Bambi Discovers A New Flower

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#3 of Bambi The New Prince Or The New....

Written by Maxyiffster

Commissioned//Requested By Me! :)


*Days Later*

Bambi was panting heavily as he ran his legs strained to carry him having ran for hours. He was training, trying hard to make sure he would best Ronno next mating season. It seemed as though he ran further every day and now he was in a part of the forest he didn't recognize when suddenly he fell through the branch///leaf covered pit. . It was dark in the branch covered pit, but as his eyes soon adjusted. Bambi could just make out a small ray of light and he began stumbling towards it, praying it would be a way out. Bambi quickly forgot about escape when he noticed a single flower growing in the warmth of the sunlight and walked over to it. It seemed luminescent and with a tentative sniff he noticed it had a very sweet scent. His stomach growled reminding him he hadn't eaten since this morning before he started training today. Bambi wasn't sure how long he could be stuck here as his only lead was a small hole in the leaves and foliage that hid this trench. His father had taught him not to eat strange plants, but he was really hungry and the smell coming from the glowing flower made him salivate. One little flower couldn't hurt right? *he wondered to himself as he took an unsure nibble. The flavor was explosively sweet and after the small taste he needed more! He ravaged the small plant down to the roots, he soon would regret it as he then felt a tingling sensation. It started from his stomach where the flower he just ate was dissolving and then spread to cover his entire body. Soon Bambi's glowing form was lifted off the ground, his body knocking aside the pit's coverings as he panicked as he floated out of it. His body sparkled and shimmered in the early afternoon sun. Bambi panicked even harder as he felt his antlers shrinking. How could he face Ronno without them!? Soon they disappeared entirely he felt weak and useless. The tingling intensified in his groin and he could only watch as his sheath and low hanging balls began to shrink and disappear. The intensity of the sensations all over his body and his emotions put an incredible strain on his mind. His vision blurred and then everything went black.

When night fall hit and Bambi still hadn't returned Faline began to worry, since Ronno was growing bored and he wanted to play with the princess Faline *Sighed in relief when Ronno told her to stay here while he went out to look for the princess he decided to search for his princess because he grew tired of waiting for his princess to return. After all its not like Faline could, she needed plenty of rest as she reached the final stages of her pregnancy.

Deep into the forest Ronno stumbled upon the unconscious form of a rather cute doe. Her pheromones enveloped Ronno and she smelled sweet, and flowery. His cock quickly slipped out of its furry covering and he began drooling as his muzzle slowly made its way to her wet pussy. His body moved without thought or hesitation and soon his tongue was buried in her virginal lips. The doe moaned unconsciously with each lick and began to grind her pussy against the buck's face.

"Mmmhh..." She moaned and groaned as she slowly roused from her slumber. Making it to her hoofs she turned to face the source of her pleasure "Ronno?!" She screamed out in panic before jumping away from him. "My voice?!... What? My body!" She turned as she examined her new form in a panic, unknowingly showing off her curves and round rump to Ronno.

"Say, since you already know my name how about you tell me yours? Ronno told her with a smile. You're kinda cute..." Ronno sauntered up to where she stood.

"It's me, B-Bambi." She blushed.

"I knew it was a girl's name."

"No, it's me!" *Bambi exclaimed trying to get Ronno to understand*

Ronno gazed at the doe, she certainly was feminine, but how could it be Bambi? *he pondered but when he saw the does eyes he could tell she spoke the truth.

"Can you... Well, it felt good when you were licking me-" Bambi's face grew increasingly crimson and she couldn't find the words. Ronno knew what she meant but didn't know what to say, so instead he nuzzled Bambi before his muzzle made its way to Bambi's wanting pussy. She gasped as the experienced tongue stretched her virgin tunnel and teased her hymen before pulling his tongue out allowing his tongue to slide along her clit eliciting pleasure to Bambi.

"Be still, this might hurt a little." Ronno's voice was strangely gentle, it was strange but Bambi didn't care. Ronno mounted Bambi and lined his dribbling cock up with her tight mound and then with a single stroke he broke the virginal seal. Bambi cried out, the mixture of pleasure and pain sent electricity through her body.

"Are you okay?" *Ronno asked Bambi with concern*

"I think so... but please keep going." Bambi begged her buck, it felt better than any pleasure he had ever known. Ronno started slowly, it was agonizing at first and Bambi tried to fit as much of the throbbing length into her pussy as she could. Her nipples were hard and sensitive, when Ronno's hoove toyed with them she cried out. It was like every experience was new again and amplified by the innocence of her new body. Ronno began to fuck Bambi faster and harder, and her moans became screams of pleasure.

