humbled steam punk 8

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#8 of Steam Punk

Chapter 8 in the steam punk series, Cameron meets his true enemy while charlie learns the truth... the pursuit goes on...

As events move on plots grow darker and dangerous


Steam punk 8

Cameron awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright on the big soft bed. Only to fall back an instant later, as the top of his head felt like it had blown off in a minor explosion. "Ummm" The Zebracorn moaned, clutching his throbbing head and smacking his dry mouth loudly for a second.

"Side effects of the gas." A deep rich voice purred, as the sound of liquid being poured into crystal could be heard. "Here drink this... it will moisten your dry mouth and ease the pain in your head." A goblet was pressed into the Zebracorn's trembling hands, and Cameron quickly lifted it to his muzzle sniffing at it for an instant before taking a sip. It was a blend of fruit juices orange, pineapple and something else he couldn't identify, it left a slightly bitter after taste. The pain in his head quickly dulled to a throbbing ache, and the big equine was at last able to sit up and look at his captor.

The big striped feline sat in a chair not far away, watching the groggy Zebracorn with a intense and frightening gaze. His big emerald eyes glowing like there was a flickering fire behind them, while the big feline was dressed in a silky black smoking jacket. The crest of some noble Russian family embroidered in silver thread upon the right breast, while a snifter of brandy was cradled in his left paw. " We have not formally introduced ourselves... I dare say you know who I am." The big Zebracorn smiled as pleasantly as he was able, with the pain throbbing within his skull.

"Of yes indeed... you are my prey." The big predator answered with a toothy smile, as he watched Cameron closely for a reaction. "I am Baron Alexandr Mikhailovich Rostovsky."

"The air pirate?" Cameron choked with a bit of a start as he eyed the Tiger with renewed interest, and obvious desire. "You speak excellent french... no accent at all." Cameron observed curiously, as he sat up and tried to adjust his rumpled dinner attire.

"I was educated in the imperial academy in Paris, like all Russian nobles after Napoleon removed the Tzar." The Tiger answered with a slight smile, as he studied the Zebracorn thoughtfully. "Unlike you... who obviously had a more provincial education, you accent is clearly Normandie in origin."

"Yes all my formative years were spent at the family seat in Scotland, and Normandie french was what we learned. I was later educated abroad and learned of my provincial accent, it made me something of a oddity. However oddities are considered exotic by many, it made my higher educations in France and Italy much more... adventurous." Cameron chortled licking his expressive equine lip's provocatively, even as the Tiger smirked at him knowingly.

"Yes I've heard a great deal about your... adventures in resent months." The big sexy Tiger purred, finishing his brandy and setting the snifter aside. "That and your mad genius, or perhaps imaginative fantasy... My engineers and I are most divided on which it is... from studying those drawings of your motor."

"Imaginative fantasy... complete and utter imaginative fantasy." Cameron assured the as much false humility as he could scrape up, even as the Tigers smile grew colder and more dangerous.

"Oh come now... do not lie its beneath someone of your high birth." The Baron growled his voice a low smooth rolling cascade of unspoken doom. "I have better intelligence than that... I know for a fact you have built and tested a number of machines. I have been told your motors were powering those machines, into doing very impressive things indeed. And of course there are those engines on your airship, the one you planned to fly around the globe without refueling."

"All of that is simply a scheme to fleece investors out of their money... I'm a fraud a charlatan... the motors don't work really."

"Hah you are a liar... and not a very good one, certainly not good enough to fleece anyone out of their monies my dear Earl. You are trying to keep me from taking what is yours, I understand that and am welling to offer you a mutually beneficial agreement." The big Tiger assured, leaning back and steepling his finger pads as he regarded the Zebracorn with a intense stare.

"A mutually beneficial agreement... kidnapped, held captive aboard your airship... you certainly like to negotiate from a position of power." Cameron laughed as he lay back, looking up at the Tiger amused. However noticing through years of practice, the excited breathing and unmistakable flush of arousal in the felines countenance. Clearly the Baron was excited by the knowledge that his prey recognized the power that he had over him. It pleased him obviously, and the only thing that would please him more was using that power on his struggling prey. He was a predator through and through, the old world kind who would happily rip someone apart if it pleased him to do so.

