Dark and Light

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Hooves gets a sexy invite from a Night Stallion...

Dark and Light

Sitting on the Zebracorn's dark wooden desk was a rather overly important looking scroll, sealed with red wax and heavy signet. It wasn't anything impressive to a myth like him, however the magic that sealed it was quite powerful, and quite intriguing to the stallion. Upon opening it, Hooves read over the finely crafted words to a invitation that the lustful Zebracorn would have a hard time ignoring.

'Good evening mighty one, I have a proposition for you. Your prowess in magic and virility are well known in many circles. Also your lustfully deviant taste for male flesh is also must well known. As a being of magic much like yourself with a great desire for flesh of the same kind, I invite you into my home. I know that two great males like ourselves, would enjoy a long evening of getting to know one another better. Getting to know all those intimate spots that make us neigh and bray like we were colts again. I offer this to you. Should you choose to accept, I promise safety and free passage to leave my care. However, I do warn you, two stallions like ourselves are often in disagreement as to who should play the mare. No worries, with our magic I am certain we can come up with more than a few creative solutions to this problem. Use the incantation at the bottom of this scroll to join me.'

Below the note was a simple spell of teleportation that had no ill intent behind it, but Hooves' wouldn't be able to determine the location he wound up in. The adventurous stallion accepted the invitation and cast the spell, suddenly finding himself engulfed in flames, burning away the light silken robe he had upon him but not burning his flesh. Instead it sheathed him in a warm embrace that bordered on the sensual. As the flames burned away, Hooves found himself in a massive room, jet black décor all around. Hundreds of candles lining the area giving a low flickering light to the whole place and making it seem quite intimate and cozy. The room was very well furnished, however it all paled in comparison to the master bed in the center of the room. It was a massive affair that was easily twice the size of a king size bed. Beyond the size the blood red sheets instantly drew attention to themselves. Covering the bed was thousands of jet black petals, corrupted roses, like those that only grew in the darker realms.

All of this however paled when Hooves saw the being that lay upon the bed. A massive coal black stallion with burning red eyes lay upon the sheets, his mane afire and dancing with the subtle currents of air that wafted through the room. His form was massive, easily matching Hooves in the muscle department. From his head a massive twisted spire of a horn that radiated dark and powerful magic much like the Zebracorn's horn radiated holy power. What drew the stallions focus however was the massive spire of flesh resting between the big male's legs. A heavy thick pink shaft covered in dark black splotches of ash colored flesh. It smoked gently in the air, small curls of gray rising off the blazing flesh as he eyed the Zebracorn hungrily.

"Welcome." He chortled, his voice so rich, deep, and masculine it sent shivers down his guests spine. "I am Targorash, and you must be Hooves, the pleasure is all mine... my fine Zebracorn."

"Targorash... what an unwieldy name." Hooves snorted as he slowly approached that enormous bed, sparkling blue eyes looking the night stallion's shining body over, light running off it's ebony surface like water colours in the rain. "Targ or just Tar I think... Yes that suits you I think." The sleek sexy Zebracorn moving over to sit on the edge of that massive bed, more than a little intrigued by his handsome host. "Is your heart the same colour as your fur?" Reaching out one three fingered hand, Hooves caressed that dark body feeling an electric thrill tingle through him. Tar gave the softest snicker of pleasure as the Zebracorn slowly moved towards the bed, joining him upon the massive mattress as each male sank into the sinfully soft mattress. It was always a delightful level of comfortable when ones used souls to pack the mattress and pillow, nothing was quite as soft or comforting to sleep, or make love upon. At the subtle touch of Hooves' three fingered hand upon his rock hard muscled flesh, the stallion's arms shuttered much like a real horse's, neighing softly as he was felt up by such a handsome stud. This was more then he could have hoped for, the fellow myth simply going along with his lust and now treating him to the pleasure of his touch. Then that hand slid down over his impressive pink and ebony shaft, stroking the mighty organ again and again, his hand squeezing the might spire as a thick dribble of clear but blackish precum dribbled out of his flared head.

"I must say that the prospect of having one so beautiful servicing my pleasures and playing the mare for me is very exciting." Hooves wandering hand moved down that sleek body to that massive spire of flesh resting between the big male's legs, easily fondling and stroking it to arouse even more. The night stallion snorting and breathing harder, at this soft mare like touch his guard relaxing as the pretty Zebracorn touched him. "Of course you did mention that the position of stallion and mare might be in dispute." The Zebracorn looked deep into the night stallion's eye's, those sparkling blue orbs entrancing as they peered deep. Targorash twisting and feeling uncomfortable for a moment, as he wondered why he would ever want to be anything but a mare for so handsome a stud. "Of course you want to serve me..." That soft voice sang hypnotically, even as those nimble fingers worked the big black stud to an even higher state of arousal. "You want to play the mare just for me..." The Zebracorn went on supply using his magic to befuddle the big stallions will, and turn his lusts towards the more feminine. 'Yes,' That touch was divine upon his flesh, the rippling feelings of lust and desire raced through his body making him moan aloud even as he relished the touch of another male upon his flesh. A touch he had felt before, but never by one so...powerful. Then his glowing fire red eyes meet Hooves' own sparkling blue orbs. His body reacted with lust at the prospect of becoming the mare for the night. Yes, giving into the zebracorn, submitting his flesh, giving in and braying out like a mare in heat, taking his seed deep. It would be all so perfect, so totally perfect.

"I understand that... and respect it." Hooves whispered softly as his hands gently began turning the night stallion over in bed. "All you have to do is take up the mares stance, and I shall mount you as you desire... giving you exactly what we both know you need... Yes... yes that's it." He breathed excitedly, as the big black stallion rolled over on to his belly and then climbed up onto all fours in the bed. "Ohohooo what a sexy mare you make sooooooo wonderful." Hooves moaned reaching out to spread those buttocks, even as that flowing tail popped up and to the side. The horny Zebracorn burying his muzzle between those cheeks inhaling the other stallion's musky scent even as his tongue slithered over that tight anal pucker. "Ammmm what a tight little mare you make my dear."

