Straight Date

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Straight dates

Rape me...

Straight virgin wants to be dominated, and taken advantage of by another male. I'm a twenty four year old white pony stallion, who's married to a beautiful mare. I'm 7' 9" tall, 670 pounds and am looking for someone else that is married or curious, disease free, trim and cut. I am wanting to bottom and would like to be dominated in a way. Maybe a rape type fantasy if anyone is into that, but am open to other type's of role play.

Terry waited anxiously two o'clock rolled around, and at about 2:15 a dark blue Camero pulled up into his suburban driveway. This surely was his visitor... however oddly now that the moment of truth was here. The young stallion found himself strangely shy, and reluctant to engage the stranger he'd met online. He stepped out of the car and stood up, a tall, rangy, shaggy goat, he looked about in his late 20's. And it was very obvious that he took care of his body, showing it off with the tight gray t-shirt and low-crotch jeans he wore. He squinted in the sunlight, and waved before strolling forward lazily. "Hey."

"Ummm hi." Terry grunted embarrassed now that the Goat was here, quickly he ducked his head back under the Mustang's upraised hood. "Ya know anything about carburetors?" He asked, even as the clip clop of cloven hooves on the concrete floor of the garage came closer. Suddenly the garage door rumbled to life, slowly closing out the friendly suburban neighborhood with its well manicured lawns. Terry glanced over and saw the wicked Goat smirking at him, as he leaned up against the wall by the open door leading to the kitchen.

"Must of bumped the button." The grinning Goat explained, even as the nervous embarrassed equine buried his muzzle under the hood once more. Gamely the goat shrugged off this seeming disinterest, and stood up from the wall walking over to the white stallion. "So... carb trouble huh?" He asked rhetorically, as he stood with his loins pressed against the pony's big round backside. He put a hand on the horses hip and leaned forward pressing his chest against that broad back.

"Uhum yeah." Terry grunted as he felt the goats crotch press against his big round equine ass, those powerful muscles tensed giving the Goat a sense of the pleasure they could provide him. The Goat looked over the younger horse's shoulder as he breath slowly into one pointed ear.

"What's it doing?"

"It... it's... Uhum..." The young stallion couldn't take it anymore, and shove the Goat away... maybe a little to hard because it sent him staggering into the shelves along the garages back wall. "I... I'm not sure... what you thinking..." The white pony stallion rambled, as he looked hard at the engine in-front of him; when suddenly the springs holding the hood up creaked. Terry just had time to get a glimpse of the Goat standing above him, and then the car hood smashed down on his head with a loud _ 'Bang!' _ Stars swam in front of his eyes and flashes of light blinded him, as his hands were pulled behind his back.

"Oh... that was a nasty bump." The wicked Goat snickered, as he whipped his belt out of his pants and looped it around the horse's wrists. "Your clumsy kid, you can't be trusted with an engine." The wicked Goat chuckled lifting the hood up with one hand, while pulling that belt loop tight. "This'll keep your hands outta trouble, while I look you over!" He pulling the stunned stallion backwards and closed the hood securely, before bending the still wobbly pony over it. He did take a moment to look at the knot on Terry's head. "You'll need some ice for that... later." He mused with a lewd chortle, as he started removing the pony studs skin jeans.

"Urrrr... wha." Terry grunted woozily, his white muzzle smeared with grease and engine dirt, as a trickle of blood oozed from his fat lip and left nostril. The pony stud struggled at the belt holding his hands but the thick leather was to strong for him and all he could do was curse.

"Let's make sure there's no other damage..." The Goat snickered in way of explaination, as he slid Terry's zipper down delighted to see that he wasn't wearing undies. "Just imagine if that hood had closed on your dick! We'd have to call you stubby from then on." He teased even as he fished the pony's long throbbing length out of those tight jeans.

"You fucker... what the fuck is this?" Terry demanded with as much outrage as he could muster, it still came out sounding faked and forced however. "Wait wha... what are you doing?" The pony stallion choked, even as he shimmied his hip's to help get his tight jeans to slide down his hefty thighs. That long pony cock was fully out of it's sheath, and had been rock hard only minutes before, slimy pre-cum still drooled out of it. "Wha... stubby... no way!"

The Goat grinned, as he nibbled on the younger horse's smooth velvety ear. "Yeah... that'd be horrible wouldn't it? Every year dozens of fine young stallions are made geldings in auto-shop accidents... We better make sure your tackle still works buddy." He taunted even as he grasped the pony's stiff pole, squeezing and stroking it playfully. While snaking his other hand lower to grab and hold the horse's fat balls. He tugged on them firmly, while grinding his firm pants against the stallion's rump. "Ammmm, a nice set too... bet your lady likes these a lot..."

