Chapter 4 - From Out of Darkness

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#4 of COG Origins: Shade: Terror of the Night

FINALLY... THE CHILDREN HAVE COME BACK TO SOFURRY.COM! yes we're back, with a brand new chapter. This chapter is the first appearance of my most recent winner of my last contest xlTangolx hope you all enjoy!

Modern day

Bridgeport, CT

Darkness enveloped the dilapidated cityscape. Within the old abandoned Remington Arms factory on the east end, a pair of GeneCorp were struggling with what looked like the body of a rather large creature. The reptilian being is a leafy green with bright red markings over his body and taking up most of his chest. The male figure was a intimidating seven foot six inches. Both male soldiers grunted as they carried the exceptionally awkward figure up the stairs. The two were garbed in black tactical gear complete with face pieces to cover up their faces. Along with their gear, the pair had a pair of FN FALs strapped to their chest. Their eyes were replaced with the green gleam of pairs of night vision goggles. The place had been long abandoned since the late 80's so there was no issue with anyone having to come across this operation.

"I hate this fucking place..." one of the men finally grunted as they got to the third level of the building.

"and Why would that be?" the other asked. "Is it because we have to lug this big boy up the stairs, or do you think this place is haunted Tim?"

"Fuck off!" he said as the two finally dropped the draconian upon the trashed and dirty floor. "Ain't no such things as ghosts!"

"Whatever! you're fuckin' scared!" the other laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, keep up the bullshit Frank..." he grumbled as he pulled off his face mask to light up a cigarette.

"So where'd this big fella come from?"

"Dunno, some where from Norway or somethin'," he moaned aggrivatedly as he let out a puff of smoke. "Alls I know is we gotta wake this freak up soon or he's gonna blow again like he did before we picked up up..."

"Ya mean before we get him to New York?"

"Ye boyo's will not be makin' it ta New York..." came another voice with a heavy irish accent from the darkness.

As the two suddenly looked towards the source of the voice. They found a female beaver standing just under five feet tall. She may have been short, but she was stock and well endowed upon her chest for being so short, almost looking dwaven in appearance. She's garbed in a simple white shirt with a pair of blue overalls. She also has on a pair of night vision goggles just like the men. The only difference is a pair of Glock .45 sat within her hands. Her tail waggled as she gave the guards a smirk as they slowly raised their hands.

"That's right... reach em high up the yer all beloved god ya bloody heathens!" she growled out.

"What are you gonna do to us?" asked the man with the cigarette.

"I ain't gunna kill ya if that's what yer worried about boyo... nah, ye be too good fer that! I'm just gonna take that dragon away from ya and I'll be on my way!"

"You're... gonna take OUR big payday? you know who you're messin with bitch?"

"Aye! Ye be heathens from the God forsaken GeneCorp ye blasphemous bastards!" she yelled, clenching the weapons in each hand tightly.

Suddenly, there was a click of an assault weapon that came from behind her. The two men look towards their comrade in arms, garbed in the same tactical gear and the same weapon strapped to his chest. The two GeneCorp Soldiers picked up their weapons.

"Three against one bitch," murmered the man behind her, "Odds against you now, better drop them lil' pea shooters..."

"Bloody 'ell," she grumbled as she dropped the Glocks to the ground and slowly raised her hand."

The others finally chuckled a bit as they slowly closed in. "Boss's gonna love this." the cigarette man chuckled loudly. "What kina powers you got sweety?"

"The power te kick yer sorry asses when I get the chance..." she grumbled as the three slowly closed in.

The three chuckled wildly as the first man kicked the guns away from her, "Hey! I got an idea!" he chuckled, "She is a girl... and we haven't..."

"Dude!" the cigarette man yelled. "The fuck man?! you see how thick she is?"

"Hey! more cushion for da pushin!" he said as he dropped his weapon.

"Whatever! just make it quick!" he grumbled audibly.

The man gave an evil chuckle as he closed in, the beaver slowly shrinking away in a subconscious attempt to escape. Just as he reaches out to grab for her strap on her overalls would the man suddenly vanish into thin air. This beaver gasped slightly as she saw everything with the aid of her night vision goggles, and she looked around. The other two men also watched as the darkness suddenly took their ally and began to frantically search around for their missing compatriot.

"The hell was that?!" screamed the cigarette man.

Before the other man could give an answer, they suddenly hear the man scream in utter terror as he suddenly falls from the ceiling and lands with a sickening thud. The two men quickly turned to the source of the sound to find their compatriot suddenly on the floor. Without hesitation, the cigarette man slowly walked over to his ally and leaned down to check his pulse.

"He ain't dead, but he's out cold..." he said plainly as he stood back up.

