The Swan Princesses Of Swan Lake

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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This story is based on the movie The Swan Princess. For those who have never seen it look for it on Netflix. Either way please Enjoy :)

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The Following Story has Blood, Gender-Bending, Pain, Suffering, Death Etc.. Like my The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom series.

Written By Liht-Tarnussay

Commissioned By me

The arrow flew and Derek missed, forcing Bromley to watch the arrow he cowardly let fly on Derek. He should have caught it, Derek had done it time after time before so why now?! Bromley screamed in horror as the arrow pierced into Derek's left shoulder, sending him tumbling to the ground and screaming in pain.

Rothbart, surprised by this turn of events flew down to the ground and turned back into his human form, examining the injured prince. "Oh yes, yes isn't this perfect?" He said as he circled the prince, chuckling darkly. "The poor prince defeated, not even by me but by his own close friend!" Rothbart taunted Prince Derek as he looked at the bumbling fool, the evil villain shook his head yet on his lips was a triumphant grin.

"Run along Bromley and tell the world, Rothbart has triumphant!" Laughing darkly as he finished, he watched Bromley stumble and run, chased away by the evil man with his words and scared out of his wits. With the fool gone the evil man looked down at the anguishing prince, clutching his shoulder.

Feeling a small bit of compassion for the foolish stupid prince Rothbart knelt down and touched the man's shoulder. "Be still you stupid prince." He warned him simply before grabbing the arrow and snapping the back of it off. With a simple tug he pulled the arrow through and out of the wound, freeing him from the pain of the shaft in him.

Laying there, confused and still in pain Prince Derek looked up on the man who had won the fight and was unsure of why Rothbart was treating him so kindly instead of finishing him off. "Why... You've won, why do you not finish me? What of Odette!?"

"Ah Odette, do you really believe I'd do all I've done and let her die!? Though it was quite... Quite fun to make her believe those silly lies." He chuckled while standing up, outstretching his arms to gather the magical forces he manipulated into his hands. "She won't die by having the man she loves profess to another, she'll simply lose her human form!"

With those words he released the magic and they hit Derek, causing his back to arch and body to raise up off the ground. His body turning slowly as he straightened up he felt his skin shift and ripple as the magic wrapped around him, turning him into that which was like Odette... A swan! But it wasn't a male swan, for even as he changed he could feel his manhood shrinking smaller and smaller, disappearing into his body to be replaced with ovaries and a functioning pussy.

Leaving the confused and frightened Derek to examine his new body, Rothbart stepped around him and headed towards the fallen princess. Kneeling down to her he reached out, running fingers through her hair while grinning cruelly. "It's such a terrible waste, to leave such a beautiful and fair creature as you alone." As his magic went through her body she changed and turned into the swan form she was cursed with. "Today was your last day as a human my little beautiful swan. From this day forth you will forever more be a swan." *he told her with a "sly" grin*

Laughing darkly he stood up while Odette slowly rose, shaking her head back and forth in aggravated confusion. Walking away from her, he went to the prince to check on her, surprised to find her examining her newly formed sex in rapt attention. Smirking he went and gently stroked a hand down the swan's neck, surprising the bird yet the stroke felt too nice for him to control himself as he gave a sigh of happiness.

Finding that it was Rothbart though who was stroking his neck he soon glared and moved away from him, honking at him. "Keep your grimy hands away from me you scoundrel!"

"Scoundrel, me? Oh my dear dear princess you have me mistaken. I am simply a humble and powerful wizard." He smirked as he spoke, his confidence in his powers nearly overwhelming for even the prince to take as he stared at the wizard who had not only won in every way but now stood above him triumphant.

Derek shuddered, glaring up at the wizard as he was called princess. But at the same time a blush colored his cheeks hidden by the feathers. "What... What are you going to do to me... To me and Odette?"

"That's a good question. I'm done playing nice in taking over a kingdom so I'll take it by force but you two have nothing to worry with that... No, yes I know... You'll be my concubine slaves, yes..." He rubbed his hands together as he spoke, staring down at the swan with a deep hunger that sent shudders running down Derek's spine, making his whole body flush with an embarrassed heat.

