Bambi The New Prince Or The New....

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#1 of Bambi The New Prince Or The New....

Written by Maxyiffster

Commissioned//Requested By Me! :)

Today Bambi would put all of his father's teachings to work as he would be running with the bucks. He would have to run at the front of the stampede to achieve the full prince status and stay in formation then he must take a mate to become a full buck. The young deer looked at his fading spots and rubbed his newly sprouting horns against a tree trunk. Today he would prove himself to his father and to others.

Before he knew it his father had led the bucks to the meadow and the stampede had begun. Bambi struggled to keep up with his father, but it was too much for the young deer and so he began to lag behind the stampede.

"Hey, princess. Did you lose your daddy? Just like you lost your mommy?" Ronno grinned cruelly as he saw Bambi's eyes tear up, but quickly lost the upper hoof by tripping on a fallen branch. "Ow, Mommy!" Ronno cried out. This allowed the young prince to concentrate on making his way back to the front. It was tough, but it would be worth it for his father's approval.

As quickly as it had begun it was over and Bambi barely made it to the front. The Great Prince smiled as his eyes found his son in the herd at the front. It wasn't until he had a full set of antlers that he had become a Prince, now all Bambi had to do was find a mate. Bambi followed the vibrations in his hooves to find where the does were playing . "Oh, Bambi!" He heard a moan and dashed to find Faline being licked by another doe. Her wet pussy dripped with saliva as the other doe's agile tongue assaulted her clit. They stopped as they noticed the new Prince's presence.

"She is in heat." The older doe explained with a smile. "I'll leave you two alone." The smell of the young doe was enough to give him a raging erection.

Faline looked to Bambi and said to him "Take me, Bambi." Faline whispered and presented her tight little mound. The young Prince obliged and placed his hooves on her back and tried to mount her, but a hard head hit his side knocking him off of her and to the ground.

"Ronno!" Faline screamed.

"I'll get to you soon enough, but first," Ronno stood over The younger buck, Faline's pheromones made Ronno's cock slip from its sheath. "You and me, Bambi. We spar." Bambi head butted Ronno out of the way so he could get up, then the two of them locked their immature antlers. "Watch out, princess.If you keep hitting like a doe I'm going to treat you like one." Bambi was already exhausted from the stampede and couldn't really last much longer, in desperation he pushed Ronno back and tried to hit him with his front hooves. But Bambi fell, panting, his stronger back legs held his rump in the air and the front ones lay folded beneath him.

"Leave him alone, Ronno!" Faline stood between the bucks, but Ronno ignored her.

"The princess is in heat, don't you think I should help her?" Ronno asked with a snicker as he circled Bambi and stopped at his propped up ass. Then he mounted the defenseless Prince as he struggled to get up. "Don't hurt yourself, Bambi." Ronno mocked him and he baa'd in response, then he felt Ronno's hard cock against his tailhole and struggled some more. Faline watched in horror as Ronno humped her crush, once, twice, then on the third thrust he slammed into him. "You're so tight princess, I wonder if Faline could even compete." Ronno jeered as he stretched Bambi's tailhole. "You make such a good doe." The superior buck moaned.

As much as he didn't want to Bambi began bucking as his prostate was being prodded. "Looks like she likes it and her daddy is so proud." Bambi meekly looked up and saw his father watching on, very disappointed. Bambi couldn't take it any more and his seed spurted in ropes onto the ground and his father walked away while Bambi buried his face in his fore limbs as Ronno fucked his tight ass. "Oh, oh, sweet doe!" Ronno yelled as he slammed his cock deep into the Prince's anus and came, hard. As Ronno pulled out his cum dripped out of Bambi's tailhole and spattered onto the soil. "Come clean me off, Faline."

"No, Ronno. You're disgusting." Faline looked him in the eyes and stood her ground, but Ronno dashed behind her and began licking her tight mound. His tongue reaching where the doe's couldn't.

"It seems to me that you liked it." Ronno teased her slit with the tip of his tongue before burying it deep and then suckling her clit. Faline needed it so badly that she began rubbing her pussy on the buck's face.

"Please, I'm so close" she moaned and begged, but Ronno stopped and pulled her legs from beneath her. "Ow!" Ronno loomed above her.

"Tell me you want it." Ronno started down at her.

"Please, Ronno... I need it." Ronno rubbed his hard cock against her puffy slit as she moaned. Bambi could do nothing but watch as Ronno molested Faline. Ronno nuzzled her and she couldn't help but nuzzle back as he thrust his cock deep into her cunt. "Oh, Ronno!" she cried out and he continued to fuck her tight pussy.

"I was wrong, she is so much tighter and hotter than you." Ronno mocked Bambi as he thrust his dick in and out of the love of his life. Ronno teased her hard nipples with an idle hoove and his balls slapped against her mounr faster and faster. He then pushed his tongue into her muzzle, muffling her moans as he hilted her and her cum squirted onto his belly. Then her spastic clenching made him burst his seed into her womb. "You girls had enough? *He asked them both teasingly* I'm gonna go... mate some more does" Ronno huffed out as he left the two well mated deer to pant in the meadow. When Bambi went back to the den his father said nothing, he simply shook his head.

