Pursuit Steam punk 7

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of Steam Punk

Vander and Henry pursue Cameron's kidnappers Steam punk 7


Steam punk 7

Vander twisted the throttle lever back wide open, flying along the nearly deserted London streets insanely fast. Determined to catch the lorry containing the kidnapped Zebracorn, the bitter weather making every cut and bruise on his sleek form scream in agony. Droplets of crimson froze into glittering rubies on his cheeks, as he nose continued to bleed heavily. The black lorry growing larger and larger as he gained on it, but then they were in the twisting streets around an old foundry build. Where the larger and heavier vehicle was able to get ahead by rounding corners quickly. The sleet making the cobblestone's slick, forcing Vander to slow down as he skidded around the sharp corners. The red Stag looking around shocked, as the street ahead was suddenly empty. Yanking back on the throttle Vander looked to the left and right, as he rolled down the silent street. Until it at last he spotted the dark lorry sitting in front of the old abandon foundry build, instantly he turned in behind the big Van and leaped off the velocipede.

Drawing the revolver, he quickly moved up to the back of the lorry the double back doors were wide open. Two dark figures lay motionless on the floor, moving up Vander peeked in quickly revolver pointed and ready. A dark clad Doberman lay dead near the back doors, while deeper inside of the lorry a big Nilgai lay clutching a bloody wound in his side. Vander recognized the blue Bull at once, as he looked into the otherwise empty van. "You don't look well good. Where did the rest of them run off to?" The red Stag called, making the blue Bull looked up at him glassy eyed, one hand clutching a revolver for a moment. Before weakly dropping it as he looked back at the red Stag, shivers running down his body.

"That damned hippo shot me..." The Nilgai choked as he starred hard at Vander, his mind wandering off into past events.

"Yes... he's right behind me... be here any minute." Vander lied, as he watched the weak blue Bull look around as if expecting to see the hippo pop up out of nowhere.

"Up to toooo the ship." He grunted jerking his head towards the massive old foundry building that loomed up behind the lorry. Vander looked up at the dark foreboding building with a determined grimace, before checking to make sure his revolver was fully loaded. "Wait..." The blue Bull called, as he saw the red Stag looking to go up to the foundry. "If... if your going after them... your going to need this." Weakly he slid his big Tanter revolver across the van floor to the red Stag, Vander catching it with his off hand. "Watch yerself."

"Thank you." Vander grunted with a touch of emotion in his voice, as he heft both pistols and started off towards the massive brick building. Up a short iron stairway a side door was half open, Vander bound up the steps two at a time. Kicking the heavy iron door open the red Stag quickly ducked inside, pistols raised and at the ready. He'd been expecting a entryway or short hallway, what he discovered was shockingly different. The whole of the great red brick building had been hollowed out, and within it floated the biggest most advanced airship he'd ever seen. Iron stairways and catwalks snaked around the great floating monster, and along those catwalks dozens of black clad figures scurried.

"Beware... intruder!" A great deep voice bellowed from off to his right, Vander turned to see the massive cape Buffalo climbing the stairs from the foundry floor. The still unconscious form of Cameron slung over his shoulder, while a great big Bear lumbered along behind him. Charlies small shaggy form struggling in his arms, the little pony looked at Vander and then pointed up.

"Watch out!" He screamed, the red Stag's eye's following his finger up to the higher levels; where the black clad figures had rifles! 'Boom Boom Boom' Bullets rained down all around him, Vander feeling the stings as concrete chip's and bullet fragments gnawed at his lower legs. Seeing no real cover from the high angled shooters, he knew that there was only two safe options. One of which was growing decidedly less safe every second, he could sprint back out the door behind him. Or race ahead trusting to his proximity to the Zebracorn and his captors to keep him safe, after all it was obvious they wanted Cameron alive and unharmed. It would be a highly dangerous course, the shooter's up high couldn't really fire on him. But the Buffalo and Bear certainly could easily do so, and he could not effectively fire back for fear of hitting Cameron or Charlie. Plus the higher they climbed the easier and clearer a shot it would become for the rifle armed furs at the top of the catwalks.

