Scary Time: Do Rubber Bunnies Dream of Electric Latex Sheep?

Story by Bishiebunny on SoFurry

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An electric succubus teaches a rubber bunny boy to be careful of the masks he wears. You never know just how tightly they might get stuck.

A story for anyone who has ever tripped the light fantastic, and found themselves falling for the wrong lover.

The following electric tale of rubber suited bliss comes to you, thanks to a grant from the FA: raelbny foundation.

Disclaimer: The character of Mari is a futanari succubus, and is not meant to reflect on the real world life experiences of either an intersex, or transgender, individual. She is a fantasy construct for the purpose of erotica. Always remember that people are people, and sexy demonic entities with massive cocks are sexy demonic entities with massive cocks. Do not get the two confused as it is liable to end very badly.

Speaking of which, Mari is not the sort of demonic entity to take "no" for an answer. Be aware that there will be elements of questionable consent through-out the story. If such content makes you at all uncomfortable, and not in the good way, feel free to close the window and find something more to your taste. No one will judge you for it; I certainly won't.

It should also be noted that the character of Rael Bny is meant to reflect on a wonderful individual who loves to play dress up, and the world is a happier, kinkier place for it.

Please to enjoy!


Scary Time: Do Rubber Bunnies Dream of Electric, Latex Sheep? By Bishiebunny

This was the best night of the bunny's life.

The music had invaded Rael's feminine form, sidestepping the specialized movement which people liked to call dance. He slipped into a more primal groove, golden locks shimmering, with a motion closer to the edge of instinct. The pink-furred rabbit allowed himself to be shifted about the floor, spiritual sails billowed by a sonic gale. He followed the sensual flow of rhythm, ignoring the tyranny of rhyme. Other bodies were pulled closer, caught up in his frilly flight. They ground together in a shared second of humid bliss, before scattering back into the crowd, drifting out of his awareness.

Sound produced light, light had a flavor, and his drink tasted like satin felt. The dizzying stimuli had lost all sense of reality. It melted into a dreamy cream of experience that would be forgotten once the sun shot her rays of cancerous sobriety into an unready brain.

Come morning, there would be hell to pay. But that was only if such a thing as morning existed. At that time of night, it seemed awfully unlikely. Tomorrow was just a Boogie Man to frighten those who dared not boogie. Besides, the waking world meant nothing to dreamers. They existed on separate planes of existence, divided by a line of pants and no-pants.

Bubbling within was a froth of ingested liquids, stirring flesh to produce its own liqueur of excited sweat, and heady musk. His moisture mixed with the powder necessary to slip into the too-tight embrace of his favorite squeaky, latex outfit. Saturated and sloppy, the reflective shell lost all context. It ceased being a fabric, ceased even being a second skin. The liquid rubber coating his girlish shape was only tension, a slight resistance to his movement. It was like being bound by invisible, kinky Lilliputians.

Rael was drunk; drunk on the night, drunk on music, and drunk on something fruity and pink.

When the froth of cerise bubbles gave the bunny's brain a squish, he let out a squeal. His balance evaporated and his long legs became a hindrance. Damn those Lilliputians, he thought, taking an impromptu Trust-Fall. Time was too busy hitting on Space to notice, giving the inebriated sissy a chance to enjoy the ride. Someone would catch him, he thought with a giggle. Someone always did. He might even go home with them tonight, if they played their cards right. At that moment, the only card he was looking for was a refill.

It was the softness that surrounded the strong embrace which gave his savior's gender away. Or maybe it was the scent of not-quite lavender, mixed with the sharp bite of cosmetic chemicals. Then again, if anyone knew better than to assume, it was the frilly, silly bunny. He giggled, trying to straighten himself out. At least as straightened as he ever allowed himself to be. He was a little surprised when the feminine grip refused to let go.

A wide smile ran across his cherry-glossed lips, "Sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to-"

"To fall into me? I'm not so sure," came a teasing response. It had a sing-song to it, like something you might hear in a nursery rhyme, right before the bough broke. The breath was warm, and were the bunny a human, it would have tickled his ears. It did much the same for the side of his throat. "I've been looking for something, or maybe just someone. Anything really, that might brighten an awfully dull evening."

She, the bunny decided. There was no other pronoun for a voice like that, or the shivers that ran along his spine. His outfit creaked as she held him at an odd angle, with her being at least a foot shorter, if not more. Were it not for the insistent strength of her grip, he might have thought she was a little young for the club. A quick glance, and he was only more confused. Her skin was a deeply-tanned olive, her lips painted to match electric blue eyes, and the dark fuchsia of her hair was highlighted by a shimmer of cotton-candy pinks.

It was the sort of look a teenager might covet, without ever getting the dyes to cooperate.

"Don't care for the music?" He grinned, playful and unconcerned. Young as her face might be, there was an edge to her brilliant eyes, deepened by dusky eye-shadow. "Um, I don't mind a dance, but you're going to have to let me up."

"Not yet, I'm not done tasting you," was her reply, this time with lush lips sliding along the bunny's ear. The warmth spread again, and with that came a twitch that spoke of felines giving a mousey morsel a teasing lick. Her hands began to move over his amaranth-colored body, pausing to admire his outfit. The azure rubber had been cut to give the illusion of a rather slutty cocktail dress, and she approved. Her fingers extended from a hot pink webbing of lace, moving along his front, then pressing hard against his upper-chest. "And here I was expecting something soft and squishy up top. Did you step out and forget to bring your curves?"

Unable to break her grip, and with her touch encouraging him not to care, the bunny slid his long legs underneath, practically on his knees. Another shiver, followed by a squeak when she pinched at breasts that were not quite there, ending up catching nipples which were. "A- ah, decided not to wear them tonight. Thought to just be myself tonight, see where it takes me."

"So this is you then? All of you?" The smooth-skinned human seemed doubtful. One hand slid downward, dancing along the latex, while her other hand pulled her captive up a bit, practically lifting the rabbit off the floor. Below, her fingers slipped along an elastic hem, moving up the bunny's bared thighs. Wandering fingers soon pressed against an area of warmth, and rising hardness. "No, I think there are miles and miles of you, yet unseen." Her digits danced along the pulsing bulge, fondling his rubber-bound package.

He practically melted, swelling at her touch, responding as much as his tight liquid-latex panties would allow. Luckily, he had a little extra room for arousal, having always enjoyed the sinful warmth of his own release as it puddled around a too-easily stimulated cock. He could feel himself gathering up for another creamy dose. "C-careful. Kind of already primed, tonight. You know?"

If she knew, the mystery woman seemed not to care. Nor did anyone else. Room was made on the dance floor, and they were not the only lustful shapes paired off in shadow. In fact, nobody paid the couple much attention, beyond an appreciative glance, or an envious stare. Truth be told, this was a fairly typical scene.