Half a season later, with the advice from Friend Owl, The Great Prince decided his son should be trained as a doe rather than the Prince he failed to be. "Faline, I believe you know my son," He welcomed her to their den "Since you two were mated for the first time I have decided it is time for you to learn the ways of being a doe Bambi."

"Dad, I don't want to be a doe! I wanna be a Prince like you..." Bambi protested.

"A Prince doesn't bend over for another buck." His father's face was stern".

"But dad, he-"

"I know what I saw."

Bambi wished he could find the words with which he could explain his situation, but instead he fell silent. "You will learn to pleasure bucks and nurture young deer. Now..." The Great Prince fell silent and sniffed Faline's sex. "Are you with child?" Faline could only blush and nod.

"Good, our herd could use strong genes like Ronno's." Bambi looked away, ashamed. "Bambi, since Faline is much further in her training I want you to please me first." At first the fledgling doe was confused, but he learned quickly what his father meant as he saw his dripping, swaying cock.

"Dad, I-"

"Now, Bambi!" Tears stung Bambi's eyes as he ducked beneath his father's stomach and he sniffed at the hard length.

"You can do it, Bambi." Faline assured him as he nibbled the Great Prince's tip and ventured a small lick. Then he took it into his mouth and gently sucked down the watery precum that his father spurted into his welcoming muzzle. Bambi's own dick slowly slipped from its sheath as he licked down the engorged length and engulfed his father's seed laden nuts, rolling them around with his tongue.

"Oh, Bambi..." The Great Prince moaned as his son's mouth wrapped around his dick. All of his observation of the forest left little time to find a mate and he was pent up a bit. He held his son's rump with a hoove as he began to buck his cock in and out of the small muzzle. Bambi choked a little, but quickly learned to open his throat to the intruder and soon his nose met the Great Prince's sheath and balls with each stroke. "Good girl..." He commended the learning doe before his balls clenched sending thick cum down her throat and she coughed up some of the seed as she pulled back. Then he remembered he was training his son and not some young, sweet doe and he quickly cleared his throat. "Hmm... Good job, son." The Prince corrected himself, then he took a moment to gather himself.

"Now, Faline-"

"Sit back, I'll take care of it." The Prince leaned back against the den's wall and Faline started licking his cock back to its full length, tasting Bambi's saliva and his spent seed. Then she turned around and lowered her puffy mound onto the great length. "Uhhh..." She groaned as her hungry pussy swallowed his cock whole.

"Are you okay?" Bambi was concerned as he remembered how he felt.

"Yeah, it's just longer than I'm used to..." She moaned and Bambi realized she must have been practicing with Ronno. She began to bounce on the Prince's cock, her legs like pistons. As Bambi moved to get a better view he could see the full effect of her pregnancy, a small bump and her now swollen nipples had small mounds supporting them. Bambi's cock throbbed at the sight of his father fucking Faline and he licked at his own pink length and savored the pre that poured out of it.

"Bambi, you should be watching, you have a lot to learn. "The Great Prince groaned as Faline continued to bounce up and down on his long cock. Bambi stopped to watch the act as instructed. Faline's walls could barely stretch to accommodate the large buck and with each thrust she gave a small gasp as she was filled and a moan as she pulled up. When his length pulled out it felt almost as good when she forced it back in. Her humping became more frantic as she drew closer to orgasm. Then Faline screamed as she slammed herself down one last time and her femcum squirted so far it almost hit Bambi. The Great Prince bucked up as he shot his cum into Faline's pussy and it poured out onto the cave floor.

"Very good, Faline. Bambi, you may need more training," For a moment the Prince's thoughts lingered on the idea of stretching his son's anus. "But for now we shall work on fawn rearing." The Prince led the training does to the den of a mother who recently gave birth to twins, he explained to her that the training does would take care of the fawns for the day and then assigned a fawn to each fledgling doe. The female to Faline and the male to Bambi. Everything was fine until it came time to feed the fawns.

"What do I do?" Bambi whined as he watched Faline's fawn drink from her and his erection slowly returned.

"Just present yourself to him." Faline explained with a smile and Bambi stood up so the newborn could find a nipple. Bambi's fawn sniffed down his belly and latched on to his peeking cock. His tip being suckled was a new experience as he had only pleasured himself before. He moaned as his cock reached its full length and the fawn began kneading his balls for more milk. Bambi restrained himself from muzzle fucking the fawn that swallowed the copious amount of pre that his cock dribbled. Finally the fawn's efforts were rewarded with Bambi's milk that burst into his mouth and sprayed over the fawn's face. His now full fawn got up and looked like he was struggling to... do something.

"Sometimes fawns need stimulation to help them go." Faline said" Bambi blushing too her advice as his tongue swaddled the fawn's sheath, his urine came rushing out over Bambi's tongue and nose. When the fawn was finished he cuddled up to Bambi and his heart fluttered as he stared lovingly at him. "Maybe being a doe isn't so bad after all, right Bambi?" Faline said to Bambi, but Bambi wasn't so sure about that.

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