"Don't worry... I'm coming." The red Stag bellowed as he raced across the floor, bullets shattering all around him as he dodged and twisted. Firing both his revolvers up at the rifle firing furs randomly, while bounding ahead with reckless abandon. Flying across the open floor with shocking speed, reaching the stairway he took the steps two and three at a time. Vander felt a burning pain race down his back, and knew without looking a bullet had cut its path. A flash of dampness and heat on his buttock, along with the coppery tangy odor of blood trailing behind him. Fighting to catch up, even as the Bear fired massive fifty caliber bullets. Vanders eyes never left the big black clad pair ahead of him, dodging the bullets best he could. As the mighty slugs pinged and ricocheted down the twisting iron stairway, some flying frightfully close to him. He tossed away the borrowed Tanter revolver, having no ammunition for reloading it anyway.

"Hold your fire... don't hit the Zebracorn." A loud angry voice shouted from above, glancing up Vander saw a massive Tiger push a rifle up into the air. As he glared down the line at the other black clad figures, the furs instantly lifting their rifles high. Making it clear that the Tiger was the one in charge, his imposing and regal manner hinting at noble or perhaps even royal personage.

Just ahead the big Bears revolver ran dry with a loud 'Click', the massive Tanter revolver being complex and slow to reload. The Bear decided to just throw it at the advancing Stag, the throw was so short that it proved startlingly accurate. The heavy revolver rattling off Vander antlers sharply, actually snapping the point off one of the tines. Before smashing into his waist with stunning force, making the Webley Pryse revolver drop from his numb fingers. Up ahead the big cape Buffalo glanced back, seeing the Stag almost within reach of them as they climbed higher.

"Take them to the Baron." Turning Darius grunted, thrusting the still unconscious Zebracorn's limp body onto the Bears shoulder. "It's time for that Stag to die." The mighty Buffalo grunted, turning around and starting back down the steps to meet the much smaller Cervine. "I admire your dedication." Darius grunted, as he blocked the stairs with his massive bulk, both fists clenched and at the ready as Vander approached swiftly. "However... it is about to get you killed."

"Out of my way... or we'll see who gets killed." Vander snarled as he dropped his head and charged at the Buffalo's midsection, Darius was no newcomer to using one's natural weapons however.

"Going to gore me?" He snarled, whipping one huge fist out in a quick hook that would have taken Vander's head off if it had connected. The red Stag ducked his head at the last second, planning on sprinting right past the massive Buffalo and on after Cameron. But the mighty Buffalo half turned, his huge left hand shooting out grasping the red Stag's collar. Jerking him back around in front of the cape Buffalo, even as Vander leashed out savagely pummeling Darius's wide flat bullish nose with a wild flurry of punches. The big cape Buffalo staggered back a step, even as he lashed out with a thundering back hand. Vander ducked his head and lifted his shoulder catching the blunt of the blow even as Daruis snorted. His long rough tongue snaked out licking the blood off his big black nose, before flashing the red Stag a wild grin. "I'm really going to enjoy tossin you off."

"No way I'm letting you under my kilt." Vander snort, although in point of fact the red Stag was wearing trousers. "Although... good idea." Vander spat, as he launched a hard knee strike up into the big Buffalo's wide crotch, Darius barely flinched however. And that massive hand shot out and gripped around the Stag's long slender Cervine neck, slamming that strong young body back against the rough iron railing brutally. "ARAUGH!" Vander grunted in pain, as that second big fist smashed like a runaway locomotive into the red Stags rippling abs. Swiftly Vander lifted his leg again, using his knee and shins to block those punches as best he could. Even as far below that heavy iron door clanged open and a small mob of police rushed in, being led by the bloody but unbowed Lord Sussex himself. The big Hippo brandishing a long arm, that he's obviously taken from some police fur.