The club was a well known watering hole for people of all stripes, styles, and species. Here, the lamb often coaxed the lion to bed, and there were no shortages of beauties looking for their particular brand of beasts. Humans were encouraged to mingle, as long as they took responsibility for their choices. There were more of them than any specific morph-type, but more of the furry-kin, when counted as one mass.

The smooth skinned visitors tended to fall into two camps.

There were the erotic tourists, taking a chance on something beyond their usual fare. Those were the humans most likely to bite off more than they could chew. Usually wide-eyed husbands watching dominant predators, with improbably sized cocks, taking their wives out for an unforgettable spin. Those poor souls never had to endure the shame for too long. Sooner or later, someone feminine of shape, yet just as endowed as their wives' new lover, would find a use for the men's gaping mouths.

Then there were the hunters. They were more rare, usually traveling in small groups and having staked out their territory before making a move. Humans of the second sort knew exactly what they wanted, how to get it, and chose their targets with care. The right sort of fur would bend under this sudden, foreign dominance. It was how a wolf might find itself domesticated into a puppy, collared and eager to please.

Nobody wanted to get in between a predator and her prey, no matter what the species. Most of the fuzzier inhabitants either snarled derisively, or else sighed wistfully, wishing they had worn a shorter skirt. They all knew a poached bunny when they saw one.

"This tiny thing?" Her laughter had a razor hidden in it, but came in such a succulent apple, it begged biting. "I doubt it would leave much of a stain. Beside, a tart like you doesn't wear panties like this without hoping to dirty them up." Her teeth nipped at her prey's ear, an almost-fang leaving an almost puncture, causing the rabbit to squirm even more, "What's your name, little girl?"

"Rael," replied the rabbit, after another squeak. Were he not quite so tipsy, he might have put the woman in her place. He adored dominants, but he never thought of himself as easy prey. Maybe an easy lay, but that was not quite the same thing. Still, with her stroking him through the rubber, making his cock throb all sloppy in the worked up mass of precum and perspiration, he had to admit a certain amount of helplessness. "Buy a little girl another drink?"

The woman with the magenta hair, all done up in a girlish friz with long bangs, smiled brightly. As bright as any smile could be when it missed her eyes entirely. "More interested in a drink than my name? Are you ready to pay for that?"

Now Rael giggled, squeezing the woman's hands with his inner thighs. "As long as you pay for the drink." Funny, his giggle seemed out of place, even with his pink fur and cascading curls. Normally he was the most girlish thing in a room filled with women. But his giggle would have fit her lips better, with those soft cheeks and short stature. It was almost like being fondled by an especially disobedient child. Well, more like a disobedient teenager with a thing for gothic lolitas.

Suddenly the woman's grip became a vise, tightening hard around Rael's latex-clad shaft. Her other hand slid behind the bunny, between those long legs and up, gripping the poor sissy's balls with a punishing intensity. Squeeze! "I've got more than just a drink waiting for you, dirty girl." Lips ran along her punished playmate's ear, leaving little suckling kisses as she went. Then she simply released her prey entirely, though not before another eye-watering genital clench. "Follow me, and I promise you the sweetest drink to ever touch those whorish lips. Or you can wander about the dance floor, find some lesser slut to nurse your balls, and never know who almost made the best night of your life."

He blinked, startled when her electric baby-blues seemed to crackle, then glow. When his tiny tyrant turned, Rael got to appreciate the blessings of Mama nature. The curves he spied abolished any thought of this woman as a misplaced youth. True, puberty could be kind, and certainly there were teenagers out there with breasts that rivaled the mystery woman's puffy B-cups, peeking from just above a tightly laced corset. And though her butt was even more impressive, he had seen high-schoolers whose junk defied all reasonable definitions of trunk.

Yet no newly-minted hottie had the natural poise which graduated this woman's chest a full letter grade... and a half. And while some under-aged cuties had the bubbles and the bounce that belonged on much older, much more sinful women, none of them could sway the way his olive-skinned tormentor did. With every step, her glorious ass went this way and that. It took a bit of experience to gain that much this, and this much that.

There was power in those hips, power that rivaled the arms which had held, groped, and savaged his aching sack. It was enough power to bring a bunny to his knees, again.

Instead, he stood up, ginger and sore, with a disgruntled squeak. Whatever those hips might promise, however wet those lips might seem, it was not worth risking a temper like hers. With her humid dominance no longer saturating his thought process, Rael came to a rational decision. She could keep her drink, and her name, for all he cared. Better to let this one go then risk what might happen if he let his own temper talk his balls into another juicer.

An hour passed, the dreamy buzz skipping with it. He could breath again, his heart not quite so tight in his chest. Another drink in his hand, mostly ignored, while he scanned the dance floor. She had left, or else found another rabbit; someone with less to give, and more to lose. Time had finally caught back up, and what had seemed liked an eternity was fastly tumbling into a soon-to-be forgotten night. He gave his glass a little shake, letting the ice spin about, wondering if maybe he had made a mistake in not following.

It was easier to forgive and forget when your balls were not on fire. Annoying how even the thought of it caused a stirring within his center. Down boy, you are not about to get excited at CBT. We have enough kinks as it is.

His shaft gave a little throb, ignoring him as usual. It always did that, right up to the point that it begged for company, or at least a comforting stroke. Rael sighed, downing his drink. It might end up as a night of personal pleasures, culminating in a safe, but lonely stroke. Oh, the bunny had nibbles. He always had nibbles from those newly interested, and his regular playmates. At that moment, none of their offers seemed especially enticing. He had taken their drinks, of course. No reason to be rude, but the bunny had switched to something with fewer bubbles, and even less alcohol.

He was not really in the mood to fall for, or on top of, anyone else that night.

Tomorrow night was a different matter entirely, he thought with a smile. He would have settled by then, ready to get his swerve back on. Tonight? Eh, maybe a quick leak to drain the excess fluids, and then a night curled up with a good, dirty book. Would you like that Missus bunny cock?

Missus bunny cock replied by being a dick, both literally and figuratively. Figuratively, by making his trip to the restroom as difficult as it possibly could. It swelled annoyingly, grinding his sensitive tip against the latex panties in a metaphorical pout. As for literally, it accomplished that by being a fat, bloated dick.

The restroom was relatively clean, as far as these clubs went. There was the night's recent wear and tear, the worst of that being a bit of stickiness where an excited bull had slapped the suddenly bare cheeks of a gasping lover. But beyond some wadded bits of toilet paper, the heavy scent of semi-recently exposed sex organs, and what looked to be a ripped, discarded pair of pantyhose, it beat most truck stop urinals. Even the graffiti was higher class, having largely been commissioned from local artists, just to give the walls the right level of swank skank. Only half of the numbers and names would lead you anywhere, usually to a rather embarrassed housewife who "had no idea what you were talking about." The rest were faked, or else forsaken in favor of remarkably detailed visual aides.

