The Magician's Rabbit 2

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#6 of Magician's

Part 2 of Max and the rabbit's storyline

The Magician's Rabbit 2

The Great Dalton had vanished, leaving us alone on stage behind a fallen curtain as our audience left, convinced that this was one hell of a finale. It wasn't though. It hadn't been scripted in any way. We had been humiliated and upstaged by the magician. It was hard to say who had it worse, Max or myself. Dalton had turned our act against us, after Max had tried to copy his act by separating my junk from my body, the Great Dalton had managed to get a hold of them and make them vanish in thin air. Even the top hat, a portal linked directly to my body, couldn't locate where they had gone.

Then Dalton had taken it a step further by finishing up our act for us. He had stripped Max, displaying the tiny wolf for all to see before stealing his cock and reattaching it to myself. It certainly looked like it was part of my body, but it was still linked to Max, my futile attempts to pull it off only ended up jacking him off in front of everybody in a huge display of amateur comedy.

Max looked like a statue, frozen behind the curtain, staring down at my crotch. Mine was missing and his was attached to the wrong body, neither of us knowing exactly what we should do next. I wasn't sure if I should hide it from sight, the tiny size must have embarrassed him for years but it didn't much matter to me because I knew it wasn't mine.

That's when I noticed something that made my heart drop into my stomach. The top hat was nowhere to be seen. We must have been in such a shock that we hadn't even noticed Dalton leave with it. How could I have been so foolish, that hat was a direct link to me, I could be pulled from it no matter where it went or the distance between me and the object. Almost as if on cue, I felt an invisible paw wrap around my ears and tug. The world shifted around me as I was brought through the hat and out into a large room I had never seen before.

"So glad you decided to join me." Dalton beamed.

"Not like you gave me much choice. Can you put me down?" It was humiliating being held by my ears, at least Max was gentle about it. Dalton put me down and for a moment I considered running away, but it wouldn't do any good, as long as he had the top hat he could pull me back here without even breaking a sweat. He flourished a ticket, making it appear as though he pulled it out of thin air, an easy palming trick anybody could perform. I rolled my eyes. It was a ticket to tonight's show. He threw it into the hat, I half expected the ticket to fly at my face, but it vanished.

"Now that Max has a ticket to the show tonight, let's make sure he doesn't get cold feet." Dalton reached down and picked me up by the back of my neck. I kicked, trying to get him to let go of me. Ignoring my attempts, he reached around and cupped the wolf sac, tightly squeezing the two small orbs contained inside. Both of us could see the dick tense up. I could only imagine the pain Max must have been enduring at that moment. I knew Max well enough to know that he wouldn't stay away, he would come and rescue me from this monster.

He put me in a cage, locked it, and left the room wearing my top hat as though it were his own. I couldn't tell how long I had been trapped in that tiny cage. All I knew is that every so often it felt as though a pair of hands were manipulating my cock. Absentmindedly I began to play with myself, but I knew touching the member between my legs would only send the feeling back to Max instead of helping finish getting myself off.

It was bittersweet when I finally felt that paw tug on my ears once again. The cage disappeared from sight and replaced itself with a grand stage that wasn't my own.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to Max's assistant and Max's wolfhood!" Dalton waited for the laughter to die down before announcing that I would be helping him tonight. If I had any say in the matter, I certainly wasn't planning on doing anything to help his performance. "Max should be somewhere in the audience tonight, I'll be asking him to join me up here a little later tonight. But for now, let's get this show started!" The audience cheered, he hadn't done anything more than what Max had done for a magic trick and yet his response was a million times better. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

Dalton set me down inside a glass box, on display for everyone to see. I was too short to hop out of it. The glass box afforded me a view of what he was doing next. He pulled out a small handkerchief and placed it down on his hand. As he removed it, my bunny bits appeared, completely erect. I hadn't even felt his hands on them until after the reveal. Part of me was in awe but mostly I was worried about what he planned to do next.

