The Magician's Rabbit 1

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#5 of Magician's

Part 1 of Max's series

The Magician's Rabbit

"And now I will perform one of the oldest magic tricks, pulling a rabbit from my hat." I felt the magician's paws reach into the top hat and grab hold of my long ears. I braced myself, but the exhilaration of being pulled out from the magical top hat and being presented to an audience full of gawkers was one I just wasn't used to yet. It didn't help that The Mysterious Max insisted on me performing the act in the nude. My nose twitched as the cool air reached my exposed member. For a rabbit, I had never grown very tall, which made me a perfect assistant. I could fit into small spaces, be lifted easily by the much larger gray wolf magician, and usually do whatever he asked of me without hesitation.

Lately, the Mysterious Max was beginning to lose his audience to the Great Dalton. It didn't help that most of his tricks had been seen millions of times in the past. In order to begin to win them back the two of us had to come up with a new set.

He carried me over and set me down inside a small box on a table. My head poked out of one side and my feet wiggled out the other. Max banged two thin metal sheets together before sliding them in place and separating the two halves of the contraption. The audience booed. They had seen this trick a dozen times, expecting that my legs were fake and that I had simply balled myself up into the upper half of the device. This wasn't the case, my feet were actually hanging out the other box, my lower torso completely separated. I felt bad for Max, even when he was performing some of the best real magic possible, he was still falling flat.

"Time to improvise." He whispered. He pulled the top hat off his head and showed the audience once more that nothing was inside. Both of us knew the subject matter of Dalton's show, having sat in the audience for it once ourselves. It dealt with humiliation and sexual magic acts. The two of us had talked in the past about upping our act to involve more adult tricks, but we hadn't settled on anything.

He reached into the hat and I felt his hand slip around my shaft. I yipped as he suddenly yanked on it and pulled my lower half out of the hat. My legs dangled as he held me up by my flaccid cock, my upper half still locked up in the box but angled in such a way that I could see my lower half's backside. The audience loved it. I blushed deeply, more embarrassed by being held by my cock than I had ever been being held by my ears.

With his other hand, Max reached down and tickled my feet, causing me to buck in the air and laugh. His hand tightened its grip around my shaft and I felt it going hard against my will. The audience seemed to be on the edge of their seats, wondering what might come next. Unfortunately, I was wondering the same thing.

Max placed the top had underneath my legs and dropped me inside, my feet immediately reappeared inside the second box. He reached into the hat again and gripped my erect cock. This time when he pulled, it was the only part of my lower extremities to come out of the hat.

"This is how I like to pull a rabbit from a hat." He announced. I twitched as he gave my cock a rough lick with his wolf tongue.

"It's not real!" A heckler in the audience called out. I knew very much that it was real, but there would be no way I could convince them. Max walked over to the box with my legs and opened it up to reveal my lower torso, which was distinctly missing my rabbit bits.

"I assure you this is very much the real thing. Here, check it out for yourself." Max looked as though he were getting angry. It probably wasn't the smartest move on his part, but he hadn't been thinking clearly. I watched as he passed my bits out into the crowd. It felt like thousands of hands were running themselves across my cock as each audience member checked them out to verify that they were real. One person wrapped a hand around my tip and even though I couldn't see it, I could feel him swing the member against a chair, the balls slamming against metal. My head spun with pain as tears dripped from my eyes. This wasn't at all how this act was supposed to go. The audience laughed at my pain. I swore the night couldn't get any worse, but of course whenever you think it can't get worse, it usually does.

Max reached down into the top hat, but a look of worry crossed his face. I couldn't feel his hand on any part of me, usually the hat acted as a portal for my body, wherever I was he could reach in and find me. But at the moment it seemed as though he were incapable of reclaiming my cock.

The heckler stood up and held my cock in the air. The lights on stage dimmed and a spotlight focused on the guy. I had seen his face before, but for some reason my mind just wasn't placing it right away.

"It is I, The Great Dalton, if anyone would like to see some real magic my show begins later tonight at Teatro Viseo!" The heckler was our rival magician. How had he managed to sneak into our show without us realizing it? And even worse, how had he tricked us into letting him take my cock?

Dalton clapped his hands together and my rabbit bits disappeared. The audience clapped wildly, enjoying how we were getting utterly defeated by this guy. Max continued to search the top hat without any luck as Dalton made his way through the audience and up onto the stage.

"What did you do with him?" Max yelled. My head was still spinning from the thought of having lost my manhood to our nemesis.

"He's safe, if you'd like to see the conclusion of what I plan to do with his manhood, feel free to stop by my show later tonight." Dalton laughed maniacally and turned to the audience.

"Isn't this magician a great sport?" He urged the audience to give a pity clap for Max. "He may not be the best, but he still gives it a try." Dalton snapped his fingers and the box containing my legs flew back into place with the box containing my head. He finished up the trick by pulling out the blades and letting me out of the box. I stood on stage in complete shock, nude with a completely smooth crotch. As much as I hated the guy, I knew I would have to attend his show if I ever wanted to get it back.

"You know, I never understood why you force your assistant to do the show naked if you prefer to wear clothes. Let's get you out of these rags." Dalton produced a cloth seemingly out of nowhere and waved it in front of Max, when it dropped the wolf was standing completely naked on stage. He tried to quickly cover himself but it was too late, the audience had seen his biggest or should I say smallest shame. The wolf's cock was much smaller than my own, probably no larger than a small cub's.

"Oh, now I understand!" Dalton laughed and the audience cheered. "Here, let me help you out with that." He pulled Max's top hat off and reached inside, I immediately tensed up, expecting to feel his rough hands around some part of my body. Instead, as he pulled a small object out, I realized that he had somehow managed to use it to separate Max's bits from his body. The tiny wolf cock could barely be seen with Dalton's hand wrapped around it. Max blushed and tried to reach out for it, but Dalton moved too quickly, pulling away.

"Not so fast there." He plunged his hand back into the hat and I felt something grab the lower part of my body. I looked down and saw the tiny wolf cock attach itself to my bare crotch. My first instinct was to remove it as fast as possible, or try to stop it from permanently attaching. I couldn't feel it as I tugged on the member, but it began to grow nonetheless. Max, still holding his empty crotch, let out a small involuntary moan before the tiny cock released a few small squirts of wolf seed. The wolf penis was firmly attached to my skin, but still appeared to be linked to Max's body.

"Thank you! You guys have been amazing, please remember that the conclusion of this show will be later tonight at Teatro Viseo!" Dalton took a bow, dropped a smoke bomb and completely disappeared from the stage. The curtain came down without our cue, cutting us off from the audience.

The Magician's Rabbit 2

The Magician's Rabbit 2 The Great Dalton had vanished, leaving us alone on stage behind a fallen curtain as our audience left, convinced that this was one hell of a finale. It wasn't though. It hadn't been scripted in any way. We had been...

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The Magician 4

The Magician Part 4: The First Show Mitchell took a bow, he had just managed to successfully pull off his first magic trick in front of an audience. It involved Dalton, the master magician, levitating a young female mouse while he manipulated her...

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The Magician 3

The Magician Part 3: Training "I am your new master. My name is Mitchell." It had been only a little over a week since I'd spoken those words to Callum. I couldn't shake those first few moments from my memory. The tiger got this look on his...

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