"Unhand him!" The big hippo roared, cutting loose with his shotgun the old black powder shells boomed loudly in the hollowed out foundry building. Darius grunted in pain, as the heavy lead pellets thumped into the back of his heavy great coat. Twisting and jumping as the pain throbbing through his heavy muscles, taking advantage of the Buffalo's distraction. Vander grasped that huge thumb and pried it off his throat, wiggling free the red Stag sprinted up the stairway. All the while thinking he couldn't believe the Hippo had actually found him, or that he'd brought the metropolitan police. Even as the mighty cape Buffalo lumbered after him, cursing under his breath as higher above. The Tiger began calling for lines to be cast off, and the mighty airship's engines began to sputter to life. Just as Vander at last managed to reach the upper level of the catwalk, however the enormous Zeppelin had already rose to high for him to climb aboard. Just then he hear a voice that could only belong to the Lord Sussex bellow out ringingly. "Behind you!" Turning Vander found himself muzzle to muzzle the Darius once again, the mighty Buffalo holding a long bladed dagger in one massive fist. He lunged at the handsome red Stag the instant Vander turned, only the Stag's swift reflex saved him from being impaled. Jerking his chest back, Vander never the less felt the razor sharp tip cut through his fine dress shirt.

"What... no witty banter this time?" Vander panted staggering backwards, even as the cape Buffalo stalked him. "No time to die shirt-lifter..." Vander puffed, as he watched for an opening to counter attack, while far below them the police were storming up the stairway now. The massive Buffalo only gritted his teeth, as he moved forwards in a relentless attack. Slashing and stabbing even as the red Stag ducked and dodged each attack, watching them growing slower and more clumsy with each step. Spotting his chance Vander leaped forwards suddenly, grabbing that thick wrist he pushed a heavy slash past him. And locked both hands on that hefty wrist, smashing it savagely against the iron railing. Once, twice, three, four times until the dagger was at last dashed from Darius's numb fingers, now it was the Stag on the attack raining powerful blows on the big blunt muzzle. The Buffalo staggering backwards, as Vander unleashed all his fury on Darius's head and neck. Until the mighty Buffalo managed to grasp hold of the red Stag, hurling him back down the catwalk. Vander tucking his sleek body into a ball and rolled over the rough iron grating, before bouncing back to his hooves ready to reengage instantly. However before he could do so the long blued barrels of Henry's shotgun pushed past his shoulder, the hippo and his contingent of police officers had at last reached the catwalk.

"You are under arrest." Henry grunted, even as the massive Buffalo shook his massive head as if dazed. And then turning he leaped over the hand railing, the stunned group watching in shock as the big Buff sailed through the air. Catching a dangling rope with one mighty fist, the cape Buffalo dangling under the gondola of the mighty airship as it swiftly rose into the night sky. Spitting out blood, Vander began to curse coarsely as only a sailor can, as he watched the Zeppelin float off over the city. The engines under full power now, driving the great craft through the cold night air swiftly. "What... what shall me do now?" Henry wondered as he looked over at the still cursing red Stag, who suddenly spun and looked into the hippo's eye's.

"Silver heels!"


"My lord this is highly irregular." The short fat Bulldog growled as he followed the Hippo into the massive hanger.

"I completely concur Sergeant." The Lord Sussex grunted absently, even as he waved dismissively at the uncomfortable police Sergeant. Who understood his place in society and let the noble carry on as he wished. "How fast can we be underway?" The big Hippo asked as he and Vander hurried towards the sleek airship floating not far above.

"Angus... ANGUS." Vander shouted up towards the Zeppelins sleek gondola high above, as he stepped into the hanger. "You must make ready to take flight." The red Stag called, hardly bothering to look up as he started across the hanger floor towards the stairway leading up to the airship. "Hopefully within minutes Henry."

"Way ahead of you old boy." Darby snorted, as he and Corwyn came around from behind a large pile of wooden crates. The equine were dressed for travel and had rifles slung over their shoulders, carrying a long wood ammunition box between them. Seeing the Stag's surprised look the two big stallion's grinned at their old friend. "Daniel send word of what had happened, we're on leave until this matter is taken care of."

