Plots & Plans 5

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Steam Punk

As events move on, plots grow darker and dangerous

Steam Punk

"Are ya daff?" Angus demanded hotly as he climbed down from the engine pod, glaring at the tall Zebracorn. "Around the world... in a week's time, that's barely enough time for a few shake down flights. And new designs always have troubles and unforeseen problems, a long journey will only compound things."

"Then we shall simply have to take enough parts, and supplies to fix any trouble while underway." Cameron assured, as the little Terrier bounced up and down around him angrily.

"While underway..." The small Terrier shivered at the thought of climbing out to work on the engines while the airship was hundreds of feet in the sky. "And what will our weight be? How many passengers do you plan on taking with us?" The little black Terrier demanded as he struggled to calm himself down.

"As many as it is safe to take... I shall leave that up to you to determine, of course. Set the number and I shall fill it with as distinguished gentlfurs as I can find."

"Daff!" Angus snarled stalking way to the shop's offices, even as Otto finished securing the engine pod covers.

"And what are your complaints?" The Zebracorn demand, as Otto climbed down to him with a wily grin.

"We'll have plenty of champagne and caviar what?" The great Dane asked with a smirk, while the Zebracorn returned his grin.

"Of course." Cameron answered the easy going canine, as they exchanged eager boyish grins.

"Then the rest is no matter at all." Otto chuckled, even as the pair stood back to admire their creation as it floated above them.

"Sss... Sir." A faint voice called, drawing the pairs attention to the small figure walking slowly along the dead center of the catwalk. The small richly dressed Rabbit looked as though he were walking a tight rope, his eyes bulging in nervous fear.

"Who is that?" Otto snickered, noting the Rabbit's obvious discomfort at the height and see through nature of the hanging metal catwalk.

"That's Roddy my personal secretary." Cameron snorted, amused at the little Rabbit's discomfort. "Haven't you met him before now?"

"I've never seen him around the Aerodrome." The great Dane stated flatly, as he watched the fancy Rabbit slowly make his way to them.

"I fear that is my fault sir." Roddy stammered nervously, as he at last approached the pair. "Heights make me nervous, and thus I have never found reason to visit this... Errr Aerodrome." The Rabbit gestured to the building looming over them, and suddenly realized his white gloved paws were smeared with grease. Making the Rabbit shake his paws violently for a instant, as if to remove the offending filth. Clearly the shop and Aerodrome it's self was not the kind of place he would ever normally consider going. "However now that I'm here... I can see the attraction." Roddy rambled so obvious lying that it made both Otto and Cameron chortle. "I have the list of all your guests sir, as well as cost estimations for provisioning that group for a round the world flight."

"Aha you will need to discuss those figures with Angus." The Zebracorn pointed to the Terrier on the ground far below, much to the relief of the Rabbit. "I shall of course sign off on any expense he finds necessary." Cameron explained, even as the Rabbit reverse course and headed back down the stairs rather quicker than he'd climbed them. Saying hello to Vander as the tall sleek Stag carelessly climbed the steps.

"I'm glad you've set no time table for the around the world flight." The red Stag smirked holding up a rather large map, on which dozens of lines drawn in different colored inks were traced. "I've planned out a number of different routes, each with it's own unique charms. We'll need to decide on which in point of fact to take, of course we will tell no one until we are airborne. I rather fancy the pleasure routes myself, that way we can get in a bit of fun in an otherwise long boring flight. I've mark a number of place I know of to stop, where one might find the kinds of pleasures we enjoy."

"Oh I just wager you have." Cameron chuckled, glad to see his friend was taking this sudden rash trip in good humor. "We shall make a good show of it, and those that come with us can enjoy or suffer as their hearts permit." The Zebracorn snorted as a sudden clatter of hooves of the iron stairways, announced the arrival of a smartly uniformed Telegram delivery pony.

"Hahah indeed!" Vander agreed as he carefully folded the map up and placed it in a inner jacket pocket.

"Ahaha Charlie..." The big Zebracorn called with a huge smile, seeing one of his favorites bounding up the iron stairs. "What have you got for me today?" Cameron inquired as the smartly uniformed telegraph pony skidded to a halt in front of him.

"Oi it's from some grand high muckety muck dean of Engineerin'." The young pony explained as he shoved the telegraph into Cameron's hands. The Zebracorn read over it smiling, and then handed it back to the handsome welsh pony.

"Give that to the darling Rabbit... if you would." The Zebracorn instructed smiling broadly as the pony looking up at him.

