Chapter 18 - Nightswimming

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#19 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

Midnight, what most would call the bewitching hour of the night. All was quiet on the Moreau compound, as Jace, the otter known as Riptide, decided to take his nightly dip in the indoor swimming pool. The pool was well lit and heated to allow the team to go swimming any time of day. He made his way through compound garbed only in a simple cotton robe and holding a towel over his left shoulder. He loved this time of night as he got to be alone to think about things, about how everything's been going so fast for him. He had asked his future husband to meet him down here so they can discuss something he felt was important. He smiled as he looked down at his right hand, the one with the beautiful sapphire entombed within the ring of gold around his third digit. As he approached the pool, he places the towel upon a beach chair near the pool.

He untied his robe and allowed it to fall from his lithe yet muscular toned body. He now stood nude in the pool room as he circled it slowly. Jace loved being able to come out here naked, being the only one normally up at this ungodly hour. His left hand then went to the golden ring on his finger as if to take it off. Before he grasps it, he stops and shakes his head. He headed straight for the diving board and climbed on. He hesitated only for a moment and began his approach. He gave a hop and finally jumps as high as he could. He extends his arms forward and dives through the water, barely making any splash at all. He glided gracefully beneath the surface of the water like a bird would through the air. It didn't take him long before he reached the opposite end of the pool. He breaches the surface and sighed happily to get the first gasp of under for so long, but he was used to it.

He was met by a pair of white furred legs at the other end. His eyes slowly crept up to the startled, almost concerned look of his lover, Ian. The arctic fox had his hair pulled back into a pony tail, and was garbed in a simple pair of bright red swim trunks which currently match the blushing cheeks of the young lad.

"Hello, dear!"the otter chirped without shame.

"Jace?!" the fox yelled, almost in a scalding tone. "You're naked! have some decency sweet heart."

"Oh relax," he replied as he pulled himself out of the water to sit on the edge. "We're the only ones up, we won't get caught."

"What about Hard Drive?"

"He and I have an understanding," the otter chuckled to himself.

The fox simply sighed and took up a seat on a pool chair close to where Jace sat. "Well, I'm here, you wanted to speak to me about something?"

"Yeah, I did," Now the otter was nervous. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky light window placed within the ceiling, showing off the beautiful bright stars in the sky. "Well, remember when you told me, if I felt ready to... you know..."


"Well... I think I'm ready."

The fox blushed a bit. He couldn't help but chuckle. It was rare to see the otter flinch and jitter like this. "You wanted it to do it here? In the swimming pool?"

"Please?!" Jace asked desperately. "I swore up and down that I always wanted have my first in the water! It only makes sense."

Ian replied with a smile. He stood up slowly and approached the pool slowly. He simply pushed the otter into the pool playfully and took his place at the edge. As the otter came back up, he returned the coy smile and waded through the shallow end back up to him. They began staring each other's eyes. They didn't worry about where they were going to get married, nor did they didn't worry about how they'd get the money for the wedding. They were simply there, in the moment, staring passionately into each other's eyes. Then, Jace and Ians mouths became one in a quick instant. Both lover's eyes slipped closed as they embraced each other's lips, lost in the heat of the moment. Jace's hand was idly pawing at Ian's trunks, trying desperately to get them off. He merely aided him by shifting when needed to get the constrictive clothing off.

When they parted lips, Jace looked down at Ian's package. He smiled at the the ebon tip that slowly peeked out of the sheath. Those perfectly white orbs below throbbed slightly, begging the otter to touch and fondle them. He found it hard to resist as he cupped them both gently, to Ian's delight. The fox gave a soft moan of pleasure from the soft feel of the otter's hand. Jace simply smirked at the fox's ecstasy and leaned his face down, playfully running his tongue around and around that tip. That tongue sent sensations up Ian's spine, replying to the licks with a soft hand to the back of the otter's neck. The otter's licks and teases were answered as that thick member finally slides out, a respectable 7" now stood before the otter in all it's full glory.

Without further hesitation, the otter's mouth engulfed Ian's throbbing shaft slowly at first. Ian couldn't help but let his eyes close and his head tilt back from the pleasure. After a moment of getting used to the size, Jace began to slowly bob his head up and down on the fox's shaft, getting him nice and slick for the deed that was to come. Ian couldn't help but reply with his own reaction of bucking his hips softly towards the otter's lips. Every head bobb the otter made, every reactionary hip thrust given, it sent caused both partner to moan softly in unison.

"oooooohhhhhh GOD Jace!" Ian moaned after a while. "That's... that's it..."

The otter kept the fox's testicles in his hand as he slowly pulled his mouth off of the fox. A small little dribble of pre stuck between the tip of the fox's member, and the otter's tongue before he pulled away to finally break it.

"You say this is your first time, how'd you know how to..."

