna be bunny?"

"Uhum... get... get off of me!" Tim choked, reaching up to try and rip the blind fold off his head, when a hard fist slammed into the side of his head.

"Ok the hard way... honestly I like it better this way anyway." The wicked Goat half laughed half snarled as he slammed a second punch home. Bouncing the Rabbits head off the hard bench with a hollow sounding 'Whomp!' the young Rabbit's body when limp for a instant.

"Owww fuck! What the hell..." Tim moaned groggily as his arms were twisted up behind his back, plastic zip ties were used to bind his wrists. Which in turn were tied to the towel twisted tightly around his head. And then something smelly and slightly damp was jammed into his mouth, Tim recognized them as someones dirty underwear. The thick musk of male loins filled his senses, the odors a surprisingly erotic delight for the straight Rabbit.

"See now this was what I was talking about..." The wicked Goat chuckled into one of the Rabbit's long pointed ears, as he lay over that soft furry back. "Now I can fuck you as much as I want... and I don't have to listen to any complains. Owww no not that, I'm straight I don't do that... Ohooo that's to hard it hurts no no no." The wicked Goat mocked in a high whiny voice, as he rubbed something hot and slimy against Tim's tail-hole. The Rabbit knew what it was of course, the Goats cock ready to slid up his ass. Smearing caprine pre-cum around the rim of his already violated tail-hole as the goat nibbled lustfully on his ear lobe.

"I know your hard under there." The wicked Goat snickered, as he pushed his long flexible shaft against Tim's resisting sphincters. Wiggling it like he'd done his finger, slowly forcing more and more of it inside. Even while the Rabbit tried to keep him out, it was a losing battle and they both knew it. Slowly that smooth shaft slithered inside him until Tim felt the Goat's heft nuts drape over his smaller orbs. "Ammmm yeah we're both loving that huh." He laughed, as the Rabbit's shapely ass thrust up against his horny crotch, Tim rubbing his aroused cock against that fluffy towel enthusiastically.

Tim chewed wildly as those old grungy undies, the taste thick on his tongue. His cute pink nose twitching as he inhaled sharply, the pleasure inside of him growing with every move. His hip's fucking more and more lustfully as his excitement grew, the Goat atop him moaned and whispering disgusting comments into his ear. The towel under him slimy and wet with his own copious pre-cum, as his rapist slowly fucks him. Smooth hot hands roaming and stroking over his aroused body, pinching hard little boy nipples. It was all moving to fast now... his body shockingly responding to these treatments with greater and greater eagerness. Tim tried to hold himself back, tried thinking of base ball of everything and anything.

"Ummm Ummmmmmmm!" But it didn't help and now the Rabbit found himself laying in a puddle of his own cum, feeling disgusted and ashamed of himself. Thoughts of his wife suddenly filling his head, even as to his horror the Goat just laughed and kept fucking him. The lewd comments and lustful breath that just moment earlier had been arousing him, now making him feel disturbed and sickened.

"My oho my... straight boy just came from my cock in his tail-hole." The Goat chuckled sounding lewdly pleased, and even more wicked than before. As if he could sense Tim's disgust and shame, an was enjoying it even more than the Rabbit's tight pink once virgin asshole. "Alright you've had your fun... sicko. Time for me to have mine." The sexy beast atop him grunted, humping that clenching orifice harder and faster. Breath coming is loud gusts as his crotch spanked Tim's sexy round ass-cheeks brutally hard. Clearly the Goat was enjoying the fuck, and the little rabbit could only lay there and hope it would be over soon. It must be getting near the clubs closing time, surely the Goat didn't want to get discovered. Those thrusts were becoming wild now, and then they began to stutter and slow as the Goat atop him bleated.

'Thank the gods... at last.' Tim thought as he felt that cock slip out of him, a tremble of disgust running down his spine. As he felt hot cum dribbling out of him, and crawling down his taint and testicles. Tim felt the Goat climb off of him, and listened to hoof steps clip clopping away, hearing rushing water from the next room. He was getting nervous about being left tied up like this, when he heard hoof steps coming back. 'About time now untie me!' He thought angrily, as a weight settled on his legs. 'What the fuck?' "MmmMmmMmm." The Rabbit tried to protest, as hot hands spread his ass-cheeks again letting more cum ooze out.