"Oh, Ronno!" She cried out in passion as she was pushed over the edge. Her convulsions tightened the muscles she didn't know she had around the stag's thick cock who screamed in pleasure himself as he rammed his cock in a final time before filling the doe's womb with his cum. They stayed that way for a moment, Ronno's seed dribbled around his shaft and down her gaping pussy. When Ronno pulled out and Bambi turned to face him she noticed the evil gleam had returned to his eyes and the perfume of the plant had faded.

"C'mon, princess!" Ronno's words oozed the toxin of things to come as he lead his princess back home*

The next day Bambi woke up to find her nose practically buried into Ronno's sheath. She shook herself awake. What was wrong with her!? This was Ronno, he was a jerk! At the same time she thought he was kind of cute. Bambi shook herself again, she couldn't be having these thoughts, she wouldn't let herself. When she returned last night Faline was excited to see her. She probably had her hopes up on leaving next mating season as well but she was quickly disappointed when she saw her eyes.

"Good morning, Bambi." Faline said with a yawn and a stretch. Her voice was cheerful despite her frown. "Are you gonna wake him or should I?" This time her voice betrayed her. Without a word Bambi reluctantly walked over to Ronno's sleeping form. She sniffed his sheath and her mouth watered, it seemed wrong. Just as she was about to put the length in her mouth she heard something. A voice that sounded familiar. When she realized who it was she bounded outside and immediately regretted the decision.

"Hey," The doe was young and had an small baby bump. "Is Bambi home?" Bambi swallowed hard. "Marena, it's me." Bambi couldn't look at her, she would be disappointed like Faline was.

"Really?" Marena asked confused as she circled the ex-buck, sincerely amazed. "Wow, that's crazy! What happened?" Bambi explained what had happened with the flower leaving out her strange interaction with Ronno. She was just shocked at how well Marena was taking it.

"So, when were you going to introduce me?" Ronno demanded as he emerged from the den. He examined the doe and quickly became determined to fuck her. Not just because she was cute, she also shared an obvious bond with Bambi.

"Ronno, this is Marena." Bambi muttered, unsure of what else to say to her buck.

"Nice to meet you, Ronno!" Marena was always excited to meet new deer.

"Yeah, you too." Ronno's voice was cool and Bambi knew what was coming, but was powerless to stop it. Ronno tripped the doe's front legs out from under her and she fell on the others, hard.

"Ow, what's wrong with you?" Marena demanded to know but Ronno wasn't listening, instead he dug his hooves painfully into her sides as he mounted her. As she realized what was happening she panicked. "Bambi, help! Help me!" Marena pleaded but Bambi was too petrified, she was reminded of the first time she was raped and now she felt more useless now than before.

"Shut up!" Ronno said before he hilted her. "Oh, naughty girl... Already been taken before?" He taunted the helpless doe. "How does it feel, princess? You can't help her, you can't even help yourself." Each sentence was punctuated with a rough thrust that made Marena gasp. Ronno filled her far more than Bambi did, to the point where it hurt.

"Stop it... Please stop..." Marena begged Ronno as bitter tears stung Bambi's eyes as she begged Ronno. He didn't care, in fact it egged him on. He wrapped his front legs around Marena's belly and felt the fawn growing inside, he fucked her faster. Ronno's twisted mind painted the picture of the fawn's innocent mouth wrapped around his cock. He felt the fawn kick.

"I think your baby likes it." Ronno whispered into the sobbing mother-to-be's ear. Ronno twitched slightly as he came inside Marena's pussy bathing the young fawn in his seed, he gave a few more thrusts for good measure. Then he left the two does in that terrible state and disappeared into the den where he found Faline staring into space. "What's taking so long?" He pointed to his exposed cock with a hoove. She slowly turned to face him.

"My water broke...."

To Be Continued....???

I know at least one of you will be bothered by this path to the end, but this is just the beginning of one of three or more various ways this series will come to a close. One of the others will of course contain Bambi kicking Ronno's ass and taking Faline for his own but this one is not that one.

The Swan Princesses Of Swan Lake

This story is based on the movie The Swan Princess. For those who have never seen it look for it on Netflix. Either way please Enjoy :) ================================================================================================= WARNING!!!!...

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Ronno's Does and Falines Friends

Bambi, Faline and The Great Prince gathered together for what could be the last time together. What Bambi didn't know was that after his last lesson he would belong to the buck that had mated him, Ronno. Bambi stared at Faline's swollen stomach it was...

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Bambi The New Prince Or The New....

Today Bambi would put all of his father's teachings to work as he would be running with the bucks. He would have to run at the front of the stampede to achieve the full prince status and stay in formation then he must take a mate to become a full buck....

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