"And yet I am magnanimous..." The Baron assured with a wave of one big soft paw, as he picked at the table top with the huge deadly claws of the other. "My offer you will see is more than fair... I am willing to give you a equal half share of my profits, in return for exclusive use of your motors. And of course first chance at any new inventions you produce in the future, you will of course be free to market anything I do not feel I need for your own profit. I think this is a very mutually beneficial and fair agreement, under the circumstances you have just so thoughtfully expressed." The Tiger was watching him closely, as Cameron pretended to think the offer over with intensity. "The agreement will make you very wealthy indeed, you could afford to work on any projected you wanted without though to cost."

"Hmmm well there is that... and I'm certain you would have ideas for mechanizes you would want me to explore." Cameron said confidently as he winked at the thoughtful Tiger, who's lip's curled back in a wide smile.

"There are a few things my engineers and I have been unable to... fully develop... that I certainly wouldn't deny your help with." The Baron agreed slowly seeing that his plans were already exposed, and no point in denying them.

"Of course it sounds more like slavery to me, I create for you and with what little spar time I get for myself. While you pick and choose what you want of my work, and then throw the crumbs to me."

"Its a partnership... that's hardly slavery." The Baron countered, although he didn't bother denying the Zebracorn's description of his working environment. "You'll be getting half of my profits and whatever you can make for yourself."

"Provided... I'm allowed to make anything for myself. What happens if you decide to take everything I invent, I would have no recourse to that."

"You would still be getting paid... half of my profits." The Tiger growled, obvious disliking that he had to convince the equine that he was being magnanimous.

So I'd be a well paid slave." Cameron answered dismissively, as he made a show of looking out a port hole. Silvery clouds stretched out below them like a heavenly desert, with the pale blue towering above them.

"Better a well paid slave than a non paid prisoner, or even a handsome well dressed corpse." The Baron growled softly, however the threat was there... pain, torture and ultimately death. The Zebracorn turned, meeting the Tigers green eyes with his own bright blue ones.

"I'm not afraid to die... even to die painfully." He answered simply, and the Baron could see his prey was not lying in this statement. In a sudden blur of motion Cameron found himself flying through the air, landing on the bunk with the Tiger atop him. Crushing the breath from the Zebracorn's lungs, big deadly paws working quickly. Ripping Cameron's tight custom tailored trousers open, needle sharp claws cradling the Zebracorn's most private male parts.

"Not afraid to die, but how about living a long boring life with out these?" The Tiger purred, his claws pricking through the soft skin of Cameron's fat scrotum, sharp tip's tickling the hefty orbs within. "I've heard all about what a lecherous shirt-lifter you are... it would be impossible to sodomize telegraph ponies with out these."

"I'm more a sodomizie than a sodomizer anyway." The Zebracorn choked, although it was clear he was frightened and intimidated by the Tigers threat. Still that long black equine cock was rapidly slithering from his sheath, to bounce drooling on his waist coat and tuxedo shirt.

"This seems to have a different opinion." The big Tiger smirked, reaching up to playfully slap that long stiff organ around. "I think I was threatening the wrong organs." The Baron purred thoughtfully as he hot paw wrapped around that bouncing cock, only to begin stroking up and down its smooth hot length. "To be full of desire and have nothing, no way to release that pent up desire." That big paw began to get rougher in it's treatment squeezing and twisting at that big smooth rut stick, drawing soft grunts and moans of pain and pleasure from the helpless Zebracorn. "So much meat and blood." The Baron purred one of his claws ripped the ring out of that big blunt cock head, crimson beads of blood mixed with slimy silvery pre-cum. The big Tiger licked his lip's slowly, showing off his big white fangs as his eyes met Cameron's before drifting downwards. Nostrils flaring as he enjoyed the scent of his prey's fear and blood, it was better that sex to the predator. Of course that would come in its on time hunger, feeding and then release of all that pent up energy.