And then Tar felt the soft touch of warm slick flesh against his back door entrance and a bellow of super heated brimstone air rushed from his lungs. He found himself upon all fours, his flaming tail hiked high as the other male eagerly sampled his most taboo flesh, that powerful equine tongue ravishing his hole like no one before. He almost screamed in pleasure and in horror at what he had almost allowed to happen. He had nearly gone down as the mare without putting up any kind of fight. Well two could play at this game, and he aimed to play well.

Hiking one leg back, he locked his powerful muscled limb under Hooves' armpit before rolling slightly, turning the mighty Zebracorn over along with himself till both males were on their backs, Hooves' head trapped between his meaty thighs and musky rump. With a grunt of effort and more than a little use of magic, Tar tossed himself upwards, now sitting upon the Zebracorn's chest, his legs pinning Hooves' arms to the bed as his mighty stallion orbs rested upon the myth's powerful chest. The Zebracorn's heart beat throbbing through his colt makers, even as his own black heart beat back, pulsing in a tune of darkness to Hooves' light. With a nicker of pleasure, his tail hiked upwards as the flames began to dance, hypnotizing the male below him much like he had just done, his musky scent adding to the effect. That long strong Zebracorn tongue had started out gently circling the outside of that shiny black tailhole, and then slowly moved inwards coating it with slick, slimy saliva. Getting it ready for the ravishment that was to come, when that mighty black equine cock was fucking it savagely. Reaching the center hooves abruptly shoved his tongue into it giving that clenched hole a small taste of what was to come. Enjoying the feeling of the big stallions resistance melting away, as those tightly clench gates relaxed around his quivering exploring tongue tip. And then suddenly he felt the leg under his arm, and the world spun flipping around until the Zebracorn found himself smothered by the night stallion's big beautiful rump. "Amhummm." His moans muffled by the hot tail hole of that big sexy ass that was covering his nose and mouth, his arms and legs pinned down the mighty Zebracorn was helpless.

"I would make a wonderful mare, but you have had the greater practice my sweet corn," he groaned, slowly lowering himself across Hooves' body, till he was hovering over that might myth shaft, sucking in deep breaths of the impressive musk and basking in its masculine glory. It was all that he had hoped it would be, and more. A thick spire, excellent shape, impressive length and girth, and more important, drooling like a true stud stick smearing Hooves' belly with his lust. Yes this zebracorn was just what he had been missing.

"Uhum mare..." Hooves gasped for breath, as that hot tail hole was lifted off his muzzle, displaying the night stallion's massive balls as they lay throbbing and quivering on his striped chest. "Uhum... Uhum wha... are... you doing little maaaaa..." The sexy zebracorn asked as that flashing fiery tail spin and danced in front of his startled eye's, those blue orbs quickly glazing as they starred into the flames.

Hiking his tail higher even as the flames spun faster, he spoke again. "Yes, a fine mare you will make, just simply compare," he grunted, pressing his body forward just briefly making his heavy nut sack swing back and forth as he forced his cock head to kiss Hooves own drooling tip for the first time. The sudden explosion of magical energy as well as lustful contact made the nightmare shiver all over. The Zebracorn's silvery pre-cum seared his ebony cock head while his own sooty pre-cum burned a deep pleasure down the other myth's shaft. They say that opposites attract, and this was the most opposite you could get it would seem.

"Uhum Uhuumm Hummmm." Hooves moaned in agreement, as the dancing tails hypnotic magic befuddled his lustful mind. Even as that long thick masculine stud stick bounced and throbbed harder and harder. Yes... yes he wanted to be under this mighty stallion... wanted to let him rut that striped ass like he was a brood mare. Those hot hands on his cock forcing the Zebracorn's hip's to thrust forwards lifting that sexy ass. The night stallion's acidic pre-cum running down that slight stomach curve, making Hooves sheath and hefty ball's burn with lust. "Oh gods I feel it... feel the heat." The helpless Zebracorn moaned bucking his groin up and down faster, as his lust's quickly grew.

With a heavy moan, he leaned back a bit, separating the powerful male flesh even as he dropped his head almost completely into the other stallion's crotch. Unable to contain himself anymore, his maw opened, those mobile lips, wrapping not around the stallion's cock head, instead around the side of his shaft, suckling upon the thick ebony spire and stripping just a part of it of its gloriously male precum as well as sucking the sweat right off his cock. His own heavy black balls dangling low in their wrinkled sack, hovering just above Hooves' face as each pulse of his heart making the orbs jump in their home, even as his cock bounced in the air between them, dripping his lust upon the other male.

A heated breath escaped the nightmare as he breathed fire upon the stallion's cock, not the burning soul searing fire his kind was known for. Instead choosing to dial the power back, lavishing the ebony spire with a kind of fire that stoked the lust of his partner, inflamed his passions and gave him the hottest moment of pleasure upon his cock he could and as the flames lingered and licked along the big male's shaft, his dove down greedily, slurping up one of Hooves' mighty stud nuggets, sucking on the vulnerable orb like a sugar cub, licking and slapping like a happy colt at his mother's teat, before giving the other orb the same treatment, the nightmare becoming lost in the passion of the moment and dropping his hypnotizing magic.

"Yes... yes you... your so powerfully beautiful... so masculine... I... I... don't even deserve to have..." Hooves moaned in confused inferiority, the sudden explosion of magical energy as well as lustful contact making the Zebracorn spurt pre-cum high into the air. "Ohooooooooo god my stallion!" Hooves screamed as those hot lip's caressed the side of his burning shaft, making it pulsing and quiver wildly. The stunned Zebracorn craned his long neck up and kissed those huge dangling black balls, the potent masculine scent of them filling his senses with their power. "Ammmm Ammmm" He moaned inhaling deeply as those soft mobile equine lip's kissed and caressed those mighty low hanger.

