Chapter 17 - High Tensions

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#18 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

Deadeye was aided to the down to the infirmary by Soulfox. He sat across from the injured fox on a simple chair, while Deadeye sat on the examination table. the room was sterile white and lacked in decor, but then most of the sub basement was extremely plain. Deadeye had stripped down only to his pair of black boxer briefs, and was obviously highly uncomfortable to be in front of Ian as such. He was quite fidgety while he awaited to be seen by Pagan. Ian, garbed in his normal off duty ensemble of a polo shirt and jeans, noticed the fox's discomfort, but paid it now heed, knowing full well the fox was unwilling to talk.

It wouldn't take long before the female bovine came walking in, garbed in her usual halter top and tight fitting jeans. The large yet voluptuous woman stared over the fox and chuckled slightly.

"I hear you took a hit from Frostbite, must have been a doozy, but you're still the first one to actually land an attack on her." she said as she stood before the fox.

"Seemed like she was a little upset about it too," he replied.

"Pay her no mind sugar. Now relax and lay down for me so I can examine you, make sure you don't have serious trauma."

As the fox began to lie down on the examination table, the automatic door opened up to allow Riptide, the otter garbed in his team outfit, into the room. The looked simply over to Soulfox and leaned against the door leisurely.

"There you are Ian!" he said with a smile on his face.

"What is it Jace?"

"Can I talk to you in private?"

The arctic fox looked over towards the bovine with an inquisitive look.

"You won't be needed, I can take it from here Ian," she said.

With that, Ian quickly got up and made his way with Jace and disappeared behind the automatic door. Deadeye gave a nervous sigh as he leaned back after watching them leave, trying to relax.

"You alright sugar?" she said as she placed her hands over the fox's chest gently. "Your heart is starting to pick up speed."

"Just get this over with," the fox said plainly, hiding his emotions as best as he could.

She gave a simple nod as she began parting his fur around the area he was punched. Sure enough, she found a serious enough trauma that would cause a decent amount of internal bleeding. She noted the size of the bruise around the fox's naval area and shook her head softly, knowing full well this is normally a serious injury. She then closed her eyes, extending out into the fox's body with her powers for a proper diagnosis. She detected no ruptured internal organs, but there was a bit of a tear in his Diaphragm, which could have been caused by the blow. After her search, she opened up her eyes and smiled down to the fox.

"You're a very luck man" she finally replied. "Only have to worry about a little bit of internal bleeding and a tear in your diaphragm."

"Lemme guess, I'm on the injured list?"

"Don't be silly!" she replied. "Now let me finish my diagnosis."

She reaches towards his crotch slowly, causing the fox's heart to speed up. She caught this fluctuation with her powers. Suddenly, The fox's hand grasped her tightly around the wrist. He started to sit up and looked directly in her eyes.

"Is that necessary?"

"I have to do a full examination, I have to make sure you don't have any intestinal hernias."

The fox slowly released her hand, still wary of her intentions. She continued to note the strange behavior the fox was showing. She continued her scan and found nothing wrong with the rest of his body. Her hands gently finds their way back to the affected area and placed her hands upon his abdomen.

"Just to warn you, it's going to feel a little weird at first."

As she concentrated, her hands begin to give off a gentle glow. The fox's fur began standing on end, reacting similarly to the way it would with a static charge. She closed her eyes gently as she imagined the fox's bruises closing, and slowly fading away. The fox's eyes grew wide with surprise at the feat. He still suffered from tachycardia from the mere touching of his body. He could tell it was taking a toll on the bovine as he could feel her heartbeat speed up through her hands. She began to perspire heavily while she kept her concentration on healing the fox. When she finally finished she took her hands away, she stumbled backwards like she was going to fall. The fox quickly sat up and grabbed onto her arm to help her gain balance.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah... that's the downside to my powers," she replied. "It takes a lot out of me."

The fox nodded softly and without any further word or emotion. He turned back around to grab his outfit to put back on. Still a little uneasy, the bovine shook her head gently and tried to find the table to help her stabilize. She instead finds the fox's shoulder by accident. This triggered something deep within the fox, causing his eyes to widen. Without hesitation, he spun around quickly, knocking her hand away and trusting his fist towards towards her jaw in an uppercut. He stopped just before the fist connected once he realized what he was doing. Sweat started pouring out of the fox's body, his breathing was labored.

The bovine gave a look of sorrow to the fox and took a step back. "You're exhibiting symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder," she suddenly said. "I am sorry that I triggered it, I really am... it's just using my power can a have an effect of intimacy for me."

"I don't want to talk about it." he interrupted

She nodded softly and placed her hands on each of the fox's shoulder. "Listen, I'm no psychologist, but I think you need to let out whatever it is you're hiding that's giving you these problems. If something were to happen in the field, there's not telling what will happen to you."