Cameron watched as the Tiger lowered his huge striped head, gasping in delight as he felt the heat of than maw on his cock. Rough tongue savagely exploring his fat blunt equine organ, finding the scratch and brutally ripping it open wider. More and more blood flowing as that tough tongue raped the Zebracorn's soft skin and hard muscle. "Ohooo... Owwww... please." Cameron moaned as his hip's bucked up, roughly shoving more of his organ into that mouth. And then his eye's flew open wide, his body froze in position as the Tigers jaws closed tightly around his male hood. Fangs shearing through hard muscle, and then sensation vanishing from his cock head. Cameron watched in sickened fascination as the Baron chewed his cock head up slowly, a shiver of pleasure running though the Tigers powerful body as he devoured that hot meat. The Zebracorn mouth dropping open in shock and horror, as he looked down at the new tip of his shortened cock. The flesh pinched closed by the Baron's strong fingers.

"Ohooo gods... ohooo gods please! I... I'll do whatever you... you want agree to anything you like." Cameron stammered as he tried to save the rest of his thick black rut stick, from the Baron's hunger.

"Yes... yes you will." The Tiger purred with obviously delight as his preys pain and fear, the power of devouring a intelligent fur driving him to ecstasy. "But for now... you must pay for your disobedience." The big Tiger lowered his head again, taking in another five or six inches of that long equine stud stick.

"Oho Ohooo No Please Baron." The Zebracorn begged, as he felt those teeth lightly press against the soft skin of his throbbing erection. The might predator paused for a moment, giving his prey false hope before dashing it with one quick snap. "Uhuhuuu!" Cameron squealed as he felt more of his long cock bitten off, and was forced to endure watching it chewed up and swallowed. "No more noooooo mooorrrreee" He pleaded wildly, even as he watched the Tiger's mouth slide down his shortening organ, teeth just below the median ring this time. Fang's digging into benumbed flesh even as the Zebracorn bucked and struggled to get away. 'CRUNCH!' "WeeeHeeeheee heee!" He barely had five inches thrusting out of his sheath now, and the realization of how humorous that looked hit him like a hammer to the head.

"Should I leave you enough to sneer at?" The Baron asked, reading his prey's thoughts from the expressions on his stunned muzzle. Cameron blushing... no one liked being laughed at, especially from something sexual he shook his head slowly. "So take it all then?" Cameron nodded his head more vigorously, as the Tiger enjoyed his prey's submission. "Say it... ask me to take it." The Baron demanded harshly as he watched the big equine cringe, before a tiny sounding voice squeaked.

"Take it... take it all please." It wasn't exactly the way he wanted it said, but the Tiger couldn't resist doing it. Driving his muzzle between Cameron's leg's he pushed deep into that sheath, digging into the very root of that once massive cock. Ripping and chewing savagely a strange sound sound of delight escaping him as he devoured the last of that organ. Cameron's body stiffening, back arching, hip's bouncing upwards as a sudden flash of pleasure washed over him. Thick creamy cum flooding the Tigers mouth as his Prey orgasmed hard, the Zebracorn's hands clinched at his sides.

"I hope you enjoyed that... its the last one your going to have for a very long time." The Baron growled, licking his blood and cum stained lip's as he sat up and smirked at the sweaty breathless Zebracorn. "I shall have my doctors see to your wounds, and then I shall expect you to begin work on my new engines." The Tiger grunted briskly as he stood, the cabin doors opened and a Doctor and nurses came in at once. Followed at once by a tiny welsh pony in his smartly tailored telegraph boy's uniform.

"Cameron... Cameron oh Gods!" Charlie froze on his tracks, as he saw the prostrate Zebracorn with his bloody crotch being worked on by the Doctor. The little pony covering his mouth with his hand as he obviously struggled not to be sick. "Wha... what have you done?" He demanded starring up at the Tiger, who was looking down at him half amused and half angry. One massive paw shot out sending Charlie flying across the cabin, to crumple in a corner.

"I know I gave him to you." The Baron growled to Dan, the big Bear looking frightened as he looked on. "However if he speaks to me like that again... I shall put an end to him." The big Tiger explained as he strolled past the Bear and out into the hallway. Dan gulped and hurried over to the little pony, who was looking frightened now.

"You must treat him with respect." The big Bear grunted helping Charlie to his hooves, looking back over his shoulder. The Doctor was finished with Cameron now and packing up his instruments. "Are you sure you want to stay... with him?" The Bear asked as the Doctor and nurses left the cabin, the door now blocked by burly guards.