And then and even more profound and profane heat and lust washed over the trapped Zebracorn's bulging bucking loins. Inflaming his passions and gave him the hottest moment of pleasure upon that hard cock he could ever remember, as the flames lingered and licked along that massive fuck stick. The pleasure only heightened by the soft lip's on his fat testicle, suckling and loving the masculine power of them. Suddenly the Zebracorn's mind struggled back into control like a drowning fur clawing his way to the surface. That black and white spire flash with power, and the myths potent male scent grew more and more masculine. Even as his lip's left the night stallion's groin, licking it's way up that bare flesh to once again circle the stud tail hole. "Ummmm yes little slut lick... lick and suck your stallion... get him good and hard so he can ride you like you need."

Tar moaned hotly not Hooves' ample ball sack as he greedily sucked down the sweat as it formed along the wrinkle sack of flesh. He basked in the heated glory even as he felt his own balls get a similar treatment. Soft mobile lips teased and caressed the loose skin while the broad powerful tongue lashed against the firm orbs, knocking them around in their homes while the broad flat teeth, bit tenderly against the skin, tugging it this way and that as he simply enjoyed himself.

At the touch to his taint and tail hole however, Tar groaned roughly, sucking in a deep breath only to inhale the now increased potency of Hooves' balls. The heavy masculine order making him neigh out like a mare in heat as his tail hiked as high as it would go. His tight black tail hole shinning with Hooves' slick saliva as it winked openly in lust, the nightmare's muscles barely able to keep it clenched as he basked in the glory of Hooves' scent.

"Oh fuck, umm, yes for...for my," Tar groaned aloud, nuzzling Hooves' powerful balls with his snout as he huffed the intoxicating scent like a crack whore, desperate for another high. "Oh gods, my stallion," he moaned, wiggling his butt and showing off his mighty ass to Hooves. The thought of the mighty spire of flesh that lay beneath him, drilling into his anus, claiming him like a true herd mare, and breeding him true were fantastic. His eyes glazed over as he continued to suck and slurp against Hooves' mighty male orbs before he moved his head upwards, nuzzling and kissing his plump sheath, while his hands openly groped the myth's thighs. He could feel the power in the muscles, the sheer breeding ability that could be brought to bear. The simply image of his ass clenching and thrusting with all its might, sending his mighty orbs crashing into Tar's... His ass, that plump striped ass. So full, so soft, so perfectly breed worthy.

Sucking in a final breath before breathing fire again, washing Hooves' ball sack this time with the super heated air and fire, making it tingle as the flames licked between each hair covering the Zebracorn's groin, going to far to even slither into his hot wet sheath, burning flesh with lust that rarely was touched by anything. As he felt the other male shiver in lust below him, he wrapped his arms around Hooves' powerful thighs, pulling him upwards before he almost sat upon Hooves' handsome muzzle, smothering him now in his potent male scent, as his balls rested just below Hooves' chin and his sooty pre-cum drooled down his shaft, over his balls and right against the Zebracorn's neck.

"Yes, my stallion, I will suck, I will suck the very desire to mount me from your slutty mind," he groaned, rolling Hooves up a bit more before pressing his own mobile lips to Hooves' dark winking doughnut of and anus. His soft lips pressing firmly against Hooves' tender opening even as his broad tongue slithered out and stabbed deep, scoring his own first blooding of the stallion he was wrapped around. His tongue worked like a fever, drilling right into his core as he licked and sucked upon the other male's hot opening with barely a care for decency. He reveled in the carnal power of the moment as he forced more of his tongue into Hooves while his burning saliva worked to relax the muscles down there. Then with a huff of his nose, flames once again washed down over Hooves, rubbing his pert rump before drilling right into his ass, flooding it with a searing warmth that was greater than any cum the stallion had ever known.

"Yeah... yeah thats right." The Zebracorn moaned as he rested his soft equine chin on the night stallion's ass cheeks, panting for breath as he fought his own desire. When that gout of wicked fire washed over his fat ball sack, making those mighty nuggets spasm within their pouch. Thicker pre-cum spurting from the tip of that rock hard shaft, as the big stud muscle jutted up like a lone mountain. "Wait wha... wha..." The poor horny lust drunk stallion moaned as his leg's were lifted up, that long cock now oozing against the night stallion's chin. Even as that big round black rump settled over Hooves muzzle like a mask, filling his senses with musky male goodness The Zebracorn panting for breath as his world spun faster and faster, leaving him weak and dizzy within his own desire.

"Yes, my stallion, I will suck, I will suck the very desire to mount me from your slutty mind." The night stallion snorted back in control, even as he blasted wicked tickling flame deep into that winking black tail hole.

"WWWEHEHEEE." Hooves squealed as his balls ached with need, his tail hole suddenly hungry for the mighty cock of his stallion. That big round donut like orifice showing it's hot pink insides to the stallion teasing it, opening and closing as lustfully as any mares cunt. That big slick muscle stabbed deep within it, wiggling and twisting until it found the spot caressing the Zebracorns love knot. "Oho no nno Nnoooooo." Hooves whimpered bucking and struggling to pull away, even as that black tongue thickened and twisted into a massive tentacle. The night stallion's burning saliva worked to relax those tight anal muscles, until that quivering hole gaped open ready for the taking. And then with a huff of his big round nose, flames once again washed down into Hooves, drilling deep into that shiny hindie. Flooding it with a searing warmth that was greater than any cum the Zebracorn had ever known, his bucking body surprisingly falling limp on the bed. The black stallion knelt over that sleek striped body, running the frothy equine sweat into that short fur with his big hot hands. Even as he causally rolled the myth over onto his belly, and straddled those sleek striped thigh's. Massive black cock drooling burn pre-cum down Hooves ass crack as the Night Stallion dragged that short Zebracorn tail out of his was.

"Now... now my mare is all ready for her mounting." He gloated reaching down to guide his huge blunt cock head to that gaping orifice, slathering his slimy burning pre all over it. Forcing the passive Zebracorn to gasped and then moan in corrupted pleasure, the conquest was at hand the prey helpless to resist. The mighty night stallion gloated to himself as the readied his body to plunge into that trembling fuck hole. "Your mine nooOOOOOOWWWW!" He screamed hip's driving forwards burying the first nine inches of his mighty black erection within the Zebracorn. 'THWAK!' And then his hefty balls collided with the silently up raised hoof, with a grunt of pain the night stallion collapsed onto the bed beside the Zebracorn. His massive erection twisting and popping out of that hot anus with a lewd 'Slurp' even as the night stallion clutched his bruised jewels.

