Story Time: Arse Over Elbows

Story by Bishiebunny on SoFurry

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Tobi wakes up handcuffed, wrist to ankles, to a luscious, ripe bottom. It must be Tuesday.

A story for anyone who has ever woken up handcuffed to anyone else!

The following fun is brought to you courtesy of FA: melissasweet thanks to a generous grant from the FA: tobiwanz foundation.

Disclaimer: The character of Hazel is not meant to represent a transgender individual. The full package swinging between her legs are as much a fantasy construct as her wings, tail, and secret obsession with a bun bun who shall not be named. The author suggests you treat people as people, and never as a fetish.

Also, don't try this at home. Not unless you've brought along an awful lot of water soluble lubrication, and an extra key. Hazel, Tobi, and Melissa are professionals. They have years of erotic experience keeping them safe. Please to be enjoying. ___________________________________________________

Arse over Elbows by Bishiebunny

It wasn't the first time Tobi had woken up hung-over and handcuffed. Assuming the pimp cat's life stayed on track and was not derailed by an oncoming rush of responsibility, or worse, respectability, it was not likely to be his last. Still, the black and crimson coiffed kitty was far more likely to be attached to the bed underneath his butt, and not to the butt atop his chest. More specifically, his wrists were attached to the ankles that owned the expansive bubble-bottom that wiggled and swayed just close enough to kiss.

He resisted the urge to, "what's all this, then?" Not only was it cliche, it seemed redundant. Tobi had a pretty good idea what all this was, at least in regards to the avalanche of wiggle-worthy flesh bouncing merrily about his peripherals.

No, you could not sneak a butt past an ass aficionado like Tobi and not expect to be treated to his fine, critical eye. While setting aside the raunchy sound of wet, slippery suckling that was apparently going about at the other end, the hindquarters expert considered the rotund beauty before him. It had all the shape and plump of a fine, feminine bottom, and judging by the female mound that dribbled merrily between the owner's thighs, and onto the feline's pinned chest, it belonged to a rather voluptuous woman. Of course it paid not to assume in his line of work, and it was not as though he put much stock in gender-specific labels.

Better to view everything on a continuum whose primary unit of measurement was whether or not they were having sex with him at present.

The important question, the only question really, was this dat ass, or just any ole' arse? Tobi suspected the answer, but he was not about to do his profession a disservice by failing his due diligence. Leaning forward, he pressed attentive lips along the valley formed by those quivering orbs of ebony-colored flesh, giving it a teasing flick of kitty tongue. There was a muffled squeak from the other side, followed by a gratifyingly complimentary moan.

Size, shape, taste? Yes, everything was in order. This was, in fact, a fine specimen of dat ass.

Which led to a second question, just whose rear was wiggling so wickedly near his face? Thirdly, how had his wrists ended up bound to the woman's ankles? Or, if he was not very much mistaken, just how his ankles had ended up bound to her wrists. Most likely the answers he sought were on the other end, somewhere just above his nethers which were currently being pillowed by an exquisitely lush set of breasts.

Nice of her to keep his aroused cock warm like that. Less nice to be too focused on shaft swallowing to explain their current predicament. Worse, she was obviously polishing some third-party pecker, instead of his own, failing to adhere to standard sixty-nine protocols.

Heaven forbid! There was such a thing as pecker propriety, after all. "Err, pardon..?"

"Apparently someone has found consciousness," the inordinately self-satisfied voice, that sounded from the opposite end of butt mountain, was a familiar one. Hazel, the only draconic infernal currently in his employ, one who had an annoying habit of running the company behind the kitty's backside. Of course, she would reply that somebody had to mind the candy store, given the proprietor couldn't keep his sticky fingers out of the more expensive jars.

Which was hardly fair. Wasn't one of his duties making sure the brothel had the quality treats to tempt every sort of erotic sweet tooth? Come to think of it, wasn't he supposed to be interviewing a new confection this morning? Some full-bottomed delight with a MILFy flavor, or so Hazel had said last night while her employer downed another mug of something quicker than the dandiest candy.

That's right, he had work to do! Or as close as he was willing to come to the concept. This was no time to be bound to a full-bottomed beauty with a MILFy flavo... "Oh."