"He's my friend..." Charlie repeated weakly, even as he moved over to look at Cameron's deflated, empty sheath. He'd love that cock and not it was gone, stolen from both of them by that damned Tiger. The little pony made up his mind then and there that he'd make the Baron pay... somehow.

"I know... just be-careful or you'll end up like him or even worse." Dan warned as he shivered involuntarily, looking back over his shoulder to make sure the Tiger was really gone. "Listen I've got to go... but if you need me... want to come back... just tell the guards... Alright?"

"Yeah sure alright." Charlie grunted as he ran his hands over Cameron's naked unconscious body, the Zebracorn trembling and moaning softly.


"We have acrossed the channel?" The big Tiger asked as he stepped up beside his second, as the rear railing of the open deck.

"Yes Sir... however that airship has been following us ever since with broke into the clear skies." The Panther explained to the big Tiger, who was looking through the spy glass at the sleek silvery ship behind them. "They have greater speed than we do, but they are keeping a distance behind us."

"You are sure they are following us?" The big Tiger asked, looking a little amused, but also upside by the airship. "Proceed at top speed lets not make it easy for them." The Baron ordered, as he studied the zeppelin pursuing them with the interest of an enthusiast.

"Indeed sir, I had the helmsman make a few course changes, and they have matched our every maneuver."

"You followed our evasive maneuver protocol's upon take off?"

"Yes sir. And we were in that heavy fog at take off, I don't see how they could have followed us. They must have gotten lucky and broke free of the fog first, spotting us as we did."

"Perhaps... and they do have two working engines for us to study if the Zebracorn proves stubborn." The big Tiger licked his lip's as he thought about his guest below decks, had the Zebracorn invented some way to see through fog? "Very well make no more efforts to evade them, however keep a watch on them in case they decide to try any ill advised rescues."

"Shall I make ready the cannons my lord?"

"No... you are not to use any weapons against the airship it's self, however I want ever crew member armed at all times and ready to repel boarders." The Tiger growled, it was not the first time he'd been pursued by enemies nor would it be the last. Of course he wished for nothing more than a nice fight quick and bloody was the best. His crew were all seasoned fighters, and he had more than twice the number as the smaller airship pursuing him could carry. "If they attack we will board and take the vessel, assemble a small skeleton crew capable of flying it. They will follow us to our refueling point, were we will take what we want from the vessel."

"As you desire my lord." The Panther replied, bowing deeply as he watched the Tiger watching the airship behind them for a moment longer before hurrying off. The Panther knew better than to tarry in his duties, the Baron had no tolerance for sloth in his subordinates.


"Look at the size -o- tha thing!" Angus choked, looking around from the spy glass that was mounted at the front of the flight bridge. "They'll have three maybe four times tha crew as we... that's a lot of guns. Not even countin' tha air ta air cannon... that alone could take us out -o- tha sky."

"Well what did you think we were going up against?" Vander snapped crossly as he turned to face the small canine, whom he towered over.

"Not a dreadnaught that's fer sure!" Angus growled back not backing down an inch, as he squared off against the big red Stag. "This ship's noot built fer combat... shes built fer speed."

"Hes right you know." Darby said softly, breaking into the argument with a velvet glove of reason ever as both combatants turned to look at him. "The ship is sleek and fast, but one good hit and she's going down."

"So we just give up on a rescue? Just turn around and head home... ho hum nothing to be done then." Vander fumed, stalking around the bridge in a dark aggressive mood.

"Now... now no one is saying that my boy." Henry assured, the big Hippo patting the upset red Stag on the shoulder gently.

"All Darby is saying is a direct assault would be foolish." Corwyn explained, as he confronted Vander directly, a soft smile on the black stallion's velvet lip's. "However, where a frontal assault will fail, a discrete flanking maneuver be a smaller force may be just the very thing." Vander arched an eyebrow at the big stallion, clearly he had a plan and the red Stag wanted to hear it. "A small force three many four..."

"Five at the most." Darby rang in, as if reading his brothers mind from across the room.

"Lightly armed with knifes and revolvers, could make their way inside in the dead of night. It with be highly dangerous of course, we shall have to get above them and drop onto their envelope. We shall need the moon to be bright even to see by, however not so full as to keep the guards awake."

