In the park gang rape

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Vinny take a run in the park... he should have ran faster...

Park gang rape

Burkheart park on the lower end of town had entertained generations, from Victorian bicyclists to punk rock skateboarders with its serene beauty. However in more recent years vicious street gangs used its remote areas and convenient darkness for much more nefarious activities. One gang in particular was noted for attacks on males, both the gay young men who came to the park to sate certain desire and straight men on less sexual missions. The victims weather straight or gay were generally alone and wandering the darken pathways. The attacks left most of them so emotionally scarred that they rarely reported the crime, and even when a rape was reported, the details were scarce and no one was ever caught. Indeed it was stated in most of the gay community that the police, made a point to ignore these complains.

It had been a rare hot and sultry day, now and as the evening approached people began coming out of their climate controlled buildings to enjoy the slightly cool evening breeze. That whispered of the rain that cool damp weather that was surely to come around once again all to soon. Having just gotten home from work, Vinny quickly slipped into his light weight jogging pants and threw a light blue T-shirt on. Wanting to get a quick run in before having a late dinner, the handsome Stag turned down the sidewalk towards the old city park. Vinny had been jogging there since it was running track in high school, stopping just outside the entrance; he took a quick sip of water while watching a few people come and go. He'd noticed that not as many folks came to the park anymore, but had never really question why. Slipping his ear-buds in the Vinny set his ipod to play the glam-rock that was his favorite before trotting off.

A few hundred yards into the park, the Stag carelessly took a path that veered from the main walk to the more secluded area's. Known for its dense tree growth and near total darkness after the sun went down. The handsome young Stag unconcerned, after all there were more than enough people in the park that if he ran into trouble, he could surely get someones attention. The young Stag trotting along to the sweet strains of Ziggy Stardust, for nearly an hour and found himself in almost pitch darkness. The Stag paused for a moment for another drink of water, when he suddenly found himself surrounded.

Four tall swaggering Stallion's, seemed to just appear out of nowhere. Coming out of the shadows in all four directions the big equines quickly descended on him. "Wha... wha..." Vinny stammered as he pulled the buds from his ear, and looked around confused at the smirking studs. His hands were quickly pulled behind his back, and his Ipod yanked away from him.

"Lookie what I got!" One of the nastily sneering equines joked, as he pushed one of the buds into his ear. "Faggot music." He snorted switch off the Ipod and thrusting it into a jacket pocket, as the other stallion's chuckled lewdly.

"Hey... No that's mine." Vinny protested while his arm's were held firm, while another male put a choke hold around his long slender cervine neck. While the thief stood in front of him, however in the thick darkness Vinny could barely make out any of the young stallion's features.

"Was yours faggot..." The big equine spat, as he delivered a swift back hand to the handsome young straight Stag's muzzle. Even as Vinny could feel other hands roaming through the rear pocket on his baggy sweat pants. "Don't try anything stupid asshole and you might walk out of here." The thief's rough voice grunted, as Vinny could hear his billfold being rummaged through.

"Stupid fag's only got forty dollars." The powerful stud directly behind him snorted angrily as he tossed the empty wallet aside.

"I'm not a Faggot!" The straight Stag protested, struggling to get loose from his bigger captors even as they smirked at him.

"Well... maybe he's got somethin' else to offer then." The Ipod thief in front of him chuckled, delivered another hard slap. "Hold him Bray..." Vinny felt his baggy sweat pants were pulled down with one strong yank, the straight Stag froze in shock as he was suddenly exposed. A huge firm hand cupped his balls and squeezed firmly, sending a sickening pain trough Stag's belly. The fact that another male was touching him there caused Vinny to jump and struggle violently in an attempt to free himself, but the grip on his balls was too strong.

"You bastards... you fucking bastards, I'll kill you." Vinny screamed as his long slender cervine legs kicked and struggled. Until a heavy blow to his tight flat stomach, knocked the breath out of him and left the Stag dangling limply. In the grip of the bigger stronger males, as he gasped for breath and struggled not to black out.

"You ain't going to do crap bitch. We gonna be doin' plenty tho'." The smirking stallion laughed, tilting the Stag's head back and planting a savage kiss on his velvet lip's. "I think we'll start by milking yer cock four or five times." The big stallion teased with a leering grin, as the other studs crowded around and guffawed at the helpless straight boy. "You male enough to give that many loads?"

"Fu... fuck you." Vinny choked, still gasping for breath as the hand on his balls turned from squeezing to gently rubbing them. The Stag could hear crude laughter as the other males watching him grow erect, in the semi darkness he could feel them more than see them. While in the distance Vinny could see the occasional silhouette of someone passing on the lighted upper path. Did they not know he was being molested... could they not see him struggling? "Help!" He called up to a passing figure, the the shadowy silhouette just hurried on faster. The four huge stallion's holding him just laughed as the fondled him playfully. "Pl... Please, just let me go." Vinny begged as he tried to summon all his strength to break away. But as that hand massaged his balls, he felt another hand grasp his hot throbbing shaft and began to stroke it.