"I'm ready to mount you!" Hooves moaned as he roughly shoved the nightmare over onto his chest, that sleek ass high in the air and vulnerable. Even as the horny Zebracorn climbed up behind Targ and rubbed his own leaking cock head over the night stallion's clenching tail hole. "Ready or not here it comes." Hooves pants rearing back to slam his cock into the rival stud in one massive pile-driver like thrust.

Tar could barely believe his incredible luck as his hot breath washed into the stallion bellow him, the soft whimpers of lust and desire and the barely there resistance as he took total control. The striped slut was going to be his, that big round ass was just there for the taking. Rolling him over and straddling him, he basked in this glory. This was what he lived for, a potent, powerful stallion rendered almost totally helpless thanks to his charms and magic. His own heavy balls boiling with lust as he readied to seed the bitch. He was going to ride the Zebracorn into the bed and leave him little more than a whimpering sop of a stallion, the perfect little breeding mare.

However as he buried his massive meat into the stallion's sinfully tight anus, he relished his glory for a mere nine inches of rape before his own stud nuggets took a vicious bash, his own weight and strength working against him as he crashed balls first into his hoof. A squeal of pain erupted from his lips as he rolled off the bubble but with a soft groan of pain. He was so close and this myth had tricked him, so close to victory. With a soft whimper, he felt his own body roll over, and his own ass rise high into the air. A searing heat was pressed against his vulnerable hole and he knew what was about to happen, even as the Zebracorn taunted him with his words.

A single powerful thrust later and the nightmare's mouth exploded in a scream of pain and lust as the Zebracorn's own black meat rushed into him, inch after inch claiming his soft tender insides even as his muscles spasmed roughly around his thick meat. He clenched in a vain attempt to force the other male out, only adding to his pleasure as his rut stick raped the nightmare deeply. A dull smack echoed in the room as his powerful thighs slapped against his tight butt and those heavy balls slapped against his own. His own hands wrapped against his own balls and through his pain, he went into motion.

Reaching back even as his tail flared to life in a staggering display of fire, he grasped a hold of Hooves' nuts and squeezed with all his might, throwing fire into the grasp to make it not only painful, but searing hot as well. He delighted in the pain filled squeals of the big male atop him as his whole body shook and squirmed from the painful hold. As the big stallion tried to pull away, get his nuts away from the painful hold and that is when Tar kicked out, knocking Hooves from his back and ripping that thick meat from his ass with a similar wet splooshing sound as when his own cock was pulled from Hooves' rump.

Hooves soft velvety equine lip's curled back into a wide white smile of triumph as his mighty rut stick slammed balls deep into his foe. "Ammmmm yeah such a hot little slut hooOOOOOLOLL!" The overly proud Zebracorn suddenly screamed as those powerful hands gripped his fat low hanging stud nuggets. Compressing them dangerously tightly, those potent male jewels half flattening out in that grip. Even as scalding flames burned into them, passing harmlessly between the night stallion's fingers that heat boiled the orb's within their sack. Making the myth squeal even louder as he struggled to escape. When all the air 'Whoooshed' out of his lung as that powerful leg caught him in the belly and spun him around as he flew across that huge bed.

With a scramble he crawled a few feet away from the other powerful stallion, moaning and panting slightly as his ass winked open and closed like a mare's sex before he spun around and saw that the Zebracorn was still gagging and holding his slightly smoking balls. He smirked at the sight of such a powerful male rendered at least for the moment impotent as he tried to recover from his searing and squeezing attack. His long rubbery erection whipping out painfully as he flew, and then getting jammed into the mattress painfully hard.

"Ohoooo fuuuu fuuu Fuuuuck." Hooves cursed weakly as he clutched his power boiled balls, which felt sickeningly soft and mushed in his hands. Hooves head and one shoulder hung off the edge of the bed as he hear Tar snicker behind him.

"I can see this is going to be a bit more difficult to decide than I originally though." He chuffed, his chest heaving from the mixture of lust, angry, and yes even fear. This corn had already taken a full thrust into his tight ass, something that hadn't happened in several decades. Summoning up his powers again, his whole form burst into flames, spinning in dazzling patterns and obscuring him from vision. Then as the flames seemed to reach their peak two smaller colts walked free of the flames, their form much more slender then the nightmare that had vanished into the fire. Each one could easily be described as twink like as the slowly crawled towards Hooves.

"I'm not a... a push over." He grunted rolling back over on the bed, so that his seemingly carved from obsidian erection jutted up proud and prominently. Even as his boiled balls came back to full firmness within their pouch looking if anything fuller and somehow larger. "I have to say you felt very good... I've not been inside so lovely an ass in ages." Hooves snickered as he lay back watching the night stallion intently, those sparkling blue eyes suddenly blinking open wide. As the massive stud split into two handsome twinkie night ponies in front of him, the Zebracorn confused by this odd tactic. "Errr..."

"Oh my." Teased the one on the right, crawling slowly towards Hooves and snuggling up to his right side, caressing his powerful body with his three fingered hand, teasing those powerful muscles before tweaking his nipple playfully.

"Such a big strong stallion." The second one cooed, slinking up to the left of Hooves and cuddling with him, nuzzling his neck and biting it gently. "Teach us please." he asked pitifully, reaching down to caress the massive fuck meat while his twin teased his balls slowly.

"Teach us how to breed like a real stallion." the one on the right pleaded, grabbing Hooves' three fingered hand and pulling it to his own ass, letting him feel the plush glory of his rump. "Breed us and show us how to fuck like a real stallion."