"Mad..." Angus sputtered, looking around the room to see if anyone was laughing this had to be a bad joke. But all the muzzle were serious and contemplative, the little canine snorted angrily. "A even ifin ya get on... how in gods name will ya be getting' off once ya find'em?"

"Dandelions..." Corwyn answered, more calmly than one should who just purposed jumping from one airship to another in mid flight.

"Those daff bed sheets?" The little canine choked looking both sickened and stunned at the same time. "The Earl's only ever tested'em in miniature, no ones been fool enough ta trust their life ta one."

"Now is as good a time as any..." Corwyn answered smiling as Otto clapped him on the shoulder, the great Dane had become great friends with the brothers it seemed.

"Have you a better idea?" Vander asked looking down at the shaggy black canine questioningly, Angus pulled himself up to his full height.

"As a matter of fact... I do." The little Scots dog answered, a grin twisted up his muzzle for a moment. "Unlike us they'll be needin' ta take on fuel, and look at that whale they're flyin'.

"How soon?" Vander asked looking at the small canine with greater respect now that he'd shown his willingness to fight at the right time.

"It'll be soon... a damn sight sooner than you'll get yer right moon light conditions, not more than a week or so, plus their flyin' at top speed. So their burnin' a lot, once their docked to take on fuel they'll be sittin' ducks if yer rifle shots are as good as ya claim."


The sleek highly polished ebony door cracked open a few inches, and the red Stag grunted through the gap. "Would you mind if I came in for a bit Henry?"

"Not at all... not at all my friend." The big hippo answered, sitting up in his bunk as the sleek red Stag slipped in and closed the door behind him. The massive Lord Sussex was sitting in his bunk, with only a sheet covering the lower half of his body. An open bottle of port and a single half filled wine glass sat on the bunk side table. While a book rested on the Hippo's broad bare chest, gold rimmed glass sitting perched in his nose. "A bit of light reading..." He explained sitting the book aside, Vander was surprised to see that it was written by Cameron Earl dun Barton. Principals of heat exchange in metal alloys, in conjunction with friction within mechanics.

"Light reading." Vander chortled sitting down on the edge of the bunk, one hand resting on a thick thigh under the sheet.

"Cameron does have away of making anything he has interest in sound delightful, to be honest I wished I'd paid more attention to his ideas earlier." The Lord Sussex admitted sheepishly, as he regarded the Stag curiously over his reading glass's. "But what is it I can do for you?"

"I... I was just... feeling the need for company." Vander struggled to say more for an instant, but couldn't seem to find the words. And so sat there awkwardly, as the Hippo looked at him hard for a few silent moments before smoothing filling in the silence.

"To be honest I was feeling a bit lonely myself, I had expected to have that young chap Charles to keep me company." The hippo cleared his throat and smiled weakly at Vander, who was grinning widely now.

"Charlie is good company... provided one has the... ahem stamina to keep up with him." So the little pony had been teaching the Hippo what pleasures could be had with another male.

"He found within me stamina I was unaware that I had." Henry admitted discretely, as Vander's hand slid up his fat thigh. Finding and enormous stud muscle throbbing under the sheet, clearly the Hippo had been thinking about the pony before Vander had came by. Henry's lip's cracked into a slow smile, as Vander's fingers explored his hidden erection with interest.

"Cameron inspired a higher level of stamina within me as well." Vander confessed, with a solemn nod as Henry reached out to unbutton his loose fitting shirt. That big hand slipping inside to ruffle the fur of that strong thickly muscled chest, fat fingers discovering the Stag's hard nipples. Taking first one and then the other between his finger and thumb, the Hippo rubbed and squeezed them playfully. Making Vander inhale raggedly, as his arousal spiked sharply under Henry's lusty attentions.

"So you took the... Errr you prefer the more assertive role?" Henry asked softly his fingers pausing in their work, as he looked deep into the red Stag's dark eye's.

"Yes Cameron preferred that... however I enjoy the passive role as well." Vander moaned, as he tugged the sheet down and took the hippo's thick cock into his hands stroking and tugging on it eagerly.