"Aint nobody gunna help you but us."

"Yeah so you better be sweet to us bitch." The straight Stag's anger and desperation peaked causing him to try and leap way, the male working on his balls stopped and yanked something from his jacket pocket. Vinny gasped in horror as he saw the blue arch and heard the electricity crackle, as the big stallion pressed the two cold steel prongs to his hot flesh. His athletic young body convulsed and jerked for a instant, and then Vinny buckled at the knees as the pain shot through him.

"So you like it rough huh bitch?" The smirking stallion remarked, as he again caused the stun gun to spark. "That's s'ok we like doin' it rough anyway." Both big hot hands returned to massaging his aching balls and stroking his raging hard cock. Vinny could do nothing as the bigger furs began having their way with him, for over a half an hour they kept the young Stag on the brink of orgasm. Only to then denied him the pleasure of release, only to resume stimulation a moment later minute seemed to stretch into hours and the days if only in his mind. His rock hard cock was heavily leaking pre-cum now and he could feel the cum churning in his hefty Cervine balls. The closer to orgasm he got, the less strength he had to resist his rapists will. Vinny was gasping for breath in great shuddering gulps now, as his sleek tawny fur glistened with sweat.

When he finally exploded in orgasm, the trembling Stag shot thick globs of pearly white cum across the loose round stone pathway. Any hope that the sadistic Stallions were finished with him quickly vanished however, as they tore off his shirt and forced him get on his hands and knees in front of them. Exhausted, helpless and completely naked in a public place, Vinny was far to humiliated and cowered to resist anymore. The ground was cold and unforgiving under his knee's and palms, as Vinny slowly assumed the position. His spent cock still dripping white beads of cum from the head, and he was ashamed that he had succumbed to temptation, and could cum under such brutal defilement.

Even as he was attempting to face these imagined failings within himself, he felt a cock press against his tail hole. It was huge, hot and blunt as it spread him wide, Vinny was about to scream when another massive cock head was pressed against his lip's. "I feel one tooth on ma cock... and I'll stomp yer teeth out bitch." A rough lustful voice growled from above him as massive hooves were placed on the backs of his hands to hold them in place. And although the straight Stag fought with all his remaining strength to avoid it, but he was simply overpowered and forced to take it.

"No ples..AUMUMMMM." He tried to beg but even as he opened his mouth to protest, that aroused cock was jammed in savagely; until he could feel it's throbbing head at the back of his throat. His straight pride sunk as his mouth was violated by another males organ, unable to resist for fear of his captors Vinny began sucking. While at the same time he could feel his ass being spread, and the head of that massive cock caving in his passive anus. A fiery pain shot through him as the cock stretched those tender muscles wider and wider until with a lewd 'Slurp' that massive cock head popped inside of him. "OOOUWWWW!" The helpless Stag moaned around the hard cock fucking his muzzle, as a second mighty cock was driven ball's deep within his quiver ass.

The massive filly fucker in his mouth was pounding against the back of his throat persistantly now, as the Stallion grabbed his antlers and began fucking in a strong steady rhythm. The poor former straight stud was being pummeled from both ends, one reached under him and began stroking his cock for a second milking. The group chuckling and making fun of him as they quickly took their pleasures, evidently they were well practiced at this kind of thing. Vinny gagged as that hard cock was brutally rammed down his throat, but it didn't help the big stallion raping his muzzle was cumming now. Stomach bile and hot greasy horse cum mixed in his throat as the big horse whinnied in pleasure, moments later he pulled out allowing the Stag to choke and gag it all out.

Vinny hoped it was over as he felt his torn ass suddenly burn as hot salty cum filled it, but his hopes were in vain. For the entire process was repeated by the other two males. until Vinny lay spent and exhausted on the ground.

Even as more equine gang members showed up, before the night was done the Stag was forced to cum three more times. Until the sexy young Stag finally passed out from exhaustion, a number of the horny stallion's jerked off onto him before they left him laying naked in the grass. Vinny awoke early the next morning as the first sign of dawn were in the sky, he crawled slowly over to the waste basket and was thankful that his clothing was still inside. As he made his way from the park he saw a police car parked a short distance away, and almost reported the incident. However at the last minute he realized that he had no real description or names to give, and the idea of telling other males he'd been over powered and use as a sex toy made him blush with shame. Disheartened, the stick Stag began the degrading walk home, vowing never to return to the old park...


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