"Hahaha." The big Zebracorn laughed in triumph, so this was what Tar had to do to except his position as bottom bitch. Hooves lay back enjoying those small hands caressing his sleek hard muscles, one finger slipping into the rump on his right. While he cupped the ass on his left in his huge three fingered hand and pulled it closer. "Oho I'll show you how a real stallion ruts alright!" He snickered shoving a finger into that second ass, as he encouraged the twin studs to lick and suckle on his raging stud stick. Which was so full of blood at this point it felt like and over stuffed sausage, his need to cum so bad it overrode everything else. "I'm going to rut you both soooooooooo hard." He moaned fingering those tight little anal puckers more and more vigorously, as the twins stroked and licked on his throbbing stallion hood. "So who's going to be first to take his pounding?"

Tar couldn't help but smile as he watched the Zebracorn fall for his little trick. The stallion eagerly cuddling up to the two handsome twink males, molesting their burning flesh while they stroked and caresses his own sweaty form. The one on the right moaning hotly as his ass was fingered expertly, the tight clenching muscles giving Hooves the most delightful sensations along his finger and giving him an excellent idea of what that would feel like around his cock. When he delved into the second twink's anus, he was quickly shown it was just as tight and hot as both male's whimpered in his grasp.

The one on the right moaning hotly into his neck as he gently nibbled and sucked on his flesh. His hands suddenly clinging to the powerful male's chest as his body seem to rock from the power of his touch. "Oh, breed me first sir, I am so worthy of your seed, please fuck me with that stallion cock, make me squeal sir, make me squeal," he moaned, pulling back before diving onto Hooves' thick dick. With a gusto that many had shown before for the powerful male, but seemingly fresh from this one, he slurped and licked all over the massive cock head, sucking down the sweet pre-cum as it leaked liberally from his piss slit.

The one on the left gave his own moan, shoving his head down to Hooves' left nipple, grasping the rubbery stiff nip and biting it like a long lost lover, moaning sweetly around it as he almost began to nurse on the masculine taste rolling off Hooves' might form. Releasing the nipple as his anus was violated much like his twin, he echoed his friend. "Please, me first sir, breed me like the mare I am, breed me with your seed. I promise to suck you clean once you are done if you do sir," he moaned aloud, sinking down to battle tongues with his twin over the cock head, each male lapping along one side and own the shaft as they sucked whatever they could off the thick meat, sweat, pre-cum, anything as they tried to sate the big male's lust.

Tar meanwhile shivered himself, hiding within the darkness as his though forms teased an caressed the big stallion. The stallion's own teasing funneled back into him with frightening results of lust, pleasure, and submission. However he kept in control of himself and waited, watching the myth molest his very thoughts as he waited till the big male made his choice, rolling the male on the left over to his belly, hauling his mighty rump upwards and presenting him with the dark doughnut of a tail hole that winked so sultrily before him.

With a smirk, Tar began to move as the second twink, began to swap hot kisses with Hooves' sucking on his mighty tongue while his brother moaned and begged below. As the mighty fuck meat lined up with that sinfully tight anus, Hooves gave a massive thrust, drilling his cock deep into that blazing inferno of an ass, easily sinking his hole length into the sweet hole. As he did, Tar gave a bellow of pleasure of his own before he pounced.

The twink below gripped and squeezed along Hooves' thick meat, trapping him firmly in the though form's rump while his brother kept the stallion distracted. Even the bellow from Tar was echoed by the submissive twink bellow so he was easily able to line his own thrust up before leaping atop Hooves, his whole weight behind his cock as he plowed into the fertile fields of lust that were Hooves' anus, drilling in balls deep as his mighty orbs slapped firmly against Hooves' own, making the nightmare bellow in pain and pleasure as he found a sack he could not simply crush with a thrust, but that didn't matter as he swiveled his hips, making Hooves feel the full length and girth of his mighty demonic prick.

"I choose to breed you!" Tar howled in intimate pain filled pleasure, the thought form on the left of Hooves' melting away as the one below continued to try and distract the big male with his tight sexy rump.

"Bravo..." A satin black pillow at the top of the bed laughed loudly, shimmering into the black and white form of the sexy Zebrcorn. "That is a truly excellent trap... truly." Hooves snickered as he sat up watching Tar drive deeply into the image he had projected, instantly the magical trap locked closed around the night stallions huge floppy organs. "But did you really believe I'd fall for your subby twins so easily? This isn't my first rodeo you know." The naughty Zebracorn snickered as he let his illusion fade to reveal the glittering magical metal, with it's glowing runes and menacing magic. "It was a delightful show of course, and you hide very well indeed." The sexy Zebracorn move up to caress the icy cold metal playfully, as the big black stallion tested it's grip on his male hood.

"I'd be very careful if I were you... this machine can do all kinds of nasty things to anyone foolish enough to get in it." Hooves warned as Tar gulped and looked down into the works to see all many of wick sharp and nasty looking blades, screws, hammers, heating elements, and other naughty things. "You see I figured from your message this wasn't going to end until one of us was... demaled as it were." Hooves licked his smooth black lip's, as he moved around the trapped stud admiring the stud and the machine he was mounting. "So I came ready to play... you will be my... not mare... cockless ball-less gelding slut boy." The sexy Zebracorn moved up big big hands all over the other stallions body now stroking and touching. Enjoying the power he felt there the thick muscles but beyond that the raw magical masculine power. Pressing against that body he nibbled up along that long equine neck, strong arms embracing his trapped foe. Gentle hands sweeping up along that silky fur, finding those hard male nipples squeezing and rolling them around playfully. "Damn your hot... and I don't just mean this tail." He moaned grabbing it and pulling it around out of the way, clipping it to the side of the machine. As he rubbed the big blunt head of his massive equine cock up and down between those beautiful ass cheeks, enjoying the velvety feel of that hot flesh. As he smeared slimy pre-cum up and down those cheeks, the night stallions trembling hole beckoning to him.