Glancing quickly over at Odette who was crying now in anguish being a swan once more, the former prince finally looked at the evil wizard with a glare of pure hatred. "You'll never make it, the kingdom will never be yours and neither will we!" He got up to feet and his full height though still small height and honked proudly at Rothbart. It was almost cute how he acted, and watching his actions Rothbart smiled and chuckled with amusement.

"Oh Princess, we'll have to fix that... Won't we?" With his smile turning into a wicked grin he moved toward the prince while reaching out his other hand toward Odette, with a flash of light she collapsed to the ground unconscious. Seeing her fall though Derek quickly tried to fly to her side yet was stopped by Rothbart grabbing him by his neck.

Squirming and writhing in the man's powerful grip, Derek tried his best to fight against him against Rothbart. Wings flapping wildly while the wizard laughed darkly and then sent a pulse of magic through his body, causing Derek to suddenly slump as if all the energy in his body drained down to nothing. Dropping him to the ground, Rothbart stood above Derek with a lustful grin on his lips. "Tonight... Yes right now in fact, I'll show you your destiny... Princess~."

Conjuring his mighty magical powers, Rothbarts hands flared to life with balls of dark sinister energies. But he didn't point them at poor Derek but instead slapped his hands to his chest, causing him to roar out as his body was changed and altered, turning once more into the Great Animal. Yet between his legs stood a new addition, an addition that made Derek squirm inside, his female parts flaming up with fires of desire in part due to the spell*

Throbbing between the Animal's legs was a piece of meaty flesh that throbbed almost painfully with arousal even as the Animal Rothbart huffed and grunted, landing down on the ground with a low growl. There was no longer a great speech to be made, nor a fight. Now... Now was the time for Derek to face the pained pleasure of womanhood as a female swan.

Unable to move still, Derek just watched helplessly as Rothbart reached out. Grasping the swan's legs with powerful claws that dragged him slowly to his body. Forcing her legs apart so that his massive meat could press against her virgin sex.

With a single grunt, Rothbart plunged his cock into the bird's virginal sex, making her scream out with energy she had left. Blood splorted out from her sex as the member burst through hymen and still delved deeper, he didn't even give her a chance to let the sex relax and loosen a bit.

With one powerful thrust after another, the Great Animal plunged his cock in and out of Derek's pussy, taking it with the witless abandon of a mindless beast. Pummeling away at the quickly bruising swan form of the former prince and now princess. It was misery and pain, but pain that was slowly being overcome by pleasure.

Shame burning on Derek's cheeks, she slowly began to honk out in pleasure of the massive meat in her body. With body writhing beneath Rothbart, her wings slowly gained enough energy to simply flap uselessly against the animal's broad chest. Yet even they were quickly pinned down by powerful claws that dug in to cause a bit of bleeding, feathers turning crimson red that touched the blood. .

For his part, Rothbart would only grin at the pleasure he was causing the stupid prince turned princess, hips thrusting deep and hard, striving for his own pleasure over that of Derek's and it showed in how often his thrusts would hit her in all the wrong places just to make her clench in pained cringes around his cock. Blood splorching out whenever he pulled back.

Before long Derek's whole belly was a reddish brown with blood and dirt,her pussy and wings having bleed while Rothbart continued his vicious assault. The whole time Derek's only coherent thoughts were that this would end, that the blood loss would be enough and she'd be freed from this miserable new existence. Such a relief would not come for her.

Instead Rothbart in his animal form roared out in pleasurable ecstacy as he came furiously. Thick ropes of potent semen pumping deep into her womb, his hips jutting and twitching to every powerful orgasmic rope of cum. Soon after he was panting tired, grunting with effort as he pulled his cock out allowing his seed to spurt all over Princess Dereks swan body before stepping back to admire what he had caused.

What he had caused was the complete destruction of Derek's pussy and tarnishing of her once beautifully pure feathers into a dirty red color. Covered with cum and with cum leaking out of her pussy she just laid there, tears streaming down her cheeks while she laid silent, unable to think of much thought beyond the wish of death.

It wouldn't come for her, as Rothbark started pulling back her body would start to glow, her pussy tightening up and hymen regrowing, puncture wounds in her wings healing themselves closed as the sinewy muscles reached out to grab what was shattered and repair itself to full health. All that would not recover, at least without a bath, was her feathers which still looked dirty and ugly after her vicious raping.