"Hehehe." Came a rough chuckle, even as that hard hot cock was jammed into his slimy hole, it slipped into him with ridiculous ease this time. Now that his anus was stretched and worn out by the so resent raping, he moaned and struggled again. But this only got him a bone jarring fuck thrust, that made the cum under him squish out lewdly. So the Rabbit grew passive once more, hoping that this fuck would be over as fast as the first. And it certainly seemed to be going that way, as that fat cock pounded savagely into him. Stimulating his battered pleasure gland, surprisingly the Rabbit found himself getting aroused once more. His shamed growing more intense, as he realized he was enjoying being fucked again. Shame however was not as strong as passion, and soon his hot cock was fucking in that cool cum puddle eagerly.

"Hehehe." Came that lewd amused chuckle again, something bothered Tim about it. But right now nothing was bothering him about that cock up his ass, hip's were beginning to hump back as those strong hand gripped them. "Yeah... yeah." And then he heard it, the clip clop of cloven hooves across the hard tile floor. And all the motion stopped as the hoof beats came closer, suddenly a cheerful amused voice called.

"Don't stop on my account... we both know he's enjoying it." That wicked Goat laughed from across the room, as it slowly moved closer. "I'm the one that got that tail-hole all gooey in the first place." He explained, as that cock within Tim's hot tail-hole began to move once again in and out in and out. "Ammm hmmm that's it... make him spurt all over himself again." The wicked Goat chuckled, walking over and sitting down on the bench at Tim's head. Nimble fingers taking the soaking wet undies out of the Rabbits mouth, and slipped the blind fold off his eyes. Tim's head twisted around at once, and he looked back to see Al the health club front desk manager. The sexy young Stag smiled shyly at the Rabbit, who was looking at the supposed ladies male.

"You... your..." Tim stammered, as the shy smiling Stag banged his bucking butt with great delight.

"I can't tell you how long I've been watching the sexy ass of yours and wishing you weren't straight." Al admitted softly, as his hip's beat a lustful rhythm on Tim's plush sexy rump.

"Well maybe I'm not... completely straight." Tim admitted shyly as the pair exchanged smiles happily.

"Yeah that's cute and all..." The wicked Goat snickered as he twisted Tim's head back around gently. "But right now... get on these nuts, you bunny whore." He growled, fucking his aroused cock into the Rabbits protesting mouth. Unsurprised to feel Tim start to suck on his throbbing cock... that virgin muzzle a little reluctant at first. But growing more and more willing as the handsome Stag rutted his asshole, the pretty Rabbit boy soon sucking on that slimy Goat cock like a champ. "Ammmm yeah that it... Ammm what a cock-sucker you are..." The horny Goat moaned in delighted encouragement, as Tim's nursed hard on his throbbing fuck stick. "I knew as soon as I saw those lip's they'd feel wonderful wrapped around my cock." The horny Goat bleated, while his hip's propelled that rock hard rut stick in and out of Tim's fawning lip's.

The three of them bucking and humping wildly, covered in sticky sweaty as they all worked towards their on release. Three horny males enjoying the rut with each other, females not needed at least at the moment. The sounds of slurps and ragged lustful breath echoing off the slick tiled walls, playing the background music to their dance of release...


Straight Date 3

Straight Date **Ok so my girl likes to watch gay porn, only now she wants to see it in person. Ya know two handsome guys getting it on, so we are looking for someone with experience to... Ummmm guide me through it for the first time, while she...

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Slumming in Predator's alley

Slumming in Predator's alley "You don't wanta go back there." The little white rabbit warned, as Tuffy's the stallion strolled past him. "That's Predators alley... nothing back there but teeth and claws." The Rabbit tried again, obviously he wanted to...

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Straight Date

## ## Rape me... ## _Straight virgin wants to be dominated, and taken advantage of by another male. I'm a twenty four year old white pony stallion, who's married to a beautiful mare. I'm 7' 9" tall, 670 pounds and am looking for someone else that is...

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