"Too right, oh," Hazel moaned, her hips slapping forward with a sudden fierceness, causing the midnight ass in front of Tobi to quiver in a most mesmerizing fashion. His winged, crimson-skinned employee mixed several flavors into one; her unique form combined the demonic with the draconic, and the most exotically feminine curves to ever jiggle atop a chest or sway about the backside, with an impressively massive manhood which she wielded without mercy. "This...nff, suckling sweetmeat," pulling back, one wing stretching a kink out, her tail flicking to the other side to balance the white-haired dominatrix out, "is Melissa Sweet. Miss Sweet is spending her holiday away from the barbaric lands of televangelists and spray-cheese."

Another thrust, causing an avalanche of black bottom to land with a rough, indulgent grind along the feline's soon-to-be well smothered features. Lost in a crush of darkness, ground merrily between spread ass cheeks that painted his face cheeks with the morning's perspiration, Tobi did what any self respecting kitty did when presented with a treat, he gave it another lick. This time, he pressed his slick tongue along a pleasantly appreciative rose bud. He flicked about the quivering back door passage and then pressed up inside with his agile flavor savor. The flavor in question was a mix of bitters and blands, but spiced by a voluptuous beauty, and the feline's fetish. He felt his ankles gripped by something other than metallic cuffs, and knew that his attentive lapping was getting rave reviews. Or maybe Hazel had finally erupted down the poor woman's throat. The potent demoness could overload the greediest gullet and not everyone could handle it on their first try. Of course, that never stopped the infernal Madam from filling whatever hole might satisfy.

Tobi needn't have worried.

Melissa could handle a load better than most party-hearty frat houses could hold their brew. Not that she was any slouch at a kegger. The delicious dobie had once closed out a fraternity after draining both taps, and members, dry of anything worth swallowing. None of the bros could look one another in the eye the next day, unable to admit they had challenged the wiles of an impossibly vivacious doberman "cougar," and come up short. That was hardly her fault; they said they could hang.

Even so, Miss Sweet recognized a valedicktorian when it was cumming loudly down her throat. This Hazel honey had been everything her fat black cock had advertized and Melissa relished the challenge. The determined dobie took the dragoness' eruption with a smile on her face and a shaft down her throat. She knew her business, and her business was good.

Someone less experienced have given in to panic. Hazel's obsidian prick was far too thick to allow even a molecule of oxygen between it and the staggering stretch of the MILF's engorged throat. Just as bad would be hitting the other extreme, losing oneself in the flush of the moment, to start gulping voraciously, greedily, overloading an already taxed system. Either would lead to tension, gagging, and eventually, a sputtering choke with fresh white dribbling out one's snout, and a blast of freshly pumped semen tumbling from overloaded cheeks. Miss Sweet had witnessed a few cum snarfs in her time, and they rarely left the sufferer in a state to continue. Granted, she was not entirely against making a gooey, soppy mess of herself. If Melissa hadn't been primed to impress, with more on her mind than just a bit of fun, she might have submitted to Hazel's heated gallons. Instead, she relaxed, zen-like, letting every drop find what home it could, the little excess burbling out the edges of her dark lips, creamy ivory bubbling forth from lush ebony, but in a trickle rather than a flood.

When Hazel had finally tugged her glistening shaft free, she eyed the doberman beauty with respect. "Well done, well done indeed, Miss Sweet. We might just have a place for you, even if it is on a temporary basis." Though her flesh was that enchanting ruby red, and her hair a stark, snowy white, it was a cock as black as pitch that she pulled out of the curvy woman's throat. Hazel carefully disguised her delight as every inch, and there were several of them, retreated from where they had sheathed. She paused only a moment to admire the clear bulge her bulbous head made where it lodged, before finally releasing her captive of the carnal intruder. "Not many of our dolls, and only a couple of our guys, manage the whole load. Someone has a greedy belly, I see."