Deadeye kept his eyes to the ground. His heart finally slowed and he was breathing regularly now. He didn't know what to say at this point. He knew the bovine was right, He had to talk to someone. He slumped suddenly the the ground, taking her down with her.

"W...While I was at the circus..." he began. This caused the bovine's ears to raise in sympathy as she held the fox in her arms. "I... I was indignant. I was mad about being a trained as a soldier growing up and not being the savior of the soviet people as was promised me. I met this... guy. I never knew what love truly was. Not until the night we..." before the fox could continue, he shoved his face into his hands and sobbed wildly, his ears pressed against his head in sorrow.

"He's dead... I'm sure of it!"

The bovine's ears drooped as well, as she pulled him closerin an attempt to comfort him, a small tear forming in her own eye as she watched him sob.

"Ever since the ring master left him out in the Siberian countryside, he used me as his own personal fuck toy!"

"There there..." she said in a motherly, comforting way. "That bad man will never harm you again..."

The fox pressed his face against Pagan's shoulder and continued to sob. It took him a moment to finally gain his composure yet again as he slowly pulled away from her. The two looked at each other, with Pagan giving him a gentle smile. "Please don't tell anyone else, I want to tell them when I'm ready..."

"No problem, Deadeye," she replied with a smile, as she slowly helped the fox back to his feet..

"Thanks..." he replied as he began putting on his team uniform again. "For everything I mean, Pagan."

She nodded softly and gave a gentle kiss against the fox's head. "Be brave Deadeye. Stay Strong for all of us."

He zipped up his uniform and headed slowly toward the door. As the door opened, he stopped and turned his head. "You now Pagan... It's not that I'm gay, I've just never had the chance to be with a woman..."

That gave a renewed sense of hope in Pagan's eyes. She nodded softly in acknowledgement before he left the room.

As Deadeye began making his way back towards the main hall, he spotted Jace and Ian still talking. He could only see Jace's face and the back of Ian's head, but he couldn't hear what the two were talking about. He saw the look of joy in Jace's eyes, an almost girlish grin came over his face. Before Jace could leave, the two embraced lips lovingly just before Jace left to continue on with whatever he was off to do. Deadeye showed no emotion as he approached Ian from behind slowly. It wouldn't take long for the arctic fox to detect his teammate thanks to the loud, echoing boot steps of the fox.

"Deadeye! clean bill of health?" he asked suddenly.

"How long have you been together?" Deadeye asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You and the otter," the fox replied, "How long?" Ian looked down ashamed and blushed. It turns out the secret was out and he didn't know exactly what to say about being caught. "Listen Soulfox, I'm not one to judge. I don't care what you do as far as who you are attracted to, or what you do with them. Just do me a favor..."

Ian looked into the fox's eyes, expecting something homophobic from him. He prepared himself with a stern look to the fox and awaited to retaliate.

"Cherish what you have. You never know when it'll be ripped away from you by this cold world."

Ian's look softened a bit as his maw fell agape at the surprising words from Deadeye. "You... don't care?"

"Why should I?" the fox replied. "Love is love, it matters not with who you fall in love with. Cherish it."

"I take it you've been hurt before then?" Ian asked as he lowered his eyes away from the fox in shame.

"Yes, I'm not going to tell you about it now, but I will someday. I also think the rest of the team should know too, as well as Dr. Moreau."

Ian nodded softly as the fox began walking off. Ian bit his lower lip for a moment and then quickly turned towards Deadeye. "Deadeye!" Hearing his name, he stopped and turned his head to look at Ian over his shoulder. "Thanks, for everything."

"You have nothing to thank me for." he replied.

The two parted ways with Ian left in a sort of fluster. Deadeye was right. He has to tell the team sometime, more importantly Dr. Moreau. He had to find Riptide now and talk to him. They had to come out of the closet sometime. Ian could feel the knot in his stomach, half of uncertainty of Dr. Moreau's reaction, but also of what Riptide will think that they were spied on and the their secret came out. First thing's first though, he had to find his lover.

Chapter 18 - Nightswimming

Midnight, what most would call the bewitching hour of the night. All was quiet on the Moreau compound, as Jace, the otter known as Riptide, decided to take his nightly dip in the indoor swimming pool. The pool was well lit and heated to allow the team...

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Chapter 16 - Showdown

As Frostbite rounded the corner towards the downward slope towards the gym with Deadeye in tow, the rest of the team hung right to the viewing room. The Leopard and fox stopped at a large cargo style door in which held a retinal scanner. She peered...

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Chapter 15 - Practicalities

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the sub basement, Geist was wondering down the hallways pondering of the ghost he saw the day before, still garbed in his uniform, sans the coat. As he headed passed the hanger door, he noticed Sergei sitting at a desk that was...

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