"What aboot..." Charlie grunted with obvious desire, as the handsome stud smiled at him.

"Wait in my carriage Vander and I will see to your... gratuity in short order."

"Both..." The young pony licked his lip's in excitement and then spun heading back down the stairs. "Oi Roddy... got somethin' fer ya."


The next few weeks went by swiftly, and without any cause for alarm. Plans were fully underway for the long flight, and the motors were proving in short tests to be working excellently. "Perhaps they have given it up." Cameron chuckled, as the two big equines surveyed the dark foggy streets outside his town house.

"If it was me, I wouldn't give up until I had this sexy ass." Corwyn chuckled groping and squeezing the Zebracorn sleek round rump roughly.

"You can have it anytime you like." Cameron giggled, as he felt the other brothers hand join Corwyn's in groping him.

"More likely they are waiting for you to drop your guard... and then they will pounce." Darcy grunted, as he studied the dark empty street in the opposite direction. All the while groping and squeezing that sleek round equine rump, that was pressing back into his hand.

"Well I do love a good pouncing... however I don't think their plans for me are so innocent, or should I say debaucherous as your own." The Zebracorn chuckled, as his hands teased the swelling erections of his two new friends.

"Hahah as debaucherous as ours... oho dear me Nooooo." The brothers laughed together, enjoying the handsome striped earls teasing fondles. Even as Daniel swiftly wheeled the carriage up in front of them, and the three equine quickly climbed inside. Instantly the Zebracorn's trousers going down, as the carriage clattered down the dark wet cobble stone streets. Strong three fingered hands cupping and squeezing those striped buttocks, even as velvety black lip's closed over the head of Darcy's stiff cock.

"Ammm... help... help... rape." Cameron moaned playfully as Corwin's thick organ wedge between those wide spread ass cheeks.

"Hah... shut him up brother." Corwin called laughingly, as he watched Darcy's huge fucker thrust down the Zebracorn's throat.

"My lord we are being pursued." Daniels soft voice hissed through the speaking tube, even as the carriage sped up.

"God rotten bastards!" Darcy swore, sitting up and drawing his concealed revolver clumsily from the trousers around his ankles. Corwin had already twisted in his seat and was peering out the oval port hole window. Huge, hard cock still buried deep in the sexy Zebracorn's sleek striped ass as the carriage bounced along.

"Not to worry my valiant soldiers." Cameron moaned thrusting his wide ass back on Corwin's hard cock, even as his muzzle moved to recapture Darcy's waving erection. "Daniel will out run them... and even if he can't this carriage has a few surprises they're not ready to handle." Cameron assured as he gulped Darcy's hard cock down, and went back to suckling on him vigorously.

"Ummmm lord stripy-butt..." The two brothers moaned, as the Zebracorn forced their attention back to him. The two handsome young stallion's going back to humping their host, even as the shiny new carriage careened down the dark foggy city streets wildly. Even as Cameron bucked back and forth between the two of them, hard male organs driving lustfully into both ends of him. The twin stallion's muzzles twisting up in odd looks of pleasure and anxiety, as they couldn't help giving the slutty myth what he wanted.

Meanwhile the carriage skipped and skidded around a sharp corner, leaving the main street which was blocked by slower moving traffic. Even as the chasing velocipede's suddenly eased back, letting their prey pull ahead. The narrow twisting alley stretched out ahead, as the carriage rounded a sharp turn. When the Otter saw why the pursuers had fallen back, they knew the way ahead was blocked. Daniel tugged hard on the right steering lever, while braking hard to throw the carriage into a skid. The carriage having barely enough room to swop-ends in the narrow alleyway, and the otter shouted into the speaking tube. "It's a trap!"

"It certainly is..." Corwin moaned, as he slammed balls deep into the Zebracorn's shiny black tail-hole one last time before cumming hard. Even as all three of them were thrown to one side hard, by the carriages quick skidding turn.

Heading back up the alley, Daniel saw the chasing velocipede's draw to a stop in a V formation in the middle of the alley. The Otter doubted even this carriage could push them out of the way, and keep moving afterwords. And so eased back on the drive levers, slowing to a reluctant stop just in front of their grinning pursuer's. "Here they come..." He breathed into the speaking tubed, as a big grinning Bulldog step up to the carriage and seized a brass door handle. "Deploying defensive measure number one." The grinning Bulldog howled his body jerking and dancing for a moment, before flying across the alleyway and slumping against the wall.