Free of the larynx-expanding cock, Melissa focused on the sweet, dutiful tongue wiggling excitedly within her backside. She gave a little bounce, humping the pretty kitty pinned by her grande cheeks. When she spoke, it came out thick and deep, her usual mezzo-soprano stretched out to a temporary contralto by Hazel's hardness. "Gotta admit, I like the fact your little sex club hires fellas too, gonna have to give them all a seeing-to while I'm here." Another grind, lifting her bottom up just enough for the sweetness underneath her to get a gulp of air, before she slammed back down, fully engulfing Tobi's face within her plush rear. "After I'm done with this one, of course. Gawd, the boy's got a nice tongue. How much does he charge by the hour?"

Hazel cocked an eyebrow, wearing a rare expression of amusement, "The boy with the serviceable tongue is the one will be signing your paychecks, Miss Sweet, assuming he likes what little he can currently see." An idle hand ran along her crimson throat, fiddling with her necklace. When she let it go, the cuff-keys that dangled from the golden adornment settled snugly between her alphabetically gifted breasts. "Now, a moment if you please, I'm always a little unsteady after an especially hard cum. It is the peril of my species."

"You're like a succubus or something, right?" The dobie grinned, practically wagging that stubby excuse for a tail as she rolled luxuriously plump hips over her possible employer's face. "It's a good boss that keeps the staff happy." While working that back, the young feline below knowing exactly how to act, she focused her baby blues on the infernal lovely in front of her, and the key glittering merrily between swaying, sweat-kissed curves.

"Y-yes, quite," Hazel straightened, running a fang along her black bottom lip. Such a nuisance to find herself constantly overloaded by erotic aftershock, but it was that or actually start consuming souls once she hit a sexual peak. Hard to maintain repeat business when one couldn't keep one's nether tendrils off the clientele. Instead, she let the less refined succor of erotic bliss funnel into her system. Difficult to process, the difference between licking cream, and swallowing fire, but well worth the effort, even if it did make her appear completely knackered. "And he is a decent enough sort, when he remembers himself." There, back in control, hips back, chest out, stiff lower opposite-of-a-lip. "Unfortunately he has been a little lax in his duties of late, thought he could sleep away another interview. You will find, Miss Sweet, that I handle the discipline here, and I am not to be trifled with."

Tobi barely caught half of that, his world having been reduced to a humid microcosm, pressed into abject service while something pleasantly squishy, and satisfyingly weighty, gyrated about his features. As Hazel punishments went, this one was not especially onerous, though he could use another lungful if this lightheaded sensation was any gauge. Those couldn't be stars, could they? All scattered about the smothering darkness, they twinkled merrily as he pressed another suckling kiss to the every present push of a dobie's backside.

"So you dole out the punishments, huh?" Melissa grinned, arching her back slightly, giving her fellow captive another gulp of sweet air, flavored by the nearness of her saliva-stained backside, "You mind if I put him in his place? Well, another place, I suppose. I kinda developed an itch I think this kitty can scratch."

"By all means, take the initiative Miss Sweet," Haze smirked, stepping back for a better view.

"Wait, wha-t 'nother place? Ja-jaws getting a little-" Tobi grunted, in between stolen breaths.

"Just gulp it in, sweety," the dobie cooed, "All you can get. You might not get another chance for awhile. Kinda stickler on tardies, myself. Can't let a young man lay idle when there's work to be done." Giggling, Melissa wrapped her hands firmly around the kitty's ankles, giving a little preliminary tug, to make sure the floor was slick enough to be slid along. "Oh, and you might want to relax your arms a bit. You're about to go elbows under arse."

"Err, I think you have that expression backwar-!" Tobi's correction was lost, his body being yanked underneath the surprisingly strong, wild-eyed MILF. The feline's elbows were, in fact, under the doberman's titanic booty, his arms forced to extend about as far as they would go above his head, but parallel to the ground. Most of the rest of him, however, was practically perpendicular to the floor, pressed up against Melissa's finely voluptuous frame. Apparently the woman had set up on her knees, settled into a kneeling position which resulted in their nether bits pressed into each other's face.

"You do realize you could have simply settled down into a more traditional sixty-nine, Miss Sweet?" Hazel chuckled, rather enjoying the view of her employer tipped over, face well snug between the dobie's thighs, likely on the verge of drowning in a sea of aroused feminine folds.