Laughing to himself Rothbart moved from the broken swan, letting her wallow in the pool of cum and blood below herself and went now to Odette who was still unconscious. He wouldn't take her just yet, he wanted her to see her beloved "prince". Grabbing her by the neck with powerful claws, he half carried and half dragged her over to set her down by him.

Seeing Odette prince Derek's mind finally snapped back into reality and he looked at her, honking sadly at her sleeping form. Watching them both, Rothbart began to grin, and moved behind Odette and let his cock press against her pussy, leaning over to look at Derek to snarl in a low voice. "Perhaps... I shall take her now... Instead of later..."

Watching in horror, Derek honked louder, trying to awaken Odette, hoping she'd fight him off. Rothbart laughed out loudly, "You can't wake her you fool. Only I or time can wake her from her slumber I put her in. Mmm, perhaps having her awake for this would be good... Yes... You can watch... Watch her scream in pain and pleasure..." Horrified by his words, Derek's honking died down to a bare whimper of pure fear, shaking her head slowly as tears came once more to her eyes.

Rothbart though had already decided, with a deep grunt he worked his cock into her virginal pussy, piercing it through her hymen while she was still unconscious. Still though she cringed and whimpered painfully to the action but soon quieted down, body able to get used to it faster. With cock buried in her he started using his magic to slowly bring her out of her induced sleep.

As he did that he started to thrust, slow and steady unlike how he treated Derek. He watched, grinning cruelly as Odette moaned out, her body writhing in pleasure to being fucked, unlike Derek who was watching in horror as she moaned. Closing her eyes tightly, Derek whimpered and cried out miserably.

Odette, waking up further, opened up her eyes as she moaned out once more, "Oh Derek you were as big as I imagined..." Rothbart, his grin only growing bigger looked over at Derek while slowly lowering his body down to whisper into her ear. "I am not your prince... If you'd like, look upon your prince... Who is now a princess like you." Rothbart laughed as Odette gasped out and looked upon the disheveled swan who was crying helplessly as she watched them.

Instantly Odette began to struggle against Rothbart. Yet her struggles ended quickly and turned into great moans of pleasure as Rothbart moved his hips in just the way to drive her body high into the skies with pleasure. Derek, even further mortified could only watched as her body writhed with pleasure and passion, her wings spreading but only to flap not helplessly but in pure bliss filled pleasure.

Rothbart, for his part simply kept moving, thrusting away deep into her body, grinding his member against her sensitive places. "Odette, fight back against him. Don't let him have the pleasures to hear your moans!"

"Oh but it feels so good Derek... Oooohhh why did I say no to him...?!" She screamed out in pleasure, a wave of pure orgasmic pleasure rising up and over taking her body. Making her pussy clench tight around Rothbart's massive member as she came hard. "A-ahhhh, Rothbart!!!" She yelled out at the top of her lungs, honking out with passionate glee.

Derek, unable to take anymore, curled himself into a ball, head tucked under his wing to try and block out what he was forced to watch and listen to. Rothbart laughed as Derek curled up and started moving faster while still keeping focused on sending her through pure brilliant ecstasy. Still, even as he moved he felt himself coming closer to an orgasm and so began to move more slowly. Even with that he began to pant and groan, before long he was howling out.

Odette, hearing that howl tensed up as her female instincts knew what it meant, especially after the long winters "with her father". Within seconds she felt the familiar rush of seed into her body and honked out in pleasure to being filled. The feeling of it pure joy to her even when she was but a little girl, her body came once more just from that and soon she had collapsed on the floor panting heavily and glassy eyed.

Grunting and panting, Rothbart moved himself back from her, letting his cock slowly fall out of her pussy with cum guzzling out soon after. Sitting himself down he looked at his two new swan slaves and couldn't help but grin evily at how broken they were. Odette lay there on the ground, the blood from her hymen breaking causing only a small puddle when mixed with the copious amounts of seed leaking out. Her whole body and form was stretched out, and bliss was all that one could see her in.

Derek though was a whole other person, her body broken and mind defiled. She lay there still in that pool and cried in misery and pain, body trembling constantly. Occasionally a whimper would escape from her wing and float up into the air, hanging over her to add further to her misery. Yet as Rothbart had proved, death would not come easy to the swan. She would live a long time under the rule of Rothbart the Great Animal.

To Be Continued..... ?????? ( To Be Updated With Ending Later Too )

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Bambi The New Prince Or The New....

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