"I was to fast last time." Hooves moaned placing the head of his cock against that hot wet opening, gently pushing against it. Letting it slowly open before him, Tar trying to keep him out but that massive stud muscle was just to hard. "We're both going to enjoy this." The Zebracorn promised as he nuzzled and nibbled on that soft furry equine ear, his hip's press forwards... forwards until his mighty cock head popped past Tar's anal gates. "AHAAMMMMM." Hooves moaned in delight as the first half of his cock slipped inside the trapped stud, gently he worked his hip's back and forth in short strokes. Letting the beautiful black stallion get use to his size before pushing more in and then more, hands tugging at those hard nipples now. 'Close... soooooo close only another few inches and he'd be all the way inside.' "I hope your ready to take it all." The Zebracorn moaned as he drew back his hip's one more time and then thrust balls deep, and then suddenly there was a familiar 'Snap' and then 'click' of locking. "Wait... Wha..." Hooves moaned as he felt the heat against his back and the icy cold metal pressed against his crotch...

Tar shivered as he felt the sudden searing heat of Hooves' tail hole fade into the cold unforgiving metal grip. The sudden chill went deeper then to his skin, it sank right into his very bones. The sudden switch of the trap made him sweat profusely, his skin turning the beads of water to steam almost before they could fully form upon his body. He shivered more as Hooves slowly crawled towards him.

He tugged gently with his hips as he tried to free himself from the cold embrace of the trap, even as the other myth moved behind him, pressing his hot sweaty body against his own. Yes, he had planned on stealing the stallion's balls, yes he had planned on making him a simpering rut boi for as long as he could hold his magic in check. He had planned it all, and now his prey had him trapped. The cold metal gave him little hope of escape while the other big male began to openly molest his body.

He couldn't help but chuff and neigh as those potent three finger hands began to tease his chest and sides. The simply ways he cupped his powerful chest, the slight way he ruffled his ebony black fur. Oh gods, the way he squeezed his nipples. This stallion was amazing. He wanted to own that body so badly. Then that cock pressed against his tight opening. It slowly kissed and dimpled in his tight rump, the pre-cum slowly spreading his clenched muscles as he sank in inch after inch. He moaned like a slut in heat even as he began to send out small tendrils of shadows towards the machine, probing for weaknesses.

Almost instantly he found one. It was designed to capture the most potent magic available. Lock it in tight and keep it there. However the flaw was apparent. It would capture the most powerful magic. Taking a deep breath, that he lost half of to a heated moan, he began to slowly siphon his power off behind the stallion, slowly slipping his form behind him, but keeping his genitals in place in the trap. With each thrust, Hooves' drove deeper and deeper into his hot rump, hitting all the most wonderful spots in his ass that made his cock spew out his thick sooty pre-cum. Finally though, he felt Hooves nearly ready to bottom out in his tight anus. With a final big push of magic, he shoved his full form through the shadows, slipping behind the stallion as he thrust forward. Instantly the trap tried to close upon him, opening up just enough to grab out and grab the Zebracorn's mighty member and balls, leaving him trapped like the nightmare had just been.

"You were right, you went too fast." The nightmare growled in Hooves' ears, his three fingered hands burning with power as he rapidly traced a demonic rune along Hooves' chest. It sealed his essence into that solid form for 24 hours, effectively removing the stallion's ability to use the same trick Tar had to escape.

"Wait wha... I..." The trapped Zebracorn stammered, a powerful shiver raced down his spine as he suddenly felt those runic blaze over his broad chest. "Oh so that how you... No one has ever though of that before... clever boy." Hooves moaned, as he now understood how the night stallion had escaped and gotten him into his own trap.

"However, I have yet to have a chance to go too fast. So let me see if I can do it right." He neighed mightily into Hooves' ear. Clenching his ass roughly, Tar ruthlessly drove forward, slamming his burning cock meat into Hooves' winking tail hole, the tight ring of muscles holding for just a second, making his cock head bend slightly before it caved in. Once again nine inches of his pink and soot colored meat rammed home, splitting the stallion open while he neighed hotly in his ears. His arms quickly found Hooves' nipples and using them like hand holds, he gripped the twin dark nubs, squeezing them hard while he thrust forward again, drilling the rest of his thick fuck meat into the stallion, making his balls slap wetly against the outer portion of the machine holding Hooves' member trapped.

"What... No no please nnNNOOOOOHOOO!" The pretty myth screamed, as his tail hole was brutally taken that massive stud stick driving to the limits of his depth's in and instant. Shoving his crotch against that dangerous machine hard, Hooves felt something within the device spring loose as a burning pain shot along the underside of his mighty erection. Even as his big sensitive nipples were roughly squeezed and pulled hard, as Hooves fought the urge to buck and struggle in fear of what that moment might make the machine do to him.

"Oh, fuck, damn you are sinfully tight," he moaned, grabbing a hold of Hooves hands and slapping them against the top of the machine, a pair of cuffs flipping up to lock the stallion in place.

"WWWEEHEHEHEEEE!" Hooves squealed as the night stallion pounded balls deep inside of him, the pain and pleasure distracting the myth. As his arms were grappled and wrists locked into place. Not even fighting as the concentration it took to hold still under this savage fucking left him no room to thick of anything else.

"And am going to breed you like my ball-less gelding bitch you hear me." He groaned, hauling his cock back out to nearly the tip, before slamming home in a savage raping thrust, intent upon proving who was the true stallion here before he snipped the Zebracorn's potent balls.

"You... you can't... not that." Hooves moaned breathlessly, as he slumped over the icy cold machine feeling that mighty cock drawn back. Huge flay cock head spreading his anus from the inside as he stood there on his knee's trembling softly. And then the thrust came slamming home deeply, that powerful crotch spanking Hooves striped ass hard. Forcing the Zebracorn forwards into the machine, which started to whine softly as something was coming to life deep within it. "WWWEHEHGEEE..." Hooves screamed again, his body reacting automatically trying to jerk backwards choking and gagging as hidden hammers within the device began to play a merry tune on his trapped nuts. "Oho Uhu Uhuuu Fuck... Owww!" The big myth grunted desperate to stop himself from moving even as the Nightmare riding him laughed harshly as pounded into him harder and harder.