"Mmm, maybe, but I like seeing just what my boys are capable of." Spreading her legs slightly, Melissa settled more of her weight on the feline's face, working hips in a hard, indulgent grind that smeared the erotic dew of the morning over Tobi features, saturating him in her drip. "I'm pretty close to bursting, so if he's a good kitty, he'll earn himself a nice reward, and a mouthful of air." Another grind, even slower, harder than the first, smothering her playmate, forcing his snout to tickle sensitive, shuddering heat. "Nnnnff, and if he's a lazy kitty, well, he can just go back to sleep. You can make with the keys, and we'll hit up that hot tub I saw on my way in."

Hazel arched a eyebrow, which was almost redundant, given their usual angled curve. "Really Miss Sweet? You think that merely wearing our employer out is worth your freedom?" Smiling, slick as a villain, she lifted her necklace into view, key spinning this way and that. "I'm afraid you will find I am not so easily satisfied."

"Oooh," Melissa gasped, gaining yet more appreciation for her probable employer. Disobedient lay-about or not, the boy knew how to clean his plate. Eyes half lidded, glasses sliding ever so slightly on a sweat-slick snout, she peered over them at both jailer and key. "I-is that so? I gotta work harder, huh? Well, I suppose I can be a good girl and earn my dessert too." With that, she leaned forward, lips catching the feline's heavy ball-sack, working a wet kiss along the sensitive flesh, then catching one of two masculine orbs, suckling with a noisy slurp.

H-hello! Tobi grunted, his cock swelling to press even more intimately between a pair of heavenly MILF tits. The pleasurable sensation helped as the notorious C.A.T tried his damnedest not to get lost in a sea of stars, flush against a wet pink that slapped greedily along his face. He could hardly hear what was going on above his nethers, but it wasn't an especially hard puzzle to figure out. Lap dem girl lips like your life depends upon it, cause your oxygen supply surely does. He could be infamously idle when the mood suited, which was often, but when it came to attending the needs of a needy bit of female anatomy, he was as industrious as they come.

Tobi slipped his mouth about her outer labia, applying his lips to hers in a sweet tug of aroused pressure. Then he nuzzled the damp flesh to spread, allowing his tongue a chance to lap along the warmer flesh within. She was wet enough that the feline had to swallow more than once. He lapped at her sensitive pink nub one moment, then dived underneath to penetrate her fully with his snout, the next.

Well, he did when he was given the chance to attend at his leisure. Often the beauty above would simply rut herself along his face, humping the felines head as hot and hungry as if she were spearing herself onto a ready shaft. She began presenting, pressing that aroused nub to his lips when she wanted it suckled, then lifting with her hips when it became too much. All above, she quivered and gasped, a towering mountain of blush and shadow, getting closer, wetter as precious little air came his way.

Hazel had to admire the dobie's stamina, having kept the feline's legs dangling from her wrists while she practically devoured Tobi's balls, pulling them between her lips to tug and tease, making them almost as sloppy as the the the kitty's face had to be.

An idle stroke of Hazel's pitch-black cock became almost too much to bear, and the infernal Madam found herself stepping forward. Her powerful, agile tail wrapped around Tobi's left ankle, while her right hand pushed his own tail down, and out of the way. As enticing as the pink bud, nestled between snow-white cheeks, happened to be, there was just no way to angle her cock downward enough to take advantage of it. But she had other ideas. Her boss' bottom was almost as bubbled as a certain bun bun in their employ, and that was certainly plump enough to pleasure a thick cock grinding merrily within. Moving forward, she pressed her shaft between cushions genetically designed for all sorts of pushin.

Granted, she doubted they had been designed for an upside-down hot-dogging, but that was Tobi's employees, ever the innovators. One hand caught Tobi's right ankle, giving her purchase and relaxing some of the pressure on Melissa's arms. Her other hand free, as her tail was every bit as strong as the rest of her limbs, she caught Melissa's head by that short, almost boyish hair, tightening her fingertips, taking ownership of them both.

The dobi giggled around the sweet, salty orbs that danced along her lips. Without the worry of keeping her playmate upright, she could squeeze her elbows against her chest, causing two heavy curves to collide in a luscious smoosh around her captive's plump shaft. After all, if Hazel was gonna ride Tobi's cheeks, the poor guy deserved a well-cushioned ride of his own. Melissa rose up for a moment, taking as much pressure off of the feline as possible, "mMmerrf! G-gulp lover boy, much as you can. Last chance at daylight before we're through."