"Daniel... how is he?" Vander grunted uncomfortably, realizing he'd all but abandoned the wounded Otter. Who had been so much help to them already and was now showing his worth once again.

"Cut up fairly badly, but on the mend according to the Doctor." Corwyn assured as he, gestured for a young Lion Vander vaguely recognized as having been interested in Cameron's claims at the academy of sciences speech. "We need to get the rest of those ammunition box's loaded on, as well as the tinned food." Corwyn grunted, watching as the young Lion quickly joined Otto in hauling boxes up the stairway. "We're almost loaded... that lad's named Albert." The big black stallion explained, as he watched Vander eyes follow the tall rangy young feline. "One of the few quests already abound... and not intimidated by the idea of a merry bit of violence." Corwyn chuckled as he glanced over at his brother, who only grinned and nodded. "We brought a few friends as well, if what Daniel said is true... we could be in for a real fight. Nobles young and old are all well and good, but we'll need real soldiers not wing shots."

"I agree completely..." Vander grunted, grabbing up one crate under his arm and tossing a second on his broad shoulder. "But don't underestimate the Lord Sussex there." He gestured to the massive Hippo, who was single-handedly hauling half the crates up the stairs to the zeppelin himself. "He's got plenty of grit... I've already seen it."

Minutes later the sleek silver airship slipped out of the huge hanger building, and rose steadily into the dark night sky. And was almost instant engulfed in thick gray clouds, and formed halo's around the airship's running lights. "I detest air travel." Henry grunted to one one in particular as he watched the aerodrome vanish far below them, a shiver shaking his massive frame. "Its just the idea of having nothing between my considerable bulk and the ground but metal, clothe and gas." The Lord Sussex flashed the others a rueful grin, and looked back at the small Terrier piloting the craft. "To late to bother about it now." He chuckled, squinting into the fog that had engulf the massive craft like a whale swallowing a minnow. "I say... how are we going to find them in all of this?"

"A good question." Vander choked, as he realized they couldn't see more than a few yards within the heavy cloud bank.

"Sure'rn Now ya think o that." Angus snickered, sounding amused as he watched the other look back and forth at each other and them him. "Never you fear lads... I know where ta go." He gestured grandly to a strange spinning instrument that looked like a cross between a compass, a spinning top and a tea kettle on the boil. "After the last time m'Lord was taken... he thought up this little devil. It homes in on the magnetic resonances caused by a certain ring on his person, as it pass's through the globes natural magnetic fields."

"How do you know someone has not taken the ring?" Henry demanded looking both curious and shrewdly at the small black Terrier.

"Because its secured to it flesh..." The little Terrier growled looking uncomfortable, as if remembering something objectionable.

"In a very intimate spot!" Vander finished for him, even as Corwyn and Darby smiled and nodded.

"That cock piecing... clever boi." The two stallion brothers agreed with a big grin, as they thought about the Zebracorn's long black cock.

"So how does this device work?" The Lord Sussex inquired, as he bent over to study this strange spinning, whirring machine curiously.

"Tha Magahomtron works rather like a compass m'Lord." Angus grunted, checking the heading that the machine was registering, before correcting his coarse. "Save instead 'o' pointin' to the pole, it points to m'Lord DumBartons... Errr pole." The little Terrier joked uncomfortably, even as the others laughed lewdly.

"Full ahead then." Vander ordered, only to get a scornful look from the little Terrier who swung around to face him.

"In this fog we have no visibility and that could get us all killed, if'n our ship collides with theirs. Ya gentlefurs wanta fall out of the sky and into the north sea? Its a wee might cold this time of year, not that we're feel it after fallin' ten thousand feet."

"Point well made." The Lord Sussex grunted, clapping Angus on the shoulder so hard it bowed the little canines legs slightly. "We can catch up with them when the sky's clear a bit."

"Aye... not to worry... I'll keep us close to'em." Angus assured.