Tar laughed aloud as he slammed his meaty shaft deep into the ever more passive myth below him. He couldn't help but love every second as that hot anal walls squeezed and quivered around his shaft before the Zebracorn half collapsed over onto the device. As he did, Tar kept himself upright, for the moment, as he continued to roughly drill his bottom bitch, as a second part of the machine whirled to life. Two more cuffs snapped upwards and around, slapping around Hooves' mighty neck while another slapped over his broad muzzle, pinning him totally against the machine and giving the nightmare total access to his body.

"Ohooo Nooooo nooo." Hooves protested, until that heavy metal restraint clapped over his thick equine neck and then handsome muzzle locking his jaws closed. Making it harder for him to speak, and so the myth could only pant loudly through his widely flaring nostrils. Snorting and groaning as the night stallion's huge hard cock worked over his male pleasure gland with practiced skill, rivers of sparkling pre-cum dripping from his trapped cock.

Working his hips slowly, he moved till he felt that slight bump within the Zebracorn's anus that signaled his prostate. With a smirk he began to slowly pound that one spot, barely moving his cock head back and forth over the pleasure lump as he slowly leaned his body over the stallion, letting his natural body heat wash over Hooves as he began to roughly lick and bite along his neck. His arms reaching down to caress his powerful stomach and thighs as he nickered softly against his flesh.

"OHOOOOWWWO!" The helpless stud squealed as big blunt teeth bit into his flesh cruelly nipping the tip of one long pointed ear off. And then half screaming half whinnying as that massive fuck stick slammed deep into him once more. Making the Zebracorn thrust his own crotch against the cold metal machine, triggering another little clamp which rose up and slapped onto the Zebracorn's proud horn.

"This is it bitch, I have to give you credit. It has been decades since anyone managed to get a full thrust into my ass, decades, so feel proud my sweet stallion whore." he grunted as his blunt teeth dug deep into Hooves' flesh, sending spikes of pain down his shoulder and spine as he continued to punch that one spot inside of the Zebracorn, working that little pleasure knot to make his cock leak his silvery pre-cum into the machine. "However I haven't lost in hundreds of years, so really," he grunted softly, reaching up with his muzzle to grab a hold of Hooves' ear with his teeth. "You never really stood a chance," he moaned, licking the inside of the myth's ear before he jerked back, ripping off the very tip of the stallions' ear as he slammed his full length back into that hot tight fuck hole, making him feel each and every inch as his hips slapped audible against that lovely bubble butt.

As he did, he reached out, even as another little clamp rose up and slapped onto the Zebracorn's horn. Tar instantly knew its function, but with a slight surge of magic he stopped it, rather wanting to force Hooves to beg for it. Grasping the tip of the stallion's horn, he began to surge dark magic right into the ultra pure white magic that was hidden within. At first he felt the horn's natural defenses push him back, burning his own hand as he grasped the potent magical appendage. Slowly however, his overwhelming domination of the stallion's body, allowed him to seep his corruption into the magical horn, slowly working down the white object, turning it black and twisting it into a jagged shaped horn.

"Just beg for it bitch, I am corrupting your horn, so two choices. Beg for me to finish corrupting it, or beg for me to let this machine of yours chop it off. Either way, I win, you hear me whore, I WIN," he chuffed as he reveled in the carnal power he had over the powerful stallion.

Hooves of course knew its function, he's seen it used on many other unicorn rivals in the past. Bur was surprised when the night stallion grasp the tip of his horn, exhaling sharply as he felt dark magic begin to surge right into the ultra pure white magic that was hidden within it. "NNNNUUUU." He squealed through his forcibly clenched teeth, at first his horn's natural defenses push it back. Slowly however his weakening will was overwhelmed by the nightmares domination, allowed that dark power to seep in corrupting that beautiful spire. The pure white horn smoking and slowly turning black and twisted. "Khut it... Khut me." Hooves whimpered through clenched teeth, even as huge silvery tears crawled down his striped cheeks. Even as down behind even more evil was being played out upon the Zebracorn's massive cock and balls. The device was rather unique, working to maximize pain and prolong the agony of whomever it was de-maleing. The small hammers that were beating a merry tune against his massive balls were just the first part of the whole ordeal. Time and time again the tiny hammers slapped wetly against the tender flesh, moving just a hair either up or down along the heavy nuts making sure to give the whole package a nice thick bruise all over its surface area. Along his shaft a different form of torture was going on. What felt like hot wax was poured slowly over the thick length, covering the massive ebony shaft in searing hot liquid pain, before slowly being peeled off, stripping the top layers of skin off the shaft leaving it raw and burning as his pre-cum pumped out, slithering down the now raw shaft with its salty goodness making the myth howl in pain. After several moments of that, a thick rod slowly slid from the top of the machine, slipping almost sensually into the stallion's piss slit, working slowly down his length before bottoming out at the base of his shaft. Then with a soft hum, it began to heat up, slowly warming to the cock's temperature, then soaring into the highest levels of heat the stallion could manage... then higher. It seared the inside of his shaft, cooking it from the inside as it began to slowly cut the base of his cock off.

Hot spray of acid burning and eating into that cock root, not only cutting the cooked organ loose; but liquifying everything left within the Zebracorn's black sheath.

For his balls again, the hammers slowly withdrew, now bringing out small suction cups that slapped over each massive orb and began to slowly draw in, pulling the mighty orbs further and further away from his groin as it stretched the skin and the cords within his pouch. It pulled the skin around the nuts taunt, slowly yanking it till the edges of the sack began to rip and tear, slowly pulling the whole sack away from the stallion's groin before with a sickening wet squelching sound the skin of the nut's ripped free, leaving the twin orbs dangling by their cords. Second by second passed as the cords gave the most valiant effort as they were stretched and twisted, the slight ripping sounds growing louder and louder before with a violent snap, both big balls were ripped free of Hooves' groin and sucked deep into the machine. While above a slight sizzling hiss and that mighty cock meat was sear free of its base, the metal rod pulling back and the seared flesh that stuck to it allowing it to easily pull free of the former stallion's sheath.