"I am glad to hear you say that... because I am not sure I could take that role myself." Henry confessed gently, as he reached up to pull Vander muzzle to his own; sharing a strong passionate kiss with the sexy Cervine. "Ammm I am a bit shocked to find myself enjoying another males mouth so very much." Henry whispered as they kiss again deeper and more lustfully this time, hands working quickly. The Hippo's stripping off Vander's shirt and kilt with surprising dexterity, even as the Stag's soft hands worked that big Hippo cock into a lather with it's own pre-cum. For someone professing shock at kissing another male, Henry was certainly proving to be good at it. "Ammm so very sleek and beautiful." The big Hippo moaned, as Vander stood up to let his kilt drop to the floor, exposing his sleek powerfully muscled body. Under the reddish fur of his soft pelt, smiling as he listened to the Lord Sussex sweet words of arousal. A huge hot hand slid along his outer thigh, rubbing softly up to cup the prefect globe of his right ass cheek. "Would you mind terribly if I put it in... here." Henry panted, as one thick finger traced around the hot rim of the Stag tail hole.

"Oh but my dear Lord Sussex... I insist." Vander answers pleasantly, as if the pair were discussing trying a new odd brand of tea at tea time.

"How wonderfully generous of you." Henry replied in that same manner, sliding over and inviting Vander to join him in that wide bunk. The red Stag suddenly finding himself hoping the bunk didn't collapse, under their combined body weight. Vander quickly found himself muzzle down, with the mighty Hippo straddling his thigh's. Massive hands sweaty how with sexual excitement cupped and squeezed his ass cheek, before spreading them wide apart. The Deers tail popped up as Henry leaned over him, and something hot and wet dropped on that tiny pink rosebud.

"I am nothing if not a good hoOOOOOOOST!" Vander squealed as that huge cock shoved brutally hard into him, the Stag bucking and struggling under that massive weight. However he was unable to move now get away, Henry sensed his distress however and stopped his movement.

"I'm sorry..." He breathed into Vanders ear as he gulped for air, that mighty body quivering with pent up need. "I got excited... impatient... please forgive me... I didn't want to hurt you." He babbled, as Vander inhaled deeply and then thrust his ass up on that huge hard cock. "Ohooooo gods you feel soooooo!" The Hippo squealed fight to keep control of himself, not wanting to hurt Vander anymore. However the Stag was pushing and pumping his tight ass back and forth on that massive erection, and soon Henry couldn't help moving to meet it.

"The time for pleasantries is over... shut up and ravish me!" Vander moaned back over his shoulder, as the bunk began to squeak and squeal under the strain of so much moving meat. Each thrust forcing Vander into the mattress so hard, he could imagine that he felt the steel spring underneath cutting into him. It took a good ten minutes for his anal sphincters to relax enough to allow the whole thing in, however the Hippo's crotch was spanking his ass savagely now. And for the first time in his life, the red Stag actually found himself biting into the pillow underneath his head. Henry had one hell of a thrust that thick organ thickened all the way down to the base, making Vander fear his tail hole would never be the same. He could feel that big blunt Hippo muzzle pressing against the back of his neck, each deep breath ruffling his fur as Henry moaned and rumbled in delight. While Vander rubbed his own aching erection against the cool linen sheet beneath him, the smooth soft linen feeling wonderful on his burning, tingling organ. His pleasure building and building while he was humping, bucking back and forth lustfully. "Ummm Gods... Ummmm fuck... Henry!" Vander mumbled weakly as his aroused organ spasmed, spurting and splashing his seed all over those crisp clean sheets...

Pursuit Steam punk 7

Kidnapped Steam punk 7 Vander twisted the throttle lever back wide open, flying along the nearly deserted London streets insanely fast. Determined to catch the lorry containing the kidnapped Zebracorn, the bitter weather making every cut and...

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Uninvited guests 6

Uninvited guests Steam Punk 6 "So all went well then?" The huge Cape Buffalo asked, as the others came stomping slowly into the drafty old warehouse office. "Yes." Alistair the big Gorilla answered curtly, as he dropped into his seat and looked back...

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Plots & Plans 5

Steam Punk "Are ya daff?" Angus demanded hotly as he climbed down from the engine pod, glaring at the tall Zebracorn. "Around the world... in a week's time, that's barely enough time for a few shake down flights. And new designs always have troubles...

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