His cock cradled between breasts that defied alphabetic categorization, his bottom become the plaything for Hazel's insistent throb, and his hair matted against his face by a MILF's excited feminine flow, there wasn't enough left to Tobi that could put up much of an argument. He simply inhaled, swallowing a bit more dobie nectar as he did, toes curling. NNg, but his back aching from the uncomfortable position, and with his shoulders trembling, Tobi was not sure how much more of this he could handle. Before he could express his worry, the goddess above lowered herself yet again, eclipsing him back into the sweltering damp of her sex.

Each of them reapplied themselves to shared pleasure. Melissa rolled forward, grinding hard, her breasts sliding over the kitty's cock as her lips flicked from balls to slide sweetly along Hazel's shaft. Hazel busied herself in forward thrust, slapping her hips against her boss' bottom, loving the warm valley she slipped through, though wishing she was hilt deep instead. Still, as the infernal rolled up to the tips of her toes, she decided this was not half bad. Meanwhile, Tobi found himself an almost passive participant, his cock flaring, pulsing, gathering itself for what was to come, while his attention to the MILF's sex became a smattering of adoring kisses, when she wasn't grinding his fevered face into her quivering heat.

For long, trembling moments, they locked together, bodies intertwined, grinding hard against one another. They found purchase for hungry flesh to thrust. They groaned in the slick and slap afforded by the natural lubrication of sweat, and the sticky solutions which spread messily from the tips of engorged cock-heads, and between feminine folds that shuddered in gathering delight.

Tobi was the first to erupt, his oxygen starved lungs, and sore muscles, unable to keep the clench up a moment longer. His shaft surged forward, splashing a viscous load of white, mostly on his own chest. Unfortunately, his potent load began to puddle, and then ooze, a trickle of creamy warmth that found its way underneath the dobie's grinding mound, adding yet more sticky damp to the feline's already overloaded meal. A proper English gent, his decidedly black sense of humor considered the sad hilarity of drowning in one's own semen.

As for Miss Sweet, her legs tightened, her toes curled in near cramp, and all of a sudden, she was a rocket taking flight, or so she felt. Something internal went up, up, up, and then broke apart into a million, sparkling dewdrops. A wet release for her, and a very tangible splash for her captive below. Her body arched, her breath caught, and had she not committed to a cheeky plot, only moments, ago, she likely would have let herself wallow in the spasm.

Instead, she pulled her wrists suddenly backward, causing Tobi's legs to collide with her chest, and Hazel to stumble forward, pressed between the feline's bottom and her own cock.

That motion saw to Hazel, sure enough. The sudden tug had one hand going wild, her tail slithering off Tobi's ankle, while her cock exploded. Had Melissa been expecting less of an eruption for a second go, the dobie would be terribly disappointed. One of the advantages that counterbalanced her post orgasmic stupor was a remarkable ability to replenish her own reserves.

Hazel's big, black cock erupted in a geyser of molten hail, raining down in thick, searing plops of seed. They fell along the Miss Sweet's spine, causing the curvy woman to arch as the heated fluid pooled along the small of her back. Another landed along the back of her neck, staining and sticking her hair as the infernal's cock continued to expand, pulse, and release.

The dobie hardly seemed to mind, as much as her back end was becoming whitewashed in the Madam's seed. If anything, the heated precipitation caused the MILF to practically melt in an affectionate rut. Her lips began to run along Hazel's throat, leaving a chain of sweet, suckling kisses, even applying a nip here and there. Luckily for the feline underneath, she rolled forward as she did so.

Tobi coughed, sputtered, lips parting in a sticky mass as he took in what air he could. To be honest, it was not the worse shape he had ever been in, certainly wasn't the thickest load he had ever been privy too. Still, there was something about the positioning, the indulgence of some favored fetishes, and just the near constant barrage of merciless MILF ass-to-face that had worn the pervy pimp ragged. Not that he wasn't ready for another go should the opportunity present itself, only he kinda hoped it would feature a little less topsy turvy.