The otter blushed and interrupted, "Well... I have a toy I brought with me when I moved in that I had hidden from my dad for a long time. I sort of... practiced on that..."

The fox simply smiled and jumped into the pool with Jace, pulling him in close to share another passionate kiss. As they parted, the fox looked once again to his lover. "Are you sure about this Jace?"

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life!"

Ian gave a simple nod and pressed the otter against the wall. Jace instinctively wrapped his legs around the Ian's waist quickly in a way that would give him easy access to his puckered hole.Without hesitation, Ian guided his shaft towards the awaiting hole, slowly sliding the tip in first. He could feel the otter's tailhole gently resisting against the invasion. Jace braced himself as the fox finally slides all the way in, causing him to grunt audibly. The otter's hands clenched around tufts of Ian's fur both in pleasure and in pain.

"Are you alright?" The fox asked, noticing the otter's winces.

"Just give me a moment," he replied. "You're bigger than I expected... much bigger than my toy!"

The fox nodded and turned so that now he was against the wall, gently kissing the otter's neck to try and help get his mind off the pain. It seemed to work as the otter's wincing turned to soft moans. His grip on his lover's fur lightened to rest upon the fox's shoulder. Jace panted as he opened his eyes once again and smiled.

"I think I'm ok now..."

Before Ian could reply, he felt the hips of the otter gently rock on that shaft with a steady pacing to it. Ian began joined in with his lover in a pair of gentle moans as the otter's pucker began to tightly gently around his member. The fox would slowly slide his hand down to that cute, pink erection belonging to Jace and slowly wrapped his hand around it. With each rock the otter made, the hand was made to feel like a love hole of it's own. This sent set his body into overdrive, rocking on that fox's member desperately. Their moans began to crescendo in tune with the otter's movements. Ian could feel his shaft begin to throb violently, and his knot to start to form. Jace knew this meant the fox was close to his orgasm and without hesitation, Slipped down as far as he could to slide that still forming not into him.

This sent a sudden shock of pleasure through the fox's body. It wouldn't take long before the knot finished, and the two were now bound until Ian orgasms. Their moans and groans embodied an almost lustful frenzy that had taken over both of their bodies. Ian finally loses control as he suddenly gave slow yet powerful thrusts until finally, he loses all control. The fox quickly grasps the young otter tightly and thrusts one last time before he spasms violently with orgamsic pleasure. With the knot inside the otter, the thick, hot seed had no where to go but deep within his bowls. Noticing his own lover hadn't finished yet, Ian kept stroking Jace's erection violently until the otter reached an orgasm of his own. With the abuse his prostate took, the otter's juice violently spewed into the water. When the both of them finally were through, the looked once again into each other's eyes and smiled at each other.

"Was it everything you hoped for?" Ian asked.

"Better..." the otter sighed in exhaustion. "How long will we be..."

"About 15 minutes, give or take if you're going to squirm."

"Then I guess I should get squirming now should I?"

They both laughed and held each other close. The laughter quickly was silenced with a look of concern that came over the fox's face.

"What's wrong?"

"Deadeye knows."

"About us?"


"Is he..."

"No," the fox interjected as he looked once again into the otter's eyes. "But, he did make a good point."

"What about?" Jace asked.

"I'm going to Dr. Moreau's office tomorrow. I'm telling him about you and I."

"No," Jace said suddenly as he placed his hand gently over the fox's cheek lovingly. "WE'RE going to see Dr. Moreau."

The fox looked back up with a look of surprise. "You'd come with me?"

"How would it look if only YOU went to here," he replied. "We'll tell him everything, our engagement, how long we've been seeing each other, everything!"

Ian smiled and kissed his cheek gently, "I knew there was a reason why I loved you hon!"

"What do you think he'll say?"

"I don't know Jace, But something tells me everything is going to be alright from here on out..."

The two once again smiled at each other and kept close. There was no telling how long they'd be stuck like that together. For once, though, they both no longer cared. They'd face this obstacle together, no matter what the cost.

Chapter 19 - Unfortunate Revalations

New York Early Morning. The next morning would bring cloudy skies to the home of the GeneCorp conglomerate's headquarters, giving the daylight an exaggerated hue of depressing shade of grey to the world in the early morning hours. Mr. Norwood liked...

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Chapter 17 - High Tensions

Deadeye was aided to the down to the infirmary by Soulfox. He sat across from the injured fox on a simple chair, while Deadeye sat on the examination table. the room was sterile white and lacked in decor, but then most of the sub basement was extremely...

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Chapter 16 - Showdown

As Frostbite rounded the corner towards the downward slope towards the gym with Deadeye in tow, the rest of the team hung right to the viewing room. The Leopard and fox stopped at a large cargo style door in which held a retinal scanner. She peered...

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