Rael saddled up to a hanging urinal, next to a favorite image.

If only he could still bend the way this artist had imagined, but there was a finite amount of time where one could perform that particular slice of karmic-sutra. Still, when one's physical flexibility began to falter, one's mental and emotional stretch often began to improve. He might no longer be able to manage the spinal acrobatics detailed on stall number four, but he had no qualms about trying a stall five, six, or even eight. For many of his favorite partners, that was all anyone could ever ask for. For a stall number eight, many of them would even pray.

His mind first on that delightful imagery, and then moving on the cigarette butt his stream was making jump, he never noticed the argon line of light. It ran along the seam of the restroom door, making a muffled sizzle as it slipped about the edge. It finished with the subtle whish of a pressurized seal, the filtered music from without smothered into a sudden silence.

The bunny blinked, having felt the shift, as though he were suddenly cut off from the rest of the universe. His long right ear gave a twitch, noticing for the first time that he was alone. Odd, there was usually at least a slumbering college co-ed in stall three. The young feline had practically majored in glory holes, but now seemed curiously absent. When the lights flickered, and a scent of ozone slipped up Rael's left nostril, he reached down to set his affairs in order, pulling Missus bunny cock back into her rubbery abode.

He barely had enough time to snug his member tightly within his latex panties before the world exploded. His prized golden-ringlets were snatched, leashing his head as it was jerked backward with enough force to pull him off his feet. This time, he was not caught so much as hung by his hair, reaching up instinctively to counter the agonizing yank caused by gravity's attraction to his round, ripe bottom.

"Oh, so this is real?" A familiar voice chuckled, tumbling the metaphorical baby as it went down with a broken bough. "And here I was wondering why you thought to bring your hair, but leave the girls at home." Cruel fingers slid under the rabbit's jaw, clutching tightly. "A shame I don't like the color, or the style, but we can fix that. And I mean to fix that, and everything else about you."

There was no sense being terrified, as it hardly gave one room to breath. Rael settled on pissed, "The fuck you will!" He reached up with both hands, wrapping them around her thinner arm, trying to pull it away. When that did not work, he opted for a squeeze, a hard palm against the woman's wrist, and then threw in an Indian burn for good measure.

The woman sighed, then tightened her grip until air became a fond memory, and even the breath the bunny had stored was useless with her fingers and thumb constricting his carotid artery. "You know, it doesn't take much strength to do this," she remarked, with a feigned yawn. "I've got so much to spare, and a healthy build up of malice to go along with it. It wouldn't really take more than a flex to crush your windpipe."

His eyes opened wide, reflecting the crisp electric crackle of the woman's glowing orbs. Panic replaced pissed, and Rael's limbs began to flail about, trying to gain traction on the slick, tiled floor. If there was any to be found, it amounted to nothing. There was no escape, but there were stars. Where had they all come from? Pop, pop, they seemed to fizzle and crack as his oxygen-dreprived brain amused itself with fireworks.

"You have maybe a second or two before you pass out. Are you sure you don't want to relax, at least a little?" The woman eased her clutch, removing the choke from the hold. It was either an act of good faith, or the ease of a predator with absolutely nothing to fear from its chosen prey.

Rael whimpered, unable to turn away from the lit, twin sapphires that made the woman's eyes. He kept as still as his heart would allow, wincing once or twice when the sudden rush of aerobic blood hit his brain. When the evil woman finally pulled away, breaking the terror of her grip and gaze, the sissy bunny practically collapsed. He was barely able to fight the urge to vomit, and decided to submit to the urge to tremble.

"I'm not quite as cool and collected as I should be, I guess." She grunted, primping in a nearby mirror. "Never had it in me for that smooth seduction schtick all my sisters seem to manage. I get angry, I get violent. You needed to know that about me, just like you needed to know how easily this night could be your last." Turning, with the oddest, cheeriest smile any maniac had ever managed, "thing is, I'm kinda like a tornado, and you're just some trailer trash's pride and joy. I can spin you right round baby, right round. Or I can leave you torn apart, scattered all over the country side. You know?"

He blinked, not sure if he wanted to know. His hand moved up, fingers running along the burning bruise at his throat. Definitely not a teenager, and probably not human either. His eyes ran to the door, then stopped, as though to gesture his body to follow. Rael's body ignored his eyes, forcing them back toward their curvy captor. See that, his body asked. We're not running past that, we're sitting here quietly until the crazy lady leaves.

Most of his body was on board with that, except a few errant pieces which were known to rebel from time to time. Those were the bits that had elated with the rush of being strangled, and tingled with every threat, both implied and direct. Part of Rael simply could not help but respond to the heated pressure of this dominant beast, part lady and part tiger.

"S-sure," Rael replied meekly, throat still a distorted. "Lesson learned. Can I go now?"

The woman's next smile was more genuine, even if no less crazed. Her satin corset jiggled merrily as she lifted herself up to settle on the sink behind her. It bore her weight easily, leaving her legs to sway in an idle swing, ruffling the black frills of her flared skirt. Her legs were wrapped in a stripped stocking, all dark purples, and reddish pinks. "Oh don't be like that. You might be a mess right now, but I've decided to help you. Bring out some of that vile, hidden beauty."

"Help me? How?" Rael coughed, "like with a make-over? Or with a rape? A rape-over?"

"Don't be gross," the woman chided, crossing one leg over the other, pointing the tip of a cotton candy-colored heel at the confused bunny. "Or rude," then came another smile as the tanned woman ran the tip of her shoe up, snug wickedly against the risen bulge between Rael's legs. "Or a liar." The hard tip of her shoe ran along the bunny's latex panties, teasing his length. "I could tear you apart, or bend you over this sink, but even I can't rape the willing. Trust me, I've tried."

Rael's blush could not have been brighter were his cheeks not practically designed to flare. The confusion in his body was starting to settle, and even his eyes had to admit, there was a lot to like about their current view. "May-maybe we just got off on the wrong foot."

"Maybe. Would you like to get off on the right one?" She snagged the edge of the bunny's panties with the tip of her heel, tugging them downward. Then she caught the released cock, which flopped wetly forward, between the heel and sole of her shoe. "We can do that, though I thought you wanted a drink?"

"Drink?" The bunny was far too distracted by the sudden heel job, wincing a bit when the harder sole ground against his hardening cock, forcing it to plump and swell. He found himself inching forward, till her footwear snug against his balls. It was oddly soothing, scratching at them with the scritch of patent leather.

"I promised you one, didn't I?" The woman reached down, pink laced webbing extended from her palms to just above either elbow. Her ruffles began to stir and shift, even before her hands arrived to lifting them. A curtain of midnight frills parted to reveal something almost pink, though darker, fed by aroused blood. The fleshy member rose, helping to push the female's skirt up, flipping the tent, so to speak.