"Guds uhu... guds." Hooves snorted through his nostrils as the scent of cook meat waffled up around them both, even as the big stallion atop him reveled in the sensations the myth's anal muscles clenching and squeezing that agony was causing. "Ummm a guldun' nuw." Hooves whimpered pitifully even as the night stallion's breath deepened his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he enjoyed every second of what was happening to the Zebracorn.

Tar neighed loudly in pleasure as he listened to the weak pathetic whimpering of the Zebracorn below him. The poor bitch having totally lost. Begging to have his horn clipped, begging to have his nuts and cock removed. Soon he would be begging to be the nightmare's fuck slut for weeks to come. Rising up and giving deep powerful thrusts into the submissive ass, he relished in the total domination of the weak slut below him. Still grasping the horn he smiled and began to feed more of his dark power into the pure white shaft, speeding up the corruption.

"To bad you don't get to decide your fate slut," he growled, the horn smoking slightly as he tore the pure white magic free, greedily sucking down its power even as he pumped more dark magic into the Zebracorn. There was so little in this world that was pleasing then a corrupted unicorn, and he was certain a Zebracorn would be just as fun. They always became cock hungry masochists and he loved to abuse them till their bodies simply gave out under the strain. With a few more hard bucks he let his corruption sink in, the rough bucking of his hips sending the passive slut below him crashing into the machine over and over again.

As he did, he failed to notice two things. One a second arm began to slide between the passive Zebracorn's legs, setting up between their bodies before a C shaped device slowly slinked free. The second thing he failed to notice was the slow hum of the machine. It was reading the severed flesh of the Zebracorn and noting it was its master. With that it began to ready itself for when the nightmare finished.

With a few more powerful thrusts, the night stallion hunched over a bit, rapidly thrusting his engorged meat into the gelding's anus, fucking harder and harder as he panted in the former stallion's still good ear. "Oh I am going to love fucking you for the coming weeks. Learning each and every little way to make you squeal in pleasure. You are going to choke on my meat and cum till that is all you think is left in the world." He neighed, thrusting harder and harder before he released his hold on the horn clipper. With a sudden slap, the now almost totally corrupted horn was severed with a blinding flash of magic that feed into the nightmare and made him howl in pleasure as his cock pulsed wildly, his whole body tensing before he unloaded his thick load deep into Hooves' passive rump. He flooded the tight passage with the burning seed marking the former stallion as he breed him like a true mare.

Taking just an instant to gloat of the glory of this moment the small metal arm below him snapped upwards, cupping his balls and sheath in the C shaped device. With a soft metallic click the C cup snapped into an O shape before a metal slicing sound echoed from his groin and before he could neigh out in surprise his whole sex was severed in a single instant.

"Wh-wh-WHAT!" Tar moaned aloud, feeling the sharp pinch, his eyes rolling wildly in his skull as he suddenly slumped over the Zebracorn's back as the other myth chuckled softly.

"Engence ish fine." Hooves muttered through the clamp on his jaw as his whole body shook with a mixture of laughter and pain, his rump leaking cum even as his butt pulsed weakly around the still hard nightmare shaft in his rump.

"Oh..oh..oh," Tar moaned as another clamp rose up, slapping against his horn and with a quick snap, his horn joined Hooves' lying impotently upon the top of the machine. The sudden explosion of magic from the severed nightmare's horn, tossed him off Hooves and across the bed, his flames flickering wildly before snuffing themselves out, leaving smoke curling and rising from the former stallion's body.

As he was tossed off, the machine released Hooves and with a smirk, he rolled over, grasping the thick balls and meaty shaft that was still in his rump, slowly working it in and out of his ass as he smiled. "Now we are both gelding magicless bitches." He laughed his prostate sparking with pleasure as he slowly gave it a pounding with the nightmare's meat.

"Oh, fuck, gods, you fool. My barriers, they...they can..." Tar groaned rolling slowly onto his hands and knees as he thought about what was about to happen.

"They can what, find where you have been sneaking off to Targorash, to think, you have been sneaking off to all these years, hiding these pretty little things from us." Said a voice from the shadows. Slowly walking into the light was another night stallion, easily Tar's equal in everything but cock size. There he put Tar to shame. "And my my, seems have found yourself in quite a pickle."

"Oh, get...get out Zareth." Tar groaned, slowly climbing to his knees before Zareth slapped him hard across his face, knocking him across the bed to slam into Hooves' prone form.

"Silence Gelding, your real stallion has arrived, and you two bitches are about to see how a true stallion uses his fuck boy." Zareth neighed happily, clapping his hands and dozens of more nightmare stallions stepped into the room from the shadows.

"Oh gods." Tar groaned as more and more stallions filled the room, the heavy musk from so many horny males washing over the gelding nightmare making him moan out in disbelief.

"I think I might need to rethink the fail safe." Hooves whimpered softly as one of the night stallion's walked up, ripping the former stallion's balls and cock from his ass before he climbed atop the passive gelding, covering him in his sweaty brimstone smelling form.

"I can't wait to hear you scream." The black stallion grunted, as he shoved his hard cock up Hooves' ass, Tar moaning similarly as his own ass was stuff by Zareth and his muzzle was filled by another night stallion's throbbing cock.

"Oh goooooddddsss," Hooves screamed out as he was claimed by the first of the night stallion herd.


Lion Tamer... not so much

Lion Tamer The rangy young Tiger chuckled lewdly, as he moved up behind the sleek striped Zebracorn. "What?" Hooves inquired, looking back over his shoulder at the tall proud Apex predator; who was looking him over with lustfully hungry eyes. "Oh...

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Tate takes the team

Tate takes the team "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard." The sleek black stallion sneered at his smaller feline teammate, as he finished his story. "How can a guy have a pussy? Your either are a guy... or your not right? And guys got cocks...

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Favor for a friend

Favor for a friend... "Alright get in there... ya aint got yer release papers yet." The big Bull grunt gesturing for the huge boar to return to his cell. "Jest a matter of time..." Jacko snorted with a leering grin as he strolled back into the cell...

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