Pulling back slowly, Hazel practically purred at the affectionate doberman, enjoying a second or two of absolute, pleasured control before the sudden intake of orgasmic sensation put her back on her heels. "Yes, quite nice. I have to give you credit Miss Sweet. For a Yank, you are far better suited for the lifestyle than I might have imagined."

"Ohmm, mucmh better shuited than yoush thinks." Melissa said, her voice slurred, as though working something oddly shaped within her mouth.

"How very odd," Hazel commented, trying to focus, "Miss Sweet, dear girl, you seem to be drooling gold." Her senses dulling as the inevitable haze began to descend over her, muscles weakening, she reached up with one hand and brushed along the yellow drip. "OOh, it's a chain, silly me. I've got a necklace just like tha...!"

"Liketh thish?" Melissa smiled, spreading lips to reveal a key clutched between her teeth. In a flash, she had Tobi's right ankle free, then her wrist. With her unbound hand, she continued, "See, after watching yah last time, I figure I have about a minute." Quickly relieving her other wrist, with no wasted motion, she spun the Hazel around, grabbing one crimson arm and pressing it hard into the small of the infernal's back. "The day I can't hobble a filly," the Madam's other arm tried to fight, but the sudden assault at the apex of vulnerability made it a forgone conclusion. "in less than half that, is the day I retire."

With a final, undeniable snap, the infernal Madam found herself cuffed and being spun around to face the wicked dobie.

It had all happened so fast, Tobi's legs only just had time to fall, laying him out on the floor. Hazel tried to surge forward but was stopped short when Melissa's hand squeezed, hard and possessive, around the red woman's right breast, bringing the draconic infernal to her knees. While she fidgeted, waiting for the burst of strength that would halt this insufferable spot of rebellion, the dobi turned and, with all the grace of an celebrated escapist, freed her ankles.

Hazel's eyes went wide as Melissa, wielding her bottom like an erotically shaped bludgeon, knocked the infernal over. Before the demoness could recover, the dobie settled her worthy posterior atop the squirming Madam's center with just enough bounce to knock the wind out of her newest captive. "And that about squares us away."

The infernal might have kicked her way free, but she hesitated, both to try and take a breath despite the sensual pressure settled in exactly the wrong spot, and out of sheer incredulity. This was not a thing that happened to Madam Hazel. Not even Tobi, in his wildest, most dominant fit, had ever taken such liberties. Just who in hell was this woman?

Taking advantage of Hazel's surprise, Melissa rolled forward, cuffing ankle to ankle, then settled back to admire her handiwork. "Eh, not bad, but I'm obviously out of practice. Been letting too many playmates have their say, cause I remember when I could have bound yah one-handed. Now where did my panties get off to? Oh, am I suppose to say knickers? I can never keep that stuff straight." Turning to slap her own bottom, causing it to jiggle merrily atop the pinned infernal, the dobie giggled, "I still think this is my fanny, whatever the lingo. Oh there they are!" Reaching to snag a pair of rather impressive, baby-blue cotton undies, she turned to stuff the somewhat damp fabric between her captive's lips.

Tobi watched, flabbergasted as his favored employee tried to snap up a couple of dobie fingers, without much success. When Hazel swiveled a hot gaze his way, he wisely looked elsewhere, lifting himself up on his elbows. He tried to focus the majority of his attention on wiping his face clean, having even less success than his employee's enraged chompers.

"Hey now, no biting! And no pouting, either." Melissa snorted, "You wouldn't be hogtied if you'd hadn't gotten in between a Miss Sweet and her hot tub."

"A-are you from Texas?" Tobi squeaked, having nearly let a laugh slip that would have not ended well for him, not well at all. "I had heard they grew 'them' big, but I had no idea to what extent."

Another snort, followed by the dobie leveling azure eyes on a rather messy feline. "Maryland, actually, and don't look all surprised. You don't think we have space for pick-up trucks and fishing holes? We got plenty of rural to go around."

Tobi held up his hands in a defensive posture, shaking his head, "No no, Maryland, sweet land of the super-stacked beauties and fabulous fishing, it is. Would not dream of contradicting you." His eyes wandered back to Hazel, then quickly away when her infernal eyes narrowed. "Err, look, sooner or later she is going to get free, and I would just as soon have a bath before then. You wanted the hot tub, right?"