The big Bears grunts and growls grew louder, as his huge furry body rocked back and forth faster, making the metal framed bunk creak and strain. His huge paws locked around the small welsh pony's wrists, even as he hammered that lush round equine ass. Fat thigh's straddling Charlie's sleek leg's, while the might Ursine whispered lewd words into the trapped pony's pointed ear. "Ummm little mares got the sweetest cunt I ever felt... skin tight on my big cock... Yer loving it aintcha mare boi?"

Charlie chewed at the pillow savagely, even as the bruin's hefty weight pressed him deeper and deeper into the mattress. Moaning and grunting through his slotted equine nostrils, knowing it was best to keep his captor happy. In truth the Bear wasn't a bad lay, only the ponies dislike for him and being forced into it ruining the sex for the small equine. Still he was doing his best to give his brutal captor a good ride, and by the sounds he was making the little pony knew ol' Dan was loving it.

"Yaaa... ohoo yaaa." The massive grizzly moaned breathlessly, and Charlie felt the familiar burning spasm deep in his bowels. Ol' Dan was cumming hard... the little pony squeezed and milked that big jerking cock. Making the Bear groan and then chuckled in delight, as those strong muscles worked hard to bring him the maximum amount of pleasure. "Ummm ya boi that's it... Ya love ol' Dan cock in ya don'tcha mare?" Charlie moaned softly into the pillows, it wasn't a real answer but sounded enough like delight to fool the bliss drunk Bruin. The big Bear collapsed on his back then, forcing the small pony even deeper into the mattress. Crushing the breath out of Charlie and leaving him gasping and struggling to escape the mighty Ursine's bulk. Even as Dan panted in his ear, however the Bear had released his hold on the equine. And Charlie managed to squirt out from under his massive captor and sat on the edge of the bunk. His long blunt pony pecker jutting up stiffly, still stimulated from the anal pounding he'd just taken. "Hahaha..." Dan chortled, one massive paw reaching out to grab that hard fucker squeezing it painfully tightly. "Mare boi's all excited... wank it off mare boi... go on I wanta watch."

"If I do it... will you let me see my Mum?" Charlie countered, not wanting to be used for the Bears amusement any longer.

"No! Now do it!" Dan growled, digging his claw tip's into that sensitive flesh until Charlie winced and began to rub his oozing cock head. The big Bear sat back grinning, as he watched Charlie stroke his very excited organ slowly. Slimy pre-cum was dribbling from the big blunt tip, and coating the little pony's hand as it slid more and more swiftly up and down the throbbing organ. "Heheh... that's it wank it faster... yer diein' ta cum aintcha boi."

"Yes..." Charlie moaned weakly, between the pounding of his prostate and his own stroking he was rapidly nearing his own climax.

"Hahah. I knew it!" Dan chuckled lustfully, as he watched the little welsh pony pleasure himself a bit of drool escaping the Bears leering mouth. "You like everything I do to you." The massive Ursine accursed tauntingly, his claws playing lightly over the tender flesh of Charlies aroused genitals. Those deadly talons teasingly tickling, sending shivers of pleasure through Charlies naked equine body.

"I... I'm Gunna... can't hold back much..." The little welsh pony neighed, his hip's bucking weakly as that long throbbing stud stick tensed harder and harder. Long strings of slime dangling from his blunt equine cock head, even as his hip's bucked and humped in counter time to his pumping fist. When one huge paw grasped his mane, forcing that long narrow head down over that oozing cock head.

"Don'tcha go makin' a mess of ma cabin boi." The big Bear half growled, half chuckled as he shoved Charlies own cock head into the pony's muzzle. "Ya like swallowin' anyway." Ol' Dan reminded, as he made the little welsh pony fuck his own mouth, in obvious amusement.

"Gguhum." Charlie moaned through his long slotted nostrils, as his fat ball's drew up. And his long marbled cock tenses, before releasing a torrent of hot thick stud milk into his mouth. Quickly the panting equine swallowed again and again until his climax was at last exhausted, and he slumped back breathlessly. "Now... now I wanta see my mum." Charlie demanded and forcefully as he could, making the big Bruin chuckle in farther amusement.