Rael was no stranger to big cocks. He had seen them in all shapes and sizes, and while moderate amongst giants, he was happy with his own endowment. It was a nicely sized bunny dick, good for both suck and fuck. Many of his partners were bigger than the bunny, but he had never felt so utterly eclipsed as to feel ashamed by comparison. A big cock was simply a source of celebration, and maybe a reflexive tightening of his taunt, tight ass.

But the turgid plump between this girl's thighs defied all reason. Yes, he had seen longer. Yes, he had known thicker. It was the way both the length and girth combined which startled the experienced sissy. It pulsed, heating the air around it, prideful of its own sinful volume. The fact that such a mammoth lumbered between the woman's supple thighs seemed... well, it just seemed unfair.

"I could pounce right now, you know? Leap up and shove this monster between your sweet, candy lips. Fuck that mouth, till they cracked." The woman shut her eyes, obviously enjoying the idea. One hand slid along the base of her shaft, running along a slick surface, which pulsed in delight at her touch. Opening her eyes, she pulled her foot away, spreading both legs and leaning back till her round rump dipped into the sink's basin. "But I'm going to save that pounce, save it for when I'm ready to bust that ripe ass wide open. I'll letcha drink first. But since you were such a bad boy, you gotta crawl."

Another whimper from the bunny, this time out of frustration. Just a little longer and that cotton-candy heel would have been drizzled in a rabbit's white chocolate. Fingers and toes clenched in forestalled release, but the object of his shameful desires was hardly out of reach. His eyes wandered along the towering length, where it doubled over slightly, under its own weight. A thick, glistening sphere formed at the cock's bulbous head. It held there for a moment, just gathering itself into a sticky, gloopy mess. Then it tumbled, falling like a too-ripe white grape, splashing messily onto the floor.

Rael found his throat to be awfully dry at that moment. Especially with her swaying cock looking so slick, and pleasantly moist. A tormented tongue, licking at his parched lips, the bunny found himself moving forward. There really was not much room to crawl, but for some reason, it seemed the right position. On his hands, he scooted forward, shivering when his knee slipped through the sticky puddle her cock-head had dribbled onto the restroom floor.

When looked up, he found the heel of her left foot pressing meaningfully into his shoulder.

"This is it, by the way." She said, words dripping as wetly as the drool from her waiting shaft. "That part in the story where the tragic victim has one last shot to get out with his purity intact... such as it is." Reaching down, she ran her blue fingernails along his bruised throat. "Normally, I wouldn't say anything, but you've already resisted me once. If I was an angel, that would have been enough to receive a reward. But I'm not an angel anymore, and I've never let anyone go, not in a forever."

"What's your name?"

She blinked, startled by the question. Tilting her head, wondering if this mortal was toying with her. Finally she sighed, "You can call me Mari, for tonight. Tomorrow, you might call me something different, assuming you survive."

"Mari, can I please suck your cock?" Rael grinned, reaching up, the bunny slipped a soft hand around Mari's thick shaft. He gave it a playful stroke, daring her crackling blues to blink once more.

"F-fuck you, little slut." Mari grunted, shaking her head with a softer smile than any she had shown before. "You suck my cock, Rael. You suck it good, all the way down, cause I'm having you against the wall when you're done."

Rael moved up, letting Mari's left leg slip over his shoulder. He shivered when she pulled him in, her heel digging into his back. Then he returned the shiver, pressing lush, glossed lips along the slick surface of her trembling cock. Up and down he went, enjoying the heat of it, the raw masculine musk that assaulted his senses and lay thickly on his tongue. It was a beast of a cock, and like most beasts, it had slobbered all over itself. Slick with previous ejaculate, glistening with sweat, he lapped at it with a delirious thirst.

Mari shut her eyes, one hand gripping her playmate's blond hair, the other tightening along the edge of the sink. This was the sort of thing her sisters tended to enjoy, an obedient lover, wrapped in the silken bondage of a successful seduction. She was used to a rougher time, her impatience lead her to take before a treat could be offered. There were other men, other women, she had broken and left hollowed. Some she reformed, others were abandoned as not worth the trouble. This one, mmmMmm, this one was a definite keeper.

The bunny's lips found the underside of Mari's cock-head. Kisses, suckling and sweet, tugging and pleasing at her flesh. One had to be careful with a smaller cock, this sensitive area too small to really tease. But a bloated pig of a cock like this? Rael knew he could treat it right. By the time he was ready to begin taking more, the slit at her tip was practically gaping. It dribbled and rolled wet sloshes of pre, tumbling to land sticky and sweet, all along the his pink cheeks.

When his tongue invaded her musky slit, something internal went squish inside the squirming young woman. A fist-sized ball of delight erupted within, causing her to shake. Her knob flared, pulsing and then found itself wrapped up in Rael's hungry mouth. It actually not a bad size, just small enough to actually fit, but still girthy enough to cause the bunny's jaw a pleasant ache. With that warmth offered, and her feminine sex leaking shameful ribbons of womanly nectar between her thighs, Mari submitted to his technique.

Rael took as much as he could, letting the weight and heat saturate his senses. His hand stroked all the inches that were left untouched, promising that they would get their due. He stood up, one hand wrapping around her left leg, tangling them further. His other hand moved to press at the silken corset, squeezing Mari's hidden breast, hungrily. Angled a bit, all the better to receive her, he began to engulf more and more of her cock. The bunny's throat began to distend, taking on the shape of the obscene length as it entered his mouth. Deeper still, he took her cock. His throat muscles glided along the welcomed intruder. An expert bunny tongue slurped around her shaft, showing just what a repressed gag reflex could do.

Mari seemed astonished, wondering how this mortal had learned to breath through his ears. At least she hopped that was the case, because she no longer had any patience where this slut's mouth was concerned. With a possessive growl, she tightened her leg around his shoulder, pulling him down, hard and fast. Her fingers dug into his golden curls, demanding he take every inch, pulling him till those cherry glossed lips were brushing against her balls. She held him like this, for five, then ten seconds. She held him for the half minute, and then began to tick away the full. She held him, cock straining inside his quivering throat, before finally letting go.

Gasping, sputtering, the bunny pulled back, freeing as much of his throat as he could. Rael took in what air would fit through his nose and sail past her cock. However, to his tormentor's delight, he never broke the seal. Never was there less than four, perhaps five inches of her cock, inside his suckling mouth. He leaned back in, pushing himself this time, taking her cock to the hilt once more. And then again. The sound of his slurping, the vacuum of his mouth taking her in, echoed wetly off the walls.

She felt her heavy sack start to shift, her cock begin to swell and tighten. Her sack had been crafted specifically to give the infernal an unrivaled, sinful potency. Coupled with that fine shaft of hers, she could bloat a bunny till it fell under the weight its swallowed load. He was good, very good. Maybe too damn good. "Enough!" Mari groaned, using that overwhelming, demonic strength to push her partner back, slick dick slapping at Rael's face as it was freed from his hungry mouth.