Terry shivered, even though he knew it was just role play... the Goat sounded so serious about it. "Horr... Yeah Horrible." He repeated shivering, even as the Goats cool hand grasp his hot organ squeezing and fondling it swiftly back to full erection. "AWAHA!" The white pony grunted, as his fat balls were grabbed and tugged, the dripping of pre-cum growing faster as he enjoyed being manhandled. "Yeah... she loves my stuff... loves it inside of her." Terry moaned as his hip's could resist thrusting, rubbing that big fat ass against the Goats lumpy crotch more teasingly.

"Ammmm, good." The Goat rumbled lustfully enjoying the slimy wetness of the stud's pre-cum on his fingers. "Good... you breed that girl nice and hard, I want her making more ponys with nice asses like this one." He teased, releasing the stallion's throbbing, jerking shaft, but not his big low hanging balls. To rub his hand firmly across the equine's ass, giving it a few swift, solid smacks.

"Oho... oho gods." Terry whimpered as if just realizing the Goat liked HIS ass, a shiver racing down his strong back. Terry's ass cheeks clenched with each smack his tail hole winking open seductively.

"You ever give it to her up the ass?" He asked teasingly as he started to unbutton his own tight jeans.

"Wha... wha her ass... No she doesn't go in for that kinda thing." Terry admitted gulping as he looking back at the lustful Goat, as if fearful of what he'd do.

"Some girls really like it up the ass... some guys too. His captor snickered, licking those lush Caprine lip's as he watched the young stallion squirm. "You've got a nice lookin' ass, do you know that?"

"Some... some girls do..." The white stallion gulped, watching as the goat unbuttoned his jean and took that hard cock out. "I... I got a nice looking ass..." Terry _ 'Gulped.' _ loudly at the Goats lustful praise of his assets. "You... your not thinking... not going to... you can't be wanting..."

"Oh but I am!" Came the eager reply, as the Goat shoved the pony's jeans down to his knees. "And I bet, if you relax and enjoy it, you'll like love it..." He grasped his own long shaft and teasingly rubbed it over the younger horse's backside. And then pressed those hips to his ass, grinding his shaft and heavy, low-slung ball-sac against that cute rear.

"No... No I could NEVER like... like that." Terry lied weakly, as he felt his jeans sliding down his calves and lifted his leg to half step out of them. The young stallion's breath quickened as he fought to keep himself from moving against the Goats teasing crotch. Who grabbed the pony's long fluffy equine tail and held it out of the way, thrusting his tip wet against that tightly drawn pucker. "No... NOO!" Terry whinnied, as that hot damp cock tip first teased his tight virgin plucker and then pressed against it more firmly.

"Ohoho yeah, you want it bad! Don'tchya pony?" He snorted amused as the pony stallion twisted and bucked, and then started to push it in.

"Oho Gods, Ohoooo Gods... it's soooooooo hard, soooo big and hard." Terry whimpered, begging and pleading with the Goat not to do this, even as his ass pushed back. The wicked Goat kicked Terry's hooves apart roughly, letting those balls hang down over the hood of the car. While that long equine shaft was pressed sideways against the cold rough metal grille. He patted that trembling ass, even as he pushed his shaft hard into it.

"Umm Hmmm yeah, you're nice and tight. Didn't you say this was your first time hossie?"

"Yesss." Terry hissed through gritted teeth, as that hard cock forced his clenched anal ring wide open. Sliding slowly inside of him even as the white stallion panted for breath, and tried to relax himself. It wasn't easy for the virgin male, but the Goats invading hard on helped stretch those muscles; and soon he felt those fat Caprine nuts slap against his own.

"It damn sure won't be the last, with a fine ass like this. Ohooo yeah... good n' warm..." He started to thrust in and out solidly now, pumping into the pony's cock hugging pucker with delight...

"Oho Gods your... your inside of me I can feel you throbbing!" Terry moaned as his big round ass press up against that furry crotch firmly. "It... it won't?!?" Terry panted, finding himself hoping that this could become a regular thing for them. The goat grunted and nodded, soon firmly knocking his hips against the horse's backside.

"Hell yeah... ohoh you've got a great ass pony. Ummm, I think I'll be back to fuck this a whole lot more." He laughed as his heavy balls slap the stallion's nuts so hard it begins to make them ache. He reached under the bound horse again, grasping that marbled equine dick and stroking it playfully. "I'll make you cum too... that way you can't say you didn't like it. Heh heh heh..."

Terry could only moan and nod his head, as that hard cock slid smoothing in and out of him, rubbing and pounding against his male pleasure gland as it did. "Ohooo... Ummm fuck yeah... Ummmm." The white stallion moaned, as his ass thrust back eagerly and his cock throbbing in that fist smearing slimy stud goo all over the grille and bumper of his car. "Oh damn yes please... please make me cum..." He begged loudly, as soft hoof steps could be faintly heard coming through the kitchen beside them.

The Goat widened his stance and started fucking that upturned ass harder, really drilling the pony's tail-hole and making his pendulous balls flail lewdly around. Terry bucked and humped hard against that hard pounding, his ass cleching even tighter as his low dangling balls beginning to tighten up. Pre-cum dripping off the shiny chrome and onto the dull concrete floor below, as his big hooves shifted back and forth restlessly. "Nnf! Yeah you love it, you little slut boy." The wicked Goat moaned knowingly, hearing those approaching hoof step's and not giving a damn.