"I said ya can't." Dan grunted laying back on the bunk with his paws behind his head, a smug look of derision on his muzzle.

"Why not?" The young telegraph delivery pony demanded, fear and worry filling him as he wondered if she was hurt. "What have you done with her?"

"Cuz she aint here." Dan laughed tossing Charlie a crumpled up envelope, the young pony tore it open and read through it quickly.

'Dear Charles. Going to visit your aunt Dottie for a few weeks, she needs help with the new baby. Take care of yourself I'll return in three weeks or so a month at the latest. Love mum.'

"Wha... you never had her captive... Where did she get the money of a train ticket all the way down to aunt Dotties?" Charlie choked confused, as ol' Dan smirked at him gloatingly, suddenly the little pony realized that he'd been tricked. "Yer a right old bastard you are!" Charlie shout, leaping onto the much bigger Ursine punching and kicking as hard as he could. The big Bear knocked him across the cabin with one massive back hand, leaving him a crumpled heap on the floor.

"Don't mistake my good nature for weakness boy." Dan growled in a low dangerous voice as he climbed to his foot paws and stalked over to the stunned pony. "If it wasn't for my good graces... you'd be locked up with yer perverted friend the Zebracorn."

"I wish I were... at least I could apologize for getting him into this mess!" Charlie sobbed weakly as he tried to it up, only to be pushed back down again.

"Ya give yerself to much credit bitch... you just made it plain when we should act. And as fer yer mum, do you think she'd be safe and sound if Darius had planned this... he'd have tortured her right in front of yer eyes. No boy you owe me... and I plan on collectin'. I'm gunna use you as much as I want, and maybe even trade yer ass to others fer things I want. And if you give me any trouble I'll turn you over to the Baron for some of the treatment your Zebra pal is gunna be gettin'."

"What... whats going to happen to... to Cameron?" The young pony choked looking up at the suddenly grim looking Bear.

"If he don't give the Baron his secrets... a whole lot of unpleasant things. He'll be wishin' we just killed him, before that Tiger is done with him you can bet on that."

"No! You can't." Charlie objected sitting up again, looking at the big Bear more intensely.

"It aint me boy." Dan protested looking slightly uncomfortable, as Charlie looked up at him accusingly. "The Baron's the one in charge around here and he does whatever he wants. And there aint nothin' you or I can do about it, its best we just keep out of his way."

"I don't forget who my friends are." The little welsh pony snapped standing up now, looking defiant in the face of superior force.

"You already have..." Ol' Dan snorted angrily, even as he towered over the small but defiant pony. "You betrayed the Zebracorn and turned him over to us... to the Baron." The big Bear reminded gruffly, even as he placed one huge hot hand on Charlies trembling shoulder.

"Because you lied to me... because you threatened my mum... you lied." The young pony turned away from the Bear then, facing the locked cabin door angrily. "Take me to Cameron... I don't want your protection... I deserve whatever happens to him too."

"Don't be a fool." O'l Dan snarled softly, taking to pull the shaggy welsh pony back gently. However Charlie pulled away from him and trotted to the cabin door, not looking back.

"Cameron's my friend."

Uninvited guests 6

Uninvited guests Steam Punk 6 "So all went well then?" The huge Cape Buffalo asked, as the others came stomping slowly into the drafty old warehouse office. "Yes." Alistair the big Gorilla answered curtly, as he dropped into his seat and looked back...

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Plots & Plans 5

Steam Punk "Are ya daff?" Angus demanded hotly as he climbed down from the engine pod, glaring at the tall Zebracorn. "Around the world... in a week's time, that's barely enough time for a few shake down flights. And new designs always have troubles...

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Dark and Light

Dark and Light Sitting on the Zebracorn's dark wooden desk was a rather overly important looking scroll, sealed with red wax and heavy signet. It wasn't anything impressive to a myth like him, however the magic that sealed it was quite powerful, and...

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