Dazed, and more than a little confused, the bunny found himself falling backward. It was always difficult to get your bearings after sucking a cock like Mari's. Going from so full and breathless, to suddenly empty and practically smothered in air, was an adjustment Rael was not quite ready for. He stumbled, hands flung back, trying to prevent a seemingly inevitable fall. Instead, he found himself flying, Mari gripping him by the shoulder with her right hand. His eyes went wide, starring into the thunderclouds that were her own. Sparkling sapphires had become stormy orbs, rumbling and boiling as they brewed up to a molten, electric fire.

The otherworldly being reached up with her left hand, then ripped down, snatching the cum-soiled latex dress. Rael gasped out in a gurgling shriek, throat and cheeks half-filled with prespunk. The liquid rubber did not want to let go of his body, but it could not deny the strength of the woman tearing it off. When it finally submitted, it did so with a wet snap, crackling over the bunny's fur-covered flesh. It was like being whipped by a dozen crops at once, leaving streaks that would probably welt as the night went along.

When her hand slipped around his rubber panties, he tried to force her hands away, having no more luck than before. The thinner fabric was less resistant to her tug, especially when caught on a sharpened nail. Instead of splitting like a snapped rubber band, they ripped, spilling both bunny cock and bottom. Mari lifted her prize, bringing the torn garment up to her lips, running a slick tongue along their center, and indulging in his flavor.

With that, he was bare; vulnerable and trembling in the grip of a succubus whose eyes had become blue flame.

"Sorry sweetie," Mari spoke, but a dozen female voices escaped her lips. Each of them seemed to be writhing in their own favorite Hell. "You've had enough to drink. Now it's time for medicine." She cackled, then groaned, moving in a distorted, shuddering manner. It was as if every inch of her flesh had come alive, every movement spawning a dozen little deaths about her aroused form.

Rael found himself slammed hard against the metal wall of the nearest stall. The material creaked, dented from the force of impact. His excited cock slapped dirtily against the side, rubbing his own sputter of excitement along some MILFs phone number, and detailed listing of every way in which she could make a man moan.

Mari reached down, tearing her corset top, shredding the satin bindings and sending the lace scattering. Her skirt went next, landing in a rumple of discard fabric. The woman stood there for a moment, arching against unseen delight, as though invisible hands were fondling every inch of her exposed flesh. Perhaps they were. The room seemed suddenly filled with an unseen, infernal audience.

Was that a tongue sliding along his inner thigh? Were those hands pinching his nipples, slapping and spreading his as cheeks? Oh god, was there a mouth on his cock? Rael turned his head to see, and for just a moment, he caught them. It was a flash, like a bolt of lightning lighting up a dark room. Hollow figures writhed about the air. Feminine and masculine, man and beast, they groaned silently as they pressed themselves against... everything.

Bare except for her stockings, shoes, and fingerless gloves, Mari licked her lips, lifting one of her soft breasts up to phantom lips lined in an argon crackle. Then they were gone, just as suddenly as they had appeared. But they could still be felt, if muffled, like their bodies were pushing against a thinning layer separating their world from our own. Before Rael could let that thought sink in, and the nightmares that would doubtless come with, his restroom lover was on top of him.

Warm flesh, so very warm, tingling with electricity and sinful promise. Mari pressed her breasts into the bunny's back, grinding her front against his body. Her cock head slipped between his thighs, practically lifting him for a moment, laying hotly against his balls. "Medicine, sweetling." The women's voices groaned into long ears. When she bit it this time, she left a burning tear, sprouting a thin line of bubbling crimson. "And wouldn't you just know it? It's a suppository."

That was the only warning Rael received. What came next was thick, hot, and brutally insistent. Mari's plump mushroom cap pressed forward into the bunny's shuddering hole. He found himself thankful for a life spent on his knees, and bent on display for bulls and alphas alike. He doubted his poor ass would have survived otherwise. He was used to the burn, prepared for the stretch, even welcomed the groan inducing pop when her cap sunk beyond his resistant anal rim. When she thrust her hips forward, she got far deeper than any virginal bottom would have dared allowed.

It was mere seconds before she found that internal button, grinding against his prostrate, feeding him pleasure and that feminine sense of being truly and utterly filled. Then she put in another inch, and another beside. Rael gulped, fingernails peeling at the stall's pain. So this is what Madonna was going on about, if Tarantino was to be believed. "Nnnng! S-slower please?"

"No," The legion of Mari groaned, reaching up and tightening her grip on her lover's hair. "Fast, harder, deeper!" And so she did. Faster, with a rising tempo that plunged into the bunny's inner muscles, then practically tugging them outward on the back-swing. Harder, with punishing slaps that set Rael's cheeks to jiggling and jostle, distorted with Mari's thrust. Deeper, ever deeper came the plunge, till their balls met, grinding against one another whenever a fuck reached its apex.

Rael had been fucked by longer cocks. Rael had been stretched by wider ones. But never both so long and so wide, and never, ever with this intensity. Every thrust seemed to unmake his mind. The sissy had his masculine side, his male quirks, and a sense of self caught between twin poles of a long spectrum. When Mari fucked him, those notions seemed to shudder, a foundation of self being put to the test. Other lovers had made the bunny feel a true sense of feminine bliss. Few had hammered it home with such an endless appetite for his very identity.

Precum dribbled from his lips, a sloppy drool that ran mixed with his cherry gloss. Mascara-darkened tears stained his cheeks, born of an intensity both physical and emotional. His body cringed, his mind shuddered, and with every pump, he felt himself emptied out a little more.

Still, he pushed back. He ground his hips to her cock, he denied the cries for mercy he had given just moments before. He fucked back into her thrust, refusing the notion that this slut could be broken. Slut was not a word that could undo Rael. It was just another costume to wear, another outfit to try out with a sissy's glee.

Mari approved, laying hot kisses along her lover's back. "Good, good! You are exactly what I've been looking for!" Another thrust, slapping so hard, the stall wall began to buckle. "Well, a few changes to make, but they'll come easy, I promise." Her hands moved from his hair, sliding around to Rael's chest, gripping and squeezing his nipples till they were as red as his abused anal rim. "Your going to love being my favorite, dirty toy. I've got so many filthy places to stick to, so many nasty things for you to do."

She pounded as she spoke, sawing her cock within his inner depths as though rebuilding him from the inside out. "And every thing you do for me, every sin, every cruelty, will make you more mine! Nng! Fuck, fuck slut, I'm gonna make a monster out of you." Mari took a deep breath, her own eyes wet, leaving little sparks as they trailed down her dark cheeks. The various voices beginning to combine, to solidify, speaking as one.

"My monster, mine alone!"