Melissa grinned, tsking with one finger, eying the feline over her glasses. "Oh no you don't. There's no slinking away to idle in bubbles when your work's half done. Hazel is just in time-out, but you, you've got an interview to finish." The dobie slipped forward, not quite lifting her bottom, just rolling it across her bound playmate, sliding down to just below the infernal's pelvis. "And don't worry about her getting free, I think we can manage something she'll approve of, get her mind on something other than escape."

Working her bottom back and forth, sliding hips up and down, the MILF had little trouble charming the infernal's cock back up into a rise.

Hazel grunted, fuming through a gag that tasted an awful lot like Miss Sweet after a hard evening's fun, but her cheeks darkened and her brows began to soften. It really was a glorious backside, and the unexpected bondage made it seem something forbidden. The infernal could look, could even feel, but there was no touching, only anticipation of being touched. When Melissa finally fulfilled that expectation, lifting up and pressing the midnight cock-head against the dobie's well-licked backside, all complaints ceased, replaced by a rising moan as thick inches sunk deep within a greedy MILF butt.

"Th-there, I don't think," Melissa grunted, feeling the heated rod within swelling suddenly, likely spurting a belch of pre-cream deep within her tight tunnel, "oh damn, y-yeah, I think we can safely say I have the demoness defused." She leaned back on her hands, showing off everything that was on offer between her lush thighs. "Now then," she grinned, pointing the toes of her right foot at the feline, "you've tasted, you've touched, but can you really say you know whatcher getting when you haven't even stuck your dick in it?"

This time, Tobi did laugh, shaking his head. "Fucking Yanks, I swear." Lifting himself up, taking a deep breath, which tasted heavily of Melissa and his own spunk, he slipped over with all a proud cat's strut. One hand slid underneath his shaft, giving it what little further coaxing it needed to come back to life. "I suppose I have not. Nor can I, in good conscience, offer a product I have not put my pecker in."

Melissa chuckled, spreading her legs wide, welcoming, "Then you better quit faffing around, and getcher fanny over here."

"That is not ho- eh never mind," Tobi sighed, a smile growing on his lips. The smile grew wide and lewd when the fat tip of his cock spread Melissa's encouraging heat. No need for lube, not even at the feline's remarkably thick size. She could not be more wet, accepting the first few inches of his thrust in a damp, silken embrace. The pimp reached around, pulling the dobie's left leg over to wrap around his waist as he pressed in another three-to-four inches, feeling her body shudder all around him. He wrapped his fingers around her left breast, adoring those mammoth mammeries that had been out of reach till just now. The happy cat kissed around, and along, her plump areola, before catching her nipple and suckling it hard and deep.

Lifting her other leg up and around, pinning the feline in new bondage that he surely had no plans of escaping, Melissa ground her hips forward and back, sinking both feline and infernal to their very hilt. "G-god, you're both so big!" It wasn't quite a whimper, but it came close, her body arching this way and that, letting the twin shafts meet one another through a relatively thin wall of flesh. Miss Sweet adored how their members were just big enough to stretch her inner walls, making her shudder within and without.

When Tobi began to pull back, she really did whimper, feeling that sudden emptiness after being so gloriously filled, her bottom squeezing all the tighter around Hazel's shaft.

Tobi grunted, slamming forward, taking back what he had just released. He sunk deeply into her tight embrace, thoroughly enjoying that special feel of a finely honed MILF, whose hold was more subtle, more sensual and slick. "Mmrf, I fucking love fucking big girls," he grunted, before pulling back and then slamming home once more, and again, and again, squirming every time he felt the slight push back of Hazel's shaft below, or Melissa's greedy wiggle.

The three were rutting once more, as they had before, though not so tightly bound. Well, most of them, at any rate.

As Tobi pounded his way home, sawing his pulsing shaft in and out of his lover's satin tunnel, he buried his face between her breasts, moving from one to the other, unable to decide. He would kiss the right one, then turn to suckle on the left. One he would bite, the other he would lick, before nuzzling his face against their delightful, twin softness. Every time he shoved himself home, his hardness surged a bit more, building up to the only possible conclusion. The flush feline felt his engorged cock-head brush against her deepest and most intimate spot, causing the pimp to hope Hazel had made sure their applicant was well-protected from an accidental breeding. He sure as hell was not about to slow down in order to find a condom, and with her powerful legs pressing him ever forward, he doubted he would have even been allowed to pull out.