Watch out... watch out this turtles got teeth! Alistair the big Gorilla warned, as he grabbed an old lead rain spout from a nearby building. Twisting it loose he tossed in onto the carriage watching the arcing electricity slowly die away. "Alright it should be safe." He grunted drawing his revolver, shoving one of his subordinates forward however. The wry jackal edged forwards grasping the door handle gingerly, and then grinned as he felt nothing. When flames suddenly sprang out from all directions, the Jackal leaping backwards batting at his blazing coat before stripping it off. Even as the intense heat forced the others back away from the carriage, metal window slots clicking open as gun muzzles poked out. "Guns... watch out." The big Gorilla shouted even as he stumbled back to his velocipede, firing shot after shot at the carriage to no visible effect. The small space of the alleyway suddenly filled with noise, as guns both inside and out roared back and forth. Quickly the Gorilla mounted his velocipede and called the retreat, speeding away even as Daniel launched the carriage into motion. Quickly guiding out onto the main streets, as the velocipede's sped in different directions.


The young pony climbed the stairs, to the fourth floor flat he shared with his widowed mother. With a clatter of hooves Charlie the little welsh pony trotted across the landing. One small three fingered hand reaching out for the battered old brass door knob, but finding the door was slightly ajar. This wasn't normal, and it made the long stiff hairs of his small cut mane bristle.

"Mum..." Charlie called, as he pushed the door open and walked quietly into the dimly lit room. He could see a shadowy figure seated in his Mum's old chair, taking another step into the room he asked. "Mum is everything alright?" Suddenly the door slammed behind him, making the young pony jump in fright. And then the dim flickering light from the gas lamps were turned up, filling the room with a wane glow.

"Yer mum's not 'ere." A big Bulldog growled with a nasty grin, as he stood leaning up against the closed door.

"Wha... wha... Where is she?" Charlie asked, as he saw the big Bulldog sneer darkly at him. "If you've hurt her..."

"She'll be alright... as long as ya do exactly what we tells ya ta do." A second deeper voice grunted, Charlie spun to see a familiar looking Bear sitting in his mum's chair. "O' coarse ifin' ya don't... well bad thing will be happenin' to her, and it'll all be because o' you." The big nasty bruin threatened, as he showed the pony his long wicked looking claws.

"Please... Sir don't hurt my Mum... I'll do want-ever you want." Charlie whimpered dropping to his knee's in front of the Bear, whose evil smile twisted into a dark smirk.

"It aint us you'll be practicin' yer perverse skills on boy..." The Bulldog snapped angrily from behind him, even as the big Bears twisted smile became a lewd smirk.

"Ho Avery... not so fast... lets make sure the little faggots got the skills we need." The big Grizzly snorted as he unbuttoned his trousers and drew a huge bruin erection out of them. "Get over here boy... and give yer ol' uncle Dan a long hot suck."

"Uncle Dan..." The pony choked, suddenly remembering where he'd seen the Grizzly before; he'd courted Charlie's mother down at the Pub. Crawling across the floor on his knee's, the young pony moved between the big Bear's wide spread knee's. A huge rough paw grabbing his mane and jerking his muzzle down into that musky male crotch. The young pony opened his mouth and took that broad cock head into his mouth. Making the big Bear groan in pleasure, as he began to suckle on that huge hard throbbing cock. "Heh yer even better at that than yer momma."

"Fuckin' queer..." The big Bulldog snorted loudly from behind him, but was moving closer to watch the action. "You like a real males cock in ya huh bitch?" The Bulldog growled, as he grabbed the back of Charlie's smart uniform and lifting him up onto all fours. Those uniformed trousers were yanked down, exposing the ponies plump round equine ass. "I'll give ya a real males cock... you pansy little shit eater." The big Bulldog snarled savagely, ramming his unlubed cock into that fluffy round equine ass. Making the little pony squeal around the big bruin cock in his mouth, as that thick organ was forced into him. Tears of pain and anguish running down his broad equine cheeks, until a big fist smashed into the side of his head. "Oi shut up... you know you love it ya whimperin' little shirt-lifter!" The big Bulldog yowled, as he drove his pointed cock into that soft round equine anus brutally hard. Forcing his already swollen knot into that trembling hole, Charlie fighting to stifle a squeal of agony as his unready hole was made to swallow that throbbing knot. Even as the horny canine hunched over him, thrusting in short savage strokes designed to punish more than pleasure. The big Bear leaned back watching the ponies handsome muzzle bob up and down on his fat hard on, a huge smile plastered across his muzzle.

"Take it easy Avery... this bitch is on our side now." The big Bear groaned, enjoying the show of the dog having his first gay experience.