Before Rael could answer, before he could even formulate a response, the cock inside of him came alive. It tightened within his shuddering hole, filling him with a swelling rush, and then erupted into cream. Thick spurts that would have made any woman round with new, infernal life, poured into him. It created a rising, molten slosh within his bowels. When Mari pulled back, it was with a moist, sticky glorp. When she thurst forward, her erupting seed spilled out the edges of his rectum. "Aaah! O-oh god!"

When Rael woke up, he was glad to still be in the restroom. Glad that a toilet was in easy reach. He crawled over to the edge of the porcelain altar and made his offering. It sloshed out easily enough, leaving its customary burn as he released it. Reaching up, he brushed his blond hair back. An experienced hang-over sufferer, he let the world get all blurry one moment, then focusing the next. No headache? That was good, but his ass felt raw, and red. Something sticky was oozing its way down his inner thighs, and he knew it would be off-white, and smell strongly of balls.

Nng! Headache or not, he was going to need some strong painkillers. His shoulders ached, his back was a nightmare, and he did not even want to think about the mess his throat must be in. A wet drip from above caused Rael to reach up, pulling a bunny ear down, then wincing immediately. The bitch bit his ear, like proper bit. Hmm, it was still bleeding? He must not have been out too long.

The sound of stall number eight, coming alive with a roaring flush, caused the bunny's blood to run cold. He crawled up, clinging to the door for support, waiting to see if his nightmare was over, or if it had just begun. In a proper horror movie, this is where the kindly janitor would have exited the stall, giving the poor rabbit that "wow, you must have had one hell of a night," speech, and then toddle off to his duties.

"Awake are we?" Mari asked, hands behind her back, and bending over to peer at the nude, downed bun bun.

So not a nightmare, not a movie. This was real life, and not fantasy. Rael was caught in this landslide, no escape from reality. Then he blinked, opening his eyes to see, Mari fully dressed, her outfit not looking the worst for wear or tear.

Hang on, how was that fair? He looked down to be sure. Yep, he was a bare bunny. His nipples looked sore, most of his bruises hidden by fur, but there was definitely nothing like the latex dress he had come in here with. At least he still had his shoes. Though, wait... yep, just as he thought. Rael had broken the left heel. "Couldn't be bothered to fix up my outfit? Do you have any idea how hard it was to find that in blue, and in my size?"

Mari chuckled, pausing to wash her hands. She might be evil, but she was not that evil. Finally she turned with a playful grin. "You want something to wear?"

"Tell me you're not about to play another game," Rael groaned, "We're past that stage right? I mean, it's gotta be nearly morning. Aren't you tired? Besides, I figured you'd have already collared me by now."

The woman shook her head, "Collars come later, after I've taught you how to sin."

Rael pulled off his shoes, looking at them wistfully, before grunting at the increasingly difficult woman. "Didn't we just do that?"

"That? Oh no, that was just a bit of fun. It's not a sin until you hurt someone," Mari smiled, the sing-song back in her singular voice.

The bunny felt the oddest shiver at that, a sensation that was both off-putting, and shamefully pleasant. Hurt someone? Rael never hurt anyone, not on purpose anyway. Maybe broken a heart or two, but that was never his intention. People got attached, which was fine. They also got possessive, which was not. "I think you've got the wrong wabbit."

"I know exactly who I have. I've got the rabbit whose cock twitched at the thought," She shrugged, "But then again, maybe you're right. We'll just have to wait and see. The real question is, do you want this or not?" Mari pulled something from behind her back, a sort of onyx hood, shimmering the way only latex could. Only it came with a curly head of cotton-candy hair, and what looked lik-

"You're offering me a mask? A rubbery, sheep mask with its own head of hair, and ram horns? That's what I'm supposed to walk out of here in?" Rael asked, incredulous.

"It comes with a thong," Mari smirked, "And yeah, that's about it. Actually, its only part of a full suit. I'm afraid I forgot to bring the curves that go with it. Silly me."

Rael shut his eyes, "This is it, isn't it? This is the game? And I can either wear the mask and thong, and maybe not get recognized as the bunny who just got reamed by a gothy loli-girl... or I walk out, completely nude?"

Mari nodded, "Pretty much, though you're underestimating the mask. I can promise you that nobody recognize you in it. All they're liable to remember is that their good sissy friend called it an early night, after telling that awful human hunter where she could go stuff it." The woman leaned against sink, "But if you don't wear it, everyone will know exactly where you were and who bent you over."

The bunny's face soured. There was a stigma associated with being a human hunter's prey, especially if they were the catch-and-release sort. It was just about the worst sort of walk-of-shame an anthro could endure."So that's your thing? Threaten me with what a bunch of furfags think? The kind of ape-hating idiots I wouldn't want to associate with in the first place?" Rael snorted.

"My thing is I want you to put on my mask," Mari shrugged, "I don't really care about anything else. If a threat gets it on, I'll use it. If you want me to promise you more fucking like you wouldn't believe, you've got it." She tossed the mask into the bunny's lap. "Thing is, I could have fitted you for it while I had you against the wall, or again when you passed out, spewing spunk like a water wiggle."

The mask felt oddly warm in Rael's lap. Its pink frizz was soft, and most definitely not synthetic. He tilted his head, looking up, "This is another one of those chances, right? Like what you said earlier, about the tragic hero? I can swallow my naked medicine, like a good little tart." The bunny lifted the mask up, looking into its empty eye sockets, "Or I put this on and get punished for... what, hubris?"

"What I said was tragic victim," Mari corrected, then smiled with that bright, maniacal gleam. "But you're absolutely right. I like you. No, that's too friendly. I want to fuck you, Rael. Again and again, and I want to teach you to fuck others too, the way I do. I've been up here too long, all alone. I need a little monster of my very own, someone I can mold and screw, and watch do terrible, awful things for the thrill of it."

Rael blinked, catching an odd quiver in Mari's voice, a stumble when the word "alone" had left her lips. "You won't make me do anything I don't want to do?"

"I'll make you want to do it, you'll see." Mari stood up, chewing at her bottom lip, looking less the demon and more the lonely teenager desperately trying to make a new friend. "Once you learn to start wanting without regrets, you'll never stop."

The bunny was doubtful, but found himself strangely moved. Or maybe that was just what he was telling himself. Maybe the mask represented the same thing masks always did, a chance to be someone else, to give one's lesser angel's a voice. That was probably the real test. If he put the mask on just to give a lost soul some company, he would be fine. On the other hand, if there was enough darkness inside of him, some selfish desire that motivated his choice... well, then so what? "Fuck it."

The bunny began to slip on the latex mask, feeling warmer and wetter than perhaps a mask should. Where the edge met his flesh, it stuck for a moment, like a rubber cowl already damp with sweat, and overuse. There was a smell too, a spice that spoke of a feminine heat being ground along the insides. Rael was not all that surprised. Trust a pervert to hand you a suit that had been fucked in. He wished for a bit of powder as he stretched and tugged at the material, pulling the rubber which fluttered, clung, then glorped over his fur, like a thin, wet mouth.