Not that he had any plans to do so.

This time, Hazel came first. She could hardly be blamed. She was not normally the bound, rarely had so little control over who she fucked or how. With the two above grinding so sweetly, her ebon shaft locked within a tight tunnel whose inner muscles kept trying to milk the crimson infernal dry, it was no surprise when her muffle cries sounded.

Once more, Melissa was subject to the red-skinned beauty's impossible load, only this time, through the back door. It hit, hard and hot, a rumbling burble that was finely counterbalance by that sense of bared flesh surging within. Her toes curled so they dug into Tobi's backside, one hand reaching up to twine fingers within his lovely red and black hair, the other reaching back to pluck her panties from her lover, and tossing them across the room. She submitted to the risen pleasure, rising up and then, in a state of absolute bliss, crashing straight back down.

Tobi followed suit, the last of the dominoes falling into place. Hard to maintain much resistance when the humid grip suddenly intensifies around one's erection, a great, fluttering spasm that pulls one by the root, coaxing, demanding. Melissa was greedy, that was all there was to it. Greedy for love, for lust, for cum, for delight, and the pimp cat found himself responding to those near selfish desires, responding the only way that seemed right and proper. He gave her everything he had. His cock swelled, his balls tightened, his body stiffened in a sudden tension, and then it all unleashed in a burst of energy and expelled kitty semen. With every spurt, he thrust forward, pulling back for another go, fighting her tugging muscles as he did, only to give them exactly what they wanted the very next moment.

The ever so fashionable feline was not quite up to Hazel's level, but he was no slouch either, and there was only so much room, even in a bountiful beauty like Melissa. Soon his load began to back-up, filling what space was available, and then looking for more room. As Tobi thrust, it sloshed outwardly, a great, gooey mess, leaking from the edges of her reddened sex, tumbling out in a soppy pool along his infernal employee's trembling thighs.

No longer pressed for time, Melissa allowed the moment to wash over her, legs losing their tension, spreading again in a more comfortably lax position. She welcomed Tobi's collapse into her, stroking his hair maternally as he nestled against her breasts. Eyes shut for a moment or two, just indulging, letting the blissful release hit her as hard as it had ever hit the infernal Madam underneath.

Long moments past, then, "I am going to invent fresh sins to inflict upon the both of you." Hazel sighed, her voice low and dark, seemingly enjoying the idea of her vengeance as much as her recent release. "They will reconvene the Council of Nicaea just to discuss the things I have done to your souls, the dark whims I have indulged with your bodies."

"H-hot tub?" Tobi squeaked.

"Oh yes, most definitely hot tub." Melissa chortled, unconcerned. For all the villainy being spewed by infernal below, she was not especially worried. You didn't share an orgasm like that and not learn a thing or two about your partners. "Are you coming, Hazel, or have you found religion through bondage?"

"...." Hazel snorted, "Are you going to unbind me?"

"What do you think, possible boss?" the dobie grinned, plucking the key free from one of several puddles of sexual fluid.

"I think endangering your potential employer is against company policy," Tobi grunted, "But a hot bath might see us all right as rain, or at least less sticky when she finally lunges."

"You hear that? Soak first, lunging later," Melissa kissed the top of the feline's head fondly, then turned to do the same to the infernal's cheek, "Be a good girl and I might stick around long enough for you to get your own back."

"Well Miss Sweet, I am afraid to inform you that the hot tub is only for full-time employees and paying customers." Hazel replied catching the key Melissa tossed her way as both dobie and kitty unpinned the calmed demoness. "Will that be cash or credit?"

"Neither," Tobi beamed, "she's hired!"

The End!

Birthday Time: Clean Up On Aisle Three

A story for anyone who has ever tried to figure out which supermarket melons were ripest, just as the timed water spritz hit. There are a few, especially sweet, especially kind people I've met about the community, ones willing to put up with all a bun...

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