"GeneCorp," said a menacing, hispanic sounding voice that sounded like it came from all around. "Only hell awaits those who aid you and your cause."

The two remaining soldiers look around frantically for the source of the voice, but they couldn't find it. Suddenly, the man behind the beaver started to yell, but his vanished just as it had begun. This caused both the beaver and the remaining person to look in his direction to find the man missing.

"What the hell is going on man?!" the last remaining soldier said to himself. He was visibly getting more and more nervous with every passing second before his compatriots appeared out of nowhere, with another figure. The figure was well over six feet, but was garbed in a dark, unzipped hooded sweatshirt, a loose fitting pair of black jeans, and a simple pair of shoes. The man couldn't see the figure's face as it's back was turned to him. The figure then lunged forward with an intense front kick that sent the guard flying into the wall.

The last man suddenly pulled his FN FAL up and zeroed his iron sights over the figure. "DON'T MOVE FREAK!!!!" he screamed. The figure merely turned his head. Even through the night vision goggles he could see the fire in the eyes of the beast before him. The eyes of a panther hybrid stared back at the now viciously shaken man.

"Bullets do not hurt me little man." he said angrily as he turned his body. Before the soldier could say anything else, he watched in utter horror as the panther began to take a few steps towards him, and quickly start to dissolve like dust in the wind. bit by bit, the panther suddenly vanished right before the guard's eyes. The guard quickly turns around only to be met with hard flip kick to his face, knocking him to the ground. The soldier looked up to the panther who was now standing over him.

"D... Don't kill me!" he screamed loudly as he raises his left hand in attempt to shield himself

"I will not," he growled aloud as he straddled his legs on either side of the GeneCorp soldier, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull their faces closer together for intimidation purposes. "Tell me where your Head Quarters is!"

"I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW!!!" he yelled in uttor horror. "Please! don't kill me!"

The panther merely growled loudly as he clenched his first angrily. "No!" he growled once again, "Death is too good for your kind!" He rears his fist back and lands a heavy punch directly into the face of the human, knocking him out.

As the panther slowly stood up, the beaver stared in utter awe of the situation. She slowly backed away from the panther. "Oye! yer... not gunna..."

"No." he plainly said as he turned his attention to the young dragon who was still tied up. He began untie the poor dragon just as he was waking up.

"uuuuuggghhhh... mitä helvettiä?" the dragon mumbled as he slowly began to stand up. "kuka sinä olet?"

"This is where my expertise comes inta play!" the beaver said. She put her hand into her pocket in the front of coveralls and pulled what looked a tubular device that looked similar to an epipen. She places it on a part of the dragon's exposed skin and pushed the end.

"Wh... what? what sorcery is this?!" the dragon suddenly asked.

"Tisn't sorcery me friend! it's science my good dragon!" she replied. "I simply injected ye with specialized nanobots that swim directly into your left temporal lobe, which deals with language comprehension and production. It updates your languages to whatever is necessary. The Name's Agatha McDougal, but you can call meh Gearhead."

"I am Sla'Dreki, in my home I was known as the Forge Dragon." he said calmly.

Agatha then turned towards the strange panther, "And what's your name boyo?"

"I am Miguel Sanchez, but since you have given your nickname, you may also call me Shade."

"How appropriate a name!" she beamed as she softly nodded, "I tell ye boys what, I've got this little place away from 'ere, ye both are welcome to join me. I'm part of a group who fight against the very people who kidnapped ye, and who ye have been fighting Miguel."

Miguel contemplated for a mere moment before he nodded softly, "My father has taught me that if you find the enemy of your enemy, you will most likely find a friend. I will join you Gearhead."

The dragon though seems to be hesitant still, "I... don't believe I have much of a choice, I don't even know where I am..."

"Don't worry my dear dragon!" she said as she gave the dragon a smile as she guides the two out of the factory. Miguel couldn't help but smile. He now was one step closer towards learning where GeneCorp's main headquarters was. Nothing was going to keep him from his vengeance.

Chapter 18 - Nightswimming

Midnight, what most would call the bewitching hour of the night. All was quiet on the Moreau compound, as Jace, the otter known as Riptide, decided to take his nightly dip in the indoor swimming pool. The pool was well lit and heated to allow the team...

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Chapter 17 - High Tensions

Deadeye was aided to the down to the infirmary by Soulfox. He sat across from the injured fox on a simple chair, while Deadeye sat on the examination table. the room was sterile white and lacked in decor, but then most of the sub basement was extremely...

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Chapter 16 - Showdown

As Frostbite rounded the corner towards the downward slope towards the gym with Deadeye in tow, the rest of the team hung right to the viewing room. The Leopard and fox stopped at a large cargo style door in which held a retinal scanner. She peered...

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