He was expecting a burn when his injured ear met the top. You had to be an awfully floppy-eared rabbit to sink into a mask like this without a bit of trauma. There was certainly something waiting inside, but it was not the pinch he was expecting. It felt like a heated mass, something that pulsed in an alarming manner. When the tip of his long ears brushed along its curious surface, there was a moist, muffled splorsh. It was followed by the unwelcome trickle of a molten, alien substance, heavy with a familiar musk. His eyes went wide when the goo began to tumble along his fur. The sticky, liquid dribbled from within, sliding slick and viscous down his ears and into his hair.

Another trick, Rael groaned. Mari must have filled the mask with a load, fresh from that too-thick cock of hers. He was surprised it had not sloshed when she had tossed it into his lap, especially with this much spunk. The freak had either been stroking for quite awhile, or else she had taken donations. Whatever the case, he tried to pull the horrid thing off, to throw the infernal prank at the electric harlot.

The mask did not budge. Easy in, impossible out, he was trapped. The surprisingly hot cream continued to ooze and slather along his fur, coating his face with the gooey stick of a freshly jacked cock. Latex tightness gathered the goop, pressing it like a smother against his features, sealing him into the demonic bukkake. He squeezed his eyes shut, sealed his lips in a cringe, trying not to breath the substance in. Where his hands pressed along the mask, it bubbled and burbled, making those rude, wet noises that horrified the chaste and excited the promiscuous.

Unable to escape the flood, shuddering at the prospect of drowning in collected seed, Rael finally submitted to the masculine magma. Lips parted, nose flared, and though he kept his eyes shut, he relaxed the pressure on his lids. The flavor which flooded his mouth was not all that unpleasant. It was not the dull, luke-warm jizm the bunny was dreading. The mask had kept it hot, fresh, full of the perverse pleasures that he associated with a big gulp from an even bigger cock. Once the initial surprise wore off, he could almost enjoy the sensation. His tongue gingerly reached out, lapping shamefully at the mask's inner walls.

A-at least nobody could see this, trapped in the grotesque darkness. He could simmer and stew, covered like a pink cherry, drizzled in white chocolate.

"Liking it already, aren't you slut?" Mari's voice was muffled, yet strangely sweet. It poured over him like the snowy nectar saturating his fur. He felt the tip of her shoe brushing idly along the head of his cock. When had he gotten so hard? His arms hugged as his shivering body, feeling every inch the slut she accused him of. "Go on now, pull it the rest of the way."

Hands trembling, heart pounding, the bunny found himself forced to submit. There was no escape, not from this, not tonight. He was trapped inside the "sheep," and he really was going to suffocate if he continued to half-ass it. There was a mouth opening in the mask, only inches away from his lips. If he could not yank the rubbery headpiece off, he would just have to slam the damn thing on. His fingers moved up, wrapping around the oddly solid horns, pulling the whole thing down with a determined, liquid plunge.

This time, he was up close and personal when the line of argon lit, running the edge between mask and throat. Crackles illuminated the interior of the mask, his eyes opened to burn in the sparkling cream. The whish of a pressurized seal stole the air from his lungs, causing Rael to choke, sputtering out bubbles and foam. His entire head tingled, as though an espresso shot had been fired directly into his brain.

Something was sizzling, he could hear if not quite feel it. His cheeks flushed, then numbed, like being slammed face-first into a freshly packed crest of snow. Then came pain, followed closely by his half-drowned scream. Something, no two things, was corkscrewing into his head. They dug deep before settling into a twin throb. The fresh agony that ground into his brain, tumbled about like a migraine gone out of control. His hands began to tighten around those curled horns, pulling against an intruding force his mind was not ready to accept. It was no use, he could no more end the pain than he could release the horns from his fists. His fingers were locked in, each holding a live-wire, still pulsing with electric life.

A familiar voice hissed, "Enough." There was another crackle, followed by an ear-splitting peal of thunder. Rael's eyes boiled with the after-image of twin indigo suns melting into one.

It took a minute or two to realize that the pain was gone. His hands fell weakly from the twin growths, smoking as they did. The agonized sensation had been replaced by an uncertain, uncomfortably heavy head. Everything was pillowed, muffled in an azure haze, which crackled and crinkled through-out his brain. Rael reached back, pressing against the stall, pushing himself up on unsteady feet. His head kept trying to fall to the side, being dragged down by the unfamiliar weight.

When his lips parted, finally free to take in air without the filter of latex or cum, there was no creak or rubbery scent to flavor the gasp. His tongue slipped forward, running along the edge of a singular pair of perfectly black lips. Slowly, he worked his jaw, reaching up to touch warm flesh. There was no mask and no fur, just an onyx flesh that flushed in an all together different sort of panic than before. Nervous hands moved back to the horns they had abandoned, feeling the all-too-real sensation of this new part of his new face.

"BaaaAA?" Wait, what was that? The noise that had tumbled out was a bleat, not his usual squeak. Rael's hands moved to black lips, covering them lest another erupt. Cheeks went flush under his newly darkened cheeks, and he took a deep breath to steady himself. No, there was no way this could possibly be real. He let his hands wander up into the new, cotton-candy friz that was his hair. When he gave it a tug, he exploded in another surprised baaa, causing his throat to warble with the foreign, oddly feminine sound.

"I-is that my voice? Is this m- my baaA!" Rael began to stumble, still unused to the heavy, spiraling keratin atop his head. "My horns? W-what did yoUUuuu do to me?" The once-bunny's voice kept breaking into the bleat of a fully feminine sheep, his falsetto not so false any more.

Mari caught the newly-minted sheep by his horns, pulling black lips to hers in a deep, hungry kiss. She curled into her new playmate, with a look of supreme satisfaction on her face. "Mmm, you took to it so well, like you've been waiting for me all this time." Practically purring, her eyes began to glow argon once more, sputtering to new life as she licked her lips, enjoying Rael's new taste. "Still, you look so miserable in that pink fur, like a lamb in a pair of bunny pajamas. I think we can do better, don't you?"

Before he could answer, her lips were on his again. There was a sense of desperate possession in the way she clung to his body, pinning him against her own. Her hand wrapped around the back of his head, fingers twinning with bright pink frizz, causing him to melt in response. The moist sound of mouths locked in stolen pleasure became the only sound in the room. Then came that increasingly familiar scent of ozone, the sizzle of power gathering behind her blue lips.