He held the tip up to his lips and I felt his tongue give it a small flick inside his maw. Then he began to blow and I watched my pink cock slowly inflate and expand out in front of him. My skin became transparent as air continued to fill the balloon. With every breath it felt like I was reaching orgasm. He'd let the air expand it and then slowly let some air out before blowing into it again. To the audience it looked as though it were an ordinary balloon at this point, but as he ran his hands along the length of it, I knew that it was still my dick. Hanging off the edge of the balloon shaft was my normal bunny sac, so far he hadn't changed them at all.

Dalton removed the balloon and tied up the end, trapping the air inside. As he rubbed his hands across the length, bending and twisting the balloon in every which way, I found myself constantly on edge but unable to release. Since the balloon was tied up, it must have been trapping my orgasm.

Dalton continued to bend the balloon in various ways, twisting bits and pieces of it until it took the shape of a dog. The audience laughed as I dropped to my knees, unable to continue standing with all of his playing. The magician threw the balloon into the air, still weighted down by my balls, it was pulled quickly back down onto the stage. My balls breaking the balloons fall and sending pain through my body. 'Come on Max, help me.' I thought as Dalton pulled out a large, comical pin.

"Stop!" Max yelled out from the audience. He stood up and made his way to the stage. Dalton stopped, needle poised only a few inches away from my balloon cock.

"So glad you could join us." Dalton grinned and forced the needle point straight through the rubber balloon. In an instant I felt all of the tension release in one brilliant orgasm.

I gasped, trying to catch my breath as the feeling subsided. Max leaned over and scooped my bunny sac up off the floor, as far as we could tell they were all that was left of my bunnyhood. Little pieces of pink rubber strewn the floor. I was nearly in tears when Max pulled on the small amount that was left of my sheath. As it grew larger outwards, I saw the distinct shape of my former cock return.

"Aww, that's no fun." Dalton mused. I couldn't have been happier. Not only was it back to normal, it was also no longer in Dalton's hands.

Max waved his wand and the glass around me disappeared. I ran to his side, eagerly taking my cock back.

"You two make this too easy for me." Dalton crossed his arms. "I think I'll turn you into stuffed animals."

"You think so? Bet you counting on us knowing where you get your magic from." Max pulled the top hat off of Dalton's head and reached inside, pulling out a long thin rod. Dalton's "magic wand." Max pointed the wand directly towards the magician and gave it a squeeze, cum squirting out all over The Great Dalton.

His magic had been diverted back onto himself. Max and I watched as the magician shrank down in front of us, seams appearing along his arms and legs. He tried to scream out, but his voice was gone. The audience was having a field day. The back and forth between these two magicians had fueled them in a way I had never seen before.

The Great Dalton fell to the floor, a soft plush version of himself with a grin plastered on his inanimate face. Max held Dalton's still twitching fleshy dick. It hadn't changed along with the magician.

Max picked up the stuffed animal and ripped open a small hole in its bottom, shoving the cock inside and magically sealing it back up. He threw the plush out into the audience where it was caught by a fox. At least one person would be leaving with a souvenir from tonight's show. We took a bow, making it seem as though this entire show had been planned from the beginning. As the curtain fell, I watched the fox squeeze the bear, tracing the outline of the cock it held within. Hopefully he could still feel it, and hopefully it would torture him to no end.

The Magician's Rabbit 1

The Magician's Rabbit "And now I will perform one of the oldest magic tricks, pulling a rabbit from my hat." I felt the magician's paws reach into the top hat and grab hold of my long ears. I braced myself, but the exhilaration of being pulled out...

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The Magician 4

The Magician Part 4: The First Show Mitchell took a bow, he had just managed to successfully pull off his first magic trick in front of an audience. It involved Dalton, the master magician, levitating a young female mouse while he manipulated her...

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The Magician 3

The Magician Part 3: Training "I am your new master. My name is Mitchell." It had been only a little over a week since I'd spoken those words to Callum. I couldn't shake those first few moments from my memory. The tiger got this look on his...

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