"What the bloody hell?" The enormous Hippo snorted, as the small pony dodged around his bulk and then pressed back against it suddenly. The reason becoming clear and instant later, when two speeding velocipede's raced by him on either side. The little pony's firm ass pressing up against his crotch, making the stodgy Hippo erection within his heavy woolen trousers. "I say... what is them meaning of this?" The lord Sussex stammered, as the ponies soft round ass pushed off his groin, as the smartly uniformed telegraph pony ducked into the hanger. Leaping into the arms of the tall well figured Zebracorn, who had just watched the whole thing. While Vander, Darcy and Corwin moved to block the pony's pursuers from entering the Aerodrome. The thugs had veered off and circled back around, before roaring off as they saw the armed threesome emerge.

"Their after me..." Charlie exclaimed, as he shivered in Cameron's arms, the big Zebracorn cradling the shaggy little pony tenderly. "I thought they wanted my satchel... but when I gave it to them they just laughed." The little pony blurted out wildly as he clung to the Zebracorn, even as Vander trotted back over.

"It's alright... they are gone now." The red Stag assured the cowering Charlie, even as the lord Sussex stepped forward. Demanding to know what was going on once again, as he looking from the Zebracorn to the shaking pony in his arms.

"No its not..." The little pony wept as he buried his muzzle in Cameron's broad chest, sobbing softly as the big Zebracorn held him. "They... they said they know where... where I live, that they could get me at any... anytime."

"Not to worry dear boy." The big Hippo assured, placing a big friendly hand on Charlie's shaking shoulder. "We shall contact the metropolitan police." Lord Sussex began even as the little pony looked up shaking his head wild.

"No... No please they might hurt mum if I... if we did that." The little pony protested wildly, as Cameron looked into the Hippo's deep set eyes.

"He lives with his mother, they could very well hurt her if they know where he lives my Lord Sussex."

"Ahaha... oh Henry if you please my Lord Dumbarton." The big Hippo grunted thoughtfully, as he bit his lower lip thinking about matters slowly.

"If you would call me Cameron... Henry." The Zebracorn answered, with a soft smile as he drew them into the safety of the Hanger.

"Of course... of course Cameron." The big Hippo grumbled, as the small group moved into the hanger. "Is there anyway we could protect the lad's mother then?"

"I... I don't think she'll be in any danger, if... if they don't think I've went informing on them." The little pony answered smoothly, as he moved from Cameron's arm's to hugging the big Hippo. The Lord Sussex looking uncomfortable in that embrace, and yet held the trembling pony oddly tenderly.

"Ammm well... yes... there's a good lad." The Hippo grunted patting the little pony's back gently even as Charlie clung to him. "You can stay with me in my cabin on Silver Heels." The massive hippo volunteered, as he looked up at the massive Zeppelin floating over head.

"Oho Oho thank you sir, but I really..." The little pony started to protest, only to have the Lord Sussex shush him.

"Nonsense... of course you shall... Cameron and I shall both post a private guard on this hanger. You shall be quite safe here and once we are underway, these black hearts will be left far behind."

"Lord... Errr... Henry what about your friend the science don from Cambridge?" Cameron asked, looking from the little welsh pony to the massive Hippo in surprise.

"What... oh Bozzy was going to be my cabin mate? Boring, obtuse, old academic I couldn't think of a more vapid or unpalatable traveling companion. Drop him from the list at once if you please Cameron, I can assure you he has no real understanding of the practical science's. And would be just as qualified to examine your discoveries as pilot this airship around the bay." The big Hippo snorted as he wrapped a massive arm around Charlies shoulders.

"Ahem... well then consider him errr... dropped." The surprised Zebracorn stammered, as the massive Hippo guiding the young pony up the stairway leading to the Zeppelin's gondola.

Dark and Light

Dark and Light Sitting on the Zebracorn's dark wooden desk was a rather overly important looking scroll, sealed with red wax and heavy signet. It wasn't anything impressive to a myth like him, however the magic that sealed it was quite powerful, and...

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Lion Tamer... not so much

Lion Tamer The rangy young Tiger chuckled lewdly, as he moved up behind the sleek striped Zebracorn. "What?" Hooves inquired, looking back over his shoulder at the tall proud Apex predator; who was looking him over with lustfully hungry eyes. "Oh...

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Tate takes the team

Tate takes the team "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard." The sleek black stallion sneered at his smaller feline teammate, as he finished his story. "How can a guy have a pussy? Your either are a guy... or your not right? And guys got cocks...

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