"Ummm... oh fuck... Yeah Fuck me hard Fuck me like a mare!" Terry moaned weakly, even as a smartly dressed young mare stepped into the open doorway.

"Cum for me, I wanna feel your ass squeeze my shaft as it unload in your pussy ass." He jerked the handsome young pony stallion's throbbing dick hard and fast as he looked up gloatingly...

"Terry you won't believe what happened I missed the... the ferry." Her mouth dropped open in shock as she saw the scene before her... Terry her husband bent over the hood of his car. Being fucking like... well like a mare while he begged for it.

"JENNY.... WHA WHA..." The white stallion stammered in panic, even as the cock pounding his ass forced him closer and closer to orgasm. While the scruffy Goat looked over at his latest conquest's lovely young wife with a sneer.

"Hello ms... or should I say miss." He chuckled with a cavalier smile, even while forcing more grunts and groans of pleasure out of her husband. "Jenny is it? Just a minute or two, I've almost got him off." He panted thinking he'd almost gotten himself off as well, and then resumed fucking that upturned rump wild and hard. "Ahaha yeah pony, your wife's gonna watch you take it up the ass. So put on a good show for her. Let her see your balls cum for my dick, cum for a buck while she watches it all."

"Jenny its not... what... it... looks lik... Ohohoooooo!" Unsure what to do or say, the blushing mare just stood there transfixed while her husband stammers and drools. Trying to explain even as his eyes roll back in pleasure, Jenny had seen that face enough to know what it meant.

"He's almost there." She blurted, as the goat leaned over fucking Terry harder and faster, while that long equine cock tensing and straining to hold back.

"Jenny... I... I..." Terry rambled, as his body bucked and slammed against the hood of the car, and then he was spurting his cum all over it... "Oho fuck noooooooo." Terry whimpered regretting cheating on his wife like this, even as he cum hard right in front of her. The Goat grunted in pleasure, biting his lip as he slammed that pretty pony posterior.

"OHO HOO YEAH! Tighten up like that." He grunted in bliss, as his own balls pulling up tight. And with a few more hard bucks, his own ass flexing while he was spurting into that snug sphincter in front of him. "Oh yeah... yeah you're a nice tight fuckin' pony..." He praised lewdly as Terry blushed bright red, while Jenny share the Goats grin.

'Ammmm damn that goats got a hot body.' Jenny thought as she watch his back muscles and ass flex. Terry could only lay there panting for breath and moaning in bliss as they finished up, his eyes shamefully looking down as Jenny watched the show. "Errr so what is this... are you gay or...what?" The pretty mare demanded as she took a step forwards and sat down in the stairs.

"No!" Terry whimpered weakly, but was in no position to make that argument with a cock still up his butt. "I just... well had a... was curious... want to... see what it was like ya know."

"He bi that's all... and a damn good fuck." The handsome Goat explained with a lewd smirk, his cock still buried in that tight ass. "A lot of guys like a little ass play from time to time... its nothing to be ashamed of." He assured patting Terry's ass conceitedly, a smug lewd smirk on his handsome muzzle.

"Ummm... Ummm yeah sure why do you think I asked you about anal so many times." The white pony stallion seeing a ray of hope, and instantly grasping for it. The leering Goat grinned and patted the blushing pony studs wide sexy equine ass.

"Hey, didn't you say she didn't like the idea of anal?" He lied glibly for his newest piece of ass, hoping he was reading the mare right. "Or maybe he'd have been asking you about getting a strap-on, and pegging his pretty rump?" The wicked lustful Goat teased, pinching his pony fuck boy's plush posterior.

"What a... a strap-on" Jenny grunted clearly as turned on by the idea of being on top of him as Terry was of getting pegged.

"Errr... no she didn't... wouldn't talk about it." The white pony stammered along, as Jenny looked at him with a curious smile.

"I never expected you to want me, to be putting sometime in YOUR ass." She giggled, biting her lower lip as she shared a lustful look with her well fucked stallion. The Goat grinned, and gave the helpless Terry a firm teasing bucking again.

"It sounds like you two lovebirds have a lot to talk about." He quipped lewdly, giving the pony's fat balls another rough fondle. "And from the sound of it, she might even have liked watching you get fucked... Maybe next time, you'll have an audience from start to finish fuck pony." He sniggered, glancing over at jenny, looking her up and down approvingly. 'And maybe next time she sees me, I won't only be fucking you.' He thought desirous to himself... as he imagined the young mare naked an sitting on his cock. The mare and stallion exchanged smiles and nodded at the Goats words, even as he tucked himself back into his jeans and let himself out of the garage.

"Same... same-time next week?" Terry called as he watched the wicked Goat stroll out, and was pleased to hear him call back.

"You know it pony butt."

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