The room began to flood with a rising sense of new pressure. Rael's fur tingled, crackling as pink fuzz began to quiver at its tips. There was an oppressive sense of stillness, of waiting, as if every cell in his body was holding its breath. Then electricity sparked, moving from blue lips to black. The miniature lightning arced between them, following a Jacob's ladder that sizzled as it danced between their tongues. Internally, the heavy load of demonic cum began to burble and boil, warming the confused sissy, as the sinful fuel prepared itself for the coming catalyst.

With her playmate primed, Mari broke the kiss. One hand tightened in Rael's new hair, while the other pulled away, forming a somatic symbol with long, practiced fingers. The fuchsia-maned woman gestured to the heavens, then thrust her hand in a downward slash, stabbing straight to Hell.

When the lightning bolt struck through the roof, it was so sudden, so instantaneous, one might have doubted its existence. Of course, they would have to contend with the evidence of the scorched ceiling tiles, lit with blue flames. There was also the arched once-bunny to consider, his body bent and taunt. Arcs of electric blue skipped along his horns as though they were Tesla coils, ready to breath new life into stitched-together death.

And then Rael was on fire.

Pink fur smoked, and crackled, engulfed by a blue flame. Every particle of him was lit in the same azure glow, a smokeless blaze which roared merrily, turning all that was solid into something malleable, ready to be reworked by arcing currents of electric light. The fur was the first to go, burned away to reveal a charred skin, smooth as silk. His shape melted too, muscles and masculine features, puddling and swelling from infernal pressures within.

Funny, it did not hurt the way he expected it to. There was none of that flesh-crinkling agony you might associate with becoming a walking, argon pyre. It was more like that oozing, sinful sting of a bath just heated to the edge of one's temperature tolerance. It was a fever, entering into his flesh, making everything that was hard or firm, into something softer, sweeter, waxy muscles shaped into an increasingly feminine drip.

Rael found himself lifted, then settled onto the sink where Mari had sat. Unable to respond or resist, his eyes glittering with the glow which tingled more than it burned, he let himself be dressed like a drowsy six year old on his first day of school. She ran a few moist kisses down his center, pausing to roller her tongue about his shaft, seemingly unaffected by the argon conflagration. With a proud smirk, she slipped a black thong up his long, sizzling legs. The tight, rubbery bottoms also seemed immune to the slowly sputtering, dwindling flames. They were almost soothing as they slid, tight and moist, around his desperately aroused crotch.

Then there was a tug. Something hungry pulled at Rael's cock. It pulled, slurped, and suckled at his flesh, tormenting a member that was already sailing over the verge of release. When the orgasm hit, it felt like another bolt, grounding him between Heaven and Hell. He was cumming. Oh god, was he cumming. He was cumming and it was not stopping. His shaft was somewhere dark, warm, and unseen, erupting into an infinite gulp. The new-sheep could hardly stand it, his body having experienced so many highs and lows, in such a short amount of time.

Pulling away from his tormentor, Rael hopped off the sink, jamming both spigots, and then splashing water over the few remaining sparks that had yet to snuff about his flesh.

It felt too cold, too crisp, too... Rael looked down, eyes wide. No fur remained. There was just a deep, onyx skin that covered his entire body. It was smooth, soft to the touch, and completely foreign to his notion of self. Fingers moved along the rich midnight, trembling in response. Gone, all of it, gone. Then, hand going from a tremble to an outright shake, he began to roll those same digits down his chest. Down, down to his crotch. There, he found nothing, absolutely nothing. He bleated in a feminine squeal, cringing and clutching at himself, panicked and quivering in fright.

Where was it? Where was he? Was there even a he to be?

"WhaAAAt did you do?" he moaned, trying his damnedest not to bleat. There it was again, that sheep's voice, the voice of a woman. His hands moved up, gripping both horns and hair, yanking and tugging, ripping at the invaders as though it was still just a mask to be worn. That was the other important bit of a mask, right? Not only could you be someone new, but all you had to do was give it a tug to be yourself again. His mind rolled, thinking about the electric flame. W-was there anything to return to?

Mari only smiled, reaching between his dark legs, cupping the featureless surface between "Oh quite fussing, it was a nice enough cock, but hardly worthy of my plaything. We'll get the rest of you made up just as soon as possible." As she spoke, something internal crackled, flipping at the light switch within Rael's brain. His hands fell down, his breathing steadied. He found himself numb to the changes, his dimmer having been given a turn. "I told you sweetling, I forgot the curves when I brought this outfit. I suppose I forgot more than just that. But don't worry, my little lost lamb, I'll make you whole again."

Her little lost lamb whimpered, trying to find the rage he needed to smash the woman's face and demand he be returned to his old shape. What he found instead was younger, softer, an even more girlish sense of self than was usual for the once-pink-bunny. What he found was weakness, vulnerability, and an emptiness which he knew, only Mari could fill. "P-pleEEaase. Help me?"

"Of course I will, that's why we found one another, isn't it?" Mari cooed, reaching a hand up and running it through the bright pink of Rael's new hair. "You will never have to be fake again, and I will never be alone. Why don't we come up with a nice, new name for you too? You know, something to show the world who you raelly are?"

Rael reached up with black, smooth fingertips, brushing at the sheep in the mirror. She was stunning, he realized. His face was fully feminine now, without even a scrap of make-up to accentuate one side of himself while hiding the other. He had that natural beauty that some girls, and most boys, could only find at a cosmetic's counter. His lashes were long, his look was demure, and while there was no accounting for taste, the cotton-candy pink of his fluffy, wool-like hair was every bit the equal to the golden locks he had lost. His other hand moved up, trailing along the ridged horns which completed the look.

"How about... Fuchsia? That's a pretty name for a pretty girl with a dirty streak." Mari sighed with a wistful smile, "Matches my hair, and with a bit of tweaking, your heart. What do you think?"

He... she, whatever, leaned forward with a quiet sob. She felt Mari's hands wrapping around her, possessively. At least her owner was warm, even affectionate, in whatever way the demonic woman understood the emotion. Still, Rael the bunny was gone. Fuchsia the sheep? She had the sense that an eternity lay ahead for her. Poor Fuchsia was already off to a rocky start.

"Goodbye Rael," Fuchsia whimpered. It had been the last night of her bunny life.

The End, but also a Beginning

Story Time: In the Lavender Room (featuring art by demon69, sirmeo)

An image/story for anyone who has ever been disappointed by the lack of sex in the champagne room. The visual feast above is a YCH/Commission, brought you courtesy of the extraordinarily talented, dynamic duo of [FA:...

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Story Time: Are You Being Attended?

A story for anyone who has ever wondered just how friendly "the friendly skies" could be. The following entry into the "Mile High Club" is brought to you, courtesy of fa **!** matthewbrandon thanks to a generous grant from the [FA:...

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Story Time: Arse Over Elbows

A story for anyone who has ever woken up handcuffed to anyone else! The following fun is brought to you courtesy of [FA: melissasweet]( thanks to a generous grant from the [FA:...

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